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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  February 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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sent in a question. >> was the best reason you called in sick? >> is a cabdriver you can't : sick because you prepay so you have to show every week just like you have to show to fox news saturday night with your main man, jimmy failla. set the dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday here on fox news, don't forget to follow us on social media at as an saturday night and i'm coming soon to a city near you on my everybody calm down to her tickets on sale now. good night from new york city, i'm jimmy failla. i will see you here next saturday. ♪ remember, you could be republican, you can be a democrat, in. ♪
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>> hello, i am tomi laren along with mollie hemingway, charlie hurt and griff jenkins. the big story tonight is a fox news alert. the girl in close as we await results of the state democratic primary is the first time the race for democratic presidential nomination is kicking off. we will have the results as soon as a comment and president biden is expected to win. he's banking on south carolina voters to cement his campaign but finds actions don't really because he is nowhere in the state to be found senate. instead, he's going to i like to mingle with donors from the entertainment industry but someone who is in south carolina at fox news correspondent mark meredith. >> good evening, president biden is not in south carolina, he touched down in l.a. a few moments ago the polls closed a minute ago in south carolina. what's notable is not who's on
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the ballot but it's the first time south carolina has gone on the democratic presidential primary calendar this is a big change from where we were four years ago because it was then candidate joe biden came to south carolina for a lifeline if you will because it was he was able in the contest nomination. he did well and i will four years ago, new hampshire and south carolina so democrat revamp accountability of her trip to the impact for decades to come to his campaign headquarters in delaware as he's focusing on number general election tried to frame it up a rematch from former president trump. >> the guy we are running against he's not for anything, he's against everything.
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i mean it. the weirdest campaign i've ever been engaged in, even worse in terms of his behavior in the last time in 2020. >> the president talking about the likely rematch with former president trump. this was an open primary meeti meeting, you could go even if you are republican but can't vote in the republican primary a few weeks from now. it wasn't just president biden about today, minnesota congressman dean phillips as well as self-help author marianne williamson but the polls today, no indication this will be a struggle for the president or reelection campaign. he was in south carolina last week, the vice president last night, a lot of indications this will be the start of the reelection bid for the president of the democratic nomination which he's hoping you will sail through until august when they have the democratic convention in chicago american who knows what's going to happen from that time, thank you so much. why is biden running?
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is the question we all want to know but a "wall street journal" columnist right i have yet to hear mr. axelrod or any other prominent democrat of the obama clinton or biden circle suggests biden is doing america a favor by friday. he writes starting to crystallize in the press is the author off the record hurt the past year if mr. trump is a danger to america, democracy and apple pie shouldn't mr. biden he voters stepping aside and opening the door to a new generation of democrats? >> that's the question we are asking, who, what, why they have joe biden winning south carolina i'm sure but one thing i would ask, i know you follow this closely, we are wondering why biden but he doesn't have a hold on this nomination now but south carolina making a black voters coming out and supporting him, maybe not on this but a general election but we have a quick msnbc startled to discover maybe
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ghost might move away from joe. let's listen in i want your reaction. >> there are some people voted for donald trump or considering. >> for sure. a lot of my friends, a little younger from coded once for president and trump is kind of all we know. there like we went broke with biden, we worked with trump and that's the only thing i'm hearing over and over again, with trump we had money. >> i love that slogan follow stroke with biden. maybe more realistic than biden, but do you think black voters in south carolina, you think they will support biden or that will be heard, is it an anomaly or a pattern? >> it will be interesting to break down the black vote in two different subsets because it
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will continue to vote democrat, something black voters have done for decades but you need a complete one 100% vote if you are the democrat party you're getting a word from a lot of people might not be voting for him. if something we experience here we haven't had since oil and where you can compare two presidencies side-by-side, you can take what was life like under the trump administration and what i'd like under the biden administration and there are also pictures they care about foreign policy, crime but there is the same bill clinton good to say, is the economy stupid and economically people remember it wasn't that long ago things were much better than they are now and that's the challenge for democrats and that's why they might be things not having the democratic primary for real, they claim they have a democrat primary is not really open to other people, done a good job shutting down anything even though people are saying they don't want to vote for joe biden and it might come back to bite them later. >> that's what i find interesting is nobody wants
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biden yet they are stuck with biden at least for now. i've been maintaining it over a year, i don't think joe biden will be the democrat nominee, i don't think it will be dean phillips or marianne williamson, i don't think it's going to be rfk come convention time, there's a major shakeup, i'm still putting money on gavin newsom but at least for now it looks like they're sticking with joe, he's in l.a. raising money, he's raised a lot of money, where is the money going to go back. >> president biden present on top after you, and look. what's really fascinating, young people, younger voters, 30 and under have no connection, completely unable in any way to relate to the sky and knock you got joe biden upsetting young voters who are supposed to come
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in droves, the climate activists and he's all in on the green agenda but yet he's upsetting them with gaza, upsetting them with financial real always of their life and the core group of the black vote particularly where it turned around and south carolina is going to be fascinating tonight and mollie knows this any buddy, even though he's taking it and he's in l.a. and the state that satan the first time, it's going to be interesting to see how the turnout comes because up to 50000 plus turnout and he got up what it% to 50% last time. if he underperforms, you will have party leaders say you know what? we need to look at an auction like this, this was a gimmick, get the gimme big. >> people are voting for joe, just voting against trump and that the notion of the biden
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campaign and the democrat plant but jones, there are several who say biden is losing young voters trying to woo them to tik tok influencers but this pro- palestinian segment democrat are both young and in places like michigan, who got jones thing not quick they were referring to him as genocide joe. >> for syllables and him, genocide joe. best becoming something to hear from the younger people from the younger voters, to be honest, he got disappointment in the base of his handling the war in gaza. >> these are voters democrats have gotten into bed with so listening to them complain about the fact that democrats are calling him genocide joe, i'll have patient you are seeing a great example of why democrats are desperate to keep joe biden in the basement and mark
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meredith, donald trump is not for anything, only against things, it's like he's against unnecessary wars which joe biden has given up to more of an not for anything, he is pretty a lower gas prices, a better economy and it's funny when the media and democrats are so shocked to wake up and discover black voters don't want crime in their neighborhoods. black voters want a good economy and hispanic voters don't want an open border, they want a good economy from a they want law & order and they are amazed by this but i'm not up on cleveland which is why i'm glad you are a friend of mine because you ar are -- you can help me with these things but you don't have to look far back to realize that these policies and whether it's
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the border or the economy, every one of these things that make people's lives more miserable over the course of four years can be traced directly to policies this administration has enacted. >> here's what i worry about and i want to ask you about this because democrat don't have popular policy positions, they don't have a popular candidate and joe biden but they raise a lot of money and they have mechanics of electioneering do down. that's what i'm worried about the way they are operating with this biden campaign tells me there confident in early voting, mail-in voting, they are confident in their strategy, they don't care about the policies or nominee because they got the system down. how true you think that is and how great should republican speak? >> they should take it externally seriously. democrats have done a good job changing from campaigns with good candidates in a persuasive message from a they understand elections are one how many
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ballots get into ballot boxes. that's why joe biden is meeting with don a significant take money to do it so republicans will be wise to follow it. >> over comments concerning on the republican side. stay vigilant but we have attacked our ahead, first, fox news alert. the u.s. launches missiles and bombs targeting iranian proxy forces as a because the initial airstrikes intended success. the timeline proves otherwise plus will make the call for the winner of the south carolina democratic primary and comedian bill maher last biden's border lies. >> joe biden saying if you give me a new law, the president -- he already has existing law. ♪
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big weekend show back with a fox news alert, u.s. and uk launching missiles and bombs that iranian proxy targets.
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the second wave of airstrikes after the attacks in iran and syria to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson live with an update, a busy hours. >> that's right and the past 24 hours u.s. military launched airstrikes in three different countries in the middle east. as you mentioned, hours ago the combined british operation launched strikes against 36 targets in yemen, here's the pentagon's be press secretary earlier. >> we can accomplish the were able to strike the majority of our targets. we believe we have the intended. either in iraq or syria or anywhere in the world, the united states military will always respond and hold forces accountable. >> these new strikes in yemen, one day after the bombs hit 85 target in iraq and syria. the air force base in texas earlier today after you will long island not far from the studio about the sky earlier after flying more than 24
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consecutive hours in the air. bombers struck 500 pounds destroying 85 target, it's notable targets for two years ago and the previous u.s. airstrike defense secretary could often called the operation the start of our response signally u.s. airstrikes would be coming. fifteen strike eagles escorted bombs and engaged. u.s. central command said logic strikes in yemen to destroy cruise missiles to lunch a few days ago, u.s. s shutdown incoming cruise missiles from a last-ditch system that bars 4500 rounds defeated uranium seconds before the missile slammed into the side of the american warship. chris miller says this is not how to go after i read or proxies. >> iranians told people to get away from facilities, airbnb's throughout syria taking time
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off. i think it's an effect response from a productive follow-up ha hard. >> president biden and first lady landed in los angeles and they come here tomorrow in las vegas. visible speak, a rematch from 2020. >> lucas tomlinson live in las vegas, thank you very much. turning now about what was in the report there, charlie, the comment from the gentleman say terrorists are in airbnb's and tongue-in-cheek line but with all due respect, conflicts since the day going back years, we did telegraph this. if you are commander of the force, i our gc in your debt today, you might be the dumbest commander that ever walked because we did everything to show them where we were going to
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hit, was that a mistake? >> forgive me for being skeptical of joe biden's ability to this crisis any better than he's been able to avoid it in the first place any better than he's been able to avoid the crisis in ukraine work what's going on in israel right now, we are not officially paying both sides of this conflict, paying for rent side and bombs to bump iran. joe biden has done everything since the beginning of the administration to check price of oil will open the gates of iranian oil to the rest of the world and continued up until whatever it was, october 6, the day before october 7 attacks on israel to get iran billions of dollars. it's the position we shouldn't be surprised we are where we are but the idea we have to get through the next ten whatever, 12 months under this
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administration is terrifying where is president biden? we know he's in los angeles tonight, he spoke from his headquarters in wilmington but where is the address to the nation to explain in clear terms to the american people what the strategy is? my question is, are we at work with iran and does the president need to clarify? >> i think that's why fighting is not talking, he wants to decrease interest in what's happening but it's like not just both sides in this conflict, we been doing both sides nearly every conflict so the problem isn't how the structure happening all the telegraphing and giving them not just the day but the time and our and location, this is an absurd way to have a conflict with someone but the larger problem is the whole approach to rent. joe biden was clear he did not support donald trump's policy which was to favor saudi arabia and turn away from iran.
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he mocked it, it's been a complete failure. he mocked the idea we wouldn't support saudi arabia against the rebels in yemen and now they are attacking roots like everything he's done has turned poorly. >> it seems the overall goal is deterrent and we are hearing there may be more strikes but if the first strikes didn't work, didn't deterrent fail? >> i would think the greatest deterrence was the days of the trump administration dropping the mother of all bombs when the world was respectful of donald trump because they were terrified of donald trump what he might do, a position of strength and say what you want, no new wars on the president trump so when voters are looking between biden era and what they remembered from trump era, i think the world and chaos might be a member would like to get back to. >> it is something that needs clarification. more on that coming up but next, fox news alert, we make a call
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for the winner of the south carolina democratic presidential primary race plus built mars lasting biden's border lies. >> joe biden say if you give me a new law, the president -- he already has the existing law. ♪
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♪ back now with a fox news alert, a winner is in for the democratic presidential primary. jon scott is in the newsroom breakdown the results. >> we got the numbers and perhaps to nobody's surprise, the sitting president biden former senator from the state of delaware and former vice president wins the south carolina primary. his the primary four years ago his campaign was one of the
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endorsement of congressman clyburn. this time he went again with 97% of the vote will marianne williamson comes in second with 1.7% in minnesota congressman dean phillips with 1.3% so the runway victory for the sitting president tonight in south carolina whether it propels his campaign forward like it did four years ago, it's yet to be seen. back to you. >> welcome back to the "big weekend show", nypd searching for more suspects linked to the migrants who attacked nypd officers in new york's times square. most of the suspects arrested gottfried without cash bail. the new york district attorney alvin bragg dodged questions on the bail physician shortage. >> why were they released?
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>> do you regret it? >> can you comment on the situation? >> fox news correspondent cb cotton has more as bragg defends his decision to not request ba bail. >> manhattan da alvin bragg releasing a statement to say some who deserved the most blame for this by the attack on nypd officers still have not been arrested or identified. he says he and nypd are working to make sure that happens. he says charges are presented to a grand jury this upcoming tuesday and in the meantime standing by his decision to not request bail five other migrant man accused in this case. >> while the video is shocking and disturbing in order to secure convictions in the court
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of law, it is essential we conclusively identify each defendant each defendant in a court of law and profound obligation is to make sure we have the right people card right crimes. >> investigates believe other migrant arabian release are headed out west after being told by workers they used funny names to get a bus to the california mexico border. nypd tells fox the suspect can go over there today please because they were released on their own recognizance. the men don't return for the next court appearance from a they want will be issued. kathy hochul said multiple times this week bail should have been requested and she said sometime this week the suspects should be deported. hochul said she's had the conversation with da alvin bragg but she wouldn't elaborate on the details. >> immigration is a big reason why former president trump is winning in the polls in belgrade
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state. a new poll has completing biden seven battleground states, six of which president biden 12020. biden is doing himself no favors as he continues to seemingly allow the border crisis to raise. elon musk calling out the scheme on x saying biden strategy is simple. one, get as many illegals in the country as possible, to promote legalizing to create a permanent majority of one-party state. that's why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. simple yet effective. even those in the president own party are getting fed up with stubborn refusal to act in the border. >> joe biden saying if you give me a new law -- the president convicts, he already has existing laws. i need a piece of paper from congress to deal with the border. you arty have. >> that has been the big talking
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points all week in washington dc joe biden would take care of the border if he only could get the new clock cast. we have prominent people say this is accurate. i'm wondering, do you think that is actually the problem for the border, joe biden doesn't have lost necessary? >> of course that's the problem. that's funny. the voice heard immigration system is broken, you know what's not broken? the fact that it's illegal to come illegally in the country, it's a simple. if you have the executive branch willing to enforce laws on the, enforce books president trump enforced then you have this problem but if it works so sad, it would be hilarious listening to people like kathy hochul talking about how we need to have these people deported. i'm sorry, what part of sanctuary city do you not remember campaigning for? all of these democrats new york city alvin bragg, eric adams,
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kathy hochul ran on campaigns promoting the idea of saint ray cities suddenly because the heat is on, they want to act like they are against sanctuary cities and suddenly have failed for these people and have them deported? give me a break. >> that's what's interesting and i want your take on this, it seems so intentional what happened, when will biden took office, he passed executive orders and made the decision to not enforce and federal law. elon musk said what he said about this being intentional, being political desire in having an open border, a lot of people call it conspiracy theory, what say you? >> i can't speak for the motivation of white president biden or penetration chose to take the path they have but look at the situation, it's interesting to see if governor hochul does or does not fire bragg. he's in the deep talking about simply identifying the defendants, it's on video for
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god sakes. how much more difficult or easier does it get the mess? to the sanctuary city points, you have to wonder, what is the motivation they learn the lesson every single day in this case, some understand century city leaned i said that cannot get a detainer on the individuals in a local police environment and take them where they were arrested and send them back to the countries. you just had these defendants going to california so they are say, they are five. but we had this past week and marilyn, montgomery county a guy that was ms 13 gang member spent 13 years as accomplished to first-degree murder and ice guys, and after having to chase him a few days because in montgomery county honor it. the week before that from an individual in el paso cross 40 times and was released so it's
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not a one-time thing, there's got to be more to it that ineffective leadership. >> this going to be a major issue in 2024 campaign trump talked about this week, but hear what he had to say. >> you can't a bad deal. the best deal is terrible. why were they releasing earlier? is no quick, no good for the republicans in any republican who signed it should be ashamed of himself or herself. >> you can see more which will be tomorrow with maria bartiromo tomorrow morning 10:00 a.m. sunday morning futures. what you think about this, how big of an issue for this be the 2024 election? >> i one 100% agree and i'm glad he's catching on, some of us have been saying this a long time, democrats don't care in the biden administration, they don't care if they have short-term discomfort or bad favorability when it comes to the open borders because they made along came from a they get millions into this country and give them voting rights, it doesn't matter if they have
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american voters upset because they have solidified the base in some cases larger than the one they are losing. second, donald trump won in 2016, i believe primary because immigration and his slogan of build the wall, but he hammered home, that's what i believe he went on, things were better in 2015 leading up to that so if he continues to hammer home this message, he will do well in swing states fed up. this might be the last opportunity to correct this before the democrat codify it so it can be more important. >> it will be interesting. next, police officers widow is overcome with emotion as her family's quest for justice is blocked by soft on crime policies. >> my kids are heartbroken.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". emotional and powerful words from family of temple university police officer killed in the line of duty as his acute killer goes to court for the first ti time, a year after the officer was shot. fox news correspondent christina coleman has the family's plea. >> university police sgt. christopher fitzgerald leaves behind a wife and five children. "fox & friends" this morning his parents and widow marissa described as a devoted father with incredible personality who cared deeply for his community and deserves justice. >> our son was a husband, a father, the greatest be clear, he's more than the homicide number 61. he deserves better the miles who
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allegedly shot and killed fitzgerald, appear before a judge for the first time january 23 weight his right to a preliminary hearing. nearly a year after the shooti shooting. the laser taking an emotional toll on his already reading family. they are voicing frustration with larry prosser, the progressive da. >> people like larry prosser, they all have something in common, the same source we know about and they put their philosophy the place of law in their link soft on crime policies are causing neighborhoods in our country to become latchkey. >> fitzgerald's answer : for the death penalty in this case. charged with murder, criminal homicide of law enforcement officer evading arrest and other charges related to the carjacking. >> thank you, christina. this is one of the hottest stories i've read all week and it's enraging and sgt.
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christopher fitzgerald, the officer lane, his father speaking with fitzgerald is also a police officer. when you read the details of this story, makes your skin crawl so after this kid allegedly shot the police officer, he stood over the body of the police officer and talk several more times and then tried to steal the officers then but couldn't get the gun out of his holster and was arrested the next day at his mother's house. these are grisly details and this is fine for which one should be ambiguous about and an interview with surgeon fitzgerald's mother, she talked about how this individual was committee multiple crimes, carjacking, robberies. here is the one person in our
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communities, law enforcement you hope stepped up so for da krasner to not stand firmly and unequivocally with a family whose literally given generations of lives to service his unbelievable and i was looking and working with producers trying to figure out, why did it take a year to get here? >> it is enraging at a minute ago we were talking about immigration, you may important.about it is intentional, this is the extension of actual policies politicians run on and when they get implemented and you see horrific crime -- democrats cringe when you say this but they are the party of the poli police, a probe crime family and they act like they are surprised that crime happens.
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>> this is an issue where people are responsible in addition to the person alleged to commit the crime even the people of philadelphia who voted to reelect this guy, ran on a claim he would be probe crime, he's done -- he's let people go whose committed crime, almost an honest, they made the decision to reelect them and they are the people who funded the campaign which is a major focal.of governance, elect probe crime district attorney's emphasis what happens when you -- i want to say also corporations that fund the effort to go after cox and everyone is acting surprised cities throughout the country are dealing with crime talking about what was happening in the district of columbia but one of the most undercover stories the last 15 years is how radical the democrat party itself has gone in support of these policies whether immigration or pro crime issues we are seeing. >> not only is just taking a long time but it appears if
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governor josh shapiro and larry krasner other way, execution will be off the table for the perpetrator of this hideous crime. has there ever been a case where execution is a better idea? >> i don't think so and i like to say here, every time there is officer involved in the shooting on the other end of the gun, there's riots and protests industries and everybody knows the victim's name, george floyd we know, george place name at a big impact on our nation, on policy, activism but when you have an officer that shot, a father of five, sgt. christopher fitzgerald, we don't say those names enough that even people broke law enforcement don't know the names and can't remember the names not because they don't care but it doesn't make enough of an impact in the news so i think we should as citizens stress how important it is we recognize the officers and their families not just passing headlines, it will impact them the rest of their lives. >> and where other monuments and
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murals sgt. fitzgerald? coming up. if it folds, it holds pretty young adult jumping economics hurdles as they buy cheap folks homes on amazon if that's next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". buying a house in biden's americans never been more difficult for jen the millennial's figure by asking prices, surging interest rates, crushing student loan debt, by economics is making the american dream by the home of fleeting fantasy. until now, tiny homes tik tok boasting they are paying 30,000 dollars for sheds they call homes you can buy them on amazon and the hardest part possibly is figuring out where to put your full of muffled down said but the good news is we can break news here, charlie hurt has acres of farmland so if you are
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a starting gen z who just got a cool folding tiny home, your living the american dream. >> just don't come to my property but where these things having kids? you know what you have made parenting the best? i just have those outback, i would have lived in one and the kids to live in a house and everything will happen fine. >> i understand difficulties of the younger generation that a plot they want to buy homes, we need the real estate market to keep our economy going and we need to do things to incentivize them but i don't think ownership of a fancy shed -- how does it get plumbing? i don't know. i'm fascinated, it just seems like a bad idea. >> some of my former students have purchased these tiny homes and home ownership is an important part of adulthood it's
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never been more difficult, interest rates are skyhigh, housing prices shot up, major corporations by the available inventory so if you want to be part of this situation of owning a house, limited options and for some, a tiny home is the way to go and some are quite nice. >> tiny house, i want to hit you with some debt. this is pure research, young adults living with parents 18 to 34, 57% and the other pole is the parents providing financial help for the children 18 to 34, 59% from tiny homes to these steps, what do you say? >> i think it's better for young people to buy a tiny homes they can afford rather than having with or off of their parents so i say to me a more sound and realistic financial decision to own something even if it is small but we should never be in a place in this country where
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young people, gen z and millennial's feel they must buy a home on amazon because it cannot afford to buy a larger home for what consider a real home so remember when you vote, this doesn't have to be this way and your economy can be in better shape to abort something you don't assemble from wish.c >> you all supported, you blow me away. we are going to sell these soon, stick around, big weekend flops coming up next. ♪ what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and do you shop for supplements at vitamin shoppe? force factor products powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is vitamin shoppe's best brand of the year. unleash your potential with force factor
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and vitamin shoppe.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what got back to the big weekend to show it's time now for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest fail of the week and i'll go first. wait until you have this on, guys. the diapers spa role-play as babies raising eyebrows and a small town in new hampshire packages are running as high as $1500 and a variety of services are offered like virtual play dates and all day diaper bed and breakfast experience that promises to pamper the little one inside you. i'm not really sure where to go with this window. adulone.adults are paying moneyr diapers and act like children. we are taught by young people buying tiny home support i think it's far worse that adults want to her diapers and pay money to wear them and interact with other adults as if they were
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babies. i am just going to leave that when they are. >> we have a profound sickness in our country and no word if joe biden it's going is going e diapers spa but be doing a pre-super bowl interview that would air during the game. so in other words, the basement strategy has already begun his aides a claim this is all part of their big strategy. i think it's in their strategy to hide him. >> is probably a good one to be honest for. >> yes honestly pick rex a judge in london is throwing out a lawsuit brought by former president donald trump claiming the infamous steele dossier harmed his reputation. this is making the latest example of how no one has been held accountable for the russia collusion hoax the cost so much damage throughout the country for a quick sears washington idiocy if i've ever heard it but the squatted democrats voted against the bill aiming to ban anyone who participated her boss
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october 7 attack on israel from entering the u.s. it is literally a one-page bill. one page bill. hr 6679 do not let hamas into the u.s. somehow, i don't know how they said no not oppose networks milt bill melugin reported this roaming around the states for a full year before he was caught. we've got more of this. with the squad he notes a rough week for our country with aoc like the most stable member of said squad to pick rex you mention the minnesota senate thing we understand there could be century city movement there but they're moving in the wrong direction great discussion that included giant diapers as well. we beat that sponsored by pampers woul that. would becker at 7:00 p.m. eastern now it is time for "life, liberty & levin." it ♪ ♪ ♪


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