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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 6, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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did that to taylor swift? . she doesn't care. >> raymond: unless it is ceshgline . and he drinks out of the grammy. why do you want more of them? jay-z and beyonce are biggest in music, your accomplishment is your award, right? >> laura: they are billionaires, they have it pretty good. don't sweat the grammy. i'm happy taylor swift clapped for everybody. up next, jesse. >> todd: we begin this morning with a fox news alert.
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country music star toby keith just died at the age of 62 years old. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. a post says toby keith passed, away surrounded by his family. please respect the privacy of his family. >> todd: he posted this video just days ago about the first song he ever wrote. >> first song i ever wrote, 14 or 15 years old, it was called if you're handing out a heartwake. it wasn't bad, it was structured right but it wasn't good either. people around here were like, it
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is a great song, that was 5000 songs ago. >> carley: lucky fans were able to see toby keith perform for the last time in december of last year for three sold-out shows in las vegas. he had 51 singles, including 21 number one and 22 top 10 hits. longest lastingly hit "beer for my horses" and national medal by president trump. toby keith did more for our veterans. he has performed for our troops well over a decade. patriotism and love of country. >> todd: his legacy he would want to be remembered by. his fanings will remember him
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for his music. the song you mentioned underscores what music and entertainment. "beer for my horses" put a smile on your faith. >> carley: my favorite toby keith story is how he wrote "red, white and blue" he heard a news anchor say, we could respond by bombing them. he got so mad at that comment. he wrote the lyrics in 20 minutes and he performed it for
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marines. if you want to serve our country, you have to record that song and he did. >> todd: so many aspects of pop culture really influence the military and our sense of americana. we have lee greenwood on all the time and this is an instance, i started by saying music is not life and death but sometimes a song can inspire people to do great things. >> carley: my husband and i bought tickets to go see to him. he is survived by his wife, three children and four grandchildren. after he announced he was
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diagnosed with stomach cancer. he said, i was going through the radiation surgery and was comfortable with what was going to happen. today we wake up to the news he did pass. >> todd: with his wife for decades, how often do you hear that in hollywood and the music industry. great guy. >> carley: 62 years old, his music, patriotism and humor will be missed. >> todd: full house vote to impeach alejandro mayorkas could come early as today, marking first impeachment of a sab net secretary in 62 years. >> carley: brooke singman is here. >> brooke: the caselet go to full chamber for vote. he is refusing to comply with
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federal immigration law and breaching public trust by claiming the border is secure. house republicans are not mincing words where they stand. >> this is not a migration crisis caused by some event in latin america, this is catastrophe of our own creation. >> he knows what the laws are and he created system to subvert those laws. >> mayorkas's action and refusal to enforce our laws require us to act. mayorkas has refused to uphold his oath of office. >> carley: never meant to harass and democratic lawmakers agree
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with that. cannot latelying mayorkas committed a crime. >> a cynical partisan impeachment divorced from innocence or guilt brought to score cheap political poens. it is out rage whiuous. >> carley: republicans can only afford to lose three votes and republican congressman ken buck says he is a no. majority leader steve scalise is out due to cancer treatment. impeachment managers who would prosecute the case. the trial could start this week. >> todd: thank you. cbp sources revealing there were 6600 migrant encounters just on
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sunday. that sector has seen 100 plus chinese nationals per day, they are among the fastest group crossing and it could be with the help of tiktok. >> we wondered how these migrants knew about the entryway to california. the answer is in their hands. >> you learned on tiktok? >> tiktok is a social media platform created in china. the post we found had step by step instruction for hiring smugglers and detail directions to that hole we visited. >> todd: a former diplomat in asia joan me now. if we needed another reason to ban tiktok, your thoughts?
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>> no surprise folks trying to sneak in will use any means and some will set up networks and secure messaging and in this case tiktok. nothing is surprising, most surprising is inability to stop it. >> todd: while the nation is focusing on the border crisis, how do we pay for people coming across the border? democratic cities are overrun. cbp encountering -- too 2023. over 3000 egyptians, 538 syrians, 12,000 russians and 26,000 chinese nationals. what are the chances those
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individuals are there for the american dream and not one of them want to do us harm. >> we think they are in the search for the american dream. most are trying to get a better life. sometimes a free ride with hotel rooms. in some governments, china top of the list and iran comes up, as well. they wish up harm in violence and economically. we need to blame this administration for leaving the bore unattended. >> todd: the bill is dead in the house, what is the next step to keep america safe. >> todd: i'm worried about my family dying because of a
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terrorist attack because of these migrants. final thought. >> next step, states are taking measures into their own hand and we will have to militarize the border to stop this. we have to have military support border patrol in the past. it is getting time to do that. >> todd: the left does not like to refer to this as an invasion, what do you call them coming across the border? it is an invasion. did you see this? fox weather alert. parts of california under water as massive storm batters there. >> carley: voters won't see donald trump on the ballot today, keeping us on our toes,
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we'll tell you why and ask our panel which candidate they are backing, coming up next. hi, i watch you guys every morning getting ready for work. i love everybody and i love carley's cookbook. have a great day. i'm a parking gate. and i'm all out of whack. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out of here. and if you have cut rate car insurance, this could leave you all bent out of shape. no...ahhh! so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... me. uh, someone! that's broken to pal... hahaha. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket.
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with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> carley: three people dead and 200,000 without power in california as severe weather soak the area with a foot of rain sparking land slides and destroying homes. >> todd: max gordon is live. what is the latest? >> we are in los angeles, terrain is steep and ground is s saturated with water. we are seeing mud slides destroy homes, in los angeles 307 mud slides reported.
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you can see the water continues to run down slope. some areas measuring a foot of rain. this is second atmospheric event to hit in a couple days and the ground is soaked. eight counties have states of emergency. in northern california, 20,000 customers are without power and northern california, three deaths caused from trees falling. good news, evacuation orders have been lifted in santa barbara and ventura. rain continueings to come down and there are concerned about
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additional mud slides. >> carley: massive storm and more rain to come today. max gordon live in los angeles, thank you. senior meteorologist janice dean is here tracking the storm. this brought 75% of the yearly rain total in one day and snow also. >> janice: look at beverly hills eight inches. and again, this area does not see this amount of rain in just a couple of days. future radar, we get a break on wednesday and now deal with rain through thursday. flood watches and warnings stretching toward central
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california and moving into arizona, flash flood watch likely in some areas. we'll get more rain later this week for the northern part of california. sierra nevada and stretching to the rockies, biggest story is the atmospheric rivera that is a fire hose. that system spreads over next couple of days and next round later this week. sometimes it takes days for this reaction to all this rainfall like mud slides and rock slides, that will be a danger for next two or three weeks. >> todd: remember los angeles is a desert. >> carley: big storm here. talk about a neighboring state
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to california. voters will cast votes in the primary. donald trump will be on the nevada caucus ballot, which will be held on thursday. >> a lot of people only vote in a general election and you are given a choice. if you vote in a primary, you make your choice. >> carley: nevada voters join me now. good morning. what is going on in your state? you have a primary and caucus. nikki haley is doing one, donald trump the other. how did we get here and who are you voting for? >> that is a great question. we have a primary that is state
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run and a caucus on thursday, party ran. two candidates on two different part particularets. they are running two different elections. someone can vote for haley today and trump on thursday. i plan to caucus on thursday, my first experience with it. >> carley: your first time caucusing and all 26 will only be awarded to the caucus winner. you can guess donald trump will sweep up the candidates. tell us where you stand, who are you supporting and what issues? >> i'm going for donald trump. going to be border security, crime reform those are like my
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top two things i care about at this moment. he's got my vote. >> carley: do you have thoughts on this border package everybody has been talking about? >> to me, there is nothing controversial about it. it tells us they will send 60 billion instead of sending to your border. >> carley: sounds like you are a no on the senate bill. the primary will be held today, joe biden was in your state trying to appeal to black and hispanic voters. he cited student loan for forgiveness and called donald trump a loser. does any of that speak to you? >> no.
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biden with the way he runs this economy, he has hurt the economy in here in nevada. seeing the way he is treating military member, no, no, no. >> carley: who are you supporting? >> i will be voting in the caucus supporting donald trump. reach out to family members and friends and tell them to come out on caucus night and vote for president trump. we need to shut the border down and stop the fentanyl from coming over. you can become a citizen legally, you can do it. we have laws in place to make that happen. >> carley: there you go. lydia, you came with your
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citizenship papers, which is great to see. thank you for joining us and telling us where you stand. you did an excellent job, thank you for joining us, have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: to new york, alvin bragg says he is presenting charges against the mob of migrants he released without bail for attacking police officers. some were arrested again in arizona. >> todd: more disturbing video of migrant gang robbing and dragging a woman. we will react to it next.
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temporary ceasefire between israel and hamas that could deescalate tension across the middle east. after meeting with salman, he will travel to qatar and talk about freeing hostages. reports indicate hamas is rejecting proposals that could see prisoners freed for those held in gaza. the war in gaza 123 days in, ignited the region. u.s. forces have been attacked 169 times in three countries. starting to fire more frequently. u.s. central command says strikes in yemen took place on
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monday. the question is come whats next. there is understanding that time is running out to find a diplomatic solution to this broadening conflict. >> todd: several migrants connected to beatdown of police officers were arrested in phoenix, arizona, after leaving new york where they were freed without bail. tom feely joins me now. now alvin bragg will present charges to the grand jury with these folks. all it took was an escape from the country to do so. he said the reason he did not ask for bail because he didn't have more evidence. we are looking at vathat
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portrays this whole event. >> todd: lack of understanding as to what bail is there for. bail is to keep people from fleeing. you have people mobile who just did something and fled the screen. why doesn't alvin bragg think they will flee again. >> he must have taken different bail classes, bail is not to keep a defendant from fleeing. bail reform is a problem in new york state, even the governor says this is a bailable event and bail should have been applied. >> todd: the reason we're in this problem in the first place is lack of understanding from elected leaders. here is what eric adams had to
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say. >> while these five individuals are migrant, i want to reiterate number of 170 plus migrants or asylum seekers will continue their journey. >> todd: tom, he doesn't get it. can we solve this crisis if democratic leaders like eric adams fail to distinguish between legal immigration and illegal immigration? >> right and the legal term is illegal alien. new york could solve this problem today, stop being a sanctuary city. take a lawful order of removal and get rid of the law that prohibits new york state working
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with ice. adams was saying we are not prohibiting ice from doing their job. yes, you are. we cannot run license plates or other -- the governor can take care of this today. new york state could be a great place again. and a video of a woman being dragged and they are part of a gang and they mobilized that gang running through the streets of new york as far back as last year racking up 62 grand larceny. no respect for our law or fear of consequences. final thoughts to you. if illegal aliens attack and assault police officers, they have no respect for that, they could give two craps about you
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and i. they don't care about the law. new york state and governor of new york are trying to turn the other way. new york is not safe and people will wake up to the fact we are not safe, we need to close the border institute all the policies trump has. we just need to enforce the law. >> todd: thank you. fox news alert country music star toby ketih passed away at the age of 62 last night. >> carley: he battled stomach cancer for three years, we are reflecting on his life and legacy next. customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee!
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>> carley: >> todd: country music star toby ketih died at the age of 62. >> todd: toby ketih passed peacefully last night surrounded by his family. he fought with grace and courage, please respect the privacy of his family. in 2022 keith revealed he had been battling stomach cancer. tomi lahren joins us now, your reflection on the life and
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legacy of toby ketih? >> tomi: being here in nashville, tennessee, it hits diver in music city. toby ketih a big part of this town and country music and he was the first concert i ever attended. i think about his patriotic anthems in the aftermath of 9/11. he was a fantastic patriot. we're happy he's at peace now. our hearts and prayers go to his family and country music industry. there will never be another toby ketih. >> carley: so right about that. he was in his 30s when he signed his first record deal, which is late in the game.
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he worked as a rodeo hand and in the oklahoma oilfield and played semiprofessional football to support his family, a pretty interesting detail. he talked about early days wanting to be in the music industry and posted this five days ago. watch this. >> first song i wrote i was 14 or 15 years old, called if you're handing out a heartache. it wasn't bad, it was instructured right, but it wasn't very good either. the people around here were like that's a great song, it is just a song, 5000 songs ago. >> carley: think about all of the songs he's done since.
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one reason he's so special is because of his beautiful voice and he has a clever way with words. his lyrics, should have been a cowboy, i love this bar, american soldier. these songs are the anthems to our lives. >> tomi: you are right. he is authentic and genuine. i get chills when you hear "courtesy of the red, white and blue", if you are a proud american. he was, he loved this country and family. we need more men like toby ketih, he will never are forgotten in the music industry. what an amazing man and such a loss for us today. >> todd: random fact, went to
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villanueva university. 95% of villanueva come from new york, new jersey and connecticut and a country boy like toby ketih went to study petroleum in the oil industry. >> carley: that song, "courtesy of the red, white and blue" how many service members listened to the lyrics on repeat. >> todd: a life well lived. senate set to vote on border security bill tomorrow and sharpton is trying to flip the border crisis and uses an interesting word. listen. >> you are getting migrants beating up policemen in streets of new york and influx of migrants that have people outraged and couldn't there be public pressure put next couple
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of days saying why are you allowing this to continue. we are looking everyday at the invasion of migrants and they are playing a time game with politics? >> todd: putting the politics aside, is al sharpton in danger of being cancelled because he used invasion. you don't hear that on cnn and the like. >> tomi: even a blind squirrel finds a nut efr now and then. i will say that is where his reality ends. he looks at this bill, i don't know if he read it or understands it legitimizes invasion at the southern border.
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republicans need to do their job. joe biden could fix this any time he wants. joe biden could fix it right now with stroke of a pen. he undid national security with the stroke of a pen undoing everything trump did. maybe sharpton should send a message to joe biden and let him know he can stop the invasion when he chooses. >> carley: sharpton and politics, wild game. thank you for reflecting on the life of toby ketih. have a great day. this. the faa director heading to the hill to face tough questions about the horrifying air alaska incident. >> todd: and bud light banking on the super bowl, cheryl casone will talk about that. >> carley: brian kilmeade will
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look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: in 12 minutes on "fox and friends," shocking video showing migrant moped drivers dragging a woman in the street and stealing her phone and who are cops saying is behind it? venezuelan gang. they have special dispenization to come here. my heart goes out to them. and a vote to impeach mayorkas today. and whip hemmer was first leader to endorse this. he will join us. and caucus adding confusion, why trump is not on today's ballot but nikki haley is. i'll be at the touch screen making marks on pictures. stay within yourself and get dressed. fully dressed during "fox and friends," you know who i'm
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talking to. throw in the animation. >> good morning, family, dale here from georgia. i start my morning with "fox and friends first." get dressed and start the animation. we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪) if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more.
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>> todd: a fox news alert. king charles temporarily pausing all public events as he begins cancer treatment. is he expected to maintain his role as head of state. >> carley: alex rogan.
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>> hi, carley. officials here in england have not specified what kind of cancer the king has. it might be too soon to know exactly how much information we will receive moving forward in regards to his medical treatment. buckingham palace did release this following statement that his majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation in the hope that it makes public understanding for all of those around the world who are affected by cancer. it was during the king's recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement that doctors found this separate issue. today there is widespread concern across the country and commonwealth. prince harry is reportedly mid flight on his way from california to be with his father. and also follows separate health concerns in the royal family. catherine, princess of wales is recovering after spending 13 days in the hospital after abdominal surgery and roilg he experts warned this has been a very strained several weeks. >> the princess of wales, catherine is in incapacitated.
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you know, back recovering herself. and then, of course, you have got prince william who is also on jury duties. now we will see t duke and duchess. does leave royals very thin on the ground. >> buckingham palace says that the king can continue to carry out private meetings but all public duties are officially off the table for the 75-year-old as he undergoes treatment. carley, todd? >> alex hogan live for us in london. thank you. the head of the faa will be facing questions on the hill today after multiple concerning incidents with boeing aircraft. >> todd: cheryl casone fox business with details. >> boeing is actually having some more production issues with the max. there is some more basically fuselages unfinished planes. new safety concerns a lot on the table for boeing today and faa administrator. as far as the f.a.a. goes, what was their role and what do they know and not knowing about the boeing plane, the 737 max 9, you
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know, are we overseeing boeing enough? are regulators overseeing boeing enough. one issue on the table. another issue on the table today especially again after alaska airlines is going to be dei. new jersey congressman jeff van drew saying all i ask is that the faa hire individuals based on who is most qualified for the position who will best protect our airspacena. is the job of the faa. it is not their job to be politically correct. what they are talking about is individuals that were hired with disabilities are they the right person involved airplane safety targeted disabilities are those disabilities the federal government as a matter of policy has identified for special emphasis and recruitment and hiring. hearing, vision, partial paralysis. epilepsy. incident electric actual and psychiatric disabilities. all of this is going to come up
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today. very sensitive topics as far as dei and hiring those with disabilities. i don't think anyone is going to sit there and say we shouldn't hire people with disabilities. they need to get down to job specifics and talk about that as well as it relates to airplane regulation. >> carley: people want the most qualified person for the job regardless of your situation with physical disabilities or not because this involves safety. >> todd: when it documents safety, there is obviously a question whether when it comes to boeing at the very least, the diversity, training and all those aspects are tied to faulty planes. that's something for congress to get to the bottom of. cheryl, when i sat here and i interviewed those two parents, who lost their daughter in a 2019 crash, they said unequivocally last week, ground these max jets now. they are unsafe. and that really spoke to me. and i think it speaks to our viewers as well. >> carley: speaking of safety, what's going on, cheryl, with these d.c. supermarkets.
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people don't feel safe in the grocery stores either. >> robbery up 67% last year. theft up 23% in d.c. steady numbers. now, they are putting these high tech security gates in some stores to try and stop shoplifters. some of these residents are saying look, i have got some problems with this. watch real quick. >> it was quite odd. i actually trump bled my receipt to put it in my pocket. i tried put it back. they wouldn't let you scan. the woman had to help me put it. i had never seen that before. >> they are struggling a little bit with the new -- there is pictures of the gates. they will do anything to stop theft. >> finally bud light pulling out all the stops and comeback including signing carley my favorite comedian and other things. >> what is really cool so, budweiser and bud light, really trying to make a comeback, budweiser is going back to the roots. first i want to show you this video. this is the spear. this is last night. and this is bud light and they
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took over the sphere. they are really trying, folks, to save themselves. okay? the other thing is that budweiser is bringing back the clydesdales. watch this, kids. >> highways are currently closed. >> you got to be kidding me. >> what do you want to do? hey. ho[. >> back with the dog, even better. by the way, look, bud light has taken a 'big hit, going to try come back with human and laughter. hired jeremy renner. he almost died in that snowfall accident. it's going to be a heart string fun not bud light sorry. >> carley: desperate acts please come back to me. >> todd: shane gillis is funny. "fox & friends" right now. >> carley: have great day, everybody.


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