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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. pete: 7:00 a.m. eastern time hour of "fox & friends" weekend
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on saturday, february 3, year of our lord, 2024. starting with fox news alert and u.s. launches retaliatory air strikes? syria and iraq. joe biden says this is just the beginning. rachel: plus, biden continuing to take heat over the crisis at our southern boarder and the numbers don't lie, a new poll showing that 70% of americans disapprove of the president's handling of immigration. will: tired of tip guilt trip. raising wages. second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. pete: u.s. carrying out
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retaliatory strikes in iraq and syria in response to the attack that killed three u.s. soldiers in jordan. rachel: u.s. fighter jets dropping at least 125 bombs on more than 85 iranian-linked targets and the white house says it's just the beginning. will: trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. good morning. morning, trey. reporter: hey, guys, good morning. the united states struck 85 different target ntsb iraq and syria in response to the drone attack last weekend that killed three american soldiers. others with iran-backed militia and speaking with reporters national security council john kirby saying this overnight. >> i want to repeat again what i said in my opening comments, these responses began tonight, they're not going to end
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tonight. so there'll be additional responses and there'll be additional actions that we'll take. reporter: the biden administration is looking to send a message to iran that ataxowon't be tolerated. ahead of the american strikes overnight that included 120 precision guided munitions and iranian president addressed the situation on the ground saying this -- >> before whenever they wanted to talk to iran, they said military options are on the table. now you don't hear these words even more. they even say we have no intention of conflict with iran. reporter: these attacks by iran-backed militias started back in october when the war
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between israel and hamas re-you wanted and iran linked their actions to the war unfolding inside gaza and the regime in teheran is trying to ei ignite e middle east for their own interest. back to you. pete: thank you, trey. the attacks started 4:00 p.m. our time and middle of the night there. do we have a sense of what was struck or if leaders were killed and wait six days, maybe the targets aren't that ma sure anymore. what do we doe -- mature anymore. what do we know? reporter: it's a great point. for the past two weeks, the region has been talking about american strikes against the poxes in iraq and syria and given the organization time to get their top officials out of the area that would be hit. we know according to the iraqi government they say 16 people were killed in iraq territory including soldiers and civilians
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according to officials in baghdad. syrians say there were a variety of people killed, but we don't have specific numbers on that side of the border. it'll be difficult to confirm what the u.s. hit but they consider trying to target the command centers used to launch attacks on u.s. forces inner the region and some of the underground weapon storage facilities where they're keeping the drones and ballistic missiles that have been targeting american forces since mid october. guys. will: glad you brought up mid october, trey. the numbers we hear about from the strikes from iranian proxy forces on american forces presence in the middle east dates back to mid october, early november, essentially post october 7. this is tied in some way, at least on the time line, to the october 7 attack israel. these two stories are almost in
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a vacuum but also separated from another. what is the goal of these and attacking iran through the proxy forces in attacking americans? many say to wrap up the region and put perk into a wider conflict, into a war. what's the point of how these two issues connect? >> one camp believes iran wants to solidify their power and send a message to americans across the region and there's a similar camp that focuses on iran's interest in removing american soldiers for iraq and syria. while they continue missions to target the extremist organizations on the ground in the middle east, there's been a lot of conversations in washington about possibly
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drawing down the u.s. presence as it exists today. so iran is trying to turn up the temperature in both the area where you saw the u.s. strikes last night but also along the boarders of israel knowing in is a key american ally in the region. it's part of the reason you saw the attack on october 7 from hamas and islamic jihad. those iran-backed groups inside the gaza strip and why you've seen thousands of attacks against northern israel from the iran-backed lebanese militant group hezbollah. it's not an isolate #-d incident, and there's a real risk on the table as we speak today about the region getting dragged into a broader war. each and every attack that's coming from these iran-backed groups, whether it be in lebanon, iraq, syria or places like yemen risks that broader conflict and unit has excellent missile defense systems around their bases in iraq and syria and destroyers in the red sea, and they have the ability to
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shoot down missiles and drones launched by organizations like the houthis but just takes one incident, as we saw last weekend, to ignite the escalation ladder and bring the region close tore a broader war. rachel: yeah, one thing that giving a heads up on when we'll attack poulting the forces in harm's wyoming reporter: yeah, and they said the american forces are indeed safe. there's the risk they can target the planes that carry out the strikes and you have the issue of projecting hawkeyes going to take place. we saw from the beginning the
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biden forces say things to iranian regime like don't. don't attack americans but then more than 160 attacks took place these are organizations that are not simply funded and supported by the iranian regime in teheran but directed. that's a critical point and it's part of the reason the biden administration had to make a decision on what they'd hit overnight. they're signaling the strikes are not done. you saw u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin saying more actions have been approved by president biden and that they'll be carried out at a time and place of the biden administration's choosing. this could be posturing by the americans and we don't know what's on the table and what the plans are, but other targets could be hit in the region and last night didn't include strikes in iranian territory. rachel: thank you. trey. i thought the element of surprise was important in the military but seems like they gave a head start.
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pete: the point is not to do anything, it's like an element of spoke. will: after october 7, we had a conversation about the role that iran played in the background of what would have happened with palestine and ha nassau county and getting israel to react and then hopefully get reaction from other muslim countries to finally force the issue of the broader regional con flick. now this is happening and i think it's part of that story. do you like at october 7 attacks as success or failure? pete: i think they would look -- depends on what aspect you're looking at but probably a success strategically in
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agitating that region. will: don't think they were hoping for -- trying to find out how big their long game is. pete: the question is how much pressure have they really put on hezbollah to get hezbollah to open a second front. hezbollah has been shelling but not gone full on. did they want that and hezbollah said no or push just far enough. i think u.s. -- the right question was asked bin lidden ln wants troops out of saudi arabia and wants the near enemies overturned and it was the house of saud. too secular for his liking and wants regimes to become islamists and not secular and export their terror or move jihad else r. they want americans out. we shouldn't have sitting ducks in the area.
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but it should be on our own terms based on our own interest whether we want troops there not based on being chased out. rachel: a lot of americans want us to get out and one of the reasons why a lot of people did like donald trump and his former foreign policy is it had a big component of it was american energy india independence and ms less reliant on the middle east. pete: no doubt. will: doing it on our own terms. i asked rand paul about this -- actually this was before the strikes took place but i said -- rachel: it was a heads up it was going to happen. will: might have been. talking about houthis and everything else and rand paul said something interesting. he brought up the sid indian trap and sated we don't need to be in a situation and force iran
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into an existential choice because then that's violence. iran said do i cease to exist or not? his point is you're sitting duck thing. you've got these guys scattered and what's the point and what are they accomplishing? they become sitting ducks for us to force iran into the violent conflict and he distinguish that had from the houthis. he said we should bomb the mess out of the houthis because they're attacking our shipping vessels. >> if you ask congress, and you're supposed to constitutionally, if they'd come and even people like me who doubt so many military endeavors would vote to protect our shipping and i would be even much more aggressive than biden has been at defending our shipping. the houthis should know they cannot and will not be allowed to attack. that was also different than bombing teheran. and i think the people saying bomb teheran are not very thoughtful and not understanding what that would lead to. i don't know that there would be a response that the houthis are
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responsible -- are capable nor would iran choose to respond if we obliterated the houthis because the houthis started this. i've been an advocate for neutrality in the war and gets saudis out of yemen and yet i'm one that says you don't tolerate people blowing up your cargo ships. will: i was surprise when had he said that about the houthis and rand paul is like why do we have these guys sitting there like sitting ducks. the answer, pete, dan hoffmann, i was on the five with him yesterday and he said for counter terrorism. we have theme in these places to battle the potential for terrorists. pete: and that's right. american troops trying to take out suni forces, that's isis. we have iranian militias running around in iraq and syria and happening to bomb? it's what happened in the iraq war.
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take out all the sunis and in the meantime we empower all the irairanians and they're more powerful in the region. we're doing the same thing we've always done to what e7bd state? two decades later and two wars later, what did we get from it? are we stirring the pot more and iranians are now closer to a bomb, which make it is all the more difficult. rachel: that's a really weird article that came out in new york times saying oh, yeah, the iranians have decreased advancements towards the nuclear bomb. it was a weird thing that how does new york times know that. it was strange and in the end one of the presidents said entanglements with a. americans want us to get out of -- this is complicated and most americans don't to want care about this and want american energy and less dependence on people that hate us or we don't quite
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understand what their issues are, and i think that's what donald trump was offering and here we are be joe biden back in the middle east. pete: and with a poor southern border. it's open and you've seen the disaster across your screen and so have we. we're just as frustrated as you. american people are catching on and cnn poll and joe biden handling of immigration, 70% of americans disapprove and see images like that on your screen and no surprise why. rachel: this is san diego and driving up on a boat and letting people off. pete: they're apparently greeted by suvs on the ground and there's a lot of coordination going on. the senate border bill that's talked about a lot is supposed to be released this weekend.
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this seems to codify the importation of half the world. rachel: how about a bill that defunds these ngos that we're paying for? all of this is happening because we're giving money to ngos and federal money to county it is process people and move them on. if you take the money out, i think a lot of policies would stop. will: coming up, we a markwayne mullen. pete: the bill that's dead on arrival over at the house. talk about this bill. remember rubio championed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. the gang of eight and all this optimism this guy was going to
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move forward and dead on arrival. feels like a repeat. will: u.s. finally responding to attacks that killed three u.s. service members dropping over 100 bombs on targets died to iran's revolutionary guard. is biden's response too little too late? we'll ask david next. rachel: the president facing first official test at ballot box. we have patrick murphy joining us with his predictions. that's patrick murphy, he's a democrat from pennsylvania and he's going to join us with his predictions for the state's primary coming up.
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pete: u.s. forces carrying out retaliatory strikes on dozens of iran-backed tarts but that's what they're telling us in iraq and syria dropping over 100 bombs and biden administration looking to send a hard message to iran and that's what they're telling us. not before spending in week teasing the potential for this operation. watch.
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>> respond and time and command and on our years. it's on our schedule. pete: we're taking on iran and bombing people in iraq and sierra not really killing anybody and what does this do? it's plotting 165 attacks and they're well fed and they're secure and they're very much alive today. and echoing your point earlier, they aligned su ni gulf arabs
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and he said the arabs and sunis in the middle east chose israel and the united states over iran and the importance for all environmentalists on the left and that meant a future after fossil fuels and that was just not about military alignment but in politics and that was about the future of technology. they chose israel and the united states over iran and we've done nothing and you might have gone to the area and that might intimidate them and will that stop the attacks and attacks on vees els and one cruise missile hit ago carrier and it's a mass casualty event and urn the fbi
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and what is a missile into a carrier group do? what are we safer and dod and we cross-suiting and how can you possibly and join the army when we can't even avenge with the bravest and and i'm confused and the world is confused and world is looking for leadership and joe biden and tony and what is that goal and maintain ago status quo and how does iran respond to that? >> well, this is a continue mission for iranians and while the biden administration was careful about not invading the
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political territory of iran and they're going to touch the refinery and gross domestic employer and almost tied with haiti and 85% of the crude that iran was brining out of oil and they have to go outside of their border to refine and totally different country and border and what happened in iraq and syria. be not mistaken and iranians are entering our southern border and whether we have the blood of the soldiers and iranian nationals crossing the border and every day of the southern border of the united states. pete: result of southern border invasion for any number of reasons and none get dignified
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transfer and staff sergeant david bellavia, thank you for your time. >> thank you. pete: coming up, former president trump sounding the alarm on central bank digital currencies. >> block the potential central bank digital currency. is that about surveillance? >> it's very dangerous. one day you don't have any money in your account, it can be a very dangerous thing. pete: monica crowley joins us to break down what they are and potential threat to our freedom coming up next. ♪
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block a potential central bank digital concernty. >> it's very dangerous and un-with day there's no money in your and can can be a very dangerous thing. rachel: former president trump is sounding alarm on digital concernty and other threats to american freedom in exclusive interview with our own maria bartiromo airing tomorrow on sunday morning futures. here to react is the host of the monica crowley podcast, our friend monica crowley. monica, this past week my daughter flew to ban cobb with her -- bangkok with her husband and flew china air and boarding and they said those that paid with digital bank currency get to board first like if you were first class or had little children. there's a push going on and that's coming here. help our understand why this is
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so dangerous. >> good morning, rachel this. is exceedingly dangerous and digital bank currencies are going for any government that's implementing them like the chinese government because it is a critical society for the systems. >> it's a top system and exactly what you're describing with your daughter what the left and world form wants here. a central bank digital currency is essentially replacing hard assets like cash and cash-based asset with a digital currency that would be centralized in trillion reserve and they want to get rid of all banks and all sizes from jp morgan chase to their local community bank and
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anything in your wallet like a $10 bill and assets are a line of software and therefore open to be taxed, drained, garnished or entirely wiped out by the government or any controlling authority. your provely completely eliminated along with financial freedom. >> so scary, monica, this isn't so fantasy and this is already happening in china as i said you mentioned organizations are pushing us towards this give our viewers an example of how their freedom could be curtailed through this now cashless society. if you do what they can do what? >> exactly this. is about power and control only and if the government has control over your assets, they have control over you. it gets back to the social credit score system.
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in we have a fully digitized financial system for your overstepping carbon emissions then the government will have the right to go into your savings account, bank account and either tax you or prevent you from buying gas for your car for the rest of the month or airline tickets to fly anywhere in the country or world or lock you out of your account completely. again, this is a totalitarian system and biden administration and treasury department, my old stomping grounds and they've had a pilot program, rachel, studying this since january of 2021. and other western governments are doing the same thing and the good news is more and more people are waking up to this and pushback and about two weeks ago the irish government passed a
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rule requiring businesses to take cash and again, there's some hope out there for more and more people across and the educatedness. >> look around the world and they want to control you and look at what's happening, food, energy, currency. rachel: chinese style social credit score system. mono-a you've been sounding the alarm on this for a long time. thank you for the information. we really want our viewers to understand what our overlords want oar have in store. thank you, monica, for joining us. >> always a pleasure, rachel. thank you. rachel: you got it. we're now going to a fox news alert and u.s. is conducting air strikes on iran-backed forces tied to the deaths of three u.s. service members and white house
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says the retaliation is far from over. former pennsylvania congressman congress murphy reacts to that, next. plus, tired of getting guilted into tipping and we'll tell you how one utah coffee shop is fighting. that's next. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird.
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lyric u.s. launches retaliatory air strikes in syria and iraq. this is in response to drone strike that killed three american soldiers in jordan. operation launched hours after president biden attended a dignified transfer of fallen service members and former pennsylvania congressman patrick murphy served as acting secretary of the army and he joins me now. >> thanks, will. great to be back. will: these strikes were intended to send some message to iran and the question i want to ask you is in order for a message to be successful. what is iran trying to accomplish and we're saying no, you will not with these? >> it's shija verse suni in the middle east and last night's attack on 85 targets and seven
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different locations and send ago message that american lives aren't cheap and play stupid games you'll institute prices and these are the attacks and with the houthi attacks and hitting them and this is important because we lost three american soldiers, will. that's our number one interest in that region and we have 40,000 troops in the middle east right now. we have 220,000 troops with 150 foreign countries and we have to make sure we're doing everything possible to send a message u.s. to u.s. and it's not going to end well for you. will: i hear you and in the immediate term the reason we're talking today is three american lives were lost. there's a reason that as you pointed out 40,000 guys are in the middle east. iran wants american presence out of the region but iran has a
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strategic objective for the region and we seem to be either not or are standing in the way and there's a reason they're trying to shake the board. trying to shake the chess board and don't like the way it's settling. >> yeah, the extremists in the region number one and number two and 20 years ago with the 82'nd division and same with suni and that was a real counter balance and the leadership in iran. it's going for the chess board in the region and they're aggressive and they've been very aggressive and the government that's suni led like yemen and we have to send a message and number two, any of the interests
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are are going with you and shipping lane and make sure we're clear and can't get bogged down in another unnecessary war. it's a delicate balance and we need the clear might that we won't allow any more american troops to be killed. will: i appreciate you bringing up the backdrop of suni versus shija and david bellavia brought that up a bit ago. >> i have all the respect for him in the world. will: iran trying to get the center of gravity back in the region. you're a former democratic congressman and joe biden with the south carolina primary and today and then heads to las vegas. on the surface, the nomination is his this time. there's no real threat, dean phillips, whatever it may b. here he is going to south
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carolina. >> yeah, last week in new hampshire and via right hand and didn't want to compete there and this is first in the state and obviously today historic day in south carolina and south carolina with joe biden is president because of south carolina and i will say joe biden is a loyal guy. he came in fifth in iowa and fourth in new hampshire and iowa and this is four years ago. and he'll go to bernie sanders and as he's delivered and the black community and going 50 to 21 and biden versus trump in the black community and the independence and first black woman ever in the u.s. supreme court and black-owned businesses and largest increase in 30 years and again, prove a rating of over 50% and we'll see it'll be an election contrast and there's no doubt that he's send ago
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message to south carolina and one other thing and i taught at west point and historically, south carolina is not in play in the general election and democrats haven't won south carolina in 1976 and we won. >> georgia is a neighboring state and only 12,000 votes four years ago and it's really send ago message to the south. will: most of the polling suggest that's a trump/biden matchup and 70/21 is a big gap. 21 in a black community is high and for donald trump heading that way. we'll keep the conversation going. glad to have you around. >> thanks, will. will: thanks, patrick. now to rick reichmuth for the fox weather forecast. >> i didn't z ask the camera guy but show upright there and pan up. see what's up there. we have blue sky. it hasn't happened in like 12 days, 11 days in new york we barely had it even then. it's been a really cloudy spell
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across places like chicago, philly, boston, new york. we haven't seen the sun in better part of two weeks and today we'll see the sun and that'll feel really good for a lot of people's mental health right now and it is been so incredibly gloomy and sunday and shadows out here and it was beautiful. warm temperatures as well and right now 159 million people above average and 54 million people below average and all across parts of the southwest with a lot of moisture going on. this is february outlook. better than average chance to see warmer than average temperatures across the northern tier and southern tier probably average and then this is moisture. drier, eventually moving in across parts of the great lakes and look at that moisture across parts of the southwest and need moisture, it's going be coming over the next few days. rachel, back to you inside. will: nope. will. >> i tried, will. will: how long you been in broadcast? >> too long. you calling me old? will: i'm will. >> see you, man.
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will: tired of getting guilted into tipping. how one utah coffee shop is fighting tip fatigue, next. if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ ♪ ♪ only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side.
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rachel: what happened? pete: wore her hair in a split back thing and looked like this video. will: trying to remember. rachel: the girl's go like this. stepping side to side. i got ya. will: absolutely. there's that call back and no way to make the transition. pete: the other one is the skyline of atlanta and could you have identified that skyline. could you have pegged for atlanta and last week they threw up phoenix. will: i knew it. didn't get it.
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pete: i said salt lakes in the mountains. rachel: going there and i'm glad. pete: absolutely not, no. rachel: i'm glad about that. pete: no woman has said that ever. will: glad you had fun. pete: had a few too many beers. rachel: this is going off track. he had an interview with recent magazine and divulged that some liberals and somebody famous and wouldn't say who but a famous liberal went up and got mad for
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him normalizing and flat forming republicans. he said "i had ron desantis and ted cruz on this year, and bill barr and, yes, to answer your question i can think of two people. i won't say who they are. one of them is pretty famous, just yelling at me in an e-mail about that. my answer to that is f off. you know what, you live in your ivory tower. i'm going to talk to everybody in the half of the country that you find is so deplorable. they're not going to self-deport. even if they are deplorable, some of them are and some on the left are deplorable too and incredible eight hours no, sir ick and that's our country. that's a really good quote. will: it was a great quote. and that's our country. pete: he's been swole lowing a giant red pill but not all the way there. it's working its way through the system and may actually make it.
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will: it's fascinating and some on the left ignore and have viral areas and lewis is getting long and point to all the never trumpers and not all the way. rachel: he's a comedian and comedians are deeply offended by the censorship they see in the country and also this idea that there are sacred cows you can't make fun of. will: so somebody said i was thinking about the swap. you traded joe scarborough for matt tiabi, deal. rachel: who else? pete: there's a lot. all the never trumpers. we got elon musk and you got john bolton. will: that's right. i love it. pete: think more about the
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trades we want. will: we have to get to this tease, coffee shop in salt lake city is introduce ago no tipping policy and the owner of three pines coffee made a decision due to tipping fatigue. the catch, to make up for lost gratuity, they're giving baristas $18 an hour plus customer haves to pay higher prices for that cup of coffee. pete: okay. rachel: yes, i agree with that. pete: yeah, raise wages. you're part of the viva la resistance on the tips. i just hit $1. will: it's just creeped into things that aren't traditionally there for service. pete: like mcdonalds orders. will: flip the ipad around and help nerve nucleus at mcdonalds. no, what are you talking about. rachel: we have to go even we have more thoughts. more "fox & friends" coming up. .
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it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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