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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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it is the 8 a.m. hour of "fox &
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friends" weekend on sunday february 4th year of our lord 2024 start with the fox news alert coalition forces launching more strikes against iran, back houthi targets in yemen as leader of the terrorist group warns of more escalation. plus a new york state judge slamming new york city district attorney alvin bragg what he calls cherry picking who to prosecute more on that. rachel: latest gen-z trend catches more z's how young americans are prioritizing sleep over socializing. wow that's like a positive trend we're going to break it down in the latest pop culture roundup and the third hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> to a fox news alert u.s. and u.k. carrying out a new wave of air strikes yesterday.
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this time targeting sites in yemen occupied by iranian linked houthi rebel. pentagon confirming strikes on 36 targets in more than a dozen different sites in yemen and hitting control and weapon centers. rachel: u.s. conducting another self-defense strike just hours later taking down a houthi missile that was preparing to attack ships in the red sea. pete: that's what we're sold. the u.s. and coalition forces putting out a joint statement saying, quote, we will not hesitate to continue free flow of commerce in one of the most critical waterways in face of continued threats. will: saying american british aggression against yemen will not go unanswered and we will meet escalation with egglation. rachel: strikes in yemen comes as dozens of targets were struck the day before in response to the repeated attacks on american troops in the region overt past few months. let's bring in fox news sunday
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anchor shannon bream. shannon we've been talking all morning about this and just sort of being a little bit confused about what is the goal of this administration and where will this all end? >> you have sited by piece of michael goodman and he's not the only one there are a lot of folks saying white house is responsible for where we got today. that they argue president biden has been a fan of appeasement that he's done lifts sanctioning on iran given them tens of billions of dollars to spend on things like attacking the united states and other places that they don't like at least through approximate yis and helping and funding them we know they help houthis and hezbollah and so there are a lot of questions about you know, having it both ways trying to get back into a nuclear deal with them and unfreezing funds to the tune of billions that they can get their handle on anal eventually but money is fungible that's one of the things we will have john kirby about when he joins us.
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>> the senate board bill will come out later today but this is also going -- being discussed in front of congress speaker mike johnson reveals that house will vote on a stand alone aid bill for israel. 17.6 billion dollars -- meanwhile, congressman chip roy tweeted out following on xshes i love and stand by israel and support their right and duty to destroy hamas. but i had not send $17 billion to israel without one -- paying for it given we're bleeding $2 trillion a year and 2, securing border that is ravaging texas. there will be no america left to stand with israel. what do you think of this? this brings a lot of different constituent cities ideologies and opinions into play on one particular bill, of course, the left will have their divides on -- palestine and israel and you have members on the right talking about budget deficits, sending away foreign aid still
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supporting israel, so the question is what -- this bill divides both parties on so many lines. what do you think it was its future? >> , i mean, the saturday surprise that speaker announce they're trying this again remember the house has passed a bill with aid for israel but the offset was coming out of funds for the irs which clearly democrats are not gong to support and go anywhere and signed by president biden so they're trying again like okay, the house is signaled we don't like what we know of the senate deal, though, we don't have text yet so let's just call everyone's bluff and say we need to support israel. let's just do it. i think chip roy and those who agree with him are worried about losing leverage by separating from this big board conversation. but if what's coming out of the senate is going to die in the house anyway i think johnson wants to take back narrative and say i'm staying with israel and interesting to see if white house will signal if it gets through the white house and senate and sign with no other strings attached to it.
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pete: you get a lot of clarity when bills are decoupled -- to include ukraine, and israel, of course, the border bill. let's move here to new york shannon real quick because alvin bragg it's been a very promanent story and they've been headed to california and won't show up for their hearing date and a justice wrote an opinion where they were dismissing these covid -- alvin bragg is charging bheem use fraudulent covid vaccine cards, and as part of this decision, pointed out that cherry picking of d.a. alvin bragg's and routinely daily moved to discuss significantly more serious counts or entire indictments in the interest of justice. simply to negate consequences of new york's predicate felon sentence or to avoid
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consequences these submitted to district attorney are made years after the 45 day to dismiss drug sales, robbery burglary and nonviolent offenses yet alvin bragg is pushing on vaccine cards. will: i find, found what the judge said there fairly confusing. but what do you say -- am i right shannon he's saying look you -- bragg is choosing not to prosecute where the felony statutes would force a judge's hand on certain types of cases serious cases. and so he's working around the is m to let these criminals of serious offenses not face accountable forcing on vaccine fraud -- >> i think that stuff that people at home will scratch their head and say, what in the world is happening? you even heard the governor there kathy say when she was pressed repeatedly about these suspects on friday saying -- that is something that should have them sitting in riker's you
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attack a police officer i don't care about your status she says we're not sure about the status of these people but they were outside this migrant shelter but there's no reason you shouldn't be sitting in riker's clearly she saw that case different and pressed again and again and approached on the street he's now saying listen there's investigation underway. there could be more charges coming, and the office is saying you know we expects these peel to come back for their march 4th court date. and there are a lot of people scratching their heads like these guys may be long gone do we really think he's guys laughing in our faces will show up for court date in march. i don't know. maybe i'll be pleasantly surprised. rachel: people are surprised they're going after people who didn't want to take unconstitutional -- unconstitutionally mandated vaccine. and one for which we know there were a lot of troubles with so -- why are they still doing in? >> one of the cases is we're talking about pro-lifers who put on that demonstration in tennessee and doj goes after
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them to the tune of more than ten years in jail people have been kick thed on felonies yet there are things like we've covered more than a year almost two years of protesting illegally outside of supreme court justices -- houses clearly violating federal statutes in some cases state statutes not a single arrest that we know of -- so those are things that just don't square with people at home. >> there are two tiers of justice and these are political topics you're talking about on your show anything else you want to tell us about on fox news sunday? >> admiral kirby and graham for a warmonger but he says listen whaing we've done so far is ineffective you have to strike inside iran and we'll discuss all of the brand new fox news polls with our political panel and legal panel looks at the arguments this week at the supreme court over kicking president trump off the state ballots. >> all right shannon bream we'll be watching. thanks for joining. as she does every sunday at 8:00 pretty much.
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we love having her. thank you shannon all right let's go from -- from washington, d.c. to woke kindergarten, that's apparently the actual name of a program being pedaled state of california -- paid there's a report that students of california are struggling on their basic academics after 250,000 was spent in federal funds on an anti-israel campaign called woke kindergarten. same thing is happening in new york city where 80 new york city educators attended a anti-israel seminar to learn tips to teach about genocide and gaza so -- all this is federal and education dollars if goapg organizations and curriculum specifically meant to push a particular perspective on the israeli palestine conflict this is not education but a particular point of view that's a poster from the curriculum in new york city. that says learn how to combat censorship and get teaching palestine that you can use in your classroom by the way --
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part of i think think about the website that they're using it is called literally called woke kindergarten. rachel: this is happening in schools by the way with 4% proficiency in math -- less than 12% in -- in any grade level. in english, so these are schools that are failing and somehow fighting time for this. this kind of relates to me will and pete back to -- what chip roy was writing about. why -- why when we have kids who are failing in the basics but american kids why getting a curriculum on palestinian these kids don't know much about our founding fatherrings or the constitution or -- just our basic bill of rights. or history -- this is -- off the wall like i can't even. >> drawing correlation to chip roy i think what i'm picking up what you're putting down is we're running $2 trillion deficit not capable of taking crime on our streets and sending
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$17 billion to another country you're saying inconsistencies of all of these programs am i right is that what you're pointing out? >> also in our schools we're not focused on -- america like right now we're so divide as a country. okay. like they've already decided america is evil rachel and moving on to next level. rachel: agreed but what we have going on is multiculturalism, is not working. it is dividing us and so what we need to do is june unify the country under shared love of freedom all of these things instead we're going you know what, kindergartens basically not even barely learning their primary colors -- should be learning about palestinian. instead of america. >> what the heck is going on? >> other day i was on the five talking about foreign entanglement i was listening to richard after a while richard are you america first? there is like a -- point at which you go are we going worry about what's happening on streets of america?
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maybe actually it is a -- i don't know ideology maybe it is just a priority lens that can -- that imagine this -- unify americans, at some point at some point the simple premise of maybe we should focus on america could actually be that thing that unifies america. >> it is not happening. it is a great point. >> not happening in san francisco yet here's woke kindergarten curriculum from san francisco this is the san francisco chronicle. the woke kindergarten curriculum shared with schools includes wonderings pose questions for students including if the united states defunded the israeli military how could this money be used to rebuild pc and woke word of the day including strike cease-fire and protest offers students a language of the resistance. guys i've spent -- almost a decade going back and forth to israel and trying -- this is still a confusing situation for someone who looks closely at it. imagine trying to paint the in terms that a kindergartener
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would understand it, of course, you can't it is sheer indoctrination. >> encapsulates we need to give kindergartens language of resistance. i have been -- we have all been saying this for a long time that the purpose of public education at this point as far as unions are concerned is to create little markist little activist if they're -- this is not even high school or college. this is kindergarten. and why the heck would kindergarteners care about what's going on in palestinian? >> is this real can we double check this? i'm being serious $250,000 a curriculum called woke kindergarten -- that spends -- >> a little on the nose. >> a little babylon b to melange wage to the kindergartens for woke -- kindergarten -- like i almost don't believe this is real. i know our research -- our producers do great research and double and triple check things but this feels too
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incaricature to be real. rachel: what is real is that 80 new york city educators in a city where kids can't even -- don't know how to read and write in the city at -- levels that need, you know, that other countries are at, and they're going to an anti-israel seminar to learn tips on how to, you know, get their kids and their classroom get curriculum basically on palestinian. again, they don't know american history. pete: they can't read rachel and the san francisco chronicle this woke kindergarten was in glass brook elementary in san francisco look at this. less than 4% of that elementary school is proficient in math. less than 12% at grade level in english. rachel: little marxist activist don't need to do math but show up on -- when social media tells them to show up to the next rally.
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will: in the end dumb, confident, certain, wrong -- and unarmed. [laughter] rachel: oh, boy -- sometimes. i just get so depressed when i read these kinds of things. pete: don't worry breakfast is on the way. turn to headlines -- rachel: that's from a woke company by the way you ordered from starbucks. pete: come on i want to just put it in my mouth. i'll order from them here in new york. glaimple somebody unwoke sending us breakfast. pete: on to this headline as we wait for our woke breakfast. ms-13 members from el salvador arrested three times authorities say he was never handed over to immigration officials despite illegally crossing into the country as a minor in 2014. he was last convicted in 2022 for possessing an unregistered gun. his wrap sheet also includes arrest for obstruction and assault -- immigration officials say he
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kept being let out due to sanctuary policies despite his criminal history. did you see minnesota is trying to become first sanctuary state? so they're just doubling down on this. will: let them have it. pete: i agree let them have it. sh and a scary moment in the house of mike, the situation sorrentino sharing his son from choking on a piece of pasta the situation -- taken to instagram writing scariest moment of our lives and his family will be taking -- proper cpr lessons -- very soon. so can i tell you -- brian, kilmeade gave our family like one of these things to look put over their mouth that it instantly sucks it out it is great i have it in my house and at the cabin. heritage gear we have them on before at the program teaming with nfl and robert irvine foundation we've also had him on
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the program amazing chef to tackle hunger and food insecurity among vets all part of the company's chef for vets event a portion of the sales from bags -- bought between now and february 14th will go toward the nonprofit you can buy online at heritage we all own one of these bags there. >> you know, this is my purse i wear this purse. all of the time i flipping love this purse. will: sure -- pete: made sure i had the niners. will: would you have chosen to hold the chiefs or niners? pete: chiefs but cheer for taylor swift it is a complicated situation. very complicated i want both to lose and game to be canceled. rachel: how about we support america instead of a team that's why eve this one. taylor swift -- pete: with every college you can get a bag that matches who you support and money goes to chefs for vets --
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will: you have a vikings one the proceeds -- heritage gear support them between now and valentine's day and money goes to supporting vets. rachel: a great valentine's gift for the lady in your life. pete: you're right. coming up -- you better get your lady a valentine's day gift. all right coming up more drama and skipping meetings stick around for my pop culture roundup but first -- will: battle for the white house will be fought in as much in the courtroom and on the campaign trail and pete and i will go off the wall to get the latest update on trump's criminal cases.
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>> 2024 is no doubt year of politics with perhaps less at the ballot box and more in the courtroom. former president trump is facing multiple cases. pete: unprecedented so let's go off the wall on the trial schedule and impact it could have on the 2024 election. part of the reason we're doin this is because we thought we had a sense what have the rhythm and timeline might be as corrupt as what process may be we had it seems predictable yet recent
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events have shown, put a lot of chaos into that timeline. that in many ways could be beneficial to donald trump. we've talked about 2024 becoming the year of the courtroom. will: the courtroom battle against donald trump is sort of starting to fizzle in terms of how it will impact an election. biggest one is what happened this week so the january 6th case jack smith's case which was scheduled to again pete, on march 4th. pete: basically timed perfectly with super tuesday. that's -- will: been delayed. now been delayed indefinitely. pete: dropped and it was scheduled why did it move off the docket? i think we have then trump is making presidential immunity federal appeals court took it up ultimately it could be appealed to the supreme court. which my understanding means that judge then said it is now out of our jurisdiction and our purview so we're taking it off
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the docket in the meenl time doesn't mean it couldn't be put back on the docket. will: not in my jurisdiction and appeal to the supreme court and set a new schedule if and when -- the mandate is returned. so, of course, what that means if the supreme court says that the president does, in fact, have immunity it doesn't come back for a courtroom date. again which was scheduled to take place starting the day before super tuesday. pete: how long does that all take we're here to talk timeline nobody knows -- and whether or not jack smith's case will be ultimately brought at all. will: right now it looks like that big case is fading into the background -- in terms of manifesting in year of the lerks and this one is flat out fall apart this is the georgia interference election case this is the d.a. fanny willis bringing charges in georgia. she appointed a special prosecutor --
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nathan wade. pete: really special prosecutor. will: now pete, turns out it's the e evidence is pointing heavily toward she was having -- a special relationship i want to see how we were terming it special lady. special friend, special relationship that predates appointment of special council. >> what's pointed out here is that this guy might be a fine lawyer. but he has no history at all of prosecuting anything at this level any felonies at all yet he's being paid hundreds of thousands of dollar which willis can direct ultimately to person she has a special relationship with. will: make sure you understand she's having an alleged affair. she appoints her romance to -- to bring charges with trump pays because she's in charge of the budget for the special prosecutor what is it $488,000 towards this guy, and then guess what take vacations together. >> based on that.
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bringing directs benefits to herself. pete: which means, brings into question the entire case -- whether or not she has disqualified herself to actually lead it here's greg jared giving commentary on that on friday. >> she should be disqualified from the prosecution. this prosecution shawn is now so tainted that judge should remove it entirely from the d.a. office and reverse racketeering laws and the fact that the boyfriend travels to washington for two eight hour meetings at the white house. i mean that shows these charges against trump were politically driven. will: greg bringing up the role the biden administration had and doj in the involvement with his case in georgia which now by the way, looks as likely to end up in charges for fanny willis against fannie willis against donald trump. pete: built her campaign as fulton county d.a. to get trump
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like many others and caught herself in the cross hairs instead let's move to the third case we're tracking right now which is the mar-a-lago raid the raid it was the public signaling of the targeting of donald trump that galvanized a lot of his support in the republican primary. he's already had a strong base and people saw mar-a-lago get raided they said they're targeting that guy well the classified documents case continues and, in fact, it is currently set for trial on may 20th that's the date to have the dock et but a lot of questions will there's communications back and forth between the trump and doj that could delay that timeline as well. >> jonathan turley think this is the biggest one facing donald trump. >> if there was one that they'll have to really fight this is the one. >> trump team seek communications this is january between biden associates and doj prosecutors. pete: the back and forth is part of what the trump team wants to do is asking us for things that are unreasonable or you haven't
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provided us all of the evidence what and then there's also other side of this is what about joe and garage and boxes there's a lot of public questions that can be raised inside this too. >> timeline may 20th when it is currently set but i mean at this point i would have doubts about any of these cases meeting trial dates based upon current dates falling apart on all of them. >> that means big date becomes november is it what is it next year is it the fourth or the 6th election day which will ultimately be the referendum on all of this. it is the reason why these charges are being brought -- and it will be the destination of how they're resolved. will: so even -- i still -- i think we still think this is the year of politics in the courtroom. it is just fewer and fewer courtrooms look like they're going make their way before the election. pete: absolutely. we move on now to a fox weather alert los angeles bracing for six months worth of rain in just three days. as a second pineapple express
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winter storm looms rick has the latest on the rare weather warning. will: every state truly is a border state now cities from chicago to denver declare state of emergency over the migrant crisis our panel breaks down how the crisis is impacting americans coast to coast. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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we're back with a fox weather alert california is bracing for more extreme rain and wind as a second pineapple express moves closer to the state. los angeles bracing to get six months of rain in just three days. officials in san diego are giving out sand bags to residents to prepare for heavy rain and wind. turning now to the chief, chief meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast explain rick.
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>> hey so the reason why being the second one matters is because ground is saturated we had a lot of areas got five, six inches of rain few days ago now we're seeing areas that maybe get ten to 15 inches of rain on top of ground that's saturated that's one of the problems. take a look at the maps i want to show you one other thing we're watching this morning if you're in florida, in south florida especially the western coast look at this line of storms that's slamming into the area from tampa down towards naples along with that we have a tornado watch that's issued anywhere from you see that red until 2:00 be watching this very carefully across much of south florida. now, we'll talk about the west coast this is that pineapple express a line of clouds cutting there satellite image cutting down from hawaii they call it pineapple express atmospheric river a channel of around 50 to 100 miles wide, of very rich moisture laden air mass that's slamming across the western side here of the mountains in towards california and that's -- ringing out out of that moisture throughout the day and tomorrow
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we're seeing a lot of spots maybe ten plus inches of rain. where you see that red that's an extreme threat for flash-flooding and it is rare that we get an extreme threat this might happen one or two times year anywhere from the country. but today and tomorrow, it is happening across southern california and look at that, l.a. basin, millions of enemy live right there, anywhere up and down the coast we're watching for that tomorrow -- that threat is still with us. maybe a little bit further inland but i tell you what from san diego all the way up to l.a. past santa barbara we have a dangerous maybe 48 hours ahead. all right will sending to you inside. >> excuse me all right thanks rick. [laughter] americans coast to coast feeling the impact of the worstening crisis at our southern border places like chicago, new york and massachusetts declaring emergencies over the migrant influx despite being thousands of miles from the border let's bring our panel chicago resident sam sanchez and brownsville
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texas resident also for gop chair, and brooklyn resident ashanti also elementary school teacher i would love to actually on the start with you ashanti one of the things that i've noticed -- you know that's been a great amount of time in new york although i live in texas, and in new york -- for me ashanti it has been a visible difference over the last several years. the presence of the legal immigrants within the community, has that been your experience do you see a big change just in in your life over the last three years? >> yes definitely in my life as you said i'm a teacher a lot of people were contacting me because of school and my neighborhood and coney island literally asylum seekers and private students from their education which is a very big problem. will: yeah. that backs up what i think a lot of us who spend time in new york have experienced personally --
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let's move on -- you know, the brownsville texas or texas always gets something first and we dongt hear about brownsville first and we hear about del rio other sectors you're right there at the tip take a look at migrant encounters from 217 to 2.4 million in 2023. 300,000 to 2.4 million what does that mean for your community in brownsville? >> well i can tell you while looking back at what happened to us during the months of may and june, we had -- crossings like we had never seen before. personal experience having been over in that area and myself numerous thing with a video they're showing that area and one and we took out ten tons of trash. ten tons of trash less than a
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quarter mile that we cleaned up so what happens is they cross over -- and they just drop everything as soon as they get to our side -- and i'm talking anything and everything yep there's a picture. it's horrible -- we had -- it took two days, two days to clean that little area up. when you talk in terms of our city -- just the other day i was driving dropping my son off at school, and there was just five illegal immigrants walking the fenceline of my son's school with their bags of clothes. just less than a couple of days ago driving and -- area which is a neighborhood, they were walking down the streets. people call me and tell me they're panhandling outside of their businesses maybe not so much at -- this current moment as when we first saw that large influx back in may, june. but >> i've seen that in texas debra i've seen that and what
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ashanti is describing as well seen the kids who should be in school and now on subway platforms should be in countries but subway platforms begging and that isn't good for the community or kid but sam one community that i haven't been to is yours i hear about it and i hear your mayor and people waking up in chicago it seems like it is a welcome place for illegal immigrants all of a sudden saying oh maybe this isn't such a good thing for chicago. >> yes -- chicago definitely for resources for long needed for these communities 40 million dollars a month being spent on migrant that money is needed for educational programs, family training orientation just last week we saw two executions for teenagers murdered because we don't have resources but yeah we have resources for -- undocumented or new migrants coming into the city. definitely we have to stop and federal government is not helping not helping at all.
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the city -- we're worried about summer coming up and most of the migrants are unand commit crimes and they should now they share with california. supposedly, so we're delivering wrong message and commit crimes in the united states and that held accountable. will: you already had a crime problem in chicago already had a crisis and pouring gasoline on a fire in chicago. >> sorry to intrpt you we have a crime -- i mean we're working on getting things better but we need to win elections to win good legislation and we haven't done that yet we're in the process. >> sam debra ashanti thank you for sharing your personal experience on this crisis. >> thank you. thank you for having us. fox news alert the u.s. and allies launching more streaks in yemen against houthi targets as terror group warns of escalating aggressions general joins us next on the tensions in the
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occupied by houthis our next guest knows all about fighting war on terror as it was called retired air force general john joins us now. general thanks for being here. these strikes -- first in iraq and syria now in yemen -- are they effective are they deterring anything? >> pete ones in iraq and syria from friday night were significant and relevant because they struck iranian positions fennelly the force jewel of the ayatollah and that strong a message way later than it should have to iran and ones that are ultimately sponsoring all of this attack and terrorist activity ones in yemen are a little bit of the same and not deter anything in the red sea and did take out capability and more needs to be done to reestablish deterrence. >> so we hit iraq and syria but are you really confident that
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changes dynamics that iran backs down from its pursuits of encircling israel of attacking americans pursuing nuclear bomb does that change their indication? >> pete, the concern is if we would have done this after the first attack against american positions instead of the 170th attack, then we would actually be credible in our deterrent posture. it is far more difficult to regain deterrence in the mind of an adversary than it is to retain it and now we're playing catch up after weakness for the last four months or really last three years -- and the hope is that finally they're starting to believe that america will stand up for our positions but it is unlike lie they actually believe it until we show consistency -- >> that's a good point it is easier to establish it from the geng than to retain it and we're in a massive cleanup retaining job right now which will require something extremely significant -- to actually deter. if you were to pull on leverage right now, what should we do because right now i'll be honest
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i watch this closely i'm very confused by what our strategy actually is. >> pete you're right to be confused that it seems like the biden administration doctrine is we're worried about starting the wider war. well we see a wider war already -- because not of american strength but american weakness. that the only thing that actually gets through to iranians are american strength capability will and resolve we showed it a little bit on friday night. we have not shown it in the red sea with the houthis but we need to show consistency over time help them believe that we actually will respond appropriately when we are attacked and we have not done so in the last four months. pete: we'll see thanks for your insight. appreciate it, sir. up next, joe concha helps break down the drama in the pop culture roundup. look at that man in lights. don't miss it.
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♪ ♪ rachel: all right well it is time for another pop culture roundup this time with joe concha top on the latest greatest hollywood and royal drama, starting off courts meghan markle exit from royal life was it premeditated okay so
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this just came out in a book when doctor jane goodall tried to teach holding baby and tried to teach the little baby she raised a little baby's arm and did like a little royal wave -- and apparently prince harry reportedly yelled at her and said no -- he's not going to grow up like that. joe, this is a huge insult to the queen. right? >> the queen's wave literally called that rachel -- >> so cute he was like no -- >> when i looked up the word -- they knew they were out of here. >> the minute they got married i'm sorry -- meghan markle got married this was always the plan it is great watching -- >> no royal wave but we want title rs if the kids remember that? >> that helps you get a netflix deal with titles. well here's another trend you
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might like this a dad trend. it is called the no dad dinner this is a trend on social media. so it mean physician dad is not going to be home we're just not gong to do all of the -- stuff. we're not going to have potatoes and vegetables and meat we might just do like you know, raspberry and yogurt or whatever. >> no dads dinner people come up with this in the 1950s and premise is that only woman cooks and my wife is working right now. rachel: i actually -- i understand the trend but i don't follow the trend so shawn is doing bottom line on fox business during dinner time i do with the kids so i don't like skimp out i love to cook i make a nice meal he is there or not i make him a plate. >> shameless plug into the middle that was great. but the bottom line is that dads should be at dinners -- no phones by the way at the table no ipads. rachel: that's right another gen-z trend so employees this
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sparked a very serious debate online because one of the gene gen-z says i'm sorry i have a workout that time. what do you make of that? >> here's what i make my kid scdz me yesterday just yesterday -- what would you do if you won the lotto i said private jet membership and second would be to open my own business you know why rachel so i can fire people like this. all right, because you have hot yoga when i'm having a meeting doesn't mean you get to miss the meeting. you can join virtually i'm good guy but going to the gym and don't get to go to work that's insane. >> entitlement by the way if i had a million i would hire someone to do my laundry. a trend is going to bed by 9 p.m. this is a kind of a positive one. so instead of like parties -- now the new it thing is nine hours to sleep i -- this is a good thing. >> you think it is a good thing? >> nine hours of sleep. yes. it is a great thing but at this
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generation is soft as charmin we work morning shows. i do "fox & friends" first every day of the week you were -- what time were you up today? >> 2:45. >> did you get your nine hours of sleep? >> no. but i dream of nine hours of sleep but are they ready like what this is crazy. >> new year's eve they shuts down at 9 p.m. because they have to get their nine hours of sleep. >> let's take a nap in the green room. >> we work one more hour of "fox & friends" weekend. that's next. rachel: that's right that's how it is done. thank you joe. no go ahead you do it. >> for "fox & friends" up next. rachel: i love it. your best defense against erosion and cavities
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's the 9:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends weekend," sunday, february 4. u.s. and coalition forces launching more strikes against
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