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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ >> greg: we are out of time thanks to tom shillue mollie hemingway rob long kat timpf. fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i love you america >> good evening i'm trace gallagher 11:00 p.m. on the east coast 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news,
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fox news at night. and breaking tonight, the results are astounding. a california school district, where just one out of 20 kids can do math at grade level, says the answer to low test scores is to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money on, quote, woke kindergarten, a program that advocates getting rid of everything from police to whiteness to israel. but instead of boosting performance, the program has done the exact opposite. bill melugin is reviewing the numbers and the curriculum he's live with more on what he found good evening. >> good evening to you. it's pretty wild, this elementary school is up in the bay area and spent a quarter million dollars in federal money for what is being called a woke program to try and boost their low test scores but all that ended up happening is their test scores fell even further. so take a look. this is glass brook elementary school, a predominately low-income school with mostly minority students. years ago it was struggling with
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low attendance and low test scores so the school decided to turn to an organization that would train teachers to confront white supremacy and disrupt racism and oppression. that 4-profit program is called woke kindergarten and the school spent $250,000 of government money for a three-year contract with it. well the results have been unimpressive to say the least. as a matter of fact two years into this deal student achievement at the school have fallen. english and math scores president trump plummeted to new lows with just 4% proceed efficient at math and 12% at grade level in english. school officials defended the program this last week saying woke kindergarten did what it was hired to do. the san francisco pointing to attendance and saying the school was no longer on the state's watch list. the problem with that is the chronicle had to inform them not only was the school on that list
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it dropped to an even lower level than they were before. >> yep, lower on the list. bill, thank you. >> well the fox news at night common sense department had seen it all until seeing a program called woke kindergarten, a san francisco area school called glass brook elementary spent $250,000 of your money, taxpayer money, on woke kindergarten in an effort to improve low test scores in california. but the practice fail, failed miserably. after two years the school test schools are 4% lower in math and reading. doesn't sound like a big number until you learn another four p loss would put the scores near zero. so instead of one out of 20 to be able to be do it neither would add or subtract. >> the good news is these same kids are proficient in the proper pronoun and can user
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color in the crayon bus. that's where the focus was. also things that need to be abolished and eradicated like whiteness police schools landlords monies jobs and israel. with an assignment saying quote if the united states defunded the military, how could the money to rebuild span stein but you want them to write about mabel east propaganda a. the better idea would be to defund woke kindergarten to, i don't know, maybe teach >> let's bring in nicole neily spokeswoman angela and democratic candidate for senate here in california christina pascucci. christina start with you, woke
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kindergarten i hadn't heard i from it until this weekend but it's astounding. >> someone eight months pregnant thinking about her future and education, it kills you to see this. we are failing our kids on every basic level. what this $250,000 woke program fails to do is to address some of the most basic foundational issues for our children. they're not reading at grade level in california by third grade, 60 to 70% and we should focus on reading writing and math first get the foundations down. >> angela to you now, here's the founder of woke kindergarten on the other side of this sound bite. watch. >> when i think about a world free much violence and genocide i think about a world free of the u.s. empire, i think about a world free of israel >> founded a program for elementary school kids hates israel hates the united states. what do you think. >> that elementary school would
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have been better off taking that money and lighting it in the parking lot than let that person have influence over their glass rooms. when you look inside woke kindergarten it asks people should support palestinian or what would happen if we challengeding the legitimacy of a supreme court. this is crazy to ask anyone let alone a five yes, i did. it's malpractice. >> today kicks off black lives matter at school week of action going on to say the 13 guiding principles are the following, such principles includes fostering a queer network from a help row normative thinking. the principals retired to doing the work. black trans folk, and two delaware county rupping, nuclear family structure. >> i mean it's really
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astonishing that we have blab lives marries at school week. we have children across this country who do not know their abcs but they know hamas and that is unacceptable. if we want to help disadvantaged the children booze of the skin color of their piers. >> speaking of california screwing things up let's bring christina pascucci back up. this is your ballot you're running for senate and your ballot doesn't have any organization, it should be local news journal it. it says there nothing. the secretary of state has acknowledged they were wrong, they messed up your ballot, one of the following, et etting here, christina pass scoochy did everything she was retired to do and she now considers the aim whether it be joe biden, donald trump or any of her opponents in the senate primary.
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if her title is not listed onr ballot all california voters receive the secretary of state looks to find another way to give her the opportunity sha she earned. right now letting the ballots go and sending them out it's too much money. >> political analysts are taking care of everybody and imimpacts the integrity of the elections, when i did my worth and without it my numbers are cut in half. it not only harms the campaign it harms the integrity, the secretary of state should do everything they can to make sure that, for example, we sent out e-mails to every registered voter but right now they sent out a press release that's maybe been seen by a couple hundred people when there are millions of people that don't understand. and they admitted to that unfortunate internal mistake. >> that's the baffling part the secretary of state said we were wrong but we can't fix it because it cost too much and we
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don't have the time. it is a disservice to you but anningly i want your take on the white house reviewing this title nine rule that would force schools to change students with gender identity or with -- about their gender identity instead of their biological sex. is that a fair assessment? >> that's a hundred percent correct. what the biden administration wants to do is entirely invert the meaning of title nine and say well it's not about discrimination on the basis of six. they want to redefine the word sex and make it about gender identity. this would mean boys in girls restrooms locker rooms and on girls sports teams even though they like to look i about that piece and that rule is coming very soon. the american people don't want this as evidenced by the record-shattering number of public comments this ruling received. so the ruling coming soon but that public outcry is not going away. >> and in polls all across the country, you look at this whole thing and people are against this, and here we are the biden
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administration working on promulgating this. i'm sorry, nicole let me go to nicole quickly to wrap this up. sorry nicole. >> a rare area of bipartisan cooperation where people across the board, be they democrats be they republicans be they conservatives or minorities everyone hates this row so astonishing president biden would want to force this through in an election year he's going to be tied up in his head and that will be there when he comes november. >> if you think illegal immigrants beating up new york city cops was horrific, it was. new video shows a 62-year-old woman being brutally dragged down a street by migrants on mopeds. the senior national correspondence curbing cochl behind the video. good evening. >> evening trace two men were busted in the bronx as part of a moped riding migrant crew that had been snatching cell phones right out of the hands of new yorkers, even daring, you know,
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births of crime on the streets of the city. police sources by the way say they have actually not only made arrests, trace, they've actually been able to flip some members of the group on its ring leader. couple of suspects i can tell you about, clay bur and troty 19, 23, part of the alleged wider ring of members connected to 62 different instances of grand larceny throughout the big apple including this shocking video of a hive where a 62-year-old woman by the name of arena was brutally dragged down a brooklyn street. these making off with her bag, her keys, her phone, her credit cards and even her glasses all while she careened through the air and slammed into a metal bike rack. >> during our investigation we learned that these perpetrators are part of a sophisticated criminal enterprise made up of migrants who recently ride in
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the united states. the network of thieves predominately live in the migrant shelter system. they use social media platforms to organize and coordinate their threats. >> sources tell the new york post tonight cops are still rhenning leader a 31-year-old my grant named victor para who was cut loose by a judge back in december for grand larceny. meanwhile fox news has learned tonight that the suspects in the infamous cop beatdown case, you probably saw that before over time square. get a taxpayer funded bus ticket to head to the california/mexico border but great news tonight they were arrested in arizona. that is great news kevin. the question is, will they remain behind bars somewhere in some state we should soon find out. let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general, cal berkeley law. i want to start where are cam
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ended because we appear to have a resisted three cones. >> seems like the more protections, the more theebl people would gain. >> the terrible indications are the results of two different governments failing. one is the biden administration at the border cleaning them from getting down further but i don't think they're organization. but then as you say equal if not larger fault is also falling upon the sanctuary cities and sanctuary states that are not fully enforcing their credit laws that are encouraging with people saying we're not going to cooperate with respect the federal government or allow immigration laws to be forced on our borders and these are cities being very light on arrest and
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prosecution of felons. >> tom: not even very light john because just to reit rail what coffee was talking about, . people who live there kind of put their hands up like what's going on. >> well, part of it is, these cities and these states like california but cities like new york are attracting people who are not in the country legally because they're saying they're sanctuary cities and they're providing them with protections as you said, trace, and benefits. and then they're coming into cities where the das like in new york city, are spending way more time investigating president trump than they are maintaining basic law and order on their streets. and so it's almost -- i'm afraid these blue cities and das and mayers don't understand incentives or providing enormous
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incentives to come and enjoy this, unfortunately to pray and residence. >> i have p 40 seconds left i want to get your take about the migrants getting these prepaid credit cards in new york and they have to promise to only use them to buy food not tobacco and alcohol. >> is there any remedy if they decide to buy other stuff can the state goat after them, would they go after them? >> greg: no. again these are officials don't understand the incentives they're creating by breaking the law. and then you're going to get more people and then you can't turn around and say we have too many illegal aliens too many migrants, when you're saying here's money you can spend on anything. >> greg: john yoo primetime campaign pitch is falling on
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deaf ears turns out just beefs financial experts think the economic numbers are improving tough to prove the guy can't makes mistakes, and more on hour our weird view years. >> despite a good jobs report president biden's poll numbers on the economy are looking absolutely brutal against former president trump and he's behind in an overall head to head match-up. take a look a recent nbc news poll showing trump surging ahead of biden by five points if voting was today, major concerns walks up and says during an appearance on fox's sunday morning futures. when you look at what's ably in this country, freebl mental institutions and insane asylum coming in. our country's being destroyed. >> greg: according to an nbc poll biden also trails trump by 23 points. when voters were asked who could
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better the economy those numbers, despite data showing inflation coming down, in a far greater than expected 353 thousand jobs andeded in the month of january. biden says despite those numbers you're. >> greg: and trump also had an enormous lead over biden in nbc polling when it comes to securing the border he is leading in that category by 35 points. >> we are going to score about those polls, let as bring in political scientist, and anderson. here's the pooh i can't bias. people's economy and people don't realize how good they've got it. watch. >> brutal economic poll numbers for president biden come despite most of the key economic indicators remaining extremely strong. >> the economy is so striking,
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steve, because jobs are up, inflation is down. voters aren't giving him credit for that clearly. >> i'll just say it right here, a lot of them shocking to me, i mean outrageous. everything cutting again, which, again is so preposterous, it's leffable. >> jessica they're not giving him credits because burgers are 22 bucks at the local cafe and they cannot afford that kind of stuff. the prices are not coming down. >> greg: that's right trace and actually this poll shows how deep the concerns of the economy and the worder and crime are actually for all americans including the biden voters. american, the issues that were facing, they don't discriminate against republicans or democrats. they're also, really interesting trace is they view trump voters are viewing trump as the way out for this as he actually lives,
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for years ago so a lot to unpacket in this new nbc poll. >> tom: on msnbc barbers talking about the economy and the way they view the economy. i want you to watch this and learn simple things. >> a lot of people my age, so we've only voted once for an actual president and trump is kind of all we know and they're like, trump invited, joel was broke rupp we in pup broke with biden we weren't with trump lauren, a good campaign slogan. >> it's simple and really trace as long as trump and republicans are selling a message of prosperity and biden and democrats are proffering
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survival, that's going to be a winner for republicans every time. and that's why for decades in polls they've entrusted more on the economy. look, i'll throw nbc a bone by normal political standards these head to head match-ups are quite striking. dump has 91 criminal charges twice impeached a lot election two interns. americans have no business losing not one not two not three but four members of his organization are against him. that is how bad joe biden is and how angry americans are going on so at least it's a wake-up call for democrats. >> the head to head polls, i want to put this up. this is the biggest gap we have ever had, that's not the one it's before that. trump at bingo there you go. what's your take on this jessica because wow i have about 30 seconds for each of you. >> behind every single one of
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these statistics i still think we have real americans struggling, seeing the images on the border, they see our national security and humanitarian crisis. they know the price of gas and groceries and education. and so these poll numbers reflect that democrats need to turn around or they will lose? coming november. >> tom: to the other graphic, every major topic from the economy to security the border dealing, you've got trump with wig leads, 15, 20 seconds for you. >> the other. >> biden seems to appealing to the most progressive part of the party and the youngest voters things like student loan forgiveness that is completely alienating from the majority of americans that didn't graduate from college. when he does those things on israel palestinian the mixed
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messaging he's appealing to a section of the alert of the time. yes it's cynical but focus more or the will. >> tom: good analysis as always, jessica anderson lauren wright, thank you >> up in the northwest antifa and other radicals, and later in the nightcap, have you seen the new apple show vision head set. so i did it this wind chill, right, i was on an airplane and a tech guy came over and gave it to me. it's like wearing a computer with clear graphic and showing emersion it also looks really goofy wearing it. would you wear it in public because some day we might be all forced to wear these goggles all the time. weigh in, we'll show you the results and read you the responses in the nightcap coming right back. we always thought that whatever we did here
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would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪
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♪ >> trace: portland oregon is now in the grip of new political violence tonight. anarchists now claiming responsibility for a pair of arson fires that includes for ching a city commissioner's car. here's the senior correspondent dan springer. >> reporter: the torching of this car in portland meant to intimidate, a moderate democrat running for mayor who wants a course correction with safe streets job one. responsibility for the crime was posted on an anarchy web site let this serve as a warning to the politicians and their capitalist cronies, solidarity means attack. >> this is political terrorism absolutely intolerable we need to throw enormous resources at this. >> reporter: anarchists and members of antifa largely got
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away with violence during nice of violence in 2020. mike schmidt the strict attorney rarely filed charges despite officers injured and millions of dollars in damage. >> reporter: we have to hold people accountable not for their ideology not what they think, this is america, but their behavior and that includes all political sides. >> reporter: they also took credit for equipment being used to clear a sight for another sanked homeless village. >> safe spaces for unhoused maybes to get in off the street is wrong, and atrocious. >> reporter: some think this reawakening of portland anarchy is tied to the palestinians cause others see it as pushback to political moderation in this reliably liberal city local leaders are staying quiet. >> people are afraid generally to speak out against these people because they, you know, they do harass people and they do docks their businesses.
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>> portland police refused to talk to us about their investigation other than to say it's being joined by the atf and fbi. experts we spoke with say this attack on the city commissioner is a dangerous escalation until they find and is arrested and prosecuted. >> trace: dan thank you. ktth seattle talk radio host jason rantz. do you think political violence in portland ever really went out. >> it really didn't. it was always there. it was maybe taking a slightly different approach. they were leading more into the bullying and intimidation factor but always under the threat of violence and you saw the violence here or there but we've seen this for a while now because frankly they've been able to get away with it. the idea you don't have local leaders stepping up and condemn this strongly and say you're doing everything you can to find
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the people responsible which is why it's going to continue. there's no real consequences for these action and look at some of the imangst that you aired from all of the riots or, i mean, no one's suffer significant. so what is the message you're sending them snp continue to go down this path and you'll get away with it. it's terrorism. >> trace: do you believe the science is the same, that they can do it again with impunity. >> i started taking a slightly different approach to some of the issues, you are understanding of course because we just heard from dan springer. you have folks who are upset that they're getting more moderate, they're calling commissioner a gonzalez, far to the. basically an alt white weather.
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>> trace: an awful case of a three-week old baby found dead and discarded in, wa ton state. you wrote this op-ed in the daily mail reads in part quoting here, in all their perfect verse wisdom the washington department of state youth and families deemed to leave a newborn kyled with his drug addicted father after the baby was born on christmas day with traces of fentanyl in his system. the state separated the child with his birth mother and replaced him with jordan sorensen a prolific stable with no home address. pick pit up for us jason. >> a little over a year ago, democrats. have to change that so a judge doesn't deem it a says to the chief if their parents happen to be drug addicts you're supposed to believe saying so creates a
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stigma which stops the traffic from seeking treatment which we know is nonsense and the data says quite the opposite. we're leaving kids in a position where they're getting hurt and seeing an increase curbs and and succumbing to an overdose we're seeing that number surge and it's because we're choosing as a state not to condemn drug use. it is backward and i want if they want to do this with adults i think it's crawl and evil it takes another step in that direction: jesse thanks on have you on as always. thank you. >> first up in tonight's viral videos southern californiaing dealing with massive ams of rain and flooding from a major pineapple express storm. sounds fun it's not. the national service member service are or were under severe weather warmings that could last the next few days. a scary scene of what happens
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when you 85 in the rain a car in narrowing mixed with vehicles and emergency crews as it sleep into pavement and nobody got hit and we're told the driver is fun. a glimpse at i future fans were distracted by head set, he apparently was interacting with the device by dribbling and throwing a basketball against the seat. apple dries it as 3500 bucks though. i tried one out this weekend, they're amazing but uncomfortable. and you look really odd using them, more on the high tech googles later in the nightcap and if you have a viral video to share, their is it with us on fox media late night king charles diagnosed. will there are into p new info on what the royal family may be
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keeping from the public. first a look at roebling bridge that connects cincinnati ohio to covington conduct, 67. >> a prototype for the famous brooklyn boy in new york like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred.
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♪ >> trace: updating breaking news now. much speculation tonight around buckingham palace's announcement that king charles has cancer. the statement includes very few details. >> why wouldn't he be getting treatments in the hospital. if it was colon or if it was lymphoma, if he went home i'm thinking even more, and again i'm going out on a limb here because i don't have direct information on this, but it's what's on my mind that it could be bladder cancer and that would be very good news. >> trace: we do know the cancer was discovered as a separate issue when king charles went to the hospital to check an enlarged prostate.
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leaders from around the world wishing him prayers and speedy recovery, the king was allowed to return home after his diagnose. lit's bring in the leader of the heritage margaret thatcher foundation great to have you on. what more are you hearing about the king, if anything? >> trace, thanks very much for having me on the show today and i've been in contact with a number of political and media contacts in london. and i think there is actually, there's a growing sense of optimism that the king is going to be able to pull through even though, of course, this announcement today was very serious, and potentially could be a very grave matter, certainly. i think for the king. but i do get the sense from speaking to friends, contacts, there is a lot of hope for the king. and presently he is an
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outpatient basically receiving treatment in london. he could be receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy. it's not quite certain. so buckingham palace has been quite red sent to describe any detail the kind of cancer that the king has. but there's a lot of hope certainly in london that he's going to pull through. he's a very strong figure. he's an increasingly popular king as well with the british people. immense amount of good will towards the king right now. >> i'm wondering lehigh valley they say he has cancer very forthright about that. if they say he has cancer why not give us the rest of the information. seems like when you with homed the second part like the type of cancer seems as though you would relinquish that and when you hold it back it makes people suspicious and fear the worst. >> that's a very good point and it could be the case that buckingham palace is awaiting
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the results of further devotees for the king, that's one possibility. i think that mainly of the king here, but, as you point out there will be intense spec la is regard to guy in the mirror and he expect buckingham palace will reveal what they have as a result of immense public pressure and interest. otherwise there will be a lot of speculation that the king's condition is very perfect rusulous. so i expect we're going to see more details being released. >> trace: garner great to talk to you as always sir, thank you we appreciate it. >> my pleasure many thanks trace. >> trace: remains to be seen tonight how the biden administration responds to three new attacks by iranian proxy groups on u.s. assets in sear syria but it comes as american and british forces continuing hitting targets in yemen. the u.s. says counter attacks
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are not part of an open-ended campaign but adds if u.s. forces are threatened or harm it will act. let's bring in israeli special ops veteran aaron cohen aaron great to have you on here. the u.s. keeps saying listen we're going to do it in our own time in our own way and then they do these strikes and the houthis keep on firing back. they are taunting. it's embarrassing. it seems to me like they're really accomplishing nothing except dropping metal on various targets. >> it's a waste of medal trace. trees feel good responsibles. what's happening in the middle east right now is iran is trying to start a way with the inside. they started with israel. i don't see it as an arab iranian eagle iran attacked using a proxy hamas. that's i a direct attack. now you have iran using proxies to attack and just killed three us service members and then the biden administration deciding to
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send over a couple missiles and being selective saying hey we don't want to telegraph our strikes but we're going to strike back but really it's getting political and that politics is dangerous. >> trace: we all agree the us, but it's not enough to deter iran and that is a very fair assessment. if iran can tell the proxies the houthis and the rest of the people knock it off and they don't seem to be doing that. >> and the united states seoul purpose single purpose and defender of democracy is to put that force with the carrier groups with the air strikes, these strikes need to have teeth on 'em this. they need to be targeting iranian leaders. they need to be really sending very aggressive messages: not saying we have to go to war with iran but strikes that have teeth to let the iranians know that we get that you're pawing at you will but let me get a couple
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clause out and start with this first. these were very effective during that trump administration. i don't understand what the white house is doing with iran. it's mind boggling. >> trace: interesting that you use the word deterrence because general jack keane today said the pikes are punitive not deterrent strikes so you would apparently agree with that. >> i do agree and i don't think punitive is anywhere near strategic where we need to be on a tactical level when it comes to iran. there needs to be strikes, they need to be hard, they need to be very selective but they need to hit targets that are going to score iran. iran is trying to pull the inside here. time to make a step back and make him step down. >> are you of the mind that if we hit inside i ran it would cause a war between iran and the united states. >> studio trace: potentially but iran likes to use the nazis because they want to play. they want to play. so they want to, you know, kind
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of, kind of paw around the united states and hit them with the houthis. all this is connected to iran trace. the sooner iran gets one, in eastbound rue like we say, one hamas will feel it, hezbollah and iraq will feel it and the houthis will feel it i promise. >> i feel like i'm be fluent. >> by the time we're done you will be speaking four languages. >> trace: aaron cohen thank you. what do you think of spatial computing, apple is out with the physical pro. i tried it this weekend on airplane it was unbelievable but i'll tell you there's some down sides to it. there's still time to weigh in. would you sport these high tech goggles in public because you might have to i don't them all the time? we don't know. the nightcap crew is weighing in next. meantime 8:46 on the west coast, fox news at night trip across american, life look at eugene oregon the only u.s. city to
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hold three consecutive olympic trials. huntingdon virginia, nicknamed the jewel city. finally white river junction small village hartford vermont, the first rick reichmuth center in vermont. the things you learn on fox news at night. we are coming right back. with no children and no casinos. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person. viking - voted world's best by both travel + leisure and condé nast traveler. learn more at
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♪ >> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, bill, christina pascucci. apple just released its new goggles the apple vision pro where you can walk around interacting with both the virtual world and physical world around you. here's the question. would you wear these in public because you see them all the time. i was on a plane with one of our tech guys this weekend and he let me use them and i'm telling you kevin corke, they're heavy and, i mean, it's hard to use them and they're uncomfortable and stuff but when you turn them on it's like wow, the whole world is there but you have to control things by doing this and doing this and people are looking at you like what's wrong with the guy in 2-a right? kevin. >> i probably would because i'm the resident tech geek, i love technology but if you're asking would i do it in public at the beginning probably not but
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ultimately, yeah, why not >> trace: that's the thing the fear is, and a lot of people say this, they think the workplace will get rid of the computers and that will be your thing you have to wear these around instead of carrying your laptop and that's the fear people have. >> with all the dysfunction in our society right now that's the least of our problems. >> right. >> someone come and steal your head gear and run off. >> that would probably happen too. there's maybe aliens on other planets sometimes people ask. i think they're looking down saying, i'm good. >> why would we visit them they screwed themselves up enough jason rantz. >> i have a hard enough time finding a day as it is. and while i might be self loathing, i do not hate myself nearly enough to walk around with that dumb thing on my face. even if i wanted to say i've complete reply given up on life, there are way more stylish way to do it. >> i have to tell you when those things, when the dinosaurs are coming at you it's pretty cool,
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bill. >> couldn't pay me to walk around los angeles, sorry 0 situational awareness can't see or hear anything around you you are asking to get either cropped or knocked out by some methed out guy on the sidewalk in la. >> yes on x, 1%, instagram 6%. grammy dean says no, too distracting people are falling off curbs and falling into fountains just looking at their phones. kathy pots says no, i would end up in a corn field walking around in iowa, build it and they will come. health says not a chance i prefer to be aware of my surroundings especially this day and age. julie says we might as well strap into our little matrix pods and call it a day. >> yeah oh. >> trace: thank you all for watching. thank you for the nightcap. thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher see you back here tomorrow night. now there's skyrizi,
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9:00 pm
♪ ♪ >> hello everyone.


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