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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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police to write down even the details of a minor interactions with the public. his words what the nypd debts or bring it down muster more time in the station houston paperwork. this is a progressive city council which means we get a lot of laws that do precisely the opposite of their intention. especially on crime. question elected mayor on a anti-crime platform and the city council runs it. it's a crazy place. remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us at j er fnc. that's it for this week show thanks to our panel and for all you for watching. hope to see it right here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪. arthel: will i run back down and said enough question but that is the big question u.s. forces
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conducts the sweeping airstrikes against 85 around the proxy targets and iraq and syria how the world is waiting to see if the strikes will deter the militia that iran is backing. and if the b-1 bombers will need to strike again. hello everyone brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello everyone i am arthel neville. president biden was facing a mensa pressure to retaliate after last weekend's deadly drone attack killed three american soldiers, stationed in jordan. sgt william rivers, candidate sanders and br embryonic moffat. since october 7 over 160 rockets and missiles have been launched at u.s. forces in the middle east. the white house stressed yesterday the united states is not looking for war with iran but president biden followed through on his warning that if you harm an american we will
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respond. some experts and lawmakers are concerned about whether the u.s. provided too much advance warning. >> mo is a little bit concerned when you go into negotiations with your final position upfront. which is let's not expand the war. we have telegraphed our punch. you heard from previous experts it is clear the iranians got the message and evacuated the personnel. when you take b-1 bombers and buy them halfway across the world that's a pretty strong signal. i'm cautiously optimistic in the iranians have to get the message they cannot kill american soldiers progress they were getting new details on another round of u.s. strikes in yemen. he was go to lucas tomlinson was live in las vegas was president biden is scheduled to make a campaign appearance this week. what can you tell us? >> the past 24 hours u.s. military has launched airstrikes into three different countries in the middle east. the latest coming just moments ago according to the u.s.
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central command. u.s. forces destroyed antiship cruise missiles preparing to launch from yemen. here's a pentagon deputy press secretary earlier. >> we acknowledge tensions are high in the region. but we don't, i don't necessarily agree we are in a wider regional conflict. we have seen attacks on our forces in iraq and syria prior to october 17. we had attacks on our forces earlier in 2023. i think it's important to remember this is nothing new. >> arthel the u.s. military has been attacked over 80 times in fact before october 7 the b-1 bombers that hit the 85 targets in iraq and syria have returned safely to the base in texas. after flying for more than 24 consecutive hours in the air to strike halfway across the world and turn back. the bombers dropped 500-pound satellite guided bombs destroy 85 targets for it one have been destroyed just two years ago in a previous u.s. air strike the air force has juts in the region but clearly wanted to send a
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message as an cold war era at supersonic bombers. defense secretary lloyd austin called the operation quotes the start of our response signaling more u.s. airstrikes could be coming soon. fifteen strike eagles escorted those bombers and also engaged. u.s. central command says today's strikes in yemen targets antiship cruise missiles preparing to launch against u.s. warships. you will recall a few days ago the uss gray vl gravely shot don incoming cruise missile using its last ditch weapon system using 4500 rounds of depleted uranium just seconds before the missiles slammed into the whole of the ship. senator mark warner said the u.s. need to hit iran's rebel forces much harder in yemen. >> i think we need to be ratcheted up. we have focused way too much on in their ability to launch missiles and not enough on command and control. >> the only way to stop it is to actually strike to what i run hold most dear, its key leaders
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and its key assets. not air proxy groups. >> moments ago confirming to fox news president biden will skip the traditional pre-super bowl interview with cbs. for the second straight year. event lucas tomlinson thank you. >> the president has said with respect to the attacks on the houthis in the red sea they do not expect the attacks to de-escalate it from the u.s. standpoint it would be foolish for the united states to be involved in another war the middle east. it would be absolutely foolish. senator tim kaine addressing growing concerns that against the proxies hamas and hezbollah increased military action in the middle east could lead to a wider war. as those us-led strikes are
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raising tension in the region. iranian and iraqi officials slamming the action as a violation of iraq sovereignty. stephanie bennett live with more from her own leaders. >> tensions are at very high. a lot of the opinions are starting to swirl as you're getting the reactions from across the world today. during a meeting in brussels european union foreign policy chief called upon all parties to avoid further escalation in the middle east. in hopes the w word is not continue to spread as he pointed toward recent concerns of israel might extend the war towards gaza populace border with egypt. warning the middle east is a boiler that can explode. the polish born minister says the u.s. retaliatory strikes on iran plaintiff targets in iraq and syria were the result of iranian proxies playing with fire. the belgian foreign affairs minister called the airstrikes a huge concern and asked for restraint and diplomacy. the austrian foreign minister also echoing concerns saying we
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have to be extremely watchful of what is going on in the middle east as too many people are running around with matches. they also gave an update on the situation along the red sea saying after a lengthy discussion with the foreign minister of yemen about the tribetrade eight a continues tan ships a maritime admission is on the way. >> those attacking u.s. bases have to know they actually put into the fire our common goal has to be to prevent a spill over at all costs. >> we ask for restraint and we ask for diplomacy. that is the only way that we can count on the situation in the middle east. >> the uk responding today con the u.s. steadfast ally that it supports washington's right to respond. last month the u.s. and uk launch coordinated strikes
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across yemen together can see iran backed houthis forces over the red sea attacks as well. for now it mo more u.s. military operations are expected. so far it stephanie bennett in london thank you. the iranian backed terror attacks coming up retired army lieutenant l daniel davis will join us on "fox news live." arthel: nypd looking for seven more suspects after group of migrants were accused of brutal attack on two police officers. that was in times square but one of the suspects flipped his middle fingers at reporters after being arrested allegedly for the assault. cb cotton's life and times square with the latest. >> hi arthel. police just told us this week some of these migrant suspects were here in times square committing crimes to include pickpocketing just prior to the initial attack. the near post reports some suspects were shoplifting at the
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store in times square take a look. nypd has some of its officers here today. the store manager telling the outlet some of the men came in last saturday, stole several handbags. she said at that point she called the police the assault happened shortly after. right outside the store's doors. the migrants quote jumped the police officer right there it was insane. investigators believe some of the suspects were arraigned and released are not headed to the california mexico border but manhattan d.a. alvin bragg has taken a lot of heat actors office only request a cash bill for one of the suspects. bragg said yesterday his team as being conscious. >> we do not tolerate people assaulting police officers. and our profound obligation is to make sure we have the right people charged with the right crimes. we see suspects could go
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wherever they pleased they were released from their own recognizance. of the men do not return for the next court appearance that is when a warrant will be issued. a former dhs senior advisor says he doubts the suspects will return at their headed to california. >> i would not doubt for a second the once they arrive in california they are met by governor newsom who provide some of the taxpayer-funded gift basket. consisting of a new cell phone, a bank card and free healthcare. >> new york governor kathy hochul said multiple times this week she feels bill said to have been requested in this case. she also said at one point she thought these migrant should also be deported. she said she had a conversation with d.a. alvin bragg but she would not elaborate on those details. >> cb cotton in times square in new york city, thank you. eric: new yorkers are outraged. that migrants a charge on the assault on yorks fighters were e
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released without any bail. critics are blaming manhattan districtdistrict attorney alving directly. sophist did not receive west bail in the cases of the case is ongoing to identify all of the assailants. this is from a democrat governor kathy hochul on that. >> certainly an assault on a police officer's bail eligible there are over 100 crimes that also can lead to deportation. that is also something would have a conversation with. the district attorney about his options here. what's free to hit officers? near republican councilman vicki joins us. event he brought illegal immigrs pummeling new york's finest and bail reform rewards them by spraying them? what's going on the country? >> once again no surprise from alvin bragg. true to form they will arrest women for anti- vax are having
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false vaccination cards. but yet this scene here that you see right now on the screen, had these guys brought them in and relrelease them. this has become a joke. our poor police officers were taken down a notch again this week with 586. they are now assaulted in the middle of times square. what is going on here? what more proof does alvin bragg need other than the kicking and beating that we are seeing here? and these people right here that they were released. this is an absolute joke. alvin bragg is a joke. alvin bragg should not hold the office that he currently holds. >> investigation is ongoing. what should he have done?
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that's a ridiculous statement to make it. these guys are gone. who are you investigating? they don't live here anymore there is no known address there's no known name. whenever we asked and no their id or where they live it is an invasion of their privacy. that's a joke in itself. an ongoing investigation what you're going to investigate if not here anymore? >> you mention 586. you have for police officers to identify who's illegal what's going on at city council? was the passing of the laws in the city? >> what's going on and is pretty clear. they hate our cops. we have a progressive caucus who absently has one agenda. that agenda is to defend our
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police. so i call it strategic and i call another name for it is called administrative defending. what we saw happen here at the special hearing that was held was another assault on our cops to hold them back from doing their job. >> why are they doing this? is a left wing -- it is the left wing progressive in our city council that's literally pushing this agenda we don't need the cops to be doing this. went to get this in. in the very early stages you know what, so to wait. was been debate whether or not he let migrants in the city
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cause an increase in crime and we are seeing. so my legislative solution is to require the nypd to record immigration status on any person who is arrested right then and there. illegal immigrants are committing these heinous crimes now. between shoplifting, beating up our cops. there decades ago you got life imprisonment if you killed a c cop, or if you assaulted a cop the way they are doing now. but let's look at this way. if they know they are getting away with this now we just open the door to a whole bunch of illegals to do whatever they want, war on our cops, war on our city because there are zero consequences.
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and once again we are dealing with this. stu fort new york city councilwoman has that bill what are the chances of the progressives in the council proving that? they are going to take one look at that and do it they did with thomas jefferson and kick it right out. how it goes, outcome it done. we are operating in the lawless city. we are operating with the council that has it out for our cops. they've got it o out for our co. >> the statue of thomas jefferson. >> yes they did that was disgusting. >> that stood there for 150 years or something but city councilwoman vicki, will keep track of that bill in the migrant crime crisis. >> we thank you both the family of a young pennsylvania police officer killed in the line of duty nearly a year ago is demanding justice from philadelphia's district
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attorney. sgt christopher fitzgerald was trying to stop three teens from carjacking someone near temple university when he was shot and killed. christina coleman is live with the story. christina? >> hi arthel played the young 31-year-old police sergeant pols behind a wife and five children on fox and friends this morning his parents and his widow described fitzgerald as a devoted father it with an incredible personality who cared deeply for his community and who deserves justice. >> he loved our family. and my kids are heartbroken. >> our son with a husband, a father, i mean just the greatest rate let's be clear he is more to us than homicide number 61. heat deserves better. >> 19-year-old who allegedly shot and killed fitzgerald appeared before a judge for the first time on january 23.
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and waved his way to implement our hearing for this nearly a year after the shooting. the delays are taking an emotional toll on fitzgerald already grieving family they are also voicing their frustration with larry, the progressive d8. >> people like larry krasner they all have something in common. they have the same funding source we all know about and they put their philosophies in the place of the law. their blanket software on crime policies are causing neighborhoods in our country to become latchkey. >> in a statement regarding a possible punishment in this case the das office said his administration does not have a blanket charging or sentencing policy they say we seek individualized justice and every case and respect to the role the client into potential sentencing. fitzgerald parents are calling
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for the death penalty for the suspected murderer in this case. >> we are in the commission of first-degree committing robberies and he also killed a police officer. there are multiple aggregating factors have punishment for something like that is death or life. >> he is charged with murder, criminal homicide of a law enforcement officer, evading arrest and other charges which the carjacking his arraignment is now scheduled for february 13. arthel: so horrible. christina coleman, thank you. support will have more in a top story in a moment the u.s. vowing to take further action against iran as proxy groups seeking to avoid a wire conflict we will take a closer look at what could come next retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis net right here on fox news live. t more energy in just two weeks.
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eric: 's report at the top of the art of the u.s. is carrying out another round of airstrikes in the middle east right now. we are told american and british forces are striking the radio 'houthis there in attacking international shipping in the red sea and our navy for months. that after the u.s. made the sweeping airstrikes in iraq and syria overnight.
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meantime is really forces are carrying out their own attacks on iranian based transport targets in lebanon including reports say killing a top iranian advisor in syria. mike tobin live in tel aviv with the very latest on the ground. >> hi eric, let me tell you at least the very latest we have about the strikes been carried out in yemen. through israeli media and their largely sourcing the media at the strikes are rather wide widespread centered around the area for the west side of yemen but spread out over several regions. antenna blinken is expected to arrive in the region tomorrow. steaks and the tension could not be higher. especially in light of the u.s. promise the strikes we saw last night were just the start and that seems to be materializing. all of that retaliation for the three u.s. soldiers who were killed in jordan by iranian proxies last sunday.
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the strikes we sell us at the b-1 bombers took off from texas. they hit all of the planet targets in a couple of what are described as dynamic targets a drone that was preparing to launch as well as a surface to air missile for the u.s. claimed yesterday 85 targets were hit in iraq and syria. the targets us that include command-and-control facilities, weapons storage, logistics there's also reports from yesterday 16 were dead and iraq 23 dead in syria. the iranian backed militia said they have plenty of warning the strikes did not set them back much. >> they failed to meet their objectives for several reasons. the targeted headquarters will devoid of fighters. there is not any military personnel at the time of the attack. >> the eye ran back houthis have been defiant in yemen.
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they prepped six cruise missiles to fire on u.s. forces in the gulf of eden and the red sea area. the u.s. took them out too. we'vwithout reports of widespred strikes in the area to the west side of yemen. all of this and secretary of state antony blinken starts his four-day trip up here tomorrow he is supposed hit four different countries and the west bank with the goal of trying to contain the violence that we see here and keep it from spilling over also the goal of trying to secure hostage release from gaza and try to get aid into the gaza strip. >> mike tobin and tel aviv thank you. >> thank you for the bite administration of avoiding any direct strike on iran on for now following the 85 retaliatory strikes and iraq and syria this despite the president said he holds iran responsible for
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providing weapons to the proxies who carried out the attack killing our three service members. the white house is stressing the goal is not to start a war with iran. >> the goal here is to give these attacks to stop we are not looking for a war with iran. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. >> was pregnant retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis senior fellow and host of daniel j deep vibe. colonel davis you just heard mike tobin reporting. we've got more strikes happening and yemen. let's get your reaction. >> i see what kirby said the objective is to get them to stop and i have to scratch my head and say what possible rationale and a logic would get you to think this is going to stop them? we have every evidence in the
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world this is not going to stop the iran backed regime. the islamic resistance in iraq or down in the red sea area treatthese things are going to continue on until the cause which no one wants to look at. it's not just because they don't like america they are talking them out of nowhere. every single one of these are tied to the israeli hamas more in the killing of the palestinian to the war but that's what they're saying or doing them this in response to one 100% of the stuff turned in mid november while after the war started in not before. if we don't examine that you're not going to get them to stop because that is the reason they're doing this. the second thing is the only reason they're able to strike us is because we or they are part of our troops are scattered throughout iraq and syria on the ground serving no vital purpose for our country and no one is even talking about withdrawing from them. as long as they stay there you can count on the fact these
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groups like i just said you showed a minute ago that eric showed they're going to continue to strike. if we expand this into iran i have heard hawks in america are clamoring for then you have a real shot in starting a war that we do not need and might not be able to win. arthel: am going to come back to might not be able to win. you mentioned netanyahu. in this a dangerous moment what can netanyahu do. what can he do to prevent this war from becoming a wildfire? >> he can't or won't do anything is not even worth looking at that. he is focused on doing whatever he wants to do and winning by whatever his definition. but we have leverage in their in thebecause apparently will bd earlier this afternoon the speaker of the house is now ready to sign off on a 17 billion-dollar aid package to
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israel. that needs to come with some strings because i know no one wants to talk about this but we have interest in the region two and they are not synonymous with what israel is. we need this were to be over not for israel to just kill everyone they want to just try to get to victory if that's going to harm our interest in the region and clearly it is having an impact on it. we have some agency there and i think we need to play into that because our interest is to get that were over and off the table quickly so that it lowers the pressure and we need to get so many troops withdrawn to bigger bases where they can be protected but don't just leave in there to wait to be attacked again. arthel: hasn't some of that withdrawal started to happen to get them and in less vulnerable stops? hold on for me i want you to answer a couple of things. you said does not have a desire to do anything right now how does the u.s. make him do it? also you mentioned if this war becomes a wildfire that could be
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a war can't win what you mean by that? >> all hit that second one first. of course our military is profoundly stronger especially our allies in the region. if it is just in terms of the measuring we are well well the p without the problem is if iran irandoesn't quit and give up thy say no it turns into a shooting war what you do if they don't quit if they don't stop? if you bomb them and they don't stop then you have to escalate to a new level. and i can assure you we are no clear to have the capability to go into iran. you hope this deters them but if hope is not a good thing to build strategy on ba back down r self or ramp up it would be catastrophic. we cannot launch a sustained war
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17 billy march is a return get march to taiwan. we do not have the capacity to do all those things and still succeed. arthel: a lot you said there retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis will have to get you back on to expound on some of that. thank you very much sir. >> thank you arthel. eric: free speech advocacy group has filed a complaint against a major university after anti- israeli protesters disrupt an event on campus. the group's executive director is here on what she calls the threat against free speech.
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aactors there disrupted an event at the university of north carolina that featured pro-israel speakers included conservative writer barry weiss the free speech advocacy group speech at first has found a complaint against the group. tthegroup students for justice n palestine is blamed for disrupting the event for that then took to social media's" area weiss are not welcome on campus. the complaint from speech and first calls on the end of university to discipline the students who took part in the protest. joining us now speech first executive director charisse a trump who by the way is not related to the former president. welcome. it barry weiss says on the stage with some other speaking what happens about 45 mass. protesters storm in and start shouting him down? >> yes this was organized in advance by the students for justice for palestine. they made their goal was to do a walkout. pretty sure th that as a youth r us and him and turn on a full out shout down. unite the unique thing is not
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only does university of a policy specifically prohibits shout downs and events like this but the state itself passed the free speech act in 2007 seen the requires universities of policies that basically don't allow for events this is unique from other campuses. they are not only violating campus posted there technically also by letting state law. we are calling on the university to hold these students accountable who participate in the shout out to enact disciplinary sanctions and to formally investigate the s jp chapter in order for them to see if they conspired to actually break the law and an active full shout down. eric: they would say politically they have a rate to express their view what you say to that? >> the right to free speech does not include the right to silence others and that is something universities should be very clearly teaching to their students thing to fundamentally understand the constitution means him at the rates are actually supposed to embody.
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not just throw it the free speech word around say they are enacting the free speech by shutting down others it's really important we see accountability if you want to deter future behavior that is essentially what we are calling on the university here. accountability cannot just be a distant bogeyman that never materializes. students need to be held accountable for their actions as well as citizens need to be held accountable when they are by letting state laws. >> what is the danger of this? we have seen this type of behavior and disruption of events throughout the country. what are you most concerned about and what this means? ask assistant becoming incredibly normalized across campuses students are expecting university events to see some sort of shutdown or mass protests trying to interrupt the event by the regularity which this is occurring is causing a serious decrease in student morale a decrease in students who want to engage with opposing ideas or even debates or to seek truth through reason. these are issues and habits we should be building on and it universities into the higher education. all of that is going by the
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wayside in order to make room for what it's essentially tantrum throwing pig lectures at the university of north, and it says about this in part the university's response was consistent with our policies regarding free speech. the event began with a reminder of the policies and expectations for but was the protesters began making noise they were told to leave in quickly removed from the event of the program continued without further interruption. what do you want universities across the country to do about this? about when this happens? when the activists come in and storm an event and try to disrupt it? what is not just about kicking them out of the event the student specifically organized as a jp chapter specifically organized in advance in order to take up as many seats as possible so their peers could not have access to the event they were going to be t the oneo did a massive walkout and eventually left the auditorium empty for the event. preventing their fellow students from even having access to the discussion. it is not just the event getting kicked out at some point they
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need to be held accountable because the policy on the university specifies disciplinary sanctions will be enacted. we want to know what that means we want to know what that looks like what's the point of having a law and having a policy if it's never going to be enacted up it's never going to be utilized? that is something we are asking the university to do. eric: finally do you fear the rude disruptors of the ones being rewarded in all this? >> absolutely they are not being punished. but again what's the point of accountability in a policy if it's not going to be enforced question rick they're just want to keep going on with their day this is not the first time to happen at you and see it hoop happened a few years back as will the students were not punished the laws and policies were the same. we are seeing this happening had campuses around the country we cannot allow something like this to be normalized we need to build here opposing ideas but we need to have speakers who could be invited to campus and not fear for their safety do not have people screaming at them the children should be killed or that spitting at them for this happened just last year at samford university law school they shouted down judge kyle duncan the fifth circuit judge
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it came to speak that was led by an officer and administer the campus. we need to call out faculties and administrators who are compliant and purposefully not enforcing these policies in order to benefit chapters like sap. >> critics saying free speech is endangered on the campuses speech first is the group, charisse a trump the chairwoman of that thank you. >> thank you. >> as for the former president trump assist now with maria for a wide ranging interview that is airing tomorrow and "sunday morning futures" here's a preview. >> mr. president back to the economy for site would you reappoint jay powell? >> knno i would not do that. no. because? he missed inflation? i would have been quite a. >> who is your choice for fed questions that have a couple trips i can't tell you now. ask tnext that airs t is tomorrt 10:00 a.m. eastern and again at 3:00 p.m. eastern. meantime a more coverage on the
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strikes in yemen against the houthis sprayed the very latest from the middle east and the biden administration coming up next. what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪
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make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed. arthel: it has been reported the top of the hour the u.s. is carrying out another round of strikes in the middle east right now against the the ironic back trend eight in yemen. let's go to lucas tomlinson who has the latest on this breaking news. lucas, britain is backing up the u.s. in this latest barrage of attacks, what's the latest? >> that is right, arthel moments ago u.s. official tells me u.s. forces along with the british have launched more than two dozen strikes against iran's rebel army inside yemen parade those are the houthis forces but we heard early from u.s. central command today u.s. strike destroyed six antiship cruise missiles there on the rails on the missile launchers those were hit as well it appears with going on right now is day two of
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the massive retaliation from u.s. forces against iran's proxy groups it should be noted the u.s. has been carrying out strikes in yemen almost on a daily basis since january 11. the houthis do not appear to be deterred almost on a daily basis they are launching drones and anti- cruise ship missiles and ballistic missiles against commercial shipping in the red sea as well as against u.s. warships that uss dwight d eisenhower strike group is there in the red sea and i am told super hornet jets did take part in the strikes that is what is going on moments ago are finding out. arthel: the houthis have been wreaking havoc on shipping but to the red sea. i am wondering if that is why particularly why the britons are backing the u.s. in this latest barrage? >> and brits have two warships in the red sea hms diamond and richmond.
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they have been shooting down drones recently as well played the british have been arguably the staunchest ally of the united states in this where the only other country to carry out strikes against iran proxy forces the french also have warships in the red sea it should be noted they also shutdown some drones. but in terms of offense of strikes the brits have done that. this does appear considering it's over two dozen strikes against the houthis rebels inside yemen and massive iranian proxy force inside yemen. this appears to be part of a coordinated campaign after the massive b-1 strike yesterday against iraq and syria that destroyed 85 targets. arthel: coordinated campaign with the brits. wondering if the french would get involved now? >> exactly, arthel should be noted the big question is what comes next? suffer the strikes that have taken place for nearly a month now and yemen have not stopped the houthis rebels from launching attacks against commercial shipping. we've seen the map we've seen
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the cargo ships the commercial vesselbuses going around the hof africa not going to the red sea. not going to the suez canal or the straight this has wreaked havoc on global trade certainly very uneasy position for the u.s. to be in as well as a global economy. stupid lucas you are in las vegas or president biden is expected to be campaigning there later tonight. wondering if you have heard anything from air force one or from anyone at the pentagon regarding these latest attacks? >> air force one is in the air right now o hours ago president biden left philadelphia. he's heading to los angeles first before coming here to las vegas. we did learn earlier white house official confirming president biden is going to skip the traditional pre-super bowl interview on cbs of course the super bowl is right here in las vegas. it is a repeat of the 2020 super bowl. arthel: it makes you think that perhaps this is why the
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president is skipping this super bowl, the next super bowl interview at least this year because of this aspect these attacks that are actually happening as we speak and they are ongoing. but some of the president's critics might disagree with that. the president has not given many interviews. jimmy carter issued a press conference every two weeks we are certainly not seeing that out of this white house. he has been a reticent speaking to that media of course he does speak to the press on occasion on the south lawn on the way to his marin marina when we certaiy heard from him after the tragic death of those three american soldiers in jordan last weekend. he spoke at a church in south carolina before coming back but so far we have not heard what some are calling for an interest to the american people about this new campaign against iran's proxy groups across it is in notable that in the last 24 hours u.s. military's launch air strikes in three different countries in the middle east.
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we just are from the pentagon deputy press secretary hours ago saying she did not feel like the war has escalated the facts on the ground say otherwise as well as many critics. arthel: the world is aw watchin, lucas tomlinson thank you very much. eric: let's go to michael tobin who was live in tel aviv is her with more the airstrikes against the houthis targeted yemen. lloyd austin yesterday said the first round is just beginning. is there a sense, can the administration actually take out all of the military capability of the houthis and how long to than they think this will continue? >> what we have seen so far with striking at the houthis and yemen is a try to hit radar capabilities, launch capabilities and some of their drone infrastructure. we know tonight at least of the u.s. sources they hit some 30 some targets, 10 different locations inside of yemen. whover getting from local sourcs is a lot at the strikes were
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concentrated in the area which is to the west side of yemen. the strikes given that uss dwight d eisenhower it was the strikes from f-18 super hornets. but also tomahawk missiles were launched from the uss kearney and the uss gravely. part of the carrier strike group that is out there. all of that happening u.s. secretary of state entity blanket is coming here to start a four-day trip tomorrow and when she will visit four countries on the west bank as well. part of his stated goal is to prevent the strikes the violence we are seeing hear from spilling over into a wider conflict. he also has a very difficult task of trying to secure some of the hostage release proposals that have been negotiated starting in paris. that is why the visit to qatar will be key in this trip he is making to the region. because want to get to the qatar's you can communicate to them through hamas. it's a complicated task we
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secretary stays good to going toembarking which starts . it is going to be coming at the most tense of times punctuated by the fact we have got the strikes in yemen and the houthis are undeterred. they were prepping cruise missiles earlier in the day to fire on the strike group the uss strike group that's in the area of the red sea in the wolf of aden. they took those out hours before the u.s. offensive against the houthis began inside of yemen. to punctuate that point or say it one more time things are as tense as they could be u.s. secretary of state is coming to the region. eric: the houthis say we are the aggressors. something what they do they take out according to reports in irg c advisor and syria. there are some reports that say the u.s. and the uk are purposefully avoiding irg c
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rating direct iranian centers there is an alleged spy ship for example that is iranian owned that helps detect houthis attacks they say is there any sense the u.s. or the uk could eventually cross the line and directly attack the irg c assets? >> we had reports certainly the irg supported assets were struck yesterday. but one of the things we are getting from these are rating backed militant groups is defiance from them. and a bit of taunting saying they had plenty of heads up the strikes were coming. you heard the discussion about telegraphing these particular attacks. they say they got the message in the telegraph and and the got te valuable assets and valuable people away from the facilities before the strikes came in. that could be one of the reasons why we start to get some casualty numbers we cannot confirm them. but they seem dramatically low. trucks dramatically low do we think this will continue?
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it's a second round in 24 hours will see tomorrow and through the next week. >> promised from that u.s. are strikes we saw yesterday were just the beginning. i haven't had comments as far as he strikes tonight you have to anticipate they will continue you will see a systematic approach using the be once yesterday used in the eisenhower strike group tonight. >> the question is will iran take heed and order the houthis and others to stand down. my current thank you for reporting as a development's warrants. >> and eric let's not forget this latest round of attacks this retaliation is after the killing of three american soldiers stationed in jordan. we are talking about sgt william rivers, kennedy sanders and breonna moffat. we are not to forget their names
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we are not to forget their sacrifice. that does it for us today here we are back tomorrow at noon. eric: we will be and of course we will not forget their sacrifice of the reason the u.s. is doing this not to be blamed on the united states for someone but instead on the terrace backed by iran. arthel: thank you for joining us . ♪ ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today.
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