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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  February 1, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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gay icons dennis brown and bob marlee's. reggae recently celebrated 50th anniversary and enjoys international influence we like to say in jamaica might be a small country. reggae is a global music trend. >> greg: what's your favorite dennis brown song? >> rich: i love me some bob marlee. grammy category. watching the grammies this weekend. reggae music will be there as well. >> dana: i just saw that tracy chapman is going to do a duet with luke colmes with fast car on the grammys, did you know that? you knew that because i showed you during the trial. >> greg: that is true. >> dana: they're telling me that's it. how can that be it. hi, bret. my hair is falling down i need to get home. >> bret: i like that song "fast car." >> dana: my hair. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier, we are coming to you tonight from fox news hawkeys from new york and breaking tonight, we have new polling information about the
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presidential race. president biden has pulled ahead of former president donald trump in one new national poll but still trails nikki haley. this hour we are releasing the latest fox news polls showing where the candidates are in key races in a couple of key swing states in wisconsin. it is tied between the former president and president biden in georgia former president trump is up. we will bring you more of that in a bit. also movement tonight on one of the major election issues. immigration. we have a live report from capitol hill. but we begin tonight with how the president is handling another thorny topic. the israel-hamas war. and the reaction from his base. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us off live tonight from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. in a state biden needs to win this november, his revel to call for a cease-fire in gaza is costing support among key parts of his base.
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the abandon biden campaign also opposes trump. but direct guilty their votes to a third party or telling people to leave the top of the ticket blank could have a big impact in michigan where biden only won by 154,000 votes. >> a brisly reception in swing state michigan where muslim and arab american groups organizing against him for his support of hamas. >> you are absolutely not welcome in michigan. our trust stored upon through our votes has been shattered. >> biden issued executive order sanctions israeli settlers in the west bank. territory. officials deny it was time for the trip. >> >> this executive order came cabinet memo issued by jake sullivan back in november. >> hey hey, ho ho, genocide joe has got to go. >> key constituencies may have made up their minds. >> return to the white house or to israel where you belong and
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don't show your face in michigan until a cease-fire is called. >> even the united auto workers who endorsed and welcomed biden today continuing pressure. >> we called for a cease-fire. i believe they will do the right thing. >> amid anger from the left, biden faces a challenge from the right. new fox polls show voters trust trump to do a better job with the israel-hamas war by nine points in battleground wisconsin and 15 in wisconsin. national prayer breakfast. >> our prayers continue to be with the national servicemen killed. >> biden send nothing signs of a policy shift while recognizing the cost of war for gaza and u.s. troops under fire in the region. >> we'll never forget the sacrifices of service to our country that the dozens of service members who were wounded and is recovering now. >> families of the three fallen soldiers will have biden at their side tomorrow as the bodies return home. >> thank you so much for your wf comfort from a parent experienced it. >> just hang on to each other.
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>> although the president met with black faith leaders and union workers today, there was no big speech with prepared remarks. part of a recent campaign strategy to connect with people from the ground without a teleprompter. but the campaign also withheld details about the president's movement causing speculation that he might want to be avoiding protests, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thank you. there appears tonight to be significant progress on legislation to address the southern border crisis, also funds ukraine and israel. the top democrat in the senate says a border security bill specifically in there, will be posted as soon as tomorrow. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill tonight with the latest at this hour. >> that could launch the biggest senate debate on border security in years next week. lawmakers have waited for a bill since december. senate majority leader schumer expects the bill no later than sunday.
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>> that will give members plenty of time to read the bill before voting on it. addressing these challenges is not easy. but we cannot simply shirk from our responsibilities just because a task is difficult. >> schumer plans a test vote next wednesday. bill negotiator kyrsten sinema says criticisms of the bill are based on, quote, rumors and misconceptions. adding that a rumor can travel around the world before the truth dawns its shoes. that's why senators want to read the bill and a chance to alter the bill. >> the details are going to matter. next week will be a quick turn around. the thing about so important in this context the legal language matters a great deal. >> president biden demands that. the president says he has done, quote: all he can. republicans say that's rich. >> he is delusional. he has done all he can to keep the border open, to allow
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millions of illegals across our border. >> some liberals oppose the bill. but democrats are finding scapegoats if the bill blows up. >> i'm deeply surprised by the opposition coming from some of my most conservative colleagues in the house. >> this is a piece of legislation where one of the most conservative members of the united states senate james lankford at the table negotiating on their behalf. >> expect opposition to mount over the weekend. a key marker to watch does the bill earn the support of most republican senators. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill, chad, thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, we are getting new information about some of the suspects in the brutal attack on new york police officers last weekend correspondent c.b. cotton has the latest tonight from new york. >> good evening, sources tell fox news the nypd believes at
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this point five suspects could be on the run out west. this comes after these men were arraigned and released without bail? thursday afternoon, the latest arrest in a beat down officers was arraigned in court. a day prior, another suspect giving the camera the middle finger as he walked away. >> how do you feel about this country? >> over the weekend the nypd says its officers were left with bruises and scrapes after trying to disperse a rowdy crowd outside a migrant shelter in times square before taking repeated kicks and stomps. >> get them all and send them back. don't touch our police officers. you don't touch anybody. >> governor kathy hochul calling for immediate action. mayor eric adams saying a day earlier deportation laws need to be re-examined. sanctuary city laws prohibit new york city's officers for asking specifically for the immigration status of anyone involved in a crime. but this surveillance video now has people questioning the laws on the books. >> here is seven people who have
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clearly displayed that they have no respect for our laws or our city. they should be deported immediately. >> so far all the suspects who were arraigned, except for one, were released without cash bail, despite felony charges. the manhattan district attorney's office says that's because his team needed more time to investigate and specify each person's role. >> today, the justice system worked. this individual is being held on bail but we have to ask the question, why did these four individuals be released on their own recognizance? >> at this time a total of 6 migrant men have been arrested and arraigned in this case. but the nypd says it's looking for more suspects. at least 3 of the men have previous criminal cases within the manhattan criminal court system. the manhattan's d.a.'s office tells us late this evening, moments ago, bret, that it's
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investigating allegations that some of these suspects are now on the run. back to you. >> c.b. cotton in new york. thanks. three migrants in chicago are facing felony charges tonight for obtaining fake i.d. cards which they then sold to other migrants so they could gain employment. officers recovered nearly 500 phony i.d. cards, including social security cards, green cards, and drivers licenses. they also found more than $7,000 in cash and around an ounce and a half of suspected methamphetamine. florida governor ron desantis says he is sending additional personnel to the texas border to help with immigration enforcement there. the governor says up to 1 battalion of the florida northwardnational guard along we state guard deployed from texas. custom and border protection forces tell fox the large majority of the crossings at the southern border are now happening in arizona and california. they say the shift away from texas continues. about 72% of encounters over the
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last week of january were in arizona and california. numbers in the del rio sector of texas have fallen from up to 4,000 per day to about 200 >> bret: breaking tonight, a full mea culpa from the defense secretary. lloyd austin saying today he did not correctly handle his hospitalization from complications from prostate cancer surgery. secretary austin says he never considered resigning, and there was never an absence of leadership at the pentagon. secretary also talking about the current situation in the middle east and the expected military response to the death of three american soldiers from a drone strike earlier this week tied to iranian proxy groups. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the latest from the pentagon. good evening, jennifer. >> good evening, bret. facing pointed questions for the first time, secretary austin was contrite and took responsibility for keeping the president and his national security team in
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the dark about his prostate cancer and the time in the icu at a time of rising tensions in the middle east. some say the brink of war. >> i take full responsibility, i apologize to my teammates and to the american people. >> defense secretary austin walked gingerly up to the podium, still rehabilitating his leg, a post op. complication from prostate surgery. >> i want to be crystal clear, we did not handle this right and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i should have also told my team and the american public. >> he apologized for missing an opportunity to be a role model for the one in six black men diagnosed with prostate cancer who often are too embarrassed to get screened. >> the news shook me and i know that it shakes so many others, especially in the black community. it was a gut punch frankly my
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first incorporate distinct was to keep it private. the looming response to iran and proxies killing three americans. the pentagon briefed congress of its plans in a classified session wednesday. >> there has been a lot of telegraphing about targeting and responding to the drone strike. so much so that the iranian proxy leaders have left the country. some are back in tehran. is the point not to kill any iranian commanders? >> i would just tell you that, you know, we will have a multi tiered response and, again, we have the ability to respond a number -- in a number of times. [shouting] >> on tuesday night, a houthi cruise missile came within one mile of the uss gravely, just seconds away from impact. this is the closest a houthi missile has come to a u.s. warship. >> it was the first time in combat the u.s. has used the
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close-in weapons missile defense system known as cwiz. officials tell us they have completed forensic work on the remnants of the drone that killed the americans and assess it to have been manufactured in iran. bret? >> our common ground the dow surged 370. the s&p 500 finished ahead 61. the nasdaq jumped 198. up next, we will talk about the economy and the public perception of it with larry kudlow of fox business. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 9 in caldwell, idaho, as three people are killed when a building near the boise airport collapses. fire officials say nine other people were hurt. it happened at a privately owned hanger under construction. the cause of that accident still being investigated. students and parents write to a
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judge urging him to take action to get newton teachers back in school. the educators have been on strike for 10 days. they are pushing for more pay, better parental leave and a social worker in every school. and this is a live look at austin, texas from fox 7, our affiliate there one of the big stories there tonight the state of texas is suing five cities for policies regarding marijuana possession and distribution. those cities have adopted amnesty and non-prosecution policies. texas attorney general ken paxton says those practices violate texas state law. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin.
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>> bret: we mentioned at the top of the show some new fox polls in two different swing states. president biden and former president trump are even at 47% in the state of wisconsin in our latest poll. in georgia, the former president is ahead of president biden by 8 points there. now, when it comes to all of these polls, the economy factors in. take a listen to the federal
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reserve chair and former treasury secretary about the state of things. >> got six month of good inflation data and expectation that there is more to come. this is a good situation. let's be honest. >> this is a good economy. >> they now want to be careful that they don't lower inflation rates until they're sure they have inflation under control. i think we will see a significant slow down of the u.s. economy over the next six months. >> bret: two different perspectives there. while in new york we can't pass up the chance to talk about the economy face to face with our buddy. let's bring in fox business anchor larry kudlow. great to see you, larry. >> thank you. bret. >> what about that? you hear steven mnuchin talking about. >> that steve mnuchin is a very smart guy. is he a friend of mine. is he looking for a slow down. he may be right. i would agree to agree with him. in the spirit of honesty, virtually the entire economics profession expected either a big slow down or a recession last
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year from the fed to the congressional budget office to the surveys of private forecasters, including myself and it didn't happen in fact, in the last six months, honestly, g.d.p. went up much more rapidly than expected and inflation continued to decline. now, whether that is sustainable remains to be seen. there are a lot of fiscal obstacles to that and i suspect that's what steven mnuchin was talking about. >> bret: when you were in the trump administration, if you had numbers that were anything close to the numbers that they have now, you would be out on the highest mountain, you know, yelling at every media that this is great stuff. if you look at the approval numbers on the economy, the president's job performance on the economy, it is upside down. 64% disapprove. 35% approve. why is that not sticking? >> well, i think there is a couple of reasons, briefly. one is, yes, g.d.p. has grown rapidly in the second half of the year. so that's a good thing.
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and inflation has come down. another good thing. on the other hand, the legacy of inflation lingers long. and i called this the affordability crisis that continues to plague the biden administration. you see it in the polls. over the past three years, prices have increased faster than wages. even though the praise increase has calmed down quite a business. when you look at key areas, food is up about 25%. energy is up close to 30%. the overall cpi is up about 18%. so, there's a measure that economists use. it's called real average weekly earnings. it's like the typical family in the united states probably making -- think of it as $65,000 or so. adjusted for inflation. their paycheck has actually gone down almost 4 percent over three years. >> bret: it's how they feel on the kitchen table on the back of
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the envelope doing the budget how they feel about things. >> stuff is not buying what it used to buy. there is a poll out, accurate pollsters i and incite. 64% of respond dense, bret, say they're living paycheck to paycheck. now, when you look at g.d.p., you would think my goodness that's a patrick number. it was almost 5% in the third quarter and it was over 3% in the last quarter. but the reality is because of this problem, prices are still rising faster than wages, it's not a good solution. >> who deserves the credit for these numbers? >> well, look. the mistakes that were made in the biden administration and the first year with that stimulus package almost unanimously people said was not necessary and christianered the inflation. frankly they went on a pretty big spending free the second year. remember, we had the misnamed inflation reduction act, which
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was over a trillion dollars. we had a so-called semiconductor chips act that was about $400 billion, infrastructure, again. >> bret: let me interrupt you first three months of fiscal year spending overother year congressional budget office 12%. social security up 12%, medicare suspect 13 defense. veterans affairs up 16%. basically the spend something still -- >> first fiscal quarter you are absolutely right. you are up $500 billion. 21%. the deficit last year came in at just short of 8% of g.d.p. all right? this year, it looks like it's going to come in about 8 and a half percent of g.d.p. the cause is not revenues. the cause is too much spending. now, that is inherently inflationary, which means that the economy's improvement in the last six months so may not be sustainable. >> bret: going to be fascinating to watch the trajectory of this
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as we get closer to the election. larry, thank you. >> thank you, bret. appreciate it very much. >> bret: up next one democrat and one republican. we seek common ground on a number of issues. later, the media tour by the legal team that won a huge verdict in the defamation trial of former president trump. ♪ (♪) hey lexus, show alternate routes. technology that's ready for the road ahead. the lexus nx. >> i am elmer heinrich. our company sells an incredible nutritional supplement called immuno 150. now it contains 70 minerals and 80 additional nutrients.
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♪ >> i admit that that was a mistake to not talk to him about that early on. when you are the president of the united states, you have got a lot of things on your plate. so putting my personal issue on adding to his -- all the things he has on his plate. i just didn't feel that that was a thing that i should do at the time. >> bret: defense secretary austin not telling president biden about his situation. let's discuss today's comments from the defense secretary and the situation in the middle east
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in today's "common ground" segment. joining us tonight are two military veterans who serve in the house. democrat chris da luzio of pennsylvania and republican mike waltz of florida. congressman, thanks for being here. renive da luzio, january 10th oversight of the defense department through my service on the house armed services committee. that duty today requires me to call on secretary austin to resign i assume you heard today's press conference. do you stand by that statement? i can hear. general austin given country a lot. american offered a lot of service. the failure here was a clear one. you can't ever have the pentagon leave the commander-in-chief in the dark. that failure has to lay with the secretary. i don't say that lightly but i think it's what has to happen for the kind of standard we're setting for what we expect from a cabinet secretary. >> bret: dealing with prostate cancer and if you look at the timeline goes january 2nd.
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not until january 4th that president biden is notified. you agree with congressman deluzio? >> i thought he should have resigned after the afghanistan withdrawal, frankly for which there is still been no accountability for. buff, in this case it's massive lapse of judgment. this isn't about one person's privacy. when you are in that kind of chain of command if there is icbm nuclear tipped missile we have 15 minutes to get everybody on the line, make a decision on how we're going to respond in a way that could or could not destroy the entire world and in this case we had soldiers and sailors being shot at while he was under anesthesia while his deputy didn't know. so i would ask him and will ask him when we have a hearing hold himself to the same standard he
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would hold any commander in the military if he oversees if they didn't tell their supervisor or deputy much less the secretary of defense sitting in the succession of demand. >> steve: the middle east is a very tense tinderbox, congressman deluzio. cbs has a story u.s. officials have confirmed to cbs news that plans have been approved for a series of strikes over a number of days against targets, including iranian personnel and facilities inside iraq and syria. it's not usual that officials put out when a series of strikes is going to happen or where. your thoughts on that and, you know, is it giving the irgc commanders time to get out of syria and iraq if that's the case? >> well, look, this is a time for us to be firm. but to be strategic and i think what we need to be making sure happens is the type of action that will lead to the iranians changing their behavior. deterrence is a thing that we have to be pursuing that
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requires some strength. it also requires congress. congress is where the war-making power lies. >> bret: there are people saying that these series of attacks could last beyond 60 days including senator ben cardin saying that maybe that the biden administration should ask congress for an aumf, specifically to deal with this retaliation. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, it's quite interesting that when president trump took out soleimani, which did over the following months restore deterrence, democrats when president trump did that demanded that he come for authorization. he didn't have the authorities. the difference is, bret, if we hit iranians in iraq across the middle east, then we do have the authority to do that right now just as president trump did. we start going inside iran proper that's a different measure and i do think you need to come to congress at that
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point. >> bret: congressman deluzio we have these "common ground" segments really every week. we had more and more of your colleagues in the house and senate coming up talking about what they are working on. a lot of common ground happens when it comes to homeland security and the military, y'all are working together on some things what do you tell people who say things don't get done in washington? >> i say focus on some of the places we are working together. congressman waltz and i serve in the armed services committee. one of the few places left where there is cooperation. you see folks who wear the uniform and our experiences who are committed to this country, who understand the challenges that face us. don't care about our political party. >> bret: i just want to ask, congressman waltz about iran sanctions. take a listen to this. this is two different takes on how the iran sanctions are being dealt with? >> if we weren't enforcing sanctions on iranian oil, iran today would be back to where they were before sanctions, which is at about two and a half million to 3 million barrels a
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day. >> they're not being enforced. they are selling massive amounts of oil. they're getting hundreds and hundreds of millions of billion dollars of dollars of revenue. this is absolutely funding terrorist activities. >> bret: seems like two different takes here. what's your take? >> >> well, the numbers are clear. under the trump administration, their oil exports were virtually zero. just a few hundred thousand barrels a day. now it's several million. their foreign currency reserves under trump were down to $4 billion. now it's over $70 billion. so at the end of the day, all roads go back to tehran. you have got to go to the root of the disease. and that's the money. >> bret: here's the tough question congressman deluzio, you both are military veterans. you are also both young fathers. you have got a 3-year-old. congressman waltz has a 2-year-old. which is tougher? dealing with those young ones or dealing with congress? >> changing a diaper sometimes is pretty easy fired what we deal with down here.
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i will leave it at that. >> bret: congressman waltz? >> my 2-year-old, who we named army so go army, just put a toy into our flat screen tv so it gets just as spicy at home as it does here in congress. sometimes i feel like i'm dealing with toddlers here in the swamp i will call it a tie. >> bret: all right, congressman, we appreciate the time. >> thanks. >> you can see all of the common ground segments on my podcast "common ground" find that and the all-star panel podcast bret. spotify or wherever you download podcasts. also see the extended discussion on fox news youtube page. up next, she won an $83 million judgment against former president donald trump. now writer e. jean carroll is going on a media tour. howie kurtz takes a look later the latest polling in the presidential race. ♪ fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level.
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after his arrest. capitol police are closing their investigation of a sex video, a recording of two men having sex on the dais of a committee room in the hart senate office building in december. officials say a comprehensive investigation and review of possible charges shows there is no evidence that a crime was committed. congressional staff member who had access to the room has resigned. he reportedly refused to cooperate with authorities. the decision is raising eyebrows on capitol hill. the publicity tour for writer e. jean carroll last week. you remember a jury awarded her a judgment of $83 million against former president donald trump for defamation. here is fox news media analyst and host of fox news "media buzz" howard kurtz. >> donald trump went from winning the new hampshire
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primary to a manhattan defamation trial. again, using courthouses as campaign stops where writer e. jean carroll won. >> $38.3 million. that's a lot of money. >> donald trump is giving up on the lawyers who helped him get hit with an $83.3 million verdict. >> others called the damages absurdly high. >> i thought asking for 24 million was way over the top. >> trump insists he did not sexually assault carroll a jury in a civil case already found he did. he denounced the verdict. >> i have no idea who she is, where she came from. this is another scam. it's a political witch-hunt. >> he used similar attacks on prosecutors and judges in his four indictments, which most political analysts say boosted his campaign. many pundits treated carroll warmly or as a conquering heroin. >> your breath and bravery includes physical bravery being
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around him again. >> first thing, rachel, you and i are going to go shopping. we're going to get completely new wardrobe, new shoes. >> what was it like being in the courtroom with donald trump? >> does that feel like victory from where you are sitting? >> politico ran a piece by a friend of carroll's calling her unbelievably beautiful and quoting her lawyer caplin as saying when the former president quote a danger took office we were looking for cases to bring against trump. next, more trump headlines about spending $50 million in campaign funds on legal fees. >> easier to pay when you are paying with donor money. >> every stop draws nonstop media coverage and big time defeat. that convinces most loyal supporters that the system is out to get him. bret? >> bret: howie, thank you. up next, the panel reacts to the latest polling in the presidential race. first, beyond our borders tonight. ukraine is saying it used sea drones to sink a russian ship in the black sea, this comes as russian investigators allege a
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russian military transport plane that crashed last month was brought down by 2 u.s.-made patriot missiles fired by kyiv's forces. and convoys with hundreds of angry farmers driving heavy duty tractors advance toward european union headquarters. the farmers are insisting their complaints about excessive costs, rules, and bureaucracy be heard by eu leaders. attending a summit. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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42. a new cnn poll out today has president trump leading president biden 49-45. we mentioned our state polls in georgia, the former president up over biden 51-43. and in wisconsin our new poll out tonight a dead heat at 47. with that, let's bring in our panel. kellyanne, co-host of outnumbered. fox business anchor charles payne and sandra smith co-host of america reports. it is great to see all of you. >> great to be here. >> sandra, let me start with you. you read those polls, they do bounce all over the place. there are also new state polls that show the former president leading in a couple seven swing states. so we're just seeing some volatility in the polls. >> sandra: i went back and unpacked some of the fox news voter analysis from new hampshire and iowa. sort of to respond what you just heard there from nikki haley. while do you look at some of the numbers like in new hampshire with the suburban voters, she got 50% of their vote, donald
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trump 49%, they're about split. so to make the case that suburban voters going to go for her is a tough one. but, when you sort of unpack where you live, this was iowa, donald trump 34% of the vote, nikki haley 28% of the vote. she can lean on the independents, 67% in new hampshire went to nikki haley, 30% to donald trump. there was some interesting numbers. i think she thought the knicks was going to be a lot different when it came to new hampshire. a lot different when it came to iowa, bret. one thing is for sure when you unpack some of the sound we just heard there, joe biden, it's going to be really interesting. he said better days ahead. is he selling that the economy is improving, the numbers are getting better. it's not showing up as the a.p. pointed out today in the polling, right? that's really important. so while we look at the economic indicators heading into the presidential election. economic confidence among the american voter is really going to be key. that has not ticked up. >> bret: we talked about that
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with larry earlier. it's february. we got to november. a lot of things can happen and shoes can drop especially with the economy. how people feel about it is what it comes down to. >> charles: there is also factual stuff how they feel behind it. unfortunately the media is usually the headline. tomorrow, we have got the jobs report. now, one of the distinctions for the job report over the last year has been -- there have been two things really distinctive. the number they have reported i think over the last 12 months 11 times they have had to revise it lower. last 11 months 600,000 fewer jobs. the report comes out. everyone puts out the confetti at least the media does. the real number people at home know the real number because they're living it. they know that 670,000 people left the labor force in november. they know there was 600,000 fewer workers from november to december. they feel that they know it. they don't need a survey or poll to tell them that also, you are going to saturday start to see wages start to really -- we in the last 24 hours, adp had a job
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report. 150,000, it's 170,000. we saw productivity corporations doing pretty well but because what they call unit labor cost, that's slowly drying up. challenger great came out with their laughs. the big spike, a huge spike in lay off announcements. also people, you know, putting up wanted signs. so the trajectory right now is going to start to show up in the data. no matter how much they try to massage it. >> bret: people looking at the trump campaign saying is he going to be able to hold up with suburban women and independents. maybe he picks up african-american vote. the black vote as well as hispanics. >> in the primary, his legal troubles have only kind of solidified his base. almost improved his chances. >> yes. >> in the general, you look at that and maybe it's a different story. but you look that the story that howie did about e. jean carroll laughing about how they are going to buy clothes and they are going to buy a condo with rachel maddow and i just don't think that this sits in pennsylvania or wisconsin or
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michigan. >> no, it doesn't. look, if trump looks at the map to your point, he is doing extraordinarily well with rural voters with his base. he is doing extraordinarily well with certain segments of the blue collar population. and then you look over to independents to suburban women these groups has to win they see a comment like that and starts to question. okay some of the things i'm hearing about the legal troubles kind of fit with the commentary i'm hearing from e. jean carroll and her lawyers. with trump if he wants to shore up that group because you can't count on a comment like that every day. that may be one little golden nugget and a slew of other commentary. you start looking at the vice presidential candidate. one name i want to pull up i have mentioned nikki haley before but someone like glenn youngkin. i saw a poll he is up plus 24 in virginia. biden is down negative 17. that same poll shows trump within 3. the v.p. candidate needs to add to that base who brings in independents and suburban women. haley, glenn youngkin, those are other names. those are some that come to
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mind. >> bret: meantime the immigration situation. obviously we talk about it all the time, sandra. this legislation seems like it's imperiled up on capitol hill. >> sandra: people are more fired up all over the country every single day as a result of this spreading crisis. we have been talking for quite a long time now this is no longer a border state issue or border community issue. this is spread all through the united states. bret, on our show we keep interviewing some of these local municipalities that are dealing with migrants coming to their towns. >> in my home city of chicago, they have received some of those migration. they are putting them on trains and buses and sending them out to the suburbs. city council meetings blowing up with residents saying we can't handle anymore. these are towns that once said all are welcome and put, you know, yard signs out that said exactly that. they are out of resources. oak brook, illinois we talked to place chief the other day. they are home to a major luxury shopping mall there. they said they are arresting illegal migrants is taking from the stores there the police are
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having a really hard time with the situation. and naperville, illinois, they are now asking residents wealthy residents well maybe you can house some of these migrants. this is an issue that is all over the country right now. as we look towards the elections, this is why it's popped up in iowa, new hampshire as the top issue over the economy. >> bret: big time. axios, border deal on life support as officials battle. four months intense negotiations. the senate on the verge of abandoning the bipartisan deal. republicans once demanded as precondition for new military aid to ukraine. the bill's text hasn't been released as negotiators are key to point out. toxic realities of election year politics including intervention from former president trump have pushed the deal to the precipice of collapse. i read that because that's how it's being portrayed, charles, county biden campaign do political jujitsu and say forget about the executive orders i did in the first days, the 94 of them that overturned all this
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stuff. we need to focus on the fact that republicans are abandoning this deal. >> well, the media is certainly trying to help him. some of the stories i have seen in the last 24 hours blow my mind. it will be definitely like -- i don't know what the highest level of black belt can you get in jujitsu is but it would be one notch above that people have seen the videos. the biden administration is actually cut holes in the fence themselves. this very cut holes in the fence. we saw it earlier this week a an army of men, young men, young military-aged men wearing really nice clothes. none of them looked like they were under duress at all. and they just walk through. they are just pouring through. and you say where are they going? who is going to house them and who is going to feed them? what happens if -- listen, they are turning down food. they get off the bus. people are waiting with them for care packages and turning their nose up to the food being served to. they this is in biden's lap. i don't think the american public is going to buy it.
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>> bret: all right, guys, thank you so much. good to be in new york. >> thank you. ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, today's throw back 64 years ago a group of black college students known as the greensboro 4 staged a sit-in at segregated retail store lunch counter in north carolina. franklin, david richmond, ezzell blare jr. and joseph mcneil sat down for lunch at a business h a policy of serving no blacks. when they were denied service the four men refused to give up their seats. many more african-americans followed all of that as it swept through the south. that's the "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is is "the ingraham angle"d thank you for joining us. desperate measures. that he was the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: last night we told you


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