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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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a party favor. charles from washingtocharlen. >> jesse, i'm kind of old school. i prefer beer goggles. o wind that's how you wind up with women. keu don't want to windp with. >> wesley from louisville,y kentucky. sotook n took naps at a kindergn and now they're woke. woke kindergarten. y reedjoy said it didn't exist.. keith from colonia, new jersey. >> admit it, you lovedad the goggles and bought a pair. already done. i already told you. goggles on the way. and if fox makes me wear them.t. i might. >> that's all for tonight. dvr the show. and >> and while you're pushing that little button. go to amazon and the di >> get it together. you didn't think i was goingo to get in there, did you? >> but i did. i'm waters, and this is my
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world. how about to? >> hannity this monday night and tonight, oregon officials, they have declaredicials hav stt of emergency in the city of portland tonight over the growin g fentanyl crisis. by the way, only a few years after the state largely decriminalized these hard drugs. livertlandn sara carter on the ground in portland with a full report also. finall wa fully, by the way, i , finally, a good moment at theat grammys. sibl imagine that. will this moment possibly lessen the political divide as many on social media seemde to think? well, we'll let you decide yourself you . all right. but first tonight, the u.s. senate, they have released boon borderawaited legislation. and by the way, it's not just about borderbos. it's about ukraine funding 60 billion more and, abraunng only 14 billion. now, this bill does absolutelybr nothing to secure the border. wy it would be an unmitigated disaster. and by the way, everrepublicany republican should strongly be opposed to this. it would
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mandate legalal representation for all illegal immigrants. it adds 50,000 extra employment r and family reunification visasei . it gives biden the powero en funnel asylum to ports of entry. if more thantr 5000 illegal immigrants cross each day for seven days, after which the ports must processrocess a minimum of 1400 claims a day. and what's worse, the power can only be used for a limited number of days and sunsets after three years. that's just the headlines. s and in celebration of the downfall of connecticut, senator chri sais murphy said te quiet part out loud on twitter, writing the border never closes now. but get this, the one provisiong in the bill actually allows hid gives him the power to not abide by the emergency shutdown authority if he doesn't want to. sou know you know, saying it, qe authorizes the president tto suspend the border emergeny
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on an emergency basis for upe nn to 45 days if it's in the national interest. well, it could as be written up as the basically codifying intos law all of biden's aidingan and abetting illegal immigration into this country. former president trump, whos prt policies led to the most secure border in history, the one that joe biden inherited. well, called it a horrendousperl bill and a gift to democrats personally. i'm really having a hard timey. understanding even why for the senate republicans out there, why would you ever negotiate this deal? doesn't biden doesn't need legin to fix the border. >> we've been saying thids over and over again. biden's claim otherwise is a flat outat-out lie and nothingmr more than a blatant attempt to shift the blameis on for the crisis onto republicans. if they're stupid enough to allow that to.. now, biden was handed the most secure border in our nation'ss history with the stroke of a pen in his first 100 days. derevoked all of donald trump's
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efforts to exclude illegalengthe immigrants from the census. he strengthened doca. he ended trump's interior enforcement. he halted border he halte wall. he ended the remain in mexico policy, which is extremelypolice successful. >> he also let title 42 expire. got joe does not need congress to fix that. he can reinstate policies reins on his own justat as he did with the stroke of a pen. he doesn't need congressional legislatio undn to do that. but obviously biden is not serious about fixing this manmade crisis of his. >> on top of that, the house already passed a very strong border security bill that's called h.r hr-2... hr-2 why didn't the senate simply take up h.r. to make it part id. of the big package? although i don't like the idea. i think ever k every should stand on its own merits. i don't think foreign policy o funding should be connected to the border in any way. i raine shouldukrain be impacted by a border bill. this bill would enacact necessas
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steps to secure our border. again, that's h.r. two. meanwhile, a c, cbp tells fox bill on collusion tonight, r that the day the legislation was released, there werere over 6000 illegal immigrant encounters at the southernthe, including 160 chinese nationals that were apprehended, apprehended in the san diego sector. now a regular occurrence. o in recent weeks, we've talkeved about over 26,000 chinese nationals in this country, overe 12,000 from russia. and what about the ones from iran and syria iran, and egyptei and afghanistan? why are chinese nationals pouring over the border in southern california? the problem now has become soveh bad that even the liberal media caberal men longer ignore it. take a look at the 60 minute segment from last nigh at. >> take a look.>> the number of migrants arriving at the southern border is unprecedented. last year, u.s. customs and border recorded two and a half million instances
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of detaining or turning away oeople attempting to cross int united states from mexico. >> so what's the fastest e ongrowing group among them,t chinese migrants? yes, you heardt. that right, chinese. >> we saw large groups, includinuding from the middle easts, come through a four foot gap at the end of a border fence 60 miles east of sanlega diego. >> the illegal entry way is a new route for those hoping to live in america.. >> look at new york city, where the governor, kathy hochul, ada, with the mayor, eric adams of new york city, welcomed iml immigrants wel with open arms. we are open. we're a sanctuary stat sanctuare. ficers while it's wreaking havoc in new york this morning, new york city police officer, s they conducted a raid on a venezuelan gang tied to dozensds of robberies. and, of course, the brutal assault on nypd officers last week and showing just how truly out of touchwing he is.r adam new york city mayor adams
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attended the rai d and the press conference there after appearing to wear a fendi scarf . reportedly, that scarf costs nearly $700. i'm glad he's making a lot of money doing a lousys making job. here was reaction, former senior adviser to president trump stephe n miller and theiller, host of tomi lahren is fearless. on outkick tomi. lahren is with us. you know what? we'll get a break. protocol. with ste we're going to start with stephen miller tonight. and there's a reasonn miller st, is america first legal? your legal groupr le put out a t of every single thing wrong with this border bill. what have you found? this is an astonishingl stupendously astound, ingly catastrophic bill. it is beyond anything any of us could have imagined or feared. >> for example, sean, thisgivese bill gives secretary mayorkas unfettered, unrestrained power f to mint new citizens out
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illegal aliens. what i'm saying is literally true. it is not hyperbole or exaggeration. here's how it works. under federal law, all an asylum officer at dhs can domet right is grant something called credible fear. and that'sar. a initial step asu on the long road to asylumm.. ra the asylum court, uscis, a dhs, are the radicaf the ral left of the radical left. that is the deep state of dhs. this gives them the power to rapidly grant newly arriving illegal aliens full asylum benefits. so in other words, my caucusien. is the unilateral decider of who gets asylumth what does that mean? if you get asylum, you get instantaneou gets access to fedl welfare, such as food stamps, public housing, free health care. green a year later, you have a green card, and four years after that, you coulr thatd be full vg american citizen with access to chain migration and everything else american citizens get. and you certainltion y are not ever going to be deported. >> this bill also seements ands
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and codifies catch your release by saying that if an demands orn insists upon asylum, they can be released from federal custody never to be seen or heard from again. as you have covered the shut down authority that purported to exist purport in this bill doesn't exist at all. president biden can waive it or ale to enforce it at any point in time. but it's even worse than that becausee, but i access hase shunted to ports of entry to still be admitted anyways. i >> that means ifa fu a futurep h president wants to keep the aliens out, he has to let them in through the ports. port current law right now a president can shut down the ports ports completely and not let in a single illegal algal alien. >> this legislation also on top of all of that, it completelyd o exempts unaccompanied minors from immigration enforcement. so fr anyone 17 or under gets a free pass to come into america. that drives the mr. cheney problem. it drives the gang problemoblem it also drives the childg
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trafficking problem, of course, monstrouslprobley at every singe level. this bill enshrines the worst policies of joe biden. it it makes it easier to turn illegal aliens into citizens and it hamstrings future enforcement. it guts 42 makes it unusable,ore unworkable to enter the futurent and it so filled with complicated pages long exemptionsexceptio and waiversyu and discretionary authorities that i t is impossibletem. to effectively manage the system. itbe be the best gift. immigration attorneys for illegal aliens ngo and have eve, received. >> you know it's amazing. >> but tomi, go back to the simple point is in the first hundred days that biden has been president, he undid all o ftter the trump policies. i only gave you the short list, the ones that matter. stay .buildi in mexico, buildinge 42 the wall, title 42, etc. the law is very clear on top of it, and we cited that on this program many times. and that is it is against the law to be doinlaw
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g the things that he's doing and including aiding and abetting it. what i awhat by any definition,n trafficking. and on top of itf we learned lat week, he's giving a billion taxpayer dollars and debitz to cards and other benefits to illegal immigrants. that's our money. nobody approved that or camee an to the american people and saidn ,are you okay with your money going to illegal immigrants, $1,000,000,000 worth? i don't thinplk most people woua be okay with that. th no, most people are not. and what this is, is this is aet giant trap once again. the left, they are manipulative, they are smart, they are cunning . >> they have found a way to once again move the goalposts. and then ur so-called our republicanin leaders, representatives, senators there to this tangle tickled pink, calling this an accomplishment, codify lying and legitimizing illegal immigration is somehow an accomplishment. once againim, the democrats agan have set the rules. they bend the rules for every enforcement mechanism that's in this bill. as stephen mentioned, there's a loophole mention right next ti
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that maybe the average american reading it doesn't immediately realizng i e. but this to me amounts to treason. this to me, amounts to legitimizing illegal immigration for the foreseeable future. we want to get donald trump back in office because as you mentionede mp was abl, ss able to and for years he was able to give us the most secure border, certainly in my lifetime. he cbiden could do that tonightt . he could do it right now. of course, we know he's sleeping, but he chooses noes not tthe deng himt to. the democrats are throwing him a lifeline on immigration and republicann.s are sittinge s back like they need to take this because somehow it's goin b g to look good for them in the press. no, republicans need to hold the line re. anyway. the left is going to cover this whatever way they want to anyway. and ote them thi give them this. do not fall for the trap. stand up for the americanlist. people and hold the line. and any republican that doesn't do that, they should have their name a list and they shouldr ag never be elected to political office ever again under the r label. >> the only way to stop it,e co steve miller, is if republicans are completely united in the house, and that means
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everyone. that means the ken buck's of the house conference. they have to all be on the sameo page. otherwise they'll go to conference. they'll send the bil bill,l. there will be brought up forhanc a vote whether republicans want it or not. and this has a chance of passing. it really does because of the slim majority, the house republicans. >> you know, we're operating mar extraordinarily thin margins. obviously, we don't have control control of the senate. >> we need everyone in the house, whether it's the to votet margin right now to support speaker johnsohan in his statement that this thing is d.o.a., not in this form, formt in similar form.nd deads completely and totally dead in the house.peaker we need every house republicann to stand by johnson in that proclamation. this is very simple, sean ando i republicans need to get this and drill this into their skullsskulls the correct position as a matter of policy, politics and moralitciesy is illegal aliens go home. ille don't get 1000, you don't
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get 2000, you don't get 5000 illegal. don't come in to buses, airplanes, ports, land entry,e t anywhere. they don't come into the country. ifo th co you break our laws you g and violate our sovereignty, you go home, you don't pass, go. you don't get $200 and you certainly not become a citizen and make jon tester, bide sherrod brown, make senator rosen of nevada defend the joe biden policy of permanent o invasion levels of illegal immigration. >> if you make that the referendum refu will, you will p the house, you will win the senate, and you will prevail at every level up and down the ballot. do not become an accomplice or a a party to the destruction and eradication of our national sovereigntn of oury. >> it's that basic, that simple, that binary. binsean. us. all right. stephen miller, tomi lahren, thank you both for being with us on friday dr. phil mcgraw. he visited the southern border m in texaseeting, meeting with bor patrol officials to witness the ongoing crisis firsthand. zh and he rightly criticized the administration for admiration fg it, llin
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quote, a humanitarian crisis unlike anything we have evers un seen before. here with more on his experience visiting the border and in texas, author of the book we've got issueer os a good friend, the host of the dr. phil prime time show, dr. phil mcgraw. you know, i've always loved your style, which is just hard i hitting, penetrating, straight truth. take it or leave i'm not worried about your feelings. i'm not sure in this world if that'srle as quite as acceptabl. i give you credit. those went dow yn. oursel you went down and you lookedf. at the border himself. d kamajoe biden and kamala harra can't really say that they did what you did. i >> well, sean, thank you. i did go there because first off, i'm pro immigration. >> you need to understand. i think we need immigration in america. we need it for a loty it of different reasons, but not the way it's being practiced right now. >> illegal immigration. you're proln. illegal immigration. >>al i'm pro-legal immigration.t
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and we both are. and i know that. and i went down and talkedntle to thesemen t gentlemen becauso i wanted to know from a skilled one of the most psychological principles, one of most fundamental psychologicaprl principles is you don't reward bad behaviores, yo. and i wanted to go talk to theol guys that are that are heading this up. >> and i have to tell you, you talk about some impressive troops down there.a these these guys are fightingbae a morale battle because they can't get what they need. whati wanted to know what's happening down here, what's really going on. a you know, we hear this number, 6 million people have come across under the current administration. i talked to experts down there that say say tha that number is, that it's closer to 13 to 40 million that have come across. o and i asked them straight up, what is it you need here? >> and they i was shocked to hear them say, we don't needs more money. >> we don't need resources, we don't need more officers, we
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don't need more legislation. we just need the laws are on b the books to be followed. we need to be allowed to do our job. >> and we can get this under thi control. h right now. we don't need a bunch more money. officers money, and legislation. . >> just let us do our job. that's all we need. needand you will do that. >> we can get this undernight. thntrol overnight. you know, dr. phil, i've been down there myself over the years, probabl y 12, 15 times. horseback, all terrain vehicles on foo, t. you know, i've been out i've been in the drug warehouses, you know, floor to ceiling, you know, drugs that will kill our kids, you knorugsw, whatever the number is, 8 million, 10 million. when you when you coun 8 millt illegalng immigrants. here's the thing. nowantk. se wants to tal we're supporting legal immigration. that, to me meant. s, oh, well, every person coming to this country needs to be vetted. they can't have radical ties or associations. we associat to know that before
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they come here, we need to know, give themiv a health check in the middle of a post. >> but in a post-pandemic world, we need to makepost-p, they won't be a financial burden on the american people. i think very simple stufburden we have people come in from iraq, iran, syri coma, egypt, afghanistan, china, ande more and tens of thousands combined from those countriecou >> why do you think they're coming to our southern border? and what are the oddat theres that there are terror cells among that large group of people? >> we would be incredibly narcissistic to that. these people are coming in hereo just because they're in the neighborhood. they're coming in here with an agendamih an h. it's >> sean, between 2010 and 2020, it's estimatedd that that 1100 u chinese came across inr in thestimated first 11 months of 23. it's estimated that 33,000 cameo across and many of the military age men. >> now, where did they go oncee ac the border?ss
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we have no idea. they're not being monitored. they're noe not bet being., yo and look, in china, you don't just decide, know what? >> i think i'll take a trip. when have to go through certai n steps to get out of china. >> it costs a lot of money to get here. t here and they get here. what are they doing if they're working in farming, are they're working in the industry. >> i'll promise you. they are expecteo to do certain are they spying or are thedingy sending seeds back from farmingy to china or are they getting plans from industries they're working on and who knows what they're doing? >> we don't know. and we neenow.d know. and the guards tell me and iwn talked to so many of them down there, they said, we're not trying to close the border. whatknow to know is who, why and what who's coming in here? h >> why are they coming and what is their business? and wet have the right to know that to control who's coming into this countr y. >> and as i said, you don't reward bad behavior.
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you don't subsidizwant te things that you don't want to see more of. >> but that's what's happening. ing thatand is what's interestig that really shocked me. in tooff they weren'tn someone in a brown uniform that's a texas department p of public safety border guard, they get arrested, they get putn in jail, and they get returned if they run into a greent is uniform that is a federal, they get money and a court datee that 7 to 10 years down the road and they get released into the country.brow so you see these groups cominguf across. and if they seorm,e a brown uniform, they hide, they see a green uniform, they run towardrds it. >> and that to me is just insane that we have that kind of difference going on down there with the guys working sidede by si by side.mean, >> i really give you a lotyo of credit. i mean, you've spent time,words, you went down there, you talk a to the people on the front lines. marknd i my words, dr. phil andi pray to god that i'm wrong, mili that i can one day say i was wrong. amonong the 10 million or so
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illegal, unvetted joe biden immigrants. i guarantee you terror cellsnd have among that group. and they're not coming here because they want a better n lie for themselves or their family. >> and he will then have blood on his handsvehi. that's a national security disaster, a clear and present danger t dang. u back dr. phil, thank you. great to have you back. all right. we come back.ortland. >> oregon declaring a state of emergency in portland. shousurpriset surprise any body. why the federal crisis just a few years after they largely decriminalized the use of hard drugiss. sara carter has an exclusive report. also, president trumpdr said governor kristi noem is on his v.p. short list. ugs.we'll ask her about that straight ahead. what is going on on american campuses? what do our enemies want is they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you say someone's pronoun the wrong way. you can get kicked out of college.
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the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class. from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point? and can we stand up to it? poison ivy with pete hegseth streaming now on fox nation. >> sign up at nail fungus is nasty opti. nail starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. its clinically proven formula penetrates the. the results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus damaged toenails a makeover. >> be my valentine diamond hearts just 59 half carat diamond hearts 199. when two hearts become one pendant 699 half caravans 399 and one carat studs 599 all guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchangednyme wrapped. >> hey, i just got a text from. my sister. you remember ric, her neighbor? sure. he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadlnot abou havey, not anymore. >> wow. so we're not about to have theea
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>> all right. so back in 2020,th votereys in oregon, they decided by a 16 point margin that joe biden should be thearrest president and police there should stop arresting people for using drugs. they also never punished the people who, by the way, spenthe t the entire summer of m throwing a lot of rioting there. h of four years later, much of downtown portland is now an open air drug den with public fountain. all use a constant par publit oy life. it's gotten so bad that the state, the city, the countyd they've now joined together to declare a 90 day state of emergencyte o try to try andl the city back from the brink. sounds a little too little too late. our very own sara carter sarah in portland today asking localsa justls that question. >> here's what they told her. do you think the fac t that they made it so accessible has led to this massive increase in narcotics increas use and deaths? >> there's no doubt in my mind there's no consequence. i meanin, the people who areseqn addicted are addicted, and that'sce that's just easiert easi
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to obtain and use and not have any consequences. we complain about too much governmentment. and when there', enough government and we have issues like we're experiencing now on the crisis,t too, where a lot of people cande be affected and i think that in portland we just don't have a lot of resourcese . y it there are a lot of like really well-intentioned folks w in charge and like making decisions, but we haven't really seen like what they'reey doing with the money that they've bee've beenn like r measure one time passed in portland, used to be these, h you know, i think they cleaned it up a little bit, but, t you know, drug use, all the things that with drug use is just going horrible here. cae >> all right. sara carter live in portlandrtld tonight with much more. you know, to me, thipredictas is predictable as the day, you know, as the sun rising in theeast an th east and settie west. that's it's that simple
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to figure. what l but this is what left-wing policy give you. now,eft wing all of a sudden, ae of emergency. how's that going to work out for the city of portland the pot well, yeah, sean, i mean, just to put this into perspective for you, in multnomah county, this is where portland is located that no deathstie increased 533% since 2018. and that's going up to 2022, whe they say when the 2023 numbersto come in, it's going to far exceed the 533%, in tan, it's shocking when you're walking down the street and you see young people in their early twentiesd mid twenties, late thirties, th, arounde slumped over they are no longer aware of the world around them. and you know, that it'sg ex it's growing exponentially. thec others are walking around the city. they're carrying narca on make on them. i spoke to one mother. she didn't make it in anin our
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who hour segment right there, but i spoke to one mother who said she's terrifie sdd of what's gon to happen to her child. she saw addict owns in her ownde family and never tried any t drugs because of that, but then said, what's going to happen happd when s when she lives in a community that's overrun inher theycs and lawlessness and everyone everyone, whether they were young or whether they were old? spokeo,sean, that i spoke to sd there just aren't any consequences. about and just to make matters worse, and you were talking earlierpeng about what was happening at the us-mexico border, we know that all these precursoresr ch are coming from china. they're coming into mexico and america. it is there that these fentanyl tablets and pillls are being produced and then thdy're shipped into the unite states. and many of the deaths that are occurring now are not justst to overdose, they're actual killings. people takine actualg a percoce, taking a pill and thinking it is that pillinking i and it isnn it is pure fentanyl and it is killing them.
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so we'reit's k in an extraordiny crisis here in the united states. i ca n say this, that many people wonder how far this go. in soo go portland is just a microcosm of what is happening in so manya other cities across our country, sean. and it's reallllg any and shock, all right. great job, sara carter in oregon tonight. we appreciate it. now, as joe biden contine bidenr his border standoff with the state of texas, a grouepublinp of governors while they headed to the lone star state this past weekendekend to show their support. frankly, i think there would have been a showdown ihave ba su that didn't happen. all the republican governors supporting greg abbott, south dakota governor kristi noem was one of the first. she made her own visit to the borderk an week.d troo she pledged to send troops and razor wire to help texas. >> governor noem has aligned herself with president trump on the border. issue. by the way, this past weekend, during an interview with bartiromo on sunday morning futures guess what trump said? he confirmed what i had asked
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her. a numbernfirme of times that, in fact, kristi noem is on the short list to beti noem hi. >> take a look. but that has nothing to do. i don't want anybodyke a loo toy to take even any inference, but it's incredible. kristi noem has been incredible fighting for me. she said i'd never run againstea them because i can't beat them. >> that was a very nice thing of say. >> all right. here with more, author of the new book, no going back south, dakota governor kristi noem is with us. governor, first, before we get to the questioningh us i, ie to ask and i want to ask about trump and then maybe being chosenp, maybe as v.p. ass running mate. >> i don't thinkg mate i don't k governor abbott would have been able to withstand whatd whatevet deadline meant to joe biden had it not been for you and ron desantis and young and all, the republican governors. they all deserve credit thatat m stood by governor abbott side. if you didn't stand with him in solidarity, not sure.ipitated >> i'm not sure. biden wouldn't a realre.pitated a real crisis down there.
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yeah, sean, i went the actuale day that that showdown was supposed to happenwhi he. was at people ask me why when i heard the news, i immediately the next day was at the border , and it was because of what i heard democrats encouraging the presidenheardemocrt to they were encouraged, encouraging president biden to activate our nae our nationae soldiers so that they would stand down. he actually was goinolg to take control of our south dakota national guard andactually actually activate them so that they would not protec to stat america. so recognizing the real threat that was to states rights and how that wouldwe the fi be d time in history a president would pay a soldier to notshow u to not protect our country made me show up in texas the next day to let governor abbott know i'm here. south dakota is with you. we will defende last our constitution. we will defend our rights because the last several years we'v e e seen the democrats take away our freedom of religion, our freedoomm assembly,take our freedom of speech. we can't let them take away our state's rights too our, ghts especially our right to protect ourselves. >> all right. let me ask t you aboute as the interview that president anump had with maria bartiromo
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. and he made those comments about you and the vice presidencye vice. hypothetically, i've asked you that question a number of times. welles, i said you'd be on an everybody short list. i believe that to be true. now. but he specifically mentioned you and tim scott. what's your reaction? your >> well, i mean, that's kindnd o of him. you know, i trump's policy, he is it's kind of like i said, i was a well, he and i talkan quite often and he's a man who has strong policies and always puts america first. th my too. at the end of the day, nos to matter what policy you're talking about, it has to be fighting for america first. no other plae's no other place in this world we can go and live a better life and have more opportunity. sos. yo, you know, i was very kind ti of him to say that. and he always is fun to listen to. i don't know how long his short listlist is. hav is. may have 50 people on his short list. who knows? i thin should pick truth somebody that will tell him the truth, be a good partner,
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and that will help him, be win par because he absolutely needs to win for the sake of our futured he. >> well, i'll say this.>> s if the question was ever brought to me orea my name was brought up, i'd be like maximus to marcus aurelius. >> do you not accept this great honor with all my heart? t no, i don't need that headache. but the national media , brutal to whoever that person will be. we see how they trea t president trump. we see how every republican pretty much is treated. how tre idenbut we've got, well, just, what, 273 days until election day. governor, great to have you.ecie i appreciate all that you. yeah, i appreciate all that that you and the othert governors have dongovee to suppt governor abbott. all right. when we come back, we're not going to believe what bide atn calls both president trump and prime minister netanyahu behind closed doors. zing. pretty revealing. we'll get newt gingrich's reaction and actually have a'll good news story. >> what a shock. straight aheadew , the day you gt
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you can watch. listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> >> in spite of the media trying to will joe biden's poll numbers are not getting any better. a new nbc news poll showing biden trailing former president donald trump by five points overall. and get this. trump beats biden by 23 points when it comes to who is more physically and mentally fit for the job. by the way, trump trailed biden in 2020 in that department by nine points. but one than that, biden is lashing out at trump in private ,reportedly calling him a sick f-word and an f ing a word. and trump isn't the only one. that's the target of biden's ire. apparently, he has now turned on israeli prime benjamin netanyahu, who biden is now reportedly calling a bad effing guy. the white house is denying that report. regardless, it looks like biden has given up
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on the charade of being that kind likable, you know, gentle old man like, a grandfather figure. he's now fully revealing himself to be the arrogant, lifelong politician that he's always been. and this, of course, is biden all but refused to hold iran accountable for their attacks throughout the middle east, striking a few empty warehouses here and there and letting everyone know his plans ahead of time. why? we got to make sure terrorists and the people responsible can escape. and, of course, locking us in an endless, you know, cat and mouse game with, the houthi rebels. that could be because his administration is more focused fighting, you know, global warming than actually take it on our enemies. take a look at what vice president kamala harris had to say other day. >> she seemed for years, the former president has stoked the fires of hate and bigotry and racism and xenophobia fear for his own power and political gain.
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>> maybe she wants to remember what she said about her own boss, just in case she forgot. we didn't take a look when vice president biden was in the united states senate working with segregationists to oppose bussing. had i been in the united states senate at that time, i would have been completely the other side of the aisle. >> and it was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose bussing. >> and, you know, there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools. and she was bussed to school every day. >> and that little girl was me all right here with reaction, former house speaker newt gingrich. yeah, that was joe partnering with the former klansman robert byrd to stop the integration of public schools. he didn't want them, in his words, to be racial jungles. but the media, of course, has given them a pass on that. and kamala then became as vice president. >> pretty amazing history there
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. >> look, i think i think on the left, whatever they have to say, whatever they have to do to keep power, they're going to do. that's a reality. but i have to say, john, tonight running the first time, i'm beginning to think maybe biden will not be the nominee. and i say that because the rate of his cognitive decline, the number of recent examples where he couldn't remember what he was saying or he couldn't remember who he was talking to, you could imagine with the weakness at the border, the weakness that we just heard a report about from portland drugs, the weakness in iran, the weakness in ukraine. at some point, there may be a genuine rebellion in the democratic party that says we can't put this guy up this fall because we'll be hopeless. the nbc news report, the poll they did was devastating. almost a day later, cnn had a similar.
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it's very clear that biden right now drifting into jimmy carter territory where people just think he's not competent and ain't working. and then their personal lives, they think that he is causing them enormous problems. >> okay. when you lose as a democratic presidential incumbent, the likes of david axelrod, van jones, james carville, and maureen dowd, they're pretty prominent voices, democratic circles when you lose all four of them. that probably is the canary in the coal mine that you are going to be, right. if you are right, who replaces him and when do they do it? at the convention? a lot of people are speculating, michelle obama. i personally don't see it, but it's a possibility. >> who replaces her? well, look, i mean, i think the biggest argument in favor of his survival is your question. you know, kamala harris could
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make the argument that she should be the replacement and then the left wing of the democratic party would be fine . the rest of the country would recoil in horror and she would lose in a landslide. you know, you could have the governor of california, who you've had on the debate with ron desantis, you could have the governor of michigan or pennsylvania. you could have i it's very hard to imagine michelle obama, but i have some close friends who are very smart, who are absolutely convinced that she's going to be the replacement because she trumps kamala. and being a black woman on national ticket. so my i think part one is how do you talk, dr. jill and president biden into agreeing to go back to delaware to bicycle the rest of our lives when they've got all this stuff. part two is does it get bad enough that the average delegate says know we just can't do this to the country. we're not just a one election.
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you want four more years of rate of decay, of this rate of not knowing what you're. and then, as you point out, the other real problem, which is historic is the middle east is a mess. and it's getting worse. ukraine is a mess and it's getting worse. >> and there's no indication at all that joe biden has the capacity to help the united states get through this difficult period. i would not have said and until tonight, it just hit me that it's all coming in. and it made me realize that we really have to think about the possibility that it may just collapse the the plausible theory. and i think that's where the nbc poll and the follow on cnn poll are a real warning to the democrats. remember, also in the nbc poll, the republicans are now ahead by a significant margin. in which party do you want to have run the congress? so if you're a democratic operative, you're looking at a catastrophe
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at least comparable to 1980 with ronald reagan. >> and you begin to think, you know what what do we do to avoid this? >> and the answer can involve joe biden. i think you may be proven right. i saw images this weekend of him going up like three or four stairs and it was like you had to hold him with all your strength. it's it was not a pretty sight. speaker gingrich, good to see you. thank you. when we come back, shocking polls for biden trailing trump among key demographics. lara trump. she'll weigh in. she's in charge of the whole south carolina primary. that's what i've been is the rumor. jorgd, george is always put the ones he loves first when it comes to caring tech he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. with ae it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latestand 20 technology and equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional% cae
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around five stars. biggest prize. next, the great american race, daytona 518th on fox. harris faulkner puts america's news in focus. we begin here demanding answers
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>> all right. joe biden's reelection campaign continues to be an utter
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disaster. now, key >> sphics frs fromphic 2020, they are now souring on the president. "usa todayy poll finding the biden support among african-american s now down 24%t just since 2020. instead of blaming the president and his bad policies, democrats justre blaming this information. but it's not just african-americanurning bid votes that are turning on biden. biden is now down 39 points a percentage points among hispanic americans since 2020. trump now taking the lead among that demographic. trump is up 4% among voters under 35, another group that biden won by a big margin in 2020. joining us now, the host of the right view, th podcast, lara trp is with us. look, if these numbers ialf of them hold, if a quarterarte of them hold, he wins reelection hands down. what what what has happened? why or why is he losing l the base of his party? >>g th biden well, i mean, john,
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take a look around. >> every single person this country has felt the negative impact of joe biden's presidency. and. and look, especially, you know, coun initiallyn in black americans. >> that is a key voting blocrelo that the democrats rely on to r win reelection for joe biden. without that voting bloc, they really have a big problem. and think back to joe biden.e td in 2020, he told a black americans they didn'tthey vote for him then. they weren't black. typical identity politics, typical racist behavior of the democrat party. pand then what did joe biden d? >> he made life harder for f everyone. includore and especially a lotes of these low income communitiesa around america. you contrast that with donalonad trump. think back to what donald trump did. he went in those places and he created opportunities on sean so that these people could get a leg up to the communitiesi that had been left behind, could actually have hope of a brighter future. you saw the lowest black unemployment under donaldi
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trump ever in the united states histor y. clinto and then of course, you have the 1994 clinton crimen bill. joe biden, by the way, sponsored that, that disproportionatelortionatyp young black men for decades in america. . who wawho was it? donald trump who reversed that with the first step back? so tha people remember, especiam in this community, i thinkembe n the difference is between donald trump being in ane and e and joe biden. but it doesn't matter the color of your skin right now , sean. everyone is suffering under a biden presidencypresiden and s the democrats are hoping and banking on the idea more people hate donald trump than hate their current qualitife. thlife. people are smart. they're waking up. they're seeing the truth. the w, >> they know that life was better under donald trump. you know, by the waye's there is so rumors circulating that you alone are in chargeharo of the entire south carolina campaign. i don't know if there's any truth to that,you kn but, you k, a little birdie told me that you are going to be in charge.
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he we had on kristi noem earlier. her name got mention, tim scott'r name w.s got mentioned r a possible v.p. choices. if your fathered in law comesyow to you and says, laura, what do you think? >> could you who do you recommenu recod? well, i want someone who was an america first patriot. i think we need to make sure wee have someoneone wif with the sai of love for this country that my father in law has. becausn-w has.e face it, we're e to get four more years of donald trump. i , i will mentlemenmen. make sure of that. certainly in south carolina, certainly in my home state ofnog of north carolina. but they we need someone to carry the mantle on for the next eight years in this country. >> so whoever it is, i cans goin you, sean, he is going to make the best pick. he knows who that person is andy trust him to make that decision. >> what do you make of that one? that one nbcnbc poll says, okays you're if the formerida president is convicted, then he goes from a five point lead to a two point deficit. i'm no any ot sure any of theses ultimately are going to be tried this year with the all of
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the pretrial motions being filed here, there and everywhereu know, you know, the d.c. case is a case in point. what's happeningth f in georgia with fani willis? >> another case? tryihaan.t point, does it become election interference if they're trying a top candidate of a top political party? >> oh, it's been electiont. interference since the very beginning, sean. >> that's what this is alltheset about. look, these people are using the least democratic means possibleossible to try and rigo election. and whether you're looking at it from of the indictments that you're referencing or you look at the fact they're trying ref take them off the ballot in certain states, itt the peoplecertai of this coy decide, they will make that decision. it ihould no s decidedt be decia the judicial system or any other mean peopls. e 47th that is, we the people who decide. and if you let us vote, donald trump will be ththe unitede 47tt president of the united states. i love the main talking poin t of democrats. this is democracy in peril as they try to get somebody name off a ballot to prevent the american people for even
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e fo voting, having the chance to vote for somebody. sel right, lara trummebody.>>p,t to see you. congrats on your podcast success. when we comeu. back, an incredible performance. i can't believe i'm saying these words at the grammys lasnt . it got praise from both sides of the aisle and som sidesthe people it'll bring about world peace next. are you embarrassed? your toenails? get clear healthy looking nails with neonics. 90% of nails improve no matter how many years you've struggled . nomics works finally in flip flops. after 20 years carrying out their next work, columbia is breathing a big sigh of relief. how escobar is dead. the once feared narco traffickers who brought hippopotamuses as part of his personal the dangers of and never left. were you afraid for your life?
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