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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  February 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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howie: just as an aside, television is losing interest in the campaign. you're seeing the cable networks giving air time to local murder trials involving people you never heard of. and joe biden will just token oppositions of absolutely no one by winning 96% of the vote in yesterday east south carolina democratic primary. the media had been insisting that president biden take swift action after iranian drone killed three american soldiers and for five days the criticism from commentators only grew louder. >> and it turns out that looking stern and furring your brow and saying don't into the camera isn't enough to stop iran. >> if iran wants to continue killing americans or trying to kill americans, should we not at least sync one of their ships? howie: this is a classic dilemma. on friday afternoon, the air strikes began hitting targets in iraq and syria and killing more
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than 40 people. >> this administration's idea of deterrence is trying really hard not to kill too many people. these days we don't finish fights or decimate our enemies. >> president biden is delivering on the vow from earlier this week to forcefully respond to iran-backed militia groups. howie: lloyd austin spoke to reporters about the tense situation with iran but as the secret of secretary must have expected, he was pummeled with questions on why he twice check intoed the hospital without telling the press, the white house, or the president that he was battling prostate cancer. >> i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis and told my team and the american public. and i take full responsibility i apologize to my teammates and
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the american people. >> anyone would have faced republican rimmed or dis-messagr dismissal and why shouldn't that apply to you? howie: lloyd austin should have apologized far sooner and that's why he's now under investigation. i'm howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. howie: jason which chaffetz is g us. is that a rush to judgment where they're leaked to reporters that retaliation would last days or even weeks? >> the problem was there were about 170 attacks prior to this. that's why we knew this was
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coming. if you don't deal with it right at the beginning, you have an overwhelming response then this is the kind of result. i mean, they kept hitting us and hitting us and fortunately nobody died and we've got dead americans and that could have been prevented with a deterrence. somebody that was fighting back and pushing back hard, letting iran, letting the proxies know that the response was going to be overwhelming, not proportional. howie: well, i should mention that yesterday there were u.s. air strikes aimed at britain and other allies against the houthis in the red sea who have been bedeviling american ships and so forth. lucy, it's fine for the media, in my view, to question the timing of the attacks, question the strength of the retaliation, but a week from now will the press care about the five day delay? >> yeah, it's hard to say. i think part of the problem in this particular instance and more broadly is that feels like we're in a global tinderbox, whether it's in iran, whether
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it's in the israel hamas conflict, whether in ukraine. these things increasingly feel interconnected and so when we're focused on these isolated incidents, which are obviously huge, but thinking about was the response fast enough, was it big enough? it's hard to keep that larger context of are we okay as a whole? are we on the brink of something global that really we need to think about more h wholistically and what it means for other conflicts and parts of the world. i hope they keep the eyes on this and keep the eyes on it in a way to keep the global context and how uncertain and perilous this feels more broadly. howie: yeah, you set me up for the next question which is, jason, the pundits choose upsides and they want to demonstrate these terrorists can't get away with harming american but at the same time have to deal with the risks of a wider war? >> absolutely. the biggest threat to the world
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right now is iran with a nuclear weapon. by all analysis, all these little so-called terrorists, the houthis and some of the other proxy groups, the common denominator is iran and iran has shown they'll continue to do this unless they're hit back hard. so we spend hundreds of billions of dollars in deterrence but president biden shows weakness and he hasn't gotten the message through, and that's why we continue to have. if we want different results, we'll have to do something different. you can't take over 170 attacks and then say, hey, we need five days to think about then try to come up with something that obviously is somewhat feckless. howie: talking about how they'd do it. it's interesting former trump chief of staff mcmulvaney supported the president and why do you always have to be for or against the president. lucy, biden has not given the
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speech and address about this retaliation. he has also turned down the super bowl interview, which is a huge audience for the second year in a row and fox and cbs, and he was in south carolina when he won that victory against a couple of token opponents and how can he run for reelection without going before the cameras? isn't he given up main tool that any president has? >> well, i want to say first of all, i really disagree with the idea that all roads lead to biden's missteps on this issue. the do agree that all roads lead to iran, china, russia, and we should be clear about that. in terms of how joe biden is messages around this, once again this is really an issue of not of joe biden or his fitness but the team around him playing three dimensional chess that's not working out. it is a calculous that it's better if they don't put him in front of interviewers, don't make him available and that time and time again has proven untrue. when he comes out and tell it is like it is, that's joe biden at
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his best w. joe biden said, china is a dictatorship. that was a great moment where americans felt connected to him and yet his aids were saying, oh my gosh, how could you have said it. i would encourage his team, let joe biden be joe biden, and i think that really is his special sauce. it is that joe biden is not ready for prime time but the team around him is not creating or alawing him to -- allowing him to participate in prime time opportunities. howie: they're responsible and the super bowl interview is a bit on the easy side and how you don't make an address even if you don't take questions when you send air strikes against 85 targets against iraq and syria. it's hard for me to understand that written statements don't get a lot of tv play. jason, turning to defense secretary, how is it that lloyd austin is just apologizing now, five weeks after he first checked into the hospital and he went back with complications of prostate cancer and managing not to tell the media, his boss, or
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anybody else? >> i mean, it's absolutely stunning this happened. i think the press actually did a good job of peppering him with questions saying anybody else in the military who did this would be disciplined, if not dismissed. how is that that you can do this? the answer has to come from the commander in chief himself and this is the chain of command and nuclear capabilities the country has and it's so pivotal, i don't understand how they let it go for so long. howie: respect to the other cabinet secretaries and it's not the same as the interior secretary because opportunistic that nuclear chain of command. lucy, pentagon journalist in that news conference showed sympathy for austin as we should for anybody battling cancer, but at least he apologized, but my question to you is he did duck questions about a lot of details by saying it's under review, under investigation, we have to wait a few days. >> i think this has become a bigger story than it needs to
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but i'm congratulate we're talking about it because i think it really reflects how we take in information depending on how someone does or does not align with our partners and leadings and should lloyd austin have notified more people, notified the president? as a cabinet secretary, is it reasonable to accept higher standard for transparency in the area? 100%. we know he had a pretty standard for older men, most older men's prognosis of prostate cancer is very, very good. needs no further treatment and had a couple complications. i feel like it's over. he's apologized and i think if this were happening in a republican administration, democrats would be saying, oh my god, i can't believe this happened. he should be out but because it's a democratic administration, people on the right are saying i just think it's another example of our partisanship showing. howie: my theory is the white house wants the pentagon chief out there talking about the
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retaliatory strikes and other aspects of the wars going on. so they put him out now to get the cancer coverup allegations behind him. next time he can say i already dealt with that. politico had this story saying privately according to unnamed sources president biden refers to donald trump as a sick f. that got a lot of play, jason. they're now using that for fundraising. what do you make of that? >> of course the other side will use it for fundraising. this is not the first time we've heard this story about joe biden kind of losing his temper and usings all sorts of expletives and it's interesting that it was leleleaked and they're trying to show joe biden is tough and engaged and probably plays well with the base and that's something they want to hear is that he's going to fight donald trump every step of the way. howie: lucy, no surprise many presidents curse behind the scenes but it's the sick part
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that upset donald trump. what do you make of this leak and what are they trying to accomplish from politico? >> many people use expletives behind closed doors and even out in the open. howie: even journalists. >> right, i think donald trump, a person that popularized the let's go brandon phrase, which is a use of the f word with joe biden's name and a phrase that conservative groups have fundraised off and promoted yard signs and there's no leg to stand up with joe biden using the f word and describing donald trump and a lot of people use that language about. howie: what the blank. all right, ahead, media obsession with taylor swift and nfl boyfriend. when we come back, border battle leading to impeachment vote against a cabinet officer in charge. ♪
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howie: the border battle remains the biggest media pure in washington house and impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and some say republicans have the wrong target. >> why impeach mayor kasam when the policies -- mayorkas when the policies came from joe biden? joe biden is the one that rescinded the policies of donald trump with a stroke of a pen. >> it is absurd he has impeachment of mayorkas for not doing what republicans are refusing to do. howie: mayorkas repeatedly defended his handling of the southern border. >> it is my testimony that the border is secure and we're working every day, day and night to increase its security. howie: the party line vote comes
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as the senators are trying to salvage a bipartisan deal on the border after donald trump urged republicans not to pass it. so, jason, even some media conservatives are saying don't impeach mayorkas. what he's doing is carrying out the boss' policies, joe biden's policies at the border. >> if you're going to come to congress and lie about t you're going to go to the american people and say the board service connected secure, there's no metric that supports that. there's somewhere between 45 and 85,000 unaccompanied minors, 8 year-olds, 9 year-olds, 10 year-olds and they can't tell you where they are. just released them out of homeland and sex trafficking and other types of things. are you kidding me? somebody has to be held accountable for that. the border can be secure. do what the border patrol wants to do. that's what's missing in the same equation. they might not be meeting with the border patrol and since 2021
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since they'd meet with the border patrol and why not do what they say. howie: the natural disaster and there hasn't been a cabinet officer impeached in 150 years and that was william dunlap 1876 and he was accused of corruption. is this a case of republicans holding these impeachment hearings to put a spotlight on what will probably be the number one campaign issue? >> it's a case of republicans responding to the base that has gotten out of its mind and lost the threat and using toils that are not meant for situations like this over genuine policy disagreements to try and punish a political appointee, and it's not going to work. i just want to say because i feel very passionate about this, spare me the idea that republicans in congress are impeaching mayorkas or taking aim at joe biden because they care about unaccompanied minors
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at the border. that's absurd and if that's the case, they should get with the program and get on board with the bipartisan border bill. >> are you kidding me! are you kidding me! how dare you. how dare you. howie: go ahead, jason. >> don't tell me you don't care about these little kids. >> i did not say you. i said congressional republicans. >> i used to be in congress. i was a chairman of committee in congress working on this very issue. howie: one at a time. jason. jason. >> i worked on this issue. i was in congress and i was a chairman. i was on the immigration subcommittee and we started highlighting the problems on the border. you know what, joe biden came in and changed all of those policies with a stroke of his pen. so don't give me this righteous indignation that republicans don't care about the kids. if the democrats cared about the kids, then where are the 85,000 kids? where are they? howie: lucy. i'll let you respond for a
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second but i want you to take on this, which is since donald trump said this will hurt republicans don't do anything right now wait till i get back in office, the media is saying he wants the issue but not a solution. is that fair? >> bingo. donald trump does not want immigration reform right now. james langford, a member of the republican party and a republican senator himself talked about how suddenly the appetite for immigration reform has gone out the window because donald trump, who by the way as far as we know has not even seen the text of the bill, said this week basically privately has been letting members of congress both on the senate and the house side, know that he does not want them to take up immigration reform because he is worried that it will create optics that are good for joe biden. that has been reported and vouched for by republicans. congressman chaffetz, i mean no disrespect to you. you're not a current member of congress. i'm not imputing you at all but
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it's the case that republicans in congress have lost their appetite and i don't think anyone honestly believes and if so, we are very, very far field here, that democrats don't care about unaccompanied minor children. if we all agree we care about the children, then let's pass a bipartisan bill on immigration and come to the table. howie: jason, house speaker mike johnson says the bill is doa and he said, well, he did consult with donald trump several times about this thereby again giving rise to the notion that it's political in nature. jot republicans are opposed to to including president trump because of the content of the outlines that have been released publicly. republicans did pass a border bill last year. it was may of 2023. why don't the democrats take up that bill? if they're so worried about immigration, and they say they need legislation, which they don't. by the way, the head of the border prolinedown brandon judd
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will tell you you don't need new legislation, more people, or more money. you need to enforce the current law with this administration. howie: weir out of time. let me just add that mike johnson also says that he's going to do a stand alone bill on military aid to israel leaving out ukraine and i'm sure that will set off another round of battles. jason chaffetz and lucy caldwell, thank you so much for joining us. passionate issue i understand. up next, a viral moment mark zuckerberg apologizes to families for not doing more to clean up facebook and instagram as lawmakers pound him on social media and online child safety. ♪
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howie: a heated moment by mark zuckerberg. [inaudible]. howie: joining us to analyze the coverage, a reporter for the washington examiner and tim hogan, a democratic strategist. sarah, what do you make of mark zuckerberg's apology and is this an evolution of a very rich kid in a hoody? >> it was the least -- mean the least that he could do for the families; right? there's been moves that show that facebook has been trying to move in a more mature direction and show they're taking some of the safety issues more seriously but i think zuckerberg has lot lost a lot of credibility on the left in washington and they don't trust him because of issues with censorship and obviously facebook has not taken as many steps to clean up this type of dangerous content on facebook and instagram as they head to target conservatives and on the left, skepticism of things like this too. howie: absolutely. a brief exchange from the hearing with senator mash supra
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aural headphones blackberg and come to you on the other side. >> it appears you're trying to be the premier sex trafficking side. >> of course not, senator. senator, that's ridiculous. howie: tim, was this kind of thing grand standing for the cameras or are lawmakers really exasperated by them. and need to take more aggressive action? >> not grand standing but actual indication of bipartisan to get something done and in the tech hearings, you all these people in and senator of the focus and ask how the wifi router works and that goes viral in the hearing and mark zuckerberg apologized to the families and hearing from durbin and others there's five bills that might move forward and the question for families and advocates are what are the next steps to get that done? howie: might move forward and saying congress might do something, that's a problem. what these sites have done, given with teenage girls that suffer from everything from body shaming to suicidal tho thoughtd
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worse is outrageous and drawn plenty of media coverage. sarah, congress has not passed a single law to address this and the debate has been going on for years. >> yeah, there's some rare glim morays of hope of bipartisanship on this issue specifically because obviously this is a really big problem that both sides are recognizing and not just in the i don't understand and western countries where social media use is prevalent and young women in particular and young people are experiencing mental health crises and we recognize this was all exacerbated by the pandemic and they've been slow to recognize and address the problem and it's created an avenue for congress to step in and maybe take a broader look at some regulatory fixes for the companies. howie: tim, one reason and the press focuses less on this and these silicon valley giants donate a lot of money and have legions of lobbyists. >> that's true on both sides and the question is can a bill move
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forward? today, february 4, 2024, 20 years since facebook was founded and senator t thom tillis said e impetus for mark zuckerberg creating facebook was not to create this huge thing for young people and we heard that durbin is talking to senators and opening in the house and that's the momentum. howie: you're naming senators on both sides of the aisle and i hope so because it's way, way overdue. next on mediabuzz, how badly does joe biden want taylor swift's endorsement and why some are riled up about the pop super star. ♪ what's someone who doesn't wear clothes doing at a fashion show? crashing it— to let everyone know about the america's best designer sale happening now. for limited time, get 50% off lenses with the purchase of select designer frames at america's best.
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. howie: taylor swift heading to the super bowl next sunday and the supper star singer not too happen when cbs cameras lingered
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on her but seemed overjoyed embracing travis over the victory over baltimore. since the biden campaign leaked words of the new york times the president is trying to get her endorsement, taylor has been the target of some on the right and some wacked out series their -- conspiracy theories. >> america's pop star celebrity forces joins top dog in the nfl playing for the team going to the super bowl this. is circuses on steroids and major league sports in and of itself is not but a cy app. >> some on the right are all in pushing deranged claims that taylor swift is part of the deep state psychological operation or cy op plot by the deep state and the nfl and democratic parties. >> these weenies and snow flakes and triggered little snow neighbors are going after taylor swift.
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>> if you're screening at taylor swift saying she ruined the nfl. you're just a loser. a loser or [bleep]. howie: joining us is someone that's neither, clay travis. you're in tennessee where taylor swift endorsed senator marsha blackburn, who won her senate race easily and as you know she endorsed joe biden in 2020 and no one cared. why is this their assumption if taylor does their endorsement and billions of swifties march out singing and vote for president biden? >> unless taylor swift is seal the southern border, i don't think she'll have a lot of impact on 2024. i was looking at nbc poll data coming out this morning and biden is minus 35 on handling the border and minus 20 something on the economy. so biden's got a lot of issues. here's what's happened. i love football. football is my favorite thing and college football, nfl i'll be out and feel very fortunate
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to have the job i do. i'll be out in las vegas starting wednesday leading up to the super bowl with outkick and covering it for fox news and it'll be a lot of fun, but i don't like when things other than football take over the narrative; right. and everyone out there that is not a taylor swift fan knew that the minute that kansas city won, when the baltimore ravens shocked and the buffalo bills choked, when the miami dolphins choked, they failed america and even taylor swift seems tired of taylor swift being covered during football. howie: you have a point there but what's at the heart of the conspiracy theories. hold on, the nfl, taylor swift and white house all secretly plotted for the kansas city chiefs to win and she'll be on the field afterwards when they win the super bowl and she'll back joe biden. maybe singing a duet. what's behind the conspiracies?
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>> first of all, a lot of conspiracies have been proven true and that is one thing and that doesn't mean that everything though is a conspiracy. unless she has a really magic wand, i don't think she weave it had and managed to get -- waved is it and not got the baltimore ravens not to cover travis kelce in the first half or patrick most the best quarterback and the conspiracy theories by in large are crazy but doesn't take very much people to give a conspiracy theory take where to me the story is now the outrage is more prevalent than the outrage in the first place against taylor swift. i think a lot of people just don't want -- first of all, there's a lot of, i think it's fair to say belief that the taylor swift/travis kelce relationship is overplayed as all taylor swift relationships have been. howie: over play? of course it's overplayed. she's the most popular singer on the planet. >> right u but every
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relationship she has fails. sot -- her whole calendar is about people she dated and now hates. howie: i want to get to something quick. so first of all, if there was a conspiracy, it must involve jason kelce, travis' brother and we put up a picture of his celebration after the last -- yeah, that's the guy. now, let me play a quick sound byte for you and we'll get your take in a moment. >> you know, i don't think there's i think most of the people are sexually inadequate and they have all the crazy stuff. that's an interesting sound byte from james caravelle and then conservative sean hannity and taylor, don't do it. you'll alienate half your fans. >> well, i think they're right .x i think taylor will endorse joe biden like she endorsed them in 2020. you mentioned she came out against marsha blackburn and
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marsha blackburn won comfortably and the senate race and again, i think joe biden has major, major issues and i've come on your show and said i don't think joe biden will be the nominee and we had an election today nine months old and i think trump would smoke him and the race not particularly close and trump will win pennsylvania, minnesota and close in minnesota and wisconsin. howie: back to taylor. >> and coming back to taylor, i think this is a desperate ploy. democrats out there are trying to figure out how they're going to mobilize young people because if you look at numbers, the nbc poll that came out today that i just referenced, howard, they're actually even, tram and biden among young voters. if biden doesn't win young voters by ten plus points, there's no chance to win this election. there's a desperate hope that something out there be occur and it'll change the trajectory and either trump will get convicted of a felony or maybe taylor
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swift and her millions of fans ride in on a unicorn and wave her magic wand and bestow brilliance upon joe biden is bring all her fans out to vote for him. howie: i have a minute left and i want a few quake q&as and was new york times got the leak for the endorsement and is the idea to make the 81-year-old president hip and groovy because he's into taylor swift? >> yes, look, i think biden wants the magic taylor swift has because taylor swift actually has fans who wear her merchandise. ever see anybody in a joe biden t-shirt in your spite of life, howard? don't even see joe biden yard signs. people voted against trump, they didn't vote for biden. that's why nobody showed up for south carolina primary. biden is an empty vessel and taylor swift has a lot of fans and biden doesn't. howie: 20 seconds, and you weighed in on taylor mania a few weeks ago saying she was partially responsible for the kansas chiefs lose ago couple of games.
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do you stand by that comment? >> i hope she's the yoko ono of the kansas chiefs and puts them down in flames and i'm proudly supporting the san francisco 49ers, america's team on sunday against kansas city patrick mahomes, taylor swift and travis kelce. go niners. howie: i'm sure we'll be hearing that from you again. clay travis, thank you for having a little fun with us today. after the break, how the media are treating trump accuser e e.jean carroll as a h hero.
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# howie: more than three times what e e. jean carroll hit tp with a $83 million lawsuit. >> donald trump is giving up on the lawyers that helped him get hit with an $83.3 million verdict. >> he said she's not my type and that's $83 million? >> who can conceive of $83 million? i am a mere human. i thought asking for $24 million was way over the top. howie: trump will insist he did not sexually assault car roll in 1996 denounced the verdict. >> i don't even know who this woman is. i have no idea who she is, where
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she came from. this is another scam and a political witch hunt. >> she got a rather warm reception making tv rounds. >> does that feel like strict are from where you're sitting? >> your guts and physical bravery about being around him again. >> first thing, rachel, you and i can go shopping and get completely new wardrobes, new shoes. rachel, what do you want? penalty house? it's yours, rachel. penthouse? france? howie: sarah, any question of the showers of praise upon e. jean carroll the media is cheering for these woman? >> reminds me of michael avenatti case representing stormny daniels and represented a chance to take on trump. howie: he was going to run for president. >> right, and turned out he wasn't credit card and will not a lot of reasons to believe that e. jean carroll has the credibility that will stand up to scrutiny in the appellant
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courts but the media is not learning thei their lessons lobg her in the same way. howie: we don't have to rip the 80-year-old woman apart but why did you wait to disclose this till five years ago when you published a book? >> this is huge liability around tram and it's a huge number and seeing from president trump and conservative immediate jaire and trying to dee moddize the person that brought this against you and alvin bragg and kaplan and fani willis and jack smith this. is the play book and i understand why this is happening, but it doesn't change the facts that he just lost a huge amount of money, was found liable in a courtroom. howie: on that last point, yes, but, sarah, on the idea this is a big liability for tram and everyone said this being indicted four types in four cases and everyone agrees that helped the former president. would an $83 million verdict help him as well in terms of his
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loyalists seeing this as terribly unfair? >> absolutely. reinforce this is perception that democrats are using the justice system to go after donald trump unfairly, $83 million is way over the top in terms of damages for an underlying claim that cannot at this point be proven or disproven. he had no way to defend himself against a claim for which there was no evidence and $83 million is pretty clearly on its face way over the top. it reinforces that perception that people are going after him, and i think even voters on the margins who are watching this, who were not inclined to believe donald trump was a victim of a witch hunt have to question whether donald trump is right about the law system going after him. howie: we shall see. political ran a piece by old friend of e jean calling her unbelievably beautiful and saying her loll lawyer, roberta kaplan, had denounced trump as a danger when he was elected and said in 2017, we were looking for cases to bring against
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trump. kind of troubling. >> high powered lawyer and both wins the 2013 diggs and same sex marriage and behind the 2017 suing of the charlottesville lawyers and brought by a jury of his peers and it's a huge liability for the trump-appointed campaign. $50 million from the top two super pact being spent on legal fees and polling from bloom burg and swing voters in the key states if he's convicted and liable in court, they're less likely to vote for him and two out of ten trump voters in the swing states. howie: fani willis, the georgia dw a the huge case against tram and others is finally admitted that had a romantic relationship with the chief lawyer she hired and said it didn't direct her and no financial benefit and
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salacious allegations she said designed to garner media attention. is that what this is? >> no, not an accurate description of what was happening and nathan wade hired him and had an affair working on this case. howie: three weeks they said nothing about this accusation. >> right. this man, nathan wade, earned more than $600,000 in taxpayer money and paid more than the other lawyers she hired to work on this case and then went on some lavish vacations together and saying there's been no benefit -- >> san francisco, aruba. >> caribbean cruise. cruise. howie: you're saying it's not as innocuous as she claims. >> right, but the allegation that was made was that nathan wade was enriching himself by virtue of this position on the trump prosecution, he doesn't have any relevant prosecutorial experience and never once prosecuted a rico case before and this is by far the most high propile rico case in the country
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right now. howie: tim, i don't understand why fani willis hailing this huge high profile case opened herself up to this criticism, but even liberal commentators are -- even she says nothing to see here are calling in slimy. >> you do have people on the other side too, former attorney general in south carolina saying that while there my be question as this is correct type of conduct, it's not disqualifying and i understand what the trump team is doing here. it's the same pattern, disqualify -- howie: wait a minute. fani willis did to this herself. >> now they're asking jim jordan to get involved. this is the play book for the trump campaign. they want to make it muddled so that the actual issue of election interference, which is really clear, needs to be tried fairly. howie: the trump campaign wouldn't have anything to complain about had fani willis hired some prosecutor that she didn't have a romantic relationship with. thank you so much, sarah bedford and tim hogan. still to come, democratic congresswoman that hired her husband. news website goes broke and shuts down and rapper i never
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howie: justice department is investigating democratic congresswoman cori bush for allegedly spending campaign money on personal security and took no questions in addressing the media mob. >> right wing organizations have lodged baseless complaints against me. i retained my husband as part of my security team to provide security services because he has had extensive experience in this area. howie: hired her husband, military veteran courtney merit paid hubs of thousands to protect his wife. >> why was he the choice? >> i could not manage a security team plus the work i was doing
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so he was able to pick up that slack. howie: maybe cori bush should hold an actual press conference. the rising tide of firings and layoffs at media companies is just depressingly hard to give vice to vox from time to cnn to washington post and to businesses with hundreds and hundreds of journalism jobs are being lost and billionaire owner of los angeles times called 20% of the staff devastating and wall street journal laid off 20 washington bureau staffers including pull itser prize winner and now the messenger folded with 300 journalists losing their jobs and generous salaries and offices in three cities and it was beset by complaints that staffers that were churning out rewrites of other outlet stories and this is rough. no severance for employees.
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messenger staff filed a class action lawsuit. former owner of hill was devastated by the collapse this. is truly the last thing i wanted and i'm deeply sorry. joe biden loves morning joe, especially when he's being praised, which is often. axios said his top staff has to watch because the president asks questions about it and talks to top guests off the record and biden gave fiercely anti-joe scarborough and kamala harris had the other joe and his wife cohost over for dinner at the vp mansion. harris watches too, but axios said she watches fox shows as the five and doesn't like the criticism. ben supra shapiro of daily wired orthodox jew and boasting about new and unexpected career path having the number one rap song on itunes. you download that, dudes?
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canadian rapper tom mcdonalds starts things off in bad boy ben jumps in. ♪ howie: hey, i'd bang about rap stardom too but you don't want to hear me sing. that's it for this edition of mediabuzz, i'm howard kurtz, lots to cram in here today and subscribe to mediabuzz meeter and riff on the top five stories and generally have a good type. we don't have to hit a lot of commercial breaks and we're back here next sunday 11 eastern with only media analysis show on national television. ♪ hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week.
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