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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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will: affections news alert. u.s. carrying out retail tourist strikes on dozens of iran-backs targets in iraq and syria. rachel: hours after three u.s. soldiers in a drone attack in jordan last night. pete: trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. trey. reporter: good morning. overnight the united states struck 85 different targets in iraq and syria. this is in response to the drone attack last weekend that killed three american soldiers. according to u.s. central command, there are both control
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centers and weapon storage facilities hit and some affiliated directly with iran's revolutionary guard forces and other with iran-backed militias and national security council spokesman john kirby saying this. >> i want to repeat what i said in my otay mesaing comments -- opening comments, these responses began tonight, they're not going to end tonight. there'll be additional responses and actions we'll take. reporter: the biden administration is looking to send a message to iran and its proxies that attacks on american forces won't be accepted and it's a direct response to the drone attack last sunday that killed the three american soldiers and injured dozens more. ahead of the strikes overnight that included 125 precision guided munitions and iranian president addressed the situation on the ground saying this. >> before whenever they wanted
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to talk to iran like other countries they said military options are on the table. now you don't hear these words anymore. they say we have no intention of any conflict with iran. reporter: we've talked about this before but we should talk about it again. iran and the proxies started attacking american forces when the war between israel and hamas began in october. they have continued those attacks and tried to directly link the two. the reality is the iranian regime and teheran trying to ignite the middle east for their own interest and they're using their proxies to do so. back to you. will: bring in u.s. army brigadier that's joined us on "fox & friends". thank you, general. one of the conversations this morning and starting yesterday, what's been accomplished by this bombing? there's now pretty decent understanding the iranians knew there was a heads up this would take place, giving them a opportunity to take out whatever important proxies might have
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been there before the bombing. deterrence, punishment, what message was sent, what message was received by iran? >> well, i don't know that we're deterring or punishing anybody. we're demonstrating technological capability. that's about it. it's bear minimum of flexible deer hunting tenter options we've got -- deterrent options and no kind of penance for killing three of our great american soldiers. whey see is there's no strategy. there's no vision. there's certainly no pressure applied to iran to stop this for a momenting of terror and violence from lebanon down to the red sea and horn of africa. it's really just very reactionary. pete: general, if it's not penance for the killing of three soldiers and not meant to deescalate or deter, representative mike waltz was on
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hannity last night and said it's nothing mar than a fireworks display. listen to what he had to say. >> we gave them plenty of time to get out. once we hit the proxies, i fear -- i want this to be successful, but i fear it's not going to b. sean, i just heard tonight from soldiers down range right now, and they're telling me this is going to equate to nothing more than a multimillion fireworks show. this is yet another check the box and, oh, by the way, journalists in the middle east, bbc, and others are reporting that many of those sites were already evacuated. pete: of course they were, general. six days later, they're on third or fourth stash house, they've gone underground a long time ago. we were quick to learn 125 bombs, 85 different locations, seven different areas. we got the stats real quick. that doesn't tell us anything. how many things you shot at, how many things you hit. who did you kill?
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what was the impact? will we get answers of whether terrific ran actually would respond to this and back down? >> yeah, it's just a sigh on the american people and world quite frankly. here are all the stats and numbers. they won't tell you here's our strategy and here's our plan to apply pressure to iran. here's our plan to protect u.s. vital interest in the middle southeast abroad. our plan to protect u.s. personnel and it's reactionary and we had maximum pressure and energy security and reduced reliance on the middle east oil. all of that has been completely reversed under this administration, and it's putting our soldiers, sailors and marines in harm's way as we saw less than a week ago when three were killed. there's no plan, no vision and no strategy. rachel: general, i'm trying to make sense of all this.
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what i can gather as far as like what the rational is or what the doctrine is if you will is i see a valerie charity docket republic of appease -- doctrine of appeasing iran and making sure the fund asking there for them in different ways with the money that's gone to them, even just this past year alone. i also see a john kerry doctrine that a lot is making sure it's for climate purposes. our energy is shut down but somehow they didn't seem to do anything that could shut down iranian oil because i believe they want to use iranian oil instead of american oil. how much of this do you think is obama still directing the iran policy? you know he's obsessed with the nuke deal with iran. >> yeah, rachel, that's very good points and we've talked
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about foreign oil that the biden administration seems to embrace. i think president obama's overarching policy was weaker american and makes for a stronger world. that's very much consist with what president biden and this administration is pursuing here. there's a love affair of the iranian mullahs and they don't want to offend them and that's why they give $6 billion and don't enforce sanctions against trading oil, iranian oil with chai that . that's why they continue to allow the attacks to occur, really un-abedded and these -- un-abetted and this technology we did is as michael waltz put it, a fireworks display and demonstration of capability. i'll give them that, but how many of these do we have to do? how many soldiers do we have to lose before we actually get
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serious about iran and this entire destabilization of the middle east that they're conducting really rampantly and without much -- any punitive damages whatsoever. will: general anthony tata, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. will: we talk about this throughout the morning without opening up a gigantic can of worms and problems that face us importantly domestically and one point of agreement we share is this administration and democratic philosophy is the perfect sweet spot of expansism and weakness. if you're having expansive empire presence across the globe, you have to be strong and threatening. if you're going to in my estimation pivot yourself to a america first policy,
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concentrate on what serves the domestic policy. what i'm getting at is that's what we can all agree condemn the current administration a and -- but there's a larger debate and what's the best for america and what's the best role for us and it can threaten to engulf us into a larger war and seek regime change in iran or do we pursue a more -- i'm not suggesting isolationist and humble foreign policy of we primarily constantly think of this place, home, our southern border for example, solve our issues before going around and trying to solve issues across the globe. rachel: we clearly don't want, not you and i, this administration or democrat administrations, both obama and biden, don't want regime change and certain points under obama and then even last year when there was a lot of unrest in
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iran if we were looking for regime change, we would have jumped on the band wagon of green revolution before and over the last year with the frustration of the populous and the treatment of women. there were moment there is if we were going to fund anything or help anything for regime change, we'd have done it and didn't. clearly they believe the democrats believe that keeping iran in place and the mullahs in place is some sort soft counter balance they prefer in the whole gee jowski political map they're looking at in the middle east. pete, what's your thought s? pete: i agree with both of you. you get all the agitation and instability with none of the prevention of iranian bomb. i'm legitimately concerned of because american interests, american security is this whole region, this whole conflict looks very different if iran has a nuclear bomb and that's
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something that biden and obama has been okay with and trump said they would not tolerate that and didn't get more chaos and instability in the process. feels like the worst of all world. one thing i hope we hit on more throughout the morning and it's more tactical. these remote bases, there's almost no way each of them has the capable air defense systems to take down these drones. we could wasn'ter an enemy shooting behind and mortars or rockets and couldn't hit us. if we needed to clear areas, we could. drones can thrive 5, 10, 50 miles and cost $100 and navigate them to a direct spot. if we don't have air defense systems. this is just the beginning. i don't believe that all of the -- in talking to people that are there, maybe some do, but i'm sure all do not and many couldn't take on a swarming of a
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dozen or two duns. this could be the beginning and would change our whole posture in the region because of how vulnerable our guys are. rachel: we're getting overexpanded and we have force that is, you know, strained with recruitment. it's a troubling situation. will: meanwhile, it's not an inappropriate transition saying if you're concerned with the threat to americans, you might start with something closer to home and start with the southern border where people are beginning to realize the threat that, i don't know if people are beginning to realize or what. pete: it's been a big story. will: this story is the strap of the surface because the real threat coming to the southern border it was issue it was encapsulated in that letter we read last weekend from former heads of fbi and real terrorist national security threat coming across the southern boarder and for now we deal with criminals and that's manifested in new york where a group of illegal immigrants attacked nypd, two
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nypd officers. four of the five have been released with no bail. alvin bragg has to respond to upset new yorkers. synergy home what do you say to new yorkers that are outraged and then hear that your office did not ask for bail. what do you say to the folks that feel they're concerned about public safety without your office taking it seriously? >> i say that they're rightfully disturb when had they see the video. i was disturbed and disgusted. we do not tolerate people assaulting police officers but in a court of law our profound obligation is making sure we have the right people charged with the right crimes. i don't think any of you wants us to charge the wrong person or charge someone for something that was not their role. pete: we want to get it precisely correct.
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this in talking to people, this is next level outrage because of how blatant it is. they're illegal and attacking cops in broad daylight as a group and already committed a lot of crimes. arrested and let right out and flip everybody out. then we leased without bail ask&new information is they're headed to california a. group of them headed to california. will: maybe they'll go to college. pete: for free. do you know when their court date is? tuesday of nec week. tuesday. so if you intend to show up for your court date, which is what alvin bragg, that's why they let people out on bragg to say we can't hold you in prison but you better show up for the court date, think the guys flicking off the camera will show up on tuesday and see alvin bragg and get reckoning. will: one point you made, rachel, on several locations and how they're getting back and forth. rachel: ngos. religious ngos, that's our tax
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dollars by the way. we don't know whether these guys are part of a gang. there's a vi nguyenen gang and one particular gang that's been able to penetrate internationally, they don't know if they belong to this gang or not. this is a very brutal gang. you would release them without even knowing that information? two things, to the people of new york, shame on you for elect that had guy. you're not protecting your heros who protect you when you el eled a da like that. and shame on us for funding ngos for nighing these people around. how many families can't go on vacation because they couldn't afford a plane ticket and giving these people a plane ticket but they need a ticket out of our country. pete: new york launching a program to give prepaid credit cards to illegal families. rachel: but to all the other
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countries, come on in. we're giving away free credit cards. will: it's a symbolic moment and attack on police officer is an attack on individual but an attack on all of us and system of protection. wait, i'm telling you, the real threat here is not the importation of criminals. the real threat is the importation of terrorists. rachel: absolutely. which has happened at record levels. we know that for a fact and data proves that. will: turning to headlines, chilling newly released audio reveals a pilot's last moments before crashing into a mobile home unit in florida. here's a clip before realizing his plane was failing mid flight. [inaudible] will: the pilot and two people on the ground were killed thursday night. at least three homes caught fire. ntsb is leading the investigation into what went
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wrong. in less than one hour, polls open in south carolina's democratic primary. dnc and biden campaign hoping for a big voter turnout in the first official primary of the 2024 race. nikki haley continues to stump in her home state ahead of the republican primary on february 24th. her campaign rolling out this new mobile billboard. stating there'll be a woman in thous come november but warning it'll either be haley or vice president kamala harris. pete: i thought you were highlighting haley because she's participating in the democratic primary. rachel: she is the most popular democratic candidate for sure. will: tributing pouring in for rocky star carl weatherers. apollo creed died in his sleep. silvester stalone is storm up. >> carl weathers was an interest
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integral part of my life and voice and size and power and athletic ability and more importantly his heart, his soul. it's a horrible loss. will: adam sandler that worked d with whether on the happy gilmore say ago drew great man, dad, actor, athlete and so much fun to be around always. everyone loved him. whether starred in the manned blown -- weather starred in mandalorian series. everyone saying the same thing. will: apollo creed, action jackson. pete: chiefs fans found dead had fentanyl and cocaine in their system. that count rule out foul play. will: plus, east palestine residents asking for help a year
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after the toxic train derail want. >> i haven't lived in my home since february mike: i hear a lot of people afraid to drink the water. >> there's a smell that resembles a paint factory or nail salon. rachel: president biden finally planned his visit and we'll ask the mayor if they're better off without them. her destination we? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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will: cocaine and fentanyl reportedly found in the early toxicology results of three kansas chiefs fans that were found dead in a friend's backyard last month. this comes after we learned jordan willis, the host of the party checked himself into rehab. joining us now is former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney andrew. thank you for being with us. this has been a mystery and details of which have started to come together but we don't have a complete picture. i'm curious what you've seen and video of neighbors and friends saying that jordan willis was known as "a chemist" and would mix different drugs together and people would take them recreationally and he goes to sleep after this party for apparently at least it's held for two days while these guys are outside. what does that add up to in your mind assuming those details is what bears out?
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is that criminal? >> well, i think that the revelation that there were drugs that are involved is not a surprise. i think the next question is is there a crime associated with that? on one level even the provision of drugs to someone like fentanyl or cocaine that results in a person's death is sufficient to prove potentially some degree of homicide. but then we have to look at whether there's some sort of foul play at hand. was there some sort of prank that was going on or something that was more malicious that put these three people in the backyard and directly caused their death. in either event, more investigation is needed and simply the idea that they died through the potential overdose of fentanyl and cocaine still could be something that leads to criminal charges in this case. will: really quick, as a quick follow up, i find that fascinating what you said, was there some physical action that directly led to their death. like you guys go outside and lock the door and forget about the situation.
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that would more directly lead to a criminal charge, but what if it is they all took drugs, these three guys left and two days later he wakes and you happen they're in his backyard. is there still something you find criminal? there? >> the provision of drugs illegally that caused the death or lead directly to the death of a individual can be charged in most jurisdictions under most circumstances as some degree of homicide. will: what do you mean by provision of drugs? the provision of drugs? >> giving to them. selling them drugs or giving it to them or laying it out for them, inviting friends over. in any way that you're the one that's giving them the drugs that sort of idea is shotgun something that can lead to homicide -- something that can lead to negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter, it's on the lower end but the police and investigators will go all the way through and see if there's any sort of potential criminal act that occurred in
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the potential overdose. we're hearing preliminary results this is an overdose. will: right. i want to move to new york quickly where you've seen the illegal immigrants, i don't know the status of asylum claim so i don't know if they're properly identified as migrants but there's criminal track record and now there's this investigation into whether or not they attack a police officer. first listen to alvin bragg. >> in manhattan, we do not tolerate or accept attacks on police officers and we'll work to identify all those responsible and will hold them accountable for their specific roles. will: but not hold them. hold them accountable but not hold them pending the investigation so reports are these guys are already off to california. how is this -- if you were a district attorney sincerely dedicated to taking crime off the streets, crime of any stripe, how do you do this? just hold these guys without bail pending investigation?
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>> what i hear is the soft on crime type of policies coming out. what we're not hearing him say is they're going to throw the book at these guys. what we're not hearing him say is the da's office is going to do everything possible to make sure they stand trial. instead it's a much more lackadaisical and legal system will run its course type of attitude here. it doesn't matter whether they're migrants, doesn't matter the race. it matters that we have a directs attack on police officers here and this isn't a little wrestling match that occurred. there was efforts to deal a devastating blow to the officer with that kind of round house kick that missed to the head. that's the sort of thing that's a very aggravated assault that could be charged with allegations of dozens of years in jail. not just the missed kick but everybody involved and missed principle and act in the whole. if you're part of the group attacking, you're responsible for the other person's actions as w. i want to hear language
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that talks throwing the book at these guys well instead of we'll let the legal system run its course type of attitude. will: that's reserved for the likes of daniel penny who saved the lives of people in new york on a subway. thank you, andrew. will: dropping over 100 bombs on targets tied to revolutionary guard and former arkansas governor mike h huckabee reacts next. is this yours? you ready? surprise! i don't think you can clear this. i got this. it's yours now.
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weeks ago, the word that i say to them is don't. don't. just don't. well, they did. we're finally after 34, many weweeks and is 165 attacks on american forces, we're seeing retaliation and that's a positive thing and maybe hopefully sending the right message, but we haven't actually attacked iran. i'm not suggesting that we go into iran and create a whole new war. i think that would be a disaster. but this is a good start. we have to make it very clear to iran and the rest of the world because the whole world is watching. what does america do when their servicemen are killed? i'd like to know what we do when americans are held he is damage in gaza, which they still are and we don't hear about them enough. we have american citizens being held hostage and they're also being forgotten.
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rachel: i keep thinking about if this does go into a bigger war, what does this say to china? i feel like they're licking their chops here. >> i think that's an important point to make, rachel. what it says to them is we don't really respond until there's so much pressure from within our own country we're not necessary responding to the attacks but the reaction to the attacks in congress and the public and people are scratching their heads saying when are we going to do something? at some point the biden administration said okay, we'll do something. i don't think it's we're directly responding to the attacks or are we responding to the pressure from americans about the attacks. i think that's what the rest of the world is looking at. will: governor, i i'm thinking
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about china and what actually serves the interest of america and sit there and go china has a growing influence, they look out for number one, china looks out for what's best for china, and does it provoke this same type of reaction ecloses the globe that happen when is america goes out and is spreading tentacles in the world and what is it that doesn't seem to be inviting to the chinese? >> very clear. people don't think america is going to respond. they they we're going to always take the least course of resistance under this administration. that sounds very political but i'm looking at the facts. we have these kind of things. we had the attack that we saw on october 7. we've seen those and the attacks
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in ukraine when putin marched in and not afraid of much happening to him. this is a very dangerous world and it's become dangerous because when people sense weakness, they're going to pounce upon it. it's not any different than it is in the animal kingdom. the predators of the jungle look at the weakest prey and that's who they go after. the mouse doesn't take on the lion. the mouse always looks and figures what can he eat? an insects. that's why we have to always project strength and also a bit of uncertainty. the biggest way that the united states can perhaps fend off some attacks is make the rest of the world wonder what will we do? if they try us, they find out. what we'll do is kick their rear ends and do it hard and quick and do it decisively. pete: certainly part of the recipe of donald trump, the uncertainty aspect of it.
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no doubt, governor mike huckabee, thank you for your time. >> thank you. pete: will, i agreed with what the governor said. it's the red green alliance. reds, comis will agree with the islamists and do something to take on us. will: i don't think the chinese care about the islamists. rachel: mercantilistic. will: i appreciate the governor but the animal proliferating across the world and you cannot stop is the rat. there's a reason the rat is honored in chinese society. i'm suggesting they might have a deeper strategy and philosophy and one we're happy to talk about when it's a threat to the united states and we should be, but we might be take ago lesson what they're -- taking a lesson and what they're doing and not drawing attacks on china. there's something to learn here about are we doing what's best for america as we look to spread our influence across the globe. pete: sure. rachel: i'll tell you a really great example of what you're taking back. take latin america.
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in latin america, china is going in and they're helping fund ports and all kinds of infrastructure. know what we're doing? we're spreading lgbtq and abortion rights. that's what we're interested in in latin america, by the way they're not interested n. they want what china is offering and talk to businessmen, and i have, who wanted american businessmen down there, they say our state department -- will: power of incentive, yes. rachel: our state department should be helping our businesses want to do business down there but that's not what our state department is interested in. they're interested in a social justice agenda. they're spreading climate change policies so, yes, your example is excellent and it's right in our backyard. pete: rachel, our diversity is our strength. i don't know what you're talking about. rachel: not working out. pete: joe biden visiting the site of east palestine train derailment, took him a year. is it better late than never or
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too little too late. we'll ask the mayor of that small town, next.
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significant across parts-over the south and flooding across parts of louisiana and heavy rain this morning and possibly a bit of severe weather. we had severe weather including a tornado yesterday across parts of texas and backside of the storm is a snow maker in the colorado rockies and get ready today and winter storm warning in effect across the mountain range and denver 1-3 inches by the time this was done and later on talking about atmospheric river across parts of california and bringing devastating rain. pete, over to you. pete: atmospheric river. tell me what that means. >> we'll talk about it. pete: thank you. one year after the toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio, residents are living in hotels and looking for answers and joe biden is finally set to visit the town this month. let's bring in east palestine mayor trent conway. trent, good to see you. it's been a year and i want to get to the last year and first of all, joe biden plans to
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visit, better late than never. it's your view. it's been a year. >> better late than never and i sent him an invitation about a month ago and small group of residents and very small group of residents that wanted me to sent him a letter and invitation. i did. i didn't think i needed to, but i sent the invitation and he's accepted so we'll welcome him graciously. pete: trent, i'm sure you will, but you said the right thing. i shouldn't think i would have to. this was a highly publicized disaster. donald trump and other officials were there rather quickly. why do you think it took so long? >> not quite sure. i don't know if there was political reasons behind it or what it was exactly. that's in the past and we're trying to move forward as a village and we want to move on and get this visit over with. hopefully he can get us get a couple answers and if he can't,
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we'll move on. fixer few our viewers out there that remember this is and news comes, news comes and goes, update us on your people. >> for the most part everyone is doing good expect to move on. we're trying to get out of cleanup phase and moving to the economic development phase and get life blood pumped back into the businesses in town and revitalize the downtown and take the stigma from a toxic train derailment town. pete: water, air, smell, do you feel safe? >> i feel safe drinking the water. as far as the main wears source goes is excellent. we've done over a couple hundred tests and haven't got anything in that. surface water, yeah, we still have issues and working with epa
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diligently to try and get that taken control. trying to get the testing done to get people more comfortable to come back to their homes. pete: how has the train company been handling this? >> ever since we had that issue, they've been great to work w. i can't say enough and think it starts at the top with their leadership allen shaw and he's made a pledge to make it right and so far between i and the other village administration, we've been holding his feet to the fire and we think it'll continue to be that way. pete: that's good to hear. mayor trent conway. good luck on the visit. better late than never. i hope you get the answers you deserve. >> thank you, and thank you for keeping our village in the spotlight. we appreciate it. pete: thank you very much. you're most welcome. coming up, a 21-year-old looking
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to make history. we'll introduce you to the america first conservative running in georgia to be the youngest black lawmakers in the country. he joins us live, next. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪
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rachel: our next guest hopes to
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make history by becoming the youngest black lawmaker in the country at just 21 years old, cj pearson is running on america first agenda to be part of georgia state legislature -- house. cj pearson is hoping to be part of the new generation of conservative leaders, and he joins us now. cj, it's great to see you. this is exciting. why did you dade to run? >> rachel, thank you so much for having me. the reason i decided to run is because i believe there's time for a new generation of america-first leadership in the state. the state of georgia is ground zero for what's happening across this country. the radical left is trying to california our georgia, and i refuse to sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. we need to hold fani willis accountable, we need to keep our state's traditional values in tact, and we also need to ensure that america's next generation has been incredible place to call home here in the state of georgia. rachel: i want to show you this clip, because i thought about you when i saw this. this was from msnbc, and they
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put together a group of black voters and see what their thoughts are because we're seeing trends towards trump that we didn't see in the last election. i want you to listen and we'll talk about it on the other side. >> there's some people in your orbit who are voting for trump or considering it? >> for sure a. lot of my friends, we're a little younger. we only voted once, you know, for president. and trump is kind of all we know, trump and biden. they're like, well, we'll vote with biden. we weren't with trump and that's kind of the only thing i'm hearing over and over again, over and over again is that with trump, we had money. rachel: with trump, we had money. in 2020, support among black voters with biden was at 87% in 2021 and it's now at 62%. that's a significant drop. what's happening in the black
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community? >> rachel g to a black barbershop or black church, you hear it. the black community is looking for a new solution and that's donald j. trump. we're not elected on february 13th, i'll be the youngest black lawmaker in all of america. making a difference has always been more important to me than making history, but i can't help but revel in the fact that the youngest black republican will be a maga republican because i've said it once and i'll say it again, the democrat party destroyed the black community and time for the black community to destroy the democrat party and we intend to do that. rachel: really quick, that's interesting because it was black male voters. are we seeing in with female voters or not so much? female black voter s? >> they're leading the charge on the front but you're seeing it all across the country and people are asking what joe biden has done for us and they're coming up short. record high inflation and people
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going to the grocery store and having to take things out of the shopping cart going to check out because that's what life is like in joe biden's america. we deserve better. america deserves better. it's one of the biggest things i'm running on right now is giving georgians a raise by eliminating the georgia state income tax and people need relief and we ought to give it to them. rachel: yeah, it's interesting that quote with biden we were broke, with trump we had money. that'll make a difference in the election. so good to see you and congratulations and good luck with your race. i hope you make history. thanks for joining us, cj. >> thank you so much, rachel. rachel: the u.s. finally responding to the attacks that killed three american service members. we have a live report on that next. stay with us.
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