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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 31, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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she has the resources to do it, but at the same time, i don't see much attraction. i think trump continuing on and beating her in her home state unless something dramatically changes of the next couple of weeks. >> neil: bob, thank you. mentioning sean o'brien of the teamsters. it will be my special guest tomorrow. -- our special guest is returning to talk to us on the show. in the meantime, here comes the "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five."
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shocking new video shows the lawlessness of democrat cities colliding with joe biden's open borders and sanity. to nypd police officers are getting outnumbered and beaten by a large group of illegal immigrants near times square. those cops were just trying to break up a disorderly crowd aisle of a shelter. it tried to regress -- arrest one of the illegals, and that is where the mob attacked. one of the dogs was kicking the officer on the face. suffered a cut to his face. the other officer was injured. five of those -- assaulting a police officer. four of them already back on the street. released without bail. get this. there were only in custody for three hours. we are getting new video of that other one and a court today.
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chief says that all of those cop beating migrants should be locked up. >> reprehensible, cowards. eight people attacking a lieutenant and a cop. the fort were arrested -- on bail. should be indicted this week. taken off of our streets. want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? no consequences. we must change this. >> jesse: even -- floating the d word. >> why is it okay that they are on bail. >> i'm not satisfied with the all. law enforcement officers and should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault. i think that is something to be looked at. if somebody commits a crime
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against a police officer in the state of new york, and they are not here legally, then definitely worth checking into. >> jesse: will try to look into it. >> greg: if this happens this is and all the time. now she is shocked that it happened to cops. democratic party needs to change its name. to the breaking point party. in every facet of society, we are at its breaking point. whether crime and immigration, it is not meeting right there on the street. education, division, foreign policy, every place, unfiltered perfect -- and up with chaos. that is a microcosm of chaos. order represented by the police, and chaos represented thugs by. if you point out the situation you talk about a policy, what is wrong with the policy. at the moment you talk about
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this, the left will say, you're talking about people. this is what to do with trans rights, everything. they always twist it so you're referring to the people, but immigrants are wonderful. we are not arguing that. we are addressing what is wrong with the policy and is one that progresses great without ever factoring the consequences, which is what the police officer just said. never a factor in the consequences. then you end up with incentivizing criminals to do whatever they want, which is what they're doing. on the problem with democrats, jessica, always upstream on the mistakes that they cause, right? all of their blunders are felt like an times square by a cop, or a pedestrian, or someone on the subway. for some reason liberal leaders can afford such mistakes because the consequences never get near them. you have a governor faking like she cares, but she does not, if
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she cares, would have done something about the crime in the city a long time ago. >> jesse: it is a sensory city. >> does three dower out already. back in shelters, and you are paying for it what better incentives to sum up the biden administration in this one. illegal immigrant mob eats up officers and released immediately without bail. that is in one sentence. the fox news contributor, nypd officers said today that there is indication, you have heard from sources that there is organized pickpocketing happening by venezuelan gangs. biden said if your venice will and -- and you get to do this to our
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people. you have got a mayor who tried to override a city council vote. going to make officers take note any time he comes into contact with the citizen, i have got to go back and file a paperwork. mary tried to override it. mom that is devastated by it. i never would have found her murderer. if cops had to do this. they overrode the mayor's veto, by 40 new -- >> happy to be here. it is a terrible situation. no defense of it.
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it is not about necessarily that this is a sanctuary city and there are migrants being busted and noncentury cities, it really does come down to executing that idea, if you are migrants and you're here illegally that you are deported right away. you have harsher penalties for doing something like this because you are here out of the good graces of our hearts. we have been talking about this consistently when migrants are on the streets pushing people out of the autos, pushing people of the schools, we will talk about that as well. there should be harsher penalties. legislative history of case law. -- passed a house in 2017. at 24 democrats voted for it.
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needs to get to the senate. read should use it last year. the ted cruz. moment that people are feeling this so deeply. something like that could get past. would be a step in the right direction. -- and making sure that people like that are not here. >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro? >> judge jeanine: interesting when you talk about policy versus people. i have always talked about people. i talked about the fact that we do not get angry enough when we are hurt. these illegals came here illegally. they are not invited here. they belong back and venezuela. they need to be deported immediately because we do not want people like that in our country. we don't want people like that who take down the establishment,
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law and order, who violently attacked a police officer and gets him to the ground, and kick him in the face and he had, and then they join each other. these people want asylum. i do not believe they are entitled to asylum. they say they come here because they will be persecuted in their own country. chances are that they deserve to be persecuted in their own country, i will make a bet that this is not the first time that tried to take down a police officer or someone and authority. want us to give them asylum from their country. they need to go back to their country. aside from the fact that this is free advertising for new cartels, this is been on all day long. prove to the world that we do not even have the dignity of defending ourselves in our own system. blacks in this country are taking a second seat, i don't like it. on the losing end of the stake whether they are in chicago, boston, or new york city.
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whether they are being moved out of school, gems, or moved out of hotels or anywhere else. illegals are taking priority over any blacks in this country. it is hard. if you want to get the sports center in boston with two illegals -- you are all in for people coming here who do not even want to swear allegiance to this cou country. used to come in with american flags. love this country. happiest day of their lives. it cannot to take a picture. new more american history than i did. if you think these people deserve to be americans? i don't. >> jesse: i don't either. joe biden could have prevented this, but he didn't. coming out, joe biden's hail mary. the president 1 year after the toxic train derailment. ♪ ♪
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>> somebody remembered it is election season. joe biden will finally show his face in east palestine ohio next month. one whole year after a toxic train derailment poisoned the town. the white house had promised he would go, but the day never came. the kgb gave this reason for joe's sudden change of heart. speak of the president had always said that he would go when it is most helpful to the community, and with this invitation, obviously, very recent, and the current status of the recovery, we felt that
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the time was right. no date yet but obviously we are working with community leaders to find the exact time and day to go in february. it is not going to be about politics. it is not about being in a red state or a blue state. breaking here from the president over and over again. he wants to make sure he is there for this community. >> but all biden is doing is reminding people of how a better leader already visited the ten and dated the same monthly bailment happened, donald trump, knocked biden for snubbing is posting for an entire year saying "i know this great people, i was there when it counted, and his reception won't be a warm one. worst president in history." one business owner in east palestine this morning, joe biden did not expect a friendly reception. >> the american people have awakened to realize that the leader of our country did not show up to the greatest catastrophe of 2023. now he is going to show up
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because it is an election year. he better have a wagon full of answers and a wagon full of good news for us, because otherwise, why are you coming? at this point, why are you showing your face, if not to try to sway votes and try to get back in on this. >> jesse, do you think it will remind him not to bring up november seventh, that this is that a palestine? >> a lot of reminding. engulfed, this is what you call 86-inch tap-in bertie, easiest thing to do, you hug everyone you see, you don't sniff their hair, you promised them as much money as the community needs to recover, and then you leave. that is all they want. they want a president to show up and show he cares. you always heard about the biden brand. he cares about people like me. does he? he doesn't even care about his
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own granddaughter. checking his watch for when coffins are coming home. the most callous human being we have ever had occupy the oval office, and there are a thousand examples of the fact that he has lost that human connection, that touch, something that everybody has, something that everybody needs in times of crisis. he doesn't have anything else to do. he only leaves the white house once a week. not that far to ohio. if you talk politics, ohio is gone, florida is gone, ohio is gone, he is losing state after state if you look at that monmouth bloomberg poll, crushing them by 5, 6, 7 points. used to be battlegrounds, michigan, ohio, wisconsin. he just doesn't have it anymore. i am wondering what happened to joe biden? >> what happened indeed to.
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judge, maybe i am not cynical enough, but surely he is not doing this because it is election season. it is out of the goodness of his heart. >> i -- i agree. i also agree the man is soulless. the fact that he didn't show up and give comfort to these people who are all blue-collar, one thing they needed was some support, and some confidence, some sense that someone had ther back, and he didn't show up. i want people to think about the fact that he had 140 days off last year. in september, this is his quote, biden. "i haven't had occasion to go to east palestine. there is a lot going on and i haven't been able to break." he went to san croix -- st. croix, nantucket, delaware, 140 days off. if you are located, had two days off. 14, ten times that. palestine is on the pennsylvania border. pennsylvania is a big state. i think he is going to go there.
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someone says, what is the point of going there now, going to go there and he is going to say, we made norfolk southern pay. we made norfolk southern clean up this toxic waste where they had 11 trains with toxic chemicals on edge. and we have new regulations. but i don't believe that norfolk southern was ever held liable other than to clean up. where's the punishment? where is the prosecution? where's the negligence? went to j.c. pete says, what is the status of recovery, now it is such. >> dana, can i mention a text you sent me this morning? >> which one? >> related to the election season, saying he found all these billions of dollars to forgive student loans, it is such a coincidence this is happening now.
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not like it can be our money, right? >> that the new leadership at the campaign, left the white house, went to the campaign, you see these -- we will talk about that later -- but the one i sent this morning to you, it was so infuriating, he says, "as you know, the spring. i couldn't do it, but i found a way. i found a way to use your taxpayer dollars to try to buy votes from a certain segment of the population and not to help others. on east palestine, governor dewine, republican governor in ohio, asked the white house for a disaster declaration in july for the residents of east palestine because they found dioxins in the soil and water. dioxins never go away, forever chemicals break that disaster declaration was denied by the biden white house. not just his election has been struggling about. two senate races that matter, one -- bob casey in penns pennsylvania. right there on the border,
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celina sita reminded me, a town called darlington, that's in pennsylvania. i don't think he had any intention of going to east palestine, someone in the white house was like, chuck schumer wants us to go and it is the anniversary. the president is not going into anniversary. they said he will be going in february. they don't even have a date yet. >> jessica, isn't this all political? >> no, i don't think it's all political. i think it is somewhat political. this idea that you could ask anyone, republican or democrat, to take off their politician armor is ludicrous, everyone is thinking about it no matter what. i also don't think it is the responsibility of the president to go to every single thing, to add to your point, dana, about the declaration, the disaster declaration, but governor dewine and the local congressman in ohio both praised the federal responses that they
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had gotten, everything that they needed from the government when this happened and that there were agents on the ground from the department of transportation the date that it happened. and yes, mayor pete -- sorry, secretary pete -- was "late to." they still said they got what they needed. to jesse's point about, where has joe gone, he was employed at when they had that over the summer, governor desantis, no fan of the president, florida, a ruby red state now, was praising him. he didn't hug him chris christie-style, but he said, we have gotten everything we needed from the federal government. where is that joe biden? he was on the phone with the families of the fallen shoulders. there is video footage from "the atlanta journal-constitution" paper, the family crying when they find out that their daughter is being promoted posthumously for serving our country honorably, as well she deserves. that joe biden exists. >> he doesn't exist in east palestine. >> first of all, i do not believe that it will be a
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completely chilly reception. there are people in every state, no matter how they vote, 8 points, 10 points in the other direction, who are thankful and happy to see a president of the united states come. that is how this works. you see it constantly. and you are picking the thing that you care about most. you are not like, let's talk about flint, michigan then. it was a huge story. and forever chemicals are something that are very personal to me. my dad died of a 9/11 cancer. he was poisoned by something like this. so don't start with me about that. i take it incredibly seriously, and there was a risk that it was going to affect another state. >> shouldn't they have taken it as seriously as you are? >> at the point is, showing up when you want them to doesn't mean he didn't take it seriously. as the governor of the other party, they are saying that they got what they needed, can go to
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every single thing that happened. >> they continue to need the white house, don't be naive politically. >> then you are just setting up a trap where there is no possible way for you to accept -- >> put yourself in the situation of a poor person from east palestine who has had a chemical waste spilled in their land and water in a forever chemical. it was the worst toxic spill of the year, so don't make it like it is, oh, just a tornado. it is not. >> we have got to move on, you guys. bad news for stacey abrams, her group could be going belly-up. ♪ ♪
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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the democrats' favored sore losers
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back. stacey abrams is having to lay off the majority of her staff of the nonprofit organization she founded a combat so-called voter suppression. the group is said to be drowning in debt despite having a whopping $100 million in its first three years of operation. it seems like karma has finally caught up to stacey. she was a key instigator of the jim crow 2.0 hoax which saw democrats like joe biden smearing george's election reform laws as racist. >> they can navigate the difficulty put in place by candidates. not only game the system but suppress voting in the state of georgia. >> you have to talk about this as a attack on democracy and attack on community. >> 21st century jim crow soul is real. it's unrelenting. we are going to. jim crow 2.0 is about two
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insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. >> judge jeanine: greg, stacey abrams, because of this so-called voter suppression, got major league baseball to move the all-star game, got coke to move. ultimately an obama appointed judge said the law was constitutional, that that wasn't a problem. was it a hoax? >> greg: it is a hoax. there was no voter suppression at least from that side. this is about creating the force field that's impenetrable to criticism. if you play the race card on everything it allows you to screw everyone else because people are too scared to call you on it. just the idea that the all-star game moved. we forget about that. why do they move? what phantom were they protesting? why were they running? that's one of the big crimes i think. there is some justice that she
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is now broke. but i don't think they're going to learn any lessons from this. the media and democrats should ask themselves. maybe calling everybody a racist is not a good thing. also it's also insulting to minorities to assume that presenting a 90 is somehow high expectation. that's bleeding into everyone else. what else is asking too much? expecting a person of color in a position of academic power not to plagiarize. it's like, if you say maybe they shouldn't plagiarize, no, that's racist. we need to have a different level of expectation for certain groups of people. they have created this racial universe. now it's imploding, almost in every area it's infected. >> judge jeanine: over $100 million. debt of 2.9 million. they have a 1.5 million in the bank. but the hundred billion dollars is a lot to lose in two years.
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maybe there isn't really voter suppression. maybe they're not the victim they said they were. >> the largest settlement was 231,000 to pay the legal fees to defend themselves against what was alleged, the defense of the voter laws. they made huge amounts of mistake that i'm glad to say it wasn't some sort of scandal that they were paying themselves $10 million salaries. >> judge jeanine: there's a piece where she pays one of her best friends $25 million. it seems that happens a lot. as a lawyer in one of the lawsuits. >> jessica: you know what i mean, it doesn't seem like she lives in a $10 million mansion. >> judge jeanine: she didn't go that far. >> jessica: stacey abrams has been -- tori shouldn't say has been. has become more of a controversial figure within the democratic party specially as we have gotten into these
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conversations about election to nihilism. people roll tape of her saying i acknowledge brian kemp is the governor but that doesn't mean i lost. all these absurd ways of getting around the issue. one of the things democrats are focused on, a huge fund-raiser and whether that's going to continue or how that manifests. georgia is going to be a pivotal state in 2024. >> judge jeanine: do you think she has lost her credibility? >> dana: think about how she got her credibility. oprah and she did that big event for her. they flew into doing event for her. she got a major book deal. she had live events. they had merchandise. she was all over the country. she was the next big thing. what happens? it's all a total waste of a failure. so yeah, credibility is shot. this is what i want to know. she has still never revealed what that scheduling conflict was when she couldn't be with biden when he went down there to give that big speech after she
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called for the mlb game to leave. then she had a scheduling conflict. very strange. she has never answer that. >> judge jeanine: jesse, maybe she can make this whole fiasco, turn it into another romance novel. >> jesse: that's right. i should have johnny order me some of those steamy novels for some late-night reading. >> judge jeanine: they are worth reading. >> jesse: jessica says there's no financial shenanigans. how do you know? she just lost $100 million. where did it go? how do you lose $100 million and have nothing to show for it. >> greg: cnn plus. >> jesse: good. do know how hard it is to lose $100 million. she spent $25 million on lawyers so she got fleeced, meaning she's an idiot. then she spent. $10 million to her friend. just gave it to her friend's firm. this little nonprofit, they call it that but it's really not.
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they just sent millions to her pac. it's a money laundering operation. it's where you park your staff in between campaigns. this is what people do. it's a patronage operation, jessica. >> dana: at least she isn't married -- like the prosecutor. >> judge jeanine: willis. >> jesse: always democrats funneling money. >> judge jeanine: she aired an advertisement during the super bowl game, the pac did. up for herself. >> jesse: then she deserves to lose the money. except one fox airs at the super bowl that's the right price. >> judge jeanine: coming up, law and order special woke unit, the hit crime show is now pushing a left-wing agenda. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: the latest of the hit crime drama law and order getting criticized over its very woke message on criminal justice. the plot features old white lesbian rape victim who resists testifying against her attacker who is black because she is concerned he wouldn't get a fair trial. >> we are acutely aware of the systemic inequities in the criminal justice system. our concern is that he might not receive a fair trial. >> i can. i can afford therapy. i have that luxury. maybe one day... i'll be okay. but if that teenager goes to prison, he may not be. >> dana: okay, judge.
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they chose rape as the crime for this example that they wanted. i think well, let's get your take. >> judge jeanine: i agree with you. you haven't said it, but i agree. they don't know anything about rape. i have prosecuted rape cases and my office has prosecuted them. i don't know one rape victim who would ever say "i have the money for therapy. i don't need to go forward and get justice." what rape victim say is i don't want another woman to go through what i've gone through. this is nonsense. you're right. they could have picked petty larceny or something different from rape. the amazing thing is this is what happens when you only see color and not the reality of life. all they see is color as opposed to one of the most violent crimes that can be committed against a woman. and you know, we have listened to the fact that if you're white, you're a
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white supremacist for so long. their writers are actually buying into it. no one would say i can afford therapy. i can overcome this. you're lucky if you get through life and not have to deal with it for the rest of your life. the problem is americans think they learn law from shows like this. it's a bad story. it's a bad lesson. nbc, to put this overarching woke theme over the reality of one of the most horrific crimes any woman can go through is an indication of how ideologically in the dump they are. >> dana: when it comes to me too, there also more e too. >> dana: i didn't watch this. >> greg: i didn't watch this. i just saw the clip. were they critical? >> dana: they understand. >> greg: law and order thinks
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its twists are surprising they are always too on the nose. let's say a woman gets stabbed in the subway. the obvious suspect would probably a deranged homeless man. that's reality. that is not too on the nose. that's reality. but when you find out that it's a maga supporter who did it because she wore a biden pin, that is too on the nose. that's why jussie smollett failed. his hoax was too on the nose. anyone can write all law and order script. present the obviously guilty suspect in the first 5 minutes. but soon he is quickly exonerated. then the real suspect arises and it's a highly respected caucasian architect. or an egomaniacal hedge fund ceo who is also white, let's not forget or maybe it's his daughter he trying to protect who's in a drug addict. but anything that you experience in real life is not, ironically, in this thing that is called law and order, there is nothing real in that. there was one cop show that
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showed the reality of crime and it was taken off the air. it was called "cops." because every night, reality destroyed the woke narrative. you saw the overwhelming types of crimes, the folks who were doing the crimes. but in the wake of, i guess it was minneapolis, right? it was accused of exacerbating stereotypes. right? isn't that why it was pulled? there you had to go, you had to kill reality and replace it with fiction. >> jesse: live pd, cops, yes, big fan. not a fan of law and order. but millions watch their show the show. >> greg: most of them are unemployed. >> jesse: it's on prime time, network television. one of the most popular dramas on television. >> greg: you don't know what you're talking about. [laughter] >> jesse: many people, as you said learn everything there is to know about the law from watching law and order. these shows, people love because you get justice. these are people that like these
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crime capers, love these detectives that take down these bad guys so you're kind of conditioned to believe what you see on television. they are now conditioning women to feel bad for the men who rape them if the rapist is black. if the rapist is white, seek the max. if the rapist is black. this is a pro-rape episode on nbc. this is crazy. >> dana: jessica, what do you think they are doing? >> jessica: it's interesting because their whole thing is ripped from the headline so i would be curious to see if this was actually something -- i agree with you. i think over the years they have taken more and more license to create episodes in the vein of whatever -- but to jesse's point, it's
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hugely popular show especially as vu which deals with this issue which is one of the most important issues out there. when i watched the clip, i was shocked that anyone could muster that sentiment is the lead sentiment "i'm not going to do anything." maybe yes, i'm prosecuting. or i hope everything is fair and good and they spend the rest of their life in jail or whatever the proper responses. it will be interesting to see this right now as conservative backlash if it does permeate over or if -- >> dana: everybody on the left. >> greg: that person doesn't exist. you're right, torn from the headlines. that character does not exist. >> judge jeanine: you don't know. there are victims that would not come forward with charges for a variety of reasons. but who knows. i think there is something more
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to be said. 50% of the women who are rape-80 neglect to report the rape. this is going to add even more. >> dana: it's not a random person that tweeted this. like white women deserve to be raped. how many people had to approve this before it goes out the door? has work been creeping into your dreams? you're not alone. greg is going to tell us about his work nightmares. i have a few myself, next.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: work is now invading our dreams, study revealing 64% of americans and had a nightmare about their job. greg, you definitely fit in the 64%. >> greg: absolutely. i have the same horrible nightmare that i am doing a show with jesse. [laughter] i have terrible work nightmare dreams because your brain is beta testing outcomes. so that you do the right thing the daytime. my nightmares are always about lack of preparation. there is a show i didn't know about. it replaces the school dreams. i didn't know we were doing the show. i didn't know we were doing this show but then when you wake up
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you feel great because it's actually just a dream. i really actually enjoy it. it's a great way to make a mistake that doesn't exist. >> jessica: you always want to be stressed out, basically. >> dana: i have them all the time. when i was at the white house, i would have a dream that i couldn't find the briefing room or i remember specifically a dream where the reporters were speaking in a language i didn't understand. as i, i don't know what to do here. here i have dreams all the time that i can't find the studio. i can't find hair and makeup. i don't know where i'm going. i think it's a biological defense. if you went into my past lives when i was in the hunter gatherer days, i would probably have dreams i couldn't rather enough food. it's part of the way that you live. it's not just because we work a lot now. >> jessica: you work on whatever you're doing. >> jesse: i usually say that it's feminine for men to share their dreams in public but i will say the one dream that i do
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have where it's an anxiety dream is that i'm about to graduate from college and i don't really have enough credits. and i'm late for my final exam. and i'm not going to be able to walk in the ceremony and my parents are going to find out. that's my dream. i think it signifies imposter syndrome. because i sit next to all of these well-qualified people. many people say people with imposter syndrome are the most successful. >> jessica: who said that? >> jesse: some people. [laughter] >> jessica: judge. >> judge jeanine: i have a college one where i am fighting. i'm always fighting with somebody. i took that class and i did well in it but in terms of my prior lives, i think i used it to fly around on the carpet because i'm obsessed with carpets. other than that it makes no sense. >> dana: talk to your dog about the carpet. >> jessica: past lives are fascinating. okay, "one more thing" is up next. it h
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when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed.
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." a gas pipeline in oklahoma busted up, shooting flames 500 feet in the air, 36 miles away. people had to evacuate. they watched it. that's what i call infaking go. also, "jesse watters primetime" the georgia monkey invasion, 8:00. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> judge pirro. >> judge jeanine: a judge trusted his girlfriend's best friend to marriage proposal. unfortunately the girl got a little distracted when a raccoon came to see what the commotion was all about. by the the time the camera comes back. embracing. fortunately somebody else was recording. they were able to laugh it off. >> happens all the time in my shoots. just kidding. >> this is going to be a great show. michelle tafoya, trace, trace
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gallagher. i would like a trace gallagher. kat timpf and tyrus, that's tonight, 10:00 p.m. >> jessica: want to make sure dana gets. in announcement. i'll going to los angeles doing real time with bill maher on friday. out all of next week for all of you who despise me. >> jesse: good luck, that will be fun to watch. >> a little shih tzu. broke out of his yard one snowy night to the horror of his owner jenny. posted a message on facebook. don't worry we found him at the bar. down at the local bar and he was all set. his name is bear. and he is fine. >> judge jeanine: did he know how to go there because she took him there all the time? >> jesse: always find a bear at the bar, right, brett? >> bret: yes you can holy shih tzu. good evening, welcome to washington, i'm bret baier, breaking tonight we are following two major stories from the world of big tech and social media. the ceos of several firms received an incredibly


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