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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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unfortunat evening. please say your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. . as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled by gregi. gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great weekend.
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welcome to this special edition of jesse waters on a friday on a fr night.s i'm pete hegseth. and we start tonight with a fox news alert. >> the u.s. military has just ag launched retaliatory attacksd against iranian backed militias in iraq and syria. >> u.s. central command says over 85 targets were these strikes come just days the after three american soldiers were killed in a deadly droneon attack the b on the border in j. >> for the latest, let's bringet in international correspondent mike tobin. mike, what do we know? >> well, we know that we've got the first images coming out of irathe f comq. you just had them up a second ago,, iraq. this is the very western part of iraq on the border, with syria, very near some of of the other locationthes. erent as you mentioned, some 85 targets were hitlo in seven
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different locations, both in iraq and syria, hit by 125 munitions. thos sevene seven locationsia are divided up to four inside of syria., three of them inside of iraq. the u.s. says the targets werea all iranian revolutionary guard commanconteaponsd and control, r storage, logistic support for both the air, sea and the proxies they support. >> the u.s. says the americaameh aircraft are now all out of harm's way in the battle damage assessmene. damagessessm the nsc spokesman, john kirby, despite the battle assessment not being done yet, called the strikelled the successful ts point. >> so far here in israel, we have not seen any retaliation. but hezbollah positions in the north of israel are being watched nervously, as well a ability to firer capa rockets out of the gaza strip. their capacityci has beenill ca diminished, of course, by the war, but they still can nreianfire rockets at civilian e targets. also, you have the houthis in the south. south. they did fire earlier ie
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day before the u.s. strikes, at least the houthis tooktaken credit for one rocket that was taken up by israel's up airu defense system. >> pete, back to you. mike, thank you very much for the update. well, you just heard the stats,n 125 strikes, 85 sites, seven general locations. ys six days after the fact, in theb middle of the night, everybody saodyw this coming, especially our enemies. iraq >> remember, every single iranian backed militia leader in iraq and syris ina is inr their fourth safe house by now, living to fight another day. >> key takeaway this administration's idea of deterrence is trying really hard not to kill too many people. >> now, this is all deadly serious for our troops, yetry fo veryli foolish of our leaders. >> what does 100 and 25 strikes on 85 sites even mean? ee of as an army platoon leader, imagine if after losinmyg
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three of my guys to the enemy,tl i went out on patrol six days later, came back to mycces commander and saidsful, success5 mission, sir, we. re shot 125 really expensive bullets at 85 different houses. he then asked, but who did you kill and how did you finish the fight? you see, those are real questions. everything else is for show for pentagon press releases and press conferences for cable news banners. . who did we kill? what did it change? and will deter a it deter anythl because of our futility and, frankly, sheer hubris? >> will it only further fuelingo a deeper cycle of instability? >> you know, our trackw, record in the middle east for the past two decades, and i've been a part of it, would suggest we're only going to make this mes maks messier. a more attacks, more instability, more radicalism. >> just ask the taliban.
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you se. yoe, these days we don't finish fights. we don't decimate our enemies. n we don't unleash our war fighters. at least this administrationcalh doesn't ask the former ice caliphate whether trump did. well, they're not around to answer that question. so our wars become endless and our troops become targets.y. >> this is not foreign policy. >> this is folly. this is just playing a high stakes gam e of chicken with an enemy and an entire region that collectively chants death to america and death to israel. it's the foundinrael. itg premie of their country, of their theocratic country . bomb right now, iran does not have a nuclear bomb. good. imagine once they do, we can o bomb empty headquarters in syria today. but once iran has a nuclear char bomb, this little military industrial complex surely is over. bombing a country is an act of war.
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or at least it used to be. daysomeday soon, when american power is no longer on question. >> and that day is coming. bombiningg countries like this will once again have terrible consequences for far more than three americans or 13 at every gate. after two failed wars, we still have thousands of troops in no man's land in iraq and syria, some of which clearly cannot defend themselves. forget what john kirby tells you. our troops of do not have sufficient air defenses against a simple enemy drones. >> thousands of iranian low tech drones can overwhelm our high tech air defenses. tec >> in this case, it waais just one. imagine a thousand. does every base have it? >> mine didn't do theirs. i just ask israel how that turns out. i also hear from guys on the ground there that their rules of engagement do not trul israel y allow them to secure the areas of operation around
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their base theis. round >> that's why we use phrases like sitting ducks. is to we're told their mission is to keep a lid on isis. yet iranian proxies are running rampant around iraq and syria, as we saw from these strikes. >> so it sounds a lot like the strategic mistake of the iraq war, trying to killes a bunch of radical. so i sunnim terrorists while emboldening iranian and shia groups in the process. and while the who stronger iran you see in that region, we try one thing and we get another. that's what i see in the middle east. and today, we're led by dunces in camouflage who think our diversity is our strength and that climate change is the greatest, greatestage who three face. >> god help us. and with this administration in charge, as old joe says, may god protect our troops from him. >> let's bring in jim hanson,our
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who served in the u.s. army special forces. jim, off base here. you saw the statue, you saw the car. you see the reaction. bring >> what do you think this was w a pr exercise to generate a smokescreen to hide the fact that the biden administration doesn't think iran? you sa is or enemy. they're still under the delusional fantasy that somehow if we're just nice enough to them, if we just send them enough planeloads of cash, somehow they'll come around to i and stop being the largest state sponsor of terrorism and someondee who killsnk americans with impunity. i thiniran isk this is a disgral answer to what was an act of war by iran and not their first against us. >> i meaicen, jim, they've been in war with us since the since 1979. i mean, they've been at war with us in iraq. how manythey'lme aroun of our t, hundreds of our troops guys we served with were killed by iranian made bombs. >> i mean, we know iran is at i war with us. that's no doubt. sok considering this administration, what would
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you like to see happen? or is there anything this administration could do? ey've >> or are they simply just view iran is not anbe in enemy? since >> you know, i remember not too long ago when there were some iranian militias running rampant and alhow manyl of a sue president trump turned carson suleimani back into his component molecules and things got quiet for a while. you strikenow iranat people dir they take you seriously. and there was this ridiculous is report today out where u.s.this intelligence believes that iran doesn't actually control these militias. now, the middle east, for them g ,has a vast network of sources across the middle east. and we see examples of direct iranian control every day. so they are running this. they are controllingwhile. this. i imagine it might have been a kataib hezbollah guy who pushedhis the button on thas drone. but there was an iranian quds force guy standing that behind m making sure he didn't screw it up. >> no doubt. jim, you know,k of you're ales f
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green beret. >> you were involved in direct operations. direct irl everyay. how often e six days? and if you did wait six daysy ae , what impact did it have onbutton the target you were hoping to acquire drone,? you know, part of the problem was they literally askedm makinr to go to iran and tell them that we don't want a war, days. but we have to do something. is it okay i af we blow some stuff up in the desert? and i'm not joking about that. tothat comes from several qat reliable sources. they wanted to knogo tow if they were allowed. they asked our enemy and gavthie them a heads up to make sure, like you said, they could move out. their leaderokings. they could move out the equipment they didn't want blown up, and biden would get his nighttim ted to k e shots of explosions to show that he was a tough guy. itto mak was a joke and it's mag us less safe. i opposite oft deterrence. >> you're exactly right. it is the exac a tough gt opposc the trump administration where iran came to us and said, hey, wet need to shoot some missilesn in the middle of nowhere to make it look like we're responding,
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now. >> we're the ones doing that in the weaker position. l jim, you're exactly right. y thanks for your service and your time tonight. we appreciate it ris. >> good to be with you, pete. p. all right. joining me now, former army special forces aht. me commander robert greenway. >> robert, you youou've see the strikes tonight, the retaliation. >> what do you make of it? goti so i think, paul, you ant d jim got it about right. mericans it's six days after we lost three americans who were just returned to their families. today. and our condolences certainly go out to them. io late. thiso it it gave us six days to make int this into a communicationso rah exercise, not a military operation. it was also rather small considl considering the scale of it, 125 munitions, to your point, sounds like a lo t, but in 2017,,000 b we dropped oveomr 30,000 bombs in iraq and syria, 5000 in onesu month alone. and the targets at abu kamala and al kayan, that is a complex
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that contains nearly a thousand2 structures that could absorb t 125 bombs and have overy the years without any w impact whatsoever. so i fear i fear we are not going to restore deterrence by thie ore detes. tion i and i fear that the escalation is going to continue to. does this whits ntinue. e house actually li think that an exercise like this would restore deterrence?ni >> you're exactly right. the number 125 and 85 is specific, only meant to look big to a western audience, to at cable news viewer. >> but does it what does ira don actually read from this? >> does it lead to any semblance of deterrencee? are go absolutely not. i mean, these are going after the same empty warehouse facilities and infrastructure. we have hit like clockworkture and it is obviously not had the desired effect. they need to be struck and it's good, but it'sey need insuffic we gave the real commanders, the iranians, the quds forceo captains over a week essentially to vacate the premises. and there are difficul the pt be to target to begin with. it takes a quite it takes a weeks in mansit taky caseso do to develop accurate pattern of life to do it.
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it took us months to dt. it o it fortion tak kassim soleimani, for example. and that preparation takes time. 'd beyou'd think we'd be there already, but unfortunately we're not. so intetion the iranian interprn of this is the same that we are too weak to restor e deterrence. they are not going to be deterred by it. and this will continued thisue.s . >> this will continue. do you think this i mean, we talk about the loss of three. a. >> it could be much more. i mean, you've been on remote bases. i havee to.years >> there was.15 mine was years ago. ten years ago. one case , 15 in w >> wee didn't have air defensesd because we didn't believe that it was rudimentary mortars or rockets that were fired based on kentuck there way windage. there was no drone threat from an enemy, so we didn't have aisr defenses on our base. do every single one of thesesine remote bases o in iraq and syria have sophisticated air defenses? what if iranian tried to sen aid a dozen or two dozen drones at these bases? >> are our troop ours ins in thl of iraq and syri, a safe?t yeah, well, you're exactly right. i mean, look at al-asad. it's our largest base in iraq sa and syria. it was attacked. . it wasit launched 12 patriot n
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last weeterck and intercepted all but two. and if that one is our most w, ifremoteed site it's incapable of defending itself, you can bet the remote sremote se you and i have been on are not. but then again, those remote sites that you and i served on offenseserved o was our defee weapon. we didn't we didn't wait for our defensive systemsystemss to engage. >> we made sure the area around us was safe. correc was st. that's >> but they're not allowed to do that anymore. that's the scary part. so if you can' tpart.t clear itv and you don't have air defense, then you really are a sitting d and three might be theery beginning. >> and that's the scene. sir, thank you very much for your tim ite. ght. w >> appreciate it. thank you. you got it. all right. w stompede illegals who stomped out two new york city cops? well? , they're not in jail and they might not even be in new york the day you get your clear choice. dental implants. thanks. every day. every day. let's di a chow down day.
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we just told you all about the us airstrikes in iraq and syria. so told you all what is the whio response. let's bring in fox news senior national correspondent rich edson. >> rich, well, the white house says that it's rch edsonn. it'sor nati iran and the proxies it backs i and thatpecttarted r we can expect more of it. president biden is at his home en i in delawars, ae. white house released a statement in his name earlier this evening saying, quote, our responsearlier tng, quot be. it will continue at times in places of our choosin g. es the united states does not see conflict in the middle east or anywhere els in e in the world, but let all those who might seek to do us harm know this wh if you're harming american, we will respond. ill resp thethe biden administry the u.s. military struck25 seven sites in iraq and syria, using 125 precision guided weapons to hit 85 different civ targets chosen to avoid civilians. officials say they believeilalsy ssing these strikes were successful, but say they're still assessing the damage and how many militants they may have killed. this is in responsonsee to an
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iranian proxy drone attack on a un sundayon in jorda that killed three american soldiers. sergeants willia sm rivers,sidet kennedy, sanders and brianna moffett. the president attendedir force their dignified transfer this afternoon at dover air force base in delawarese in de. he spoke with their families beforehand. republicans have been urgingreh the white house to respond to the deadly attack robustly and quickladlyy and largely say this evening's retaliation is lacking. the chairman of the forei house foreign affairs committee, michael mccaul, says, quote, almost after a week i of today's strikes fol are long overdue. following a delay that allowedld our enemies to prepare, the biden administration must bmie the decisive with sustained retaliatory strikes and begin to enforce oi to oil anl and other sanctiot off the source of terror funding. iran had previously said that it's not looking for a war in the middle east, but says it would respond if attacked. back to you. >> thank you, rich. say appreciate it. so the white house says thesckse attacks tonight are by no means an act of war. ar. wwhat does that mean?
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>> well, let's bring in former green beret michael glover. thank y for being here. you heard what the white to house has to saysa. >> this is every time they speak about striking an enemy and noonse tow in response to the death of our troops, they say, but we don't want to we don't want to we want to play. >> what kind of message is this white house sending? wantt kind o ng?it's a weak one. i mean, we've been advertising this for almost a week now. it's giving the enemy plenty pls of time to get all the playersni out and essentially hin t and containers in the middle of the desert and also put our troops afterfurther the ri. and that's a problem. i mean, now the enemy ha sthe sa the will and now incentive to get further involved. it's the same thing that just happened with the houthis. t we thought those attacks were going to suppress themtinue andy continue to attack because they do have that will. aw they have an incentive.t we're not, he said directly, we do not seeseekther conk further. this is exactly what he's doing. so in search of deterrence, we're definitely going to ge'ret
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more conflict because our messages are confusing and r and our response is insufficient. and oh, by the way, we're alread they playing footsie with iran and we somehow think they can be our friend frie. >> is there anything to salvage out of this? like how well, how could you play it forwar so thaon't getd so that we don't get dragged into something deeper here? well, i hate to say it because a not a lot of people are,re, bu but yoyou have to address the cancer that it is instead of the symptomo s that we's lik continue to do. it's like putting band-aids on hatchet. es the prit's like iran is the v when me and yoerseu are over the fighting, we are fighting shiami backed militiaas that were backd by iran. they were killing a lot of our brothers and sisters in arms. we took moqtada sadr off of thel hit list and we decided to play a diplomatic game. i'm all about diplomacy here , but the left hand is not talking to the right and we're shooting missiles into the dark. some of these organizations that have been targeted. i guarante been guae, like joe d on his twitter, had been funded.
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and trained by american forces. it's u.s. taxpayers asking for u.s. taxpayers to be annihilated, which is just for failure. increasing issues on the ground. >> you're exactly right. the only way you can have diplomacy, i agreu're exaey diplomacy is what we should want is if you're holding a gun. in the otherou diploma hand saying, hey, let's cut this deal because it's a deal you're going to take and it's a dea , hey, ll that works for us, especially in a neighborhood of the world that only respectsyo going strength. you're exactly right. appreciate your time. thank you, sir. of e world and for your service. >> you got it. well, while biden launches for bombs in the mideast, our southern borde youservicrbos is completely open and unsecured. if our enemies want to breakd. u in, the door is wide open and americans are being killedms as a result, a lot more than three of them. we don't know who's getting through, but we do know terrorists have been caught. time and timetting te again tryg to cross. and we know these illegals got ille in one illegal that'sga o accused of attacking the nypdlog has a rap sheet about a mile long.
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he was caught punching out store a store clerk and stealing a couple a couple months ago was caught stealing as welaling. but he was never deported. that's their polic cay. wa when the illegals walked out of jail, you saw it. if you're ticked as i am about ityou saw , they flicked this off. they gave the middle finger to all of us, to every american at that camera. and now cops seem to thinknow they ran off to hide to in california. >> they're due in court in new york next week. on tuesday. >> i'm not kidding. we think they're in california now. yeah, they're going to show upti for that court date in new york city on tuesday. >> mm-hmm. show uthat's the policy.rk city >> last night, another illegal was walking around showing his buddies the video of the cops getting jumped. bu >> not too long after cops diddd arrest him for disorderly conduct and disrupting traffic. >> and then they found drugs on him as as trump would say, not sending their finest. these images, these stories24 will kill democrats in 2024,
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and they are literally killing.a americans. >> and i want to see it again. a lot more than three, as tragic as those killings were in the middle east of our brave troopss , how many many are dying because of a porous southern border? they don't get dignified transfers. they get they're forgotten southern. so they're starting to change their tune. democrats, in some ways, new york governor kathy hochul, is now open. she says, to deporting illegals. >> there are ove>> there ar 100s that are also can lead to deportation. and so that is also something i want to have a conversatioonvn with the district attorney about his his options here. so. options believe thisinve investigation has concluded. there are more charges to best had. >> could such a mealy mouth >>rbage, i mean, deporting these criminal thugs would be a good start. >> welcome to the party. but there's about 10 million more after that that would need to gis abouto. brandi judd is the president of the national border patrol council. brendan, sometimes you need momoment that's so jarring for
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people that it wakes weeks anyme day. this image i've gotten, i've. heard more reaction from people to this because it was illegals. it was a cop ia cop., it was baw it was immediate release. it was flickinasg off americanst and now they're on the lam out to california. we lam out think never to show f the court date on tuesday. but yo u just look at this and say, you know what, it's friday. this is what we do every day th we release people and they never come back.e this yeah. as much as i hate that image, i'm very happy i that theye se actually did that, because that's what we see on the border every single day. that'se on the our our agents. we see that every single day, every single time we put on a. uniform, we go out there, we get spit on. we they hang us the word. they cut us out. they tell us that they're going to kill our children. oukillt administration doestrato absolutely nothing to hold them accountable. they hold us the bird that theyh were they were free to do that because we taught them that it'uns okay. >> any time that they crosst the border illegally and we reward that them, they're good.
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they know that they can do that. they know that they can fleetheo to california. they know that nobody's going to come after them and look for them. and that'srnia one of the magnet draws so many people across our borders illegally. they kno whaw that they cant fu commit further crimes and they're not going to be held accountablert . i mean, we're not a serious country, not even remotely rem a serious country. when you're wavingot people throughving p and ultimag letting them go and with no deterrent and no punishment, you are literallpunishy nott a country. you don't have law and order ora justicere. justic yeah, you're absolutely correct. when you hear viceou are president harris say that the border is not open. when you hear section, my authors border say the border is not open. the proof is in the pudding. all you have to do is look.f is at people that we're releasing. if people cross our borders illegally and they get released, that is the definition of an open border. if the cartelsed, that can contl areas of our border to to bring in their higher valuboe, the fentanyl, the cocaine, the methamphetamine, the cross, the criminal aliens, the aliens
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from special interest countries, if they can do that, that's a n open border.efines everything that we're seeing defines an open border. and the administration continues to continue to pander to its open border radical base. >> you know, brandon, they keep tellin >>g us, you know, these are asylum seekers. >> they're fleeing the gangs. as, look at those images. >> i'm pretty sure it's the gangs that are comin gag in. brandon, thank you for what you do under the impossible circumstances. god bles do uns. , god >> all right. on another subject, fannie finallbless y confesses her love and she doesn't care. who knows it? what is going on on american campuses when war enemies want to enforce, they want to enforce the thought processes of our kids. if you say someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class from the river to the sea. palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat
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she knows what's. reallym here the problem here. >> it's the cars, not the carjackers i ts no. cit >> the seattle city council passed a resolution in december calling on the national highway traffic safety administration to recall specific gear and hyundai models and to require that the manufacturers install the industry standard intercept technology. this is really about one responsibility. >> got it. seattle is actuall y one of several cities that are suing car manufacturers kia and hyundai demandin>> suig thee their products harder to steal. >> this comes afteprr videos on how to bypass kia and hyundai. >> security features did bypas go viral on tiktok. wonderful. tiktok. a few years ag go o, you and kis just weren't on the barrel.e they're called the tick tock choirboys. teams like these for stealing cars and using them to commit violent crimes. >> driving this crime trend
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is tick tock. >> the only the key overarching there they were. >> the killer boys, though. and the social media platform is brimming with killer and hyundai hack videoa platfos okay, so maybe the cars. are easier to steal, but they don't steal themselves. >> sounds like tammy is blaming the victim, . >> don't think so.wh then why are there so manyy people out there looking to stealary people? and why does it keep happening? because there's less police officers out there to stop the thefts. >> plus, soft on crime policies lead eopl people to think they can of keep offending. take dc for example, the carjacking capital of the country. coat a title. >> in all of 2018, thereun were 100 and 48 carjacking. that's one last weekends. there were 60.. >> this is what happens when you refuse to prosecutels, gi criminals. you give them all the more reason to keep upve their bad behavior. >> is a city and a communitybeha need to bevi much more focuseddm on prevention and surroundinungu
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young people and their families with resources. if we want to be safer in the long run, we cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of i ar t. so handcuffs not part of the solution. okay, maybe you cat handcuffsno >> you just don't want to. rachel campos-duffy is my do and co-host of fox and friends weekend and joins us tonight. >> rachel, if you had it. i think you have a cookie jarok in your kitchen. and if you found outie jar the cookies were secretly missing and you wanted to blame the kids. but sean came to you and said, no, no, rachel, you didn't lock it well enough, those kids may have learned to steal, but you should have locked the cookie jar. have's the fla in my logic here? >> no, your logi thec is perfec you know what i call this p you've heard of the term brainstorming. i call this blame stormy. brains thiit's liberals have pos like defund and it doesn't work. out and it leads to hurting people. leads toy get their citizens getting very angry about it. storrals get together and they
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blame storm. they come up with really the and thingso pl to blame. obviously, it's so logicalame.. what we're seeing here, if you don't, you know, prosecute these crimesprcrimes, you're go to get more of them. and so, you know, let'em.s justs blame the cars. let's blame the car makers. let't's nos not talk about our policies. >> you're exactly right. the larger version of that. not to go back to the middle east is like we're told that the radical islamistslarger only are fighting because of climate change and they have less cropg be yield thanop they did before. i mean, this is like this is part of a disease the left ha yield is ths. foley >> they can't see the folly of their policies. so it has to b theire some amor problem they can't really solvem . >> absolutely. and by the way, tammy morales, you very generously called socia her a socialist. she's really a communist. i mean, that's what allil these. socialists ultimately are. and that's the kind of twistedt. logic they have. it doesn't make sense to people like you and i, but i gues ke senseou ands if you're a socialist, it has. >> or communism.
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thanks for getting up stayi and staying up with us. staying up with us and getting up in the morning. if ye, ifoumeantimth you like what you hear and you do, check out the from the kitchen table podcast with the duffy's. anywhere you find podcastst fox news podcast dot com. it's worth listening to. they are very good. rachel, you're the best. thank you. i appreciate it. you guys. all right. take care. three in the morning. >> yep. fannie finally admitted it app se mree it y. a court filing. fannie says, yes, it's true. i ha, i had a relationship withy lover boy, nathan wade. >> fannir e says there was no hankie panky before he hired him, only after which is weird because a few years back, she promised to never sleep with an employee. y. >> the people of fulton county deserve the very bes peoplt becy they deserve a day that won't have sexerve a with its employes because they deserve a day that won't put money in their own pocket when it should go to benefidedat children. g peop i certainly will not be choosing people today that work undeler me. but let me just say that i c
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think that what citizens are really, really concernedf about is if you chose to haveyo inappropriat e contact with employees. i mean, there's nothing that i can say on it other than in satp itpr is certainly inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in the state. >> those thi clips did not age well. >> fannie paid loverboy 700 grand, even though he's one of the most unqualified lawyers in the state. >> but her lover says he didn't er spend any of the money fannie paid him to take her on trips, which says they. he says that when they went on vacations, they went dutc.h. >> oh, how 21st century of themy biting, destructiv.e italy. new video next. >> hold on to the visuals. surprise. in italy, the, you know,
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their package in their feet go man though, and smell better naked from head to toe. t go >> we just got brand new video of us forces striking the anbar province along the iraq syria border, seeing it for the firstl time along with you. >> joining me noonw, medal of honor recipient and author of house to house david bellavia. >> autho david, thanks for being here. here we are in anbar province again. you know, fallujah is where you conducted the operations,
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led to you receiving the medal of honor were striking there. this many years later, i mean, what do you make of these retaliatory strikes at this point? >> i mean, look, i mean, i justi want to remind you that the last administration was .chaos. that is the calling card of biden 2024. that was chaosf bin . s righ this right now, this is not chaos. i realize we've lost three american soldiers. >> this is personal to you. hav it's personal to me. it should be personal to every member of this administration and d.o.d.. >> i got to second guess this. a wall for 90 days. it. took nazanin and jay z less time to respond with a diss track two years ago in a studio to each other rapping than it did for the unitedz le states ossf america to respond and atone for the vengeance of taking three of our own. >> this makes no sense forak whatsoeverin, ever. but again, the other administration was chaos, even thoughr admini our sitting
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president made a phone call to a family member to to console them of the loss of their hero daughterth and one again acknowledge that beau biden died in iraqnd. this this this is this is unacceptable. and right now, we either needno, to defen wd our troops that were forward deployed or bring them home, either support themor and atone for the blood that they take. >>he what this matters becauser they took our own. >> unless you would treat the enemn.y poorly and try pil to love every single enemy that takes a drop of our own blood, we return it with buckets.s >> that's how the united states military response and peace. >> this this is pathetic. but we're not. i mean, it was six days later. it was the middle of the night. it was intentionally targets where there were not people. so it's not buckets of blood. >> it's barely any. loodand, you know, our viewersua understand your sarcasm. youre, the the returnn to
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to normal of the biden administration has now unleashed chaos when it wasil the willingness to kill our enemies that kept peacee in in the middle east under the trump administration tiddes so what do we do w now? i mean, you don't forget you're a tactical guy. are these bases whersee are men and women are in the middle east right now in iraq and syria, small remote bases. do you think they have the air defenses necessary to actually defend against a swarm of iranian cheap iranian drone s ? because right now we've lost three. but what could prevent us from losing a lot what cou more? >> well, it would have helped if you would have keptyo the carrier group in theep eastern mediterranean. that shows up in the therntic ocean headep d home. right. so there goes the the upper hand. you know cross for the defense of those troops that tower 20 to that that will just its supply point. that's what broke isis's back in syria and in iraq. >> that was a huge asset for us. >> why are we continuing to movisis
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e these piecese boar on the board and have no action? d noi would like to think that f anything happens right now, if someone enters your home, you've got a primary, a secondarome,y, a contingency,n emergency. >> our d.o.d. does not have these things, evidently. >> and that's troubling. >>. everythbling. well, david bellavia, thank you for everything you've done for this country, for joining us tonight. >> appreciate it. thank you. you got it. >>all right. black lives matter at your kids school. that's nex t. >> third kid, what does she likes playing golfon't hav. it's expensive. we're outlawing golf. we're outlawing golf. wait, can i still play >> since whae work with empower, we don't have to worry about planning for a third kid. you can still play golf sometimes. >> oh, empower what's next? >> attention. this is an important message. if you suffer from lower back pain, hip pain and shooting
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violence and seek to erase the few awful stories of indigenous people. >> no, no, no. oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. >> are they out of here?! and now many public schools blu in blue states like new jersey, new york and californist a next week will be celebrating the week of actionbe celeb brouo to you by none other than black lives matter. by: other tnow, on monday, youra will be taught about restorative justictieck wm and the history of black women. >> tuesday will been about diversity and globalism because the world economic forum in davos just isn't enough. wednesday get this students will affirm trans and ee identities. thursday, teachers and studentsm will discuss black families and black villages. and fridaydblack will be
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unapologetically black. >> these are actual lessonssonsb being taught to white and black kids in publicei schools across the country. >> so if you're still underren' the belief schools aren't radicalizing your children, you're either highly misguided or unwilling to accept realitya. . it's right in front of us. now, of course, it is evenno worsw e at the collegiate level, where on so many levels they value equity over performance every single time. >> take western oregonsity university, for example, where failing grades are now banned. d grades d and f will be replaced with nc or no credit to discourage students from dropping out. it ws going to have no effect on a student's gpa whatsoever. >> just keep trying. >> now, typically when you don't study, you don't do thmework or you don'y you do hop to class, you fail. >> that's real life. in real life, there are repercussionl li s for our actions. but the left doesn't like that. of course, they prefer victimhood, especially in the
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vaunted ivy league. >> father richard john neuhaus, the great catholic thinkerr rics a line that socialism is the religion you get when you gete rid of religion, because people do want to believe itpe h in something that's bigger than themselves. socialiss you allguil of the guilt and none of the grace. unfortunateld noy, the wholerati generation has been educated in a way that, franklyon h, vict victimhood and oppression as being a tooiml to manipulate the young. hoover institute fellow davis hanson joins us now. by the way, that clip we justthc playedli is from poison ivy.'s it's on fox nation talking on fo about how the ivy leagues have been completely corruptedoa and, victor, thank you for being a part of that special. you can catch ityo sundau y at 0 p.m.. >> victor, let me put this 1 question to you, because0:00 p.m you we've thought about these things. >> is higher education ohave thr k-through-12 more dangerous at this point when it comes
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to the minds of our kidsngerous >> well, i think k-through-12ar is because it's a larger groupgr of people and there are people are much more impressionable at a younger age. >> and the problem is for any totalitarian ideology, and that's what cultural marxism is, it never appeals 51o to 51% of the population. so they always have to indoctrinate at a very early age and prep people into the correct so-calleyd correct way of thinking. and that's the sin of commission. sion but the other sin of omission is it requires a compliant or ignoranc ie student. and from all that effort, we put it die. we'rwee leaving out philosophy, history, language, math, wee and so we're creating these arrogant zealots who are actually very ignorant. they don't have they don't have the tools, the inductive thinkingools, th, the empiricalo of inquiry to refute this indoctrinationquir so that we'rb in we lose both ways by omission and commissionomissn
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>> and i think that's why people are fleeing the public schools in droves. you're rightic and thatyounge radicalization at younger levels, if you talk to professors and you talkr about this in our special poison ivy exacerbates coe radicalism the on college campuses, because now it's not just the marxist professors, it's the studentll.s, the woke students who are demanding activism in collegests. that yeah, that is k the idea was before people who were politically disinterested or neutral came to college, and then they came home the first semester and shocked their parents at all. the remarks of tripe that they i they went through it because they got it from the professors. >> now profess the students aren into college more radical than the professors. and you hear professors say, well, i'm left wing, but i cannot believebu what thending students are demanding of me. this whole idea of segregated spaces me. , segregated dorms by race, safe spaces, all of that came from that's a groundswell from the bottom up. ndswell and it's pretty disturbg because our national preeminencretty die and competis depends on a better educated population, generally speaking,
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than our competitors. and that's just simply been forfeited. a tragedy. you're exactly right. that'sby the way, if you want tr more of victor davis hanson, go deeper. >> it is how did we get.t >> check it out.po poison ivy on fox nation. the entiren fo series right nowo on the fox news channel sunday night, channel 10 p.m.. victor, thank you so much for, n thrticipating and alwaysks being enlightening us so much on these topics. >> thankan you. >> thank you.>> t you got it. all right. well, i willha see you tomorrow morning on fox and friends weeken tomorrod starts at 6 a.m. eastern. >> that's 2 p.m. in syri.a. >> thank you all for joining us tonight on jesse waters. hai prime time. sean hannity is up next. ty is upt.and if you would, as s tell you, i'm not jesse watters. this is not world.hope i hope you have a great friday nigh


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