tv The Five FOX News February 1, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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going on with their time or their life. i'm a little upset over all though because i decided to become a lions fan finally come on from the detroit area, after they made it to that game and then they did what they always do, get everybody's hopes up and then blow it in the second half. >> neil: they lost to come again come at a time when all of this gets attention, to now we are looking at two premier quarterbacks in the best shape of their lives. the fact is, it's a big game and a big moment, and the people who are picking them apart, they are not in a super bowl, are they? >> they would also never say it to his face. >> neil: no, no. keep fighting on, patrick, you are doing a fine job. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino month judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ governor gavin newsom would like
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to speak to the manager. the liberal governor earning the nickname of california karen after snitching on a target employee. newsom was recalling a time when he personally witnessed a brazen theft in a store and overheard an employee blaming him for it. >> the woman says, oh, he is just walking out, he didn't pay for that. i said, why are you stopping them? she goes, oh, the governor. swear to god, true story appeared on my mom's grave. the governor lowered the threshold. there is no accountability. i said, that's just not true. she looks at me twice and then she freaks out, she calls everyone over, wants to take photos. no, i'm not taking a photo. we are having a conversation, where is your manager? how are you blaming the governor? it was $380 later, and i was like, why am i spending threaded $80, everyone can walk the hell right out. >> dana: right, but newsom seems to be oblivious to the laws in his own state, namely proposition 47. that is the law that many say emboldened the criminals by
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letting them steal up to $950 worth of goods without facing any serious consequences. retailers are the only businesses suffering. a denny's in oakland is shutting at doors for good after 50 years of soaring crime. there goes your grand slam. walgreens closing on multiple locations across boston. that struck a nerve with squad congresswoman ayanna pressley come seems to blame racial discrimination. >> these closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent, they are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination. shame on you, walgreens. walgreens is a multibillion-dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their mouth is and stop -- >> this time is expiring. >> dana: they are making this week feel very long, greg. >> greg: it is thursday. >> dana: it is thursday. governor newsom, oblivious? >> greg: i think he is amazing. i think they found three words
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to best describe him: where is the manager? america needed a name for a male karen, and it is gavin. gavin is such a great name for a male karen. i feel bad for all of the gavins out there watching, probably 300 or 400, but he didn't come i didn't. it combines in that moment the sense of entitlement and the desire to complain, right, that is the definition of what this person is. i'm surprised he didn't pull out his phone and start roaming the poor clerk, who has essentially given up. it's not her fault. she is just giving up because she is not allowed to do anything because the insurance companies will come down. but in that moment you saw an example of how liberal leaders are wholly divorced from the consequences of their politics. they are upstream from the damages they cause. no one is stealing x cargoes from the french laundry. they are a target stealing razors and toothpaste. all the rest of us when we walk
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into cvs, like we are inside a giant vending machine, everything is locked up. that is all because he lives upstream from the results of this policies. it's amazing that he's shocked about the most publicized problem in his state: mass theft. edit is something he is in charge of. this is like a guy slicing onions and can figure out why he is crying. or a president who was wondering, how did this migrant crisis happen? when he doesn't have a border. and the fact that he is actually claiming, we are the tenth best on crime, how does that help his person at her job? it was great. thank you. >> dana: thank you, gavin. there is a move to repeal prop 47. this was a kamala harris, when she was the ag, that was the era when this soft on crime bill came through. now there is an effort to repeal it. 89% of voters support changing prop 47 and the governor does not seem to be aware. >> jesse: i was in target the
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other day and everything had been cleared off the shelves by shoplifters except stacks of that sweater greg is wearing. [laughter] it was the one thing they didn't steal. >> greg: very good. >> jesse: i love newsom, and gavin is a great name for a male karen. he basically was like, don't you know who i am? and it was more of a blow to his ego that he wasn't recognized then the larceny that is taking place throughout his state. they are writing laws in california that makes crime pay, and he is totally unaware of it. i have a suggestion for gavin. remember the show "undercover boss?" >> dana: i love that show. >> jesse: the bosses were dressed as the regular people on shift and figure out what everybody thought of them? you should do that. throw on one of those little glasses with the nose and mustache, or even a blonde weed, dress, whatever it takes. go to the homeless shelters. go to the hood, go to the restaurants and find out the truth because that is the only way he is going to find out. now ayanna pressley represents brock sperry, that area in
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massachusetts. they are closing down a lot of walgreens, predominately black area and a lot of people work at the walgreens predominantly black and they are getting ransacked and assaulting employees and they cannot make money there so she is saying it is racist to avoid crime. if you leave a criminal infested area, that's racist. you are supposed to stay in the crime-ridden neighborhood and let your employees and your customers get assaulted and lose money because that's how you fight racism. being the victim of crime. that would be like gutfeld knocking off the mcdonald's day after day after day. mcdonald's then closes, i can't get a double big macs, and i don't blame greg. i blame the mcdonald's? no. it's the hamburger right there. that's who is guilty. >> dana: in his outfit. judge, the other thing is, companies, especially retail companies and starbucks have
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told their employees, you can't stop people from stealing. you can't get in the way. we have to basically sit back and let them. and if they have got involved, then they get fired. >> jeanine: they get fired, yeah. it shows gavin newsom's -- how egotistical he is and how on unconnected he has to work her spirit is not just the caring part of it, where call your manager, when he says i'm not taking a photo. she recognizes the governor has a role as it relates to crime and he is not doing enough. i was spoke to eric seidel, one of the people running for d.a. against gascon. he said it is proposition 47 is bad enough -- and by the way, gavin newsom was lieutenant governor in 2014 when that law was passed. he didn't complain about it then. but the problem of proposition 47 is that repeat offenders get to do it over and over and over again and no one has addressed the fact that you get a freebie
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950, 950, 950, 950, that is where the problem is. it is in the policy and the enforcement. but i do want to say, not only does targets that you can't arrest them in our store, we did that a couple months ago, they say you can't confront them, either, and one of the employees said all we do is we simply document how much they stole. but i want to say something about ayanna pressley. i feel for what she is saying. because the minority community is losing the ability to have a lifeline of medications from drugstores that they desperately need. and here is where the problem is. she doesn't understand what the root cause is. the root cause is crime. and she's got to, instead of going after corporate walgreens, she's got to say, we've got to fight crime, stop the crime so that employees can go in and the minority community can get the menace and that they want. she feels walgreens somehow is like a state-sponsored
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corporation and walgreens should be charged or somehow responsible. no, this is capitalism. go after the real problem. >> dana: richard, it is good to have you back. let me give you the floor, you can comment on anything you want to. >> there's a lot to comment on. i agree with the judge. what the congresswoman was trying to say come in communities of color where you see health disparities going on, the ideal of being able to get your prescription drugs for senior citizens a block of way is really. we do have to figure out how we work on addressing some of these crimes and how we work on making sure these pharmacies have the other things that they need, like lotions and soaps that are being stolen. but i also think it is important to applaud where we have been. at the beginning of the canned i make we saw skyrocketing crime. all across the country what we are seeing now is a decrease in crime. decreased 8% nationwide, violent crime, property crime decreased 6.3%, in chicago, fatal shootings have decreased
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16%, homicides have decreased 13%. >> greg: they ran out of victims. >> richard: we have seen the fewest murders in the last decade. baltimore. detroit the least amount of murders since 1966. these are good things and we should applaud that. now what can we do to make sure people are not stealing from the walgreens and stealing from the cbs? it is important to applaud the policies already working there in chicago, peace agreements between gangs, access to more resources in communities of color, where we are seeing high levels of crime, to decrease folks getting into crime to begin with. steps in the right direction. >> greg: the policies that are working? are you talking about more police end? >> richard: in some places in chicago, opening 24-hour rec centers so young people have someplace to go instead of going to violent crime, also seeing them creating more resources in schools, right, so you can talk to a guidance counselor, talk to a social worker about what is happening in your home, instead of having to resort to a gang or
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to get -- >> dana: but on this particular issue, do you blame walgreens for making the decision they are making? >> richard: look, i've said all along on this issue, when you thing about cashless bail, which is one of the issues that gets to people committing crimes at this walgreens. crimes of desperation and crimes of doing stupid things. a mom walks into walgreens and steele's baby formula, the response is not to arrest her -- >> dana: we are not talking about john bulging. >> greg: an argument that is so old. >> richard: still true. >> jeanine: i don't know how a cop who would make an arrest in that case. >> richard: there was a time when stealing baby formula. >> greg: laughed at about two years ago for saying that. >> dana: somebody was stealing bread. come on, richard. >> richard: telling the truth. >> dana: we all love gavin, he is not a karen. one of the illegal immigrants who pounded a cop to the ground and then walked free shows america exactly what he thinks
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's the picture that sums up all the madness in our country: one of the illegals who wailed on two nypd officers in times square and got no bill flipping not one but two birds as he walked out of court. 22-year-old illegal giving two middle fingers to the country that welcomed him in. he is one of the seven migrants arrested for the cop beat down. so let me get this straight: he strolled across the border, given free shelter, beat up cops
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and suffer no consequences on this and how he thinks us? and his other cop-beating buddies were just as gracious, seen blowing kisses and smiling after they left court. and there was another delightful bird siding. >> [bleep] you. [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. >> jesse: but it looks like liberal leaders are done being embarrassed by the ungrateful illegals. new york governor kathy hochul and new york city mayor eric adams are ready to send these bird-flipping migrants south for the winter. >> your response to police searching for additional suspects in the times square police. >> get them all and send them back. you don't touch our police officers. you don't touch any of them. >> those who are breaking our laws, we need to re-examine the laws that don't allow us to deport them. >> jesse: but some have already flown the coop. "new york post" reported police belief or of the criminals have artie hopped on a bus to california. they allegedly gave fake names to a nonprofit that helps migrants get out of the city.
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judge jeanine, if you were representing one of these illegals, would you recommend the double bird? >> jeanine: well, let me tell you this. if i were representing them, it would be in my next life. [laughter] >> dana: it is a cold day in times square. >> jeanine: you are talking about flipping the bird, the middle finger, the mayor, the d.a., the president, and the governor are all flipping us the middle finger. and i'll tell you why. the first problem is alvin bragg. alvin bragg didn't ask for any bail, these are class c violent felonies. you can get bail, he didn't ask for bail, i want to know why pure number two, why didn't alvin bragg put this case and the grand jury so they could have been arraigned in superior court and had bail set and then they wouldn't have gone to california. that is where alvin bragg screwed up. governor hochul says now it is a good idea after a reporter asked her. what i want to hear from the governor is this. i am putting it in my governor's
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legislative package and i want the legislative -- legislature to vote on deportation, okay? the mayor is a former cop. i don't want to hear him just talking and talking. what he's got to do is call the d.a. and say, what are you doing and why are you not asking for bail? and in addition to that, the mayor should be headlining an effort to make the assault of a police officer and offense for which they can call in i.c.e. because new york is a sanctuary city, you can only call in i.c.e. on certain crimes. if the mayor really meant what he is saying he could say today, i want the council to change and include assault on a police officer. that is they fixed they are. the problem with joe biden and his giving us the middle finger is the border. texas has just proved it. since the end of january, texas because of its border and because of what they are doing to prevent them from coming in a
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huge drop in immigration and it is coming in through arizona and california. let me say one more thing about this. these -- i don't even want to call them people because they are not people. these people come here and they say they want asylum and we suckers believe it. they don't respect authority. they take authority down. one of the other ones we didn't know about yesterday was charged with resisting arrest. he pushed a cop last time a cop arrested him. in addition to their beating down arrest. i am sick and tired of hearing this nonsense. they traveled 3,000 miles through the gap, one of the most dangerous places in the world, because they want to be part of the american dream. bologna, they don't want to be part of the american dream. they don't want to swear allegiance, they don't show up for their asylum hearings, and 85% of them who do don't get asylum. >> jesse: richard, why won't democrats deport people like this? >> richard: i think they're trying to. >> jesse: what do you mean trying to? >> richard: i agree with everything the judge said. >> jeanine: again? >> richard: again. but here's what we know to be
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true. you talk to the folks in senator christian cinema's office, she briefed the press a couple days ago, there is a border bill that the democrats and republicans are working to get done that would secure the border, it would end folks who cross -- if you cross illegally you could go immediately to jail and then be medially deported. it would allow the federal government to buy plans to do faster deportations, right, it would hire more border personnel. it would increase the amount of immigration judges, so right now if somebody is seeking asylum in this country and they get a notice to go to court, they don't see a judge until 2027. this bill would speed that up. sadly, given all of that, we have folks in the house that say they are going to vote no on this just because. that's problematic. >> jeanine: joe biden got rid of made in mexico -- he got rid. >> richard: i'll give you that. but, judge, also, last week in south carolina, the president said, let's secure this border and let's pass this bill right
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now. >> jesse: he doesn't need congress. he can do it himself, richard. >> richard: why not have congress do it? >> jesse: they don't need to. >> richard: buy more planes, hire more judges, hire more border patrol. >> greg: i love that photo. can you put that up there again? that is a great photo. and i love that we blurred the finger. i think we can handle it, you know. it is not like we are trying to protect the identity of his middle finger. it is not like his finger is under age. it's true. i think it is important to see the reality of this situation, right? is a picture is worth a thousand words, that one is worth 10 million. an old adage in television come if you want to see the truth, turn the sound off, i do that with jesse's show. [laughter] when you take away all the ranting and raving on the politics and the grandstanding and the shrieking, one singular photo tells you the nature of
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human behavior. they disrespect to you because they can. they disrespect you because you are weak. what you are seeing right there is how far we have gone down this path. there is no disincentives, there is no consequences. it is the land of the free for criminals. the american dream is america reamed when these people come here and i do think, you know, the busing of the migrants and sanctuary cities was a brilliant move. the next step is transporting any illegal with a record to the neighborhood of the elites who support these policies because something tells me these migrants won't be trimming your hedges or doing her dishes. >> jesse: dana? >> dana: well, one thing about these guys that escaped -- i think it will turn out to be five of them. they used false i.d.s to get on the buses. so there is another crime. and also they said they were going to california. anyone believe they are going to make it all the way to california? so now they are going to be in
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some other place, welcome to middle america, and now they have a problem. hopefully they will be too dumb to get off at a century city or state. hopeful he by i.c.e. and get deported. today 1 150 house democrats votd against deporting illegal immigrants who have duis. 150 democrats voted against that. maybe there's something else in the bill, but over and over republicans are putting them on record as to what they want and what they believe. >> jesse: okay. if we are going to put anything on record, my show is pretty good with the volume down. [laughter] >> greg: you still get the rating. >> jeanine: because you look great. >> jesse: thank you, judge. joe biden's green g hod gets dumber. the biden administration is now classifying martha's income as low income to pump up his pricey electric vehicles. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: how is this for a green energy scam? the biden administration classifying some of the most elite and axles of locales as low income areas so they get wealthy tax credits. favorite vacation spot martha's vineyard, joe biden's rehoboth beach, delaware, where he keeps the corvette among other things. speaking of the big guy, bragging about electric buses breaking down in cities across the country. >> we are going from this to this. >> whoa! >> we received funds from your administration, $21 million, to purchase electric buses, and so we are on a way to having a low to no emission transit state and city of houston.
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>> want to get a job done, give it to a mayor. >> greg: seems to be in denial is more car companies pull the plug on electric cars. >> this movement toward electric vacation is inexorable, it is happening, ceos will tell you they are not pulling back or reversing the trend. they may be slowing a little bit, but honestly, i think this is a snowball that is going downhill in a hurry. >> greg: faster than an ev c car. jesse, why would they choose martha's vineyard? is it so the help can get to the estates of the rich and powerful? is this something selfish disguised as climate -- >> jesse: if they can reclassify a man is a woman they can reclassify a vineyard as the projects. whatever they want, greg, it's just words beer the average price of a house is $2.3 million in martha's vineyard. i don't think barack obama would
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move to a low income neighborhood. same with montauk, there is calvin klein, some of judge jeanine's wealthy friends out there. no one really is going there without -- so john kerry, i think, spike lee come all have homes here. no one in a low income situation needs an ev plug-in. have you seen johnny go to the project? joe biden has just given this neighborhood $30 million. and they will go, yeah! what do you need? we need knew this and knew that. sorry, you are getting electric car plug in and they go, what the f! no one wants this stuff! >> greg: it's true. why would they do this? they figure that neighborhood would be amenable to it? >> dana: they are looking for the early adopters because -- and with any new technology, it takes early adopter to be comfortable with all of the discomforts of it emma frustrations. for these people, it is their third or fourth car and they
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cost $60,000. they don't care they can afford to have something like this on the beach or the vineyard because you took your private plane to get there. >> greg: that is true. richard, it is not a replacement for anything for the rich and powerful, it is an adjunct. is that the right turn? >> richard: i tend to agree with that. dana makes a point. i think part of it is getting to early adapters. i think the other part, when you look at the policy and you talk to some of the folks in the biden administration, they would say to you, we are trying to create a network of power charging stations, so you can drive from california to new york city without -- >> jesse: richard, it's an island. nantucket is an island. and it's this big. >> richard: hold on a minute. listen, i'm going to be the explainer in chief for just a second. if you look at the u.s. census data, nantucket and montauk are considered rural communities. i'm not lying to you, this is what the census data says. so the ideal is you need to put
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charging stations in rural communities, whether it is in mississippi or is in new york. >> dana: i tried to take it seriously, but i can't. >> richard: go to the census data -- >> dana: i meant taking the whole idea of putting these in martha's vineyard. >> richard: i'm not defending it come i'm telling you what the policy says. i hear that. i tend to agree with you. i'm telling you what the policy is and isn't. i think the goal is to try to create a nationwide power charging system so you can drive your expensive tesla across the country. >> jeanine: i'm next. i don't know what the number is, we did this a couple weeks ago, $7 billion or something, and they had it installed one charging station. of this administration is really on their game. that loser, granholm, the energy secretary, this thing is going to snowball. is she kidding? first of all the electric vehicle interest in one year from 49% to 41% but among
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generation z it went from 61 to 49%. and all of this hogwash about putting it in low income places, greenwich, the average price of a home is $1.9 million, okay? and what they are trying to do is there trying to help low income people. they are not doing that. because if they were they would put it in chicago and they are not doing that. they are putting it in martha's vineyard and greenwich because they are hoping that the rich people will buy that car. they are speaking to their next audience of who is going to buy the car? so it is a bunch of nonsense, they are all full of it and they cut production of ev cars by 50%. hertz lost something like a quarter of a billion or half a billion dollars in rentals. it's a night where. >> greg: all right, speaking of nightmare. up ahead, elon musk goes for a walk with his human night bought. ♪ ♪
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♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: should we fear the robot revolution? elon musk is freaking people out again after posting this video, which shows him taking tesla's life-size robot for a walk. the bot's name is optimists. it stands about 5 feet 11 inches town, deadlifts 150 pounds, and runs 5 miles per hour. musk envisions a future where these bots perform "unsafe, repetitive, or boring tasks." and if that tech doesn't frighten you, how about this? people are going crazy for apple's new virtual reality goggles. the company has already sold out of its vision pro headsets, which costs a whopping $3500.
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now jesse, if you had $3500 to throw away, would you get that virtual reality headset? >> jesse: no, i'm going to get an electric bike because there are a lot of places in my neighborhood i would like to explore and when i am looking at the window of my car i keep almost hitting other cars so i'm going with the electric bike instead. my executive producer is buying one of these things, one of these tech freaks. i don't understand it. i will let him tell me how it is. why do we need all of the migrants if we have optimists, judge? optimist is going to save marriages across the country. not only going to do all of the laundry and the cooking and tidying up, going to make people less lonely, talk to wives while they straighten up or do whatever come also have it spy on people, what is my wife up to? what has she been doing? come hither. >> jeanine: he walks just like
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joe biden. >> richard: looks >> greg: looks like he sha sharted. at a moment, it is bigger than the moment before computers, internet, and smartphone -- smartphones. why couldn't i have bought some apple or microsoft stock back then? you have the opportunity now, you are at that moment, because everybody is going to have a robot, going down in price, affordable to clients, and the scope of this is beyond, i am an idiot for not buying stock. here is the rub. robots right now are like toasters. they only live in the moment. it's only alive when it's on. but what happens when it's able to develop memory by learning your likes and your dislikes, your habits and your needs, that becomes its past, right, it's got its past, its president, and when it anticipates or needs, that becomes its future, so you have a past and a present at a
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future that moves, that moves, and can make predictions based on all of your needs, so what you are going to end up with is a new version of a mind, perhaps a soul that has a history and a future and understands harm and benefit and once that happens, turning it off will be murder. scott adams makes a great point, you get this guy, he is around you and learns what you are l like, going to develop its own politics based on yours. going to have read bots and blue bots, nobody is going to want a woke bought. you are going to have robots that are going to be marching. it's true. >> jeanine: i am watching that thing fold laundry. >> dana: i am listening to greg and i am thinking -- i didn't think about it that much. all i was thinking was, if somebody could clean my closet and organize it for me i would be so happy.
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i would be best. >> greg: i have been talking about this forever. >> dana: i am concerned about jobs, are we prepared for this? on the jobs front for people, but i am excited for someone to clean my closet for me. >> jeanine: they have to know what you know i do you like. >> dana: she is going to know, i'm to call it a she. >> greg: it will be just like you. it will love country. >> dana: it can be both, greg. >> greg: nonviolent area. >> jeanine: oh, lord. do you think it should be in the shape of a human? >> richard: that's already happening, greg, we are seeing machine learning happening when you are writing emails and it starts to finish her emails for you. even on my trip to new york today. the machine is not printing your bag tags? have to put it on yourself? i miss the day where you had human cashiers and human operatives -- go >> dana: you check a bag to come to new york?
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>> greg: day now. >> dana: i can do it in a carry-on of. >> richard: i miss human interaction when you go to the grocery store, a person who knows what fruit is meant to type the number in, you can talk to the cashier and ask what size you need when you go to the store instead of having machines do these things for you, having humans and human interaction and customer service actually done by humans. >> greg: customer service now is terrible. >> richard: because it is all robotic. >> dana: if cvs could get some of these guys, open up the vending machine for you to get the deodorant. brilliant. >> jeanine: they say one of these robots go for about $25,000. if you think about what it costs per hour for something, blue collar are losing. a brave 12-year-old girl swinging a snake by its tail. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ businesses go further with 5g solutions.
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huge snake after the creepy critter tried to eat her beloved guinea pig. buckley she was able to loosen the snake's grip from her pet. judge jeanine, look at the cute dog. >> jeanine: i just saw that, that is a poodle. first of all, she has more chutzpah than most men i know. apparently she saves the guinea pig, the father does, the snake bit the guinea pig and the father gets a guinea pig out. unbelievable. >> dana: where do they live? >> jeanine: australia. >> dana: of course. >> richard: would you swing around the snake to save the guinea pig? >> jesse: no, the judge is right, braver than jesse. >> dana: i think this is evolution. there it goes. i would never have done this. i also don't know, how did she know to pick it up and start swinging it around? they are smart girls down there in australia. down under. >> greg: our researchers have to do a better job. they have this story wrong. you look it up, that is her pet
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snake being attacked by a guinea pig. by the way, this is considered exercise in australia. they grow up around large reptiles and spiders, giant spiders. we get ladybugs and butterflies. this is what they do. australians battle pythons the size of fire hoses every morning. have you ever seen interviews, news interviews, interviews, all of a sudden a snake will come behind somebody. >> richard: another day of physical education. >> dana: portals, judge. >> jeanine: two of them. >> richard: up next, we all return things from time to time. this is ridiculous come a lady brings back her coach after two years, gets a full refund without a receipt thanks to costco's generation return policies. greg, i think some folks want you to return the sweater -- >> greg: a paul smith original. by the way, more to this story. we are not hearing, something
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happened on that couch. perhaps she is getting rid of some evidence from a crime scene. there might be a body in that couch because there is something clearly wrong with a person who returns a couch. you shouldn't move a coach unless he your grandmother is trapped under it. that is my rule. >> richard: dana, would you return a couch after two years? >> dana: no, i would not. it is too much of a hassle. good will they won't even accept a barely used dog bed. >> greg: you know this. >> dana: because they are worried about bedbugs. what about a couch that is two years old? >> greg: think of all of the farts. >> richard: i'm not sure costco will put it back on the sales floor. >> jeanine: i doubt they will. >> dana: i would. >> richard: jesse, what is your take? >> jesse: well, richard, funny that you ask me, considering i am sitting right next to you. my take would be probably what you would predict. my take to be. if you think maybe i am buying time because i don't have a
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take -- [laughter] >> dana: good take. >> jeanine: you know, there could be -- >> greg: they sell couches. you could watch the super bowl they are. >> jeanine: for this woman to take the couch back, there is something about that couch that she is trying to forget. maybe it was a homicide. the cleaners came in and they cleaned it up. okay? but kudos to costco that they give you your money back. apparently they make all of your money when you end up getting a membership. i have a membership there. i have never taken anything back. >> richard: the membership is where it is at. and you can be a member of "one more thing" up after the break. ♪ ♪ remember space? and legroom? (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪)
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. ♪ >> dana: time for "one more thing." this wisconsin dad had a little slip and fall and his daughter said i know how to help you out. dad, watch here.
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>> i'm fine. just, ow. >> dana: you have to take little steps when you are out on the ice. little girl knew what she was talking about. >> dana: i can always take little steps. today is the first day of february. valentine's day is right around the corner. if you want to get back past lover where your relationship ended badly, this is for you. a new jersey animal shelter is inviting you to name a ferrell feline after an ex for valentine's day and then have it spayed or neutered because some things shouldn't breed is the slogan for the drive. [laughter] >> dana: i like it. $50. >> we got another barn berner.
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emily compagno, comedian, used to be a judge. kat timpf and of course, tyrus. let's do this. greg's absolutely disgusting news. this is orepulsive i hesitate to show it. it's much like my sweater it's an acquired taste. check out this baby sloth. look at him munching on i had business can you say flower upside down toucan ranch costa rica. rescued mariucci ona that's her name. fluffy. loves to climb, eat and grow every day. it's just. >> dana: i wonder how she swallowed that food upside down. >> greg: we will get on that. special on fox nation how two fingered sloths eat hosted by mike rowe. >> dana: riveting television. >> jesse: that apedophile explainer. an ecosexual.
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just some of the people who i interviewed for my book which is going to be out march 19th, get it together. and if you hold your phone to the side of the screen you might be able to see a qr code emerge. there is. >> greg: interviewed pedophile? >> jesse: pedophile explainer. man attracted to boy. drag queens, black supremacists, this book has everything. everything that's why i want you to preorder it now. put the phone upped to the screen, it takes you right to am zahn. i love you. do it for me. "jesse watters primetime" attack the dei thursday, everybody. >> dana: i love that richard? >> hey, everybody, black history month. also reggae month. this was a month commonnization 2008. celebrates the music's impact on jamaica's development as well as the birthday of two runs a game
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gay icons dennis brown and bob marlee's. reggae recently celebrated 50th anniversary and enjoys international influence we like to say in jamaica might be a small country. reggae is a global music trend. >> greg: what's your favorite dennis brown song? >> rich: i love me some bob marlee. grammy category. watching the grammies this weekend. reggae music will be there as well. >> dana: i just saw that tracy chapman is going to do a duet with luke colmes with fast car on the grammys, did you know that? you knew that because i showed you during the trial. >> greg: that is true. >> dana: they're telling me that's it. how can that be it. hi, bret. my hair is falling down i need to get home. >> bret: i like that song "fast car." >> dana: my hair. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier, we are coming to you tonight from fox news hawkeys from new york and breaking tonight, we have new polling informat
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