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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 3, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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time takes it well to third time by ten times. our studio audience has never been paid. !lagher oour new america.aham >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. e bo
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this is the "ingraham angle". thank you for joining us. my angle on the border fy in moments. but first, the u.s. military launched n ai air assault against dozens of sites in iraq .and also in syria that werer in used a staging ground for iranian backed. now, these are the first u.s. a military strikes after that dronettack killed three american soldiers and of course, injuring more than 40 others in jordan just last weekend. now, us warplanes struck.s more than 85 targets. they hit facilities, such as the command and control centers and aerial vehicle storage sites. >> fox news international correspondent mike has beenhing watching all of this from tel aviv. mike, can you tell us?ion now >> i can tell you, laura that we have confirmation now from the u.s. central command that some 85 local russianst by1 were hit by 125 u.s. munitions at seven different locations, or i shoul hitd say 85 targets t hit at seven different
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locationm ins, three of them ine of iraq, four of them insidero syria. now, an iraqi military spokesman, despite a claim fromm john kirby that the iraqi government was informed or an iraqi militarynt was says that theth u.s. has now violated the sovereignty of iraq and threatens to pull the region down further chaos. >> we now have unverified videos surfacing, showingacing. some of the damage inside of as a u.s. now is condemned. i can i getting involved in the battle damage assessment s at tprocess at this moment thh in the area of alcan. >> i am very near border with syria, just a short distance across the border with syria. we know that locations deir ez-zor, al-mayadeen abu kamal all were hit. >> what central command saysmal, were struck were struck at thise point are command and controanln of weapons bunkers, intelligence facilities, facilities that support
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logistics. now, despite all of this, de this,i or the iranian proxies were not deterred, at least the houthies. >> not to this pointis i. and this is despite the u.s. telegraphing these attacks saw. areaaw a rocket strike aimed at the of israel from the areact of the red sea earlier in the day. ed bthat intercepted by israel'y arrow air defense system. >>stat w what have not seen at h point and what everyone is nervously anticipat ie is any fire from hezbollah in the north or more fire from the gaza strip or additional fire from from the border? well, they said general simmons is saying that they're pretty confident mike, that the locations struck were significant in the degrading s of the capability of those sites. >> is that what you're hearing is tha ? well, we realle y at thireals pt have to go through the u.s. sources for that. >> the israelis,e midd the in
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the middle east aren't really commenting on that. really what we're getting from thl sources and arab media in the region is just more information about the ths that were hit. battl and the u.s., as they've said, is in battle damage assessment at this point. aura: al all right, mike, thanki you so much. and, of course, critics of the on arebiden administration sayhc they're saying that the president should have ordered military strikes immediately mbers we after our service members were killed last weekend. gettetired u.s. army lieutenan t colonel daniel davis joins me now. >> colonel davis, they're gettinl asg initial assessments now. we know b-1 bombers were involvedinvolv, lots of differet types of munitions, planes, missiles. but do you see this passive escalating further? >> or is this going to be a series of strikes over the next few weeks? s ar >> well, that's certainly what the biden administration wants. extremely lok the chances are extremely low that that's the way it turns out. and the reason iy be wise, becae both in the centcom statement
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and in president biden'sy spec statement as well, they specify that they also went after irgc cuts, forces, targets, not just the islamic resistance of iraq ,kataib hezbollah, which both of which claimed that they had responsibility fordlity for attg the americans, but they went after iranian targetn s on,m or the ground in syria and iraq. now, we don't know whether they killed any of them ormay hc what may have happened, but we do know that earlier today, the iraniasays if n president wr emphatic. this is if any of their troops are killed. noe you may nothes those know, those are iranian troops and the irgc commander said that emphatically that he would retaliat retale, if anybo, attacked his troops. and based on their recens ant. t and then that goes all the way back to 2020, i thinkr th they're probably going to make good on it. so the question that i have for the administration, which they have notion whihey have stu is the objective here? what do you want to accomplishnc and what comes next if iran's not deterred? because that's where you geting to the point to where this angld easily start escalatin
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up. >> it could end in a war all too easily. n wh said, and iran had said, of course not that we take any s aistock in what they said, but they had said initially we weren't involved in any of the decision making of those i e. arried out thes i mean, big deal. i mean, how do i mean, what does it mean? we obviously we can't take anystoc stock in that. but nevertheless, that'st, ameri their that's their stock line. right. they dreo w america has to take action. that is the most prudent that's, the most sober. that's going to give us the chance to limit our damage to, take to defend our people, but then noto esca to escalate o attack targets that may end up spawning more attack s onto us. so then instead of three flags t draped coffins dov, dover, we ec up with a bunch of old and that is bad for america. ab got to be much more careful about how we do targeted selection. now, the president's statementre todasponsey read response begany and will continue at times in places of our choosing. the united
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states does not see conflict in the middle east. let all those who might seek to do harm to us know this. if you harm american, american,t we will, responds, respond. that's tough talalom joek from joe biden. >> but at some point, if this were escalate. conservatives on capitol hill will call for a vote, if by congress. if it comes to that. a w i mean this i mean, if iar it cs to what looks like a war in the middle east, w congrese need tot congress back into the game of declaring war. >> do we not? >> absolutely. 100% that there is any sh obligationou. it's not. it's something they should do. it's something they must do if it's going to escalateescalate e americ beyond to ta that. and that gives the american people a chance to weigh in, to say, dokes to we want you to take us to war. and i think the answer is going to be hell no. sot path osed t i hope that they go thata path as opposed to allowing the president to continuateral u have a unilateral action in violation of the constitution to possibly a us into a war by attacking into iran.
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>> now, i'm not sure a lot of americans have a lot of faith in the pentagonrns. leadership these days. so i would shareales, your lieutenant colonel. >> thank you. all right. joining me now is nathan sales, atge forme ambassador at large and counterterror coordinator under president trump. mr. ambassador, do you think these retaliatory strikes do? will do what they're intended? r >> do not just degrade the storage facilities where those drones are kept, but also whenr future attacks against troops? >> well, laura, my reactioeard n when i heard the news was it's about time. the white house been sittingy fo idly by for three years nowt afe while iran has taken shot after at our service members in the middle east. >> you know,e th we've seen over 160 since the hamas attacks on israe befl in october. >> but before that even before that, there were 80 three, t at least 83 iranian attacks on our soldiers and.punche typically, the white house's
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response was to pull its punches. maybe blow up a couple of empty. buildings in the desert in the middle of the night. >>t's be clear let's be clear. that is not the sort of painn. that is going to get tehran'se attention. >> so what they did today was bigger than what they've t doneterren before. is it enough to actually restore deterrencece? time will tell. the concern i have is that we spent the lastlastek teleg weeke telegraphing this punch. that's a problem because othat means the iraniansmove t are able to move any of their commanders out of harm's wayhe and move their equipment out of harm's way. >> but it's even worse than nie when you tell the iranians we're coming,s th the of the third to the fourth, that alerts their air defenses. misst enables them to takeare in shots at our airmen as they'reug in the mission. >> and thankfully, nothing happened tonighto take. but it's a huge risk to take with our airmen's lives to, give this kind of advance notice to our enemy.s to now, jennifer griffin asked the defense secretary whether or noto much there was too much
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telegraphing going on. >> watchrm in terms of telegraphing about strikes and whether or not people leave, or what is left.just tel you know, i won't speculate on on any of that. yoi would just tell you that, you know, we will have a multi-tiered response. i mean, mr. ambassador. i mean, i just i'm sorry, but i am concerned about our response when he is our pentagon chief, i find him very unsteady. >> i find him very confuse hisd and muddled in his responses. and today it was just a written response, written statement from him. i don'tw what ti mean, i don'tg with that, laura. you knowoido what you think the iranians are going to do if they know we're going to attact them? y an do you think they're just going to sit around and like look up into the skyke and take picture? with their iphones of the incoming? >> i mean, of course course thet
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to ground. of course they went back to iran or hid orheir obscd their locations or moved their equipment around. you don't you don't need to have, you know, four stars on your shoulder our to knowl tm that our enemies won't use anyou information, that we tell them about our plans in order to defeat those plans. >> and again, this is whyanswer people are having declining faith in our institutions, we can't get straight answers. mr, . ambassador, thank you. >> all right. bureaucrats in washington are continuinghe. secre keep the details of this negotiated border deal a secret from the american people. >> why is that happening? we have the latest u p next. so you're telling me this battle to pass gets us into the creation museum, too? yep. how cool is. what are we waiting for? what's gone? oh, is a mastodon? i think so. e. >> i see.he
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beginning to end. >> shop now at show allegiance .com the unit party's borderthat snak'se the focus of tonight's angle. the unit party in washingtond is really talentedin at hidingh the ball. now for several weeks we've heard about the smokabe b bipartisan border bill that pr're told by people liklee senator lankford will provide powerful tools to addresls ts the crisis at the border. and even though sources have told me that the important provisions were finalized weeks agweo, the key players want to pretend that there's still a lot of last minute give and y
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take happening. >> i'm here tonight to tell you do not don'ta word a word o, because the overriding goal, da not securing the border here. biden coul d have done that on day one. >> the real goal that mitch mcconnell and chuck schumel an r$60 bi care about is to get that $6ll0 billion more for ukraine, which mcconnell thought would be easier if they tied it to new immigration legislation . >> had a lot of discussion, obviously,iscussiorder aro abour around here, but it's important to focus on the otheher ratir re for the supplemental. hopefully can work this border issue out in way that'sy. satisfactory. but there's bipartisan support thsupport for both israel and ukraine. >> the truth is the senate is not keeping the so-called border bill secret because it's tough on enforcemen t and on things like parole and catch and release. thlficante keeping the bil relee because they don't really want to defend it over any
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significant amount of time in front of any big audiences, certainly not in their home districts. >> has senator lankford, who's been quarterbacking, had a towny hall in oklahoma? wh to y not to try to explainny to his constituents why any republican should allow biden to claim a border victory here? has >> how is this tough on enforcement when biden still has authority to wave in close o to 2 million migrants everyegota year under this so-called negotiated bordeteborderr agreee now, these fossils in the senate think americans are naive or stupid or both. >>r both. we are getting very ce on the national security supplemental. >> we cannot simply shirk from our responsibilities just becaust.e the task is difficult. we plan to post the full text of the national security supplemental as early. as tomorrow, no later than sunday. he fleading to the first vote on the national security
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supplementaler tha no later than wednesday. okay, so think about. it's a classic swap move right. release what? 200. 300. r over t w400 page bill late ony or over the weekend. >> you know, it's not come e on until sunday. then you force a vote on it. just it juw days few days later. now, they wouldn't buy a car with with this little information. they'd look under the hood to test it out. >> right. senathey're going to do it with thi smasheds. >> mike lee, smash this in anf op ed published today sayingschu law firm of schumer and mcconnell spends months drafting legislation and complete cs secrecy lets members see bill text for the first time only a few and few days, sometimes a few hours before the an arbitrary deadline, then forces a vote on the legislation on before that deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, s digest and debate the measure ca on merits. this is not just a cramdown.
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this is a sham. any serious anyone who isor serious about passing a border bill and not just scorin,g political points for biden would have kept the house speaker, mike johnson, the loopl all along. >> frankly, they would have made sure that he wasy they board. >> otherwise, what's the point? lankford and schumer, in cahoots did not do this very telling. did not his.johnson has effectil said the bill is doa i. that joe in fact, 64 house republicans are demanding that joe biden use his executive authority bordep, to as this border crisis. >> but in pretendingn new legislation is needed, the white house and the senate gop leadership is effectivelyope giving the same message to american people as those vicious migrants in new york. yeah, the middle finger. thislete is a complete farce. >> and now even house democrats. apparently are threatening to torpedo the bill. a job,how?icans se
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my job. mitch and chuck. nice going. well, comee trut on, guys. >> i can see the truth here. they're becoming strangersl in their own land as criminal migrants are able to fly around the country using only a piece of paper as. and they're growing bolder, like those venezuelae venen thup in new york. >> these individuals. rowent over their rap sheetsetst yesterday, multiple charges, grand larceny, robbery, robbery, grand larceny, grand larceny. this particular crewte on mopeds and scooters, they were doing organized retailonly bee theft. well, they've been hereme a couple of months. so what the detectivesav tellinn me is they have crews here that operate in new yorkthen, do all their stealing, then go to florida to spend the money and then come back. d stea flike one day this day and steal in florida. >> and they said, there you go to jail. well and anchors like, well, i wasn't ready for that answer. consequences in floridkinga. oh, and speaking of consequences, there needs
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to bequencese political consequs for republican s trying to force this bill nine months before the election. let the people this. k ab >> pro-amnesty republicans are when you reall y think about it, would be really happy if this new border bill hamstrung president trump from really shutting down the border and really deporting> people if he wins in november. >> the former president calls this a betrayal. >> is that it? thatcterizatwhat do you think o? it's certainly not a betrayal if it hasn't been released. how does he know it's a betrayal if he hasn't read it? ret. n, don't be ignoran >> read the bill.>> lau cassidray is the absolute worsts he's a big spending disasteras.. and . we can't read the bill because you all are hiding it from . the people. but nice try. now we're going to stay on thits and have comprehensive analysis of the text. >> whes n this kabuki theaterjon really gets underway. and that's the angle. forme joining me now is missouri
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senator eric schmidt and former senior adviser president trump stephen miller. senator, the american t people have been clued in on what's really happening here. they have had the bulk of thisyv bill, the key provisionsis. s they've had this stuff finalized for weeks and weekweed weeks, but now they're going to release it on sunday, it looks like, and rushed vote on wednesday. >> reall y? >> oh, it's a total joke. and if you think about this, chuck schumer has announced we're going to be voting on this next week for a bill thd that no one's seen that's been negotiated with the president who could close no right.that'schooses but chooses not to. and as a secretary of homelandto security, about to be impeached. okay. so what are they really hiding? it kind of reminds me of that line in the first vacationr sa where eugene levy, the used car, he's talking to chevy chase, and he pulls up c the family truckhases and says, you think you hate it now? where do you drive it? so i can only imaginorye. s they but what we do know is very concerning. joe biden has all the tools
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they nee.that.d right now. hume but think about that. but this is emblematic of chuck schumer, the way he does it, to cra it. sorm thing last minute to moment to sort of come down from, you know , like moses, nobody with the ten commandments. nobody can amend it. nobody has tim has time to revig it's certainly not going to a committee. we should spent weeknding ofs tt about this amending of it. it's not going to happen. it's not going to happen. it's ridiculous. th >> this affects the entire future, the culture, the economy of the united states of america. >> but we have congressmen like republican dan crenshaw slamming republicans for not just jumping on boaritd with tht border bill. >> watch this. stupiditis havstrongy is havingg opinion on something you know nothing about. i'm extremely disappointed in the very strangge be by many on the right to torpedo a potential border reform bill. we have a bill that on netio significantly decreases illegal immigration and we sabotagetoldo that. that is that is inconsistent reth whath votert told our votee
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would do. people will make up whatever reasons they they wanat to. there's a number of them, i'm sure. but it would be unacceptabla py unacceptable dereliction of your duty. >> stephen miller, tough words from crenshaw. ry >> a dereliction of duty. very, he is. in. and here's what did he get wrong here? the dereliction of duty is not going to chuck schumer, mitch mcconnel joel or joe biden. yea and by the way, all thr,e democrats up for reelection year like jon testeris and sherrod brown and saying here is our offer zero illegald immigrantsup, why don't you stal up before the american people and say, why the shouldis be 2 million or 3 million or whatever it is authorized in this bill? have a national debate about the number 00.0. that's the correct number of illegal immigrants. >> we're talking about an administration that right no tnw allowed illegal aliens to beat
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cops and go free. they could have said with onecor phone call, ice officers to that courthouse arrestethouda those illegals and shipped them back home. we are talking about a democra pat party that just in the last 48 hours voted against t bills in the house to deport illegal immigrants with dui convictions and who have committed social security fraud and identity thefentity tdemocratt. the democratic party is committed to open borders and it's timtoe for republicansp to stop being afraid. stop hiding. stop cowerin cowg, and to demand a great national public referendumt nation on whether oy joe biden should be allowed to release any deportablessitor alien into this country at all. and i dare jon tester to explain h to voters why he thinks we should have 2 million, 3 million, 5 million, e 10 million illegal aliens added to this country by joe biden or anyone for that matter. >> laura. senator, what's ultimately to happen here with us? >> well, here here's what can'tt happen next week when chuck schumer tries to ram is down everybody's throat. , it t1 republit only takes 41
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in the senate to stand ugop and say, we're not going to dow this. we're not going to go along with this. we're not going to allow you to do this. .leis stuff hate that people hat about washington. we're going to side with the we are goieopl e. we're going to side with the republican house. we're not going to side with chuck schumer. we're not going to side with joe. we're actually going to stand up for the american people. we're going to stand up for up f ourers.t wey, our own borders. and that's what we need to do next week 41. s we have those numbers set it's going to be tough given that leadershinap. , senator stephen, thank you so much. all right. take the loa ad, . >> as in willis?nt as in the fulton d.a. goingr ou after trump while forced to air out her own dirthey laundry. >> but she remains defiant. the details next to my seminar, you'll be saying, wow, you need a really high master really works. don't you really want to know? hey there. i'm miller. you want to see my new three part series? the infomercials that sold
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>> fox news alert. o new video justf of one of the s u.s. airstrikes. a senior u.s. defense official.s telling fox news that the strikes are completefox ne for the night. fox news senior national ou tespondent rich edson is live at the white house. rich, what's the latest coming out of washington after thesean retaliatory strikes in both iraqd sy and syria?bi >> well, laura, the biden administration has just been giving a little bi detailthat wl about the strikes that were carried out tonight. t sites, iseven different sitesd rerces, iranian backed proxies in iraq and syria. it's those proxiesspr were tha responsible for a strike in jordan on sunday that killedd three u.s. soldiers, sergeants william rivers, kennedy, sanders, brianna moffett. president biden attended their dignified transferdign t is now afternoon at dover air force base in delaware. the presiden hist now back at
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his delaware home in his first comment since the strike , the president said in a statement, quote, this afternoon at my directio a n, military forces struck targets and facilities in iraq and syritha that the irgcattack and affiliated militia usedl cot attack u.s. forces. >> our response began today. itint time will continue at tima and places of our choosing. ys thethe white house says the d military used 125 precisionosen guided weapons to strike 85 different targets chosen to avoid civilians. sts werey they the strikes were successful, but say they're still assessing o the damage and to figure out how many militants the u.s. may have killed. >>e house the white house mains these strikes were designed to degrade the militias capabilities. e republicans say they were just too late. senator roger wicker is the highest ranking republican on the senate armed services committee. >> he sayshest ranking, quote, e administration spent nearly a week foolishly u.s. intentions to our adversaries, giving them to relocateour and hide.
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it is past time fo r our in chief to adopt new approach that targets the sponsorsging of terrorism in the region. >> republicans are urging i the white house for a more robust response, going specifically afterra iranian assets. white house maintains laat they're not finished yet. urlaura, thank you so much. >> oh, lord, they won't be mad when i'm all no nonsense. why are they so surprised that you're going to see that? i'm assuming your child can accomplish extraordinary things . god believe that a texasth boyse of impeccable. the man chose billy joe or even god help fulton county d.a. fani willis keep this a secretni now for weeks. well and track well. let's try our best to dodge allegationwas ved s that she wast sh romantically involved with the hi that she hired
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to run her case against donald trump. but now nathan wade admits in a sworn affidavit they developedn a quote, personal relationship in addition to their, quote, profes, s personal associationee and friendship. now in the same filing, willis called the allegations against her and wade salacious. >> a former independent counsel, deputy fox news contributor sol weissenberontri joins me now. so what does all of this meaere there have been many calls for her to step aside, that she has tainte d this investigation with this and other allegationsd of the way. you know, money has been spent e and used for various personal activities. does thi ms much in your i don't estimation? >> think i don't think it changs much legally based on what we know now. >> she's note to they're note going to kick the case out and she probably won't buy ha. ed but she certainly has tainted the investigation. n.
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she's, you know, potentiallyust tainted herself with that jury pool. reckle and it's just a terrible i mean, how how absolutely reckless rea. g to and one thing that really jumps out at me, laura, is it'ss al one thing to go and go to yourcy church and, say it's all racially motivated. but hered she's got her firsts chance to respond legally. and she does makbut she legal responses, but she also plays the race card in this brie f that filed. >> and it's really totally inappropriatl filinge in of a lg filing. and it makes me think, you know, there's a lot of outragee in d she in the response and she has no reason to bek sh outraged. she knew the risks she wases m taking when she engaged in this relationship. and it makes me think there may be more there just anstion.thear the question, do a legal brief. we don't need all the theatricis in the legal filing. >> well, she's complaining the allegations are salacious. the underlying context c and conduct to many people would seem to be s. ks iu
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i'm not really clear on what that says. all right. impa all should notr fani impact the case. >> and they're taking up for fanning. watc>> even if thereh even if tt a personal relationship, tions it's not clear that would merito her disqualificationuls nor it at all mean the dismissal of the indictmen t. th any personal relationship that she was having has nothing to do with the merit of the charges themselves. . so. ee >> well, we haven't heard anylig evidence on this yet. we've just seen her filing. it'd be interesting to see what happens if there's an evidentiareity hearing and thene can see how serious it is. i agree. it get will be very difficultf to get the entire case tossed out basethere is mord on. but if there's more there, she could she could find herself personallyrecused. accused. >> right? yeah, she could be. she could be., you knowasid, shunted aside at e at the very least. new news todaym ju from judge chutkan. and this was significant. and of course, the other case
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against trump that she is delaying that march 4thederal trial date in the federal caset against president related to the 2020 presidential election. and she's she's delaying it because, of course, higher courtsco are consideringy. his broad claim of immunity. >> s o this is what the president wanted. how long do you think thisup would this delay would eventually end u beingp being gn the court's docket and so forth long enough to kee p this casewant from happening before the election, as long as the d.c. circuit i to be delt to be well, i mean, but that that's key for trump, is it not? rig i mean, he doesn't want it obviously doesn't want this case. it greate. all right. so all right. so great to see you. thank you. all right. orchool weblack lives matter.urk >> organizing a school week of action for next week. we with?okayid >> your kids participating? we have the details next. there's something shocking chance, the unexpected happen
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e w teachers that urged educators to quote understanhid white supremacy, white privilege and the deep harm that whiteness brings to students and team membershatr whatever that means. now, the school claims, well, they're no longer usinsing iit', but it's out there. >> joining me now are the founder and president of parents nicol defending education, nicole neely and manhattan institute senior fellos rufowe e chris rufo. >> nicole, let's start with you. are we winning or losingt de the war against diy, given this effort to rebrand it as? >> something regarding excellence? it is an astonishing gaslighting that's taking place. i mean, this is certainl is moyt multi-headed hydra, but i think the fact that they were in retreat ke really showedpact that people like chris have really made an impact because at the end of the day, it's not the deniers. oops, we accidentally misquoted and asians as oppressors and they should be oppressed. it'sc and our taxo code dollars are are being used to kill people at all. e atl.
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and so until we reallye we actually put this in the grave, i think we can't give upiv. now, chris, when lon they're caught, as they were in this case, it's like, oh, wgc don't want we nok longer use that. right. but next week is black lives a e seller week in schools and it's a week of action. and they're actually even selling merchandisrchandise, oc, sweatshirts, even a journal all to help promote their demands. and again, and brand this agenda as pro education, pro excellence, etc.. so talk about propaganda. they even have their own merch line. >> yeah. and it's really not about excellence. in you'll notice that a lot of the language is not about propping upstudents black students, teace black students the skills they'll need to succeed, but actually it's abousucceed.t. students, white educators, white leaderwe hs. and we've become so habituated to this anti-whiteite discrimination coming from the education sector that we
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almost forge in shoult how shocking its should be. but if we're really to switch the names of some those groups,n it'll give you a sense of it. i mean, imagine we'rtueurope aea century europe and wend have teachers pledgingped. to and i'll read with the exact words from denver school district what the groumentp a commitment to german excellence that all educators needed teply to deeply understad jewish supremacy, jewish privilege and the deep harm jewm jewishness brings to students and team members that isinable, shocking. it's abominable, but it's exactthe exact terminology witl groups switched that we're seeinger in places like denveran public schools. make no mistake about it, this is an awfu awl that judges people on race. it should have no place in ourts institutions it's a c and as sou were saying that thi d'angelo, who's one of the more intolerant pro dare i educators out there she tells the denver t schools and this is in their literature that it. is that if you are racist but how you are racist, we all perpetuate white racistd mut
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ideologies policies and practice in some way wor and work tirelessly in our efforts to be anti-racise t. so, in other words, you know, yeah, of course, a racist. >> so just a matter of degree. >> that's absolutely right. the simple fact to in denver is that white students make up only about 20% of the student body. and so it's not the casee up that this is a kind of targeted scapegoating style rhetoricjoriy directed towards the majority. >> that's not acceptable either. either. is directed towards a numerical absolute minority. nui it's disgraceful. it goes under this monikerf of anterior, but it's nothing te of the sort. >> it's racisty are do. the grea what they're doing is racist. nicole and chris, keep at it. >t >> keep upha the great work and thank a >> thank the president summons anay
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strike. u.s. air strikes in both syria and iraq. >> for the latest mideast coverage, stay with fox news channel. it's friday and that means it's time for friday follies. and for that, we turn to fox news contributor arroyo. >> all right, raymond, the president is fighting some pretty dismal polls this week that show him losing across the board to trump. >> well, look, the president's doing everything he can to win over america, at least captain america. when i saw that actor chris evans was in d.c., i thought, how long before the biden camp drags to the white house? the president was bribing the first avenger before the day was out. >> i got something for you. yeah, right. the reality show that we're doing, that's for sure. i'm talking. i get to be great. >> i love it. you know what that's called, ma? thn that's called a stealths
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endorsement, laura. i meannbelieva, this is unbelie. >> but when biden is slipping, this slippin, there's a new geoa poll that shows trump up d seven points with young people. >> biden has to do everythine cg he can to connect with every pop culture icon he can drag into can his orb his orbit. this is just another example of what i think we will be seeing a lotng more of in the days ahead. well, he wants that reflecte red in from the celebs. but i mean, just becauseean captain america can rescue people, it doesn't mean he can rescue biden unless he's going to give him a cape and give a special powers. i don't see it. all right, raymond. itmy favor is time for one ofth my favorite segments, which is three wishes. >> s becauo generous. with >> thank you are so generous. what'shat's yo your first? tha oh, first wish. i wish that when biden had a call with, say, the uaw president, that both both pa pad would learn their lines and not read from the scriptrom the whe talking. >> we look forward to continuing the fight no twe'r
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you as our president. and let me assure you this. we're ready to stand up forea you and your election and yourio fight. now it's our fight. i tell you what, and this is excitinw ur youg. you. >> thank you. thank you. thank you, laura. when you winlawhen y, you need . >> thank you. thank you. i tell you what, man, this is exciting. thanll youk. e bid >>en my name is joe biden.everya i am the president. my wife is jill. every call is premeditated and scripted out like this, laura. and it's like each sidlikee the have their own parts, their own sides, and they read to each o whitend then house edits the conversations because they're still not fluild and release. and i'm on social media. they should they should just release the audi he audioo, savethey'r the visuals. >> it undermines whatever they're trying to frame ie trying. mondt. ersin it's so bad that even the edited version is i mean, i don't even thinkse the edits can save it. t it's like those of those co-written zoom calls. yes, people try to dom that neom duets. it never worked. well, this is when you hav haveo people who don't actually know the lines. it doesn't really work at all.
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all right. it worksecond wish.w, when >> i wish i wish that today's show, when they were interviewing elmo the other day about that story the covered and then larry david was also booked. i wish that today' todays show d give us a nice tight action shot when wet need it most more. >> all right. let's go over to our check of the weatherof the w and not t wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wa. oh! oh, my god. ask blasphemy. o it. permission ask permission before you touch people. now, somebody halad to do it, al laura. >> larry david was channeling tg all of america in that moment, this elmo thing, the very idea, that need a preschool puppet that's intended to teach preschoolersheir abc their abcs that that becomes the vessel of our mental health as a nation is ridiculous. i love that larry david acted and kind of put the kibosh on elmo. but wouldn't you like to close upto?
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>> well, how we approach did he crawl behind the couch or we don't reallynow. no,. d no. he just walked up and mauled poor elmo and then too tk swing elmo's dad. really? he really went for it? yeah. the funniest thing, raymond worked for him to pullpull the e the hand and throw it at savannah guthrie. that have been really fun. say, savannah, what do you think? curb your enthusiasm, sweetheart yeah, here's. >> here's our. here's your guess. my third wish. laura is truly one of the most important of all. i wish people would stop trying to set back the human race through their stupid. >> for instance, my husband. i have removed bottoms of all of our shoes. some businesses don't want us being completely. if we cut off the bottom of our shoes that allow us to be barefoot. london with else. so today we got to work and start removing the bottoms. it's the perfect way to get all the benefits of going barefoot, but also have no one, no, laura, i'm buying your ticket for christmas. >> i know you're not bare feet. no, i hate feet. i hate feet. i hate bare in public.
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the worst is when you have to see men's feet at the nail salon, when you're ready to get your pedicure and you sit down to relax. and then all of a sudden, some guy with all hairy toes sits next to you and he's like sprawled out chair that ruins it. >> so we don't want to see your feet, i guess. i'm glad we're not seeing them, but you're still getting that nasty stuff from the sidewalk, and everything else on your. how is it cutting back on the how is cutting the bottom of shoes off social progress? i mean, congratulations, e when a caveman. i mean, you're going to rip your feet up and call me when you get the whole colony of planter's warts moving in on the bottomng in on bot your feee >> because that's what'll happen. i mean, look, where are thesec c people? they're traipsing all over public places. the street, the toilets. forgetese the it. this is a really bad dn idea. and dumb as they come. so't do nasty don't do that, oki because i'm having fun. i'm going one more way. one more, more. true. okay, i almost cut thi almost s, but i wish when us senatorsared
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appeared at public at events, they didn't look like an addams family reboot on the set of their jersey shore. >> look at poopoor johr john fen and his wife. what are they doing? they're so grim to loo m,k them law. >> they're like, da da da da. i know all the sny need is the snap and doesn't it? >> yeah. that' and rebecca dressed up as thatno one. good one. holloway. yeah. that's how we'vet going o . figu that's not going down. >> you know, saturday night is different are all right, weeke raymond have a wonderful weekennd jeand for your wishes o tonight. >> all right, that's it for us tonight. don't forgetr us ton forget, yol stay connected with us. follow me on social on facebook and instagram. we have some fun poll questions out there. ie. we'llt back on that on monday. thank you for watching. remember, it is america no amerw forever. >> pete hegseth, he's in for jesse. he takes it from here. >> good evening. i'm trace gallagher. ce: goodit's 8 p.m. on the west 11:00 here in new york city. and th


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