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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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that, and we're using every instrument of national power to address various issues. so i think -- there are ways to manage this so it doesn't spiral out of control. that has been our focus throughout. >> i have two things. back in december in your speech at the reagan library you told israeli leaders they have to protect civilian lives in gaza. since that speech 12,000 more palestinians have been killed. we're now at 27,000 killed. why are you still supporting this war when this government that is the most extreme in the history of israel, led my someone who refuses to recognize any political right for the palestinians, and what elements they are calling for ethnic cleansing and displacement of
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those, to palestinians have the right to dignity, as you said in angola when i was with you on a trip. you said the future belongs to those who protect dignity, not trample it. >> i said that in a speech in the reagan forum and i have said it to my counterpart every time i talk to him galant and i emphasize the importance of protecting civilians lives and also emphasize the importance of providing humanitarian assistance to the palestinians. it is critical. it is really important. this is -- there is no question this has been a tough conflict but as i've said earlier, we are starting to see the israelis shift their stance and change their approach to a more focused
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and controlled -- control is not the right word. a more focused effort on a discrete set of objectives. we talked to them about that weeks ago and they said they were going to do that and they are doing that. but i will continue to emphasize and i know secretary blinken and president biden will continue to emphasize the importance of addressing the issue of the palestinian people. it is critical. and we're doing more but we're not doing enough. >> cnn. >> secretary allow me to join my colleagues wishing you a speedy recovery. the 30 day review is due in less than a week. do you commit to making that review public? second question, has your chief of staff offered her resignation or discussions about her resignations in the wake of the
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failure to notify? >> i commit to being as transparent as possible and sharing as much as possible. understand because this is a command and control of policies of our government here, there will be elements of this that are classified. but we are committed to sharing as much as possible as soon as possible. >> your chief of staff revving has she offered her resignation? >> she has not. >> pbs. >> i've seen what you are going through up close. we wish you full recovery and i know it's possible. thank you. you describe this as a gut punch. instinct to privacy. ask you bluntly. you had nearly a month between the time you learned of your cancer and the time that this came out to inform the president. how can you possibly think that it was okay not to tell him? if i could be blunt and a small
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question on iran and the middle east. what do you believe iran new operationally about the attack in jordan and how important is that when it comes to the u.s. response? >> so when the diagnosis was made, the doctor highlighted that you have a finite window of time to actually get this done. if you go beyond that window, then you will have a problem. christmas holiday was coming up. for me to be as little impact on what we're doing in the department, christmas was a time for me to take a look at getting that done. it was a tough decision for me. i did not decide until very close to when the procedure was done to actually do the procedure. in terms of informing the president, again i admit that
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was a mistake to not talk to him about that early on. the president of the united states, you have a lot of things on your plate and so putting my personal issue on -- adding to his -- all the things he has on his plate, i didn't feel it was a thing that i should do at the time but again, i recognize that was a mistake and i should have done that differently. >> what iran knew about the attack in jordan or how operationally it was involved. >> we believe this was done by an element of what is known as the axis of resistance and these are iranian proxy groups. how much iran knew or didn't know, we don't know. but it doesn't matter because iran sponsors these groups, it funds these groups, and in some cases it trains these groups on advanced conventional weapons. and so, you know, again, i think
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without that facilitation these kinds of things don't happen. >> let's go to ft and "politico" to close it out. >> have you seen any signs that china has been successful in pressuring iran to rein in the houthis in the red sea? >> we have not. again, what is happening in terms of closed communications between leaders, you know, we don't know. but we've not seen any visible evidence that they are encouraging or pressuring iran to cause the houthis to back off of what they've been doing. >> final question. >> good to see you, mr. secretary. i also hope you have a speedy recovery. two questions. first of all, do you regret not personally telling the deputy that details the two times you were in the hospital and the authorities were transferred to
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her? do you think she had a right to know? i have a question on the middle east as well. >> as you heard me say in my opening statement i apologized to all my colleagues and also the american people that i wasn't as transparent as i probably should have been up front. >> second question. is there any discussion of withdrawing troops from either syria or iraq given what has happened in the last couple weeks? >> what's happened in the last couple weeks is not driving us to consider withdrawing troops from syria. there are ongoing discussions with the iraqi leadership about our future footprint in iraq and i think that's been fairly well publy sized. we've taken the first steps in conducting those meetings. that will play out over time. >> does it include discussions
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about withdrawing troops from iraq? >> it will include discussions about our footprint going forward for sure >> thank you. that's all the time we have for today. thank you very much. >> we're still doing the forensics, jen. most of the drones in the region have a connection with iran. >> [inaudible question] . >> i don't think the adversaries have a one and done mindset. and so they have a lot of capability, i have a lot more. and so we -- as i said earlier, we're going to do what is necessary to protect our troops and our interests. >> thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> harris: we're watching now. that's interesting they lowered the lights on that situation. he struggles when he walks. did they not want us to see that or a technical difficulty? it was a rare solo news conference from a u.s. defense secretary. but as you know, there is a lot for lloyd austin to answer to after going off grid, completely off the radar. even the white house had no idea where he was for a few days in december. this is now his first major media access since the secretive hospital stay. he got into details about his health today. and all of it comes as the biden administration has officially confirmed the iran-backed terrorist drone that killed three u.s. soldiers on sunday. i'm hair use faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." let's begin with the breaking remarks and developments from secretary austin with senator
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marsha blackburn. senator, just one second. i want to take a beat and just show the news that was made when the secretary was just asked about that whole hospitalization controversy. >> we did not handle this right. i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i should have also told my team and the american public. and i take full responsibility. i was being treated for prostate cancer. the news shook me and frankly my first instinct was to keep it private. the american people have a right to know if their leaders are facing health challenges that might affect their ability to perform their duties even temporarily. >> harris: what went through your mind when you first heard him address that? >> harris, i'm pleased that he admits he made a mistake. but when you are the secretary of defense and there is kinetic
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activity that is taking place and we have troops that are there in the middle east, we have troops that are over in europe, we have activity that is taking place around the taiwan straits. you need to realize the severity of that and the importance of letting those around you know and making the president aware. should have been the first thing that he thought to do. not of himself, not of his privacy, but to make certain that the commander-in-chief was aware that he was having an issue. >> harris: there were a lot of questions about it and a later question he said he didn't want to burden the president with his personal journey because the president had so much going on, if i remember correctly, the president was on vacation. but anyway, secretary austin made it very clear about this part of the conversation with regard to iran. and i would imagine in some
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corners this makes news. the white house is beating around this. he said i mean plain speaking the united states is not at war with iran. watch. >> the president will not tolerate attacks on american troops and neither will i. this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict in the region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interests, and our people. and we will respond when we choose, where we choose, and how we choose. >> harris: when he was asked are we at war with iran he said the u.s. is not at war with iran. here is what the president said earlier today. >> president biden: our prayers continue to be with the families of the three american servicemen killed and attacked in jordan,
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sergeant william rivers, specialist moffet and specialist sanders. i spoke with each of these families separately and jill and i will be tomorrow at dover air force base to receive the dignified transfer of thafr bodies. >> harris: obviously the whole nation is mourning with those families. fox has spoken with the families and we know that they are grieving mightily but we are right along with them with our prayers as much as they can be. they need the lord right now. and moving perhaps into the future now is this idea, do you think iran sees it the way we do. do you think iran thinks we don't think we're at war with them? >> iran has the tendency to be into a skirmish with everyone through their proxies and harris, this is what we know and they have been doing it whether it's hamas, hezbollah, houthis, or the irg or isis syria, iraq,
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iran is very content to being a part of the axis of evil right there with russia, china, and north korea. and this is one of the reasons we need to put those oil sanctions back on iran. president trump had this right in dealing with iran. now that they have gotten money under president biden, what are they doing with it? they are funding these terrorist organizations. these organizations are striking at us. and iran can say we didn't carry out this attack, it wasn't us. but the attack would not have been carried out without the money, missiles, rockets, armor, training that is coming from iran to these terrorist organizations. >> harris: our audience could see it. the entire time you were talking that's how long it took to show the 166 times we've been hit
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since october 17th. part of that time the secretary of defense was off grid. and was communicating somehow or another that he was in the washington area, which left the situation room reportedly with the belief that well maybe he is working from home. maybe he is still accessible. that was not true and looking at where we are now, he was asked specifically about one of the retaliatory strikes, which was very minor coming from us. how confident are you in what you've heard today with secretary austin? what should next steps look like? >> my -- i am very concerned about what i heard from secretary austin. what we do know is that these organizations understand strength and power. and if you are going to deal with them, you have got to take an aggressive step and send that message. president trump moved forward, he took out soleimani.
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that sent a message. this is the type step we need to take. we know where these terrorist organizations are. we know who their commanders are. we need to be forceful and send this message, you cannot kill our men and women in uniform. you cannot attack them and if you do, we are going to hunt you down and take you out. >> harris: secretary austin seemed to have harsher route east than iran. he said they have a lot of capability, i have a lot more. you listed all of those iran-backed groups and terrorists. they have tentacles that can go in many directions. i know on the hill along with the southern border crisis under the current president, i know on the hill this has got to be top one or two just most dangerous threats to the united states. what is the talk? what has to happen next? >> harris, people are very
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concerned about the middle east. secretary austin said the middle east is a very dangerous place right now. secretary blinken has heightened what is happening in the middle east. and the concerns that are there. and, of course, they do not want a broader war, but here is the nugget they need to remember. appeasement will lead you to a broader war. showing strength will stop it. this is why they need to take an action and this is why they need to make certain that iran understands in no uncertain terms that they cannot continue to do this. >> harris: i'm going to ask my team one more time. do we have it directly from austin saying we're not at war? i want you to hear it come out of his mouth again. it is one of those things that was said today that communicates so much to our enemy. they can hit us 166 times
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through the killers they hire and still have the man at the top of our military say we're not at war with a country that we know is doing this to us. >> that's right. harris, do you think a president donald trump and a secretary of state mike pompeo would have let this situation get this far out of hand? would have seen 166 attacks? would have seen these deaths? would have seen these traumatic brain injuries? would have seen this disruption to a base? no, they would not. and i understand that they need to investigate this and find out why that drone was not taken out. they need to know where that drone was being commanded and who was in charge of it. and what that decision was. i appreciate all of that. but i also appreciate the fact
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that iran and these terrorist organizations understand one thing and that one thing they understand is strength. and you cannot continue to embolden iran and you cannot continue to let them sell their oil and make billions of dollars and then put that money into building nuclear war heads through uranium enrichment and through funding terrorism. iran is the the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. so when you really break this apart, why would you say that they are not responsible? why would you not hold them to account for what they are doing with their proxies? >> harris: i don't know why. i mean, i know we're in an election year, re-election for this president and they don't want a wider war because they
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keep telling us. you can't be soft on crime by iran. it's not working out for us within our own borders. you can't be soft on iran. you and other senators had quite a day with some of the ceos of giant social media companies yesterday. things got pretty heated and including a stunning apology to the parents in the room from meta ceo mark zuckerberg and other intense exchanges. let's watch together. >> there is families of victims here today. have you apologized to the victims? would you like to do so now? [applause] >> this is why we invested so much and our efforts to make sure that no one has to go through the types of things your families have had to suffer. >> instagram is harmful to young people, isn't it?
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>> senator, i disagree with that. that's not what the research shows. >> these results may contain images of child sexual abuse and you gave users two choices, get resources or see results anyway. mr. zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking? what sane universe is there a link foresee results anyway? >> we might be wrong. why it is that instagram is only restricting access to sexually explicit content but only for teens ages 13 to 15. why not restrict it for 16 and 17-year-olds as well? >> senator, my understanding we don't allow sexually explicit content on the service for people of any age. >> how is that going? >> children are not your
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priority, they are your product. children you see as a way to make money. mr. zuckerberg, there are a lot that is slipping through. it appears you are trying to be the premier sex trafficking site. >> of course not, senator. that's ridiculous. >> it is not ridiculous. >> harris: senator, your thoughts today in watching that back. >> it is so interesting that these ceos could not give us straight answers. and when i asked mark zuckerberg if what was happening with this sexually explicit material that is being pushed, not just on the site but it is actually being pushed to kids, i asked if it violated their terms of service and their community standards and he would not give me a direct answer on that. he should have said yes, it violates. yes, we're taking it down. yes, we want to do better.
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that is not what he said. he said well, we're taking it down. as you heard, no you're not. if you're taking it down you are doing a pretty sorry job of it because a lot is getting through. there is some research, harris, that shows that every day 100,000 kids are force fed sexually explicit material on these sites. it is being pushed to them. they are not looking for it. it shows up in their feed. and, of course, we have 42 states attorneys general that are now suing meta because of the addictive features that they are pushing forward on children. >> harris: that moment when he stood up turned around and apologized to those parents, what was that like to be in the room? >> you know, i wish that each one of those would have taken their turn at apologizing to those parents.
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you look at the amount of pornographic material on x, you look at what snap has done connecting kids to pedophiles and drug dealers, tiktok with the kids that have done the tiktok challenges and lost their lives. discord which is used for chats in gaming. and kids are meeting really bad actors. every one of them owed those parents in the room an apology. and those kids' friends of kids that had lost their life that showed up wearing those t-shirts i'm worth more than $270, which is what zuckerberg said a teen was worth to them on social media. i thought it was powerful. >> harris: senator blackburn, very powerful. great to have you in "focus" today. >> good to be with you. >> harris: thank you. now i want to show you the
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cri critical part. it's critical for you to hear. secretary of defense lloyd austin from his news conference moments ago. watch it. >> we don't see israel engaged in a conflict with other countries in the region. we aren't at war with iran. and the houthis continues to do some things that are very irresponsible and illegal and so our goal is to make sure that we take away -- we continue to take away capability from the houthis to do what they've been doing. this is not a u.s. issue, this is an international issue. >> harris: sean duffy, former wisconsin congressman. plain speaking we're not at war with iran through all their proxies, they sure do kill effectively. >> they do. i think it's fair to say we're not at war with iran but they are at war with us. how this administration responds
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is incredibly important. you can have very targeted military attacks back on iran and the houthis and other proxies but with whoa is frustrating for so many people on the right is why aren't you using oil sanctions to cut off the revenue supply? it comes back to global warming. because i think if you cut off oil supplies coming out of iran, china will go purchase more oil on the open market, driving up prices in an election year. joe biden is choosing to shut down american oil and keep iranian oil flowing and funding this radical regime. that's the frustrating part. when you respond to folks like iran, this can ravel apart and you can see a broad conflict take place. we don't know how these things end up. the easier solution is economic sanctions on oil and they refuse to take it. >> harris: we don't talk enough about what happened in the distance between when we had a
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secretary of defense who actually could work and then when we were told the doctors had released him from the hospital after spending two weeks in the hospital for prostate cancer treatment and a complication for previous surgery with that. we haven't heard what was going on in that time? you know, now there are questions about when did your deputy know and so on and so forth? what is your take on what you heard from secretary austin today? >> well, we do not know and how did the communication chain break down, what information didn't the president have, how was the white house operating? those are all questions i think we have to have. they will tell us everything was functioning just fine but anyone who looks at the situation with lloyd austin out, the president not knowing he was gone, there were real challenges within the white house and yeah, again, i think -- we'll find out what happened here but it is -- one last point.
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this is not about lloyd austin. this is about joe biden and the decisions he made. if he had made decisions earlier to strike back a little harder when they were attacking our ships and u.s. flag vessels you would not have the houthis escalate. we might have the three soldiers still alive. the two marines still alive. when you wait and you allow them to continue to escalate, more people die and the responses become more grave. >> harris: you mentioned the marines now the three soldiers. all of it. so this is happening. florida governor ron desantis is making unprecedented moves now to take on biden's border crisis. he is deploying up to 1,000 of florida's national and state guard to the state of texas. here is the governor just last hour. >> it's as bad as it's ever been at the southern border. biden has the authority to close this border today if he wanted to.
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he lacks the will to get the job done. today we are going to fortify our presence along the southern border. we're providing up to one battalion of florida national guard, as well as our first ever deployment of the florida state guard so that we can stop this invasion once and for all. >> harris: unprecedented. a mix of both guards now going. other states also, 25, half the nation supports texas. >> yeah. this is not just a texas problem or arizona problem. it is an american problem. every state the bearing the burden of illegal immigration. chad wolf on the bottom line a couple days ago said joe biden signed 94 executive orders on immigration to open the border up. ron desantis is right. joe biden could roll those executive orders back and try to resecure the border instead of trying to cut razor wire put up by texas to let more illegals
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in. a stand-off between states rights and the federal government and who has the right to protect themselves? if joe biden chooses not to do it and open up the border and make states and cities pay the price for that they have every right to work together to secure the border on behalf of their people. god bless them for doing it. we should have the stand-off. joe biden should execute the laws of the united states and secure our borders. when he refuses governors should do it and they are. >> harris: why only 25? we need the rest of the country to do it, too. this is an american issue. sean, i have to let you go. lots of breaking news. glad you were with me on it. the nypd and regular americans as they say are furious after a group of illegal immigrants were released after viciously attacking two officers caught on tape. they are suspects in this adding to the anger, one of the suspects flipped double middle fingers as he strolled out of
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custody free of bail. 0 bail. leaders around the nation say it's time for real action. >> we have dangerous criminals coming across our border impacting our cities. now we have them beating up cops. all these individuals need to be deported immediately. we need to start enforcing our laws. (♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots...
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but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> harris: a development in the race to the white house. a new poll finds joe biden is up six points in a hypothetical head-to-head rematch against donald trump. that is since december. biden also has won over the majority of female voters at this point, independents and voters with college degrees. trump on the other hand is leading among male voters. but the race looks much different when you add in third party candidates. biden holds a much tighter lead within the margin of error and that same poll also puts nikki haley up with a strong lead over biden in a one-to-one match-up.
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when you throw those third party candidates into the mix, haley ends up trailing biden by 7%. power panel david avella, gopac chairman and mr. hicks. can we start for a second with nikki haley, david? why when the third party comes in does it hurt her? we've looked at a third party hurting the democrats. why does it hurt nikki haley? >> well, you have democrats going back and ultimately voting for joe biden when instead of voting for nikki haley. let's keep this in mind. while polls may show nikki haley is beating joe biden, polls also show that there is not one state where nikki haley is beating donald trump and unless she can get the nomination she doesn't get to take on joe biden. right now this race in november is going to be donald trump versus joe biden. >> dana: how much is it, fred,
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making a difference to have the vice president kamala harris, she is not working on some of the things that the president had given her like the border and all of that effectively. but her messaging on abortion, which is number one in the polling in most accounts for democrats particularly democrat women, her message has been solely on that issue. you watch her on talk shows, ask her about the moon -- i'm being facetious, she comes back to women's right and abortion. what do democrats know about that and why does it work for her? >> democrats know what the data shows, that the vast majority of americans want reproductive rights to be protected. we've seen abortion and reproductive rights on the ballot in several states. each time it has passed whether you talk about ohio, kentucky, talking about kansas, talking about any place in the country where it's on the ballots since
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the dobbs decision it turned out voters and said we want reproductive rights to be protected. it's smart for the vice president and for this team to talk about that. #restore roe is very effective. >> harris: this isn't new. we knew it in june before june. more than a year now, a couple of junes that they were going to do it and then they did it and now we're inching up on a new june, a new spring if you will. you are still fighting that battle. what do you think republicans need to do on this issue? >> ultimately who gets driven to the polls by the issues. right now you see republicans are overwhelmingly driven to the polls by the border issue. you have independents very concerned about the economy, and the challenge for the biden campaign is they know who to blame on the economy. that's joe biden. they believe it is his policies that have made things worse. if those are the voters that show up to the polls,
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republicans will have a big day come election day. perhaps i'll be the first of the cycle to say it is all about who shows up. the great analysis you get in september and october, harris, let me say every election is about who shows up. who shows up in november ultimately. >> harris: it will be interesting to see if the republicans have an answer back on abortion. if that's going to be the fighting ground, you might need that. president biden likes his chances in the sunshine state despite recent polls and recent history. he told donors in florida, quote, here in florida, you had a real dose of trumpism adding, i think we can win florida. i think the democrats can win in florida. a democrat hasn't won florida since obama squeaked out a victory in 2012. recent polling shows biden losing to trump in this state. reverse order now, david. >> let's hope the democrats put a lot of money in florida
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because they have no chance. they haven't won a statewide race there in years. we have all the congressional delegation, super majorities in the state legislature. marco rubio and ron desantis actually did better with just about every key demographic group when they were on the ballot there 2022. so please, democrats, put lots of money into florida so that you don't put that money into the states that actually will decide the election, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona, georgia. >> dana: i saw you flash a smile there, fred, what david challenged democrats spend all your money in florida, please. >> that was really funny. here is the reality on the national scale. donald trump reached 46% of the popular vote in 2016. 47% in 2020. we saw that donald trump's proxies in 2022 cost republicans the senate and large majority in the house. georgia, arizona, pennsylvania.
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and so the reality is that the majority of americans don't want donald trump or the majority of voting americans don't want donald trump or his policies. and so when we look at florida and other states across the country i think that joe biden, kamala harris and the democratic operation are saying hey, the numbers are on our side. >> harris: when you look at the anybody but biden vote and how many people, particularly young people and black people and hispanics on the left now are cooled down on joe biden, i don't think it's really fair to say -- to look at both these men and say well, one beats the other solely. you don't in certain categories of people. biden has picked up a bit in women but woeful in some of those other categories. i want to bring both back on different day. we had a lot of breaking news. glad i could spend time with you. thank you both. the nypd outraged after prosecutors released illegal
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immigrants after attacking officers. >> one was arrested on the scene and one was arrested last night. the four arrested should be sitting in ryker's right now on bail. should be indicted this week and taken off our streets. >> harris: arrested and released on 0 bail is what they got. this guy decided to flip the bird on his way out in front of the cameras and everything. again, none of them had to post any bail. outkick's charly arnolt is with me next in studio.
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>> harris: fox news alert. into fox news now. nypd making two more arrests, illegal immigrants, that attack on officers. those suspects also allegedly stole an officer's cell phone. that will help them track you down. so a fifth illegal immigrant accused of attacking two new york city police officers over the weekend showed no remorse or regret. he was seen, as you can see, giving his two middle fingers to the cameras moments after being released without bail. florida senator marco rube owe
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wrote, message to america from one of the illegal immigrants who assaulted nypd officers walked free with no bail and heads back to a shelter funded by taxpayers. so far police have shared four mug shots of the now seven people arrested in connection with the brutal beatings in times square saturday night. nypd chief called the attack reprehensible. >> cowards. you have eight people attacking a lieutenant and a cop running up to them trying to kick them in the face. the four arrested should be sitting in ryker's right now. you want to know why are cops are getting assaulted? there is no consequences. we must change this. end of story. >> harris: charlie arnoldt joining me now. they picked up four initially, five last night, two more today. which makes it worse. this was a gang of people.
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>> essentially now what it comes down to is american taxpayers are paying for police officers to be assaulted. the images we just saw flipping off the camera, i mean, there are no laws in this country in regards to immigration anymore. it is disgusting what is happening. if you ask me, putting them in ryker's without bail is not enough. they should be quickly deported back to where they came from and a lot of people are waking up to this. even kathy hochul, new york's governor who was dead set making new york city a sanctuary city and keeping it that way is even saying deportation should be considered. a lot of people waking up to the dumpster fire that has become our country due to the open border and soft on crime policies. >> harris: the audience can look at the box of video next to us and they can see what's going on from these people. i said this yesterday. send them all back. if they came here illegally they have already broken the law and
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now you are normalizing their criminal behavior by giving them what is meant to be our set of laws for american citizens however soft on crime we may be at this point. they are getting out on 0 bail and flipping off cameras. >> think about law enforcement. they can't put a hand on these people. budgets are being cut because we're paying for all of these illegals to flood into our country and providing them with all the resources they need. meanwhile, while you have families who are here born in this country coming in legally who can't even afford to have a proper lifestyle. >> harris: this is just disgusting. look and we're laughing, too. >> they don't care, of course. >> harris: other democrat-led so-called sanctuary cities are struggling as well. a neighborhood outside of boston people who live there are outraged. the governor is using a popular sports recreation facility to house immigrants sleeping on the floor at logan international
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airport. >> things seem to be taken more from the community than given to it. >> housing people here is a good idea to get them out of the airport but not the right place to do it. >> harris: and that's the point, isn't it? the non-american citizens are living more like the american dream than anybody else. that only includes food and shelter and they have more of that. denver and chicago residents are also pushing back on their city's handling of the immigration crisis. especially in the winter months and the urgent need to shelter thousands of people pouring into their cities. charlie, there is not enough space for everybody and they are choosing the people who aren't citizens over those who are. >> you are seeing this on so many different levels. you see airplanes filled with illegals they get to fly wherever they want in the country first a class in some
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cases free. taxpayers are paying for that. you have schools right here in new york city and other cities as well that are being shut down to the students who are enrolled there so they can become migrant shelters. seeing sports facilities where pe people, that's their hobbiess. they can't use them because they are being used for migrants. >> harris: representative mccaul told me he was on one of the flights from the border. more than 50% the government was shuttling around. >> you can't ask for the i.d. no safeguards in place. security doesn't exist, health screening doesn't exist. you don't know who you are sitting by and what disease they could be bringing in. so many scary things happening here. >> harris: new video from fox today. anti-israel protestors walking streets and disrupting streets in washington.
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[shouting] >> harris: the group apparently was headed to the capitol to continue protesting. police prevented that from happening. we've seen this sort of tactic, this sort of fill up the streets, block the rest of the whole community from going on with their lives while they get their messaging out. they block bridges and major roadways in cities across the nation is what we've seen. freedom of speech is one thing. there is an ambulance in the crowd, there is a mom who needs to get her little one to the hospital, where is the humanity of these protestors? they say they advocate for the humans that they like an against the humans that they don't like. what about the americans who need places they need to get to where they need to go? >> that's the problem and we see it with those on the left. they only look out for their own self interest. everybody elses don't matter. they become bullies but when you
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bully them back they throw a tantrum. people who support israel staging peaceful protests. they don't want to ruin the lives in an effort to do so. the pro-palestinian protests and those that are on the opposite end don't care what they do or destroy. it's only what they are trying to get across and nothing else makes a difference. >> harris: what is america now? >> that's a great question. that is a great question. i don't know. a lot of things we're talking about that make me sad about the condition our country is in. im note sure what needs to happen to solve it. joe biden getting out of office is the first step in that direction. >> harris: charlie arnoldt. thank you for being with me in person. thank you for watching a huge breaking news hour on "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is next. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times
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