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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> killed in syria, iraq, or some dumb [bleep] that doesn't know to get out of the way. we gave them a week's notice and if there's another round of strikes coming, i hope they really will hurt iran in their pocketbook or kill their leadership because if you don't, nothing changes.
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>> jake sol vin not ruling out they'll take strikes into iran and spoke earlier and of course the super bowl here in las vegas next week, mike. >> lucas tomlinson live in las vegas, in thanks. israel reacting to the unit launching air strikes in syria,'chiropractic semi-en and -- yemen and iraq and trey yingst joining me from tel aviv. trey, what's the latest? reporter: mike, good afternoon. the middle east is bracing for possibility of further escalation following u.s. strikes in iraq, syria, and yemen. israeli forces tonight remain on high alert across the country understanding as the war rages on inside gaza, the country's northern border is actually the most concerning. throughout the day, rocket sirens have sounded in communities near the boarder and hezbollah firing rockets into
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israel and one antitank guide missile fired and israelis launched new strikes against hezbollah positions in response hitting rocket launch in areas and observation post. israel's defense ministry indicated this week that even if there's a diplomatic solution found to temporally pause the fighting inside gaza on the southern front, that it wouldn't apply to the north. with increased iran-linked attacks in the middle east, israel is looking to send a message that hezbollah facing military action for the continued attacks and united states operates in the middle east and sending that middle east and irgc ki killed in syria during suspected israeli strikes and action expect nod the coming days and weeks and question loom what is comes next, both israel and the united states bracing for the possibility that iran or its proxies responders to the ongoing retaliation.
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mike. >> trey yingst live in tel aviv. thanks. hudson fellow, hudson instant senior fellow rebeccah heinrichs. welcome. >> thank you. >> u.s. is responding. is the deterrence work something >> no, the goal should be to compel iran to stop funding it is proxy attacks against the united states. it's not so much -- deterrence has failed and we're trying to exercise compel lens to cause the'yanisens that we're not tolerating them attacking the united states korea proxies and the biden administration telegraphed through the media when the counter strikes were going to happen. days in advance and then also the general locations and so it gave the iranians plenty of opportunity to get high level proxies out and significant irgc leaders that have been training and equipping the proxies out of the areas, and any kind of mobile system that's of highest
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value to the iran regime to remove it. i saw your fox news' lucas tomlin son report that more bombs dropped than people killed in the counter strikes so it's not had the effected, i don't expect it to have the effect to give iran to stand down. >> what about the point from senator lindsey graham hitting them where it hurts? >> you have to. i don't mean to suggest that concernings of escalation are unfounded and there was always a chance that the enemy will escalate and iran doesn't want to go against the united states directly because they haven't so far, they're using proxies. what the united states should seek to do is cause iran to fear and complicate their calculations and you have to go after iran itself after things that the arraign regime values. rather than delays fears and giving them time to remove the things of highest value out of the way of u.s. bombs. >> we've will clashes with iran
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going back to reagan in the mid 80s. they can retroc prevent an escan and hit and not escalate into full blown war. >> that's exactly right. there was a great example in 1988 and operation preying mantis and ronald reagan had the u.s. navy respond by sinking the iranian navy and they did not come back hard. president trump authorized of course the soleimani strike and the irgc commander in iraq. the reason that was so important, not just because soleimani himself was of enormous importance and was to the regime but causedded iranians to wontedder what else they'd do next. complicated their calculations and made them fear what else the united states would do. that's the kind of take the united states should do now. >> what about hearing from the commander in chief? seems to me we're launching air strikes. wouldn't it be some value to tell the country what we're doing and also telling the world what the united states of america is doing? >> yeah, we need to hear from the commander in chief. merchant marines in great danger
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trying to keep cargo, commercial shipping safe in the red sea and major global shipping lane and that's important for the united states and for europe and asia. we have u.s. forces clearly at great risk in the region. we have families now who are grieving and reeling from the loss of the three warriors at hands of iran regime and proxies and the commander in chief owes it to the american people and families in particular and to our allies, what his plans are, what the risks are, and what we're going to do about it. christine: system of articulation are the confident the next strikes will be more biting? >> i'm not confident. i'll say the same thing i said when russia invaded ukraine, less is more sometimes. stop telegraph what is we will and will not do. stop streamlining the adversaries calcu calculations d they soul know there's more coming but that's it. no more details. at this point, i haven't seen a true pivot in the biden administration's approach towards iran. if i saw that, if i would see
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sanctions again, i'd see an incredibly different approach to the iran regime and haven't seen it yet and suspect we're not seeing the kind of attacks we need. >> iran is front burner and the president coming out and talking about goals in ukraine. wouldn't that help on capitol hill with potentially more funding? >> absolutely would help. this is supposed to be and should be one of the president's primary foreign objectives is to make sure this far 18 months and almost two months into the invasion that the iranians -- i rainens orb ukrainians are rationing munitions and running out of munitions and the president himself should be trying to negotiate what's necessary to get to yes for further aid in a supplemental passage to pass between the republicans and democrats in both chambers and he's been absent and you're left with a lot of people trying to get things like aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to taiwan, border issues, and we really need strong leadership from this administration to say what are the u.s. primary interests?
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what's at resident quarterbacking we don't get to yes, especially on ukraine aid? >> rebeccah heinrichs from the hudson institute, thank you for your analysis today. >> thank you. >> turning now to our southern border where texas governor greg abbott will host a group of 14 fellow republican governors this afternoon as he faces off against the biden administration. jeff paul is live in eagle pass, texas, with the latest. hello, jeff. reporter: yeah, very windy eagle pass, texas, at that and texas governor greg abbott just a little while set to welcome 14 governors from around the country and coming here in part to get a better understanding of some of the challenges that texas faces trying to secure their extension of the u.s. mexico border but they're here to show their support for texas governor greg abbott. one of the things he's lickly going to be highlighting is something like this and brand new video that governor abbott just put out on social media
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yesterday appearing to show fresh construction of a new border fence. abbott wrote in that social media post "texas made history as first and only state to build our own border wall adding we'll not back down from our efforts to secure the border". among the 14 governors getting a firsthand look at the situation in eagle pass, we'll see the likes of arkansas governor sara huckabee sanders and georgia governor brian kemp and new hampshire governor chris sununu and getting a border briefing and them showing up is partly symbolic. they'll be physically standing with governor abbott. he continues to battle politically with the federal government over his state's methods to secure their section of the u.s./mexico border. >> we are guaranteed by the united states constitution the right of self-defense if states face imminent harm or invasion. texas obviously is facing both, and imminent harm as well as
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invasion so these governors are rallying around texas to support our ongoing right to self-defense. reporter: now, it is worth mentioning that since texas governor greg abbott started putting up more barriers and all this razor wire here along the rio grand, the number of people crossing, trying to get into the u.s. has gone down significantly. the latest figures from cbp month to month from december to january shows the apprehensions are down somewhere around 76%. that is going to be something that he'll likely highlight, governor abbott, to the governors once they get here in just a short while. mike. >> jeff paul live in eagle pass. jeff, thanks very much. for more on this, i'm joined by texas republican congressman randy weber. congressman, welcome. >> thank you. >> we expect language on a bipartisan border deal in the united states senate later today. what do you anticipate? >> what we're anticipating,
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mike, isn't good f. what we're hear asking direct and we'll get the language and look at it, as you may know i served four years in texas house, my second term i was the vice chairman of the boarders committee back then it was bad, it's worse now. if we get that language and what we're hear asking they're going to -- hearing is they're going to allow 5,000 illegal as day, it's doa in my view. >> you're a texas lawmaker, are you comfortable pating till next year when perhaps there's a republican in the white house? >> no, we shouldn't have to and governor abbott has the right to defend our boarder and the federal government failed miserably and i appreciate jeff paul being in eagle pass and saying the crossings are now 76% down. of course they are. texas -- and they're going to other states, texas is doing something to defend ourselves and kudos to greg abbott and ought to tell joe biden that joe
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biden failed miserably and we're going to do whatever it takes and don't care what the government says. >> the hearing of alejandro mayorkas later this week, what do you expect? >> i expect they'll pass it out, hoping they will because he's obviously he's aggregated his responsibility to protect americans. he goes and testifies to a committee hearing and says they have operational control of the border, how stupid does he think we are? we're having more americans killed with fentanyl than ever in our history and more trafficking ever in history and mayorkas, vice president and president has done zip, zero to do anything about it. he's failed at his job keeping americans safe. his number one job was to keep americans safe and protect them and he's not lived up to the oath of his office.
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>> house speaker mike johnson talked about house voting on israel only funding bill. let's play it. >> this border is out of control, all these problems have mounted in the senate has been deatherring ever since. we cannot wait anymore. the reason we are going to send the new israel package over is because the time is urgent and we have to take care of the responsibility. >> is that right to breakthrough into individual pieces and in this case an israel only funding package? >> well, absolutely it is in my view, mike. we want to view israel, our greatest ally and i'm a great supporter of israel, rightfully so and they're tablizing forces in the middle east for example. why we should be the greatest ally and they want to link that to ukraine or even any other bills whether it's border, ukraine or what have you. no, help ally israel and don't try to hold the house hostage and get this done and done now. >> you've seen air strikes in
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recent days in the united states and britts last night in response to iranian proxies killing three american soldiers. is the administration doing enough, congressman? >> no, they started out doing too much and first of all telling on the front end after we were hit two or three times and telegraphing what their plans were. in my view, i like what rebeccah heinrichs said, there ought to be things in israel -- in iran that we're hitting. you know president trump took out soleimani. why don't we take out some of their high ranking officials and some of their oil refineries and if we're not in the threat of war, nobody wants us to go to war, we ought to seen a clear signal to iran we'll devastate your energy isn't the street and do it with sanctions. i'd be in favor of one oil refinery and retaliate and getting retaliatory strikes from proxies and more were taken out and one shot across that bow and
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they might get the message. i don't think the president has the guts to do it. >> should the commander in chief brother the american people and adversaries around the world, tell them what he's doing and intends to do? >> well, not what he intends to do obviously. i think president reagan was a great communicator of course. he told americans why he did that and why it was necessary and why the rest of the world better stand up and take notice because it could be coming to a, you know, theater near them if they attacked us. >> congressman randy weber, great state of texas. thank you for your time today, sir. >> thank you, mike. >> former trump administration official dead after being shot during a carjacking here in the nation's details armee next. ♪ or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks
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mike: search for migrants that attacked nypd officers last week, new details coming to light about what the migrants did before the assault. manhattan da alvin bragg is sharing updates in the investigation. cb cotton joining me with the latest. reporter: hi, mike, alvin bragg said he and nypd are both trying to track down those that are most responsible for the violent
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attack while those efforts continue, bragg says evidence in the assault will be presented to a grand jury this tuesday. now witnesses to this incident are speaking out. employees at this time square store tell fox some of the suspects came in and stole several handbags and police officers at the store yesterday speaking to several store clerks. sources tell me investigators are also now probing whether some of the suspects are tied to a larger theft ring in the city. da bragg has faced intense scrutiny and five migrant men arrested, arraigned and released without bail and a sixth man being held in jail on $15,000 cash bail and bragg said on friday while the assaults on police are not tolerated, his prosecutors have to be cautious and make sure each person's role in the incident was specified. during sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo, former president donald trump weighed in. >> we cannot allow scenes like i
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saw in new york two days ago where policemen are beat up we bangs of illegal immigrants from venezuela, honduras. we cannot allow that. these are fighters, not babies, they were knocking the hell out of the policemen. >> custom and border patrol issued warrants for migrant subpoenas that took off for the california/mexico border. mike: cb cotton live in new york city. cb, thank as lot. former trump administration official died after being shot during a carjacking and former chief of staff at commodity futures trading commission was sitting in his car on monday evening, 5:45 in washington dc when a man entered his peek and shot him. madelynn rivera live onset with the tragic story. >> hey, mike, this is a tragic
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story. mike gill was a victim of a carjacking in dc on monday. his wife sharing the news of his passing saying mike was not only a devoted husband and father but also a cherished son, brother and friend. over the course of his remarkable life, mike brought people together and made them feel included, supported, and loved. gail leaves behind three children and served as chief of staff of commodities futures trading commission during the trump administration and former cftc chairman says this, his life reflects everything good and right and true. words cannot expect tragedy of fine man, colleague, and cherished friend and he'll be sorely missed and long remembered. authorities identified the suspect who shot and killed gill as 28-year-old artell cunningham. cunningham fatally shot another man later on that night, 35-year-old alberto vasquez jr. before taking off with his car.
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here is vasquez's father. >> he loved life and loved being outside. he loved people. it's just hard like it's hard to put it alling to. just understand how someone can take his life. >> cunningham was shot and killed by police early tuesday and violent crime carjackings are up in dc and number of homicide rose 35% last year and number of car thefts up 82%. the justice department stepping in. they're ruling out new resources and moving prosecutors to investigate cases in dc. the agency has similar efforts in memphis and houston and i know you know this, mike, this all comes after congressman henry cuella was carjacked at gunpoint near his home in dc. it is pretty concerning. mike: hits close to home when a huhs goes to pick up his wife at the office at 5:40 and he comes out nearly dead.
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>> it's heart breaking. mike: devastating. maddie, thank you very much. >> you got t mike. mike: people in georgia rescued by law enforcement after veering off the road and ram intoed a tree. two officers came to his aid smashing the window and cutting a man out of his seatbelt and pulling him through the back window as the car went up in flames. president biden taking a commanding victory in the south carolina democratic primary but does low voter turnout signalti enthusiasm gapng? more on that after the break. ♪ today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. you give eye exams. i give fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes? everybody wants that. "hero doc saves vision!" well, i— —"hero owl saves money!" get 50% off lenses when you buy designer frames at
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hills strategy cofounder carlin reed and al moderate. easy for me to say. al, does former president trump need to be for anything or is that the advantage of being a challenger this time? >> well, look, mike, he's always tap intoed anger in the electorate and people are angry while against a lot of things. president biden is correct, there's some advantage to being against many things. i think, look, president trump is for certain things as well and this is a difficult electorate for president biden to win in. i think he's still got the upper hand notwithstanding some of the early polls. mike: the former president tried to remind voters of his handling of the economy. let's play it. >> we had the best economy ever, i cut taxes and cut regulation at a level and had biggest tax cut ever and biggest regulation cut ever and had the greatest economy in the history of our country. we never did better. we never did better.
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mike: what's that pitch, colin? >> two candidates and both have been president before and go back to 1892 and use a lot of smelling salt to get groveland cleveland back and whether it was crime or inflation or the ability to buy a house, whether it was the ability to do a lot of things, fly across the country without having imminence airport delays and life has gotten immeasurably more difficult under the biden administration and that's the burden he carries into the election. mike: to south carolina where president biden won overwhelmingly and democrat's first in south carolina but dean phillips, one of the candidates raising in concern saying "the lack of voter enthusiasm for a trump/biden rematch is being reflected in each and every democratic primary result in this election. ". al, what about that? is there an enthusiasm issue? >> i don't think so. look at iowa caucuses, there's a lack of republican enthusiasm.
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people on both sides are not enthusiastic about a rematch but the end of the day, democrat voters will run through a sea of covid to stop president trump from winning an election. on the economy, i have to say the president keeps saying this but here are the facts. unemployment is lower now, stock market is higher now, more jobs per month now so president trump can say he had the best economy ever, doesn't make it true. >> that may be true but people don't buy it and biden can't sell it and the numbers may be there but the number he can't run from is his age and impact on performance. he's 81 years scold see in the clips he cannot make the sell. >> they both struggle with their talking in public let's just say that. on people not buying t i think it's a temporal thing. these numbers continue and economy improves by the election, i think people will be buying if a lot. mike: congressman jim clyburn from south carolina weighed in on it. >> he got 96% of the vote in the pryor natural rights approach and demonstrates to me --
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primary and that demonstrates that joe biden has not lost any support among african americans. mike: colin? >> he ran against a couple of nobodies and he and his team rigged the entire process because biden couldn't win in iowa or new hampshire and had to go to south carolina first and he did okay there. but the bigger challenge he faces is african american support for biden is way down. if donald trump is getting 22% of black vote like he's getting with some of the polls right now, good night joe biden. there's no chance for the coalition for bide ton reassemble nine months from now. mike: go to battleground wisconsin first where question about candidate's mental soundness. 61% concerned about biden is 51% concerned about trump. al? >> that's not ideal and goes to what i was saying earlier. i think by the way as this campaign unfolds, dnc and biden campaign have a lot of clips
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will have president trump saying things and replacing nancy pelosi with nikki haley and there were a lot of snippets they're waiting to roll out because they know that trump looks weak intellectually. mike: evenly divided in 2020 with a slight edge to biden is now it's trump 51%, biden 43%, colin. >> it's an 8 point margin. in 2020, joe biden won georgia by 10,000 votes and now losing by 8 percentage points and extrapolate that out, mike, 2020 election was decided by 45,000 voters across five states and look at all five, wisconsin, arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, biden's in big trouble and election in 2020 may have looked like a blowout because of the electoral college but wasn't numerically and if the numbers hold, there's very little path for joe bide ton get reelected. mike: gentlemen, thanks very much. goo good to be with you.
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mike: the nation's top political leaders recently gathered at united states capitol to pray. it was the national prayer breakfast, a custom that dates back to 1950s. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> washington's movers and shakers moved bay joyful noise. >> thank you all for being here. maestro, you did soften our hearts this morning and wept on the front row. >> communion of song and spirit in america's political cathedral, the capitol dome doubling as a sanctuary. >> we have really, really tough differences. we really guide one another. my prayer, my hope is we continue to believe our best days are ahead of us. as a nation, we continue to
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believe in honesty and decency, dignity and respect. >> the president praying for peace in the middle east, release of hostages and he told them about a conference with his aunt about pastoring to the congressional flock. >> she said, barry, how do you survive the insanity? i responded well, you know, we have some saints in cesar also. >> what people don't see is bipartisan lawmakers meeting for prayer each week at the capitol. blacks spoke of how there was one senator that only missed a single capitol bible study in 19 years. when asked who that was, black replied, it's classified. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. mike: growing ai generated
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content problem has country music star lainny wilson speaking out. she testified saying she's a victim of ai. madison scarpino is live with the latest. >> hi, mike. can she remembers are using ai to target some of the world's most powerful performers and they're stealing singer's voices, creating explicit deep fake photos, and now congress is trying to get some sort of control over technology. >> i do not have to tell you how much of a gut punch it is to have your name, your likeness or your voice ripped from you, and used in ways that you can never imagine or would never allow. >> wilson testify that had ai stole her voice and use it had to sell weight loss gummies, which is something she'd never do. ai has used the voices of other singers like drake, johnny cash, con yay west, the -- kanye west and the weekend to create -- weeknd so create fake content and taylor swift is the latest
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victim and deep fake photos of swift went viral across the internet and just like the fake music, deep fake images are extremely realistic. since this happened last month, lawmakers across the country have been trying to tighten ai rules. >> the united states must lead the world in ethical cal and not harmful. it's important for the economy but it's important for american technology leadership. >> mike, a lot of moving parts here. many people upset about how ai is being used and just want some sort of regulations and actually this past week, universal music group stopped allowing tiktok to use many popular songs and they say that ai concerns is one of the reasons for that. back to you. mike: whole new world, madison scarpino, thanks very much. pop star lizzo opting for a jury trial in the sexual harassment suit brought against her by
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dancers on her 2020 tour. lizzo denies she created a hostile work environment fat shamed her employees and calling the allegations false and outrageous. supreme court hearing oral arguments on former president trump's ballot ineligibility in colorado. more on that after the ♪ t max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things.
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>> the likelihood of president trump losing in case in the supsupreme court is somewhere between 0-0. the idea that the supreme court upholds what colorado did not likely to happen. mike: supreme court hearing oral arguments on whether former president trump should be removed from the colorado primary ballot and several legal challenges by tram top confront the nine justices. bring in hans von spakovsky and former federal elections commission and great guest. how do you see colorado?
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>> i think we're going to get a we are happens unanimous decision, maybe 7-2 throwing out the colorado decision there's multiple reasons why what c did was unconstitutional and under all those colorado loses. mikes: the juice jus -- justices are tiply busy through late june or july, when will we hear from them? >> i think very quickly. the trump team asked them to take it up over christmas break and within two days, the sort said they'd take it to grant oral argument as month later, that's a rocket docket for the court. they know absentee ballots are being sent out all over the country and they realize they've got to decide quickly. mike: another case in georgia where the district attorney admitting to an improper relationship with the special prosecutor. fani willis saying "while the allegations raises in the various motions are salacious
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and garnered media attentionty were de-tined to obtain, none provide the court with any basis with which they seek and are factually and accurately malicious and devastating this relationship. >> she's got very serious problems and i've heard from a source that further motions filed this week with additional grounds for her to be recused and remember when she made a statement at her church accusing tthose filing with racial animas and for prosecutors you cannot make a statement outside of a courtroom and hold up a defendant to public condemnation. the other violation and this is very serious is a a criminal prosecutor cannot threaten a criminal prosecution in order to gain an advantage in a civil
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matter. she did exactsly that and filed a motion to stop the deposition of her in the divorce case, she said in the motion that she accused the wife of interfering with a criminal prosecution and told the court she needed time to open up a criminal investigation of the wife and that's an outright violation of the code and both are grounds for her to be recused from the case. mike: do the expect the district attorney and special prosecutor both to be disqualified in the case? >> i think the judge has no choice but to do that because of numerous violations, not just in the professional code of conduct but violations for example of of georgia law and never got permission to high a special prosecutor or pay him. that's outright violation of state law. mike: how do you expect georgia to play out this case?
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>> i think she'll remove herself or she'll be recused and under georgia rules if she's recused from the case, her entire office has to be recused and that case the judge will refer to a different county, a different prosecutor who will then reevaluate and decide whether to continue with the case. mike: okay, so you're a regal eagle, if you were representing former president trump, which of the cases against him might concern you? >> i think they would all concern me everything from the cases in new york, the civil case to federal case in dc to the georgia case, but the georgia case, fani willis has sd so many ethical violations of the case and there's a good chance of the case being dismissed or at the varicose veins least an appellate court overturning it if she can get a construction.
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mike: is the georgia case trouble something >> yeah, we're hearing reports there's going to be report issued very soon on sew guiden and his -- joe biden and his keeping classified documents, and the justice department will have a hard time with selective prosecution if they say we're not going after joe bind, he didn't do anything wrong but they're going after former president trump. mike: fascinating, hans von spakovsky, easy for me to say. welcome and thank you for coming in today. >> thank you for having me. mike: parts of usually sunny california at risk of flash flooding today and into tomorrow. that's next. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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mike: 5.2 magnitude earthquake shook parts of oklahoma late friday night. look at that. the quake happened about 50 miles east of oklahoma city, but was felt in areas across the state. the next several hours produced multiple smaller quakes thankfully no injuries were reported baa whole lot were shaken. southern california including downtown los angeles faces a rare high risk of flash flooding today and tomorrow due to the imminent arrival of a potent atmospheric river that promises to dump several inches of rain in the region. adam klotz has fox weather forecast. hello, adam. >> hey, mike. talking about a couple big weather systems moving across the country as we speak. the one in california and one moving across the southeast that one across the southeast and little red box on the screen right on the florida/georgia line is a tornado warned system and thunderstorms throughout the morning and the larger concern moving forward over the next couple of days is all of the moisture moving on shore across
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portions of california and this is going to last for days and you're seeing very heavy rain in northern california and southern california ultimately going to get on the mix. this is the forecast in the top left hand top of the screen and rounds and rounds and rounds of moisture moving across the evening and still rain falling across some of the and major concern of result and how much rain are we talking about and everything in orange area and 3-5 range and reds on the screen and reds indicating 5-8 inches of rain in the country and could not sustain that much water coming down and brief appointment of time and and flood concern and portions of california santa clara and oxnard and santa barbara and that's tonight through tomorrow
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morning and that'll linger through the next couple of days, mike. mike: adam klotz from the fox weather center. adam, thanks very much. two motorists in norway had a savior of driving tesla into fridged waters and a floating sauna came to the rescue till help arrived. the driver thought the car was in park when he hit the accelerator and landing them in the water in the capitol city of oslo and customers in the floating sauna helped them up and motorists helped them inside. fox news sunday today, shannon bream has exclusive interview with south carolina senator lindsey graham and speaking with coordinator john kirby and that's coming up right after this show. stay tuned or set your dvr if you want to watch it later. finally be sure to check out my colleague griff jenkin's new special on fox nation, the drug
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lords hippo starting today and narco trafficker pablo escobar and personal zoo in the 1980s and population has exploded becoming an invasive species, that's all for this hour. fox news live. i'm mike emmanuel. have an awesome day. ♪ customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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