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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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immediate aftermath of 9/11 in that bullhorn moment. he has lost his life. he was 91 years old. he died over the weekend. he was 30 years with the fdny and an amazing human that really brought inspiration to a lot of people. so we send our best wishes to him and his family. also, new episode podcast. perino on politics with jessica anderson. >> dropped today, greg. all right. >> so, camilla, what are you doing tonight? you know what's on at 10:00 my show. we could watch it together. you know where i live. mollie hemingway, rob long, kat timpf, tom shillue. it's going to be great. you bring the shibley. i'll bring the roses. >> ten minute, 10 seconds. and california guy lays out his clothes the night before he goes to work, and he comes out of the shower the next morning, puts them on.d fo they keep disappearing that it's 6:00. stay tuned for more. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight where
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the turning point in america is bill, is cruciaa turninl andy will look back on it and say, did america fail itsely did f? e >> the border bill is finally here. prime time.. >> read it and we can't stop laughing. i believe the united states has no right to exist. y'all are the villains we've been trying to end. y'all get free air. >> what happens at a woke kindergarten? not a lot of learning. the butterflies, eating my donut. s eating apple goggles have hit the streets. 3500 bucks for a hit of acid. sounds expensive. was it committed a crime? they got out and they gave you the middle finger and started laughing. okay, now you got to g
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o. yo >> reading for pleasure expands wash mind, reading for work gets you a promotion. >> but americans are pinched for time. washingtonws this. knows this. >> and every year congress spits out legislation gazillions of pages long, then manufacturers a deadline is to to pass it, knowing americans won't read it. the bill is to ao long and the t legislation isn't written in plain english. >> it's written to be indecipherable to everyone tht is the lobbyists who write it, and the media whose job it a is to read it and report it. thy >> they don't even bother anymore. they spin whatever the democrats claims in it and attack republicans who vote against id att. >> and we've been hearing for weeks about how this bipartisan border bill is going to save america. how does the media know if they never saw the bil l? the well, it was to condition you whet the appetite forup rep passage and set up republicans as fall guys. if is t fails. >> well, the bill finally came out last night, prime times.
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read the whole 370 pages and itn doesn't stop a single migrant t from breaking into the country. >> that's not me saying it. it.the democrat senator who, wrote the bill, chris murphy, declares, quote, the border never closes. >> so if the border never20 bil closesli, what's the 20 billion for processing illegals handouts han and loopholes? pat the border patrol woulrod start working on an honor system. >> this is washington's ideas wi of thorough vetting. >> are you ready? agents will now start asking border crossers tough questions before letting them in. u question one are you a criminal? no. >> second question you say'r you're fleeing honduras. >> is there another partho of honduras that's safer? th, i'm scared.ssed third question you pass through mexico to get here. why can't you stay in mexico? i can't. lcome i'm scared. welcome to americato.
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if you pass that test, you're in. yoyou have asylum. who gives that test? well, biden's hiring thousands r of asylum officers to ask migrantsions the three questiont >> this is a government jobs program that lets in more migrants. thref the migrants answerpermit the three questions correctly, biden hands them a work permit e so companies can hire them instead of americans because they're cheaper and that labor can get all the crops fixed. he wants t. >> are we going to detain any migrants at the border so westud can deport the ones who are too stupid to say i'm scared, this b three times? >> well, this border bill buysbo just 15,000 new beds to detain migrants. illega that's about two days worth of illegals. we're going to detain. let and once the beds fill up in two days, they're going to let theusm go because you can't deport if you can'tbi' detain. biden's border bill claims anyone they can't detain, which
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is pretty much everyone. they're going to strap ankle monitorsthemwe're go to them.les >> we're going to strap millions of ankle monitorssi buy to migrant legs every year. what did paul pelosi buy stock in the ankle monitor company in an hour, 2 million migrantsal whizzing through airport security with ankle monitors.r >> well, you just missed your flight because a villagee e from guatemala held up the lot. >> biden's als o handing outn ne a quarter million new family reunification visas. is cou >> that means if you broke into this country and you missed can your aunt, uncle, wife or cousin, they can come in to their codifying chain migration. >> and remember, all thosemigr afghan refugees that biden flew here after the taliban took overban took? vetted the ones heavily vetted at the violent airport. this bill fast tracks their amnesty.y to that's 80,000 afghans ready to vote in a few years. >> and if you're haitian, cuban, venezuelan or nicaraguann ,you can cut to the front
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of the line. >> biden just paroles ve into the country. these new neighbors are greatin yer democrate.e nes, even though illegals can't vote yet. >>ensu the census counts them fe redistricting. that means states with higher head counts, illegal or not, get more house seats and more electoral votes. ,> in 2020, california new york, new jersey, illinois and massachusetts all gained seats, 24 seats that were lost. all can from states that voted for trump in 2016. it getnow it gets better under s bill. every migrant gets a lawyer. >> 400 million dollars go to lawyers for illegals. >> where is just happen to bthe. the democrat party's biggest donor class? >> leaveo la it to lawyers to we a pay raise and do a border bill. >> got to hand it to. now, surely the bipartisanl defu border bill defunds the nonprofits who've been financing the caravanse .
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wrong. a billion and a half dollars go to the nonprofit effort sod they can keep buying the migrants tents, food and mapsd maps.. igrant >> there's also a quarter billion dollars in migrant reparation actions. what are migrant reparations? biden's going to take our taxdor dollars and pay the countries that the migrants claim they're too scared to live in. so if biden decide bides that a port't of migrant, which he won't and which he hasn't ever, he's settingr, aside money the to reintegrate the migrants back into their home countries. >> how does ecuador go about reintegrating a man bornised i and raised in ecuador? >> they don't. n ecuadothey just steal our mony and claim that reintegration is going more bueno. >> and keep sending more migrants to keep the migrant reparations flowing. >> i asked the prime time producers, is there anythingpror in this border security bill that dismantles the cartels? >>artels? there's only $25 million. democrats are giving the dea just 25 million bucks to fight
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the cartels. >>o lawyers are getting 400 million tackling the cartels. ts 25 million. this is how you know they aren't serious. s. >> so we keep hearingou about this 5000 migrants a day and the border automatically closes . >> not true. if the border patrol averagesalg 5000 migrant encounters for abouays,traight, we're not talking about the guy who is. >> they'll say they'll closel the border for a little while, but they don't want you to know about the loopholes. they actually never closed ine border. migrants will still funnrocessed int ao the country at ports of entry, meaning the cartels just funnetol them to the ports of entry. >> what about the rest ofan the border that shut down? >> right? no migrants ca stilln still shom anywhere along the border. and as long as they claim it's an emergency, they have int in.e so even when the border is shut down, migrants c can still comed
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in. >> this means a shut down border leters in at leastthat's 2 million illegals a year. >> that's more illegal as a year than bush. obama and trump ever averaged. it's like twice as much. biden is just locking in recordf numbers. >> oh, and if this does get passed, there's a gracee period, three months until any of these tough border policies t kick in. >> obviously, the minute it kicks in, someone'e s going to sue the administration to stop it. and the people who wrote this bill actually wrote what court will hear the motion. it's the most liberal court in the country. l ch >> the d.c. district court will hear all challenges to the border bill. the aclu files a motion the d.c. district court agrees slaps an injunction on it. and we get the status quo. they wrote the status quo into the bill, and the border
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bill is only 20 billion. >> out of the $120 billion package, $100 billion is forg defending everyone else's borders israel, taiwan and ukraine. >> and schumer says ifing your you don't buy it, biden shipping your sons to warl . what a turning point in america. this bill is crucial and history will look back on it and say, did america fail itself? why is it crucial? well, if wuce don'ial?t a ukraii putin will be walk all over ukraine, will lose the war,ghtig and we could be fighting in eastern europe in a nato ally in a few years. >> americans won't like that. no, americans don't want to go to war, but we won't be blackmailed. there's no way this bill is thing to past wantos. >> but that's not the point. this is washington's way of giving itself credit for not solving a problem it created. a pr you fall for this, you're part of the problem. whs up,n the bill blow nothing changes. >> except the media can say maga republicans murdered border security. >> eve minn 60 minutes is in on.
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>> after ignoring the bordere for three years, cbs wants to scare and shame senatsenatee republicans into voting for a fake fix. watch. wa. what's the fastest growing group among them? >> chinese migrants? el yes, you heard that right? chinese. we saw a largerg groups, including many from the middle class, come to aa four-f fork. b the gap at the end of a borderes fence 60 miles east of san i diego. the illegal entry way is a. new route for those hoping to live in america. this border bill doesn't stop a single chinese national carr their carry ons into the country. >> they just answer. ared i'm scared.. three times you're claim it's an emergency. they're ind when. >> and when your biggest enemy sends brigades of people across your border, what der, wi you call that? it makes sense that they'ret takingmakeng people out and sens about four caravans to the united states. and it's not jus. t south america. it's from africa, from asia, from all over the world. oveyeah, i mean, from all over
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the world, from china. >> there are 28,000 people in the last few months. 28,000. that's what you're doing, building an army. and they were mostly men. almost all men men fro from thee of 18 to 25. >> so what's that all about? i mean, it's almost like china w has something on biden that he could shut down the border morrow.tomorrow. he doesn't need congress to give him additional power. all presidents. esidents have had the power since 1952. title 8, section 12 of the u.s. code. i hate to read it, but i whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens into the united states wouldth be detrimental to the interests of the united states, he may, ao by proclamation and for such periods as he shall deemedr sucs necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. approp so the president, who has the power to close the border, so t say he needs 120 billion se can close the border. >> but the architect of the bill says the border never do. es do you get it now?y do you really think biden is
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going to be rounding up migrants in chicago into ice buses during the democratic national convention this summesr ? if you believe that, then you fell for it. >> dana loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host. she joins me nowme. >> isn't it kind of fun to read ? at's in these things, dana >> if you think that being infuriated is fun, that's just kind of the take that i had. i'm a glutton for punishmenta g a couple other, of course. but you know what? everything that yo everyth u said is sobe spot on. and i want to i want to caution people, too, because i seei trye democrats now trying to use the border patrol union and the statement that they justtrol unt out, they say, oh, well,pa the border patrol union, they want they want republicanss to pass this bill. they weighed in on it. i hope that everyone knows that the borde patrol r patrol only weighed in on a specific part of this legislation, specifically as it relates to illegal aliens. they say nothing, jesse. they have said nothing about all of thing abouts power being consolidated, as you noted, in the leftist d.c. districtnoted eftist.
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they haven't said anything about, for instance,, $60 billion going to ukraine, which is and i confirm this with congressman chip roy fisca today, actually more than the entire fiscal year, 2024rpsh budget for the marine corps, which come s in at $53 billion. so we're literally spending more money in this bill on ukraine's borders than we milit are on our own military. so i hope that youarr viewers are not taken in, by the way, that the border patrol statement and their support s of this is being spun. but i will say this, jesse, some of these republicans out here, these these absolute oklachs and i mean people i'm to say, people like lankford from barton, from from oklahom,a . i mean, this legislation is an absolute betrayal to the no. langua and no, it is not hystericalng to use language this harsh knowomething this bad if people are reserving their outrage for something i don'coulmaket know what couldl more outraged than this amnesty bill that's essentially going to fast track all of this. we 3.8looking at what, million, maybe by that, il november, 3 million, someone
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people coming into the country illegally. and what democrats have done is thedemocraty have masterfulld these republican eunuchsw and have made them work for the democrat side. so now democrats can say no, it's not a crisis at the border. it's not a crime. well, now it suddenly is. and republicant the bordddenly t to play. republicans don't want to pass this bill. and all l of these people who didn't have the gumption to fight on messaginumptiogve hl have helped them into this. >> it makes me sick. well, we invited lankfor d to senator who works with the guy that said it was a bil al that never closed the border. >> so come on tonight, dana. he said he had a meetinge on ane couldn't make it. hopefully, he can show up tomorrow and tell mean sho where i was wrong when i just laid out the bill. >> hopefully on your own pefully . dana. >> i know this has to be so badly, dana. a >> they think that the american people are illiterate. this is page 212, which gets into the exact numbers that you just citedts. >> i guess they didn't count on the american voters being able to read and they didn't countt cite on prime tim producers being able to read. and we can. that'smetime right..
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thanks, dana. >> well, kamala harris now has a muslim ban, right back. >> i'm feeling dry, tired, stressed, get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration, boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. they're preservative free, they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay bio true to your eyes. >> sometimes john wrestles >> sometimes john wrestles with falling asleep so he takes nyquil, the world's number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself. hit the rest to be your best with non habit forming. zeke well, better days start with zeke will nights start with zeke will nights meet the jennifers gen x and y and gen z each planningealth their futurepl through the chan mobile app. gen x is planning a summerbi gen x is planning a summerbi in portuga. jpmorgan wealth plan. jpmorgan wealth plan. look up whiskers tanit. is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. to budget for her birthday. ting ahe. z her credit's golden. hellbank foro new apartment thra
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go mando and smell better naked from head to toe, everywhere. out in >> well, civil war is breaking out inside of thesi d democratic partyy., and biden and kamala are struggling to contain im fundt. protes from fundraisers to black churches. wherever the ticket goes, protesterstenger t. 's the longer the war in gaza goes, the worse it's going to gett.. so the biden-harris campaign has scrambled to put together a solution bs campai, a muslim . last week, two women tried campa to go inside a communal even event in vegas. we're invited now say they were barred after they were racially profiled. >> i'm letting you you knowto that you've been disinvited. why? you can chooset
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to my point or not. >> i. i have an invitation. that's where you are. why am i like we have. black >> we have every right to know why you're targeting our target . i'm letting you know i feel really targeted right nofeelings and i think they're disinviting us because we have hedgehogsbeca on our heads. that's whyuse people. this is not a democracy. this is disgusting. and obviously, we're the only hijabi women that's kind of clear. they're disinviting us because have scarves on our heads. that's disgusting. >> when we have an invitation, just like everyone else, i thought the democrats were the party of inclusion just targeting muslimi thoughdemocrae screaming inclusion to youti. the democrats 2024 insurance policies collapsing. donald trump's march trials the
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in d.c. the trial scheduled just a day before super tuesday. before super and indefinitely. d >> and it's throwing a wrench into joe biden's wholeenhole reelection plan. >> "the washington post" saysowp the slowpokeok federal appeals court puts 2024 election in jeopardy. so the democrats are freaking out. ai am officially now at the freak out stage. >>ge i resisted that for a long time, but we don't typically freak out, so that's important. >> i can't imagine a more compelling need for speed than the idea that american citizens deserve to know before the election whether sa candidate for office is a felon and an insurrectionist. >> democrats are realizing lawfare isn't going to win them the election and their hoaxes are being debunked on live tv. stephanopoulos had to cut republican mike on sunday. now the democrats can't run with lawfare and hoaxes. it's a straight up trump versus biden matchup, an election
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focused on policy and performancperfore. it's exactly what the democrats have fought to avoid. itit's their worst nightmare. >> and the press has declared the biden presidency in peril. >> we are looking at a, quote, presidency in peril with the general election just nine months away. president biden has declined er measure since 2020. >> we have been testing for five years now, going back to 2019, a biden trump matchup, remember 2019, 2020, joe biden led he led bigr in every single one of t our polls foher the first timenu in november, donald trump pulled ahead in our poll and now at five points. this is the biggest leads, nbc ha s ever had in 16 polls. >> we're watching the media realize in real time they don'te have any power anymore. votersore. aren't buying their spin. so for the last, i think maybem first time in seven years, the media has started talking to votersts and it's not going well. >> there are some people in your orbit
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who are either voting for trump or considering it for sure. a lot of my friends are obviously my age, so we're a little younger. only once, voted you know, for age for a presiden.t. and trump is kind of all we know. wand they're kind and trump and biden, they're like, well, we will vote with biden, but we weren't with trump. and that was kin d of the only thing that i'm hearing over and over again, over age t. r again, is tha >> trump we had money. if biden's base was better off under trump and biden, how's the media going to save hive hms that means biden's on his own and he can't save himselavf.f ft a second year in a row. he's skippin og out on the traditional super bowl interview. >> last year, he dodgeetd brad baer because fox had it. and i can kind of see that. but this. year at cbs,orah he's dodging norah o'donnell. biden said no to a three minute softball where the firstaza, question is on ukraine. >> second question, gaza q.
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third question is who's going to win tonight? ng fors not really campaigning for president, so obama is getting the olde ol gang back together. >> remember the 50 one intel officials that coveredthat c l p the laptop last time? well, obama's launching a jointu national security group where the goal is to quote, remind people that trump is very that sdangerous. he ame >> that sounds familiar, but in 20 24, the american people are going to fall for it. we've seen enough hoaxesaxes in this time. everybody knows it's coming. >> investigative journalist glenn greenwald joins us now. >> it seems like the media is now realizing that this just might be a regular election and they're freaking out. what does that tell you?orpora >> it's kind of amazing that the parts of the corporatte that are desperate for biden to win, which is prettyetty every a of the corporate media other than the network that we're currently speakingki on isl
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all but explicit that the real strategy is to ensure that donald trump is convicted before the election. that's why they're freaking ouet ,because they know that's really one of their only chances. and if you look at pollinge thea ,including their own, the new poll that came out fro m nbc,l to what they're finding is that even voting groups that have long been loyademocratl to the democratic party, like young voters and latinos, trump is now tied with biden and is consolidating his lead with republican voters sed majoritiesvotersimagin aboue corporate media that they spent seven years time people trump as a white nationalistveg peopm a fascist, a criminal, an insurrectionist, a dictatofascin and the american people are just tuning them out. and trump's lead is increasingeg . it says so much about how the legitimacy of these media outlets has collapsecreasing mu >> it does it now.dia is the media is actively censoring trump live trump. joe but at the same time, joe bidenn whn't even do interviews with them. >> i mean, we're going to have anere no one election where no e to see either candidatite. s knw >> i mean, obviously, the democrats know that amonhagn
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their many problems is probably the most significant is the factt joe that joe biden cannot function cognitively. and anyone who looks at hi am lost, anybody who looks at him will lose his train of thought in the middle of the speech, knows that they tried to keep him away from the media. they t himeven in 2020. i think that's why he won, because he got to hide out in his basement due i think e et this time with the american people already so suspech covid.t of his cognitive abilities, let alone his policy failures. i think they desperately need to keep him away from the media. but how can you do him away from that in an t election when the public already has big questions about whethehepublicr he's even competent to do the job? >> all right. well, maybe kamala can do thisc. super bowl interview with cbs. that. t'd be a good idea i know she watches the five. maybe she could hear that and then go do ishheart. >> glenn, thank you. all right, judge, thanks. >> well, one school paids fo a quarter million dollars for a woke kindergarten and their kids got dumber.r.
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two things to the school system . >> test scores went down. education consultant s whichl are de narrow schools got a lot of money. >> they spent it on students, but other schools they spent it on their trump derangement syndrome, glass brook elementary and hayward,he california. they spent 250 grand of carbon cash on low kindergarden. what is low kindergarten? >> sounds a little something like this that before whoalem on kindergarten came to town, glass brooke had a real problem on its hands. only 8% of the students were. proficient in math. lyonly 16% could read english. >>no noww af, after two years ol kindergarten, the numbers have dropped to all time lows to just 4% and 12 for spent
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two thirds of the kids at the school don't even speak englisha as their first languagk ene. don't worry, they're learning how to dismantle whiteness l. here's the founder of wokewoke kindergarten. i am >> yes, everyone, the rumors are true. i am anti-israel, i am pro-palestine and i am 100%% ten toes down anti-israel. >> i believe israel has noi belt right to exist. i believe the united states has no right to exist. white supremacy destroys for the sake of destruction. abolition destroys for the sake of creation. we are not the same color. the demons. y'all are the villains. >>'ve been trying to end your get free air. t >> that's ikea. gross if you were wonderinhat'g goes by they then she says she's an abolitionist, earl educator and cultural organizer who posts a radical lesson
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plans on her website. >> well, goody, here's a taste n . who keeps us safe? we don't police us what paints the sky red if we give back? what wasat and honor what we receive. he this is jordan neely. he did not have a home, sohe he spent a lot of timesu bwayon the subway. on the subway, he danced like michael jackson. >> three men decided to hurt him until he died. l is the man. >> instead of paying for extra english tutors, the district hired a nonbinary radical hired marxist with a septum piercing. this is crt for six year olds, which is weird because joy reido said crt wasn't being taught in schools. rd. parents are fightingents with school boards in citieshe and towns across the country over curricula that they believe teaches white kids. that they are racist. >> none of this is actually happeninnoneg, but who cares about a little old thing like
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the truth when you have the perfect campaignyo buzzword, it even has the magic word in it. >> race. >> okay, so crt isn't just being taught in schools, it's being taught in kindergarteustht in. the >> even the teachers at class book elementary are saying it's toos at much, but the schol says it has no regrets. >> the program did what it was hired to do. quote, the district pointe dnd to improvements in attendance and suspension ratessuspen and e school is no longer on the state watch list. actutill olwhen ytil on the state watch list. and when you stop suspending students, the suspension ratesnd do go down. >> and as gutfeld pointed out, attendance went up, but grades went down. so the mor thee they went to the school, the dumber they got. >> anti-wokeanti-wok teacherr jn gabriel denning bring joins us now. all right. owgood. >> i think the justice department civil rights -- i division should probably shut this school downdo. >> i don't know. fraud, child abuse. >> yeah.
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you know, i feel reall iy bad fr two different people involved here. i feel bad for the kid kids.s. n >> we're not doing the kids anyn favors here. they are not learning what they need to lear edn. and i also feel really bad forth the teachers. teachers don't want to teach kiis stuff. they know that it isn't good for the kids. e the twthatso those are the twh that i really feel bad for. >> what about the parentat abosn when little johnny comes home and you ask if he can spell, he just says kkk. they haven't raised a ruckus, k have they? you know, the parents got to be loud. ge, is >> and that's the way that this system is going to start to change is when you havehave o parents that are going to say, hey, enough is enough, and teacher's got to stand up, too, and say enoug h, enough. we don't want to teach this. and parents can see it. that whenmath, their kids come home and they struggle with reading and struggle with math, ion they that it's not a good thing. >> they're not getting the education that they deserve. well i could have use, they could've, kindergarten because i got suspended a couple of times. but other than that, it's probably pretty evil. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, jesse.have y
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>> apple goggles taking over the streets. have you seeweekend?n them this weekend? what you need to do to prepare yourself? >> can the river support your brain health? >> mary janet. hey, eddie. now, fraser. >> frank. frank. brad. how are you? brad, if you will. up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory. join the mareeba for fast sor h challenge. challenge. >> my, my, throat relief. try big sparkle drops with two times more menthol per drop and powerful vicks vapor is defea vaporit resort propanee paper cool drops vaporize soreea throat painkn. there they are. >> everybody get their banking done. done. let' right. we've got to go. someone's in a hurry and one mississippi to mississippi
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their auctions going on right now. >> so what are you waiting for ? both oh, oh, oh, sure. >> apple released their virtualn reality goggles over the weekend and the population's already addicted t >> when you put them you can straddle reality and ast virtuaraddl reality. >> it's like tripping on acid, the butterfly hitting my donut bar. people aren't even embarrassed to rock them in public or evene in the car. >> they've only been outdays, r
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three days and mayor pete's already lecturing us not to apple goggles behind the wheel. prime time is predicting the first apple goggles death will be in april. >> and we can't figure out if we're evolving i, dehumanizing and how we're girls supposed to compete for our attention when guys are wearing apple goggles. peop mean, can you imagine how many people walking down the streetreet with $4,000 compr strapped to their faces? you don't think they're going 0 comput to get jacked? it's like a reverse bat signal to every crook in the streete wt that you're someone with too much money and not enough common senseh moy an and probabt work out. but i have to admi enough t the. have an appeal. i tried the goggles on the day in the officthey he and thought a dinosaur was going to eat my face. >> i kin d of liked it. >> they're going to get smaller, they're going to get cheaper, and they'll probablyi don' eric become contact lenses in ten years. i don't know what to do.s eric weinstein'sthst o host of e portal podcast and managing director of deal capital,
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and he joins me now. >> eric, should i buy these it'se goggles? >> probably not. i think it's very early dayshe and in general, i think that the significance of thesigc launch is that apple's announced that it has a beachhead. and to your earlier point, you can now see exactly what itv is that they're going to do. they're going to improve them. it's going to get less clunkthe the battery life will get longer. the form factor will become far more comfortable.what t and what that iteratiohan will u is the thing that you should be worrying about. i wouldn't worry too much about the headset.s >> okay, so we don't know what this is going to do to our brain if you're wearing itto all of the time and we don't know what it's going to do to society. if a segment of the population is walking around in virtualin reality and the rest of us are walking around, in reality, americans are havingreality, a d enough time dealing with reality. as it standst stands. a and now we're now like lost in a hallucination what is
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that going to do to the country? well, i disagree with that. i think that what you're calling reality, i wouldt now call legacy reality. and the thing that i is the internet, i'd probably call something like digital reality or networked reality. so the fact is that we're nostalgic when legac y reality was reality. people say the internet and twitter aren't , bu real life, but you can find your mate and lose your job in a weekendeo due to your digital activities. so how can that not be your real life? i thin how thak the right way te this is a product that is actually threatening to combine the two disconnected parts of reality into one. biologists know this through the concept of extendede phenotype. your glasses that allow you to see and read are effectivelyando extension of yourself. >> that's exactly what this is going to be. k you're also fearing jes the wrong thing, to be honest with you, jesse. what should i think virtual or.n augmented? well, it's a virtual or augmented reality that wto be nd to be worried about. >> it's managed reality. m comingi'm coming to you tonign
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clearly from washington, but the reason that we have the washington monument in the background i'm is that i'm actun sitting in my garage in my driveway in a van in frontangele of my house during a rainstorm in los angeles. we can creat can cree the illusn that i'm anywhere we could shoot day for night like friday. what you have is you haveyoor a corporatioporatin mediating your entire experience of reality and that corporation is going to be making decisions. >> maybe you shouldn't seet seeo somebody or you should see them as more attractive than they are, or less attractive at what's going to start happening is that the same pressures you see being put on who canormr be platformed and deplatformed e are going to start being mediated through thi s these headset. you're not actually looking through these goggles as you'd as you t think you have a 12 microsecond delay because what it is, is a camera visualizing a screen and you're not seeing the eyes of the seein person you're seei. . r caght i saw a dinosaur
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and that dinosaur came really close and i trie closed punch. it went right through the head. and i'm just saying, there's a lot of peoplaying, e that don'te gr have i don't know the groundedness that i have tha t actually might jump they' off of a window just because they're trying to run away frore m a fake dinosaur. >> and i just want to please for the audience, no psychedelicse>> i d were availae at fox. well, you'd be surprisedu ha at what we have here. i just want to know, do you have pants on? please tell me you have pant s on. >> i didn't. well, we can. we can digitally render pante cr if that's important to your audience. >> but my point, jess, is that i thin my point jk that we're going toe forced to wear these things at work. and what's going to what's going to happen is, is thagoinge aren't going to be able to get rid of this unwanted corporate screenrporate between us and tl world. >> okay. so like the vaccine, mandatory >> je goggles, that scares me.e, now, i'm scared about the right thing. you so thank you so much. m this was eye opening. and hell o to angeles to be with you.
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l>>so how do new yorkers fee about the migrant crisis? johnny finds out you're an illega you'rllegall alien, drunp should they be deported now? do you know what would happen to you ior no. wouldf you were k driving in mexico night? they kick you out. well, that's fine. >> i'm feeling dry. tired, stressed, get a boost of moisture with by your true hydration boost eye drops for comfort throughout the day. they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay years.. bio true to your e. of pain patches for 89 yearsain. believes in continuous believes in continuous improvement like rounded corners that resist peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. so long pass. it's good medicine and ashley's present day preview sale is here. get early access to hot buys your choice just 699 or shop in-store for designer deals as low as $17 per month or
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why do you need to lose ten, 20, 50, or over £100? lose it the right way with goal of. hey, how you doing? buckle up. sorry about this. blogging is not a chinese spy balloon. sit back. instagram should be called. this is what i look like. if i was hot. yeah. enjoy the ride. streaming now on fox nation. olo last week, we told you aboutu in the gang of migrants in new york city who pummeled two police officers, robbed them, walked usut of jail, no bail, then flipped the double bird to us . they're still here. our new yorkers prouw d. >> johnny found out about thely migrant crisis. it's insane. we have to do something. it's really ridiculous ridic. e there has to be a limit. i can't just walk into a country and just move in and slee p on the sidewalk. >> i'll get kicked out. w get up. get up. just laseek, wast week, there ws migrants that punched cops, got
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out of jail, bill free. and then skipped town. how'd that happen? >> tlaws are very lenient hereei . the country is in real trouble. that's ridiculous. ridiculoneed tthey need to be s >> i think that's wrong,do because, you know, they're not partou're inpart and stuffin that. >> they're in trouble. who are you going to call? . jesus christ. get them on the phone.iddl >> when they got out, they gave you the middle finger. how'd that make you feelfinger. it's awful. i think it's awful. and disgust is like a spinning faceng in your face.. >> they're basically not our system. should they be deported? absolutelyed? now you got to go.on't got to kick you out the house. yes. >> the. letn't think so well, they caught four of them. correct. and they let him go. but they>> but can't him go tha they have to go to trial. right now, they skip town. what makes you think comi're coming back? >> i don't know if an illegal is caught drunk driving, should >>ey be deported? well, that's a that's a medical breach here. legal >> an illegal alien as a migrant. awhat? t >> 100%. they should be deported. democrats don't think so.
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if a democrat's family was affected by an illegal immigrant, i think then that may make them act. no. you got citizens that do that. should they be deported? but they are citizens. they can't be deported. do you know what would happen to you? if we you were drunk driving in mexico. no, i don't. they kick you out. re dru i i oh, okay.y. >> well, that's fine. >> so, joe biden, close the border. bord mass capacity. if you in a club of you in the w restaurant, what they do they say, all right, we can't let nobody else in. first of all, this is god's land, his earth. he made the earth. why does china have borders? i can't speak on china. i don't know madearth.hyoes chhave their. t what's our history? foolishneso chs. the mayor has a solution. i known. . h not talking about eric adams. his solution is to give the migrants prepaid t credit cards with your money. this is all chaotic, and it's >>e. payers you know, i work hard. i'm out of problems. already starte cd my creditr 50 cards. why would you do that? pay them more. remember
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thisng a, 50 cent? are you talking about the rapper? he thinks he has a solution to all of this talk is cheap. you need to put it to action. he might in november. if you havn,e solution, you have it in your grip. so why should you have to wait till novembe you havr? >> it's donald trump.y i love trump. that's that's my brother. >>r onice thing to watchbrot especially for me. >> i enjoy watching that. who is better on the border? jo donaln or donald trump? >> joe biden. i think the migrants would agree. bi as congratulations to ashley theygreg my brother and sister in law. >> they had a new baby. brooke said, we're coming in ati a fighting weight of £7. k >>il he's going to be a realler. killer. we love you. we love baby brooke. see? welcome to the world. >> let's do some text messagesro . >> tina from coatesville, pennsylvania, anklm pennsye mons only work if someone is actually monitoring thethe vo >> very good point. bigs from detroit, michigan.
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>> topics put a 30 $500 set of goggles on your head and walked down the street in l.a.. >>a., what what possibly go wro? >> next episode, going to see gang snatching. >> got those off their heads. i predicted. >> steve from vinton, virginia r those vrgi goggles might make border look closed. th >> by the way, biden's handling out the goggles to allgoin new o they cross. you get iphones, you get goggleneous and monitors around your ankle. dan las vegas.ared >> jesse i'm scared. i'm scared. i'm scared. e a >> do i get free stuff too?for h sorry. you havee to be a migrant for the free stuff. if you're an american, you gotfh to. >> jane from florida. no the applee appl goggles takee out of this current political reality until november, i'e , i'll take two. . got to admit, johnny's ordering me a pair. i just want him around the house for when guests come over just to impress impress hi.
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a party favor. charles from washingtocharlen. >> jesse, i'm kind of old school. i prefer beer goggles. o wind that's how you wind up with women. keu don't want to windp with. >> wesley from louisville,y kentucky. sotook n took naps at a kindergn and now they're woke. woke kindergarten. y reedjoy said it didn't exist.. keith from colonia, new jersey. >> admit it, you lovedad the goggles and bought a pair. already done. i already told you. goggles on the way. and if fox makes me wear them.t. i might. >> that's all for tonight. dvr the show. and >> and while you're pushing that little button. go to amazon and the di >> get it together. you didn't think i was goingo to get in there, did you? >> but i did. i'm waters, and this is my


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