tv Gutfeld FOX News February 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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>> sean: time for our video of the day. lot of people seem to think this would bring about world peace. take a ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, luke homes and tracy chapman, great song, great job. i'm shocked. that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face. ♪
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>> greg: you are so sweet. thank you. happy monday everyone and hello kamala. so we heard a lot about the wall when trump was in office. but there's another wall when it comes to the border issue, the one between reality and what the media will report. and it's a wall 50 times harder to breach than the one trump was building. but finally it looks like that wall is crumbling like a wicker chair under and a navarro. we've both seen the video of a dozen my grants attacking two cops in times square. the video seems to have broken through the media moat that protects the left and shows everyone what progressive policies on immigration really look like and's scarier than jesse watters without his hair and makeup. yeah.
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for those who support law enforcement, the images have become like the famous rodney king video but in reverse. and it's hard for us to all just get along when we see the people we gave food, shelter and cash then beat up our protectors. and now the media and dems act like they suddenly care. gee, i wonder if it has anything to do with this whole election year thingy. i guess you can't turn the country blue when you're turning its citizens black and blue. and so here in new york, progressives are sweating like aoc trying to make change for a quarter. take manhattan da alvin bragg another sore rose hand pup pet, it was bragg who decided not to even ask for bail for the attackers who predictably fled new york upon release. the biggest mess al's made since someone handed him a slop joe in a spry broughting chair. last week biggal gave a hasty press conference trying to clean up his mess. >> in point we do not tolerate
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or accept assaults on police officers. i watched the tape this week. despicable behavior. it sickened me and outraged me. >> greg: sickened and outraged but not enough to do anything about it, the incompetent boob. this is the same bragg who said in his first day in office that the office will seek dispositions that avoid immigration consequences. that was the cause. and now this is the effect. cause and effect al, just like those cronuts are turning your waistline into the equator. is it me or from day one the illegals have a get out of jail free card not exactly successful prosecutor yet they can't seem to create more incentive. take new york city $53 million program to give prepaid credit cards to migrant families. literal free money handed out to so-called asylum seekers. apparently the pre-loaded cards are only good at grocery stores
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and migrants must swear an affidavit to only spend it on food and baby supplies. yeah and they also promised to lead up on the assault. and then mayor eric adams who promised law and order one vegan lunch at a time. he could rescind the sanctuary status there by allowing cops to cooperate with ice, you remember ice who the dems deemed the worstville and on earth for doing the jobs the dems now desperately need to be done. but adams who preiously say the migrant crisis would destroy new york has apparently vanished into witnessness protection. could it be that visit from the fbi who took his phones and announced they're investigating him. nothing brings an appreciation of biden's policy genius like a looming federal indictment. speaking of migration, there's new york governor kathy hochul whose use of a turkey baster to
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inject botox has her eyebrows migrating to canada. in the wake of the video outrage hochul is now saying that deportation is, quote, worth checking into. yeah, that's just what new york needs is a bold leader who's not afraid to eventually look into things but only after a 2:00 p.m. deep tissue massage. this is the same hochul who has not only a bettedd the criminal justice reforms that allowed the migrants release but signed a law that made it a i crime to even threaten to get someone deported. it's the only thing that keeps me from getting kat sent back to detroit. hochul could also rescind the executive order that bans new york state officials from cooperating with ice. and she could fire alvin bragg for little things like, not doing his job. about you that will be a cold day in hell. maybe that's why her face is frozen. finally, there's joe. let's forget the roughly 90
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trump era border initiatives he revoked when taking office. we know joe certainly has. he forgets the remove his suit before going into his walk-in shower. right now without congress biden could sign an executive order that brings back remain in mexico the simplest most effective border policy we had or invoke this from his government web site and refer specifically to the venezuela migrants dhs may also decide to terminate your parole at its discretion for any reason such as violating the laws of the us if you stay in the u.s. after your parole encounters officials may refer you to ice for immigration proceedings. in other words, joe biden at his discretion could simply order these defendants ejected like a grandchild at a biden family reunion. i know. but he won't. because venezuela won't take
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them back. and anything that resembles common sense makes him agree with the big orange meany. on top huge groups from china were recently seen pouring into the southern border on 60 minutes. a steady stream right through a gap in the fence. who could have seen that coming? and so now senate dems are cooperating with republicans on an immigration deal. it even includes building that immoral wall we keep hearing about. sure they want to make it out of paper ma shea and cotton candy but it's a start. suddenly the dems sound a lot like you know who. that same old democrat specialty that push a policy that feels good but does bad but when it turns to predictable chaos turn into republicans to clean it up. rinse and repeat. chaos junkies addicted to dumb. joe, chuck and nancy, how about a dose of common sense for once
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and when the country really needs it not when you're scared of being thrown out on your asses. >> period! [cheers and applause] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. he's smart, funny and charming, but enough about the guest who dropped out. here's fox news contributor tom shillue! [cheers and applause] >> greg: her commentary gives liberals disintaker, editor and chief of the federalist, mollie hemingway! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he recently grazed the cover of white hobo magazine, tv writer and producer rob long! [cheers and applause] >> greg: and terrorists put her on their watch list, new york times best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: tom, always a pleasure having you on the program. >> tom: yeah. yeah, there you go. very cheery monologue, greg. >> greg: i know, i know.
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but it's amazing that this guy says he couldn't arrest those people because he wasn't sure who they were. why not just take them all in, they're a gang, and then figure it out. >> tom: yeah, and the mayor, now they're giving the free money which is probably better spent if you hand it directly to them than hang it to these non-governmental agencies than everyone else, the amount of waste you can see just walking from here to grand central they have migrants coming out of the hotels right now, and then this border bill which, you've got republicans that are preaching to me, i mean, what's his name? dan. >> greg: crenshaw? >> tom: yeah, he's dan explaining me. you have to read the bill it's in the details. i'm not going to read the bill i don't trust the bill, there's already laws on the border. who needs another bill it's already against the law to come into the country and they're not enforcing that. so i don't need somebody explaining to me and i have looked at the bill, five thousand people a day. that's like if you want to stop
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shoplifting and then you're like, okay, let's build a shipping and receiving doc just for the shoplifters and they can steal 5,000 a day and after that we're going to shut down the shipping and receiving and say you have to go around the front and you have to steal the old fashioned way. >> greg: you know, that is a great analogy [cheers and applause] >> greg: it is. but the problem with this bill is, i'm no even sure what you're saying is correct because i haven't read it. i'm not sure it's 5,000 a day but it's not my problem not to know that, right? i didn't read the bill mollie, i don't know how anyone could, and yet these jackasses put it out there and then they say it must be passed immediately and it's on you, it's on you for not reading it. that just pisses me off because, to tom's point, you know, i'm not playing that game. i'm not going to like ingest this bloated monstrosity because i don't trust you at all anyway. what do you say? i just like babbling. >> mollie: they negotiated this bill in secret for months.
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they wouldn't let anyone know what was going on. then they release it under dark of night and say you have to pass it immediately. the problem was, senator mcconnell and senator schumer what they really want is funding for ukraine. >> greg: right. >> mollie: they said we'll pretend to care about the border if you give us what you want and most of the money in this bill in fact goes to ukraine. but they forgot they were supposed to at least pretend to wear about border security and instead it just code fuse all these things they're already against the hall so they're expanding what is possible in terms of breaking our laws to cross into the country and it is a joke. i mean, i've been in politics for a long time, i have seen a lot. i have never seen anything as offensive as what they're trying to do with this sham border bill. [cheers and applause] >> greg: wow. that's a high bar. i've seen a lot of offensive things. i just saw something in the senate the other week, oh, my god. by the way, they never caught you, rob. >> rob: weirdly they did catch
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me, and thank you for posting the video. >> greg: hey, congratulations on your fox nation special. >> rob: thank you. yes. >> greg: it's called. >> rob: it's called a history of the world in six classes very funny people hosted by jim belushi and the great dan aykroyd, lots of fun all you have to do is sign up for fox nation for the rest of your life and you can watch it. >> greg: i also enjoy the holiday hobo look you're doing. >> rob: thank you. i grew it because i was preoccupied reading the bill, which i read. >> greg: doesn't it bother you how this process works? >> rob: here's what, two things bothers me. one thing is the bill itself, you know what? 5,000 people in, that is going to trigger the trouble. but 5,000's fine. so that means that everything at the border is so messed up that there are people who think, well, 5,000's about as good as we're going to get. like that's considered a win for people who -- which is bananas right. americans are thinking 5,000
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seems like a lot. actually it's not a lot. it's 50,000. so you're welcome. >> greg: exactly. >> rob: the second thing is like, if you're a family in new york city and you're kind of like struggling a little, what you should do is you should go to mexico, sneak in the border, come back to new york where they'll put you up in a hotel and give you money. >> greg: right. >> rob: why would you not do that. >> greg: exactly. >> rob: why would families a little bit who are struggling financially. >> greg: that's your holiday vacation right there, kids we're going to go to mexico. >> rob: then we're going to come back. >> greg: and stay in a hotel until times square, the number one tourist attraction in the world. >> rob: and we're going to get a little gift card every week from the mayor. like it's kind of great i don't know why more americans aren't doing that. >> greg: because we're americans and we don't game the system. >> rob: well, i don't know. slow down, slow down tiger. yeah we do. >> greg: we don't ride the rails
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like you do. >> rob: we don't ride the rails but make marks, nice lady makes pies like those marks. we do do that because we're americans and that's the privilege of being an american. if you're not an american -- look you can have a generous welfare state or open borders but you can't have both. >> greg: that is true kat has said that many times and i would quote you on it but why bother because you're right here >> kat: right here >> greg: you know what it feels like, it feels like two things, one we're watching votes on reparations with you this is a reparation for people who don't even live here but rob is talking about gaming the system every time democrats create something they never think about how a system can be gained >> kat: incentives govern everything so if there's an incentives to come here why wouldn't people come here and to pretend like that doesn't exist is absolutely absurd. you can say okay, don't come
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here, but if you do we're going to give you money and a place to stay then the first part doesn't matter. do you ever have a friend who's always going on and on and on on to you, like my x won't leave me alone, he's so annoying but leaves out the factr time she gets drunk she sleeps with him? there's incentives for him to do it so what she says doesn't matter. >> greg: great analogy >> kat: thank you. >> greg: we talk about incentives but the disincentives aren't there. if you just send somebody back that's like playing a game of pin ball, you just play another game. you put them over and they come back. you need to put them in a worse position than they were if they hadn't broken the law. so maybe we do send them to anchorage, you know? and then you punish also the das, you send the felons to their block. you have to create a disincentive for the behavior. >> rob: the people most priced are probably the migrants, you
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explained what's happens they must think wait a minute. am i being punked here, this can't be true right. >> greg: you're giving me free stuff. >> rob: because the countries they come from don't offer any of those. >> greg: well said hope 0 man. >> rob: thank you. >> greg: up next nikki haley in a sketch is guarantied to make you rep >> if you will be in the new york areas and would like tickets to see gulfed go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it!
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to us from nikki haley who popped up on saturday night live and she fit right in by not being funny. she played the role of a concerned south carolina voter in the opening skit questioning a fake donald trump in a town hall and she showed all the charisma of a 5-pound bag of all purpose flour. roll it fran. >> my question is why won't you debate nikki haley. >> oh, my god, it's her the woman who was in charge of security on january 6th. it's nancy pelosi. >> are you doing okay donald? you might need a mental competency test. >> you know what i did i took the test and i aced, perfect score they said i'm a hundred percent mental. >> you spent $50,000 in your own legal fees do you need to borrow some money. >> oh, don't do this, nikki haley joe osmond we call her remember that one? i see dead people. >> that's what voters will say if they see you and joe on the ballot. >> greg: the only dead people we see are the writers for the
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shot. not to be overshadowed trump went on instagram to point out how similar he looks to the king of rock and roll. there you go. take a look. see? it's uncanny. maybe elvis didn't die he just died himself orange and went into real estate. meanwhile joe says he's not going to participate in the traditional super bowl half time interview. it's the first time they said a president had too much head trauma. what does joe think, if that's indeed possible? >> oh, no, no, no. look. look, i want to do it. i didn't want to do fox last year. i'll do cbs. those guys are softies, scott pelley norah o'donnell. i'll do both of them. i'll scratch pelley's back while i'm smelling o'donnell's hair they like that. but it's my staff, they don't want me doing it. they think i'm going to say the wrong thing. i'm good. i got a plan. if i lose my train of thought i
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just whisper. if that fails i just tell one of my famous stories, you know, like the time i was working in an all-black polish restaurant in the puerto rican section of korea town and i took out corn pop with a pierogi. [cheers and applause] >> greg: mollie, the fact that he's not doing the super bowl interview says a lot. it's like a three minute interview i think most of the questions are like who are you rooting for and what are you eating. >> mollie: it's a three minute interview with one of the largest audiences in the world. it's such a gift to a politician to be able to do that and the questions are in no way going to be difficult and i think the biden team knows that he is so unpopular that just seeing him actually bothers people. there was a poll that kim out this weekend showing that he's just getting smoked in every demographic category versus trump. >> greg: yeah. it's funny, it's like i think they really worry, rob, that he
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could just say one thing and it's over. >> rob: yeah, this is a high wire act of an election sure. no one is sloping, probably either camp but definitely his no one's sleeping well. but can we just take a moment, we have him here, to like appreciate what tom, the work that tom's doing. >> tom: all right! >> rob: being president biden. [cheers and applause] >> tom: i mean i have to say honestly never been much of a fan, but this is good. this is good stuff. >> greg: you know, what is weird about tom's impression and i was going to get to that but now we jumped over there rob. i guess we should call it the rob long show. hobo tonight. >> rob: nobody's expecting you to say anything nice so i had to jump in. >> greg: you know what it is, it's like tom estimated how joe would be, and he started like degrading -- tom started
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degrading himself and then joe started catching up and the degradation. it was weird there were times i was watching joe biden on like twitter or something and i go that's tom. >> yeah, i thought it was tom. >> or you thought tom that's a little too on the nose, that's a little too much dementia. oh, that's actually joe biden. >> tom: i now it. >> greg: terrible joke. do you think nicky should have done snl? >> i think no politician should do any comedy show ever. they're never funny, they always look weird and they always look like that great steve bow hemy thing, hello fellow kids. you know, they always look like bob hope in a hippie wig never works. >> greg: exactly trying to look cool. kat, trump and elvis, that was a stroke of genius. you know what i love about that? you know what i love about that, is that trump can be incredibly
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silly at any moment and just like take the piss out of everything, and then it's just like, huh, that's uncle trump >> kat: well, i've seen it been reported on a lot like in the true sense of reported on. >> greg: yes >> kat: like trump thinks he's out -- no. but going back to the snl thing quickly, this proves that like everybody knows show's not going to win because they wouldn't have her on there and be nice to her like that if they thought that she had any chance of being the nomination or getting the nomination. because if she does they're going to have to apologize for normalizing nikki haley or whatever. remember when people were thinking maybe ron desantis was going to be the nominee, i mean years ago. i never did by the way. people are like oh, is worse than trump so the fact they're treating her nicely shows they don't think any threat. >> mollie: also nikki haley's
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only job is to tear down trump and snl is also tearing down trump but the problem is she's pretending to run for the republican nomination and that won't get her far. >> greg: no it's not. tom you should on the half time super bowl you should do live on x, a 3:00 minute interview. >> i might have to do it. >> greg: if we can get tyler fisher together to do trump and you guys can do it together. that's a lot of work. sunday. >> tom: we'll see what we can do greg. >> yes, yes, care to comment on a necky haley, b donald trump, c there was something else in there. >> nikki haley not funny not a surprise. >> greg: elvis. >> the brilliant thing about trump with this meme is i don't even think it looks like elvis, he just wants people talking. that side by side, does he look like elvis or is that half elvis half trump. what is it. >> greg: then biden wade in on it, so funny, he weighed in on
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what is trump's strength, which is this kind of weird meme because then everyone's talking like whoa, does trump like elvis. and then the next thing you're looking like, what does biden look like? you know the scull with hair on it in the iron maiden logo? >> greg: yes [laughter]. >> rob: i couldn't think of anything else that resembled. >> greg: that character has a name. the iron maiden -- he's on every cover and i have a name and i hate that i can't remember it. joey? it's joey. joey, i take my audiences word on it. >> tom: people are just calling out names. >> greg: eddie. it's eddie. oh, they act like they know now, oh, it's eddie. up next, does elon have the tools to save our schools. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me.
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♪ >> elon musk. oh, man, we don't deserve him, i swear. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: musk's new vocation, elevating education. but if we give him a shot, maybe schools won't rot. it's true, musk is setting out to save yet another failing american institution. no, not that. that's a lost cause. this time our education system. i know, i didn't know we still had one either. back in 2021, musk suggested starting a new university called the texas institute of technology and science. which is a great idea. finally a school not obsessed with identity, drag queen story hour and tampon machines for men's bathrooms. something devoted to the hard stuff responsible for civilization like engineering, life and physical sciences, computer science and math. yesterday he pushed the idea again tweeting, should i make the texas institute of technology and science real? and then he adds, it would of
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course have advanced social studies, too. so there you have it. the texas institute of technology and science and advanced social studies. tits and ass. nice. nice. [laughter] and we thought he only cared about newer implants, aerospace rockets and robots. it's amazing the world's richest man possesses the mentality of bart simpson. despite the resume movies and rumors i made in germany i am not a home sexual but this guy gets me creating a bold new academic universe but marying it to tits and ass. i think i'm in love.
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this comes out since laugh november when elon donated a series of new schools and thankfully no mention of starting the professional university of stupid students, yonkers. there's not a lot of ys. not a lot of ys. sorry yonkers. i love yonkers. so elon could revolutionize the education system the same wa he revolution iced the electric car space industries and robotic. i think i speak for everyone when i say elon we can't wait to see your tits and ass and if he's looking to build an educational factory there's one educator that comes to mind. [laughter] >> greg: rob, you have to join me in this awe. the world's richest man.
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>> rob: it's hard wired into us. >> greg: yeah. >> rob: i read it i thought that's a great idea and i was like oh, come on. then because it was so outrageous well, you know, you have to be inclusive and in that institution there will be a department of international cooperative knowledge and then i came up with a bunch of other ones and also the institute for vague nubbens for the transgender in the middle. he has to be suturer inclusive and now i'm doing it for five minutes. the guy has figured me out. >> greg: he has. and he has enough money to build these schools with those acronyms. >> rob: sure. >> greg: he will stick to it. you know he will. >> rob: yeah. and also, i mean, you have to say, please do build that. we do need that. >> greg: yeah, we do need that. >> rob: but, okay. it's like, it is like bart simpson with $53 billion. >> greg: exactly. [laughter] >> greg: kat, would you send your kids to tits and ass
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>> kat: well, first i need to have kids. >> greg: it was a hypothetical >> kat: okay. the first thing i did was click on the tweets to see what time he tweeted these things and the tits and ass 'em tweeted at 3:00 a.m. central 4:00 a.m. central on a sunday and the first time it was just tits was 1:30 eastern on a sunday morning as well. so it seems to be something he only considers on the weekends. you know, like a little weekend project, i'm sure. >> greg: but he's going to build these schools. i mean, he's got the money, tom. but it also kind of speaks to that weird -- well, it's a secret of the elite class. they always start with the acronym of their organization and then they work backward, you know. >> he is a world class troller because when he toted this he was like texas institute of technology and science and famous people were weighing in and people were saying shouldn't it be the texas institute of
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science and technology? and he's like nope, technology has to come first and they're like science precedes technology does it not? and he's like technology first. by the way i live in yonkers greg. >> greg: i know you do. >> yes, the schools there are good. >> greg: no academic term that begins with y. i checked. believe me i did my research snoop mollie do you think he's going to do this? >> mollie: sure. he's made so much money and even on merchandise at all it would work everyone wants a tits u sweatshirt. >> it's not going to stop. like the new dean is like richard hurts. yes. right. >> greg: oh, man. >> department chair amanda hugginkiss. >> greg: or see more butts.
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i love this and i know he'll do it. when he wanted to buy twitter he was like hey should i buy twitter what do you think? and everyone thought he wasn't serious and then he does it and he did it knowing he was going to lose a ton of money. he did it anyway. >> also can you imagine, people would want to be in the marching band. >> exactly. >> just to spell it out on the field. [laughter] >> greg: all right, we've got to move on. my favorite topic. coming up kamala gets pissed when she's constantly dissed. (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds.
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mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. ♪ >> greg: kamala's top is about to blow when she watches my other hit show. she says "the five"'s too mean and lives in fear of judge jeanine. vice-president harris reportedly gets so flustered watching the five she gets, quote, high anxiety. so the vp of the united states can't handle criticism from a talk show?
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well, ms. harris, if you can't stand the heat, get into the kitchen. >> a sexist would say! >> greg: that's according to a former staffer who hold axios he could be driven to distraction and apparently for ka.m. that's a short drive and who could blame her right? look at this dude, huh? come on she's only human mostly. i would sleep with that guy every chance i'd get. and i do. so my co-hosts and i got into her head, luckily there's enough space in there for all of us. but i wonder, what's upsetting her? >> kamala's so ditsy she doesn't know her job is overseeing the border. >> cigarettes kill people and cigarettes are more popular to kamala harris. >> she is high as a kite. >> i'm not drink shaming i'm trying to give her an out because that made no sense. >> the media can market anything except kamala harris.
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explain the budget like joe would have. >> the budget is everything. everything. it's not just some things but it's everything together. >> greg: now -- thank you. it says something that she'd rather watch a fox show that mocks her than anything on cnn or msnbc, and they blow smoke up her ass like a dwarf with a cigar. of course kamala has to take some blame she provides more materials than the suppliers to lane bryant. so apparently one little show on fox drives kamala crazier than she already is and she's mad saying she won't rest until she finds when the show airs and exactly how many people host it. kat, what do you make of this? this is kind of like doom krolling in a way or someone who reads the tweets that are
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critical of them >> kat: yeah, no, because they do get into your head so i try really hard no to do it because people are so [bleep] mean. and they're always holding their grand kid in the picture, too. like go talk to your grand kid you evil pitch k yeah, so that's why i try really hard not to look at it, because it's whatever. with you this is funny, it's one of two thing, a former aid says this, so either it's true or' not true and the vague figured this would be the most embarrassing thing is that you get to her. either way it's funny. >> greg: the second thing. >> tom: either it's true -- you don't listen to me when i talk. >> greg: i was listening. i can get this at home. >> greg: tom, are you impressed that she -- you know, maybe it
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helps her. >> tom: you know what? i was going to say i was a little impressed she watches it because obviously she can take it if she sees people making fun of her all the time. i would be more interested than people taking watching msnbc or something like that. i know fox is always ahead in the ratings but i think they undercount the rateings because i think there are a lot of people watching fox who don't even admit it and we don't know how big the audience is >> greg: true. >> tom: i think it's very interesting and she wants to he ever i don't come this. that's why she doesn't stop. she has been a national joke since the beginning and she softened on, it's gotten worse, and she makes less sense and i think she thinks, i'm going to go out there and do this, i can overcome this aand can't. so she's going to keep it up. >> just digging that whole
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deeper and deeper mollie so what do you think. i don't want you to get a big head about it but it's a really funny good show which is the reason so many people are watching it. the er on inning this is nobody's talking about her because the way left wing media, the fact she's been a failure on every single issue and it's an embarrassle. so occasionally she gets tough, so -- >> greg:. >> greg: everyone knows her name rob, does that ring a bell for cheers. >> rob: sadly it does. >> greg: she would be a great sitcom cashing. >> rob: she has been, ted baxter. as you know i haven't read the show i'm too busy reading the bill, i want to get it right. it's on at 5:00 p.m., what do you think. >> she's doing just the unionle
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and that's it, i'm done now i'm going to watch tv that seems usual, and the second thing i would say she agrees she's watching it but it's apparently making her anxious because you guys are talking about what a disaster it would be if she was present and that makes me anxious so now she feels how we feel. i think she's back. >> wow, possible. >> greg: i think that's why everything patches it. >> yeah we know. >> greg: and i think you pay a lot of people to tell you that. >> exactly that's how it's supposed to be. up next to avoid mental lows take care of your nose. >> if you're in the new york area and would like to joan our studio audience: . now there's skyrizi,
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>> tom: i know. and i think -- i don't know why the nose is so sacred. i see people sticking fingers in their ears all the time. when they're giving speeches i see people sticking fingers in their mouth but you can't go near that nose right? well, i don't pick my nose, but as you know, greg, i do rinse out my nasal passages with a salt water iodine mixture. >> greg: he does. he does. you are a psychopath. mollie is this some kind of weird strategy by female scientists to get men to stop --. >> mollie: that's what i was thinking, there's no way they analyze this and know who was picking their nose and who doesn't. not that any science is being done right now. >> greg: if they want guys to stop picking their nose they say they're ten times more likely to suffer from micro penis. rob, you know what would be great? a study that says picking your
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nose but eating your boogers reduces the risk of alzheimer's disease. it would freak people out. >> rob: why do you do that to yourself? >> greg: i don't know. >> rob: you have everything and you insist on doing that. but you didn't really read the study because the study also says if you get somebody else to pick your nose they get your alzheimer's disease. >> mollie: interesting. [laughter] >> greg: kat, women don't really pick their noses do they >> kat: one of the best thing that happened to me my whole entire life. >> greg: what >> kat: 2017 i was on the train i saw the most beautiful woman in the whole world i saw her pick her nose and then i saw her see me see her do it and she was so embarrassed. >> and she has no peppery of that now >> kat: no, not me. i'll never forget it. because usually i think that, if you are in public picking your nose, you generally don't care
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about the rules of society. so you might not care about -- you're not reading studies probably. this might have been a miss fire. it's just -- there's no way -- the theory is that you're pushing microbes up into your brain. >> you know who needs to study this more? >> who. >> tom: >> the texas institute of technology and science. >> greg: joe biden was like, great, now you tell me. you shall p push. >> alzheimer's, cured by tirk ts. >> all right, don't go away, we'll be right back.
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