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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 31, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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. >> greg: we're out of time. trace gallagher, michelle and our studio audience. fox news is next. i love you, america. plays plays* >> good evening, this is america's late news. fox news at night. breaking, we have brand-new video coming into fox news showing a boatful of what appears to be illegal immigrants
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landing on a san diego beach, and then fleeing into a nearby neighborhood with multimillion dollar homes. but where they went from there remains very unclear. bill broke this story and he's live from los angeles with more of the amazing video and the latest information. good evening. >> trace, the border crisis is literally coming to california shores once again as a san diego local tells me. he was just out in the ocean shooting some video on his go pro when he noticed a boat speeding in his direction. take a look at the video. he tells me he was at marine street beach in la hoya when it happened yesterday. the boat beaches itself and suspected illegal immigrants jumps off and goes running into a residential area. these are multimillion dollar homes. it's unclear if they were ever caught. i'm waiting to hear back. it's likely nobody found them.
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they are still on the hunt for four more illegal immigrants who are involved in a mob beating of two of their officers in times square. the nypd releasing these photos showing several more of illegals wanting for attacking two of their officers. several had hoodies pulled over. five illegal immigrants have already been arrested and charged, although four were released without bail in just a matter of hours. >> the four that were arrested should be sitting in in jail on bail. they should be indicted this week and taken off our streets. you want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? there is no consequences. we must change this. end of story. >> trace: over in massachusetts the governor is now taking a state-owned rec center in the center's predominantly roxbury neighborhood and turning it into a minor shelter depriving the local community of a resource as
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the city of boston has been completely overrun with migrants arriving in the city some of which you can see here have been sleeping at boston logan airport. trace, texas governor greg abbott says he'll keep sending migrants to these sanctuary cities. so far, he's bused or flown over a hundred thousand migrants to sanctuary jurisdictions all around the country. back to you. >> trace: big number, bill live for us in los angeles. let's bring in former republican wong woman from texas, myra flores. the beach on san diego, it seems like they are getting bolder and bolder. they pull up on a beach in san diego. they disappear into neighborhood. as bill was reporting we have no idea where they are, which likely means, like all of them, they got away.
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myra? >> i'm sorry, i just heard you right now. it was a connection issue. this will continue to happen because the biden administration continues to incentivize illegal immigration. nothing is going to change until the biden administration enforces the law that we already have in place. but when he's giving them free meals, housing, he's giving them free healthcare, free education, free everything, and they are also able to commit crimes and are being released back into the community, they will continue to come into this country illegally because the biden administration continues to allow them to come here. they are being released into our community. >> trace: it's not even incentivizing. it's literally no consequences. it's incentives and i want to put up this vo. it's been the talk of the internet. these are new york police officers who are getting badly beaten and these people were arrested. do we have this video that we can show. this video is literally showing how you have gangs of these
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people that are badly beating these officers. that's not it. but what is showing, what's happening here is, there is the video, they were released, literally, you saw the police officers say there are no consequences. this is going to keep happening. why would you stop when you have nothing to fear. >> the roster of villains here, i don't even know where to start. first, i hope they show this video in the congressional hearings that they are holding related to the mayorkas impeachment. we've incentivized them to come here. the pickpocket teams that are working in and around times square are almost exclusively venezuelan criminals, okay? this is very much like in 1980, the mario boat lift when fidel castro exited his insane asylums. you don't learn pickpocketing in a day or two. they showed up, guaranteed they came out of prison in venezuela.
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no fear of the police very clearly. they are operating with impunity and now you have the governor saying we're going to look at this. maybe do more than look at it. >> maybe a hard look. hard look and change some of the policies. the quinnipiac poll, you've got 1600 registered voters, 61%, myra said, it's a crisis, this is a problem for the democrats and that's why they desperately want to be able to fix this now because they know it's trouble. >> it's easy. just allow the border patrol agents to enforce the law. they don't need an acof congress to secure the border when the joe biden administration on his first 100 days, he took 94 executive actions on immigration. this is all on him. he owns this crisis. all he has to do is allow our border patrol agents to enforce the laws, bring back the remain in mexico, back into today's -- it's that simple.
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i don't understand why the biden administration is putting this on congress when he's fully responsible for this crisis. >> trace: a lot of towns are hitting this. one boston town plans to use recreational complex to house migrants and the residents are not happy. listen to one of them. i've got about 15 seconds for you, paul. >> this is my community. you're not going to use it as a dumping ground. you just had the mayor who claims, she was blindsided. she was advocating for us but she's on record talking about anyone is welcomed to come here. >> trace: except they are being a dumping ground. >> it's happening all over the country. eating into the resources that local residents pay for with their tax money. it happening here in new york. the d.a. has completely blown the situation. this was a bail eligible event and they didn't ask for bail by their own admission. the system is completely broken. locally, state level, federal, but nobody wants to own it because the democrats put it in place. >> boston, new york, chicago, denver, all the way across the country. >> send them to swing states.
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that's what they should do. >> trace: thank you. now to a major story with significant impact to your children. top executives from big tech and social media got a very unwelcomed reception on capitol hill. they were grilled by senators over what lawmakers say is a failure to protect children online. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in d.c. with that story. good evening. >> good evening, trace. quite a story indeed. social media executives facing an intense grilling on capitol hill today over their failure to protect underage users on their platforms. and in a moment that i really feel like truly encapsulated the entire day, there was an audible hiss that spread from the gallery as the ceo's filed into their seats. to saw that today's hearing on capitol hill was heat wood be a spectacular understatement. >> you're on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harmed by your project, show them the pictures. would you like to apologize for
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what you've done to these good people? >> jun of several searing inquiries, with zuckerburg and others. to discuss the impact of social media on children. [applause] >> your families have suffered and this is why we've invested so much [inaudible] efforts to make sure that no one has to go through -- families have to suffer. >> joining the facebook sounder, fellow ceo's from tik tok and discord, each of whom were greeted by photos of children who had commit expected suicide or victimized by predators they met on the social media platforms. >> my son in this picture, who is no longer with me, and all the parents who sat in that room, who have lost children to social media related harms, is
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enough causation to prove that social media harms our children's mental health. mark zuckerburg is full of it. >> trace: and while each ceo defended their respective platforms approach to safety and security the overwhelming viewpoint from lawmakers was succinctly put this way. >> you have blood on your hands. >> trace: for what it's worth meta and other companies offer parental controls on their platforms but frankly, trace, they are rarely if ever utilized. for example, at the end of 2022, less than 10% of teen users on instagram actually utilized such filters, trace. >> it's a growing problem. kevin cork live in d.c. thank you. >> trace: let's bring in fox medical contributor, and the go author of "stolen youth," thank you both for coming on. i'll play you a sound bite from mark zuckerburg, today and we'll get your reaction. >> the existing body of
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scientific work has not shown a causal link between using social media and young people having worse mental health outcomes. >> trace: causal, contributing, we're getting confused over this word, doctor, because the whole thing is, the cdc says, yes, it's contributing and then you have these moms saying, oh, no, it's causing it. what do you make of this? >> i absolutely agree with the moms. when what i'm seeing in parents it's definitely contributing to a lot of mental anxiety, depression, we're seeing loneliness and low self-esteem. there is data and research that shows, trace, for third down who use social media more than three times each day it's predicted there is a poor outcome with their mental health and overall well-being and that's because of what they are seeing what they are exposed to on these aps, facebook, instagram, snap chat, that sort of thing. they are exposed to predators as well, that are luring them in selling them pills, taking their lives, they are exposed to cyberbullying which leads to
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self-harm, suicidal thoughts and just a lot of pressure that they are dealing with, at a young age, they shouldn't have to go through this. >> trace: i want to put up the mom again. she lost her son. her story was very compelling. i'll play one more sound bite and get your response. >> mark zuckerburg's apology didn't mean anything because, at the same time, children are still being harmed and children are still dying. so whatever protections that these ceo's claim are putting in place are not working. >> trace: you cannot apologize to a parent who lost a child. there is no way in the world, it's enough. something needs to be done and it's not, i'm sorry. >> so i want to push back a little bit because as a parent of six, my oldest is 10 years old i asked her the other day, do you know what tik tok is and the ainswer was, no, not really. i heard they dance there. it's up to parents to protect their children.
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also, as parents it's our responsibility to teach them how to use it responsibly, if we let them use it at all and i don't think we should be. >> trace: i think it's a fairpoint. i want to put this up because the hill writes the following, quoting here, the op ed is these toys are killing our kids. as teen social yeah media use has risen. the number of children dying by suicide, don't you have to be a genius to make a connection but it's a fair point. this is also some parental involvement as well. >> absolutely. we all need to do our part protecting children. we have to understand that the social immemedia -- algorithms designed to maximize profit. teens' minds are growing and developing. they should be exposed to books, literature can, arts and sciences and nature and music. this is what helps them with stimulating their imagination and their curiosity and social
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engagement and growth and development. these are the things that help broaden their horizons and help them to have a better understanding of the world so we need to do a better job of protecting them. you wouldn't get on a roller coaster without a seat belt bet. medicine bottles have child proof safety measures. >> trace: but there is so much social pressure, bethany, on this as a parent you're trying to shut it down. there is immense social pressure that your kids and all of our kids are feeling. >> do you remember what our parents used to say when we said all my friends are doing x. so if you want to walk off the brooklyn bridge, then i should let you because all your friends are doing it. that's what my mom told me and that's what i tell my kids. i don't care what their friends are doing and honestly it's also our responsibility to surround our children with peers that we think are good influences, and so if all of your kids, if all of your kids' friends are on tik tok at 10 years old get your kids different friends. make different decisions. send them to different schools.
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we have accountability here. >> trace: show me your friends, i'll show you your future. bethany and doctor, thank you. in the harry potter novels, he who was not to be named was vault more. biden also has a he who was not to be named but now the president is saying the name again and again and even labeling him a new name. maryanne raffert is live. good evening. >> after three years of virtually not medicaling his name, he notes biden invoked trump's name some 22 times during a speech on saturday. >> you're the reason donald trump is a defeated former president. you're the reason. donald trump is loser. and you're the reason. we're going to win and bee him again. >> the president again used similar language at a florida fundraiser on tuesday calling trump close to unamerican and lamented that the sunshine state had faced a "real dose of
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trumpism and it's not just the president. the first lady recently also told donors, "trump is trying to do everything he can to make joe look bad." showing biden trailing trump, especially in key swing states, those in biden's orbit have urged him to be much more forceful in attacking trump. critics say that shift in strategy is a clear indication that biden wants the 2024 race to focus on his predecessor and not on his own record. but that strategy might just be paying off. new polling from quinnipiac shows the president getting a slight bump. he now leads trump 50-44. in december the two were essentially tied. the message from the trump campaign is that bide isn't delusional telling florida voters a state that's seen a sizable shift in the gop that the former president is "a loser." trace? >> trace: maryanne, thank you. the fox news at night common sense department understands
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president biden is going to east pale palestine, ohio, in the nick of time, although it's been a year since the devastating train derailment, it has nothing to do with politics or the election. pierre says the president is going, qe, when it's the most helpful to the community. interesting because common sense would have thought for the 5,000 residents of east palestine when the train derailed and 50 out of 141 rail cars ruptured, caught fire, burned seven different highly toxic chemicals, shattering their lives, that would have been a helpful time to go. or, in the months that followed when the federal government kept saying the air, water, and soil was not contaminated and yet the residents kept experiencing burning eyes, nose, throat, nausea, coughing, asthma, diarrhea and multitudes of skin problems, also, would be a helpful time to go.
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nobody is suggesting the president has ulterior motives. let's face it. he's got big time national concerns, major world problems and millions of maga republicans to deal with but common sense thinks he'll have to excuse the people of east palestine if now doesn't strike them as the most helpful time. let's bring in fox news contributor steve hilton. steve, it's great to have you on. suddenly the board has to be closed and i've got to go to east palestine. >> it's just hilarious, so transparent. they are panicking about the fact we're now seeing the consequences of their policies, in the case of the border, and their attitude. their contempt for working people has just been clear all along because this party, despite joe biden endlessly going on about how he's blue collar joe from scranton, pennsylvania, the ridiculous stories, that he goes on about his background, actually the current leadership of the democratic party is totally captured by the intellectual
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elite, by the coastal elite, by the academics, they don't care about working class people except for one thing. they are going after the unions because they want the unions to turn out to vote but actual working class communities they treat them with contempt trachlight try what do you think about biden saying trump's name, trump, trump, trump, maga, maga, didn't say it for years and now it's trump everything. >> it shows how totally all over the place they are. for months all we ever heard was bidenomics. every speech, bidenomics, now it's don't say bidenomics because everyone knows what a joke that is. and he didn't say trump and now it's trump. as if any of this is going to make any difference. people are not stupid. they vote according to their judgment about what the people have delivered in the past and what that tells you about the future. the trump record for most people were very good. the biden record is a disaster on every front. >> trace: i want to play this
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media montage for you, steve. this is kind of going after, you know, they are going after trump supporters, again, watch. >> these people who worship a golden pig are warning us about idolatry. >> it's not just trump supporters who are talking about taylor swift. according to three sources who spoke with rolling stone. trump himself recently claimed in private that he was "more popular than the music star, and that his stands were more committed than hers." >> our fans won't kill four cops. >> trace: i don't know what four cops that joe scarborough is talking about, steve, but it's amazing how the media has become complicit. they keep going after half the country. >> it is amazing that they never, ever learn. this has been the story of this whole trump phenomenon. the rise of this conservative populist movement, which, the coastal elites, just don't get it. and they live in their bubbles,
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and they talk to each other, and they go to dinner with each other and they can't imagine anyone ever supporting this absolute monster that they have created called donald trump. in the real world people look at the facts and their lives and how it's going to affect them. they don't care about this stuff. they are so utterly out of touch. after all this time they still don't get it. >> they just want a better life. great to have you on. thank you. >> trace: coming up, it seems li like every night we learn about the fans who froze to death in the man's backyard. the man who hosted the party supposedly checked into rehab. more strikes carried out against the houthis in yemen, as we wait on biden to respond to the death of three u.s. soldiers. beloved sesame street character elmo took to social media to ask people how they are doing.
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the responses almost broke the internet. some funny, some clever, some very honest about their lives leading to the account to promote health resources. so would you respond to elmo and if so, what would you say? let us know on x and instagram. we'll read the best responses in the night cap. 11:21 on the east coast. fox news trip across america. orlando, florida. did you know there is no official documentation of how orlando got its name? a few theorys but nobody knows for sure. we're coming right back. fox news at night. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life
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for president biden's response to the drone strike that killed three american soldiers earlier this week. the senior national correspondent kevin corke back live with us with the latest details on this. kevin? >> kevin: there are fresh reports that suggest the u.s. is planning to go after iranian targets outside of iran with strikes as well as cyberefforts, and, in fact, i can report tonight that the u.s. has, in fact, as you pointed out, carried out self-defense strikes against houthi trash gets inside yemen. those were not, i should repeat this, those were not connected to the death of those three u.s. service personnel. we continue to wait for an official response from the white house on that and from the pentagon. now to the original report. they actually follow comments by the secretary of state, blinken, who spoke of a "multilevelled response." >> these service members were deployed into the region to contribute to regional security and stability in support of the international coalition to ensure the lasting defeat of isis, so there will be
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consequences and i'll just leave it at that. >> in the meantime over at the white house, a familiar refrain, promising retribution and retaliation. >> just because you haven't seen anything in the last 48 hours doesn't mean that you're not going to see anything. as i said earlier, when you see the first thing, don't come to be thinking that that's going to be the last thing. >> and this won't surprise you. the irg's general is saying soleimani is responding tonight saying, you know that we do not leave any threats unanswered. while we're not looking for war, we're not afraid of war, and we do not run away from it. trace? >> trace: we're about to find out. kevin cork live in d.c. let's bring in the host of "the deep dive" on youtube. colonel davis, it's great you have to on as always. the 12th time today the u.s. has conducted strikes against the houthis, is this getting us ready for what you believe might
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be an extended campaign goodness these proxy groups? >> all of the signals is this won't be a one offish. they will have some sort of sustained operation, probably more so than we've seen in the houthi situation although that's problematic because it's an open-ended campaign and that could also go on for years. no one knows how long that might take. the houthis can soak up a lot. i'm more concerned about the iranian situation. inhas been much more proactive lately and much more, i guess, frisky, if you want to say in responding because they have launch attacks to iraq, syria -- i don't think it's a threat. >> trace: i was interested in the shot today on fox news by dan. here's what he said. >> there is no drone factory that militias run. it's an iranian made drone and the militias didn't steal it
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from iran. iran gave it to them for the purpose of using against their enemies which is us. >> trace: he's indicating maybe it's time to go after iran and attack something that belongs to them. do you think that might be part of the strategy? >> well, look, if it is, the administration has an obligation to come to congress and get authorization first, because you start tracking iranian targets, you have the real chance of expanding into a war and if we're going to go to war then we have to get congressional approval first, not later. the president has the authority because american troops have been killed to go after the perpetrators. people who did it. not just because there may be support later on, that requires something different. we cannot get into a war, i cannot stress how bad that would be for us. >> trace: the hill writes the following, are u.s. and iran already at war while going on to say there has been no direct fighting between the two, the u.s. says iran is broadly complicit for supporting its
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proxies and iran is being pulled into the conflict more directly as well. is it your assessment, colonel, that iran has both the capability and the desire if for some reason the united states struck at them to actually strike back and make this a bigger conflict? >> they have the capacity without question. there is no doubt that they have the capacity. actually on my deep dive show yesterday we had a former cia official who talked in detail about the capacity that iran has, which has been demonstrated with pinpoint accuracy when they want to. they have withheld some of their best stuff. if we get into a fight it could get ugly. >> trace: colonel, it's great to have you on as always. thank you, sir. coming up, brother of one of the chiefs fans that died in a friend's backyard wants answers. he joins us live next with what he's hearing or not hearing from law enforcement. plus one oregon university is no longer giving students failing grades. wait until you hear why.
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but first, a live look at earth cam from stoney brook, new york, hometown of actor kevin james. coming back.
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>> trace: new information tonight about the kansas city chiefs fans who lives in the home where three of his friends froze to death in the backyard. jordan willis, who claims he slept for two days after that party is now reportedly checking into rehab. the families of the dead men are still waiting for autopsy and toxicology results. one family member joins us live in moments but first, bill back live with an update on this. bill? >> constantly evolving story. the kansas city chiefs fan who says he was asleep for two days after three friends froze to death in his backyard has checked into rehab. according to a source close to the family. the 38-year-old is facing his addiction head on. a source close to him tells fox, calling the deaths of his
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friends enormous wake-up call. that source adding in part, "after the shocking loss of three of his close friends under extremely tragic circumstances, jordan recognized he had a problem with addiction. no further elaboration on what that addiction is. the bodies of his friends were all discovered outside willis' kansas city rental home late january 9 days after they watched an nfl game together, and right now, they do suspect foul play. >> i know my son. what i've read, that his families have said, they are all responsible men. they have families. they didn't go over there to die. >> there is -- these are not small guys. they are big guys, partying for years. regardless of what they were doing, they didn't all three decide to go outside and pass
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out. try. >> there haven't been any new updates. they have essentially been told nothing whatsoever, and the medical examiner tells fox, toxicology results may not be ready for another few weeks. police are still saying there is no evidence of any foul play as it stands right now. back to you. >> trace: thank you, joining us tonight, jonathan. the brother of one of the men. we're sorry for the loss of your brother. i want to get your take on what you think about jordan willis, person who owns the home, where your brother and two others were fouled in the backyard frozen to death. him going into rehab. what do you make of that? >> i mean, it's very odd, speaking of the timing of everything. i'm not sure how much he's keeping up with everything, but knowing that the families were meeting today with prosecutor of platt county, it's definitely
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odd with all that timing, and, i mean, yes, it's hard to say, especially with me not being there physically. >> trace: i know you're not home. you're in texas. the families did meet today but there was a little bit of movement. maybe some changing of the guard, getting some other investigators involved in this. it appears to me, and people on the outside, jonathan, that, you know, they want some, a second set of eyes or maybe even more than that to take a look at this thing. >> yes. i mean, that's kind of what it sounds like to me, too. i'm just not sure, at the very beginning, the ball was dropped in certain areas. and i'm not really sure what sparked it, to be moved in the first place, but, you know, my brother, all of his belongings were not in police custody. jordan willis had to drop those off, and his father and stepmother had to pick them up. so things like that, you know, you would think that would come
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up, in the initial investigation at his house. >> trace: it seems to me when you talk about, one, the person, the only survivor of the party, is going into rehab, that the focus is on alcohol and drugs, but as others in this case have said, listen, you've got three guys who have been partying for a long time, they didn't all just decide to walk outside and pass out. >> yes, i mean, multiple families had children. there is no way that you can say that these three men after all the stuff they have done together, all the games they have gone to, that this would happen as a circumstance. >> trace: when you think about this and i'm sure you do again and again, what is the biggest concern you have? what's the thing that you believe and your family believe that you're not being told about what happened in the hours after, and days, for that matter, after the football game? >> well, since so much of this is relying on jordan, i just fear that we may not get the
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full truth because of this story that's ever-changing, all the time. and, you know, fact that, like i mentioned before, the initial investigation itself, like, did they do toxicology on jordan himself as well to see if the same things are in his system that is in theirs? those are things we may not be able to verify and it stuff that i don't know if the police decided not to look into because they decide nod foul play. >> trace: has anybody brought up to the authorities, police, and investigators, hey, we're getting very little if any information, we would like to be at least included in the loop? >> well, i think that's what today was about with the changing of the guard, and the investigation. hopefully, we can restore some of that faith with the police, and hopefully our families are involved from here on out. >> trace: yes. jonathan price, condolences again to you and your family and i hope you get answers sooner
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rather than later. come back and talk to us. we would love to have you on at any time. thank you, sir. >> absolutely. thank you very much. >> you know what my child can't watch? news. when you turn it on i literally had to hide news for four years while donald trump was in. >> trace: the view co-host sarah haines brought up donald trump during a discussion about taylor swift, she says she would turn off the tv as you heard when trump was president to shield her kids but would encourage her kids to watch taylor swift, who is "undisputably a great role model." western oregon university getting rid of failing letter grades because of a fixation with gpa. so now they will get no credit instead of a d or f. it might discourage undergrads from dropping out but they would
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still have to repeat the course if they get no credit. endick no credit. fail. you know what i'm saying. >> i'm guilty of talking with police officers and not getting arrested the day of the event. that makes you a felon, and joe biden's department of justice. so the others were singing their assault hymns. >> facing up to 11 years in prison for doing. this singing hymns, and federal prosecutors say preventing access to an abortion clinic. found them guilty of a week long trial. sentencing hearings will take place in july, and as you can imagine fox news at night is working to get the singers and their lawyers on the show to find out if they are going to prison for 10 years for singing in a clinic. >> how did she get so dirty that
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she -- on the couch? >> first up, a couple working from home in australia came out to find their dog and their couch covered in mud. they left the outside door open for the dogs while they worked, which, obviously, backfired a bit. some bridesmaids got creative for a bachelorette party and dressed up as characters that shared the groom's name. which is jack. five jacks went out on the town that evening. did you recognize the various jacks? there is jack, the last one -- >> into the sink and the water was running over them. he needed to also turn on my hair dryer. >> trace: and a deer took over this texas woman's home while she and her son were away. they discovered it 24 hours later and refused to leave. law enforcement came and sedated it but not before it trashed the master bathroom and if you have a viral video to share, share it with us.
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jumping jack flash in case you didn't know it, on the last one. up next, elmo's viral post asking followers how they are really doing, basically busted the internet with thousands of people, tens of thousands, millions, complaining about everything from anxiety to the presidential election, to their dog rolling around in goose poop. what would you say to elmo? there is still time to weigh in. the night cap crew is next. a live look. one of the world's leading consumers of spam. it's beautiful there. we're coming right back with the night cap. to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business. with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. take your business further with america's largest 5g network.
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8:52 pm
>> trace: we're back with the night cap crew. tonight's topic, sunny days. elmo from sesame street, it went guy when he posted this question, how is everybody doing? it blew the internet up? the post has now received over 15,000 responses of people telling elmo how they really feel. the account had to make a post about mental health resources. so, would you, steve hilton, message elmo and if you message
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elmo, what would you say? >> i would be very happy and full of sunshine, but this whole thing, when i read some of the incredibly bleak messages that he received it reminded me of my favorite woody allen people, when they were in a museum what do you think about the painting, girl, i've got the quote, it relates to the negativeness of the universe, nothingness, predicament of man forced to live in a barren godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an i am mention void with waste, horror and degradation, and the black absurd cosmos. that's the kind of message he got. >> trace: it was like beating the daylights out of elmo. who is tickling the guy? bill? >> got 188 million views on twitter. i guess year calling it x now. steve is right. i was reading through some of the responses. and, like the top one for me right now says elmo sold me fentanyl behind target.
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then there is another one that says, elmo is going to be rich when he gets his twitter ad revenue because of the 188 million impressions. yes, it went off. >> kevin? >> i just love to make a joke out of it so as soon as i saw it, i thought, i would not say anything serious. i wouldn't say anything honest. i would just make a great joke out of it. a great chance to do that. >> trace: me, too. dr. jeanette >> it's a great opportunity to vent and express yourself and that can be therapeutic. support your mental health and well-being but if you just look at the big picture, we got elmo. up next we need to see the chocolate -- >> elmo brought it on him. you can't throw something like that out there and not expect the jokes and people just unloading. yes, but hey, good for elmo. >> trace: i don't have the papers, we asked x and instagram followers if they would like to see him check in more often?
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yes, 56% on x. here's what some of our socio-media followers had to say. el mother, are you getting tired of taylor swift also? and we have scott, who said, a little late, dude, where were you when i lost my crayons in mrs. whitehall's class, and he said, hi, elmo, not doing well. i stepped inside a hat hole and sprained my ankle. the rat hole was a big hit on fox news at night last night and was it a rat hole? i don't know. thanks for watching the night cap. we'll be back tomorrow night. have a great night and we'll see you then. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there.
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9:00 pm
in the meantime, here comes the "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters along with jud judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." "the fiv♪ ♪


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