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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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they didn't look like an addams family reboot on the set of their jersey shore. >> look at poopoor johr john fen and his wife. what are they doing? they're so grim to loo m,k them law. >> they're like, da da da da. i know all the sny need is the snap and doesn't it? >> yeah. that' and rebecca dressed up as thatno one. good one. holloway. yeah. that's how we'vet going o . figu that's not going down. >> you know, saturday night is different are all right, weeke raymond have a wonderful weekennd jeand for your wishes o tonight. >> all right, that's it for us tonight. don't forgetr us ton forget, yol stay connected with us. follow me on social on facebook and instagram. we have some fun poll questions out there. ie. we'llt back on that on monday. thank you for watching. remember, it is america no amerw forever. >> pete hegseth, he's in for jesse. he takes it from here. >> good evening. i'm trace gallagher. ce: goodit's 8 p.m. on the west 11:00 here in new york city. and this11:0 i is late news foxs
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tonight. >> and breaking america is now responding to the attacksed thr that killed three us soldiers in jordan. so far, the u.s. militareen y launching 85 retaliatory airstrikes against iranian and e in iraq and syria. and there could be many more rounds ahead. but iran is responding now with defiance, saying they knew the u.s. would not dare attackat insidetack iran. the senior correspondent mike tobin is live in tel aviv with breaking in reactiono the to the first round of airstrikes. miked of , what are you hearing? well, trish, we're hearing dhat an iran backe paramilitary group inside of iraq is now claimingaimi that they launched a barrage of rockets at a t airbash west of ramadi in iraq. this in response to us strikeeae earlier today. this is we'rr y. e getting the first images out of western iraq verys near o the syrian border, out of iraq, as the u.s. has
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battled damage assessment is currently underway. we know that iraq is not happy with the strikes inside of iraqi . a spokesman for the iraqi military says that iraqi sovereignty been violated and the us action threatens to drag the entire into, quote,n unforeseen consequences. u.s. central command says85 tar some 85 targets were hit in seven locationsge, four in syria, three inside iraq. the targets includedlocation and control intelligence facilities, weapons storag e and support for the iranian revolutionary guard and the proxieics supps they support. john kirby said these strikes were not about sending a messagweree. this was about degrading the capability of the revolutionary guarut degrad ande militant groups. and with tensions very high all eyes are on hezbollah, hamas and the houthieyess here in isrl to see if they watch any kind l of retaliatory strikes. that being said, we know that hamas has capacity to fire e knowrockets is severely degrad at this point. the houthis fire severeld at att
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claimed responsibility for hiring it firing at israel earliehilaimed firr. all of this tension while us secretary of state antony blinken is expected in the region trying to push forward a hostage release trace. back to you. mike, tell them live for us on the ground in tel aviv. mike, thank you. let's bring in former ambassador at large and coordinato tracer for counterterrorism nathan sales and former marine corps special operationsales er marin jared kue both.r. thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. greath on.t to first. you have said that you believe the president biden has done he can to soften the blow of these retaliatory attacks. bl that?till believe absolutely. we gave them days of warningandn before we launched the strikes and then we gave them prior warning, as is reported, that when the bombers took off took, of thed states they could get out of the way. so we effectivelwey traded three carrier and 30 wounded u.s. service members for some ammunition and some
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missiles that were in the desert somewhere in syriasomewh and iraq. that's that's not an equal tradere in se. and i think it sends the wrong message to our own service members here in the>> tra united states. >> yeah. and the white house has responded. nathan salesced th, by saying, e we are not looking for war. and as mike tobin was just for reporting, there is concern about the possibility of hezbollah and hamasn and even the houthis to a certain extent, to respond to this . well, >> well, trace, nobody wants another war in the middle east, but the way to avoid getting dragged into a warto, to domina the escalation ladder and that to say tell i read and no unmistakable terms that they will have to pay an overwhelming price if to ta they continue to take shots at our soldierketss. that's what they've been doing since joe biden took office. you know, sincffice.e october 7, we've seen over 160 attacks by iranian backed terrorists on our men and women. before that,women. there were
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at least 83. so we're approaching 250. white house needs to takegloves the gloves off. that doesn't mean we need to go into ira o n on the way we went into iraq, the way we went into afghanistan. but it does meanut that we need to impose significant costs on iran. >> they are not going to stop until we make them stop. i don't thine hik is really talk about shock and anger. anyb, rett, buproblem here the iranian president now says, you know, defiantly, look, the u.s. would not dare come inside iran. listent him and we will not initiate any. if any but if anyone wants to bully, iran will respond firmly. y wand before, whenever they wanted to talk to iran like other countries. talkthey said military option in the table. now, you do not hear these words anymor not he. they even say we have no intention of any conflict with iran. intention ofd forces are powerfl and are always present. >> yeah. >> asomed forcful far he appeare right. absolutely. everything we've done so far has portrayed weaknessutely
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the iranian regime, they feel emboldened if they're going to kiliranian l emboldl our serd and we're just going to strike their ammunition down. that's a great trade we' them. they get to continue doing whatever they want to do in the region. get to want tthey feel like they're pu us back. and all of the other supporterus s their of the iranian regime are cheering at their efforts right now. so eventually somethingppen, to happen and the biden administration needs to get much, much toughethstratn rrace: to stop this. >> yeah, you talked about being much, much tougher. and that's why i wanyou talk agh statement up on the screen, because this is biden's statement and it readse .ws as follows quoting here, our response began today. it will continuere at times and places of our choosing. nathan, we have heard this phrase of our choosing time and place of our choosingundred 100 times in the pas tt three ad a half months. and it doesn't really seem to strike fear,eall into the hes of our adversaries. >> what do you think? yeah, really nice words, but let's see the deeds. it's really embarrassing for the united states, foror the administration, for the iranian thgime to openly taunt us like
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this. the reason we're not hitting iran is noe reasont because of e might of the iranian military. reagan sank half of their navy in one day back in 1988. they haven't gotten much bettere since then. the reason that we are not hitting iranince thee ar hard hg to do with the strength of iran and has everything it ha to do with the weakness of this white house. and let's be clear, iran is noty shy about operating in our territory as woperatine speak right now. they are plotting to kill former u.s. officialkills, they're plotting to kidnap dissident iranian american citizens. so kidna if there if it's good f for them, we shouldn't take anything off table in terms of imposing costs on our adversaries. yeah, nathan sales. jared kushner, thank you both. good analysis, as always. we'll continues as alw with updk on the us airstrikes in the middle east. but we are also covering another majoesmiddlee arr story. the four illegal immigrants accused of beatingthe fourk new york police officers now reportedly headed to californipa
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after being arrested and set free without bail. mid if you're an illegal migrant needing protection from law enforcemen frot and a lotot of other things, there's no better place to go than californiath. you build million is live for us in los angeles with more on the suspects. >> bill, good evening, trace. good evening to you. police in new york believe severa.l those illegalthe mo immigrants charged in the mob beating of those officers mabeau have fled the state via bus and as you mentioned, could be on the way to right m in california. police were apparently told by a nonprofitia. who recognized the man's mug shots that they got onto a bus in new yorky go that's believed to be headed to calexico, california, a city car, now, what?e the men decided to stay in california, the sanctuaryheri state here is a very welcoming environment. california currently offers certain illegal immigrants free health care, food stamps, benefits, financial aid for college and housing assistance . we should say it is unclear if any of these men would qualify their charges and their current
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status. several of thoset stat men in t beating reportedly have lengthy rap sheets that began shortl hyt after their illegal arrivals to the united states. >> they can go anywhere in the universe right now. they have to comthey have back , in about a month. and if they don't, there'll be a warrant issued for them and we'll take it from t will b >> and in the meantime, cbp data obtained by fox shows the large majority of illegal crossings at the southern borderjority o have now shifted to arizona and california away from texas to ariz. take a look at the numbers. cbp sources telling fox in the last week of january,anuary border patrol apprehende, d just over 32,800 illegal immigrants. of thaovert, more than 23,500 we in arizona. in california, that is 71% of all the crossings in trace.ts so far. governor gavin newsom hasn't made any statemento far, about reports the illegal immigrants involved in the new york city beating are reportedlyillegal i headinr that illegal crossings illestarting to spike here
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in the golden state. >> back to you, bill, live for us in los. bill, thank you.have let's bring in chicago resident connor truscott. it's great to have you ontts, j the show again in roxbury, massachusetts, just like in a lis aroundhiss the country. and you have seen this in chicago as well. in cthey took away the local ciy council, took away the local recreatione loca so they couldms house migrants there. here is one protester complaining. and i want to see if this strikes a nerve prant to se wita >> watch. we've seen this all across massachusetts, in the country where these illegal immigrants are coming in here, taking all our resourcewhere migrantsse and people who have beenn fighting for their own piece of the pie. are being left out in the cold.s yeah. i mean, he's saying, listen, we're paying our taxesn, we'rele doing it. we are struggling. we're trying to work our jobs and we can barely affordre jobsy to live here. >> and they're giving these migrants our stuff. what do you thinare givise migr >> well, i think that it'ssame t the same thing that we saw here in chicagohi. and what they are going to have to do is they're going to have to stand u p and they are going to have to fight against the administration.
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they're to have to be vocal the way i've been vocalinst and you're going to have to stand up against the mayor of this city, against the governor of that state and against president bide than i know that there's a lot going on in the country right now. e and right now i know that bidn has his hands full, but therknoe is a crisis at the border the and it needs to be dealt with. and i don't think that he cank c continuean to pretend like it's not an issue across this country. and as i have said many times now, if the biden administration is not going itn to, the people of this country, then we're certainly not going to be supporting the biden administration in this upcoming electionen. >> and i want to say to thosehe people who are going through the same thingsame this that wee through here in chicago, that if the administrationo, continues to not listen to, you, continue to not want to value your voices, then we have to take v our elsewhere.
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goinen, it is time out for the going along to get along. >> we cannot continue on you to be pushed aside. we canno to allowe the resources not just of this sanctuary cities, citie but of the states and in thiss, country to be given away to other people while we stand idly by in these things. >> yeah, it's a very fair assessment. i wonder because the last time you were on this show, cartei r you were furious at the way that the chicago the chicago politicians and national politicians were handling things in your arela since you spoke up. >> has anything changed? nothing has changed, not unfortunately. but as i said beforehi has cha,p looking for the democratic party to changare. so that means that i have to change. that means that inneto change.ry voters that means that voters in sanctuary citieters, vos, wee going to have to be the ones
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to change. as you see ones to cha here, i g red representing red because. b this is going to be the newe face of a lot of chicagoanths. e and it's going to have to be the face of a lot of people who were formerly. race yeah, i am wearing red as well. kind of trust. we are for a different reason. but i appreciate your youron colo r support and i certainly appreciate the fact that you come on the show. we look to getting an update from you in the weeks ahead out of trust. >> thank you so much for havingg me. me you well, the fox news debate common sense department was among those who aftenight" r 11 vowed to never forget. ye thot 22 plus years later, may of us have trouble remembering ,especially when it comes to the first responders who gave their lives including 79 police officers who died on 911 and 229 others who have since died of aey related illness.
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they were hailed as heroes. respect, revered. they were vital until they were villains. >> police officers became expendable, constantly defundedd ,rarely defended. and now they are fair game, beateny and battered with impunity, beaten gid battered by thos wite who we given sanctuary and then return these illegal coddled criminals offered americans a double dose of f.u. instead of being tossed in jail. you," anthey hopped on a bus bus and set themselves free. >> remember they have dreamse da to pursue crimes, to commit cops, to pumme l. ts we wonder why nobody wantsbe to be a police officer, even at the highest rate of pay. because when the crime rate went up, police funding came back. police officers did not. it's unlikpoe only they will. but there will be another massive attack or great disaster o. >> except this time thosedisast in blue won't be boundinerg into any buildings. common sense thinks maybe thente
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and then we will all remember that we all forgot. >> we also had some breaking news that got a bit lost in the shuffle. embattled fulton county district attorney fani willisllm made a big time admission about her past relationship with the specialadon that she ht to help build the case against former president donald trump.t. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in d.c. the breaking information on this. kevin, good evening. thgood eve, d.a.unty fani willis admitting to a personal relationshifup with tht prosecutor investigating former president trump. >>h th but as of this very hour, she still refuses to recusersel herself from that case. >> today was the deadline for d. to the respon the accusations from one ofon the former president's co-defendants who claimsnts prosecutor nathan wade used taxpayer to take his paramour. >> willis, on lavish vacations and luxe cruises. what's more there
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are allegations based in part on banking records cruis that wo used his salary to fly the paird to vacatios thn. >> you know, places like miami, for exampln hot spe. georgia state lawmakers also allege that money was spent for al detail to accompanyl the two on many of the trips the pair took. now, willis, his admission no time she hasly directly acknowledged any kind of personal relationshipd an with the man she hired and paid more than $650,000 in her 176 page response. willis defended wade's qualifie 176-pagd creations ande said she won't step down despite growing pressure to do so. still, this is a far cry from what she had to saysa about interoffice romance just a few years ago. >> i certainly will note wh be choosing people to date that work under me. let me just say that i think that what citizens are really, really concerned about iat citif you chose to have inappropriate
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contact with employees. t i mean, there's nothing that i can say on it other than it disr is distractingac and is certainy inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in the statent offie. >> distracting, inappropriate, unethical and.headache >> that's not the only legal headache for willis. she has also been subpoenaed by house republicans who claim that her office used, $400,000 o of federal money intended ford a at risk youth. and apparently they claim that she used to buy everythingo from macbooks to travel, even a bit of swag. . so the legal battles continue. indeed they do. orke kevin corke live for us in d.c. kevin, thank you. let's bring in attorney washington times legal affairs reporter alex walker and media d center tv contributing writer stephanie hammel. >> thank you botng writer stephr on tonight to you. first, alex writesex following here, fulton county d.a. fani willis admits personal relationshicom writprei with prosecutors but denies conflict of interest. >> going on to sayonutor but.
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in a court filing friday, willis told the superior court that while allegations against her are salacious, they have no . so i hired my boyfriend, the prosecutor rico case,lified that he wasn't really qualified for, for an exorbitant amounttaa of money. >> but so what? what's the big deal,moof money ? right. in her filing, sheer actually details that the pay is negotiated between the d.a. negoe. repornte so there's there's reports outta there that he's actually being paidct think double what others in her office are. and both of them have a financial incentive to see this prosecution move forward. therefore, there is a conflictes of interest as well as the important when you're a prosecutor is to make sure that the case, there's no sign s of impropriety. you want a conviction to stick. and here there'sonvictio sorts of sketching that's happening. so on appeal, it gives donald trump and those of his allies, fellow defendants, even reason for conviction to be overturned. >> yeah, it's a fair assessment
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as well. i want to move back. if >> trace: i can to our breakint at the top, which is these migrants that beat uhep police w and are now headedd to to california because if they're on the way to california. on this a sthe scched on thi a little bit. stephanie, i want to put itre back up on the screen. this is what california migrantsthis i califorto loo to. to health care, food stamps, tax benefits, college financialc aid, housing assistance doesn't go tial aio all to many. >> and they can steal all theyol want and. what a great place to go. hang out for a while. wha yeah. what a great country. what a great state. a greai mean, this is absolute insanity. what has happened this week and it insanit sending a bad message a bad across the world that not only cansage acr you break intos country, break our laws, assauluntry,t police officers, a get released with no baisel and you can head to california and get all the freebies. i mean, this is a horrible so t much so that some of theso mainstream media finally got the hint and are starting to talk about the truth
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of what's goinuth of wg on. but the thing is, the migrants are showing up at literally a people's front dooe showinter so this has to betion a conversation that will be had nationallyhat. and we've seen that as 2024. i'm going to ask you more about that in a second, stephanie, because we had some cnn stuff that was really just a secon. but meantime, herein she's talking about the records of thesevaluab's talki these mis who beat up the police officer. they literally had criminaland h records and they walked free. it's kind of amazing to meey. >> alex, what do you think about that? w well, we even saw during covidzb some of these zero bail policies. what would happen is thosewhat d would be released, even lowve level offenders who had already served timn low- e and would repeat offender two out of three times the regular level rate. so increased recidivisregular ml problem not just for those here illegally or those who are on certainly, but across the nation. we're seeing it in places like na. ington, d.c. >> well. yeah. lastly on cnn, john miller>> tl,
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who for years with the new york police department, said this. new yorks on set and he kind of shocked the anchor watch. >> so what the detectives are telling me is theyin have crews herg me ie that opere in new york, do all their stealing, then go to florida ll theirto spend the money and j come back. and i'm like one day this day and still in florida. and they say, becaususstill e yo to jail, oh, why would you stay? >> and we didn'to ja didn't pauh for long enough. but she's for 3 seconds, didn't know what to say, re. rida what do you mean? they go to jail in florida? who puts people in jail anymore? your final putsymore?. ion says yeah, her. her reaction says it all. she's just like, oh, and then silence. but these are important to these reporters and those in the mainstream media. they're smarter than this. they do know what's going on. they're just diishonest for whatever reason. but the criminalonest fos, the that they can commit crimes in certain states more than others, and that's why they're gointh 's whyg shopping sprees and in florida and stealing from new york and california. >> the n go steal it in one place and go back to the other. alex swire, thank see
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stephanie hamel, great to see you both. coming up, the resultsou both. r the toxicology reports are in for the three chiefs fantss foud frozen to death outside a friend's home. and it appears drugs and alcohoa friend'sl, big factors. dr. marc siegel joins us live next. and later in the nightcap, billionaire peter thiel late the enhanced games. that's olympic level athletes that can compete while using performance enhancing drugs. literally, the on steroids.ll would you watch it? telly, us wh y. s why why not send instagram at tracer gallagher? we'll read the best responsess in the nightcap. 1121 on the east coast. he nightfox news at night trip s america, a live look at thegh hot messt" tri that it's origin, used as a grazing pasture for cattle. shee originallp and dogs. and a live look.and south bend, indiana, touchdowndo ,the fighting irish home of the university of notre dame. dame. we are right back.?) >> can the river support >> can the river support your brain? ors,
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more confidence. learn more at reset smile .com. >> we have breaking video coming to fox news tonight.s frm this is from centcom, central command coming intmando fox new. it shows a plane taking off,a presumably to conduct one of the airstrikes as the u.s. launches this barrage of retaliatoryas. launch air sts across iraq and syria. we believe this was part of th e 85 targets that were hit earlier today becauseon has the pentagon has come out and said that for no cd saw the strikes are over. but we continue to watch as thei militarynue to is still moving e different positions. and it'll be fascinating to sene if this goes on for the days and weeks to come, because there hawes been every indicatin that this will be a prolonged attack on these various targetsf of iranian proxies. we i will keep you up to speed when they come in to fox news at night. ng >> meantime, we have been following the mysterious deaths
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of three kansas city chiefs fans. police now have the toxicology resultfs fans.e toxis. they appear to be very telling. bill back live with what weugin are learning bac tonight bill. well, trace, these initial toxicology reports ter are revealing. >> according to reports, they show that each of these men ha ing., they sd traces of thc, coe and, three times the amount of fentanyl needed to kill somebody in theie amountf speer kansas city pd confirms they'vei talked to the victims families and they're still calling this a death investigation rather an stillthan a investigation, with police telling fox in part, quote investe, there haves additional details or reports of this case revealed that any media nor their plans to at this time. the case remainsth ongoing. death investigation. police found the three men'sd jo bodies in their friend jordan willis's backyard just over three weeks ago. they have been watching n watcaa chiefs game together two days prior. police initially handcuffed willis. kansas city police say he's not considered a suspect. as city ha source close to wilr describes him as devastated. he's reportedly since checked
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himself into drug rehab. the medical examiner's officeic tells fox the full autopsy results are expected sometime in late march or early april. those resultors will determine f the men died of drug overdoses or something else like cardiacor arrest from hypothermia. >> so be extremely unusual forde a true overdose to kill them, but they would all get sleepy. and if they pass out in the snow, they die. one of the factors is it'srs a painless death. they don't have any pain when they pass out. and that doctor also points out it's possible that jordanwillis willis took laced drugs with his friends, but survived e because he stayed inside and slept it off. kansas insidan city police did n suspect any foul play in then. deaths of these three men. >> trace yeah, all very >> tragood questions, but listen for us in l.a., which is why we have brought in fox news medical contributor dr. marcl siegel.
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and so thc cocaine, fentanyl lethal levels of fentanyl. but it seems to me verthy odd that you have three grown men, good sized men that go out in the backyard-sized d and then simultaneously die. >> and as you pointed to me before we came on, we don't know anything about this yet, but the other person inside the house, like some kind of a scientist, that all is goinge to come out in the months to come. but you know, what's really whate is kansasm city is a hotbed trace for fentanyl deaths, 845 of them over the past five that went up a thousand timesyer from the five years before that. and the state of missouri is rampant with fentanyl. but it was also fentanyl plus ws cocaine. and this pol alsy drug situation is becoming a huge epidemic in this country. ising a hu, 50 times increased r them, meaning that it exacerbates the caus50 time. fentanyl, the power of fentanyl, the power of thc. is that what we're goingpowe, be to that to you? >> because i think drug dealers may think the opposite. look, cocaink drug dhinke pound. it causes the heart to race to go more rapidly, puts
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more pressure on the heart. fentanyl suppresses heart functione pressu, can lead to ac arrest or respiratory arrest, though they may be out in the s snow. and then the cold weather, as dr. button says, contributese to that. but your breathing goes way down when you take this amount l most fentanyl overdoses die because the person stops breathingentanr their heart stops beating. why they die at the exac t same time to me means that they took a ton of medication, all of these drugs at the same time. >> does the cold have something to dsometho with the reaction ah body? if you have one person who presumablye body, if maybe s took and he sleeps it off fo irt 48 hours and they go out in the backyard, is it the cold that mighthe that or am i readit too much into it? >> if you know perfectlyooo it stated, if you stay in the backyard long enough and you and you're belowd long and you'n below zero, the temperatures were actually in the low thirties that nigh t0sat nt. ev you stay there for hours, eventually you could become cold enough to die could b. em l so they fentanyl might have put them to sleep and then they never wak thevee up.
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that's another possibility. they also have to date the bodies to figure the exactf time of death that's going to come out in the autopsy report. that wbut again, fentanyl is whe the focus should be here. lethal doses, accordinfocug film illusion that stops breathing. yeah, it really is. i just wanthat stot to kind of p subjects, if i can, with you. we're all wearing red. you as we well. >> dr. siegel, it is red for women's cardiovasc disease,the the number one killer of females in america. i had no idea. >> not only females, men. and by the way, we didn't m entirely swaenp because remembe, i'm talking about potential cardiac death here. and halfm talkin of americans, according to the american heart association, don't know that heartache ameriassociat isr one killer and by far the number one killer, 700,000 perna year. and that's shocking that people out that.everyb pe so here's what i want to tellod everybody. i as an internist, look at it this way look at iay i look at r blood pressure. i look at your cholesterol. i look at how muchessure, you , how much you weigh, whether you have diabeteeigh,s or not. if you are gaining weight, you have more of a tendency towards that. ths lead to heartardthat.
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disease. how much stress are you wonder how much alcohol dder?o you wric a simple blood pressure check can save lives. so people out there for formont this month and for this day, we're ready,y to remember your heart and get in and see your physician. yeah, it's all very good advice, dr.r re marc siegeb great to see you as a person. has been a long time, my friend. time, my fe you.ttle bit thank you. like you have that l.a. tender. yeah, well, it's a little bit youe up and really, really put on there to make you look good. thank you, doctor. good to see you. coming. the fight for religious freedom taking center stage in a court battle in californiaht for . it's t it's the state versus a christian baker who says baking a cake for a samex we wedding goes against her religious beliefdds that baker and her attorney live, next. and bad weathe ar rolling intol california already causing delaysin and who says groundhogy are the only ones who can predict whether we'll six more weeks of winter? the day's best viral videos are next. a li but finally, a live look kaanapali hawaii. hawaii's first plan resort. >> it's live at 630 four in
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president trump? there's a reason he's leading the presidential race. >> and mike huckabee wants to show your kids why. with the kids guide to president trump. get it for free ad free trump guy that's free trump guy >> well, now to th♪e latest lega, l battle that's been going on since 2017. the owner of a cache ka kathie's creations and pastries, cathy miller, was taken to court by the state of california after she refused to bake a wedding cake for a samea weddin couple because s religious beliefs. a lower court judge in her favor. and now she is hoping an appeals court will do the veryle same. let's bring in kathy miller and her attorney, senior counsel at beckeing in kt kime. thank you both for coming on. we very much appreciate it. kathie leeg on.much, first, tely you're fighting this. i mean, why you ary this so impt for you? because a lot of people we've seen theser you,eopl types of cs said why not just bake the thing fo r for the same marriage? trace, thank you, trace, for asking. f
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baking the cake for an lgbt couple would be a violatioann of my deeply held religious convictions and. the bible states very clearlyshu that there's things that i should and should not do. and i love my lord and savior. and i'ld l and savm not going t. and so i could not make cake.oro i arranged for another bakery to do an excellent jobthery to,y cakes that i couldn't bake. and when i offered that to this couple they rejected it. but sad thing is, is that the state of california is choosing continuouslysly di discriminate against me by notsc by not even interviewing me or talking me before they took mets to court. >> yeah, well, that is the state of california for you. i mean thete ofrnia f calor. the state of california has kind of lost his mind. adel, i just kind of. look ai at this and i thought at of people that i know thought the same thing. samee settle this. didn't the supreme court partially rule in favor of jachp
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of the masterpiece cakeshop in colorado that ended this whole thing? absolutely. peope. that's what a lot of people are asking themselves. and california should be asking itselfg selvesia shoul that, tot look, the supreme court has ruled not once but twice in the pastseey ruled years in favor og vendors like cathy have deeply held religious beliefs that california justd religi dot get the message. it spent six years investigating her. it putestigati through a full trial on the merits. and do you know what they found after all of that effort youthe prosecute cathy? yeah. they found nothing. they found f. the district court said she had there was no evidence that she discriminatend anyone in the lgbt community. it found that sheye employeded people in the community. it found that she served people in the community. and it hel peopl comd that the only intent that she had in all of this was to d all oo was to e her own deeply held religious beliefs. >> yeah, it's amazinldreligioug. >> it really is amazing. cathy, i wonder what happens. amer what have you. have you thought about what you will do if this goes
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to theif you appeals court? in fact, it will if you lose at the appeals court, what is next for you? >> do you do you acquiesce? what's happeningdoesce?? i will to follow the path god has before me. >> and i'm going to trust my lawyers . take this where it needs to go. and i'tom to trust that our government will come through and recognize our constitutional rights as well as our deeply held relig convictions. >> yeah, it's amazing to me becausioonvictio trace: e. is you know, they were saying, oh, you know, this is comparing your beliefs about to racism. but you have made it very c clear, cathy, that you won'tle back anything that has anything to do with promoting racism or or gory stuff or anything. so that's part of this wholes pa process. and i wonder, adele, if ifi you know, if you think there might ulterior motives for the people bringing this case, why not just accept the other bakers? somebody is going to bake your cake fosomebody ir you acc. thank cathy, move on and have a
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great life. >> listen, trace, the biggest bully on the playground here is the state of california. they're the ones who have gone to court. and again, they're the ones who have used inflammatory comparisons, who've denigrated her religious beliefs, who have said that her belief bully os are affront to t dignity of all californians. listen ain., if if cathy's belil that she has to do it, her lord and savior ask c'ss to do, noerw matter what, is an affront to the dignity of all haancalifornians, and california needs to get another idea of human dignity. cathy, if final thoughts. >> i've got 15 seconds. is it worth it? it is worth it. it is worth it to stand lovespe and respect each other and worka together that everybody is served. but you don't have tso give your faith or honoring our lord. best. >> cathy miller. adel. best of luck. we wr how this thingkeep comes out. keep us up to speed. we'll bring you back on. thank you both u to spee . well, meantime, washington is a
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yosityon of political animosit and political turmoil, but the nation's top political leaders recently gathered at the us capitol to pray. it was the national prayeritol breakfast, a custom which datesk back to the 1950s. >> here is the t senior congressional correspondent chad pergrame sen >> washington's movers and shakers move by a joyful noise. >> thank you all for being here. >> thank all formaestro. but, kelly, you did up in our hearts this morning. we wept on the front row, a communion of song and spirit in america'se >> political cathedral, the capitol dome doubling as a sanctuary. capitolwe have really tough, th differences. we really toughy go at one anota my prayer, my hope is wee ou continue to believe our best days are ahead of usr . as and as a nation, we continueion to believe in honesty, decency,
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dignity, respect. the president praying for a peace in the middle east, the return of hostages and honoring soldiers killed in jordan. soldiers ky toldbarr the multitude about a conversation with his aunt about pastorin gock. the congressional flock. >> she said, barry, how do d you survive the insanity? and i responded well, you know, we had some saintskn in caesar's household. >> black said. what people don't see are bi partisan lawmakers meeting for prayer each week at the capitol. >> black spoke of how there was one senator who only missed a single bible study in 19 years. when asked who tha9 t was black, replied, it's classified. chad pergram.ergr chad, thanamk you. well, first up in tonight's viral videos, a driver shot this video of an abandoneddrivel
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flooded road in california. the state is bracing for athn atmospheric, atmospheric river this weekend in los angelens. y by the way, los angeles under, a flash flood warning sunday through mondayflash , hoping thn holds up long enough to get me back to california. at fro well, firefighters rescued a cat from an rv involved in a collision causing it to rollo rl over. >> nobody was hurt. the unhappy kitty was read overu get out of there, but held very still during the rescue. t still dui guess it still is. >> a cat can hold. right. and goodas news from the animal kingdom. a flock of penguins took over for the milwaukeine zoo's deceased groundhog today and predicted an early spring. n their prediction was corroborated by punxsutawney phil w, the official groundhog in pennsylvania. ground a duck named scramble in connecticut. if you have a viral video to share, share ita vira with an trace gallagher or at fox news night on social media. >> okay. coming up, how do you feel about the olympic games on steroidyo s. literally. would you watch? everybody gets to use
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performing enhancing drugs, performance enhancing drugs. would you watch it? interesting. there's still time to weigh in. instagra? m, trace gallagher, the nightcap crew. the nightcap crew. we'll take this up next. rty. >> liberty mutual customized >> liberty mutual customized my car insurance hundreds. that's great. i know. i've been telling everyone i've been telling everyone neve people ll? how many people you tell. >> only pay for what you need. it is very everybody. >> do you have too much body fat? it tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. are you struggling to lose weight? does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of excess body fat? body fat over our midsection. body fat increases for lack of exercise and poor diet. the obesity research institute has found solution.
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>> we're back to the night cap crew. kevin clark, bill logan. dr. marc and alex sawyer. tonight's topic the enhanced games billionaire peter thiel is backing what's considered to be the olympics steroids. literally, olympic level athletes could compete whileoye. performance enhancing drugs. >> would you watchhletes c the d games? >> would you maybe train to beh involvedthe enwhat in enhanced ? >> what do you say? bill maloof, jr. i'd watch it 100% and imagine some of these guys on bath salts doing the javelin and someone in the stands is going to get impaled. standoing get ithe they throw a it would that i'd watch it 100%. okay well, that's a yes for bill kevin court. no i probably watch it, but i'd probably privately feel like i'm in protestwould pr. it t >> i want to see people do it the clean way. but if you're honest about whethehe whr or not, you'd watch. >> i think a lot of people would watch, including me. pyeah. curiou
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i mean, i think if there were a lot of people would be kind of curious to se bige how big and buff these people gotten and how far they could really con or, you know, the do some of this stuff. >> dr. siegel. i'm against it. it's cheating. it's cheating. look, first of all, fig. !heatin >> it's what? is it cheating? and you think it's cheat even if everybody does it, the whole idea is cheating. >> but on top of that, medically, it affectits differet people in different ways. n keepwoulople can't eve their steroids down. so they have no advantage. other people havd ide huge reaction. so it's not leveling the playing field. yeah. cas not levehe playi n you imagine the penaltieshat would be that you have to clean up. i don't know what i don't know what it is. there. >> alex dwyeyou n upr it doesn'm healthy, but i think i would watch. i would like what traditionalse olympics look like and then compare it to those the are dop. it would be an interesting compare and contrast. i thin compark this experiment. >> yeah. i thought we already saw that. i think it was like major league baseball circa 1998 to 2003. i think we did this, played this game already. >> we asked x an instagram followers if they' askedd watchd
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the enhanced games and the results are yes, 17% on x yes, 14% on instagram. g, doug.ot very rousin but astrue says the following here. adultsfollowing year 18 and ovef right to abuse their bodies if they choose to do so. >> as an athletethey c myself, s is no way i would do this. but it would be interesting to watch these monsters.thes tyler altman so bizarre. i would be curious enough to watchmonstersus enoug. it shouldn't be the norm. dylan bostick yes, i would. and alreaddys, iy happens in rel olympics, have it be supervised by medical pro have is. and veronica says true athletes, no enhanced cause e doesn't substantiate talent like the doctor. u all. control will always prevail. thank you all. have a great week. ve a grei'm in los angeles on m. if i cani ca get back from the n . >> thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night. have a great weekend your whole outdoor here know i had a dead
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cat outside my house. >> it smells like that out this is a beer made by the monks. >> the greeks once they discovered it, they turn it into a ceremony. the original cocktail was a rock. they gave it to greg to, like re-energized coffee runs business discussion about philosophy. we had the best soda place. it was like a throwback, i thought. yeah, you tell you a lot. this is very manly. >> i want to dance to charlatans. let's drink our faces. and yet, by the way, he does take tips at the end of. i never take two lumps before dinner. it ruins the appetite they have. do you always like chariot? can i give you some feedback as a bartender? you . >> i remember space and leg room.
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