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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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using to go after him they've never before been seen in this setting and a lot of people are dubious on the allegations and obviously reflecting in the polls. neil: got it. katie thank you very much. a former federal prosecutor i'm glad i'm done with that, if i had repeated sick f one more time, the lawyers would be calling. anyway, griff jenkins coming up along with anita vogel. and 85 sites, and intrigued me yesterday when i was reporting on it. many in the arab world, particularly saudi arabia, where iran is universally loathe. so far everyone keeping a distance from this and even iranian friends and proxies are saying we're confident this ends and so they hope. fox continues. >> more retaliatory strikes are
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expected as u.s. hits against proxies in iraq and syria following last weekend' drone attack that killed three american service members in jordan. the u.s. air strikes hit over 85 targets and reportedly killed more than 40 people. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. hey, anita. >> good to be with you, griff. i am anita vogel. the president will head to california after spoking moments ago at a campaign rally in williams, delaware. we have fox news coverage with keith kellogg, trey yingst in israel and lucas tomlinson in las vegas. lucas, we'll start with you and the very latest from the biden administration. >> well, anita, president biden just wrapped up remarks in wilmington at a campaign event. he did not mention the strikes in iraq and syria led by the b-1 supersonic bombers that took off from a base in texas
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and due to land any minute now in texas and reports out of the region that say that u.s. forces once again have come under attack in syria. earlier, congressman mike walsh spoke on fox. we want this to be successful. we have to completely rethink the iran policy, but unfortunately the people enacting biden's policy, namely jake sullivan and blinken were the same ones that put obama's policy in place. >> a pair of cold war era b-1 supersonic bombers launched from texas yesterday to carry out the strikes against iran's islamic revolutionary guard forces and militias to avenge the deaths of three american soldiers killed in jordan last weekend. the bombers now in the air for over 24 hours dropped satellite bombs according to u.s. central command. two dozen people and now up to 40 reported now, killed on the ground according to local reports.
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secretary lloyd austin says it's to destroy the targets. in a statement president biden said, our response began today. it will continue at times and places of our choosing. at the same time, those b-1's were hitting targets in iraq and syria, the super hornets like this launching from the flight deck of the u.s.s. eisenhower shot down enemy drones. two destories in the strike group engaged. senator mark warner says the u.s. needs to strike back much harder in yemen. >> i think we need to be ratcheted up against the houthis. i think we've focused way too much on their ability to launch missiles and not enough on command and control. >> and we've just learned from our own jennifer griffin that jordanian f-16's took part in the air strikes in syria, recall the attack on the u.s. base in jordan, that's why
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we're part of the retaliatory package. >> lucas tomlinson live in las vegas for us. >> reaction pouring in from israel after the u.s. conducted the retaliatory strikes in iraq and syria. as tensions in the middle east continue to rise, trey yingst is live with that part of the story, hey, trey. >> hey, griff, good afternoon. overnight the united states struck 85 different targets in both iraq and syria in response to that drone attack last weekend that killed three american soldiers. now, according to u.s. central command, there were different intelligence centers and weapons storage facilities that were hit. some affiliated directly with iran's revolutionary guard quds forces and speaking with reporters national security spokesman john kirby announced different responses and additional action the biden
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administration will take. now, washington is looking to send a message to iran and its approximaties that attacks on american forces won't be accepted. remember, this was a direct response to the drone attack last sunday, but also injured dozens ahead of the american strikes overnight that included 125 precision guided munitions and ibrahim said this. >> before, whenever they want today talk to iran like other countries, they said military option is on the table. now you do not hear these words anymore. they even say, we have no intention of any conflict with iran. >> we've talked about this before, but we should talk about it again. iranian forces initially were directing attacks against american troops in the region after the war erupted between israel and hamas in early october. now they are using that conflict as an excuse to continue igniting the middle east to play into iranian
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interests. griff. >> great insight for us, trey yingst live for us in tel aviv. trey, thank you. >> all right, to help us break down the air strikes and what we can expect next, fox news contributor and retired general keith kellogg joins us on set. general, great to see you and to have you on the set to talk about this. we're learning a lot, we know there were 85 strikes, looks like 40 killed so far. i saw your appearance on sean hannity last night and you seem to think that it wasn't enough that we had struck what is called low hanging fruit and there should have been more specific targets. can you expand on that. >> interesting about the b-1 bomber, that shows the world we can touch you from anywhere in the world. and over 40 of those bombers, wh when you have them online, an impressive force.
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this is a punitive strike. we lost americans and a reaction to that. you want to deterrent strike, we're telling the iranians stop. that's what we're talking about and president biden says don't, don't, don't. enforce that. what i'm talking about, you can hit targets that can punish them. for example, economically, the island facility, a huge oil export facility that the iranians have. you've got the bashad, the spy ship in the red sea. the iranian spy ship, with the houthis targeting at the ships in the red sea. look at the facility that is enri enriching uranium that could allow them to produce at that this year. and the leader of the quds force replacing soleimani. if you have to go downtown and tell khomeini, the supreme court leader, you're next. if you don't go there you don't create a deterrent.
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okay, we hit the target. feels good, take your shirt off and beat your chest. they're going to come back at us. >> why do you think we didn't do more. >> they just said there's more coming though. >> words sound really good. i don't buy words, i buy actions more than that. it's all a function of will. the targeting that came from the four star general at centcom, a good commander. he put it up to the everybody else and assessed the situation. it comes down to the decision making of one person, commander-in-chief, article 2, section 2, and he makes it, this is your left limit, your right limit, this is what i want to do and not do. the american capability is huge, if the president says don't go there, i don't want to attack iran and that's going to happen. this president is risk averse. it's not just keith kellogg saying this. when you hear what bob gates recently said that joe biden
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has been nearly wrong on every national security issue the last 40 years and he's very cautious. what happened when we went after-- president obama did when they went off osama bin laden, the one person that said let's wait is joe biden. you set patterns, i set patterns, where we go, what we shop, what we do. the presidents set patterns, too. all leaders set patterns and adversaries are looking at that and they know the pattern set. >> to your point on that, listen to something that the defense secretary said on this yours, this is before the strikes followed by reaction from the iranian president. let's listen. >> we're not at war with iran. our goal is to make sure that we take away-- we continue to take away capability from the houthis doing what they've been doing. >> we will not start a war, but if a country, if a cruel force wants to bully us, the islamic republic of iran will give a strong response. so the united states is saying we don't want a war, they're saying we will not start a war.
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are we in a war with iran already? >> of course we are. you know, if you don't believe me, ask the parents of those three young americans that we lost. ask about all of the strikes on american facilities and american personal. of course, it may not be a nuclear war, a full scale war, but if people don't consider this a war then they've never put on the uniform and never advised national security. of course it's a war. it's a low level war, but it's a war and you've got to make them stop. the only reason you make them stop is with a huge deterrent strike and that's basically saying, done. you know, sometimes you know anita, you've got to put on your hollister in the middle of street and say if you want to dance, let's dance. you've got to go there. i understand the risks and what you have to do and i understand it's uncomfortable, but this nation is more important than a lot of things out there and you've got to say, our nation's security and the security of our young men and women in uniform is paramount, to
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protect our assets and protect our national bride and what we do as a nation. >> i've got 15 seconds, do you expect that the administration will take a stronger step next? this is not stopping, our troops are still being fired upon. we heard that from lucas tomlinson. >> if they do, it's too late and the next action that occurs. if they do that, something something is happened, had a ship struck, a warship struck in the red sea and then we'll have to react strongly and when people say, wait a second, we knew this was going to happen and why didn't you? and it will happen, if something something happens and more of the same. >> thank you general kellogg for coming in today and sharing insight with us, griff. >> for reaction to the strikes members of capitol hill, madeleine is live in
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washington. >> lawmakers reactions from friday's strike in iraq and syria appear at this point to be split largely along party lines. a lot of republicans so far unimpressed. speaker johnson issuing this statement, criticizing the time saying unfortunately the administration waited for a week, a telegraph to the world, including to iran the nature of our response. the biden administration says it waited for good weather before conducting these strikes. but johnson isn't the only one skeptical of the strategic success, given reports that some iran-backed militants left their bases and moved weapons ahead of a u.s. response. and don't forget, there are some g.o.p. members like senator lindsey graham who called for strikes on iran directly. while the senate republican conference isn't entirely on board with that approach, many say the biden administration needs to be tougher. >> and we don't necessarily have to go after iran with direct force, but we should be
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able to respond directly when they are at us. >> and some democrats disagree and believe it's appropriate. senator tim kaine cautions the u.s. getting dragged further into the conflict in the middle east. >> 85 targets, seven different locations, it's sending a message, well, that american lives aren't cheap. >> it would be foolish for the united states to be involved in another war in the middle east. >> there are some lawmakers who say the president needs to get congressional authorization for these strikes. the white house though says it has authority under article 2 of the constitution, griff. >> all right, madeleine rivera, thank you for that update. >> thanks, griff. >> joining us now to go deeper into it, republican congressman from nebraska, member of the house armed services committee, don bacon. thank you for joining us, and the white house says they have the authority to do the strikes and don't need congressional approval, but aside from actual
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approvals, as a member of the house armed services committee is the mission of what president biden is doing, the mission that those three service members who were killed, what they're on, and what the strikes are now doing in the strategy for them, is it clear to the members of your committee what's happening? what the plan is. >> i agree with general kellogg on a lot of the comments that he said that it appears what the president is doing is very underwhelming and it's not going to restore deterrents. we hear what he's saying that he wants to create deterrents and strike back with the death of our three servicemen and women with you actions speak louder than words and going after the proxy forces alone, that's inadequate. telling your opponents what you're going to strike and what you're not going to strike, and when you're going to do it is very dumb and that's what this administration is doing right now, but in the end the head of
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the snake is iran. if you don't take the head of the snake, the snake will keep biting you. that's what's going to happen. iran is behind all of the attacks and they have to feel the pain not just the proxy sources, and with these strikes. >> in the senate, your counter buddy there, the seniormost republican in the armed services committee there, senator roger wicker put this statement out, and i thought it was interesting, akin to what you're saying, instead of giving the ayatollah the bloody nose that he deserves, we continue to give him a slap on the wrist. the biden administration spent nearly a week, it continues, foolishly telling the adversaries, giving them time to hide. when we hear from john kirby and others that additional strikes may be coming, it makes
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me think that if you need to strike again, then the goal of deterrents wasn't enough the first time. so, what do you recommend the administration do? >> first of all, i agree with senator wicker, what we're doing is giving a bloody nose to the proxy forces, shia militias in iraq, hezbollah in syria and it's iran that has to get the bloody nose not the proxy forces. they don't care if their proxy forces get hit. they're expendable. so, we have to hold iran on account and should do it smartly. i don't want us to overreact, but iran has to feel this end not just the proxy forces so i'll say that right upfront and what i hear from the white house is more talk and spin than reality. this is crazy. they could go out yesterday and the day before we're going to strike for two days, we're only going to strike iran-- excuse me, iraq and syria. we're telling the iranians, we're not going to strike you,
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only going to do that for two days. i'm a military planner and you don't tell your adversary the plans. and they're not afraid or they don't fear, they don't respect president biden. >> and so, congressman, do you see this escalating into a war with iran and at what point does the white house need to seek congress' approval to move forward? >> if we're doing strikes over a period of days they need to come to the congress and ask for a war powers resolution or brief us, at some point get our approval if they're extended missions. if they're short-term to get back for the three, our three american patriots murdered by these guys, that he is a different story, but if it's extended they've got to come to congress, but again, they've got to quit telling iran our plans. >> right. >> if you want--
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i heard some of your other briefers saying we should be going after the oil terminals. that would be a smart target. looking at perhaps some of the iranian navy as targets and easy for us to hit and teach iran a lesson and stop attacking our forces. >> congressman, you're right, we've had a lot of people on talking about it. let me ask you this, the last question, is it time for president biden to go to a microphone, address the nation and tell us all what they're thinking in not also reveal what's going to happen? >> i believe he should come up and be more firm. we've got a problem with ukraine right now. he has not made a great case to the american people why we should be in ukraine. i do believe that an independent ukraine is our national security interest, but our president has failed to try to convince other americans of this, of this, and sitting behind the desk, but not talking to the american people, running into a helicopter
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without talking to the reporters, doing no press conferences, it's not helpful. if you think something's important as a president, you have to tell the american people and you've got to do it repeatedly. >> i think a lot of americans are wondering just how much this is escalating so perhaps some clarity from the president if he would make that national address. we'll see what happens. congressman don bacon, thank you for your time today. >> thank you. >> anita. >> new york governor kathy hochul changing her tune on migrants in the sanctuary state after an attack on n.y.p.d. cops is caught on camera. that's coming up next. with 3s of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> manhattan d.a. alvin bragg finally spoke out about the migrants who attacked the n.y.p.d. officers many who were released without bail. they're believed to have fled to california as authorities are trying to track down at least several more migrants who might have been involved in the attack. cb cotton is here now with more on this and a lot of people are following this story. what's the latest? >> hi, anita. well, bragg did speak, but his answers will not likely satisfy those who are angry about this
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situation, five migrants each charged with a bail eligible offense, but still allowed to walk right back on the streets. bragg said assaults on police officers are not tolerated here in manhattan, but in this case, as prosecutors needed more time to specify each person's role in the incident. >> the important thing is to hold the right people accountable for the right conduct. this is a bedrock principle of our justice system. >> bragg then pointed to defendant brito, the sixth suspect detained and arrested in this case the only one given cash bail. and bragg alleged brito who the largest role in the assault and some others arraigned and released are headed out west, after told by workers that the menus add phony name to catch a bus to the mexican border. and told me that they could go wherever they please because they're released on their own
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recognizance. if they don't return, a warrant will be issued. he and other police officers all say they're confused about the decision making in this case. >> we just don't know why bail wasn't requested. it was a bail eligible offense. it's a class c felony, assault 2 on a police officer, but that didn't mitigate the judge from stepping in and saying, okay, you don't want bail, i'm going to remand. so this should never have happened whatsoever now they walk out the door. >> meanwhile, new york governor kathy hochul has said very firmly that bail should have been requested in this case and at one point this week she also said these migrants should be deported. now, she also mentioned yesterday, she had a conference with manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, but wouldn't elaborate on the details, anita. anita: we'll see what happens. i guess they're possibly on their way to california now. cb cotton, live in new york city for us. thank you. griff. griff:. griff: anita, we're waiting to see what a georgia judge will
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say about the case involving former president donald trump. d.a. fani willis says she's had a personal relationship with the prosecutor who she appointed. and they want her booted and the case dismissed, but what else can you tell us? >> griff, willis admitted in a court filing that she got involved with her special prosecutor, nathan wade, they had a personal relationship, but she says that she did nothing wrong, says that she can't be dismissed from the case under georgia law and argues that some of the lawyers on the defense side of this case are in personal relationships as well. now, remember, griff, over the summer when willis indicted trump and 18 others and in the georgia election fraud case and some of the defendants insist the relationship with wade created a conflict of interest and they say he used salary to
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pay for joint vacations and willis denied that using their own money to cover travel costs and that their relationship didn't begin until after he joined the prosecution. still, the defense wants her disqualified and the whole case tossed. and in part, nothing changed and requested remedy remains clear, dismiss the case and disqualify the d.a. together with her team in office from any related matters. bottom line here, the d.a.'s office wants a scheduled hearing on the matter canceled altogether, but the defense says they have witnesses whose testimony will prove that the d.a.-- and that what the d.a. and wade are saying is false. >> i don't think as' an actual conflict where the judge can order them off the case at this point, but i think there are questions about judgment that i would think she might want to consider in terms of removing herself voluntarily and removing the other person that
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she's hired voluntarily there. >> griff, we'll see what the huge has to say, but no matter what he decides, it's likely it won't put this controversy to bed because right now the georgia house, the georgia senate, fulton county officials are all investigating willis' actions and just yesterday, the house judiciary committee issued a subpoena to her requesting documents regarding how she used federal funding, griff. griff: she's facing a lot of scrutiny and a lot of questions. mad madison, thank you. anita: the u.s. supreme court declined to temporarily block race conscious admissions at west point while the legal battle proceeds in lower courts. west point's policy was challenged by students for fair admissions who claims the admissions program is both unconstitutional and unnecessary for military service that relies on following orders regardless of skin color.
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griff: and as a potential border deal is reached in the senate, how the border crisis is now shifting west. that's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of
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the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now.
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do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> welcome back. california and arizona seeing a major influx in illegal migrant crossings with cvp saying more than 70% of apprehensions are occurring now in those two states. this change comes as texas governor greg abbott has enhanced security measures in the lonestar state. jeff paul is in eagle pass, texas with the latest on the border crisis and jeff, does it seem like these enhanced security tactics that governor abbott is employing are working? are they seeing less migrants crossing over now in those areas? >> from the perspective of the state of texas they certainly think so and today, so far, it's been pretty quiet.
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we have only seen a few groups of migrants trying to cross into the u.s. and pales in comparison to what we saw happening just one month ago. at least here in eagle pass, texas. that's where in the month of december they saw roughly 71,000 apprehensions in the del rio sector, which includes eagle pass. compare that to the following month just under 17,000 apprehensions for january. that's down about 76%. now, part of the reason we're seeing that drop, texas governor greg abbott is limiting the federal access to shelby park and the barriers and razor wire that the state put up, but that's now driving migrants to other histor histor less busy areas. arizona is seeing them trying to cross into us. san diego saw a boat land on their beach with eight migrants and 70% of apprehensions are
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occurring in arizona and california. one sheriff along the southern border had this to say. >> we have a federal government should be working arm in arm to protect americans. working along with sheriffs and mayors and governors. what i see, that's not happening. to this recipe of common sense is applied, this is only going to get worse. >> now, we are expecting a somewhat relatively busy weekend at least here on the u.s. side of the u.s.-mexico border. there's a convoy of truckers expected to arrive here in the eagle pass area and then tomorrow, a group of 15 governors are planning a visit to eagle pass to meet with texas governor greg abbott and show support for him as this ongoing legal battle and showdown with the biden administration over the border continues. anita: it sounds like it's going to be a real standoff there. jeff paul live in eagle pass, texas for us. thank you.
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>> all right, anita, for more on the crisis at the southern border, chief rodney scott joins us, the former chief that is, the border patrol and senior distinguished fellow for the texas public policy foundation. chief, i want to go right into what our correspondent jeff paul was reporting on and that's this incredible drop, more than 75% drop in the del rio sector there in eagle pass. in this video, you're seeing here just across from eagle pass, this is just a small group of migrants, and the independent mexican journalist putting some videos up of the mexican government, the mexican military real cracking down. so, you've got on the one hand governor abbott's hardening the target, if you will, with the razor wire and then mexico cooperating. what is your sense of why the significant drop? >> so i think it's clear that
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deterrents, meaning physical barriers and actually consequences for committing laws, actually reduces illegal activity. so, texas basically taking a stand and then very visibly as you can see in the video, sends a very clear message. every time-- right now, it's unfortunately, but the aliens crossing the border they're seeking out border patrol because they're being released. here in texas they're actually prosecuted fortress for trespass. and stepping up, i'm skeptical. i believe we're exporting our border security to mexico and it's in their interest to keep a democrat in the office in the united states so they're going to work with this administration and the last meetings that mayorkas and blinken had with mexico, they stepped up some enforcement, how long will it last? only as long as mexico thinks it's beneficial to them and i'm kept skeptical.
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we need to bring our national security back home to where we control it and we should actually have the u.s. border patrol securing the border like traditionally and not prosecuting people and letting them into the u.s. >> you talk about the national security aspect, chief. i want to play because i think it's important over the last year or more, we've had the faces of the administration from mayorkas, the vice-president, talking about whether or not the border is secure. here is a snippet of what we've been hearing, the message they've been telling us about the security of the border. listen here. >> done all i can do. give me the power, i asked you the very day i got in office. give me the border patrol, give me the people, give me the judges, give me the people that can stop this and make it work right. griff: actually, i apologize. that's president biden. what i was going to play you the comments we keep getting the border about being secure which we know it's not, but that actually a more recent question to president biden over whether or not the border
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bill we're waiting to get the text from the senate, he says nothing he can do, his hands are tied, he's got to get the money. what do you say? >> it's infuriating, but consistent with this administration. their talking points are void of evidence. we handed president biden the most secure border that the country had. and with the stroke of a pen, he went against security expert advice, and showing the evidence. he could literally restore with the strike of a pen. i'm never going to say that they don't need resources or legislative fixes to the loopholes, what he just said just like secretary mayorkas on the hill, it's very disingenuous, they know it's not true. they created this border crisis by their policy with the strokes of pens and they could fix it that way as well. i'm a little skeptical of this border bill and what's coming,
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i haven't seen the text so i'll hold my comments on that. griff: we'll weigh in on that when we get that. your insight is important. i remember one of the first interviews you did when you retired, you talked about the fear of national security. in the time since you've left we've learned just yesterday and the day before, great reporting from my colleague bill melugin and i have been working with ice in trying to find out about these terror suspects. we've learned a 27-year-old somalia man that's a known member of the al-shabaab terrorist group have crossed the border in california in march of last year, was released, roamed the country freely without being sent back for nearly a year and just this past week, was actually hit a terror screening data base and they notified the authority and ice, my hats off to them, were able to go out and locate this guy, and brought him into custody in minnesota.
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so, my question is, did they -- did they lie to us about it being secure and they were too excited to release people? who are did they actually not know that this threat, this terrorist was roaming the country? >> so it's not either/or. it's both. so i believe secretary mayorkas, i believe omitting facts intentionally is a lie and secretary mayorkas intentionally telling people everybody we catch is thoroughly vetted and no one is released into the united states until they're vetted. and you know, it's an empty box or sheet of paper. we have little information about people from around the entire world. you're taking their name from what they say, you're fingerprinting them and if we have records on them if they've been in the u.s. and committed the crime or the few that we have information on international level from international intel will identify them, but these are only-- this was a great example. he was apprehended, fingerprinted and released
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because there was no data, right. what about the 1.8 million known got-aways that we didn't get a chance to fingerprint? what threats are there? it's insane. griff: it's a sobering and frightening prospect. former border patrol chief rodney scott. thank you for taking the time. >> thank you, griff. have a great saturday. anita: south carolina kicking off the first official dem democratic primary of the 2024 election today as president biden looks to win big in the palmetto state. mark meredith is live from south carolina with the primary. hi, how is it going there? >> not a bad day to be outside of a polling place in beautiful south carolina. good afternoon to you. president biden admits that four years ago the voters in this state essential will i saved his campaign and fast forward to today, now south carolina the first to cast their ballots in the democratic presidential primary process.
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we've been out at this polling place all day long. and so far a steady stream of folks going in. three names on the ballot, include president biden, as well as the congressman out of minnesota, dean phillips and self-help author marianne williamson. only three names and not expected to be a dramatic contest by any means, but the head of the dnc by having south carolina go first, it will send the message to the rest of the party it's investing heavily in the traditional ly red heavy states. >> with the challenges, i'm hopeful and proud of the democratic party delivering on its promise to black voters right here in south carolina. we show the nation when you have hope and when you have hunger for a better future. when you have hunger for freedom, that anything is pos possible. >> all week long we've seen high profile democrats, including the vice-president, down here in south carolina trying to stir up excitement for the primary and also drum
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up support among black voters. the head of the state party telling fox she's aware that some polls do show the polls slipping among some black voters, but she says it's not impossible to fix. >> i do believe that it's not enthusiasm, it's information because once we share the information about how president biden and the democrats have been delivering op things like hbcu's in south carolina's own hbcu's so the investment is huge here. we feel the impact of that investment. >> there are 55 delegates up for grabs in the first contest, but only the first, anita. we've got a lot to go in this democratic primary process. president biden stopped at his headquarters in delaware and told the staff there's a long way to go and excited about where they're at today. anita: no doubt he's expecting big momentum out of south carolina today. mark meredith in south carolina. thank you. >> you bet. griff: anita, the toxic train
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derailment in east palestine, ohio was a year ago today. president biden says he'll visit for the first time later this month. we'll speak with a current resident on what they still need next. and if you have cut rate car insurance, this could leave you all bent out of shape. ahhh! so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. hahaha. on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system... you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit so. you like your job? i love it. what i do is really important. you give eye exams. i give fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes? everybody wants that. that they do. and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. true. but good eye health? that's priceless. "hero doc saves vision!"
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macdonald. take a listen. >> i'll be frank, now biden coming would be about as useless as a bra on a chicken breast, doesn't do anything for us. doesn't do anything for me or my family. anita: so you're talking about the president's planned visit to your town. he said he's going to come, perhaps this month, one year later. apparently you don't think much of that. why don't you think the president's visit is important? >> it's just, you know, he missed his time window. t the-- you know, there's still not an announcement when he's coming. i think he's going to come once they reroute a dozen tour buses with the migrants that come up here and line the streets of east palestine that show he's going to be welcomed with open arms and hands clapping and donning that he's going to get that kind of welcome here. a day late and a dollar short. anita: yeah, but there's a lot
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going on in your town one year later. the problems aren't over, right? tell me about what problems exist today. >> sure, anita and we thank you and love you guys for keeping the spotlight on this and i'm happy to do this, but you know, a little bit in perspective, if you-- when you're done taping and your producers and turn the lights out and look back and grab your coat, purse, leaving and look at your empty chair, us here, and the ones sitting at home right now on the couch or chair, catching up work they didn't get finished yesterday and listening to the program they get to turn or change the channel when we don't. you know, the mess is here. the creek banks are still polluted, they're saying they're not going to drench, not going to clean it because it's a delicate eco system. they've killed everything in it and we get a high water rain event and that rainbow sheen
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and sludge comes out. i'm a well, and sometimes the ground water charges the aquifer and that's where we get our water from and i don't like what i'm seeing, very worried. anita: it does sound very scary. i apologize we're short on time. we wish you the best and we hope that president biden's visit will continue to put the spotlight on your town so people are aware of the problems still existing there not over yet. russell murphy from east palestine. thanks for joining us, best of luck. >> thanks, anita. anita: griff. griff: two major storms this weekend soaking the gulf and southern california. we've got that coming up next. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food.
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>> severe storms ripped through texas and the gulf coast today as california braces for life-threatening floods tonight. meteorologist adam klotz has more. hey, adam. >> hey, griff. yeah, tracking a couple of big storms as they move across the country. the one you were showing moving across the gulf of mexico, gulf states dealing with the heavy rain. the dangerous system is on the west coast. beginning to see light showers there, but this is going to put up big numbers in the section several days. everything in the orange here is three to five inches, taking you into wednesday. some of the red colors five to
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eight inches, intense flooding across the region. we don't usually get this high, but likely flooding on sunday and monday and still some rain lingering there on tuesday as southern california prepares for a really big rain, griff. griff: adam klotz, thanks. anita. anita: much more ahead on the u.s. air strikes in the middle east as fox news live continues coming up next. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ [storms sound] ..
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