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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  February 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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>> we took the train. you flew. i took the train. >> john: we're getting together for dinner after this. should we see a broadway show or concerts or something? >> i don't know what broadway show i'd see given the choice. i'm so out of the loop on what is available here. >> john: we can go to the tickets thing on -- >> ticketmaster? >> john: no. no. the kiosk at times square. see what is out there. >> come say hi. tell us what broadway show we should get tickets to. >> john: great being with you today. >> thanks for having me. good to be with everybody at home. martha is coming up next, i believe. >> john: yep. >> martha: happy for some recommendations, guys. thanks. good to see you both. i'm martha maccallum. this is "the story" right now. only on fox, look at the voices of american cities in distress. i'm going to sit down with lawrence jones who is literally
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making his way from the airport here. he's just wrapping up a cross country tour speaking with americans living this day in and day out. they're baring the influx of migrants and in some cases, people part of gangs that are now in this country. they are disturbing a lot in these communities. i will also speak with senator marco rubio on the battle over whether the bill that congress is debating will actually fill what is wrong. i know that's a question on a lot of people's minds as we look at all of this. but first, secretary of defense, lloyd austin, facing reporters just a short time ago and taking responsibility for this secrecy that he put in place over his hospital stay. now also addressing his work at hand. whether the white house's defensive plan in the middle
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east is ineffective. >> the message has been deterrence, deterring the attack by the houthis, deterring the attacks by the malitias. has deterrence failed? >> our goal is to make sure that we contain this crisis in gaza. there's always been a lot of activity in the region. you know well that iranian proxy groups have been attacking our troops even well-before october 7th. >> martha: so now we await any moment the u.s. military response to the killing of three of our service members and the injuries of many more. dozens more by iranian proxy forces. so what are we going to do to respond to these losses. with that we bring in retired general joseph votel, former commander of u.s. central command, now fellow from the middle east institute.
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very good to have you here. thanks for being here. the first thing that really strikes me when i was watching the secretary of defense speak about this this morning is how much effort is being put in to separating the things that are going on in the middle east. as you heard the secretary of defense say, well, this is -- we're trying to keep it contained in gaza. isn't it not contained in gaza? isn't it already very much under this resistance umbrella also in the red sea with the houthis, also in iraq and syria where they have been going after our bases and now killing three of our service members? >> thanks. great to be with you. yeah, i think you're right. certainly gaza has been a bit of an incendiary for all this activity takes place. the secretary is correct. we've had attacks in iraq and syria by malitia groups. that's gone on for a fairly long time. at a lower level since october
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7th. certainly the uptick in attacks in the red sea, we're up to 44 by the day. 160 plus that we've seen since october 7th in iraq and syria. those are definite uptakes and they're definitely related to i think what is happening in gaza. >> martha: with regard to what we have heard and what has been coming out of the pentagon and various reports is that the retaliation that everyone is waiting for is not likely to be in iran. it's likely to be in iraq and syria. and what we know from jennifer griffin's reporting, she was asking about this earlier today at the pentagon, is that some of these leaders of these iranian proxy groups have fled, have already gone to iran. are we telegraphing too much about what is coming? >> well, yes, that's certainly a problem. it very clear to iran and certainly these malitia groups
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that after they cross this redline over the weekend and result in the deaths -- injuries of our soldiers, they knew they had pushed across us and knew there would be a response. so certainly there's been some reaction on their part. that said, you know, the united states has a lot of targeting options here. you've heard about this so-called tiered approach. i would imagine that includes going after not just the middle and the groups, hezbollah, for example, that has perpetrated this attack but also looking at targets that could actually hurt iran. these could be targets in iran or could be targets outside. so think about irgc leaders that operate in iraq, syria, lebanon or other places here. there's lots of things that can be done with this. but clearly there's been a reaction by the enemy after this as well.
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>> martha: before i let you go, if these individuals take off for tehran, is it off the table to hit them there? >> well, that obviously is a decision for the president of the united states. you know, the striking in iran, satisfying as that might be, comes with a whole series of challenges that are associated with first and foremost, they have a capable air defense system, they have missile systems, their range across the season. you do have to think about the consequences of a strike in iran. now, might be different going against coastal targets or going after an iranian ship at sea than certainly going downtown tehran. there are implications for this. i suspect this is what is made this decision process so complicated. so challenging for the administration. >> martha: indeed. we know there's an iranian spy ship patrolling the red sea area that could become a target as
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well. general votel, thanks very much. good to see you. >> great to be with you. >> martha: the president's migrant crisis hitting all corners of america these days. lawrence jones is back in new york after his reporting journey to several hard-hit cities. >> at what point does your city reach its breaking point? >> yeah, i think our city is very close to it now. we've been talking to leaders in d.c., around the country why we need to take action here. >> it's an invasion. they're using asylum. some say they were living better where we were. >> martha: lawrence jones joins me next. monthly payments under control. call newday! while credit card rates can be 22% or more
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>> don't get me wrong. it's great that they want to help the immigrants, but what about the americans already here? what about the people that are already here that don't have homes? that don't have jobs. that are sleeping on the street already. it's going to destroy our community more and mess our children up more. why are they not helping the people here first? >> martha: so we've heard a lot of that kind of sentiment across the country. we heard it at the town halls in chicago and that was a mom in massachusetts speaking with "fox and friends" co-host lawrence jones at a community center in boston that they just let the community know that you can't come here anymore. it's going to be full of beds as a shelter for migrants. so the neighborhood kids are not going to go there to play basketball or hang out after school. lawrence has been travelling the country, talking to people affected by this crisis and
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cities far from the southern border. chicago, denver, boston. look how you get around. fly around that map. do you have a hot air balloon or something? he's back to new york. joins me now. really compelling coverage, lawrence. i've been watching this each morning. there's a common theme in what you're hearing from people. >> it's important to note that i've been telegraphing these cities for years covering the violence, the poverty, the broken education system. and the leaders refuse to fix those problems on a day-to-day basis. they've been shutting down their schools for a while. so to come back to these cities and to see the leaders prioritize not the residents there and all of those issues that i just discussed but them to put the migrants here illegally first, that's why so many people are outraged. when will we see change in the voting? it's one thing to show up
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election time and make promises. it's another to slap your residents in the face after you promised that you would solve these issues. then you give the schools to the migrants. you say you don't have the funding in chicago to improve their education system. that you got to shut the school down. suddenly you find the funding to put the migrants in there. you shut down the health centers when they can't afford healthcare. you say you don't have the money. but they open up for the migrants. it's a common theme. if i'm the president after i just came back from iowa and new hampshire and saw the number 1 issue for voters across all racial background is the border, i'd be very concerned. >> martha: you make a great point. i was looking at a study this morning that showed that inner city kids, kids in urban areas, suffer the most in terms of learning loss during covid. nobody talks about it. nobody talks about how -- what are we doing to catch the kids
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up? it's just gone. they're a disappearing generation that nobody will worry about. it makes me -- boggles my mind honestly. listen to this from kathy hochul who is the governor of new york state. okay? these very upset -- we'll talk about this more later. you have migrants in this country, they may be gang-related individuals, but basically they have assaulted police officers and then they were held for a little bit and then they were let out scot-free. so she's all upset about this now. she's on the subway. here's what she said. >> any response to police searching for additional suspects in the times square attack on police? >> get them all, send them back. you don't touch our police officers. don't touch anybody. >> martha: in case you couldn't hear that, get them all and send them back. you don't touch our police officers, you don't touch anybody. here's what she said in december of 2021. watch this. >> we want people to come here
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despite where they came from, despite the circumstances that drove them to this country, in to this state. we say you're welcome here. welcome with open arms and we'll work to keep you safe. we'll not only house you but protect you. >> i'm so over the double talk from politicians. i mean, if you want the cops to be able to deport them as she just said, reverse the sanctuary city law. allow ice to come in. because of her regulations, they're not able to do their job. it's not just her. it's all the politicians, both political parties. you is the new bill that comes out. haven't seen the text. people say you're judging it based on what's been released. release it then. then we can make a determination. the both parties will understand this very soon. there's a growing frustration with all populations go n on. i had the opportunity to go to diners and middle america and i'm in urban america. they're all saying the same
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thing. they're upset at the politicians putting other people before them, special interests before them. i think it's going to be a huge wake-up call in this next election just because of the anxiousness of people. everybody wonders why people like donald trump. the number 1 issue when he came town the escalator is the border. black americans see it, white americans, hispanics see it. if they don't wake up, this may be the issue that propels him back in to office. they should be concerned. they should. >> martha: that's the environment for it. >> people worried about a trial in manhattan. they're worried about their local community. >> martha: thanks, lawrence. great reporting all week. it's a continuum of the work you've been doing for years. you have an excellent pulse on what's going on out there. that's why we live to go to iowa, new hampshire, talk to people. you do it all the time.
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thanks. great to see you. thanks very much. so right now an arraignment is underway for some of the suspects involved in the attack on nypd officers. senator marco rubio says in this picture, you see what is happening here? this migrant flipping the bird to all the cameras as he walked out of being in custody for ant four minutes, right? marco rubio suggesting this man is telling people that you know what? he's free, he's out and probably going to spend the night in a tax payer funded shelter tonight. we'll hear from senator rubio about congress' plan to fix this mess next. killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. businesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering
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>> martha: a live look at a new york city courthouse where suspects in the beating of two police officers near a migrant shelter are expected to face a judge. many police officers are standing in that courtroom. they want to see how this plays out. look at this. this is one of the other suspects giving the media two middle fingers as he walked out, went free. no bail. that's the way it works here in new york city and a lot of other cities around the country. here's the surveillance of the actual attack. you can see this swarm kicking and punching these police officers in this video. that was saturday night in times square. they say they were trying to break up a disorderly crowd near the migrant shelter. let's go to san diego now.
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this guy said he saw a boat flooring it and landing on the beach. the people took off, left the boat. no word where they went. if they're migrants, here illegally. nobody knows at this point. meanwhile, senators from both parties are trying to cut a deal that would improve this situation. former president trump is now denying reports that he's trying to block that deal so that he can run on a terrible system and try to fix it once he's in. that would be obviously ten months from now at least. watch this. >> is it true that you told people that you don't want to see democrats, particularly president biden get a win on this? >> i didn't say that. i did say that you have to -- you're not going to get a great border bill, don't do a bill. if you're not -- if it's not going to solve the border problem, don't do the bill. that was very important to me. a lot of people do call me.
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they respect me. they say, what do you think? if the bill is not going to be a great bill and really solve the problem, i wouldn't do it at all. not for political reasons. just for u.s. reasons. >> martha: let's bring in marco rubio, vice chairman of the intelligence committee and a member of the foreign relations committee. he endorsed former president trump last month. good to have you with us. thanks very much. let's start there. is this a good bill and is it going to fix the problem to your satisfaction and are you supporting it? >> well, first of all, we don't know what the bill is. it's not out yet. i can't give you an opinion on a bill that isn't written, nobody has read. nobody has seen it yet. doesn't mean it's bad or good. i don't know what it is. joe biden does not need a bill if he wants to enforce the border. this border crisis began when he took office because on his first day in office, he wiped out all the trump proposals. people coming here illegally, they don't know the immigration laws. they don't know the details of
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asylum laws. what they know is if you come, turn yourself in, they will process you and release you and probably get to stay here the rest of your life. that's what they know because that's what other people have done and causing more people to come. the only thing that will stop this is to change that. for people to know if you're here illegally, you won't be held. until we get back to that, this crisis will continue no matter what law we pass. >> martha: you're right. all of these people flooding to the border learn that they're going to be held in a detention center for 90 days and the likelihood that they will be sent back after all of that is very, very high, if they don't meet the asylum border -- if they don't meet the asylum requirements, excuse me, what kind of impact would that have on their about thinking about coming to this country? >> a lot less people would come.
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i live in miami. i interact with people that have come illegally, that have sent money via cash app and people to traffic their relatives here. they all tell you, they basically say we know if you get to the border and get in, they'll release you. you have an 85, 95% chance of being released in to the country. that's why they're coming. biden made that clear. those are policy choices. those are choices that he made about who to detain, who not to detain, who to release, how to release them and what to give them when you release them. if he's not willing to do that, he's not going to do anything on the border no matter what law we pass. >> martha: he said last week if that bill were the law today, i would shut down the border right now said joe biden. let's remind people what he said on september 12th in the middle of the presidential debate when he ran to be president. watch this. >> i would in fact make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border all of those people seeking asylum.
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we're a nation that says if you want to flee, fleeing oppression, you should come. >> martha: senator, as we understand it, this bill, you're going to get to read it in the next 24 to 48 hours. a, is that your understanding and b, you know, do you think that this is going to be something that you'll be able to get behind once you read it? i'm sure you've heard as many of the elements that are in it as you can. are we going to get relief on this issue, democrats, republicans and americans? >> again, i don't know what's in the bill. i'll reserve judgment. i'm going to tell you right now, i don't believe the president that right now went all the way to the supreme court to fight against border security, the fight against texas. he should be thanking texas. that that president is somehow going to enforce a stricter law on the border? he doesn't want to do this. he won't do it no matter what law we pass. >> martha: senator rubio, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: we look forward to speaking with you. there's more to talk about. we have ukraine in that bill, israel in that bill and you are
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an expert on foreign policy. hope we speak with you soon. >> thank you. >> martha: coming up, my one-on-one with nikki haley as she battles it out to try to close the gap against former president trump in brand new polling from her home state of south carolina. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food.
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>> martha: democracy 24. let's take a look. a new poll shows former president trump leading former south carolina governor nikki haley in her home state by 26 points. she has closed the gap by a couple of points since september in the monmouth university washington poll. with three weeks to go, she has been barnstorming her state. republican presidential candidate nikki haley joins us now. governor haley, good to see you. thanks for joining us today. >> great to be with you. thanks so much. >> martha: give us a sense. we talked in iowa, we talked in new hampshire. you know, the gap was larger obviously in iowa than trump beat you by 11 points in new hampshire. so how much would you have to close this gap, which is about 26 points apart in your home state of south carolina in order for you to say i'm going to get going? >> first of all, you have to go back to new hampshire. we moved 25 points in three weeks prior to the election in
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new hampshire. if you're going to talk about this poll today, i would say you should also talk about the quinnipiac poll that came out showing that donald trump loses to biden by seven points. i beat biden by more than seven points. so the fact is, this comes down to trump lost in 2018. he lost in 2020, he lost in 2022. how many times do we have to lose to realize that we have to get this right? when we look at the situation, we will have a female president. it will either be me or it will be kamala harris. if you nominate donald trump as the republican nominee, joe biden will win and kamala harris will become president. that's a fact. we're going around the state. we're reminding them that we've got the toughest illegal immigration law in the country. president obama sued us over it and we won. we passed voter i.d. we reminded them that we did
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pension reform, cut taxes and we became the beast of the southeast from all the injuries that we brought. south carolinians know that. they know donald trump was they president. they know what he did and know that i was a good governor. we'll show them that we can also be a good president. >> martha: you have a record and you're pointing out your record. people have things that they like and don't like when they have seen you in action. right now donald trump is at 62% in terms of who do you trust more to handle immigration. you're at 22%. the economy, 60 donald trump, nikki haley 21. even on abortion, he's at 35 and you're at 26. so you know, you do have three weeks. as you point out, you had big movement in new hampshire during that time. what do you think will be the single most important thing in closing that gap? once again, how tight does it have to be for you to look at your supporters and say, i'm going to go all the way through to super tuesday? what is the measure for that?
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>> we just want to show we're competitive. >> so not win? you don't feel like you have to win? >> i don't think we have to win. we have to continue to be competitive. we have to continue to show that we're strong. that's what we're going to focus on. we have to look at the fact that when you talk about what's happening on the border, it's horrific. donald trump supported amnesty. i was the opposite. i did the toughest illegal immigration law in the country. there is a difference there. if you're going to -- >> martha: how so? i'm sure he would take issue with that, governor. tell me how so. >> it's a fact. he did a proposal for daca and wanted amnesty. that happened while he was president. the same way that he propose add 25 cent gas tax per gallon when he was president. he supported and praised president xi a dozen times after the china gave the world covid. he had a good economy. yes. but at what cost?
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he puts $8 trillion in debt in four years. our kids will never forgive us for it. there's a lot of differences between this. more than that, do we want two 80-year-old candidates when we know we need someone for eight years that mr. be strong and focused? 70% of americans, we have to respect 70% of americans said they didn't want a biden and trump rematch. the majority of americans disprove of trump and disprove of biden. >> martha: when you look at the swing state polls, it's a different story. you have this grumpy old men campaign. people can take a look here. the rematch that nobody wants. but it appears, you know, as much as we've watched these numbers over the last many months that shows that people don't want this we match, in the polling we've seen, it appears that they do, especially in the swing states where trump is
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leading by a lot. >> he can't win independents and suburban women. there's a lot of other republicans he's not winning. in the poll from quinnipiac, he's down 7% to biden go to we'll continue this movement and continue our fight. our country deserves better. we can't continue in this chaos. >> martha: you know the trump team would say that you got 30% or whatever it was of republican voters, that you got a lot of independent voters and democrat voters in new hampshire. do you think -- when i look at you in the independent vote, you're quite strong in this recent polling. do you see that as a negative or as a positive when you look across the country? >> it's why i'm the only one that defeats biden. republicans have to quit pushing people away. this is a story of addition. we need everyone. we lost the last seven out of
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eight popular votes for president. we want to win the majority of americans. if i bring reagan democrats, in i'll take it. you know what we do get to do? we win with double digits and stop the division and stop the chaos and heal. this is not personal about trump, this is the fact that we need to win. we will lose if donald trump is our nominee. >> martha: what was your reaction when the rnc was trying to nudge you out and changed their tune on it? quickly. >> trump was pushing them to do that. he wanted to be named the presumptive nominee. two states have voted. you need 1,215 delegates. i'm not going anywhere. we have to go longer than that. we don't do coronations in america. we have to late the 48 states decide and that's what we're going to do. >> martha: we'll continue to follow the candidates and speak
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along the way. good to see you, governor. >> go to and join us. >> martha: coming up, john walsh, the most wanted host, not the most wanted in america, but he's the most wanted host. the mysterious death. this story is more intense all the time of the three kansas city chiefs fans. that story with john walsh coming up next. arthritis and psoriasis. psc i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> martha: these three men found dead in their friend's back yard two days after they went to his home to watch the kansas city chiefs game. this is brand new video from the police the night that they discovered the bodies. it shows them handcuffing jordan
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willis who loves at the home. he said he was inside mostly sleeping for two days while he's friends' bodies were in the back yard. a witness says that willis was uncuffed. they say he's not considered a suspect and that this is not being investigated as a homicide according to police that told that handcuffing like this is not uncommon in this type of situation. so as we await the autopsy results in the deaths of these three men. let's get more from john walsh, most of "america's wanted" on fox. john, great to have you with us. great to have the new show on fox. thanks for being with us. so what is your take on what happened here? >> a lot of things will happen. so we're waiting for the toxicology report. nowadays police move cautiously. the one thing they don't want to do is spook a possible suspect. they have to prepare a case for
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the d.a. so many d.a.'s let people go with no bond and they go. so if he did something, if he gave his friends some kind of drug, maybe he did it accidentally. all over america now, the gangs are getting fentanyl from the cartels and making their own opioids. they have pill makers. they have everything. you can go on snap chat. there's guys on there that say herety menu of the day. all the drugs and opioids. a 17-year-old girl was studying for college boards and her finals as a senior. she read an article that college kids used adderall to stay up ad study. she was dead within 16 hours. there was a law that was passed by this administration that you can't sue a tech company.
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but this guy, if he's dirty, they don't want him to run. they make mistakes and drive the guy out and he goes. maybe he's a serious druggy. he entered rehab. maybe it's not unusual that a drug guy will sleep for 24 hours. >> martha: all three of them died, you know, probably within the same time frame. there's one report that one of them was on a lawn chair. one of the girlfriends showed up two days later because she was trying to reach the homeowner and her boyfriend. so she wendt over to find out what was going on. found all of these people dead. i mean, if -- also one of them had a pharmaceutical license. so obviously the toxicology will have a lot of answers here. >> they might have all taken the same thing and passed out and died. the creep inside that wasn't coming out -- i know a lot of guy as digited to drugs. they're meth addicts and they'll sleep for 24 hours or longer
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than 24 hours. it's not unusual this guy stayed inside. it was freezing. maybe he didn't see them outside. i know the cops are waiting on the toxicology. i bet whoever provided that, one of the guys that died outside or the guy in the house, they took something, it was a mixed batch. they put fentanyl in every drug. >> martha: it's so crazy that you can buy it on snap chat and kids can have it delivered to their home. i do want to talk about kathy hochul, the governor of new york and this case where police officers were beaten in times square. then these lovely guys come out of being held or questioned for five minutes and they're flipping the bird at the media, just laughing as they walk out, this is kathy hochul singing a different tune than she has in the past. watch. >> any response to police searching for additional suspects in the times square attack on police?
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get them all and send them back. you don't touch our police officers. you don't touch anybody. >> martha: get them all and send them back now. don't touch our police officers, john. >> ten million of these people were let in with no i.d. so here's a whole bunch of guys that pile on these cops, they arrest them. they catch some of them. some got away. maybe i'll like at those films and profile them. they were allowed to come in. at the border they tell you tonight bring any i.d. what good is that? they arrest them. they're never coming back to trial. they don't care. it's obscene. it boils my blood. no other first world country on this planet will allow you to beat up a policeman, assault a policeman and take you back to the station. you refuse to give them i.d. and they let you go? what kind of police work is that? >> martha: even the governor, i guess having a moment of clarity here, find them and send them
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back what country can you go into and commit a crime and assault a police officer? just picture a number of other countries getting away with this. they don't just immediately deport you. >> i've been all over the country, caught guys in 45 countries. you can't assault a police officer in a first world, second word or third world country and be let go and renews to give them i.d. i'd say we're holding you until you come up with some verifiable i.d. so we know where you are, where you live, where did you come from? nicaragua, guatemala, are you tied up with the gangs? i'd let you maybe, maybe bond out. because they're a big flight risk. if you or i did that, we would be flight risk. the bond would be huge. these punks are coming out and giving everybody in america that walked across the border for a better life and bet a come up in broad daylight and get out with no bond and give us the finger.
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is that who we want? >> martha: i don't know where they're going to flee to. they like it here. they'll probably stay in a new york hotel or tax shelter. free food. everything that they want and they get to go kick new york city police officers that spend their day trying to protect the city. so john, good to see you. hope we see more of you in the coming months this week. have your show on fox. >> we're coming back strong. good ratings. i'm going to catch some of these bastards. >> martha: thanks, john walsh joining us. so this is samuel at two days old. three pounds. he was surrendered to a kentucky fire station by his mom in 2022 with a note that said "i love you". now samuel is in his forever home thanks to chris and brittany tyler who credit god for bringing this little boy into their lives. we'll talk to them next.
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>> martha: a newborn baby left at a firehouse in kentucky. we covered this story when he was two days old in a safe haven baby box that is temperature controlled so that a mom can drop a child off if she cannot take care of it. a little note put in there with him that said "i love you". now almost two years later, he officially has a new family. chris and brittany tyler join us now with their son, samuel. chris and brittany, thanks so much. samuel, good to have you with us today. this is a great story. i know that you have fostered i think 16 children, right, chris? >> yeah, that's right.
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yeah, we've been foster parents now for seven years. we've had -- now up to 17 children. we have another foster here in the house a little younger than sam. >> so brittany, tell us about when you heard about him being dropped off and what went through your mind and how you all come to become a family. >> well, there was a news article that was supposed online the day that he was surrendered. i read the article. i told chris about it. prayed all weekend that we would be the foster home called to take him in. and that was a thursday. monday afternoon, we got the call asks if we would be available to take him. we said yes immediately. we were able to start visiting him at the hospital the very next day. >> martha: chris, what do you say about his birth mom making this choice to find one of these safe haven baby boxes at fire
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stations and other sort of city facilities in 14 states across the country? this is an option for moms. >> yeah, we think the world of her. we may never know her, we may never have a chance to meet her. there's a place in our hearts that we cherish and love her for what she's done for sam. if she happens to see this or ever anything else that might show his picture, his is adorable, we just hope that she sees how healthy and happy he is. i hope that she knows that we do love her. >> martha: he is adorable. we're looking at him on a fire truck and smiling away. today is my adoption day. tell us about that day, brittany, about the dayna you officially became a family. i know you have two of the foster children you've had. you've adopted two other children as well. is that right? >> yes. yeah, we adopted two others a few years ago.
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then we just finally adopted him in december. so the sign that we held, we used it for the first two kids. it's special to use it again for him and use it again for our next one. really special to have so many family and friends join us at the courthouse for that proceeding and to make it official. we're really excited. >> so chris, how is he doing? how is your family doing and you have a busy household. i think you have one other foster daughter that is with you now. tell people, what is your life like? this is obviously something that most people, you know, don't experience. so what is life like for you guys? >> yeah, it is a lot that we end up doing. a lot of normal family things. different sports. different things like doctor visits and whatnot. but there's also instances where we will see social workers or
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special trainings that we go to. there's certain things that sometimes we're able to see some of the other foster children, foster families or they get to see each other and play. so there is a good deal of work and time commitment that goes into it. but the idea that we're able to help these children, take care of them, love them, it is worth it. >> martha: you're a beautiful family. we thank you so much for being with us. we just encourage other moms to take this route. your child, sam, has found a wonderful parents, wonderful family. thanks for being here. we'll keep in touch. >> thank you. >> martha: that's "the story" for today this thursday, february 1. the story goes on. see you tomorrow. >> neil: well, the big labor show down could be on. president joe biden in michigan teaming up with united auto workers. last week they endorsed him for president. now what are the teamsters going to do afteet


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