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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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we need a sustained campaign
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not just state to direct disrupt them but to stop them. i think the campaign against the militia that are operating in iraq and syria is the same thing. we have to stop the attacks but that i is got to be the objecti. arthel: u.s. tinted to strike iran backed militants in the at least as to iran's proxies do not appear to be backing down but central command says the u.s. destroyed eight houthis antiship missile overnight in yemen. that was prepared to fire at navy and commercial ships in the red sea print but hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. the overnight strike the comingg hours after the u.s. and britain hit 36 other targets in yemen yesterday. that was after u.s. forces hit more than 80 85 iranian proxy targets in iraq and syria retaliating for the drone attack that killed these three u.s. soldiers. last weekend and jordan right near the eye rocky a and syrian
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borders. made their sacrifice and memories may never be forgotten. team box coverage for you. trey yingst in tel aviv, ears are with the latest of their read stephanie bennett and let it with global reaction military analyst doctor rebecca grant standing by with what the u.s. may do next but let's go to lucas tomlinson at live in las vegas or president biden is campaigning today. had lucas. boxer president biden boarded air force one after having lunch in l.a. for his flight or to las vegas. the president ignored his shouting questions about the strikes earlier arthel mention mitch the iranian backed militia vowing revenge they would keep fighting, making unlikely a peace treaty signed aboard the uss dwight d eisenhower anytime soon. the biden administration says they did not want to see this work spanned in the region but this weekend since friday the u.s. military has conducted air strikes in three different countries across the middle east. exit out the original conflict we do not want to see h is expad outside this border which is why
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we have surge assets to those reasons. >> the facts say otherwise about surging those assets for the b-1 bombers are back in texas ready for an aircraft carrier strike group went home last month from the mediterranean note military deployment have been announced. the latest strikes in yemen saturday come one day after the massive b-1 strike but one of the targets hit was destroyed two years ago. u.s. fighter jets at 36 targets in yemen smaller than the opening on january 7 or the bombing started 60 targets were hit last month and a single night last night super hornets from aiken the red sea joined the british tornadoes flying from base in cyprus the uss grave guided missile destroyer fired missiles a few days after she invented cruise missile that was in incoming close in weapon systems almost hit the american warship. it's notable british warships in the red sea launch missiles into
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yemen to hit targets on land and fact no royal navy destroyers have that capability britain's prime minister posted on x there is no reaction from president biden on the strikes in yemen early on "fox news sunday" senator lindsey graham to the strikes in iraq and syria took too long to avenge the death of the three american soldiers. >> the only iranian we killed in syria, iraq some of it doesn't know how to get on the way we gave them a week's notice. if there's another round of strikes coming i hope they really will hurt iran and theird their pocketbook or kill their leadership because if you don't nothing changes. >> national security advisernatr jake sullivan said earlier today he is not ruling out any american strikes inside iran. i just received word president biden is taken from l.a. aboard air force one. he'll be arriving soon here in las vegas. eric: doctor rebecca grant on
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what was just said. arthel: meantime israel is warning iran backed hezbollah fighters and lebanon it will respond to any provocation. idf spokesperson said israel has no interest in starting a war but is ready to defend itself if necessary. trey yingst is live in tel aviv, israel with more on this. >> arthel, good afternoon. the middle east is bracing for the possibility of further escalation after that u.s. strikes in iraq, syria, and yemen but it's really forces to remain on high alert. understand the situation on the ground throughout the country is tense and in the war inside gaza rages on the main focus and threat for the israelis is the northern border. throughout the day rocket sirens sounded in communities near the border with lebanon as the iran backed militant group hezbollah figfires more rockets into isra. there is one antitank guided missile fired.
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they launch new strikes against hezbollah positions in response hitting a rocket lock chewing areas in an observation post israel defense minister indicated this week even if there is a diplomatic solution bound to temporally pause the fighting in gaza on the southern front that would not apply to the north. israel is looking to send a message that it will face for their military action for their continued attacks. as the nine states operates in the region israel is continuing to send that very message both publicly and privately. on friday and advisor to iran's i rgc was killed in syria during suspected israeli strikes strike similaroffensive action n the coming days and weeks. the main question right now for the entire middle east is what comes next question at both israel and the united states bracing for the possibility that iran or its proxies could respond to this increase retaliation. the five trey yingst live in tel
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aviv thank you. eric: so far the u.s. strikes is not killed in a iranian personnel despite the presence of a radiant revolutionary guard forces in those target areas. critics say that it's because the white house widely publicized i his plan to attack iran's proxies giving tehran plenty of time to get their people out. some say if the houthis attacks continued will be time to strike a radiant military targets. national security advisor jake sullivan today not publicly relink that possibility out straight military analyst doctor rebecca grant droids is now offered president iris independent research and a fox news contributor. dr. grant always good to see it. the houthis art continued to be defiant they had a missile on the launch pad we had to take out despite some of the strikes. are they effective? what more needs to be done? >> on the houthis are very difficult problem because of the number of weapons in that country and the fact they have
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been fighting for so very long. i am very dismayed to see the houthis are trying to get missiles on the launchpad i'm really glad we took this out. what they are trying to do with the strikes is to scare and contain those of houthis. it's hard to see if there's enough to work. is no question we have enough air power capacity to continue to strike targets whether it is affixed targets are pop up targets like these missiles but just hard to say if this is going to be enough to reopen a red sea shipping traffic records what happens if it continues over the next few weeks? >> biden faces and really difficult choices and just looking at the problem of the houthis, does iran have enough influence there to say hey, stop those attacks? and if so biden has to consider strikes on iranian assets like the oil terminal or other i rgc revolutionary guard targets.
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revolutionary guards have a lot of business interests in the region. and they are targets that could be hit they are to send a message. it's a balance between trying to deter in trying to destroy the houthis and other missile capacity. eric: there are reports to commercial ships were that are registered to iran that are to cover spy ships that help the houthis directive firing what happens if the u.s. and our allies take the ships out? what's it like the way you are thinking and there is no question those ships -- make the rotate in and out they give targeting information they are run by the eye rgc. that particular ship is a valid military targets sitting in the red sea which is nowhere near iran. that is the kind of question central command has to think about. are there specific legitimate military targets that will compel iran to tell its proxies to stop the shooting?
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eric: what if you go in and wrapped it up further to give iran a real message president trump took out soleimani. soleimani successor as the heads of the force of the eye rgc. can there be some type of way to assassinate him? they. >> however you think about it, they have blood on their hand and in my opinion he is late legitimate military target. as to ratcheting up? i'll say one thing the pentagon has looked at wargames in iran and many scenarios over these past decades. but what we hear the white house saying is they want to de-escalate this. so, how do they do it? i'll try one thing those b-1 bombers in a a very strong message because u.s. led airstrikes dropped over 100,000 bombs on the anti icing system targets in syria and iraq back
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in 2014 -- 2018. so we have the capacity to hit militia and proxy targets. but i think it really is time for biden to make a decision about striking on a legitimate a radiant military target like the ship, like the oil determiner that will try to turn off this tear at the source. which is of course iran. stew for the ayatollah and others are saying iran would then respond to that attack and potentially could escalate. do you see a point where iran would say enough? we are not going for that was how the b-1's flight from texas we know what happened isis. >> yes and i think they are close to that point. remember the white house actually asked china to put pressure on iran. scary development there. houthis does support this i suspect the white house is hoping iran is about to start shaking in their boots but it is just hard to say if even these heavy strikes on a limited targets that are enough to make
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that happen. eric: will see what happens in the next few days at the houthis stop pushing the launch button and stand back. dr. rebecca grant always good to see a thank you. arthel: is weight mentioned uk join that u.s. in striking down dozens of houthis targets and yemen on saturday british defense secretary is reminding all sides to exercise restraint saying war is" no one's interest let's go to stephanie bennett who is live in london with more reaction from the international community, stephanie? >> arthel, yes. many are bracing for what is to comment leaders around the world are reacting today to both the u.s. airstrikes on iraq and syria and also this latest round in yemen. british defense secretary said the strikes on it houthis targets over the red sea are not an escalation of the conflicts confirming three sites were hit by typhoon jets is more than 30
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targets were struck in the third wave of joint uk and u.s. attacks on the iran backed group uk prime minister said the recent attacks on uk in international vessels were unacceptable it is our duty to protect innocent lives and preserve freedom. of course this comes at theo's hit sites in syria and iraq on friday following the deadly attack on the u.s. military base in jordan. we are getting more reactions on that from around the world today starting here in london of course a spokesperson said the uk supports the u.s. move on iraq and syria sing they had the right to respond please attacks in opposition foreign ministry saying in part quote it is obvious the airstrikes are deliberately designed to further inflame the conflicts. trying to drive the largest countries in the region on conflicts. russia also called for an urgent united nations security council meeting over the airstrikes which is expected to happen tomorrow. meanwhile during a meeting this
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weekend in brussels the european union foreign policy chief called on all parties to avoid further escalation in the middle east and helps the war does not continue to spread and the bells and foreign affairs minister called the airstrikes a huge concern asked her restraint and diplomacy. next we have been repeating once and again the middle east can explode request call for restraints. we know of vi violence is nevern answer. >> and for now more u.s. strikes are expected to continue. if i've stephanie bennett live in london thank you for. >> back in our country more than a dozen republican governors right now the southern border supporting texas and the lone star state standoff with president biden we are live in eagle pass, texas with those governors to show you what they are doing right now straight ahead on "fox news live" in. no, not you saquon. hm?
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>> all i know is this for the open border policy joe biden has allowed could no longer be tolerated. he has the ability, as we speak this very moment, to take action to shut down the border and stop illegal immigration. joe biden does not need more
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legislative authority he just needs a backbone to step up and do his job and secure the border. so far texas governor greg abbott moments ago hosting more than a dozen republican governors for a firsthand look at the border. touting their efforts to try to stop the record flow of migrants into the midst of that standoff between the lone star state and the bite administration over the keeping feds shall be part of the governors from montana, arkansas, saw the situation for themselves firsthand jeff and paul is they are in eagle texas with what the governors did and their reactions. hi jeff. >> hey there eric would texas governor greg abbott welcoming more than a dozen other governors from around the country right here to eagle pass, texas a short time ago. he delivered border security briefing and right now he is giving them a firsthand and up close look at the situation that his state faces right here at the u.s./mexico border among the
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governments and made the trip to texas you've got georgia governor brian kemp, arkansas governor sarah huckabee standards as well as new hampshire governor chris sununu the trip was twofold part of his two pit physically see the situation up close during the shelby park area governor abbott is not only deployed an increasing amount of texas national guard soldiers, he is putting up more barriers and more razor where his limiting the federal government access to the park to processing it migrants who might cross into the u.s. but because the bite administration believes very actions are unconstitutional there is now an ongoing legal showdown between the white house and governor abbott. many of these governors like tendtennessee's ability are hero show their support. >> these governors are here together today to do our job which is the job the federal government has failed to do and that is to protect this country. each one of us understand the devastating effects that the
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border policy has had on every one of our states individually. cooks georgia governor brian kemp also added shortly after governor lead there that no matter where your state's position, how geographically close you are to the u.s./mexico border because of the situation and according to his words every state now is a border state texas governor greg abbott adding his state right now is the only one in the history of the u.s. to build its own border wall. according to him he says he will not back down trying to secure his section of the border. eric: you see it here in new york city every day. jeff, thank you. arthel: on this hot said there's a looming battle on capitol hill. any moment now the text of the sentence bipartisan border bill will be released it's a massive piece of legislation and aims to fix the crisis at our southern border while sending made to our allies overseas. meanwhile on the house side will
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be crucial or upset time foreign policy to the border they are ready to vote on a clean standalone israel aide built all of this in the wake of house republicans efforts to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas for his handling of the border crisis. >> this border is out of control. all these problems have mounted in the center has been dithering ever since we cannot wait anymore. the reason we were going to send the new israeli package over is because a time as urgently if you take care of that responsibility. >> a spring in republican congressman carlos gimenez he's is onthe home in committee. so first of all do you think speaker johnson should have waited for the senate to release language of his bipartisan border bill containing $17.6 billion in emergency funding for israel additional aid to ukraine and immigration reform compromise?
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>> no, i do not think he needs to it's a big mistake by the senate to do that. it really will then say it was congress all along that created the problem of the border and that's not true the president can control the border today if you wanted to he does not need any legislation from congress to do that. frankly the only way were going to get this border of the control is to have a new president president biden will not do it and so even if he signed an agreement we have an agreement with the president i don't trust him to follow through on it because what he is said of the border has been on purpose this are the first day of his presidency. >> will come back to that meanwhile now i like to listen to what senator kristen sinema as you know she's an independent from arizona she was on "face the nation" on cbs this morning. let's take a listen. >> i do not know it speaker johnson will do in this but ges out of the senate. what i do know for five months my republican colleagues have demanded, and i think rightfully so, that we address the border crisis as part of a national
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security package. cook's what is your reaction? >> look again, i don't believe -- the president today can control the border. the governor of texas was absolute read the prayer president could do it today. he does not need additional authority from congress to do that. what he's asking for is more money so we can process more people. know what he has done is purposefully open the border, overwhelmed our resources and said hey i need more stuff, more things, more money, people so i can process the people coming and it was caused by you you can also stop it. and i believe this is a mistake. this always at the feet of joe biden he has the ability to fix it. and now if we come up with a fix he could say it was the republicans in congress it tied my hands along and now i can fix the border.
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that's a bunch of baloney. arthel: what if he does the opposite one of president biden says okay through executive action i'm going to close the border. i'm going to do exactly what i went down there than what would you say in congress if he does that? >> or rate you should have done that from the first two. he should never have changed the truck policies that were working. we will say see we told you you made a big mistake and for three years you have been doubling down on it. i know you have to go back to it worked. this is your responsibility as you are doing when you can undo it anytime you want but he does not want to do that and he won't do that because if he does he will be proven wrong. and so this is what's going on back and forth. again this is all is making. he does not need congress to fix it he is just blaming us because we did not give him the resources he needed to fix it for his one who created it, he can fix it with a snap of the finger prick works house minority leader at hakeem hakees was on nbc this morning he was
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addressing impatient homeland security secretary, let's listen. >> what does impeaching secretary mayorkas happy with fixing the challenges of the border? the answer is absolutely nothing. this is a partisan political stunt. it should be abandoned by her or my republican oxygen looked answer minority leader jeffrey's question? >> 'a secretary along with president biden have violated the law. the breach the public trust when he needs to be impeached. this is the duty given to us at the hom home and security. we will do it. congress is only action, the only steps we can take when we see the executive not doing their job is to impeach the secretary. it is unfortunate that we have to do that. but it's obvious we have to in order to send a message. you need to do your job just follow the law. and we can't control the border
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they refused to do that and so that is what we have to do. we are the prosecutors have. we are the prosecutors in the senate is the jury. and that the trial. we've got to do our job. we have sufficient evidence to impeach him hopefully it will go to the senate and they will try him. will he succeed question are probably not you need two thirds of the senate to go ahead and convict secretary mayorkas but it's a clear signal that congress, at least the house is not happy with his actions or the actions of the president. arthel: the american people would say they are the jury. listen to this a former president trump is calling on republicans to wait for a perfect immigration bill do you worry about possible backlash from voters think the gop is willing to let the border crisis burned for nine months in case trump is reelected? >> look the only robe are going to fix the borders to have a new president. that's the only way.
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you could have a perfect bill. our laws are fine the border was pretty much under control until president biden said the stroke of his pen executive orders change everything and causes massive chaos that we have at the border. i've been saying all along i think it's a mistake for us to say in congress we can help fix this know it's the president has to fix it. executive orders have been changed we can only ask you what if present biden wins again? christ we are in trouble this is obviously on purpose. it is been on purpose since day one we are going to keep on having more and more of it. he can ignore it he actually ignored us for three years we been asking him to control the border asking him to restore the state and mexico policy. do parole on a case-by-case basis do all of those things that would keep the border under
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control the reasoni ratio so may migrants coming to the united states as they got there were tt come and you're going to get in. before it was you can come but the chances of getting enter 10%. that halted the flow of migrants coming into the united states as soon as he became president stopped. wesson had remained in mexico i have to go congressman i do appreciate your time on the sunday afternoon thank you very much. what to remind everybody fox and friends will interview senator james lankford tomorrow morning. he is lead gop negotiator on the senates border security bill of course we are expecting the text of that bill to drop in the moment. want to make sure you watch fox and friends tomorrow morning as well. eric: 's biggest of the migrants and migrants is suspected of the horrible beating up to new york city police officers in times square officials say they may have committed other crimes
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right before you happen there as it was caught on video. in the meantime the progressive districtdistrict attorney alving says some of the suspects well know have they not been identified and caught they could be gone. cb cotton live in new york city with much more on that for some escape to california? >> hi eric that is correct the "new york post" reports customs and border protection has issued warrants for some of the migrant men who are believed to be headed for the california/mexico border in the meantime we are getting a clear picture about what happened before to officers again were kicked and stomped out in times square right outside a migrant shelter. some members of the nypd taking reports in speaking to employees at the store just yesterday. those employees tell fox some of the migrant men came in and stole several handbags just before the initial assault. sources tell me investigators are now probing whether some the suspects are tied to a larger
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theft ring in the city. as nypd continues search for other men involved in the attack, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg is standing by his decision to release five other suspects without bail. this week will he finds a surveillance video disturbing and disgusting his team had to make sure the right people were arrested for the right crimes. over the weekend bragg added his team would not rest until everyone was held accountable republican near city councilwoman says there may never be any accountability for somebody suspects were thought to have left the city. >> these guys are gone. who are you investigating question of what you're going to do? they don't live here anymore. if they know they are getting away with this now, we just open the door to a whole bunch of illegals to do whatever they want war on our caucus. we were on our city because
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there are zero consequences. >> of the migrant men who were erected this week, only one was ordered to be held in jail on cash bail d.a. bragg's said he will present evidence in this case to a grand jury this upcoming tuesday. steve are still shocking, cb thank you. do you have no surprise in south olanta president biden winning the first official 2024 democratic primary in a landslide. but the abysmal voter turnout has some concern about the future of his campaign. we will break down the numbers coming up next. ld's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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the space for present biden when they sell quite a democratic primary in a landslide for those generally expected but extremely low voter turnout is raising some concerns of the president's reelection bid. turns out only 4% of registered democrats turned out at the
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polls in south carolina yesterday. that's compared to 16% one biden when the state. what's going on? associate editor joints is now. the low turnout because the president was expected, as he did to walk away with it he got 96% of the vote orders are growing concerns about an enthusiasm gap? it was a very tiny turnout. but if you had a choice between going to the polls, taking time out of your day i'm going to vote for somebody who would you know it's going to win and the alternatives on the ballot dean phillips, mary ana williamson these are not big names that would attract a lot of voters to come out to the polls against biden. if you have the choice between going and taking time out of your day are watching a nfl highlight reruns i think you saw
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that play out in south carolina i'm not sure i would take too much away from any conclusions about overall enthusiasm. i think that clicks in when you have a campaign between a biden and evidently trump or haley if that happens. and i think in both cases you are seeing a little bit of a lack of enthusiasm in the base of both candidates. biden has some trouble now the little bit less support from african-american voters and liberals as well as the young. former president trump in new hampshire and in iowa are some very interesting results from ap vote cast survey found 21% of new hampshire republicans would not vote for trump if you are the candidate 15% and iowa and independeindependence in new hae voted just 31% for president trump. you're going to lead is not more
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than 31% of independent secure the national campaign you are seeing some erosion of enthusiasm in the base of both of these candidates both of them are older both of them in and around politics for a long time and may be over familiar to voters for great some of the base with the trump base would say are more energetic and or committed for hampton somebody biden base but that chattering class of the bel beltway are all looking at each other in washington d.c. talking about the president wha what is chancs are. you have other people in the background gavin newsom and others. is that over rocks? will it change? we see independence move towards mr. biden or some polls show president trump still on top. >> we do not know yet, do we question what the winning candidate is going to have to get a large proportion of the independent vote it does seem a
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form president trump has a track record now the concern about the indictments against him the fact his been found guilty of sexual harassment and defamation these problems are going to a road the appeal to independence but we are not going to really know though the election campaign gets underway. right now former president trump has the edge and some key swing states that might change it might not change. one thing to keep her really close eye on is in pulling the voters now who have said for a couple of years now that the economy is top on the list of concerns. they feel inflation was biden's fault it was really the fault of the pandemic. but they blame it president biden and they are concerned about the economy in the direction of the country and the economy have that vote, how that concert is going to change now that you have a robust economy
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3.3 gdp growth in the first quarter and credible gangbusters employment number this past friday. inflation has been slashed. that message, you and i follow because it's in the news business but it takes several months for the electorate which is busy with jobs and other responsibilities to get the word inthe economy is quite robust. i was just going to say quickly we are out of time now but some the democrats are saying that message is not yet gotten across largely to the american people the success of the economy the record unemployment rate as well as the bills the present has been able to pass by. >> for. >> that is rights. and let's see in the next couple of months. people make their decisions foun election to hone in on who they want. you still have a few months before that to get your message across post- former president trump and president biden.
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the economy is now for president biden a good story to tell. steve will be potential of the races we head into the next few months jon bussey of the wall street journal thank you for your will be interviewing presidential candidate nikki haley. that will be on your world at 4:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox news channel and will have more news on fox news live when we come back. caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time
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arthel: more and more professional so they're feeling the effects of burnout in the workplace is too long hours made even longer by smart phones, e-mails and always on work culture for even ceos report symptoms like anxiety, trouble sleeping, weight gain that evenn ptsd. how can workers find a better work/life balance?
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bring in fox news contribute or dr. marc siegel. what is the answer? >> first, thanks for having me. this is an epidemic. deloitte pointed out in a survey last year end three quarters of all workers have symptoms of burnout the ceo study you just referred to that i should be of economic research that their lifespan ceos are being shortened by 1.5 years in 1900 resigned last year ceos know what's going on? some of it is returning to the workforce from the pandemic where people were working remotely now they are in person but that's not all of the people are doubting their skills. people do not have a proper balance between network life and their home life. people are feeling unappreciated. that brings on symptoms i worry about anxiety, depression, sleeplessness. they have abdominal questions things like that. i obviously want to counter that
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with things i just mentioned exercised is huge to break the cycle. i would recommend go to sleep earlier than you think you need to see you don't have to worry i have to get for the alarm clock and eating a proper diet. that's only part of it. how can you get your boss to pay attention to you in the right way when you don't feel picked questionnaire consists are going to go to next what can managers do to minimize workplace burnout? managers should be encouraged employees to speak out. what is your employee look like to the look lethargic at the desk? encourage them to get up and take frequent breaks as you know at fox we have apples and really healthy food people can eat we put in all kinds of new coffee machines and water it you can have taking frequent breaks, walking around the office and
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socializing during work is really important. and as a boss you have to encourage your workers to speak up and say what they are unhappy about. arthel: our kitchens are awesome and the coffee is great it's cool to just go in there you are right you run into coworkers ann your church out there. moving on, what role does family life play and avoiding or easing workplace burnout? that's a balance at the great point also you have to make sure you have a balance of a vacation go somewhere nice. you do not compound the problem by bringing the anxiety and stress home without being aware where it is coming from but stay attuned to her your stress is coming from. i think a yoga is terrific by the way is a possibility. relaxation exercises, a like they did exercise an early the morning if i can i see that the built fox and friends and they said were getting here at 2:00 a.m. in the morning so then
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it's gotta be at the end of the day. it makes you do a daily exercise even if it's just walking. walking your dog. >> i miss my dogs. i got 45 seconds i've got to get this in here. what do you say to those who fear they don't give two 100% of their jobs. they might lose their job. quickset is a really important problem some of that's on part of the worker. i'm a that's a tough boss you you have that feeling. you need feedback if you are a worker. yunion stated during a job well done if you're behind the scenes our producers at fox are terrific. they need pats on the back because they are not the ones like me and you on the camera. they do a tremendous job putting things together and we have to pat them on the back bosses have to do that. arthel: high five for my producers for sure.
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dr. marc siegel thank you very much. will be back after this a break. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. polly pratts wore many hats. they came from past jobs in fact. every time she experienced something new, her stack of hats grew. she even served turkey legs with what's on tap, all while wearing a viking hat. then she found a place her many hats would be embraced. and she couldn't hide the excitement from her face. so, polly traded in her hats to help earn her grad cap!
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a collection of sneakers worn by michael jordan just set a new
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record on the auction block dubbed the dynasty collection it fetched $8 million on friday. it's mostly made of nike air jairjordan, all worn when jordad the chicago bulls won their to 3p championships in 1991 -- 1993 and again 96 through 98. eric: did you say $8 million? arthel: he did say 8 million. eric: comedian get this, fired by saturday night live is going to come back and host the show. shane gillis you see there is first hired by snl five years ago. then he was dumped after video surfaced of him using racial and homophobic slurps. christina coleman live with this unlikely comeback story and los angeles. >> hi eric. back in 2019 snl hired the committee for the cassa same to the show announced the hiring of shane gillis video surfaced during the st standup comic usig racial slurs and a comedy podcast for saturday night live
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reverse course and fired gillis within a week. now gillis has one of the most popular standup specials on netflix snl has invited him to host their show on february 24th. also by the lights just announce it will be sponsoring gillis comedy tour which will have 14 shows and bud light is no stranger to controversy. the backlash they received from conservatives parting with transgender influencer dylan mulvaney led to a drop in sales the company is still recovering from. on instagram a bud light spokesperson wrote welcome to the team excited to be part of your 2024 tour. there is a mixed reaction to having gillis hosted snl show. they publicly addressed the apparent change of heart. eric? eric: thank you. arthel wheat waits for shane gillis you have the grammys tonight. >> yes that is what i am waiting for it's all about the music.
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i'm here for the grammys everything before, after, during and all of the above all things grammy for me. but before the grammys mr. jon scott will be up on the fox report 6:00 p.m. eastern so check out jon scott for the check out jon scott for the latest news. we will be together again next week and requested a swiss chalet. arthel: they won't be what am i. arthel: they won't be what am i. saying to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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