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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 4, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. ♪ ♪. eric: iran and they tried eight
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not backing down despite president biden launching more strikes against the terrorists at this hour though they remained defiant vowing to hit back hard or against us. central command said the u.s. destroyed a houthis antiship missile that was preparing to fire at a navy and commercial ships in the red sea. despite the u.s. and britain striking at least 36 houthis targets in yemen just hours earlier per the joint show up or supposed to disrupt the iranian proxy group attacks but despite our onslaught tehran, not yet giving up. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i married sean hi arthel beit. arthel: hello everyone i am arthel neville. on friday at u.s. forces in the middle east conducted a series of strikes against iran proxy groups and military targets in iraq and syria. now this in retaliation for the killing of three american soldiers in a drone attack in jordan last weekend. sergeants william rivers, kennedy sanders and breanna moffat. the u.s. as long accused iran of
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funding and arming rebel groups in that region and now warning there is more action to come. >> what happened on friday was the beginning of the end of our response. there will be more steps, some seen some perhaps unseen all in an effort would american forces are attacked as three to service members tragically were tower at 22 we will respond and we will respond forcefully and we will respond in a sustained way big rex life fox team coverage general jack keane coming up in moments with the military analysis. trey yingst standing by in tel aviv how the retaliatory strikes are impacting the war-torn regions but first lucas tomlinson is live in las vegas president biden is holding a couple of campaign events this evening. >> that is r right for president biden arrives here later today and "fox news sunday" we heard a similar warning from jon at
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kirby saying u.s. airstrikes will continue in the middle east against iran's proxy forces. >> we saw on friday night was just the first round. there will be different additional response actions taken by the administration against the irg see in the groups there backing. >> one day after the bone strike from the be ones u.s. and british airstrikes into yemen's rebel army on saturday. thirty-six targets although smaller than the opening salvo on january 11 the opening night of the strikes in a yemen that was 60 targets super hornets from showed producer playmates e tornadoes from cypress uss gravely fired tomahawk missiles into yemen a few days after shooting down the missile that almost hit her ship. it is notable british warships in the red sea do not have the ability very to hit targets on a land that's why the tornadoes were used. britain's prime minister posting on acts bus at royal air force
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tycoon took out specific houthis targets in yemen buried further degrading the houthis capabilities. recent attacks on uk and international vessels are unacceptable. it is our duty to protect innocent lives and preserve freedom pray there's been no reaction from president biden on the latest strikes in yemen fox news senate senator lindsey graham said the strikes in iraq and syria took too long to execute. >> the only iranian we killed in syria, iraq, is some one who does not know to get out of the way pete but we gave them a wes notice. if there's another round of strikes coming i hope they really will hurt iran in their pocket book or kill their leadership because if you don't nothing changes. >> officials say it's not clear if any iranians were killed in the strikes over the weekend. in a new nbc news poll the lowest approval rating of president biden's presidency. on a foreign policy 60% about his disapproval of the job he is doing.
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national security adviser jake sullivan and the interview it nbc also said he is not ruling out strikes inside iran would mention president biden is here ain las vegas this afternoon. steve at a rate lucas tomlinson thank you very much. eric: israel not fooling around. reports a prime minister benjamin netanyahu whose government assassinated atop our radiant irg see official for that happening an airstrike in syria. that u.s. need to follow the israeli playbook. trey yingst live in tel aviv with the very latest over the military is issuing another warning against yet another back to group. >> good afternoon. the middle east is a bracing for the possibility of further escalation following the u.s. strikes against positions in iraq, syria, and also yemen. the israeli military on high anh alert across the country today. understand that as the war rages on inside gaza the country's
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northern border is actually the most concerning. throughout the date rocket sirens has sounded in communities near the border with lebanon they are rocked back militant group hezbollah fires more rockets and runs into israel. it is also at least one antitank guided missile launch today. the israeli israelis say they lh news strikes against hezbollah in response to rocket launching areas in an observation post. israel defense minister indicated this week if there is a diplomatic solution found to temporarily pause the fighting inside gaza on the southern front it would not apply to the north. with increased attacks across the middle east israel is looking to send a message to hezbollah it will face for their military action for the continued attacks. as united states operates across the region israel also continuing to send that message publicly and privately. on friday and advisor to a runs iirgc was killed in syria during suspected israeli strikes. similar offense of action is expected in the coming days and weeks. the question now is what comes
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next for the entire region? both israel and the united states bracing for the possibility that iran or its proxies respond to the retaliation across the region. eric: trey yingst in tel aviv, thank you. arthel: right now let's bring in retired four star general jack keane. now chairman at the institute for the war fox news senior strategic analyst. i want to start here with just the first round. we just heard that. i asked you will be barrage of strikes this we can begin to disable, disrupt and degrade the capabilities of the around the back houthis? >> it likely will do that but that's not the objective. the objective for the houthis and the a running back militia in iraq and syria is for them to stop. that is the reality of what we are trying to achieve. with the houthis is going to take a sustained campaign to do
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that. they have tens of thousands of rockets and missiles we are going to have to keep up what we just did i make certain we are disrupting the flow until our audience understands he houthis their arm to the teeth back in 2014 they deposed the regime in yemen which is a friendly to the nine stanice states which was an emergency evacuation for u.s. embassy the closing down the special operation space which was focused on al qaeda. the houthis turn their weapons against saudi arabia and the uae and began a war against both of those nations. we came to the assistance of saudi arabia and provided them intelligence and also some assistance with targeting so they can reduce civilian casualties. the demonstration came in and wouldn't remove the designation as a foreign terrorist organization stopped assisting saudi arabia with intelligence.
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that sunda send a huge message e houthis into iran this administration was hands off it. we need a sustained campaign not just to disrupt them but to stop them. i think the campaign against the militia that are operating in iraq and syria are the same thing we have to stop them from conducting these attacks we know full well is some point casualties are going to turn, wound's is are going to turn io killed in action that's the eventual effect of the case. we have to stop the attacks that is got to be the objective. live as you well know president biden reinstated the houthis on the walk terrorist watch list i'm not sure if that's going to be enough in your opinion will get to that in a minute if i can. we are talking about stopping them. is there anything that will stop tehran and iran proxies at this juncture other than a cease-fire in gaza?
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>> i do not think that will stop tand that will be a temporary pause. around objectives have not changed. they've been talking about for 43 years. they want to control the flow of the persian gulf dominant control geopolitically the region itself, destroy the state of israel by wicking it so much. that is why the ring of fires all around israel and preserve their regime that is job one for them. they are about this business and they are dead serious about it. look at all the money they have funded these proxies to accomplish that. one or 50000 rockets and missiles most of which we've not seen coming out of the hezbollah in lebanon. they are as lethal as anything we have in terms of rain, precision, lithology. tens of thousands of rockets and missiles that the houthis have
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we need a sustained campaign iran is dead serious here. in terms of getting us out of the region the attacks that iraq in iraqand syria are all about . they want the people the united states as a to say what it was l doing in iraq and syria? we thought that thing was over. when multiple presidents or whor roads or roads we have to deal with isis but president trump left forces there for the same reason and president biden obviously has left them there but iran has a different view. they are driving us out they want to weaken our resolve in our political will that is what this is all about. that is why i say you attack the disruptors, certainly the proxies them selves. we have got to hold iran accountable with some kind of military action to make certain they get the message their assets are vulnerable and we are not going to stand idly by and let them prosecute this proxy war against u.s. national interests and those of our allies and get away with it. that makes no sense.
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arthel: you just heard senator lindsey graham say nothing will change unless you kill their leadership as you well know four years ago the u.s. assassinated the second most powerful person and iran, irg military officer, commander of the forces soleimani. did that assassination also killed by ron's dedication to death to america, death to israel? >> well, it was a pause for x number of months. but it does not stop them in and of itself. you have to have a sustained campaign the problem that we have is we are talk about military activity. we do not have a comprehensive geopolitical policy to deal with iran. we begin to appease them with negotiations. we pulle pull them off with san. we have to have a comprehensive strategy to end iran's involvement and take away from them being able to achieve their objectives i just stated. that means a maximum sanctions,
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isolations of them diplomatically throughout the entire international community. major cyber attacks which i believe we are doing right now in addition to military attacks. arthel: what about a military attack let me finish, let me finish. what are we doing about the nuclear power issue? we anything about it? we know full well iran is very close to having that weapon. what is our strategy to deal with that? we need a comprehensive strategy dealing with iran and i think it's about time the president made a foreign policy speech just on the subject alone. so the american people can understand what are we trying to achieve here? what is our end state? we are focused on tit for tat with military weapons right now but what is the objective? we are not getting any of that. arthel: pardon me for interrupting you but i want to follow-up you said an attack on iran on their soil should be part of the plan. but also you are saying the
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president should address the country in terms of an endgame, what are we doing there? as you also pointed out the houthis, iran went america out of the region part you are right. americans are saying why are we there? so given that bundle of questions and quite frankly confusion too many americans, what should the president say very specifically? >> he has to justify why the united states has a military presence in the region. i think that is peace and stability. we realize full well even though thave almost complete energy independence the reality is the entire world economy depends on the flow of oil out of the middle east. the final interest area to presidents have declared that. president trump and president biden under the current adversaries we are dealing with. every president has declared it
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since the end of world war ii. but given to the adversaries are now with china and russia in the game we still say as a vital national interest europe come into pacific region in the middle east for the reasons i just stated. stability, peace and stability in the middle east and the flow of oil out of there as it affects the entire world economy. that's a vital national interests make the case to the people of the united states and tell them this is what we are going to do to help with peace and stability. these are the memes of the policies that i am putting forward to achieve that end. arthel: an attack on iranian soil is that part of the plan or should that be part of the plan? >> it should be, of course it should be. absolutely. we are not talking about a golden war attack on iran what we have seen before nobody is advocating anything like that the administration says we don't want to escalate we do not want to widen the war.
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no one is proposing war theron but holding iran accountable in terms of some of their assets the irgc assets the leadership and the physical assets themselves and the limited measured way it makes sense and letting them know we won't stop there. that makes sense in addition to the other things i am suggesting. a comprehensive diplomatic economic maximum sanctions and also military applications and massive cyber attacks on nuclear capability and other capabilities which i am assuming we are doing that and likely not telling the american people about it. we still don't have a comprehensive strategy with the policy implementation that makes sense. arthel: appreciate bri bring a n is always general jack keane thank you very much, thank you. >> yes, great talking to you.
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eric: i was waiting to pick up his wife sitting in his jeep just blocks from the white house carjackersthe carjackers jumpeds jeep and shot him. mike was a former top official in the trump administration, he has died just days after the carjacking spree. madeline has more on this tragedy from washington. >> we are seeing tribute scum and now for mike and gayle his wife sharing this. it was only a devoted father and husband but i cherish her son, brother and friend. over the course of his or her likable life he brought people together and made them feel included, supported and loved. he was not only a father of three he also served as a chief of staff of the commodity futures trading commission during the trump administration. former cftc chairman says his life reflects everything that is good and right and true words cannot express the tragedy of the loss of this fine man, colligan cherish friend he will
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be former sorely miss and longer member he was a first victim of a carjacking spree in d.c. and maryland that began on monday is sitting in his car at like youd and the 900 block when a suspect got inside and shot him. authorities identify that suspect 28-year-old bartel cunningham. best to g get a say cunningham fatally shot another man that night 35-year-old alberto junior before taking off with his car. here is his father. lexi just loved it life. he loved being outside. and he loved people. and it is just hard. it's just hard to understand how someone could take his life. >> cunningham was shot and killed by police early tuesday. violent crime and carjackings are up in d.c. the number of homicides rose 35% last year. the number of car thefts up 82%. the justice department stepping in and t their rolling out new
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resources including more prosecutors to investigate cases in d.c. the agency's similar efforts and memphis and houston. this all comes about four months after congressman henry was carjacked at gunpoint nears washington home. it is pretty scary, eric. steve art madeline, it is thank you so much for. the lone star state showdown between texas and the bite administration is growing today. more than a dozen republican governors are now the border it sang at the president doesn't protect the border, they will. we are live in eagle pass, texas. what they are saying is "fox news live" continues straight ahead. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy...
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arthel: just a few hours texas governor greg abbott will be joined by 14 republican governors at the border in eagle pass for they will get a firsthand look at the state's efforts to stop the rise of migrant crossings. some of those tactics are being challenged by the biden administration and courts paid at chef paul is live in eagle pass with what to expect. page f. >> just a few hours 14 governors from all around the country will be coming here to eagle pass. part of their visit is to get a better understanding is on the challenges texas governor greg abbott faces securing his part of the u.s./mexico border the
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other part of it is to show support for governor greg abbott. this is likely something he will be highlighting as these governors pay act visit to a state new video the governor put out on social media. it appears to show fresh construction of a border fence abbott wrote on social media texas made history as ththe firt and only state to build our own border wall cladding we will not back down from our efforts to secure the border. among the 14 governors getting a firsthand look at the situation in eagle pass, will see the likes of arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders as well as georgia governor brian kemp, new hampshire governor crist and they are getting a border security briefing but them just showing up a somewhat symbolic bill be physically standing with governor abbott he continues to battle politically with the federal government over his states methods to secure their section of the u.s./mexico
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border. >> we are guaranteed by the united states constitution the right of self-defense is states of phase imminent harm or invasion. texas obviously is facing both imminent harm as well as innovation. and so these governors are rallying around texas to support our ongoing right to self-defense. >> it is worth mentioning since he governor started putting up more the barriers and all the razor wire we have not seen quite as many migrant groups of crashing into the u.s. it's likely a point the government will be stressing to the other governors as they arrive in a few hours. arthel: will get that report from you later on thank you. stuart won state beside texas that has a border is montana a northern border. it turns out the vast majority of illegal immigrants on the terror watch list they come down from the north, from canada and the 14 governors who will be at the southern border include montana governor, what will they
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lurk? let's bring in congressman debbie lesko on the board security congress. what is the significance to you? state governors have got to resort to protect their own state border what is that mean to you? thanks god for governor abbott and the other republican fortunately in our democrat governor are not joining in support. a republican senate president orrin peterson and albert republican states speaker of the house have joined in the effort the legal effort to support governor abbott in texas. this is a total disaster. everyone sees it with their own eyes. this is the number one issue in arizona. as you know once they secured better the border in texas now
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they are flooding over too arizona and california. and it has to stop. this is total insanity of what's happening at our border and biden is the cause of it. stu forfeits total insanity how come you're governor katie hobbs is not part of the 14 governors you've got a border with mexico. >> she sometimes says she is for securing the border but quite frankly all she is for is the government's giving more money for the federal government giving more money to our state so she can pay for processing and housing, and educating the illegal immigrants. it's a total difference of opinions. you saw it last week and the u.s. house of representatives we passed common sense bills like if you are driving while you are drinking you should be deported if you are an illegal immigrant. the majority of the democrats
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voted against that. this is insanity. i do not understand why president biden, why our governor in arizona, why all of the democrats won the open border policies it makes no sense. we have a terrorist from somalia that has been wandering around in the united states for almost a year before they figured it out on her going to arrest him and detained and this is a national security risk. >> and new york city mayor eric adams administration an ounce of his bedding $53 million giving illegal immigrants credit cards prepaid credit card to the family for can get to $1000. that is for food what does that say to other people, people who came in legally for example when they are getting these type of benefits is that appropriate? >> listen i was in sun city, arizona yesterday at an event the number one issue is border security. people are angry they are beyond
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angry they want us to do something about it. that is why in the u.s. house of representatives which is a republican majority led we passed a border security bill back in may now unfortunately the democrats in the senate schumer won't even hear the bill and so we are doing everything that we can to try to secure the border. and as you know probably next week we are going to vote on impeachment of homeland security secretary mayorkas because he's not even following the law. biden is not following the law this is insanity and everybody knows it. the democrats want to keep the open border policies for what reason i do not know. stu furthers a bill the senate and the house to try to deal with this the senate bill will stop at catch and release it will shut down they say potentially shut down the border and changed the asylum laws here speaker johnson talk about what could happen in the house, let's
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listen. >> we have made very clear what the requirements of the house were and that is to solve the problem at the border. apparently this senate has not been able to come to an agreement where they been suggesting texas should be filed may be today but we've been told the same thing for months now we have been awaiting their action but we cannot wait any longer. we are willing to work with the senate that they have to be serious about it. if you only do a few of the components you are not going to solve the problem. stu for getting the house and the senate would come together to finally, finally get a bill that could stop the influx? >> i do not know for the text of the bill has not been released. the main republican negotiating on this is james lankford he is a good guy. they have not release the tax so it is hard to say. the things that have leaked out have not been very promising. but again he said that's rumor and speculation. so until they release the text it's really hard to say but i
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will tell you what, president biden can secure the border now. trtrump president trump did tha. in december of 2020 when president trump was still there there was 74000 crossings across the southern border. you fast forward three years under president biden there's 302,000 that is the population of pittsburgh, pennsylvania. this is total insanity. biden could stop what he does not even need congressional legislation. he just needs to reinstate the trump policies that he took away on day one. the problem would be mostly solved. eric: what are the chances of that? [laughter] zero, zero. you have these democrat mayors complaining they do not have enough money, stop busting illegal immigrants but then they get them free debit cards or credit cards. this is total insanity. but do not understand it's beyond comprehension for the people in my district, the people across the country think
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it is insane because it is insane. eric: was with the languages they say they'll release the senate bill language later this afternoon we'll see if that is anything to stop this crisis. congresswoman on the border state from arizona thank you for joining us on fox news live. >> thank you. >> will have more news straight ahead when we come back. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes...differently. scrub, soak? nope.
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arthel: we are learning new details on four of the migrants seen and the surveillance video here, look at it they are accused of taking part in the mob beating of two nypd officers in times square over a week ago police sources tell fox news date men may have skipped town on a bus to california using tickets possibly paid for with that taxpayer dollars the d.a. working on the case now says the worst attacker seen in this video have not been identified or arrested. cb cotton is live in new york city with the details.
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>> hire about manhattan d.a. alvin bragg announcing evidence in the assault on to new york city police officers to a grand jury this tuesday. now the "new york post" reports customs and border patrol has issued warrants for some of the migrant suspects who were are believed to have took off for the california/mexico border this the velma comes after the d.a. did not request bail and allowed the men to be released on their own recognizance. braggs said while he was disgusted by this video is a prosecutors had to be cautious and make sure they had the right people. meanwhile employees at this times square tour tell fox some of the suspects came in and stole several handbags just prior to the assault. police sources tell me investigators are also now probing whether some of the suspects are tied it to a larger theft ring that currently going on in the city. during the "sunday morning futures," texas governor greg abbott pointed to the border as
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the underlying problem for this entire situation. x police officers in new york city being beaten by illegal immigrants and this country who should not be in the country in the first place. and then after they engage in a crime against law enforcement officer they were let loose and back out onto the streets. what's going on new york is outrageous and americans across the entire country are angry. not just about what's going on in new york but the underlying cause for it. >> one suspect in this case is really being held on a $15000 cash bond. see c5 cb cotton, thank you. eric: tonight is considered the music industry's biggest night it is the grammys of course in one of the first time nominees country singer lenny wilson is out with the warning to the music world about the dangers of artificial intelligence. she told a house panel friday
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how ai can steal the voice a likeness of artists and there is nothing on the books yet to stop them. medicine joins us now with the story. >> hi eric, artist like kanye west, drake, johnny cash, the weekend, they bought the voices used for fake content. some of the ai songs sound extremely real, listen. ♪ i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world ♪ ♪ life in plastic is fantastic trip so even though it sounds just like johnny cash, that is ai. that song was split at the beginning of the house judiciary committee field hearing in l.a. music industry leaders say ai is now one of the biggest problems for artists and creators. >> artist in every genre's and theintheir voices mimicked usini without their permission iconic artists who are no longer with us have also had their voices reproduced without the involvement of their families like you heard today.
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this misuse of hers' artists and their fans alike pick our country music star lanie wilson testified at the hearing wilson says ai stole her voice and use it to sell weight loss economies which are some is something shee would never do. >> the kids don't have how much of a gut punch it is to have your name, your likeness or your voice ripped from you and used in ways you could never imagine or it would never allow. i've got a lot of the kids watch me a lot of little girls and little boys and i want to encourage them to feel comfortable in their own skin and love themselves. >> taylor swift is the latest victim of ai. sexually explicit deep fake photos of swift went viral across the internet. just like fake it music a deep fake images are extremely realistic. since this happened last month at lawmakers across the country have been trying to tighten ai rules to protect the children and adults.
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this week that music group stopped allowing a lot of popular songs on tiktok because of ai concern. so eric, a lot of moving parts are many people upset about how ai is used and want some sort of regulation. >> it is so alarming. you can think you're looking at the artist or a public official, their voice, their likeness and it's not them it's really something that's got to be addressed madison, good to see a thank you regret you are right and good thing harvey mason junior during a really good job at the recording academy. now a rather large earthquake shook parts of oklahoma friday nights. you heard me right. u.s. geological survey says the magnitude 5.1 quake was centered about 50 miles east of oklahoma city. fortunately know it injuries or damage were reported coming up president biden planning to head to east impala seen ohio a year after a toxic train derailment devastated the community next we ask to residents did the
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president wait too long? we will find out. next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it.
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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>> the mayor and community leaders invited the president to meet with east and palestine residents and also assess the recovery progress. >> there set a date yet for quick start date yet but obviously we are working with community leaders. we are working with the mayor, elected officials to find the exact time and day to go in february. arthel: the white has strong criticism of financing present a vital make his first visit to east impala seen, ohio while there is no exact date set yet his triple come a little more than a year after the toxic train derailment that devastated the town. ohio senator jd vance rips the visit is pure politics congressman jim jordan said it's too little too late and ohioans, they deserve better. so how do the folks who live in
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the town feel question returning is not linda murphy and ashley from east impala seen, ohio. thank you both. as should i'll start with you so the mayor invited president biden to visit east palestine how do you feel about the president's upcoming visit and what would you like them to do? >> with him coming i have been deflated throughout the year just knowing he was planning on coming and never came. i hope he does keep his word to us because we really need it. we are under it right now thats everything in the hands you are not hearing the things that are going on with the residents in town and the symptoms they are suffering for it we had new members from different areas to write a four area's income have all the same symptoms we had from the beginning we are not knowing what is going on with us healthwise. we do need the government to step in and he can be that next step. as much as some people don't
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want it a super fund is the only way to relieve us of the debt that we have and to start over new. arthel: linda would you give us a sense of your life over the past year since the toxic chemical spill? and also tell us out nor folks norfolksouthern the train compas responded in the last year? looks well, thank you for having me on. life is not normal. the town is not normal it has been overtaken by it norfolk southern and their contractors which i understand there getting a job done and they are attempting to clean up the mess they made. as far as biting coming to this town we can roll out our chemical soaked carpet and welcome him a year later. we have had a symptoms it has impacted every part of our lives. it has impacted our friends, our family, our neighbors, our animals, you name it has affected us financially and to
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the cellular level the folks that have tested positive for these chemicals. sue have ashley back to you lins also talking about the symptoms everyone is still experiencing including animals. has anything been done at all to give you some relief? >> not really. we have not seen anything from the government not even a bottle of water. there are a lot of things they can work on to help us our health effects are as our main party we see kids suffer we see people come from different areas suffering the same things we have been complaining about. i think these things really need addressed in that is the best way to handle it so we can see and we can prevented and actually help people see the kids graduate, get married. we also have to live our lives while dealing with this. going through the symptoms we are having so we do need that relief and that help in any way, shape, form.
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see five you talk about relief, lending getting back to you know what would you like? it is my understanding, you tell me how is norfolk southern i understand they are paying some bills, are they? is that true? >> not mine. i think there's a game going on this different things for different people and their hoops that you have to jump through. they talk about it economic rebuild and we are re- going to rebuild the businesses, what about the residents? how did the resident support the businesses? and should we even be here is the living question? this is a long-term effect is not take a sip of water you drop that in centeno this is dose and duration over time. these are terrible terrible chemicals that have awful effects. i think the epa is keeping a lot of things under wraps it's been
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a year later and the longer we wait just like the chemicals are seeping deeper and deeper into the soil i think secrets are getting hit in deeper and deeper as to what were truly being subjected to. i do not know that norfolk southern -- make it hard to trust them it's hard to believe anything that they say. anything that they are going to do on what their intentions are but i believe we are collateral damage and i believe someone is to step in and let the truth come out somehow. arthel: i hope you get some relief the profound affect and change to your life is definitely a real thing. i hope the president can do something we will see, thank you very much. >> do you mind if i say something i am. >> i'm against a hard break i do apologize to you thank you so much. i wish the both of you well we will be right back. >> thank you.
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stay for deli or just targeting southern california curing torrential rain, heavy mountain snow endangers flash flooding across the coast. max and gordon is a live just north of los angeles with the very latest they are. hey max. >> hey there, eric this is a
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potentially historical life threatening storm that's going to be hitting southern california. we are near ojai which is expected to receive up to seven and a half inches of rain between now and early on wednesday. we could be seeing flash flooding, mudslides, downed trees, downed power lines just a slew of issues people had been preparing by sandbag in their homes, businesses, just getting ready for the storm is going to be coming. cal fire has been ramping up with high water rescue teams. agencies all across california really have been preparing the state of california has been immobilizing extra workers as well 8300 boots on the ground getting ready for the storm event that's going to be hitting us. the message to folks here is that you need to be prepared. you need to be ready. we are senate right now just up the road from us is an evacuation zone because there is a concern of mudslides and the road we are standing along highway 33 being shut off.
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emergency workers not able to make it into the community behind us. we are in a wait-and-see mode data are in southern california for a lot of folks hoping the worst will not come to pass but a lot of rain, a lot of wind on the wait. let's write max thanks so much people have to be careful. big bear had a foot and a half of snow in three days folks anda got todv watch out right arthell got todv watch out right arthell looks absolutely be careful. ♪ no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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