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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  February 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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tend to divide us, most of us long for winter to be over and spring to come, for those who spent a few days in sub artic wa for the caucus, that is true. let us suspense science for a moment and place your collect of happiness in the hands or shadow of a ground hog. and hope for spring and further hope uniquely american rituals that unite us, can remain untarnished. thank you for spending start of your sunday night with us, hope you have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on line at gowdy america or trey gowdy podcast, do good night from sout
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♪ >> hello i am griff jenkins with nicole saphier, mollie hemingway and charlie hurt, welcome to "the big weekend show". the big story tonight, big embarrassment for president biden, new pulling out today gives former president trump a double-digit lead on top issues for voters including the economy and i immigration. the polling is probably not something at a swanky los angeles hotspot for hunters birthday could fix when asked to is better on the economy 55% said trump, 33% said biden, trump's lead expand by more than 30% when voters are asked about immigration and border security. here is trump earlier on "sunday morning futures". >> we want just about everything that we attached we had record numbers as you know, big records in new hampshire and iowa was the largest percentage anybody has ever won by. we have a tremendous victory and
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i would think it would be soon, i would certainly think so, were leading biden in every poll. >> trump success seems to pass biden off according to political biden called him as sick as bomb and that as a leap not a surprise considering biden's history of fouled language [bleep] >> what is stupid [bleep] >> is a damn liar, that is not true. >> at line dogface pony soldier. >> remember who the hell we are. >> he actually said that, how dare he say that. griff: wash that man that was soap, the slip of the tongue are the only worries for the reelection campaign. a new report says there bracing for the outcome of the classified documents probed. specifically the investigation will find embarrassing details
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and possibly with photos, that is of course the robert hur investigation. we know and remember the boxes of documents of the corvette and the delaware home and this polling is quite something. this is an nbc poll with the numbers and if your name is joe biden and you're looking for a pony, you do not find it on nbc. an nbc analyst were very adamant to point out that this is the worst the joe biden is done, this is something we put together of nbc folks talking about how significant this lead is. listen here. >> we have been testing for five years now going back to 2019 the biden trump matchup, remember 2019, 2020, joe biden led big in every single one of our polls for the first time in november, donald trump pulled ahead and now it five points this is the biggest lead nbc has ever had and 16 polls for donald trump
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over joe biden. griff: nicole what do you make of it. nicole: i was looking at the polls if you compare them from july 2023 same nbc, donald trump has gone from 42% to 47% that is a sizable jump, where joe biden went and had a significant decrease were president trump went up a little bit. there is a widening and i don't know who i'm going to vote for anymore. people are certainly going from biden to being unsure but i advertise a little bit with president biden, i would be pissed to if i were him. he was in his cushy retirement, got plucked out by the democratic party to have the covid campaign from his basement now is trying to do this presidency where everyone seems to be calling the shots for him. but president trump has not gone on to do what other presidents do he did not do his speeches for millions of dollars in writing a book and going away into the background, what is he done he has shown what a fighter
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he is. that is pacing biden off i'd be pissed two. at the end of the day when we start to witness the beginning of what could potentially be a world war iii possibly because the president biden and some of his foreign policies. i think the united states wants a fighter and one that we know that can be tough on iran. griff: you talk about the fighting a lot of people pointed to the indictment after indictment for for criminal indictments one of the 90 charges he's facing and a lot of people he is fighting that in the courtroom is turning into a campaign trail and of course trump has made as such. and in this poll and the only bright spot that biden pulled ahead of trump when voters are asked about their ballot choice if the former president is convicted and even in that case he is only up to point. >> that is within the margin of error. >> it is clear they made prosecuting their top political
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opponent and put him in prison, their campaign strategy which is a weird thing to be in a country where that is happening and you hear about that and other countries and you think of the soviet union and not the united states of america, use all ruth marcus being very worried that some of the quick and easy convictions and democrat places might not be able to happen before the election if it did not happen the entire election could be in jeopardy thereby conceded this is the democrat campaign strategy. >> i heard a lot of people say i'm concerned about this. donald trump is innocent until proven guilty, that is actually what we are dealing with and when you're dealing with politicized property enter prosecutions and democrat jurisdiction and juries for quick conviction before an election, i don't think people view this as a legitimate trial, whether or not he is convicted, the whole point is to convict him, people are getting ready for that, i'll be curious if and
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when when we see people switching votes. >> you mentioned ruth marcus my colleagues in the media very worried about this, we put a little mixed about together. watch. >> some headwinds and not pull. >> headwinds to say the least. >> not good, this polling seems to dog this administration after everything is seemingly does. >> 70 bad numbers coming up for biden, they say the race is not been fully engaged, voters are tuned out and what is a contrast to the be much different and that has to be concerning even if the biden campaign brushes it off. griff: not good. charlie: i guess it depends on your perspective. 22 points down on the economy is joe biden, 35 points on the border which polls show if not the top issues were voters right now. it does not get much worse and
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to be the most troubling thing that your point they have spent every rhetorical bullet and bullet to stop donald trump what are they going to do between now and november. they don't have any ammo left, this might be a high watermark for joe biden to be five points over donald trump and for joe biden to be only five points by donald trump. and not only have democrats and the media ran out of ammunition to throw donald trump and ease the holding billions of dollars of negative and a lot of it false advertising against donald trump that he managed to persevere, donald trump won in 2016 because of the issues he was right on the border and he was right on the economy, energy expiration and is running the
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campaign again now as we go through the election and the campaign the more and more donald trump manages to make the selection about issues it's only going to help them not all the issues but not just economy but i think those are high points, on all the issues he always wins on the issue, it is his personality. >> you talk about the issues, go ahead. >> look at present minus twitter or x profile to realize how out of touch he is with the american people and to know he's trainable over the voters eyes. he put out a tweet and he should donald trump have any deficit saying the only president since the great depression and he fails to message obvious of what happened during that time and americans are much smarter than president biden wants to give them credit for. >> yesterday molly was talking about the first time we will get
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to compare the previous presidents record for the first time with the modern era. i also want to point out lastly, the problem that biden also has with young people they are very upset that genocide joe owned the young folks by jim clyburn that rescued his nomination in south carolina in 2020 is now trying to put a spin on why he's lucky with the youngsters, watch this. >> if they tell me the only issue is with style is not about substance joe biden is not the type of person to repeat rap songs into be a tv personality. joe biden is all about substance, there is no substitute. >> what do you think. >> he can hope that it would be interesting to see how it works but i don't think people have a huge probable joe biden style
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although he is very difficult and mumbles and gets angry. the issues of policy and that's what the democrat party might be a little bit of trouble but there has been that much disagreement on their policies they all tend to agree on the open border on the academy on foreign policy and you not see those debates of the democrat party that you would see in a healthier party. >> we will see if president biden hits the trail and starts to hit the headaches in the fall. >> a fox news alert, the senate has released 280 page long border deal, we're pouring through right now, working to talk about that. >> it's weird to rail against cancel culture, i was a victim of it for lack of a better word. >> cancel culture for comedian shane gillis, is a gentle parenting approach working for
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>> we are back with a fox news alert the senate releasing the language of the border deal moments ago after a busy day of ridiculous delays on the hill, senators kyrsten sinema and lindsey graham help negotiate the deals we've been hearing about for weeks. here's what they had to say earlier today. >> went to many people approach the border asking to come in seeking asylum we are mandating that the government shut down the border if those numbers get to 5000 a day. we are permitting the government to shut down the border when it only gets to 4000 approaches a day. the reason we do that, we want to be able to shut down the system when it gets overloaded. >> the oldest game in town is to bring in a pouring piece of legislation right before holiday were before break, process wise were knocking to deal with the next week it's too important it's a real change in parole and expedited removal.
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>> i want to go to you first, what are the things that they're mentioning everything eager to see is a 5000 people crossing a single day they could have the potential to pull back on that. i want to put things up into respective the fact that 10000 babies are born in the united states every day, 8000 americans die every day, that is a net of 2000 increased our population, however, we are saying arbitrarily, we could still have 5000 asylum-seekers and i think to 11 of the bill is when they start talking about it and they say the secretary may act to fake the border emergency of seven consecutive calendar days there is an average of 4000. >> it's worth pointing out that you found this. my eyes are so blind reading to the pdf we've been scrambling and you're talking about discretionary activation, the border authority we lost title 22 and congress has to give the authority inside his dhs secretary mayorkas for a future one could do so the discretionary activation is an average of 4000 but it continues
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mandatory activation during a period of seven consecutive calendar days if there's an average of 5000 or more illegal aliens encounter each day and on any one calendar day a combined total of 8500 or more illegals are encounter. here is the problem with this, first of all if you have 8501 day that is a record shattering number literally when i was in eagle pass we saw that the first time in september and october when i was there 8000, 9000, 10000, it overwhelms 51 agents, completely overwhelms our system that is why the cartels are seeing those numbers because they knew the administration would not turn them away. in this case having a mandatory activation allows the cartels to say cool, we will keep it under 4000 where we will keep it under
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5000 or we will keep it under 8500 to gain the system, to gain the system is what we gotta begin with, there is a law already without passing this which is title 81325 which makes it a felony for any single person to illegally cross the river into the u.s., that is a law that they choose not to enforce. in this case, the mandatory activation number of 5000. the fact that anybody sat down to write the bill and think it was okay for thousand 999 was okay is absolutely laughable, that's why speaker john said is saying no, the last point i want to make about this, i was hunting for a number. i hear from other experts edited this business for their entire adult lives, they say they worry about implementation, when you put an arbitrary number if this passes, the moment it passes the pro-illegal immigrant crowd, aclu and others will look at the
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arbitrary number and sue based on that entitled legislation and court therefore it never gets implemented and were right back to square 0 with the crisis on our southern border. nicole: molly what you make of the one half of the 30 to 70 page document. mollie: griff is right about all the into things in particular cartels control our border and we completely hinted that over to them and it is doubtful that will change significantly with any legislation that is passed. secondly the issue whether or not legislation is needed and what i mean by that we have lost about the border and the president has decided to go out of his way to not enforce the law as written, what does an additional law do to solve the issue whenever president is been very intentional about opening of the border, he campaigned on the issue on his first day in office he began issuing executive order were resending executive order that the previous presen president had io
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keep some control over the border he wants these numbers coming into the country. the idea that the legislation will constrain him is absurd and i think you see it and the type of people negotiating this young joe biden, chuck schumer and kyrsten sinema, lindsey graham these are not people in any way as people who care about securing the border. nicole: can i add one more thi thing, would you talk about a number, 4000 or 5000 or 8500. of the 4000 days that we just had in the 508,500 days, none of them, maybe a handful qualified to meet the threshold of credible fear to get the asylum court date in the notice to appear release that they got. there is nothing in here to the administration and they have tougher asylum restrictions but that is not forcing the administrations hand to deny people who crossed illegally and immediately turned back around to mexico if they failed to meet a credible fear threshold. >> the whole thing is a complete
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sham these people are fundamentally ridiculous. it's been 38 years since 1986 immigration the last 1986 immigration bill, these people 40 years which is the entire time joe biden has been in washington to address these problems, they have failed to do it, the only reason that they are playing the charade game right now and pretending like they actually care is because they're facing an election where this is the number one issue for many voters and democrats realize they're going to pay egregious price for it. i think even republicans in washington realize they're going to pay a aegis price because donald trump is going to retake their party away from them and they're in the process of that now, if you listen to maria bartiromo's interview with donald trump it was fascinating, the language that he was talking about the border and what he was going to do to fix the border and talking about the way the cartels and other countries are
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not sending their best, you could've taken that exact line in the precise speech he gave in 2015 when he announced but everybody lost her mind when he was talking about it. but that campaign issue is a perfect issue and he's going to win because these clowns in congress in joe biden have failed to do the job at the border. nicole: were to be talking about this a lot in the next few days and see the bow at the middle the week and really here tomorrow and "fox & friends" were the lead republican negotiator for the senate border deal senator james lankford will join "fox & friends" tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. eastern to discuss the deal further. coming up i cancel culture. [applause] as comedian shane gillis get the perfect revenge on the show that fired him, that is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> tonight the united states killed the leader of isis, trump comes out at midnight marks out of midnight and says al-baghdadi is dead he died like a dog in front of the whole world. we can hear him crying i said i said don't cry. >> welcome back to "the big weekend show" him a comedian shane gillis who was fired from "saturday night live" before he could even start is negative the perfect revenge, he will now host the show in a few weeks. fox news correspondent christina coleman is in los angeles tonight. >> back in 2019 snl hired the comedian to join the cast the same day they announced the hiring of shane gillis video
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surfaced showing the standup comic using the comedy podcast. "saturday night live" reverse course and fire gillis within a week. now gillis has one of the popular standup specials are not flex and ethanol has invited them to host their show on february 24 also bud light just announced it would be sponsoring the comedy tour which 14 shows, bud light is no stranger to controversy, the backlash that they receive from conservatives after partnering with transgender influencer dylan mulvaney led to a drop in sales that the company is still recovering from. on instagram a bud light spokesperson wrote welcome to the team shane gillis, excited to be part of your 2242 or his mixed reaction having gillis host the snl shell but neither gillis nor "saturday night live" have publicly addressed s&ls. change of heart. mollie: this is absolutely fascinating that this is happening five years after he was canceled by "saturday night live". in the last five years they
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really leaned into identity politics over humor instead of having people that they choose with the cast because they're funny you choose people for the cast because they check off identity boxes. it was interesting when this happened because five years it was up-and-coming he was somebody that shane gillis had a lot of red state audiences liked nec need to have a revenge because it become so popular in the last five years he actually talked about his cancellation on joe rogan and let's take a look about what he had to say. >> what was your experience like with the s&l debacle thing what was that like. >> it was very, very crazy there are not many people that you can talk to about it. it makes you not trust people. it's rare for me to rail against cancel culture. i was a victim of it for a lack of a better word. a people bring up cancel cultu
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culture. >> what do you think about this they had somebody that didn't trump a person nation that they did not bring on the think s&l regrets what they did. >> i love this story because he says i am a victim of cancel culture but shane you are the survivor of cancel culture, you stuck to your guns and he said another interview i want to be a comedian i'm knocking a rail on "saturday night live" i'm not going to come up with a comedy stick that all i become is the guy that got canceled from "saturday night live" i'm going to be a comedian and he's been wildly successful, that is why he's back and it's a giant meeting of crow for s&l and i think it is great that bud light who in all fairness to bud light everybody gets a second chance i lost my way we made mistakes and were trying to get back we also
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lost $27 billion so were looking for the right guy, not only is he going to host snl but the affirmation that a company that is in crisis, bud light not realize it can be apolitical beer business needed a guy that identifies with their beer drinkers. nicole: one of the things that he just said they were looking for the right guy they knew he was right guy, the spokesperson for s&l said they're not going to hire him they said after talking with shane gills he will not be joining s&l we want them to have a variety of oysters and a point of view within the show and we hired him on the strength of his talent and his impressive audition for s&l, they said he is great but apparently in the last ten years he said things that may offend someone but he said i will apologize for anything that is offensive sometimes to push the boundaries under boundaries and make bad jokes. >> comedians offend people. >> kind of appoint.
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>> bud light is in trouble because the alienated the entire audience in their bringing on shane gillis to help with the problem but shouldn't they have done that anyway does that make up for what they did by embracing radical hiring a funny guy which is something they could've done five years ago. >> they not only alienated they mocked and ridiculed and dismissed the entire audience. another thing with what you're saying he is not changing is not, s&l has come back to him and he's doing the same thing. watching the trump impersonation is so fantastic. it's actually fantastic, alex baldwin his impersonation is terrible angry and nasty and you can't get past himself, most of all it's not funny remotely. i think this is really dangerous for the left.
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if a guy can do a funny impersonation of trump on s&l not that everybody watches it because it's total garbage it is not funny but the fact that he would do that on s&l and people look at that and they realize all my goodness, this is funny and if you open up a little glimmer that donald trump is funny this is a funny impersonation you wind up with the keer of trumped arrangements and arm that it's hard to hate a guy that you think is kind of funny in the sky delivers the funny impersonation of trump. >> i wonder if this is an indication s&l is thinking that donald trump might be the next president and they need to do a better job this time around. nicole: the house speaker delivers a new message to president biden. >> we should not be appeasing iran that is what the biden administration has been doing for the last three years we are projecting weakness on the world
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stage. >> is l.a. dodgers $700 million superstar gaming the golden state? the tax loophole that has california liberals raging tonight. (♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪) it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. -my instruction manuals. -do you even have -that juicer anymore? -no, i don't. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. he doesn't even have the juicer.
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>> we are back with a fox news alert new video of the missile launch against iranian proxies in yemen is republican slammed his weak response. lucas tomlinson is live in las vegas with the president tonig tonight. >> president biden arrived a few hours ago here in las vegas where he gave his first on camera reaction to the airstrikes he ordered across three countries in the middle east against iran's proxy forc forces. >> other strikes working mr. president? >> are the airstrikes working?
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>> yes. >> let's look at the video from the central command showing tomahawk from the missile destroyers uss carney to destroy the rebel army last night. at the end a short clip of the super hornet launching from the eisenhower red sea. the strikes will continue in the reports of more strikes in yemen today. >> the president was clear when he ordered them and conducted them and that was the beginning of the response he. last night american and british jets were part of the package to hit 36 target that the smaller strike against iran's rebel army back in january 11 it is notable that british warships in the red sea do not have the ability to launch missiles to hit targets on land, no royal navy have that
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capability, here is house speaker mike johnson on what needs to happen with iran. >> we should not be appeasing iran, that the biden administration for the last three years. we are projecting weakness on the world stage and frankly kristen that is why our adversaries are acting so provocatively, what we need to be doing right now is turning up the heat on iran. >> president biden will be speaking at a campaign event here in las vegas before departing back to washington. >> thank you. >> california democrat are taking a closer look into baseball show hey otani megadeal with the dodgers. the modern day record shattering $700 million free agent contract in december. he'll be taking home $2 million per year for ten years and deferring the remaining $680 million until after his
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contract is up and he possibly moved out of state. democrats allege he is trying to avoid california's pricey taxes which could create a $98 million shortfall for the golden state. california top tax rate sits at 14% this date comptroller writes the current system allows for unlimited deferrals for the fortunate enough to be in the highest tax bracket creating significant imbalance in the tax structures exacerbates the income inequality. i urge congress to take immediate and decisive action. charlie: we have a situation, perhaps the most talented guy to ever pick up a baseball bat and throw a baseball and california looks at him and they claim that he is creating a $98 million shortfall for them and they somehow have a right to because he's a amazing baseball player, this is not.
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>> the word he used is right, does the government this talented may be greatest ever play we will find out baseball player gets a contract from the l.a. dodgers for an unbelievable amount of money. he says great here's how i will manage the money and california says that looks good i'm going to take it and get a reach in and take it, that steak controller a little heads up if you move forward with this year to be the reason why shohei ohtani left california and the dodgers in 45 minutes because it is absurd that you would allow the government to count somebody's money and, then take it because it looks like a nice pile. if you gave the guy 15 scoops of ice cream as opposed to the two that the other players are getting you cannot say i am hungry i will eat five years, it is ridiculous, absurd and by the way the cutest dog in baseball
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the coy he was beside my games are you going to charge the dog and take the dog. >> when the contract came out and he said why does he really want to million dollars a year which of course is tremendous wisdom, to million year is like trump change for these guys, of course is going to move to florida and texas after this. why should any, you can say you gaming the system, that's what happens when you have a 14 plus tax rate. >> that's only reason he's willing to go to california and accept the contract to do it this way, this is gavin newsom, california, as of january 1700 illegal immigrants living in california now get access to free healthcare, that is one step towards $3.1 billion a year that california is pushing for
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universal healthcare for all, this is their path to socialize state and everyone's going to have to pay up you can have to pay for. >> everything that these people do and the governments do is all about whether they get money, the reason you walk around new york city or washington and smell skunk weed everywhere you go because politicians figured we will legalize weed and then we will get our cut of the money. >> that is so sad about california where i used to live in it it's really deteriorated through the mismanagement by the state government. they already made it hostile to the middle-class and the ramping up the war on wealth and they should've expected something like this. it is unfair to the industries that are there whether it is baseball or hollywood to expect the people to compete in other states where they don't have the
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regressive tax policies. >> gaming the system is legal this is a legal diversion the guy is great at baseball. >> except california wants to undo all of that so it would be illegal and then they take the money and do nothing to improve anybody's life. coming up nose and getting no shaming, gentle parenting next on "the big weekend show". ♪ introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life.
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charlie: will come back to "the big weekend show" what is the best way to discipline kids. >> you two guys leave me no choice, no television for a we week. now the new trend of gentle parenting a string of debate the huffington post for it, the writing the parents focus on understanding why the child is doing what they're doing in the moment and teach them how to do something different instead, doctor saphier, let me start with you the psychologist in this piece saying you're not
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going to shame them or spank them you to take this other approach, what say you. >> not spanking a child is saying you're not going to take something away they say we need to deal away with adult supremacy which is a little bit ridiculous. as i with my children i don't spank my children. when it comes to my household everything is a privilege not a right the only right in the household is my right to take away things if you do not act accordingly in the whole attitude and don't tell them what to do let's just understand them and sing kumbaya, that's what's getting into a big crime situation all across the country, let's not punish criminals maybe they didn't have a great upbringing they can steal up to $1000 worth of stuff and not be punished. i am all for adult supremacy. >> there is no consequent is there is no learning.
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>> here's what one of the psychologist told the huffington post. rather than inflicting physical or emotional pain or punitive consequences from a stance of adult supremacy, gentle discipline centers around guidance teaching and modeling along with age-appropriate limits and boundaries. nicole: what if we go past what are the limits or boundaries what you do say next time think that. >> let's apply a real-life situation little billy is throwing a tantrum in the middle of safeway at 5:00 o'clock when you're trying to rush home to feed the other four kids, how do you handle that you know what billy understand, let's talk this topic if you're five years old. >> i'm a proud parental supremacist my parents were not this parenting and i think it worked out for well for us.
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one thing missing is not helpful for children to have gentle parenting, they are children they do not know what is going on they are counting on you to help them navigate their way through life and when you leave everything into for everything to them it is confusing and difficult for them. it is not good for anybody or the parents or the children either. my mother did tell me that most of discipline is actually about consistency in schedules it is not really about punishment but you want to have that in your home at all times. >> we have a pull from the article from the children hospital of national pull and this is among other things, 47% of parents want to be more consistent with discipline just like you mentioned in the parents that want to be more patient, 78% patients isn't easy. was your father a gentle parent? charlie: he was always very
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reasonable except over minor things he would get really annoying but on the big things he was very calm about them and we won't go into all of the times he had to become. consistency is crucial, the other thing is discipline is not like dropping the hammer on the kids discipline is teaching a child to be disciplined for himself or herself in their natural state children are terrorist there not to be negotiated with you have to set up a set of incentives and structures and activities and adventures that you got one in which they learn on their own that the world doesn't care what their feelings are and the sooner they rea learn that the e they can get on with the wonderful things that happened in life and all the things you can't control if you have self-discipline speaker great parental device from charlie hurt. stick around the big four is
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what comfort should be. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend to show it is time now for the big four we are actually going to two of the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this coming week and i'm going to go first because i thought this was pretty pretty funny. fifty-cent is calling out new york city mayor eric adams were
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plan to distribute prepaid credit cards to illegal migrants posting on instagram may be trump is the answer? and solving the bidens of border disaster impacting major cities everywhere. i don't think he's the only one having that question. >> and no, in that interview today with maria donald trump talked about doing some rallies and heavily blue places like new york city. and maybe he will show up. did i say that right? >> they keep incentivizing migrants to come illegally more on that. i went to the coming jungle to find out how dangerous the legacy of the cocaine hippos have become from the local residents as they battle an exploding population, take a look. hippos were reproduced a ghost that likes to read there is like 160 hippos spread in one area of columbia. >> there's a real environmental problem peacocks they are very, very dangerous. they have barely started to
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attack people very. >> we are concerned. >> hippos are unpredictable. >> was someone coming out here are the best strategy is to hide it. >> imagine a 3-ton hippo in your kitchen or near your bed. >> the hippos that die didn't get this on fox nation right now it is available. his hippos they could not capture them they are too dangerous they've been multiplying all these years and now they are an invasive species requested on to glory anything about the drug trade there's something so cool about having cocaine hippos that have escaped and wondering. >> they are terrifying, terrifying there draws it is -- >> a great footage and i got close to them. all right that does it for us will see you nex ♪ ♪ i am a shannon bream


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