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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 31, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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we have jesse watters primetime cups, "gutfeld!". the watters ones are better quality. i shouldn't have said that. >> the "gutfeld!" filled mug is the same size as greg, which is cute. >> extra small. let's do some texts. grace from illinois, send the monkeys to martha's vineyard. oh boy. bill from paw paw, michigan. is that really a city? the world needs more chris hansen right about now. i am telling you. what a good guy. kevin from covington, louisiana. our family has a strict no cell phone policy during dinner. i love you and your family. i am watters and this is my world. welcome to "hannity". today big tech ceos were grilled during a hearing on capitol
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hill. senator josh hawley got mark zuckerberg to apologize to families victimized by social media. take a look at this. >> going through the things your families have suffered, this is why eight we invested so much. we have efforts to make sure that no one has to go through the things your families have had to suffer. >> senator hawley will join us in a few moments. also iran is warning it will retaliate after joe biden says he has already decided what his response will be to the weekend deadly strikes. what is appeasement joe big plan? more and that with lindsey graham. the white house announced that joe will finally make a trip to east palestine, ohio, almost a year after the toxic train derailment. the mayor of the town is asking what is the point? he will join us later. bite and's border crisis is causing chaos across the entire
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country including in the heart of new york city's times square where a mob of illegal immigrants were caught in a very disturbing video. look at this saturday night. beating up new york city police officers. you can see it right there. four suspects were arrested and charged with assault. but according to sources, they were reportedly released back onto the streets without bail. of course new york city and new york state has no bail laws. think about this for a second. no bail for a mob of people beating up cops. the new york post is reporting that illegal immigrants are now forming pickpocketing crews in the big apple causing new headaches for an already strained nypd. more people are leaving than they ever have in history. as we have been reporting on the show the illegal immigrant crisis is no longer impacting just states along the border. every state is now a border state. it has reached every corner of
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our country. it is wreaking havoc on our biggest cities and small towns. sadly, all of it was preventable. this is all a direct result of joe biden's failures and dereliction of duty and his unwillingness to enforce the law and uphold his oath to the constitution. this is the administration that inherited the most secure border in u.s. history. joe has worked to undo every single trump era policy that worked. on day one by the way it was biden who signed the executive orders that revoked trump's efforts to exclude illegal immigrants from the sentence. he canceled trump's interior enforcement rule. he halted border wall construction. he ended the remain in mexico policy and let title 42 expire among other things. it's time for joe to simply do all that with the stroke of a pen. one more stroke of the pen he could reinstate the trump policies that secured the border in the first place.
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this is now a clear matter of national security. stop saying congress needs to do this. you are the one that undid it and can fix it yourself. but he doesn't want to thousands up illegal immigrants pouring in from some of our biggest thousands from afghanistan and egypt. hundreds from iran and syria. tens of thousands from russia and china. here are the questions that no one seems to be asking. why are they coming from those long distances to get to our southern border? why are we allowing them to do so? as i have been morning, i would say with almost 100% certainty. i pray i am wrong. the terrorists are taking advantage of joe pa see open borders and there are terror cells likely in this country plotting, planning and scheming to attack our homeland. the blame for that will lie squarely on the shoulders of joe biden. things are only getting worse. once again according to brand-new cbp data, the record
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for illegal immigrants entering our country was shattered in the month of december, one month ago. an astounding 371,000 encounters. that did not stop biden from telling reporters yesterday i did all i can to secure the border. you did all you could do open the border. that's as big a lie as him telling us for three years the border is closed, secure. here is a quick reminder. >> sounds to most folks like a crisis. >> it is way down now. we have now gotten under control. >> the border is closed. nor could i have been clearer and continue to be. the border is closed. >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. >> the border, we are working to make the border more secure. >> we are confident the border is secure.
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>> we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. >> we agree that the border is secure. >> they are all just flat out lying to all of us. biden now changing his tune and saying congress needs to pass a bill than i will secure the border. joe says he will let in a few thousand illegal immigrants every single day. that's not a closed border. that's insane. there should be zero. joe doesn't need congress to do his job. he can reinstate the policies that worked under the last administration with the stroke of a pen just like he rescinded them with a stroke of a pen. here is donald trump from earlier today. >> you have the right to close your border. you don't need bills that complicated and make it to a level that nobody will be able to do it. the minimum was 5000 people a day, if that can be right. it's hard to believe that can be
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right. they had negotiate to allow 5000 people a day. that's a tremendous amount. nobody should have that happen to our country. they still will not know where they are coming from. right now we have no idea who these people are that are pouring into our country. >> is anyone surprised things have gotten this far out of control? in 2020 it was biden repeatedly promising to halt deportations in his first 100 days. and only deport illegal immigrants who have committed a felony on our soil. you might remember this. take a look. >> should someone who is here without documents and that is his only offense, should that person be deported? >> that person should not be the focus of deportation. we should fundamentally change the way we deal with it. >> what exact changes would you bring to ice as an agency? >> if they stepped over my executive order, you only arrest for the purpose of dealing with
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a felony that is committed and i don't count drunk driving as a felony. i will send to the desk immediately a bill that requires access to citizenship for 11 million undocumented folks. number one. number two in the first 100 days of my administration, no one will be deported at all. from that point on the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the united states of america. >> to be clear only felons get deported and everyone else gets to stay? >> nobody, and some of you will get mad at me, but nobody is going to be deported in my first 100 days until we get through the point that we find out the only rationale for deportation will be whether or not you have committed a felony while in the country. >> sidenote. you notice the significant cognitive decline now? do you see how dramatic it has been? let me be clear as it relates to the border.
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the situation is the direct result of biden's dereliction of duty. it's a major national security crisis. it's a clear and present danger. joining us now live in times square tonight at the scene of saturday night's brutal beating of new york city police officers by a group of illegal immigrants. then they were released with no bail laws. former new york city mayoral candidate and founder of the guardian angers angels, curtis sliwa. we have been in times square together. to think that police officers are beaten in public like that and we are showing the video as i say this. then to have the justice system let them out. and then to have pickpocket gangs all over times square. they don't have the manpower to stop that either. this is anarchy what is going on here. what's the latest? >> no doubt, sean. but remember this all started when our mayor eric adams the
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swagger man with no plan invited the illegal aliens in and put them up and all the hotels in times square where they remain. $400 per night. now they form gangs. when the police tried to move them on from basically jostling and hassling and pickpocketing people and going into stores and shoplifting, they now resist and form gangs. you saw the video evidence. they gave a horrific beat down to two police officers who did not have nightsticks because the mayor took the nightsticks away from the police along time ago. they were defenseless. instead of being remanded to jail with no bail and turned over to ice to be deported. remember joe biden and mayorkas paroled them into america. they were cut loose and are back in the streets to do it again and again. i am here with the guardian angels. we are saying enough of this. if the government will not do it
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in washington and the mayor in new york city will not deal with illegal aliens who form gangs, then the guardian angels will with it. americans must stand up to this madness. >> over the years we have been friends a long time. you have patrolled the subways of new york and patrolled the streets of new york. you have gone to the hotspots in new york. are you saying the guardian angels are descending into times square to make sure this doesn't happen again? because the police are now defenseless? >> this is the gateway to the world, times square. all of the tourists come here. americans are looking now. people in foreign countries want to come to times square. imagine they can't be safe if police officers who are armed are not safe who get beat downs. and then the illegal aliens who did it are untouchable. sean, they are untouchable. they won't be arrested. they won't be turned over to ice because this is a sanctuary city.
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and most importantly they won't be deported. if the government is not going to deal with them, the guardian angels are going to deal with them. let me tell you something. the cop should have had their nightsticks. they could have given them a wooden shampoo, hit them in the shins and kneecaps and they wouldn't have been able to run anywhere. since you won't let the cops do the jobs and they are handcuffed, watch and we will turn ourselves loose on these illegal gang members and protect the taurus. imagine we will have to protect the cops too. how ridiculous is that? >> that is just a form of madness and insanity. what is the rank and file reaction of you being down there? i am sure you run into them every two blocks. >> they are high-fiving us. they appreciate the tactical air support. they have been left alone to their own means without an ability to arrest, without an
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ability to defend themselves with a nightstick. without the ability to be a police officer. they are brave men and women. we will not forsake them. the mayor has and the governor has an especially joe biden who keeps the border open. and now all the gang bangers know you can come into america and beat up a cop and they won't even keep you in jail. they won't let ice, the brave men and women who every day risked their lives to protect us, ever since the attack on 9/11. we won't let them do their job. the politicians are responsible for this. eric adams and naturally his mentor joe biden in washington, d.c. seal the border and keep these gang bangers out. >> listen, when you are ready and you realize it's a lost cause, i've always got a room for you in my place in the free state of florida. i know you are new york born and bred, but it might come that time, curtis. i've got your back, i promise.
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i wish you the best of luck. those cops need help. our country's biggest sanctuary cities are struggling to handle the influx of joe's illegal unvented immigrants. chicago has now resorted to housing them in the city's airports and republicans on the senate commerce committee are probing as they warn of a, quote, "illegal immigrant magnet. saying in a letter to the chicago mayor, quote, "has federally funded airport facilities are withdrawn from public access and use it violates the requirement that these federally funded facilities be available for public use as an airport. here with more ranking member of the committee texas senator ted cruz. senator, explain what that actually means to people so they understand. >> sure. the federal government every year gives millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars across the country to airports all across the country.
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chicago o'hare airport gets tens of millions of dollars. what is the democrat mayor doing? he is housing illegal aliens in the airport. he's trying to use the federal funds that are given to run an airport and given so people can fly in and out of chicago and fly around the world. instead he is using those funds to pay for housing for a sanctuary city. under the terms of the federal grants, the money is supposed to go to keeping the airport available for the public, not to be housing illegal aliens. i brought together a group of republicans in the senate commerce committee demanding answers from the mayor of chicago in terms of why he is abusing and misusing federal funds to defend his policy of sanctuary city. >> they are doing the same thing at logan airport. this weekend you were on one of the sunday shows. i don't remember which one. in the interview you said it is being floated that whatever
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compromise deal would be made in the u.s. senate, which is different than the house bill. hr 2 is a good bill. it is a bill that would really stop illegal immigration. all the senate really needs to do is adopt what they passed in the house. it would be that simple. you are not the only one that has said this to me privately. in fact they were floating child balloons. well, yeah, but they might allow a certain number of people. maybe even up to 5000 illegal immigrants a day. you were chastised by your fellow republican senator langford. i said he is right. the language has not been written. nobody has a chance to read it. we don't know what is in the bill. all we know it's not hr 2. why would we expect it to be better if it's going to be a compromise bill with schumer and biden? >> in a perfect world congress would pass slop strong legislation that forces bite into secure the border now.
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as you pointed out the house of representative republicans stood strong and fast hr 2. it's a strong border security bill. i introduced hr 2 in the senate. i'm the lead sponsor. if we wanted to do something to secure the border that's what we would do. unfortunately, this bill that is being discussed in the senate is not hr 2. chuck schumer and the democrat said we don't want to do that. that would actually. so that is off the table. instead republican leadership in the senate is pushing a deal that would not secure the border. that normalizes 5000 people a day coming illegally into this country. to give you a sense, 5000 people a day is over 1.8 illegal immigrants a year. that's about 6 million people during joe biden's presidency. he in fact has allowed 9.6 million people in. i don't understand republicans saying our position is we will take two thirds of the invasion that biden has allowed and we are okay with that.
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that doesn't make sense to me. my view, the senate deal is a bad deal. i've made this case repeatedly to my republican colleagues. the speaker of the house has been unequivocal. this bill will not pass. it is dead on arrival in the house. i said to my colleagues, if it's not going to pass the house, what the hell are we doing? why are we giving democrats an excuse? you know it chuck schumer and joe biden are doing and every democrat running for reelection is doing? they are saying we would have secured the border, but the republicans won't pass our bogus bill that does nothing to secure the border. that is just dumb. it's political malpractice. we ought to fight to secure the border. i will tell you how to do that. we do that buy beating joe biden in november by electing donald trump again as president. donald trump, i worked hand-in-hand with trump to secure the border in 2020. we will do it again. but joe biden has no interest in
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doing that. >> i see that you are up for reelection. is it true? george soros is pouring all of this money into your state targeting you and every republican in texas in the hopes of turning texas blue? is that true? >> that is exactly right. chuck schumer has made clear i am his number one target in the country. george soros, the news broke last week, is pouring millions into texas trying to beat me. the democrats will spend over $100 million. my last reelection i won by less than three points. we had a pole come out two weeks ago that showed this is a two-point race. i want to tell your viewers, if you want to see texas standing strong and fighting to secure the border and fighting against this disaster from washington, i want to encourage people to go to ted make a contribution and give $25, $50 or $100.
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we are facing $100 million on the other side. we are facing chuck schumer, joe biden and george soros. they want to take me out. if they flip texas the country is gone. i want to encourage folks to go to ted and stand together to fight to take our country back. >> six years ago at this time you might remember the world didn't quite know how nuts that o'rourke was. they found out later. you've been fighting hard for the people of texas and securing our borders and have been one of the few reliable conservative voices in the senate. thank you. we appreciate you being with us. senators grill big tech and the ceos at a hearing today. senator josh hawley got mark zuckerberg to apologize. we've got that tape coming upe next. some tstay with us. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing.
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a brutal day for big tech executives on capitol hill as they testified before the senate judiciary committee on a hearing on child safety with an audience of parents that lost children to the many horrors of social media. lawmakers did not hold back. they had particularly harsh words for meta ceo mark zuckerberg. take a look at this. >> mr. zuckerberg, you in the companies before us, i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands. you have a product that's killing people. >> my understanding is we don't allow sexual explicit content on the service for people of any age. >> how is that going? these results get resources or
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see results anyway. mr. zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking? in what sane universe is there a link for see results anyway? >> because we might be wrong. there is families of victims today. have you apologized to the victims? would you like to do so now? they are here and you are on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harmed by your product? show them the pictures. would you like to apologize to what you have done to these good people? [ applause] >> i am sorry. no one should have to go through what your families have suffered. this is why we invest so much in our own industry efforts to make
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sure that no one has to go through these things that your families have done. >> with more on today's hearing is missouri senator josh hawley. good to see you. there are very specific scams and ways to entrap young people. i don't think everybody in america is fully aware of the sextortion being one of them. can you explain how dangerous this is and what is out there and the impact it is having on kids so everyone really gets this? >> it's having an incredible impact on kids as yet, thank goodness. but if you are a team, here are stats. teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 15 on instagram, 37% saw on the platform, unwanted, sent to their accounts within the first seven days of being on the platform.
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25% within 7 days were propositioned sexually by an adult man. think about this. these are girls between the ages of 13 and 15. that data comes from facebook. that's their own internal data. this is a company that has profited off of the exploitation of kids, the exploitation of minors. now it's time for them to pay a. they need to set up a victims compensation fund and pay these people. the families ought to be able to sue them. spin-up it was a pretty powerful moment that zuckerberg stood up. i wouldn't call it the most sincere apology. that's why we continue to do more and to be the best at what we do, et cetera. how is it possible, were is it even possible that he doesn't know this is going on? there is no way they don't know and there is no way they haven't known for a long time. your committee has been all over them for a long time on this. >> he absolutely knows what is going on. the reason i know that is
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because we have whistleblowers from facebook come and testify under oath that they collected that kind of information i just shared with you and sent it to zuckerberg personally. he ignored it. what he should have said to the families is i am so sorry for what we have done and we will do better. the way they will do better is hold themselves accountable. mark zuckerberg is worth $140 billion. if he devoted just 10% of that to helping victims, think what he could do for these families. by the way, if he would change his platform and not allow pedophiles and sex predators on their he could do a service to every family in america. he seems to have all the time and attention in the world to censor conservatives. facebook leapt at the opportunity to censor any questions about covid and label people who had covid vaccine questions as potential terrorist. and the hunter biden laptop they shut you down. but they can't lift a finger to
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take sex predators off the platform? i don't by it. statement there is a lawsuit. senator graham said zuckerberg has blood on his hands and he referenced the rep who is suing instagram after a 17-year-old son died by suicide after falling victim to an extortion group from nigeria operating through a meadow owned app. they threaten the young man that if you don't give them the money they would expose photos that they kind of manipulated this kid into sending. how common is this? parents need to understand, how common is this? your kids are on social media and all their friends are on social media. okay. but there are predators out there that are doing these things to children and they think there is no way out, like in this case,. obviously this kid saw no other way out. he felt the real pressure of an extortion.
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>> get this, sean. just three years ago the center for exploited and missing children that keeps track of statistics reported only about 100 cases of that kind of sextortion. last year they reported over 20000 of these cases online. 20000. as a father, that strikes fear in my heart and in the heart of every parent out there. here's another statistic. new mexico attorney general did an investigation and found the profile of a 13-year-old girl was only out for a day on instagram before she had been added against her will to a group, a chat group that included pedophiles and other people who are propositioning her for sex. 13 years old. this stuff is outrageous. zuckerberg knows about it and needs to be accountable and they need to pay for it. >> where is the fbi? i know they are busy investigating moms and dads showing up at school board meetings and going after peaceful protesters that are
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pro-life. i know they are busy warning big tech about potential disinformation campaign that might have to do with hunter and joe biden which i believe played a part in the 2020 election. at what point do they get held accountable? they have protections that other news organizations don't have because there is supposed to be a platform. at what point does the responsibility lie with them to make sure that children on these sites are fully protected? >> number one, the responsibility should lie with the sites right now with the platforms. these are the biggest richest companies in the world. no reason they should be getting handouts from government in the form of special protection. you should be able to sue them. if your kid gets propositioned online, if your kid gets child porn pushed to him online, you ought to be able to stop that as a mom or dad including suing them. number two, as to the fbi, here is what they were talking about.
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they were pressuring facebook to take down posts about hunter biden. they wanted to take down posts about the covid vaccine and election integrity. that is where their focus has been. they are not focused on sex predators. they are focused on suppressing speech. they need to be held accountable and that starts with chris wray. mark zuckerberg should be on the hook personally. it's time to get these people focused and working for us and being responsible and doing the right thing. >> it is sad. these stories about what is happening to young kids is mind blowing. great job today. let's see if anything happens with the apology and what they are doing moving forward. we appreciate you being with us. arano warning to the biden administration, warning biden why the fbi says china is preparing to wreak havoc on every american. senator lindsey graham, straight ahead.
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joe biden says he has a response for iran in the world is waiting for his response to the iranian backed terror attack that killed three american service members and injured many others on a base in jordan this weekend. the a reigning regime is warning that it will be answering whatever action biden takes with, quote, "a strong response of their own. while tensions in the middle east escalate, our southern border remains wide open. fbi director chris wray is now warning of yet another very serious threat to this nation. that is a chinese cyber attack. listen to how dire this sounds. >> there has been far too little public focus on the fact that prc hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure. our water treatment plants, our
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electrical grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems. and the risk that poses to every american requires our attention now. china's hackers are positioning on american infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to american citizens and communities if and when china decides the time has come to strike. >> maybe director wray can start with maybe you don't need to be warning big tech companies that they might be victims of a misinformation campaign about hunter. you knowing that the hunter laptop was real and it would likely be leaked by rudy giuliani's attorney. that would be a good start. stop going after moms and dads at school board meetings and people usefully protesting. here is lindsey graham. senator, good to see you. let me begin with this.
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i did love your comments that they will have blood on their hands and what is happening in the hearing today. we just had josh hawley on about it. joe biden said he would respond. there has been nearly 200 attacks against american service members in iraq and syria. this day was inevitable because joe did not lift a finger. over 175 attacks. he didn't do a thing except take out an empty warehouse. he is in bolding iran the way i see it. what's your take? >> number one you are dead right. why didn't this happen on trump's watch? iran was afraid of trump. he killed the head of their revolutionary guards. biden has yet to hit iran directly. the iranians could care less how many you kill. they could care less how many iraqi militia you kill. the only way they will change her behavior and stop killing americans and attacking our troops and trying to bomb ships
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in the red sea is for joe biden to hit the oil infrastructure and start killing their soldiers inside iran. i'm not asking to invade iran but i'm calling on president biden tonight to go to the source of the problem. if you don't hit the iranian oil infrastructure and hit them in the wallet and make them fear you they will keep killing our soldiers. to the three families who loved ones lost a life, it breaks my heart. this was all preventable. mr. president, hit iran and hit them now and hard to protect americans in harm's way. >> i don't know if he has it in him. i want to be clear. there is not a single person watching right now. i think the american people appetite for a long protracted conflict in that area of the world is probably zero at this point. however, when you attack american troops nearly 200 times and then kill american troops, to not have a response at all is
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unfathomable to me. you are giving them free access to do whatever they want to american troops. there has got to be a proportional response. i like your idea. take out the refineries. that is the biggest source of wealth for the iranians. that's a simple solution. >> i do too. they have four refineries you can see from space. make sure if they do this again or do it now, they have three. if they keep doing it they have two and they will stop. they will give in when they are afraid of america. they were afraid of donald trump. our soldiers are over there to make sure isis and al qaeda don't come back and hit us here at home. they are here to protect the homeland. iran is trying to drive us out of the mideast. mr. president owes it to have their back. the reason they are being attacked so often is iran does not fear you. if you hit iranian oil infrastructure and hit them
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where it hurts, it would stop. stop being afraid of the ayatollah. he should be afraid of america. we lost deterrence. in 2021 the taliban took over afghanistan. in 2022 russia invaded ukraine. in 2023 hamas attacked israel. in 2024 they are attacking ships in the red sea. biden has been a disaster in his first three years. every year a war has started. >> the iaea has actually gone public in saying iran is enriching military grade uranium they could probably have a bomb if not in a couple of short weeks. i don't know what the war will look like if the radical ideology have nuclear weapons. i am not sure that mutually assured destruction would deter them at all.
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that's a scary thought. what does the region do about it? what does the world need to think? >> i was in saudi arabia over the weekend. if they get a bomb they would get a bomb. the ayatollah would destroy israel because he's a religious nazi. he believes they will come back to save the day when there is chaos in the world. he intends to use the weapon for religious reasons. rocket man is trying to keep his regime in survival mode. here is what i would say to the american people. biden has been in office three years. in 2021 the taliban take back afghanistan. 2022 russian paid ukraine. 2023 hamas attacks israel. here is 2024. iran will break out the nuclear bomb and it's up to israel if we don't do more to stop iran. we will have a war with iran in 2024 over their efforts to get a bomb. >> watch china. they have gone after, quote,
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"reunification with taiwan. i bet it happens this year. lindsey graham, thank you senator. biden finally now finding time to visit east palestine, ohio. really? a year after the train derailment that was horrific. i wonder why. we will get reaction from the town's mayor and kellyanne conway as we continue. thank you for being with us. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex.
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make the short trip to the embattled town. take a look. >> i haven't had the occasion to go to east palestine. there is a lot going on here. i just haven't been able to break. i would go to east palestine this week, but i was reminded i have to go literally around the world. >> president biden has not had a break since february 3rd. >> he will go to east palestine. he will. it was a recovery effort to support the people of east palestine. we will visit when it is most helpful. the president will visit when it's most helpful to the community. >> how convenient. this is an election year. now the white house announced biden will finally make that visit or make time for it in a month. sometime next month. here with reaction is the mayor of east palestine, ohio, trent conway who about three weeks officially invited biden to his
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town. a long with kellyanne conway. first of all, how are the people in your town doing? there are people with serious health problems that exist to this day, number one. number two, there is still residual damage that i don't know has been cleaned up. >> yeah, for the most part most of the people are fine. there are still some lingering health questions. that's why the invitation was put out to him. i didn't have to invite president trump to come. but i felt that i had to send out a personal invitation to president biden to come so we could get answers to some of these lingering health concerns. as far as the cleanup effort it is going pretty well. other than a few snafus at the beginning whenever the track was laid over contaminated soil. other than that norfolk southern has been pretty good to work with. they are really helping us with
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the cleanup efforts and it's coming along pretty well. >> you were quoted as saying i don't know what he would do here now. it's a year later. it's a day late and a dollar short? >> yeah, of course he is coming late. but like i said, we have questions and i am mayor of the whole town, not just the red and blue. against my better judgment i wrote a letter. >> i am not criticizing you. i feel bad for the people. >> yeah. we need to get some of these health answers for lingering health questions. for the most part everybody is doing good. it's coming back to life. we are coming out of the cleanup phase. we are getting into the economic development phase and get some life pumps back into this town. we really needed especially with the current administration. we are doing the best we can hear. like i said, i did formally invite him.
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i want to be clear on that. before i said i didn't know what he would do when he comes. hopefully he can get us some answers. he is the sitting president. we need to get some kind of answers for these people. >> kellyanne conway the election year conversion. here it is a year later in an election year. joe finally is going to show up and make an appearance. frankly to me it's just a show appearance. if he really cared he would have been there a lot earlier. he clearly did not. how is this going to be perceived? >> in terms of election year conversion, this won't work. now he's looking at the people of east palestine as voters, not as folks who are suffering. due to an unfortunate train derailment. let's go back a year ago. it took donald trump 19 days after the derailment to get to east palestine. that was his idea. he went and that was a big inflection point in his comeback
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people were reminded, here is someone who is there for the forgotten child. he just has this instinct. he goes where the people are suffering and in need without over dramatizing it. seeing what he can learn and how you can help. showing up is so incredibly important when you're in up the vision of leadership. joe biden has never been there. where has he been? 142 days of last year when this was happening were spent partially are fully on vacation. that is 40% of his schedule. he had plenty of time to get there. you just have to look at people for who they are and what they can do for you in leadership. pete buttigieg the secretary of transportation, this is under his purview. after he suffered the supply chain crisis that shut down air travel when he was 19 years old. after presiding over all that, this happens. pete buttigieg does not go to
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your fair city until donald trump goes first. it just reminds people, and people don't want to be looked upon as political ponds. every time i hear them talking about the border it's the same situation. they say there is a lot of political risk or we don't like the political liability. don't think that way when people are suffering. >> it's so transparent and so obvious what they are trying to do here. you know what? if he really cared he would have been there earlier. that is quite obvious. mr. mayor, if i lived in your town i would not bother to see him. it would be a waste of time for me. i feel like if he cared he would have come when it mattered. anyway, we appreciate your time, mr. mayor. kellyanne conway good to see you. when we come back a former trump official the latest victim of the out of control crime in our nation's capitol. he is in critical condition. we will explain why after the
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break, straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: former trump administration official was critically injured in our nation's capitol on monday after he was shot by a gunman who went on a very violent carjacking rampage across washington, d.c. and maryland. the alleged suspect attempted multiple carjackings and senselessly shot and killed another man in washington before he was fatally shot by police on tuesday morning. unfortunately these types of stories are becoming all too common in big cities and small towns all across the country. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face