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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> laura: i remember on the radio at the time after the iraq invasion there were many of us that said, where are the entertainers. keith was there. the other fact i didn't realize until kid rock texted me, tobey had an eye for talent. >> if it wasn't for him there wouldn't be a taylor swift today. early 2000 she was the first artist signed to keith's brand new record label. tobey keith, husband, father, grandfather, country star, and patriot dead at 62. god speed. >> jesse: welcome to jesse water's "prime time" tonight. >> the only reason the board certain secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> jesse: joe biden living in the twilight zone.
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>> have you ever seen this much chocolate leave the city of new york? that's why people hate on me. >> jesse: the race card officially over. >> jesse: disney canceled and gina strikes back on prime time. plus cocaine hippos. >> jesse: last night we invited senator langford on from oklahoma. the republican that co-authored the border bill with democrats who said border never closes. he said he was in a meeting and couldn't make it we invited him on again tonight. we had questions. why spend $20 billion on a
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border bill that doesn't close the border. langford said he didn't want to come onto get his skull cracked in. he wrote the bill. i read the bill. tell me how it works. instead langford went on cnn twice to talk with anchors covering ukraine's border more than his own. why are they dodging fox and selling it on cnn? senators hoped nobody would read the bill and smash it into the ukraine package to pass it. if the border bill failed they blame maga republicans until november. >> every day until now and november the american people will know the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. it's time to show courage and spine. >> jesse: biden will campaign on
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trump didn't secure my border? good luck. americans may not be paying attention but we're not that stupid. every migrant that crosses says thank you jose biden. he won't stop until the treasury is empty. obama had half as much money as biden. democrats want voters. biden wants to be a minority. >> unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop. nonstop. folks like me who were caucasian of european decent for the first time in 2017 we will be an absolute minority in the united states of america. absolute minority. fewer than 50% of the people in america from then and on will be white european stock. that's not a bad thing. that's the source of our
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strength. >> jesse: now in my new book "get it together" troubling tales from the liberal friends "you can preorder on amazon. the first chapter tells a story of open boarders professor. none of the arguments made logical sense until he delved into his childhood. a traumatic childhood experience he shared with me, because i'm an open and understanding guy, explains what motivates open border fanatics. there is a revenge playing out. will you have an a h-ha moment at the end of the first chapter. get it together for the ah-ha moment. the assault on america is being orchestrated by the left and executives shielded from the pain. the ruling class just sees dollar signs.
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>> will create more opportunities for families to come together for business, hire additional workers this. bill is not just good for the border, it's good for the american business and american economy. we need a path of documentation for those already here. we're not walking away from true immigration form. including permanent protections and pathway to citizenship. >> jesse: now feasting on low waking workers insulated from the collateral damage of carpet bombing counties with caravans. the working man feels the impact on the neighborhood, schools and streets. quality of life goes down. taxes go up. use your common sense if you bring in millions of third world men in their teens and twent he's. unskilled, uneducated, sponsored by cartels. a percentage of these men will
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move into street crime. fly under the radar. a migrant moe ped tkpwaepbg is robbing women in new york. >> these thieves ride up, steal and make a get away. the leader will blast out a message via what's app he's looking for phones. >> the most challenging part for police is tracking down criminals with indefinite ids. it's hard to tell who is really who. >> they're essentially ghost criminals. no criminal history, no photos, no cellphone, no social media. >> jesse: they're ghosts, no ids. undeportable in sanctuary cities. they're recruited seconds off the bus. want to make dinero. smash and grab.
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then go to the burbs to lucksly stores and then back into the sanctuary city of chicago. a miami man was lured to a hotel by two sr venezuela women probay paroled by biden. one of the most vicious gangs in south america, here. establishing footholds in miami, chicago and new york. well funded and heavily armed. the president of the united states will be funneling gang mum % from venezuela to your neck of the woods. willingly or unwillingly. these latin gangs are building a army in the country. bring grades marching into the country growing unchecked. central and south american gangs are here fighting each other.
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fighting black street gangs for turfs. russian gangs and the mafia have established players. what relationship does the biden administration have with the cartels? we don't know. but it's a mutually beneficial one. they win, we lose. spanky loco a former gang member joins us now. spanky, how did you get your name, spanky? >> hi, how are you doing. thank you for having me. it's a pleasure to be on. i appreciate your time, appreciate you. >> jesse: you're welcome. is it a childhood thing spanky? >> yes, a childhood thing. my name is xavier. my father's name. >> jesse: you have a lost people coming from the third world. a lot of them detached from their families. teens and twenties. many gravitate to the streets,
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that's what is available to them. how dangerous will this get? >> anytime, i mean anytime you have individuals that, that need to belong, that need to be part of something, that feel like they're not part of something you're always going to have the element of which direction as i going. so, i believe with options having options you give people, you give people choices with no options you don't have any choices .therefore you know easy to turn to, turn to street gangs and criminal activity. >> jesse: how easy is it to operate as a street gang, undocumented guy in a sanctuary city. it must be heaven on earth? >> i ma mean i couldn't say. my early recollections dealing
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with the matter were my own parents migrating from mexico and coming to the west coast. i would like to say it wasn't, it wasn't you know a luxury to say we're leaving our families to go try and do something. i would like to call these migrants more refugees. at that time i can only speak on my experience, you know my family needing to be in a better environment. hard working family, responsible family, my parents moved to the west la venice beach area. crime was never part of our background. now systemically because i had parents that didn't understand the language and didn't have a relationship with law enforcement and relationship with, you know, school administrators. of course people like us, guys
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like us first generation fell through the cracks. i'm a common story. >> jesse: so you're a dreamer, spanky. >> i'm a doer. i'm not a dreamer. because of my short comings and the examples my parents put in front of me i've been able to start my own business, be proactive in my community, talk about my lived experience, and kind what had i saw systemically and say there are options there. are choices here. >> jesse: sure you turned it around and now you're on jesse water's "prime time" be proud of yourself. technically these people are not refugees. they just want to leave their country because they want to make money in america. what better country to do that than america. they're claiming asylum and it's garbage. working the system and biden let's them get away with it. you know it.
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everybody knows it. >> think it's a matter of circumstance. to generalize the population and say mexicans are attributed to cartels and mexicans are attributed to crime. we can also look at what, what the backbone of america plight be. which is the hard work, labor intensive jobs. the jobs that don't want to be picked up by other civilians here in the area. but we have, again you mention it did earlier you have cheap labor, right. you know when you're looking at paying somebody the minimum or less and still take out wages for housing and still take out wages for equipment and be predatory. of course you are left with less options. >> jesse: i hear you. we need immigration in the country, we get that. we like to choose who we let in and not hoisted upon us. spanky, we could have the conversation all day long.
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we can't. we have to pay bills and get to other guests. we appreciate you, respect you. >> thank you, god bless. i appreciate you as well. thank you for having me on the show. of course to understand is to show empathy. i know it's really hard these days. >> jesse: i get it. >> saying that guy and this guy is the reason we're falling apart. how about empathy, going into your community and saying what are the needs opposed to being on the couch and giving your opinion. go out there. go out and be grassroots and connect with the local leaders in the community and see what is needed. see what your mediate area needs. >> jesse: i others empathy. you always know, if you don't others it you lose it. mr. loco, thank you. >> jesse: former fbi agent joins me now. stewart, you have the fbi sitting around and twit willing
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their thumbs. the entire third world gets here and biden let's it happen. nobody is saying, joe, what are we doing here. >> jesse, they have been banging on the white house for several years since trump departed office. the fbi had an effective unit called the safe street task force. it's like al and state law enforcement and federal partners. that was one of the most sought after divisions to get into, being a young and new agent. it had an immediate effect going out into the community and targeting those people that were disruptive in tearing down the fiber of the united states. this is a unique situation because you have the federal government on the boarders that are in a stand down position. they have been told to take a knee. you have state and local governments that have prosecutors that are unwilling
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to prosecute. you have what happened in new york city. you have three or four individuals that beat up a new york city police officer. get out of jail, snub their nose at all of us. not put on a plane with a one way ticket, send them back to their koufpbt ry i have empathy for people. that's just downright an insult, a slap to everybody that resides in the united states, should be horrified those individuals are not only prosecuted but shamed us all, snubbed their nose at us and basically gave us the finger. literally gave us the finger. what does that say to countries outside of the united states. how weak do we look to the rest of the world? >> jesse: the worst part is there will be gang activity, a terrorist attack, politicians will blame the fbi for not catching it. stuart, it's a shame real shame.
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thank you for joining "prime time" as always. >> amen. >> jesse: better flies, chocolates and mudslides.. chocolates and mudslides.. more "prime time" head. ahead.
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>> jesse: yesterday the media declared the biden presidency was in peril. today biden proved why. he was asked about hostage negotiations in gaza, listen. >> there is some movement i don't want, i don't want to, i want to choose my words. there is some movement. there has been a response from the, there has been a response from the opposition but yes, i'm
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sorry from hamas. it seems to be a little over the top. >> that right there the reason he's dodging the traditional super bowl interview. even soft balls from cbs are too risky. now a new poll says three quarters of the country say biden does haven't necessary mental and physical health to be president. on sunday the president met with the french prime minister who has been dead for 30 years. >> after i was ele elected i weo a g7 meeting. i sat down and said america is back. and -- from france looked at me and said, said you know why, how long you back for. >> jesse: biden sees dead people. don't you dare ask binder about
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it. >> how will president biden convince the three quarter of voters concerned about his physical and mental health that's that he's okay although he told a story about talking to a french president that diepugh in 1996. >> i won't go down that rabbit hole with you. >> what is the rabbit hole. >> you saw the president in nevada, south carolina, michigan. i will leave it there. >> jesse: saw him and still in peril. now american cities are being miss managed into owe livian. street crime, drug addicts, migrants and traffic. that's the real killer. you're not allowed to notice the chaos. if you do you're race is. >> you have ever seen this much chocolate leaving the city of new york in go dune the line
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look who is here this. is representative of the city. that's why people are hated on me. >> we have public safety day to address, unhoused to address, a budget to address. i'm doing that with a black wife, raising three black children on the west side of chicago. >> jesse: the predominantly minority pop lieu populations -- >> eric adams don't put drugs in our community. put something here for the kids to learn. >> look out for the people in new york. the homeless people, a lot of people here need food, places to sleep. >> right now these elected officials, the people of chicago we have a migrant overload. >> we don't have enough teachers and resources. we hear there isn't enough money. then we spend a billion dollars
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helping people who don't live here. >> jesse: we were told black people can't be racist. put the race card way. this is a pattern that started with obama. if you were against obamacare, racist. if you didn't want them to redistribute your wealth, racist. apparently only white politicians can be criticized legit mayly. >> -- impeccable credentials. the black man i chose has been a judge for ten years. >> this country has a history of characterizing black men that are outspoken. pushedback as being threatening and intimidating. she's using a bull horn. >> don't let a fascist tell what you being woke means. be woke.
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>> your popularity or unpopularity rating is a function of sexism and racism. do you think that's true? >> talk ing about the media or people, as it relates to the media i'm sure some of that is true. >> jesse: for too long black politicians have played the race card. imputing the minds of fare minded americans yearning for results. frightening them into science. nothing is as scalding as the race card. as if cheney and trump are not under constant attack. some fare, some not. today "prime time" will retire the race card and play other cards. tomi, anytime you kreut sides prime time it's because i'm straight. >> hey, look. they have a thraoft going on. i know the last time we spoke we
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spoke about football. let me give you another one here. you have a guy named mike mccarthy and mike tom linn. mike tom linn can't be fired he's a great coach. mike mccarthy needs to be gone. get what they have one super bowl and mccarthy has a better record. one says fire him. the other can't be touched. that's what is going on with blacks. can't say anything. if do you you're racist. it allows us to stay in jobs sometimes over. mr. eric adams will use that even though the people criticizing him are as chocolate. i'm so glad we have this chocolate around us. >> jesse: it's okay. it preserves your job security even if you're not doing that good of a job sthafplt okay to play in that case? >> look this is black history month. what i would like first off is for you to switch houses with me. that needs to happen.
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we have awful these black people, i don't know if you have seen it, there are black people saying the wild thing. i thought black friday would be -- i'm disappointed about that. now i'm disappointed about black history month. i'm not getting free stuff. we can ask for you. the world says, what can we do about it. >> jesse: nothing is wrong to ask for it or playing a card to keep your job. i don't know, tomi, i haven't seen your house i may want to switch. >> you don't want to switch houses, no, no, no. like eric adams said, i have a black wife and black kids in there. i have a lot of problems. the only reason do i your show is to get away from them. he stated it's difficult for him to do his job, he has black wife and black kids. what does that say about his house. >> jesse: he has no idea what
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it's living to be married to a white women and have white kids in new jersey. he doesn't want to trade. >> maybe i'm not using that guard. i have this thing called guilt less. white people needs to stop having guilt. seriously. the more you feel guilty the more we will use that card. >> jesse: you're right it's the guilt. you work on the card. we will call it even, how is that. >> that's fine. >> jesse: alright. happy black history month, tomi. >> happy black history month to you too. go out and buy some black stuff. >> jesse: life and death in california.
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>> jesse: fox news alert the new york times is reporting tonight that rnc chair woman mcdonald
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is set to step down from her roll after south carolina. this comes from mounting pressure inside of the party including former president donald trump. he said he wanted to see changes at the rnc. another fox news alert. house republicans have failed to impeach home land secretary all. the vote was moments ago and four republican members voted along side democrats to not impeach mayorkas. at this point jesse watters isn't sure house republicans are capable of anything. record rainfall leaving la with more than 300 mudslides. cars, homes, debris flowing down the streets. damages may hit $11 billion.
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live in la. phil. >> jesse, i'm a so call native born and raised. i haven't seen this much rain fast and consistent before. almost non step down pours for literally 48 hours now. it's causing problems across the state. look at this video. la fire fighters rescuing a man who jumped into dangerous waters to rescue his dog after the la area was hit with catastrophic flooding. look at this beverly hills resident shooting videos of vehicles almost swallowed up by a mudslide. here is another in ventura county in ojai area. that son service road 33. closing down both directions of the road. this is hilly mountainous area where the mudslides straight down. these were common in areas across los angeles as this atmospheric river pounds
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california with heavy rain. it's a dangerous and mess for local home owners. >> this is my house actually. my son lives up the street. he came banging on the door and said get out quick. that woke us up at 7:00. >> we're not use to this rain here. look at this. the nonexistent la river is raging. a sight not seen often here if southern california. run off across the city is channeled out to the pacific ocean. so far this storm has killed at least two people. both of whom died after hit by falling trees in the northern part of the state. back to you. >> jesse: god bless you guys out there. thank you. it's only february. nancy pelosi and pete are killing it 2023 was a good year for the pelosi portfolio. smp up 20%. pelosis up 65%.
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how does the wolf of washington do it? year after year after year? the buffet of the bay area, the trader of the house. it's not pillow talk. nans tee and poly p bet big on chips. didn't know what was in the chips bill biden signed. now pelosis up nearly 85%. they reported their investments the friday before christmas. i'm sure it was an oversight. poly was wrapping his workers. i wonder what he gave the guy whose car he totaled be sides a crewed up arm and neck. don't ask nancy about this. >> has your husband fade a stock purchase from information received by you. >> absolutely not. >> jesse: what happened to the stock trading bill in the house? who ever is in charge,
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republicans or democrats it's never voted on. elon musk backing this conservative actress' lawsuit against disney. gina corano joins us next.
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>> jesse: walt disney famously said, if you can dream it, you can do it. for over a century now disney has used dreams and ideas to entertain us. everyone from the most liberal family in california to the most conservative family in wyoming. disney didn't discriminate until now. three years ago actress gina corano was fired from disney. why? for speaking her phaoeubd. she was one of disney's most talented and be loved up and coming actresses. >> unless you want to go another round one of us has to move on. i was here first. >> jesse: what you saw on the big screen, what you got in real
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life. corano isn't afraid of anything. she doesn't stand down. she criticizes and says her pronounces are beep, bop, boop like r2-d2. she says we have to put voter protections in. she says screaming at someone for being racist when you're not makes you a coward and a bully. everything she says, i have said, you have said. controversial and disney fired her. her social media posts: carano says disney huntered her down. my words were consistently twisted to demonize me as an a lt right wing extremist. a bullying smear campaign aimed at silencing and making an
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example out of me. today she announced with the help of elon musk she's suing disney. gina carano joins us now. why do you think after all of the things said and done by actors and actresses of all political stripes, you were specifically targeted? >> that's a good question. i think maybe because i am a bit unassuming. i'm easy to work with. i think sometimes you know if you asked anyone on the set they would say you know i was the most non controversial person. i think as we have seen all over america, a lost us are getting sick and tired, and soy think that i was a bit unassuming in standing up.
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think that's why i was targeted. >> jesse: what have you learned from all of this? you were one of the biggest purses in the entertainment field and now the next day you're canceled. >> what i have learned is if this can happen to me, this can happen to anyone. i am, i'm easy to work with. i'm passionate about what we do. i'm always excited to be on set. i work with them as much as i could to resolve any issues they had. eventually you have a line when that line is crossed you have to say enough, enough is enough. if i look back on, on what -- if would i of caved and done something that disrespected myself then i wouldn't be doing any favors to the next generation to, my nieces to, your children. you know i felt like since i didn't have any children i was a
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person that could stand up and say some things. the things i said were gentle. they were never aggressive, never with ill intent or malicious. that's how i know. because i was so conscience that, if this can happen to me this will happen to you. if we just pass this along to the next generation you know it's just going to get worst and worst. >> jesse: it's good advice. people young americans come up to me all the time. they say, jesse, life what you say i believe the same thing. at my job i can't say that. i will get in trouble. what do i do. it's hard to navigate this crazy word that we live in. >> yes. >> jesse: your story is inspiring to a lost people, gene afplt. >> i have people at the fan expo that's i absolutely love. i have them coming up in, mass
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amounts of people come up in tears. they thank me for taking a stand and what i have said. that makes it all worth it no matter what happens that has made it all worth it a lawed elon musk and x for championing me in this lawsuit. i appreciate all of your love and support out there. i hope i make you proud. >> jesse: we feel that. thank you, gene afplt good luck on the litigation. keep us posted. >> thank you. >> jesse: professor becomes a butterfly to fight comply mat fe anxiety. she is flying into "prime time" nextar.
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americans are wrestling with climate anxiety. we have covered it here. young people dreading the future, not having kids and not going to work.
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why? climate anxiety. what's the point if we are all going to die in 10 years. some people treat their anxiety by interrupting sporting events or throwing soup at the mona lisa. others do it through interpretive dance. can dance care climate anxiety? one professor at the university of colorado says yes. meet beth, a professor who dresses up and dances as a caterpillar and then metamorphosis into a butterfly as a way to heal her climate anxiety and spread awareness. >> i wanted to investigate this idea of the western caterpillar. that's before i was oh western caterpillar. i am now truly a western tiger swallowtail. my work now is how do use these methods to co-create a
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survivable and drivable future for all and the ecosystems upon which life depends? professor of of theater and environmental studies, beth joins us now. why do you dress up as a butterfly? >> i think a lot of anxiety that people feel is around change and it could be change that happens to us are change that we seek. but often times change is scary. so i feel like i want to go to the champions of change and i think that is butterflies. they started out as these teeny little worms inside an egg and then they fight their way out and become a caterpillar and then go into this chrysalis and have a really mysterious dissolving within time. then they emerge a butterfly. these beautiful creatures that are capable of flight work i have this feeling that we can learn from them how to navigate change in our own lives. because they do it so
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beautifully. >> people come to you and they are freaking out about earth policy temperature warming and you dress them up as a butterfly? do they feel less anxious afterwards? >> if we can believe what they have said, i think people do find comfort. people often feel held when they are inside the chrysalis. many people don't want to come out and show their billions to the world. but we say we need your billions in the world. please emerge and come out. people do find comfort in it. it's maybe not for everyone, but for those who are interested in performance as a way to really connect and to start to feel these things through our bodies so we are not just always in our heads. that's where the feelings can get stuck. if we start to move and be creative and be expressive, i think we can really handle things and process our emotions. >> do you have climate anxiety or do you just enjoy halloween? >> i love halloween.
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i think i do. when the u.s. military tells me that climate change is a national security priority, when the army and the navy and air force all have climate action strategies that are on defense .gov, i say our nation and the people who we pay our taxes to to protect us believe there are changes coming. they deem it to be a security threat. so i think i believe them. i trust these people who serve our nation and protect us. >> should seal team six dress up as butterflies? >> should who? >> seal team six dress up as butterflies? >> yes. i will say yes to that question. >> that will strike fear in the hearts of all our enemies. thank you very much. i love you. "c" thank you so much for having me. as we mentioned at the top
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of the show, get it together available for preorder right now. people talking about it being the funniest book they have ever read. i would agree. just incidentally one of the chapters we wrote about was not having children because she doesn't want to bring children into a world that will melt from climate change. also spoke to a person who blocks traffic for a living. he sits indian style. can't say that. crisscross applesauce in the middle of the freeway and he tells me about the experiences of people trying to punch him in the face. it's eye-opening and explains everything about the liberal vantage point. it's not what it seems. it's all emotional. we break it down. you're going to love it. let's do some texts. josh from red bank, new jersey. that was a terrible r2-d2 impression. sounds more like this. if i did a good r2-d2 i would
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lose all credibility. what little credibility i have left. mike from midlothian, texas. can you imagine the uproar if trump said look at all this vanilla in the room? terry from gardendale, alabama. i don't have climate anxiety. i have migrant gang anxiety. just dress up like a butterfly. fly away from there. gary from florida. did you call spanky spank? we know each other. by the way, not related to spanky burbank. spanky lauko and spanky burbank, distant cousins. i am watters, and this is my world. welcome to "hannity". a lot of news to cover. mayor eric adams up new york city is disastrous illegal immigrant policies are wreaking havo


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