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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's the 9:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends weekend," sunday, february 4. u.s. and coalition forces launching more strikes against iran backed houthi targets in
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yemen as the leader of the terrorist group p warns of more hescalation. rachel: former president trump is urging his party to vote against it. >> it's no good for the republicans. any republican that signs it should be ashamed of himself or herself. >> and this fisherman going to need a bigger boat. florida man reels in a 1200-pound, 12-foot great white shark. >> it's not what i think of in florida. >> the catch coming up, the final hour on this sunday edition of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. the u.s. and u.k. carrying out a new wave of air strikes yesterday, targeting sites in yemen occupied by houthi rebels. rachel: the pentagon confirming
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strikes on 36 targets in more than a dozen sites across yemen, hittihit houthi control, commann weapons centers. >> the u.s. conducting a self-defense strike hours later taking down a houthi missile that was preparing to attack ships in the red sea. >> coalition forces putting out a statement we will not he's the tate to defend the lives and free flow of commerce in one of the world's most critical waterways in the face of continued threads. rachel: houthis are vowing to respond saying, quote, the american british aggression against yemen will not go unanswered. and we will meet escalation with escalation. >> the strikes in yemen comes as dozens of targets in syria and iraq were struck the day before in response to repeated attacks on american troops in the region over the past few months which did culminate in the death of three soldiers on a remote base in jordan on the iraq and syria border.
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rachel: former trump administration official mike gil is dead, five days after he was shot during a carjacking spree in washington last week. >> suspect was killed in a shootout with police later than night after another deadly car theft. madeleine rivera has the latest. >> reporter: mike gil was the first struck victim of the carjg spree that began on monday. he was sitting in his car when a suspect got inside and shot him had. he passed from those injuries and the tributes are coming in. his wife saying his sudden departure left a void in our lives that can never be filled, in this time of grief we're grateful for the outpouring of love and support from family, friends and the community. gil was not only a father of three. he also served as the chief of staff of the commodity futures trading commission during the trump administration. former cftc chairman christopher
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jean carlos said his life reflects everything what that is good, right and true. words cannot express the loss of this fine man and cherished friends. he will be sorely missed and long remembered. authorities identified the suspect as artel cunningham. investigators say he tried to carjack another person later and failed. 10 minutes later he shot a second man, then took off in that car. that vic i victim later died frs injuries. his father spoke with fox friends first. >> it can ha -- he was loveabl, very approachable. it's just going to take some time for all of us to get our family back together. >> reporter: cunningham was later shot and killed by police
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early tuesday. violent crime and carjackings are up in d.c. number of homicides rose 35% last year and this comes just four months after congressman henry cuellar was carjacked near his home, with d.c. carjackings nearly doubleing in 2023. >> thank you, madeleine. >> it strikes me that so many of the stories we've done, three of us together over the last three years, have been met with a common theme in that this crime crisis is manufactured and it's not that big of a deal. illegal immigration at the southern border is not that big of a deal. you're trafficking in outrage is the type of thing you hear from the other side. trans issues in sports, miniscule number of people are doing this, it's not that big of a deal. education being recentered on all these other racial lines, not that big of a deal. all that we've been taught, all we've been told in response to personal issues we're showing you from people affected by these crimes, the only response
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is to n sneer and say what's happening in your life in america is not that big of a deal. you know what's a big deal we're told? what's a big deal is what's happening in the ukraine, the middle east and the threat to democracy represented by donald trump. the entire response for three years has been your life is not a big deal. what's a big deal is our political agenda. that has been a common theme over and over. we don't care about your life. that's not a big deal. politics is a big deal. and we've only seen this transition, a little bit of pivot recently, when it comes to illegal immigration. because it's become a big deal to their politics. rachel: you know, it's such a great point that you're makeing and oftentimes i hear a lot of this and i go where does this all come from? yesterday, pete, you talked about bidenville. i read an article this past week in american greatness where they made the comparison between -- from it's a wonderful life,
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bedford falls, this beautiful american town with small town values and then the wrong person gets in charge, mr. pot e and it turns into pottersville, this terrible place. i think what we're living in is not really bidenville, it's obamaville. because the seeds of everything that you're describing, will, were planted during the obama administration and i don't think many of our viewers bodies agree he with the fact that this administration is being run in many ways on all of these issues out of barack obama's mansion in washington dc this is barack obama's third term, looking for a fourth, and i believe that whether it's trans issues which started under obama, the soros defund and get the prosecutors in and funding prosecutors who don't care about the law and favor criminals over victims, all of these things really if you look closely, the roots are obama. >> yeah. the other big deal is climate
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change. i mean, that's a big deal, will, if you're being mugged, forget about that. if you're kids are geting trans, forget about that better worry about the weather and pro palestinian cause. those are the big ones. by the way, the trump official that was killed in d.c., killed on kaye street, northwest. a nice part of d.c. there were 150 carjackings in 2018, there were 60 last month alone. all of you who were struck by the footage of illegal immigrants violenting assaulting two cops and being released and flipping america off. i hope this is a turning point of a reality of the rotating door of illegal criminals coming into our country. it should be. it's not clear alvin brag will ever get the news but here he is m a statement yesterday, trying to explain away his actions. he said this. he said it's clear from video and other evidence that some of the most culpable individuals haven't been identified or
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arrested. and working hand in hand with the nypd to the find and hold them accountable for their despicable abilities. we're working to present charges on tuesday and will update the public as legally permissible. we won't rest until every person who assaulted a police officer in this you attack is held accountable. as we noted yesterday, a handful of those that were arrested have been released without bail and are likely headed to california, they're supposed to show up on tuesday to report for their preliminary trial. there's no chance they'll be there. >> this is a big deal to people who live in new york and want to walk around safely, when you hear nypd detective who has been on the job for two decades say the following, alvin brag showed new yorkers that the police department doesn't matter to him, what this does is open the win dope for all people to say we can beat up cops and nothing is going to happen to us. thanks, mr. bragg. or a 25 year police officer in new york who says we talk about it all the time, we're a catch
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and release city. this is a complete joke. we put bad people behind bars to keep the community safe and they keep letting them out. i unde don't understand what the agenda is. rachel: what is the agenda? why in god's earth would you think it's okay to let that guy go, who has no tie toss the community, who clearly is going to try to escape and not come back for his court date and meanwhile you take heroes like the marine who tried to save people in a subway and he's from this area, he's from long island, but he has $100,000 bail. this is a system now that favors people who come into our country illegally who shouldn't even be here and actually punishes the best among us. >> play it forward in any other councountry. an american illegally gets into any country. whether democratic or authoritarian and proceeds to
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with other illegal buddies beat the living daylight out of two local copings. you think they'll be red to go about their which? not a single civilized or uncivilized country in the world does this with law enforcement or totally disregards citizens but as you point out so often it's our citizens who are quickly impugned. alvin bragg is going after people who make vaccine cards, going after donald trump for balance sheets that were per if perfectly fine, this is what we focus on. cops are left -- it's open season at this point. catch and release means open season. rachel: the legal system has been totally politicized. in socialist countries that are basically collapsed at this point, the first sign of that a collapse was when the justice system was politicized in favor of one side versus the other and punishing political enemies. >> you stomp on someone's head,
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you're trying to kill them. rachel: exactly. >> you know, the big deal, it affects people's lives and the personal experience can't be denied. it seems to be breaking through into some extent into the popular zeitgeist. here's 50-cent, rapper, who put it on instagram, regarding the plan for credit cards being given to immigrants, mayor adam, call my phone. i don't understand how it works. somebody explain. the msnbc host can't explain it. i'm stuck maybe. maybe trump is the answer. >> i don't understand. rachel: 53 million -- >> prepaid credit cards, $1,000 at a time which can be refilled monthly. potentially, by the way. yet we've got homeless vets, americans on the streets, we've got plenty of problems in our own country, kids -- rachel: you know what else is happening in new york city with regard to the illegal migrants?
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they are assigning buildings that were originally for special needs, the mentally ill, chronically homeless, and elderly who need help, those buildings are now being you assigned for illegal immigrants because they don't have a place to put them. again, this idea of somehow, somebody who breaks into our country should have priority over special needs americans, over veterans, over homeless americans, over mentally ill americans, this is such a-i don't even know how to explain it. it's such a distortion, what wesupposed to be doing in the country, you'll start to see it play out hopefully politically. when you live in the new york city you start to lose hope. alvin bragg, we knew what he was going to do. >> we would love to have 50-cent come on the program. rachel: maybe he could be mayor. >> he would do better than eric
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adams. >> people are beginning to sing praises of kamala harris. joe biden is saying this is the weirdest campaign he's ever been involved in. watch. >> the guy we're running against, he is -- he's not for anything. he's against everything. no, i mean it. it's the weirdest campaign i've ever been engaged in, even worse in terms of his he behavior than the last time in 2020. rachel: pete, you were in the military. how do people in the military as we're on the brink of world war iii feel about having that guy as the commander in chief? that's got to be so he demoralizing. >> that's a big part of the reason the recruiting situation is where it is. thawhat my next book is about, w the military allowed itself to go broke, at the direction of joe bidenjoe biden and barack o. i watched joe biden in delaware
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speaking about a south carolina primary that he moved up in front of the two other which had been traditionally been in if process to box out other candidates, feels like they've been doing weird stuff on their side. rachel: no question. >> he's basically not campaigning along side a vp who is basically persona non grada. >> she's coming out of south carolina and touted as the winner, here' a new york times headline, kamala harris bolster's biden for 2024 and lays the ground work for 2028. rachel: james clyburn, the congressman from south carolina as we talked about earlier in the show, you powerful figure in the democrat party has this to say. he said i made it career months ago that i support her, speaking about kamala. that's why we we've got to realize the ticket and then we can talk you about vie able viabilityafter that. i look at the power he has
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within the party and the power he needs to exert because the black vote i think especially the male black vote in america is showing signs of weakening in terms of their support for the democrat party. but also this might be a signal to the obamas who are trying to exert their power, there's been lots of rumors about michelle obama possibly wanting to jump in, there's been questions about whether kamala should be replaced. this is a sign that one of the most -- probably the most powerful democrat black figure in american politics is saying don't move kamala. >> put that footage up of delaware and the podium. they have to get through the power triangle first, jill, joe, kamala. all three of them have a vested interest in staying where they are and obama can push and wiggle all he wants. if i had to bet my mortgage right now, that guy would be on the ballot and kamala harris would be next to him. she wants to be the nominee in 2028. if i had to the bet my mortgage
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-- >> you would bet that joe biden will be the nominee. >> will be the nominee. if i have to. i'm not saying that will happen. rachel: if it's up to the lady in pink -- >> that's what you really think. i don't want to bet my mortgage. if i was forced, the mortgage is on the line, you have you to pick an outcome, what would you pick? the if i had to pick, that woman in pink behind him will stand beside him and say you must be president to stop donald trump, that's the rationalization, and kamala harris wants to be president and she's going to say you're not moving the first black female out of this position. rachel: this is so interesting. >> you can say what you want but we have the power, we're in the spots, and we're running again and we're going to do it from the basement, we're going to call our opponent weird and say it's unprecedented and that he's going to be a felon or whatever and they're going to stay right there like potted plants and try to get the media to do their job for them. if i had to bet, that would be my bet. rachel: i think it's a really good -- >> you if you have to make a b- rachel: i think there's a power struggle between the obamas and
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the bidens and specifically jill who is the most alert of the two there, there's always been tension between them and i think this doubling down on kamala harris is a signal, is some sort of shot across the bow to the obamas who are trying to exert their power. >> i think will needs to chime in. rachel: who is it? >> i think if the polling continues to look like the polling does, something will happen. and i don't want to put my mortgage on -- >> you have you to put your mortgage on something. >> you're making me. [laughter] rachel: i still think michelle -- >> hypothetical. rachel: if i had to guess between who has more power in the democrat party, it's brack brack. because the -- br barack obama. the bidens are in decline. >> we're going to turn now to headlines, police are investigating after a bakery owner was shot and killed outside of his own shop yesterday in lawrenceville, georgia, the shooting happened just before 7:00 a.m. officers found him unconscious in the parking lot with gunshot wounds. police are still looking for a
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suspect and a motive behind the shooting. quaker oats issuing a recall for granola bar products. the company says its six pack of quakwachewy bars could possiblye consistcontaminated with salmon. it was the catch of a lifetime for a shark fishing expert, he caught this 1200-pound great white shark east of pensacola. it took blaine kenny and his business partner more than an hour to reel in the shark. they later released the massive fish back into the waters. rachel: is that gash like where they would have hooked -- >> i don't know what that is. i don't know. rachel: all right. well, valentine's day is just 10 days away. better get ready, guys. celebrate the love in your life with the new new new valentine'y
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collection. who knew fox news had a valentine's day collection. pete is snuggled up inside his blanket. >> snuggled for one. >tomorrow isthe last day to ord. >> i wanted to give it to you but they told me i had to wear it. rachel: it's actually soft and furry on the inside, feeling cozy? >> it's nice. >> you make a big deal about me not waving on camera. you're right, men shouldn't wave on camera. men shouldn't wrap p themselves up in a blanket either. rachel: a pink cuddly blanket. >> the only way to round out yelling about the presidency and houthis is to be in a pink blanket. rachel: he has a soft side. there's also these little mugs and -- >> to the fox shop. >> i'm starting to sweat. that's how warm this thing is. >> coming up, maria bartiromo joins us live ahead of her must see sit down with former president donald trump. rachel: that looks good. businesses in minneapolis are
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seeming up with an insurance agency to sue the city for city for damagecaused by the ged riots. we'll talk about that lawsuit straight ahead.
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>> minneapolis small business owners are teaming up with an
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insurance agency to sue the city for negligence they claim led to mass destruction during the 2020 george floyd riots. our next guest opened a bar which had the second largest insurance claim over the riots. joining us is the bar owner, bill huff and his attorney, ashton kirch. tell us what happened to your bar, he what happened during the riot. >> thank you and "fox & friends," we appreciate it. we had -- well, actually, we go back to may 17th when we were forced to shut down force covid, we went through all the different changes that needed to be made for accommodating the covid problems so we were basically shut down from may 17th through -- well, through the 29th when we had the fire.
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we were due to open again on june 1st when they finally decided. in the meantime, we were putting in all the accommodations, new improvements to our business to try to do the best we can to provide the best and healthiest atmosphere for folks. so we were involved with improvements inside, putting in cameras -- i mean, tvs in different locations, and we put in new electronics and new tables and chairs and ceilings that were higher that accommodated more of an open atmosphere and then we even put in additional electronics and networking and we are were due to put in drive-up windows and places for people to park so if they were just going to pull up and get a pizza they didn't have to worry about coming in and being acclimated to a close environment. well, then that's when all the
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devastation happened during the riots, all the riots and we were probably about, you know, from where all that stuff or actually the police station, we were probably six, eight blocks away, probably eight blocks away. >> we're looking at images, looks like you were burned to the ground. >> terrible, terrible. earlier that day we were out there with my son and friends trying to board up the place, make sure it was very secure and we were -- we actually had a lot of protesters came up and gathered around us, and kind of they were kind of giving us a hard time and we just tried to explain to them, hey, we're just here to board this place up. and we're going on. they were on their way to the highway or the freeway out there, 94, you know, the large
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group of people. well, we were -- so we just went home and sat at home, waiting. and i had cameras throughout the whole place, kind of keep an eye on it and it wasn't until probably robbring 1:00 in the m, one of the people that were driving around in the area there, didn't have any license plates on or anything and all of a sudden almost 1:45 a in the morning he and two other people pulled up into the back alleyway there and we didn't have any cameras on, we didn't have time to turn on the lights or anything but we did have cameras where you can see basically just like they're standing -- >> looks like they just destroyed your entire business. i'm sorry to w rush along here. i want to bring up the new developments, your suit against the city. your attorney for the insurance
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company, you're looking for reimbursement from the city for not implementing emergency protocols, the mayor and a others. one thing i want to ask you legally, ashton, i'm curious about, there's always the thing of governmental immunity, government can claim immunity from lawsuits and negligence it seems like. how can you hold the government accountable for what they did not due during the riot. >> thank you for having us here today. thank you for be putting this back into the attention of the people. this is a hugely important issue. we had a city that burned, largely burned due to the action and inaction of the local government and local officials. government discretion is a huge factor, hugely in play with any claim against a municipal entity. here we having unique. we have a scenario wherein in the government officials, the police department created an issue after which instead of responding, they knew -- we can assume they knew that the mauer deer of george floyd could have
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or would have caused these issues. did they enact an incident response program? did they take appropriate steps? they didn't. they didn't do anything. they did the opposite of anything. they legitimately abandoned the third precinct, they didn't take action and they allowed the city to burn. there is the hiller hines reports came out, the after incident summary that the city retained a third party to go fonder provide an opinion on what they did ri right, what thy did wrong. the amount of things they got wrong or didn't do, it's wild in the way they responded. they had the opportunity to take care of the civil unrest, do the right thing and instead what they did is they just abandoned the people, they let the city burn instead of doing what is right and ultimately the people of minneapolis they deserve so much better. >> there's so many businesses like bill, the damage throughout the city is in the untold
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hundreds of millions of dollars and it will be interesting. we want to keep up with your suit. it will be interesting to see if you can get around the general immunity claim but it's obviously a huge miscarriage of justice and travesty of what happened to you personally, bill, and the entire city. we appreciate you coming on and telling us about your situation. we reached out to the city of minneapolis for a statement but we did not hear back. by way, coming up this week on the will cain show which streams live at fox news digital, and foxes youtube page at 12:00 eastern and available on demand in pod casts. we have dr. drew pinski, matt ttaibbi and rachel will join us on wednesday many don't miss that coming up on the will cain p show. coming up former president trump railing against the senate's new border deal ahead of the text release today. >> i don't think there's anything you can you do that's worse than a bad immigration
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deal and they're doing a bad deal. you're better off not having a deal than having a bad deal gl .>> maria bartiromo is here wih more on her interview with the former president, next. ♪text o america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency.
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it is no good for the republicans. any republican that signs it should be ashamed or himself or herself. it's 5,000 -- you don't have to look beyond that. it's a very weak deal. but for starters they want to allow 5,000 people to come into the country like on a daily basis, they said, on a daily basis. 5,000 people. that's a lot of people. maria: why would langford be agreeing to that. >> i don't know. he's a very nice man maybe mitch mcconnell. there's nothing worse than a bad immigration deal. they're doing a bad deal. you're better off not having a deal than having a bad deal. >> donald trump is making it
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clear how he feels about the new border deal. >> joining us from the exclusive interview, sunday morning futures anchor and our friend, maria bartiromo. maria: great to see you. .>> great interview. what can viewers expect. maria: president trump broke a lot of news on policy and what he would like to see should he return to the white house, what his cabinet a may look like. he told me mitch mcconnell is about to endorse him. you i thought that was interesting. mitch mcconnell has been anti--- anti----we also talked about what he's expecting in the coming months and like i said, i thought your guys' off-the-wall with the trial dates was so important and it was really well done. i was enjoying the segment you did earlier. president trump went through lots of policy priorities he has, he went through some of the people he's thinking about putting in his had cabinet should he return and he gave me one key thing he's thinking about as far as what will
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determine who his vp is which i thought was really interesting. rachel: you're teasing, you're not going to let us know. maria: he told us what the criteria is. i'm going to wait. we'll be on in you few moments. he went inside some important foreign policy decisions he made and how israel disappointed him on something as well. it was fascinating to hear him look at president biden's decisions on foreign policy, and give us a sense, take us inside as far as what president trump did when he was dealing with these issues. rachel: and what he would do. what sounds interesting, he's looking at the general. does he feel like he's no longer if the primary, swatting away nikki haley or is he still in the game. maria: the first question i asked was of the primaries, when do you expect to lock up the nomination, he said within the next couple weeks, looking at what's going to happen in nevada and south carolina. he is expecting to lock up the nomination real quickly and i
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think that there will be changes made in the republican national committee. very soon. i think that is about to happen. and republicans will get behind president trump in a big way. then we went right into the general. we pivoted right out of the primaries, went right into the genand i asked him about the future, what does the policy agenda look like. the border is number one. come on, and i you said to him, what are you going to do with the 8 to 10 million illegals that are in the country on joe biden's watch. mass deportation, maybe. he's talking about the need for the united states to have to send many of them, most of them back because what are you going to do? look at what we're talking about this morning. $53 million in new york for that illegal migrants to get prepaid credit cards. what are we doing? why? and president trump's talking about that and the impact on
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spending and deficits and what's going to happen to this country without serious change. >> really quickly, i want to talk about the border bill. it's easy for us to see the problem, why are we going to grant 5,000 entries a day. you asked him a great question, why do you think senator langford is advocating this. pete had around interview with senator markwayne mullin. he said wait and look at the text. why are so many republicans thinking this is a good bill? maria: their trying to come up with the answers we faced on immigration for a long time. i think the republicans are short sighted in ignoring the 10 million people that are already there. that are already here in america illegally and the fact they're giving court dates in 10 years. the question specifically i asked president trump was i said mr. president be, we're at a dangerous moment right now, you just said it. 302,000 people crossing the border in december alone, december alone. the entire year president
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trump's final year in office was 405,000. you're talking about 302,000 in a month i said fentanyl coming through, terrorists coming through. we're at a moment in time. should we wait for you to get back in office before doing a deal? he said yes, because a bad deal is worse than no deal and what is senator langford doing, i think he's trying to agree he with the democrats to come up. but president biden is ignoring the last two and-a-half years, he said i have known the border was not secure for 10 years. why did you walk into the oval office on day one and overr turn the security that president trump had at the border? i've got to ask the question. he can't come out and spew the idea that he's known this for 10 years, think we're stupid, seeing what he and major cass have done. rachel: that's -- mayorkas have done. rachel: that's why he didn't want to give an interview after
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the super bowl like every president has. maria: to answer for the crime spikes, inflation, the wide open border to the fact that all of our adversaries are on the march, we need answers. >> we will be watching in 19 minutes. donald trump, governor greg abbott, great show as always on sunday morning futures. maria: thank you so. rachel: we're d going to be tud in. >> a fox news alert, the u.s. striking more houthi targets as the terror group threatens to retaliate. jim hanson ran counter terrorist operations they u.s. army special forces. he joins us next. what the? good morning hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
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about shingles prevention.
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we're back with a fox news alert. iranian back houthi rebels threatening retaliation afters u.s. forces carried out air strikes. our next guest knows all about fighting the war on terror, he joins us now. jim, let me pose a hypothetical to you for a second. these attacks come after three americans were killed. a lot of people including yourself, myself and others said it's a matter of time before americans are killed. we had a drone expert on earlier in the program that said we don't have the air defense assets across all of these bases in iraq and syria to deter every single drone attack that might come on these bases. so let's say that happens again, or even worse and we're trying to deescalate. what happens then? >> why are we trying to deescalate? it's because we're not looking at the actual problem.
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pete, i'm as big a fan of turning enemy equipment into smoldering piles of rubble as anyone. but that's a tactic, not a strategy. we need to look this. we can talk about the houthis, hezbollah, hamas, these are iranian controlled and until we deal with the spider at the center of this web of destruction, we're just spinning our wheels. we need to consider whether or not iran and the mullahs who live there and run the country should be running the country. >> what if you say to those who say okay, you want to bomb iran, you want a regime change, that hasn't worked out well for us. look at afghanistan. look at iraq. what's your answer to that? >> what's the answer? it has been so far, has anything we've done there worked? i'm not advocating a war with iran. i think that would be a bad idea. but the pool of iran no long -- people of iran no longer want that --
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>> i think we lost jim hanson. i wanted to hear what he had to say like i think you did as well. hopefully we can get him back and get that answer certainly there is a disconnect. i think not to put words in jim's mouth but i know him wel, a disconnect between the iranian people and the rulers, the question can is who should induce the change and how does it affect america's interest. we'll have him back to ask that question. we're going to switch gears to the super bowl. just one week away. ready for kickoff? chip wade here for the big game. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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rachel: we were talking about that today. >> over 5,000 deaths from choking annually. this is a cool device, the safest, easiest, fastest way to prevent somebody from dying from choking. this is my son, he choked and it scared me to death. what you do, this m -- there's n adult and pediatric mask. you hold it over, depress pressure, pop it out. it's going to remove the obstruction. this guy has saved thousands of lives and the police officers and firefighters are using it. lifeca -- i love being in the outdoors, having a shooting range. this is win you can set up easily, this is a cord you tension up. the trolleys are remote control. give the folks some weaponry
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