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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> laura: that is awesome. >> inspiring children to overcome theirme fears and face this world with courage. we don't have to be caught up in all of the chaos.ut but we can go out there and live life beautifully. you know, make a difference. >> laura: bethany, you are incredibly gracious. so inspiring on so many levels. bethany, thank you so much. we really appreciate you. >> a lo haw! >> laura: that i thas it for us tonight. do not forget to set your dvr and follow on social mediaqu little poll question on facebook. and i want to see how you answer it.r all right, thank you for watching. remember it is >> todd: a fox news alert. some officials now say the
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illegal migrants released without bail after beating up nypd officers on the street are heading to california. what will our leaders do about it? >> any response for searching for more -- >> get them all, you don't touch our police officers. >> i don't believe what a says, action speaks louder than words. >> todd: convoy arrives in texas. a senate candidate is helping them. plus, president biden is not keeping it pg talking about donald trump behind closed doors, that may be better than what he says in public. >> president biden: they told us manufacturing is dead in america, china was going to eat our lunch. guess what, we don't taste that
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good. >> todd: okay. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus has the day off. the three soldiers killed in that jordan attack will return home today. madeline rivera joins us. good morning. >> that dignified transfer will take place at dover air force base at dover today. president biden is not expected to speak. they were all part of army engineers based in fort moore. all eyes are on the president's administration to see how it will respond to the drone strike. iran-backed proxies. the president weighing against
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targets. on thursday, they launched three attacks into the gulf of aden. some republican critics say the president must be tougher on iran. >> frankly this administration has helped them economically, they are making china rich and america poor, that is the biden policy. we have to reverse that and build up our gulf state partners in israel to withstand iran and keep them in their box. >> lloyd austin says the u.s. response will be multi-tiered and he apologized for keeping the public and president in the dark about his surgery and hospitalization. >> i take full responsibility. i apologize to my teammates and
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to the american people. this is a dangerous moment in the middle east and we will continue to work to avoid wider conflict in the region. >> austin is expected to attend the dignified transfer later on today. >> todd: bring in iraq war veteran doug collins and scott walker. great to have you gentlemen here. doug, what do we need to see from the president at this dignified transfer, besides checking his watch? >> doug: he just needs to be the president and be there as a comforter for the president. the country is watching and mourning the loss of these three individuals who lost their lives fighting for our country and representing our country. be there, be the president and be it is comforter and make plans to say what are we going
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to do about it. bigger part where this goes from here. >> todd: doug said what he needs to do. scott, will this be the time joe biden rises to a moment? >> well, i hope so. doug is right. he can't be checking his watch, he needs to be dignified. we're in this situation largely because of his weakness. used to say under president trump and president reagan, peace through strength. we had targeted attacks that were effective. in contrast, weakness opens the door to evil and this president has put our men and women in the service in harm's way and he needs to take responsibility for that. >> todd: we have you two fine gentlemen on today, there are new polls from battleground states in georgia and wisconsin. in wisconsin president biden and
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former president trump are tied among wisconsin voters. and in georgia, which biden won in 2020, twuchl leads biden by eight. democrats had recent success in your state. are you surprised trump has such a big lead over biden in georgia notice? >> no, i'm not. just talking to people and hearing people talk, it is not a surprise. georgia has had electoral losses for other reasons that play into that besides georgia becoming a purple state. our governor and everybody elsz re-elected with fine margin. 51% is outside the margin of error. when you broke it down further, you are seeing trump is getting 50% of voters under 35.
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and up with african american voters. if i were the biden administration, i would be thinking there is a problem. if you are having a problem in georgia, even if numbers adjust, that is a large defeat if donald trump wins georgia. >> todd: if you are a democrats, you are guaranteed the youth vote and he is losing by 7 points to donald trump, that speaks volumes. economy is the most important issue, election integrity is high and immigration, as well. i will say, scott walker, even in the head-to-head and even on the issues, but trump wins when you include third-party candidates in wisconsin and wins pretty convincingly. voters in your state do not want to vote for joe biden. what does donald trump need to do to get them to pull the lever
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for him? >> keep focused on the economy, it is the economy, stupid, that is what this is all about. doug talked about it, it is true here. all the battleground states. there was a poll before the first fox debate and number one issue of college students surprisingly for many is the economy. if the economy for young voters, joe biden is screwed, referendum on the economy is a win for donald trump. >> todd: if you look at your state, governor, young voters will be the difference. you have a lot of college towns in your state. going to the inner city, milwaukee, right for donald trump to pick up votes and win in wisconsin. great to have you, thank you for your time. you might have noticed, i'm
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wearing red today and a lot of people will wear red on the air. we are joining national heart associate wear red for movement for cardiovascular disease, number one killer of women. get this stat, i did not know, more than 44% of women 20 or older are living with some kind of heart disease. that is almost one in two of people over twenty, women in your lives, mothers, sisters, daughters. wear red, learn more at tomi lahren, joe concha, cheryl casone and more. don't miss a minute of "fox and friends first". hi, my name is maria, i watch from thailand and i love you, carley and todd.
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small plane crashes into a mobile home park in florida and exploding into a fireball and spread to three other homes. firefighters put it out quickly. the faa says the pilot reported it. toxicology results in the fans found frozen to death. sources with direct knowledge tell tmz other substances may surface. jordan willis, the host of the watch party checked himself into rehab. he was spotted in handcuff, but he is not facing any charges. police insist the deaths are not
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being investigated as homicides. small businesses and blue cities being crushed with crime and the migrant crisis. popular chains like denny's and in and out closing restaurants to protect workers and customers. denver mayor says the city is at its breaking point with 40,000 migrants arriving in the city in the last year. a business owner and a portland business owner join us now. city of denver converted the hotel next to your business into a migrant shelter. what has that meant for your business? >> they converted this hotel as
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a migrant shelter. that is not helping me. it had killed business stream for me because i was relying on people staying in the hotel coming into denver for my business and i'm losing that business stream, plus all my regular customers hesitate to come to my business now because these people are hanging around in my parking lot and have kids running around in the parking lot and my customers don't want to hurt them and are scared. >> todd: you said is there is a lot of trash building up in your parking lot and that can never be good. in oakland motor vehicle up, robbery up, violent crime 21% and total crime up 17% from
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2020. can you blame restaurants like denny's and in and out from closing up shop? the juice is not worth the squeeze at this point. >> thank you for having me on, i appreciate it. it is such a loss to the city. we are losing everything. our restaurants are closing, we have nowhere to go. we have to venture out of our beautiful city to have a decent meal with our family. that is not good. and we need help, getting out of control and out of hand and help couldn't come sooner. our mayor needs to do something, she has people around her to help her, she is a new mayor and needs help. there are resources and she has people around to help. i don't know if she is a new mayor, new in politics and this is getting worse and getting out of hand and we need help.
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it is a tragedy in oakland. it is sad, our once beautiful city is becoming a wreck, it is disgusting and retched. >> todd: portland overdose deaths have increased and they have declared a state of emergency. this happening few years after portland decriminalized drugs. loretta, what did they think would happen? describe your city since portland decriminalized drugs? >> our assistant district attorney has drug addicts all over, all over the streets and they have taken over. i had my grandson, who is one,
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in a stroller, they were selling drugs and blowing it like it was no big deal. as far as being a business owner. it is a struggle. before we didn't have to battle with emthis, now we have to. they want to do drugs on your property, they don't care. they leave a mess behind. i tell them, pick up your stuff and take it with you. you can't use drugs here, this is private property. i get graffiti and garbage. yeah, a lot of problems and our city is not doing anything to help us. >> todd: all the cities, seems like interest of taxpayers are ignored and they are prioritizing criminals and business-owning taxpayer gets the shaft. it needs to improve or we will lose the cities for good. thank you for your time this
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morning. in new york city, migrant mob that beat nypd officers letting us know how they feel about our country and our laws, flipping the double bird as they walk out of jail scott free. this story took another skip that is catching the attorney of daniel penny. details next and "fox and friends first" exclusive, trucker convoy is staging a massive at the border. we will discuss that next. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years.
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>> todd: new york democrats are on board -- some migrants are on the run to california. brooke singman joins us with the latest. >> brooke: police believe four of the migrants hopped on a bus
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to california sunday evening. they have no idea where the four men are, they are required to return for their federal hearing. one gave the middle finger to reporters. six migrants have been arraigned. there is a seventh that they are refusing to condemn. the question is if the person was involved and there is not sufficient evidence he is one of the people that committed this act. patrick henry says the entire mob needs to face consequences. >> why were they released? why aren't they in jail right now? they attacked a police officer and a lieutenant. our criminal justice system is
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upside down. criminal justice system need to send a message, they need to be prosecuted, serve time and then deported. >> brooke: even kathy hochul is taking a strong stance on the matter. >> any response in the time square attack on police? >> get them and send them back, you don't touch a police officer. >> brooke: attorney of daniel penny is ripping the court for releasing the migrants, they have minimal if no ties to new york city. anyone willing to resist arrest or assault a police officer is indicative of someone who does not have respect for the legal system. they are less likely to return to court. bail is appropriate. nypd says in addition to the six
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charged, they are searching for eight more suspects. >> todd: hope they listen. thank you. take back our border convoy stopped in a small town outside austin, texas. the trip will continue to eagle pass, arizona and california with hundreds of people hoping to make their voices heard. >> to raise awareness that this is an invasion and our country can't sustain this and most of them coming across the border are single military-age men. we wonder, why are you allowing this to happen in our country? >> todd: we wonder that. ben luna and dr. pete chambers are organizers of the convoy and join me now. what is the goal of the convoy? >> the goal is to shed light on
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the open border policy. fentanyl is chemical war fare across the border, drug trade is tremendous. human trafficking, lives are used to create a destabilization. in my former military life, that is what i studied, destabilization of what is happening on our border and our country. >> todd: you are military guy, green beret, what is our end game. those who allow our border to be no border at all? >> complete destabilization. it is overwhelming our system. i worked on this border for last two years of my military career and now work on the humanitarian side.
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i work with law enforcement and i watch law enforcement and citizens do this, beautiful thing to see. it is awesome. >> todd: the people are rising up, they don't want this in their country and government works for the people. ben, you want to go to washington as a senator. do you think the voices of this convoy are being heard in d.c. to affect real change? >> i believe so. not only that, we'll keep putting pressure and spotlight on this issue. it is almost as if nobody is looking at the border especially in new mexico. you have eagle pass and arizona location. in new mexico, we are a funnel when texas fortifies their border. new mexico is wide open. i talked to a native american veteran, an emergency responder
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at the border and he's done multiple interviews and it has not gotten out there and he is talking about all his calls are border related, injuries, death, fentanyl. he pretty much stated anything that you can imagine is going wrong at the border is happening at the border. we'll do an interview with him next week. we will cover his face, but get his voice. he stated that all agencies involved, there is no coordination. it doesn't matter what organization, there is so much chaos and misunderstanding between the groups. we are putting a spotlight on this issue. this needs to be addressed. there is a lot of humanity being taken advantage of and ruined. we want humanity saved and our nation saved and we need to stop this. >> todd: we hope both parties
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are listening to this. if republicans take over d.c. and you are part of that, they need to listen to people in this convoy and listen to voters trying to have their voices heard and not just do what is comfortable. we need to do what is right. republicans could have it in their hands in 2025, otherwise, dr. chambers, this could be destabilization and we don't want to lose our country. thank you for your time, check back in with us, curious to see how far the convoy goes. >> todd: it is ground hog day, we will find out if we get six more weeks of winter. will punxsutawney phil see his shadow? janice dean is live in punxsutawney, pa.
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>> janice: are you wearing your hat? >> todd: i will put it on. >> janice: do you have it with you? i expect you to have your hat on after this report. here we go. you look amazing, my friend. just make it more center. you look fantastic, your daughters will love you for that. i have john johnston with me. what do you do as the chief health man? >> i help keep an eye on phil, i check his teeth. >> janice: you are a dentist? >> i am. >> janice: you were saying phil gets a lot of candy and cavities. >> the handlers give him gra nola bars and they are filled with sugar. they are not good about brushing his teeth. >> janice: have you had to
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"phil" a tooth? >> very clef are. >> janice: festivities begin now, when does phil come to the stage? >> we'll do our procession about 5 minutes after 7:00 and phil will be on stage. >> janice: i love the fact you are protecting phil's every move. there is security around him, part of what you do. >> there is only one phil and he has to be protected. there have been maybe threats, i will not say -- >> janice: that is not good, make sure phil is protected. 7:25 is when he does his prognostication? >> around dawn. expecting 45 to 50,000. >> janice: is that a record? >> i think for sure. >> janice: my goodness, this might be a record-setting ground
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hog day. i am predicting seven more weeks of winter. shout out to your dad, right? >> yes, inner circle member for 49 years and he trekked two years ago, he would have been 95 that year. >> janice: we love you rusty, happy ground hog day. todd, you look amazing in your hat. >> todd: we'll make sure rusty gets one. walgreens closing stores in boston and democrats say they are closing because of racism. we'll tell you what the squad member is saying. >> i'm laura ingraham, my first memory of politics was in high school and i think as i recall, there was only one table for
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ronald reagan. it was the math kids and myself. when they called the election for reagan, i jumped, i was so stocked and i think we are at that same point. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford,
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preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪) i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> todd: president biden signing executive order to impose
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sanctions and travel restrictions on israelis. this is seen as concession for those demanding a ceasefire. cheryl. >> cheryl: a teenager in the west bank was killed in a car. the blame being put on israelis. now president biden basically now president biden putting sanctions on the west bank. prime minister netanyahu had a response, strong. absolute majority he says of citizens. no room for exceptional measures in this regard. on the other side, they have an activist group called gen-z for change criticizing president biden. i should not have to say how
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important it is for a ceasefire. you did the fossil fuel move, good job, now time for a ceasefire. let's be clear, the president and young progressive in the white house, many staffers want a ceasefire, they are pro-palestine. his support among arab voters plummeting from 59% in 2020 to 17%. 42-point drog. he's got a political problem. i think he probably angered prime minister netanyahu. >> todd: and upset a lot of jewish americans to win back the 7% he is losing to young voters in georgia. he's in a pickle. meanwhile, huh? nothing on this one.
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>> cheryl: president biden was speaking, sometimes there are gaffes and things made unclear to the viewer. here is president biden telling michigan uaw members we don't taste that good. watch for yourself. >> president biden: inflation coming down, jobs growing, we created manufacturing jobs, they told us manufacturing was dead in america, china was going to eat our lunch. guess what, man, we don't taste that good. >> cheryl: to the earlier topic of israel and palestinians, pro-palestinian group started to heckle and shout him down. listen to what they shouted. watch. [screaming] [indiscernible] >> hate you. >> cheryl: well, look, topic
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one, the president has a political problem. >> todd: who are the people laughing, is there a joke we are not getting? i'm going on gutfeld tonight, i don't get that. good to see kids being put first in massachusetts. >> cheryl: there is a teacher strike in newton. i'm from texas. the newton teacher association said there are social events scheduled outside our hours in the warmth from rain, cold and snow we have experienced. they are going to a bunch of bars. parents, moms, upset. you have been on strike and instead of working through and address the needs of kids, you are basically doing a bar crawl. that is what parents are
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accusing the teachers of. the strike began january 19th, they will be nice and warm in several different pubs. >> todd: teachers unions always put kids first. >> cheryl: my best friend is a teacher. >> todd: my mom is. topeka, kansas inviting migrants to come to their city and they are offering $15,000 checks to anyone who wants to move. we have to have people here willing to work and make this the city they want to raise a family in, get a career in. tomi lahren joins me. much like request we see in sanctuary cities, this regret for come to our state. no, don't come to our state, will the mayor be singing the same tune if people take him up on the offer? >> tom: be careful what you ask
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for. as much as this headline and story sounds incredibly ridiculous. when i started to think about it, what topeka, kansas city is doing is no different than what the united states is doing. you fly people in and bus them to the city of their choice. you give them three meals per day, a hotel room, maybe cell phones. biden administration is doing what topeka, kansas is doing, you are putting the magnet and telling people, please come. a warning, we need workers, we don't have enough people to fill the job. that line will be used by democrats when they justify mass amnesty. be careful for that narrative,
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it will come back around. >> todd: this money is only going to people who get a job says the mayor. this is to lead to amnesty. in this instance, keep topeka blue. democratic squad member presley claiming walgreens is racist for closing stores in crime-ridden areas. >> when a walgreenleafs a neighborhood, they disrupt the neighborhood and take diapers, formula, medication and jobs. these are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination. shame on you, walgreens, a multi-billion dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their mouth is. >> todd: all about racism, it
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has nothing to do with rampant th theft, does it? >> tomi: today is groundhog day. they are advocating for coddling policies and where ramifications come home to roost, they go to their old favorite, racism. she is saying underserved communities will be penalized, she is right, who caused that? talk about policies and law lawlessness and justification for shoplifting and lawless activity, it does harm black and brown communitieses and white communities, every color of the rainbow and their communities. i hope she is understanding irony of what she is saying,
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this is what her policies advocate for. perhaps her fellow squad member, cori bush, who is under investigation for mishandling funds, perhaps can provide personal security to them and maybe then customers and store owners will feel safe. >> todd: the squad, whoppers for them, bush rashida tlaib, they want press. the numbers are in and biden-harris reelection campaign is being bank rolled by billionaires and hollywood elite. we'll unpack that with joe concha next. first lawrence jones with what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: on big friday morning, preliminary toxicology result revealing clues for the
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kansas city chiefs fans that were found dead. cocaine and fentanyl were found in their system. new reports saying five migrants charged with attacking nypd officers have fled to california after release without bail. it is groundhog day. will phil see his shadow or is warmer weather in store? janice dean will bring that to us live and kevin cramer on immigration deal. dana perino and paul mauro on america's crime crisis. then you have kurt, he will preview the new apple products at the top of the hour. we have a busy friday morning. see you in a bit. added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7.
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look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! we've never spoken. but you've told us many things. that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally,
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your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ ♪ >> todd: billionaires and hollywood elite throwing a lot of money at president biden's re-election campaign. the biden victory fund hauling in $70 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. 1.8 million of that came from steven speilberg and his wife cape cap shaw. george soros adding over 650,000 and jj adams and eric schmitt. schmitd being the google schmid not the republican from missouri. both contributing $500,000 each. joe concha is a fox news contributor.
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he joins me now. it's great to see democrats as the party of the working man? this ain't your daddy's donkeys your democratic party anymore. this with once the party that claimed it championed the working men and women in this country. this was the party you remember not too long ago that led the occupy wall street movement. now it's the party of billionaires. of the elites. here is a stat for you. the 10 richest congressional districts in the mates all have representatives in congress with a d. next to their name. if you live in a rich place, a good chance a democrat is going to be representing you. overall the democratic party, todd, now has more billionaire donors than the republican party by a country mile. and this perception is going to cost them in the states that matter like ohio, like michigan, like pennsylvania, like wisconsin, because those that don't have billions are the ones that are donating to the grassroots and that money is going more towards donald trump right now than the democratic party.
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>> todd: i agree that the perception is going continue to cliewns the voters, we have to keep in mind they are raising money for a reason and money does matter in elections. and in january, the rnc hauled in $12 million, over $2 million higher than any month during 2023. they're celebrating. this they are pretty happy with this. but, if you look at cash on hand november of 2023, both parties, the dnc had 20 million, the republicans only had 9. how do republicans compete with this when the democrats are getting this big money from hollywood from, big business, corporations, a lot of big money rolling into the dems. >> i don't think, todd, necessarily the republicans need to take in more money. if they could stay within striking incidence then we are fine. if you look at 2016, thenlike, donald trump, hillary clinton raised twice as much money or spent twice as much money as donald trump and he still was able to win that election because, a., the cake is baked as far as your per senses of donald trump and joe biden. b, with social media and everything else out there that
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gets messaging out for free. i'm not sure buying good old fashioned tv ads means as much as it used. to say money doesn't mean. >> todd: i didn't hear what you said about buying tv ads, joe. blah blah blah. >> joe: except fox news. >> todd: biden reportedly letting f-bombs fly when talking privately about donald j. trump. politico saying the president has described trump to long-time friends and close aides as a sick explicative, according to one of the people who have spoken with the president. biden recently said of trump what a explicative, explicative the guy is don't believe article. watch biden almost slip up in public. >> trump and his maga supporters not only embraced political violence they laugh about it. he thinks that's funny. he laughed about it what a sick -- [laughter] >> todd: the lips started forming the f, joe. final thoughts to you, my
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friend. >> joe: a. you don't have a minute and a half. 10:00 p.m. owner the fox news channel. talking about perception here. these stories are leaked to the press. passionate engaged behind closed doors he morphs into samuel l. jackson dropping f bombs. portray joe scranton joe backward hat wearing blue collar guy who is as tough as trump and authenticity to show for it. by the way did you see that story in politico had more than four buy lines on it. four writes. the white house declined to comment on that story why would they? they already wrote the story. >> this is the thing to put it out there. biden is the real guy not the guy who stays in billionaire mansions when he goes away on vacations. >> todd: i have perino and gutfeld as well. i could have cursed as much as i wanted. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east


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