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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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what little credibility i havewh left mike from midlothian, texas. >> can you imagine the uproahias >> trump said, look at all this vanilla in the room. >> terry from gardendale. i don >> i don't have climate anxiety. i have migrant anxiety gang. just dress up like a butterfly. fl uy away from ms. 13. >> gary from florida, did you call? ank? hey, we know each other, by the way. >> not related to brubeck. okay. locod to, burbank, distant couss . i'm waters, and this is mynnity. world. >> hi. welcome to "hannity". a lot of news tonight to cover. mayor eric adams, new york city. well, his disastrous illegalr ei immigration policies, they are
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wreaking havoc all over new york citciiny. g th but what's he blaming the criticism on racism? it's kind of like the fani willis defense anyway. >> curtis sliw lfania on the grd in new york will join us in a few minutes also. okay . what are the cocaine hippos in colombia and whyhave t they causing chaos? we'll have the latest on that story. he thabut first, it was another, another bizarre blunder for your cognitivether strugglinghep president who needed help from a reporter todaya . taket was pretty bad. take a look. there is some movement. and i don't want i don't want to choose my words. there's some movement. there's been a response from a there has been a responseon from the opposition. but yes. >> i'm sorry. from hamas..
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>> that's president.see on >> this is far from joe's only blunder this week, speaking r th at a campaign eventgas on s in vegas on sunday night. yeah, he seemed be a little confused and dazed once again. >> takd ande look. >> right after i was elected, i went to what they call a g-7cd meeting, all the nato leaders i was in. it was was the south and i sat down and i said america's back. >> and later on from germany, i mean, from france, looked at me and saidmean, i said, you know why? bac >> why how long you back for? >> a little itsy bitsy problem . you see, president mitterrand died.ident di in 1996. so joe went back in time or, had a conversation with of maybe mitterrand's ghost. he did not speak to president mitterrand. and during today's briefing
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on fox, white house correspondent, our own peter doocy confrontedefing bo,e the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre over this strangetary kae blunder. and as per usual, she refused to directly answer u question. . >> take a look. how is president biden ever going to convince three quarters of voters who are worried about his f voters and mental health tho that he is okay even though in las vegas he told the storyug about recently talking to a french president whong to a did in 1996. >> i'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you, si i'm notr. aw the we're going to have all go ahead. he said he had talked to mitt romney. you saw the in vegas, in california. you've seen the president in south carolina. >> you saw him in michigan. i'll just leave it there. president ingas and californn. our very own peter tucci is joining us now with more. >> it's -- it's very obvious and transparent. we had newt gingrich on the show lasttrewt ging, petd and yesterday. >> he's now for the first time, only now convinced that he doesn't think joe is going to make it to november becauseoi the cognitive decline of late
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has been so steep. doen s you see it? >> you're with them every day. what do you see? >> well, first of all, first greetings from the bottom of a rabbit's g it's great that we have connection down here to be able to goave live. go but it is not a conspiracy to ask questions about mistakesu the president makes. it'siderint mistg that it's not. it is not one person sayingn sai this doesn't seem likeng it's -- it's three quarters of those polled by nbc new.s either have minor or major concerns about his mentar hal. and physical health. and that includes half of democratsthat and, of course, everybody misspeaks. from time to tim e, not everybody is running to be the president and not everybodsy is running to be the oldest president ever. pren these things happen from time to time. there are very heavy issues that whoever the president
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is next time, come january 2025, are going to have to deal with. and again, it's three quarters of everybody polleagain,d by nbs as to whether or not he's going to go the distance. >> this campaign, we have no n this cam to think that he'spli planning to step aside. if he doesng, the plan is goingr to be for the running mate, kamala harris,unkamala to ascen >> you know, you heaasr people talking about, oh, well, maybe there could be something at the convention. >> there is nobody runninga shad a shadow campaign effective enoughtive that it would make sd for them to slid me somebody in there. the last time we really saw a prominent democrat wouldlast m be on your show debating ron desantis. it was gavin newsoe on youm. >> you don't hear as much from him anymore. well, he's been out campaigninhg for joe biden. to my mind, defending the impossible. of in the middle of my interview with governor newsom, at one point, i just stopped the interview. i said, here's your problem. the gu herproblem.y you are prai
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much is not capable of sitting here next to mofe and havingsatn a conversation on this level because he's simply no ot. now, when you compare the hourse that donald trump will devoteo to interviews and he makes one mistake, boy, ifake, b it's pelosi and vice president harrisoy, if and he m, that up, they're not taking into account of this. i can't think of a single event. and you correcn t if i'm wrong,, that joe biden a clean event where he didn't have cognitive struggles or, you know, difficulty in determiningrmin whether to exit stage left the ing stage right, because that's. become a big problem. i can't think of a clean event ,can you? well, the problem now is they do so little with him. it really is just one or two on camera events a week that every word so heavily scrutinized. when we firsedt got on the bidee beat back in the social distance days, it was like ten reporters in the room with him. he wanted to talk after every r
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set of prepared remarks. that was three oemr four times a week for two and a half years. now it's three or four times a month at best. and most of the time it's whens he is exiting the whitet to house south lawn exit to goo on on to marine t one to flyyou somewhere. and it's you have to shoutha at himo shouat and he's shoutino back at you because there's a anis aircraft a hundred feet away so that that's the only fact. >> it was another it wass so somebody in the. but that that's the old reagan trick that sam donaldson. sam what sam. good to see you.u.yo cau.n hear you. but, you know, other presidents have used the sound of a helicopter. go ahead. all right. well, somebody in the second row at the press briefing today, asked karine jean-pierre about why there'ay askeds superl interview. does he want to have this huge audience? inteant toy is he done so many e press events and press availabilities than his allcess
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of his recent predecessors? and she said, i can't denyors.w, the numbers that they are fewer. but he's going to truty to get out there in new ways. and she mentioned radio interviews and podcast. and social media, which have been used by barack obama, donald trump and biden 2020effet very effectively. so these are not new things, but theyivt knew are basically us not to expect to see or hear more froto m him between nownovemb and november. >> oh, i mean, i doubt he's going to be goinger. e going on which charlamagne tha god again who's been pretty critical lately, as many others have been. he said nobody is actively running shadow campaign and ithu would agree with you. i don't think gavin newsom is doing that. t think i, he was very clear tht in his mind, if you take him at his word and i'll take him at his word that kamala harris woul d be next up. however, does that negate the possible. heari you keep hearing the name michelle obama. they go to michelle obamnghellen at the convention. will you, you know, take up the mantle the man, your countrs
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you. is that is there that quiet shadow campaign may be going on. i've seen no evidencone it. i have no reason to believe she wants to go back to washington g at all. i don't think she's the first to be. >> i think there will probably t be optimishink tm by like the 5r so percent of democrats who are pulleda by nbc who think that biden who are concerned that biden mental or physical mn issues that might be a problemta for him in a second term. but from people that we hearfrom fromhear, not somethingha that michelle obama wants, evetn though, as we've seen in the post-presidency with just book sales alone, she is probably the most popular democra, t alie . now, it it'll be interesting. n we'll certainly be watching. peter, thanks for asking questions that the rest oft your friends in the media don't want to ask. we appreciate it. thank you for being with us. you now, as we warned you last night, the disastrouts border
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bill is nothing more than a blatant attempt by biden and th mpt by be left they just wantth to shift the blame forblam his border crisis squarely on the shoulders of republicans. thissquare o is, his and his al. and speaking at the whitee hous house todaey, joe tried to do just that. >> take a look. so i'm calling on congress my dass this bill, get to my desk immediately. but if the bill fails, i want to be absolutely clear about somethinthing.g. the american people are going to know why trail. i'lld. i wi taking this issue to therse country and the voters are going to kno w that.he mom not just a moment, just at theen moment. we're going to secur the bordee the border and fund these other programs. saump in the maga, republicans said no because they're afraid l of donald d trump. afraid of donald trump. every day between now and november, the american onl people are going to know that the only reason the border .ot secure is donald trump and as my republican friends, that is a big lie will break it
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down on wea second. now, echoing biden's remarks, his press secretary carrying, jean-pierre, added this at today's white house briefing. >> take a look at this y'. >> so, i mean, they voted they've actually voted for years. no, it has.crats i'm not saying that democrats have not been in control of the first two years. that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying house republicansyeam have got in the way. they have they have purposefully gotten in the way in trying to fix what's happening at the bordeix whar. all so now it's alls all the republicans fault that joet biden's wide open borderop with 10 million unvetted, illegal immigrants. he has no responsibility in that. esponsibin thai thought they ke, though, that the border is closed, the border is secure. like democrats have been tellin g us this for c three years. in case you might have forgotten, i'll reminu d you. >> take a look. sounds to most folks like a crisis. well>> folks, look, it's way do. >> and we've now gotten controlr precisely that the border
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is closed. >> nor could i havdee been clearer and continue to be so. whic continuh is? >> the border is closed. the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. e outhe border we are working to make the border more secure.d you're confident this borderen secure? we have a secure and that that is a priority for any p nation, ours in our administration. >> we agree that the bordercure secure. >> while they've peddled.ree ye that lie for three years, wear all know the truth. they're lying to us. that is not stop the media mob, of course, from backing biden anb frd, all those attemps to blame republicans and they're now joining on board. they takrepu they aree their talking points seriously. >> take a look. you haveg one of the limits majorities in the house in history. o don't you have to compromise to get something done? caat you passed in the house can't pass in the senate, mr. speaker. you knownns , this is almost
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entirely a border secure bill. and its provisions include a long time gop priorities that the party restrictionsver states could never have passed. >> only a few months ago. are you listening, mike? just because tells you to jump? does it mean that you have to put america's security at risk ? last night, a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a compromise>> last bill. i but the republican speaker of the house says it's dead on arrival. but border i mean, we're looking every day at the invasion migrants and they'remin playing a tight gamets with politicars on this. put >> couldn't that pressure put to bear in their home states dead on arrival? the speaker of the house vowing to taneaker of bk historic bordb deal reached by both parties in the senatore and on defense over accusations it's donald trump pulling the strings. >> all right. let me let m thee educate joe b
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and all he's willing all s of liars that i call the media mob. congress is not all not one bit responsible for this night national security nightmare that joe biden created. the media mob, they have been silent. they have been complicit now theyr years. they have allowed the big lie that the border is secure and closedthat the to go forward unchallenged. they have not been showingthe am you the american people on other channels the disaster that ier others going on that joe created at our southern border. biden hae created s was handed e most secure border in our nation's history. >> nowsecure, here's what reallf happened with the stroke of a pen. this is aa pen.n joe biden revoked all donald trump's effortres to exclude illegal immigrants from the census. e illegahe strengthened dhaka. he ended trump's interior enforcement ruled daca a. he halted all border wall construction. heted all he asylum agreements l salvadoremduralus.
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he ended the remain in mexico endt title 42n le expire. biden never needed congress to fix ee. any of this. he can reinstate all of those policies that he revoked just as he did them with the stroke of a pen. but that's not going to stop the mob, the media, the liberal and the media from remaininghe complici mediat in. the biden border crisis. foey have not covered this hav story for three years. they have steadfastly refused to be showinree year g on a regulars basis how bad this disaster is at our southern borderbiden' caused by biden's failed policies. and let me be very policies. cl, the senate border bill, they're all pushing. it's an unmitigatesenate bd. gad and by the way, the only good news is mitch mcconnell admittedthe today it's dead. and not only would this bill do nothing to secure the border, it could, as written, actually codify all of biden's aiding and abetting of illegalfa immigrants and lawbreaking into
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law. and they know deep down, it's total b.s.. >> in fact, earlier today on my radiier todao show, senator rand paul joined us from kentucky, said som kentucke republican ses wanted to keep all of the details that they putting in this bill away from people like me specifically t because they knew how bad thishe legislation is for conservative s. basica >> and basically it's not me. they didn't want you to hearllou about it to he. and by the way, this is whatsaid he said to me. n. e a liste >> i'll tell you what i do hear behind the scenes is that i hear people in our caucus to who talk to sources who say we need to make sure sean hannity is not talking about this, laura ingraham, becausis notecos conservatives, that's why they kept it secret. and that was said ouerett loudis in our caucus that said, this has to be kept withi tn it cannt be allowed to go in front of a conservative talk show host. talk discuss.allowedconserva >> that's why it's secret. how how dare we mathaty actually the american people. that's all of you. the truth. now, meanwhile, earlie
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r this evening, house republicans, their effort to impeach the dhs secretarhouse y, alejandro mayo. well, it ended up as a tie, but then one flipped so they can bring this bill back. for examplen one fey cane steves not there today. utah congressman blake moorenots switched the vote from yes to no, rightly so. th and by voting for the majority, that means congressman moore can reintroductye the legislatir at a later date. and with steve scalise setod to returuce withn. ions plus, special elections looming in new york district three. by the way, early voting is going on now. that'll be a week from tuesday.u . and then california, we have an election in maine. republicans will have a chancees ,secure a stronger majority. hopefully they do. and tya greater likelihood of passing the impeachment. that is still on the tablee . here with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. texasenator, i saw your comments about mitch mcconnell rightly. >> i thinkout mitc you're very angry with him. heart rand paul did the same thing. he heard that he didn't want people like me getting the informatiowant peon about t.
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>> did you hear that? i did. and this ar that? whole thing has been a disaster from the very beginning. it's been a disastersaster fro o and it's been a disastern on politics, on policypolicy. bill is terrible. it is an absolute it a bill that chuck schumer wanted that is designed not to securejust not the border, not just not to secure the border. it's designed to make it worse. >> so this bill, as you noted, it codifies joe biden's openan borders, catch and release, the cause of this crisis. >>d re it codifies catchfies c and release. it puts it into the law noatch t only it normalizes 5000 illegal immigrants a day that works out to 1.8 million a year. >> that works out to about 6 million illegal immigrantsat'd over the three years of biden. we have,. in fact, seen 9.6 million illegal immigrants. so so the idioti faxinc proposas let's be for two thirds of the border invasios n biden has allowed. that made no sense. not only did it put it into lawi
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1.8 million every year in perpetuity, but it also put it into law, givingty those illegal immigrants work permits, giving them lawyers paid for by thexpar taxpayers. it gave billions of dollars. sties t to sanctuary cities to keep their policies going, and it gave billion theirs of dollars to left wing nonprofit organizations that are bringinng the illegal immigrants in. >> so it funds the process. and i'll tell you the provision that just as a texan that me off the most an that, it went dy after the state of texas, and it said any litigation filed challenging this law hasee to filed in washington, dc in federal district court. so texashington, can't sue in te federal courts in texas where texas has been winning. insteae d, they got to go to washington with a very liberal judges. this was gton wit a on policy grounds because it did not solve the problem. >> but politically, it was even the e. ? >> who won in this battle? and then his name is charles schumer.
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chuck schumer did this. he knew it would fail. he wanted it to fail l.. rpose of but the purpose of this w bill was to let every democratas running for the senate and running for the house to stand up and say self-righteously, i wanted to secure the border. >> i really wanted to. .but those mean republicansou wouldn't let me. and i got to say, senateldn't republican leadership, i told them this months ago, other told them this months ago, and they proceeded down thist this path that ended up it was a box canyon with, a kamikazee pilot crashing into a wall. it was a disastea r later and it was entirely avoidable because what happene d? is republican leadership ended up benefiting chuck schumer and the democrats and doing de. ing to secure the border the amazing part about all this, senator,all of is there io need for biden to get legislation from anybody.hes he through the just the stroketr get he pen as i'veok pointing out, go back and place the policies that were
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successful. here's one interesting thing i noted. in your home statein you of tex, 99.99% of illegal immigration, e eagle pass, where you put up the razor wire, it has ended. razo eit shows that barriers wok and now they move to california and arizona. and if texas can build outa. more razor wir e, say w they should continue doing what they're doing because it worked. texas is going to continue leading the fight. >>t to this crisis. it is massive. it it is devastating.s and we've got to leaddeva the fight. and you knowst lead th what bidn is doing? joe biden is siding with the mexicaxicann drug againsterican the american people. >> i got to say, the image of a just p j a days ago, of those six illegal aliens who beat up two new york police officers, it was disgusting. >> and they got arrestedolice. >> and of course, what happens is they get released from jail with no bailey get r jai. and what do they do walking out? they flip the bird on both hands. walking out that imageh, sean is
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the image of this campaign in 2024. that image flipping the birdth is what joe biden and the democrats in the senate are saying to everdemocrat senad with the drug cartels, the human traffickerthey stas, f the illegal immigrants, the criminals, and they stand against law enforcemenic thtw and they stand against american families. that's the messageforcement ands radical policy. and we've got to stand up and fight againscal polit it. 2d >> two hundred and 72 daysay is an election senator. your election is important, too. and i know you're being i knowted., but you were the first person i call when the bill came out. >> i said, senator, amsaid i reading this correctly, and you said, yes, you're reading it correctl yes but it's sad the fact that they didn't want the peoplethey did w the details. that speaks volumes about the current leadershipthat spes vo.h good for people like you in the senate that hold them accountable. >> rteted cruz, thank you. republican leadership wanted to hide it froadershipm you andm
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the american people. and i appreciate your pointing out the real chuck schumer and george soros are coming after me hard. so i want to encourage folksrdo. go to ted cruz .org. i need your help. we're going to fight to defend texas and, defend this country. ing toe down in texas and hopefully we'll see you and we'll go to the border together. the joe biden is widrder togethn all right. when we come back, mayor eric adams, new york city defendingia his decision to hand out free money to illegal immigrants. curtis oliver is going to weigh in. plus, senator tim scott, he reactweigh ins to reportsama that kamala harris has foundha her footing. >> really? that's news to us straight ahead. the biggest investigation in fbi history. more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my job to share this information with the american people. those involved must be held accountable. he's an innocent man.
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beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. all right. as outrage grows over new york city, mayor eric adams handing out free pre-paid debit
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cards to illegal immigrants and thigrants e 180 some odd min that he's now allocating towards, you know, more hotel rooms. the mayor decided to set the record straight today at a hearing in albanght y and let the world know that's exactly what he's doing. y whate istake a look. >> there's one thing i've learned in new york. new york. yonew is a very opid and they share their thoughts. and so we want to dismiss the use of misinformation. >> we're not giving people american express cards. we foundle that the food delivey service that we set up during, the emergency, we can find a better way to do id t in. our belief that we want to cut 20% of the migrant cause 20%. w0 so we have a pilot project with 500 people that we are giving them a food court. it so instead of a debit card, instead of having to deliver food and have people eat food that we will see in waste in food, they're now able to give their own food that is
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going to be spent $12 a day and 500 people get 53 million. that's not all. t couple of days ago, adams decided that it was a good time to brag about his staff's diversity. >> he did it in his own way. a look. >> stand up. stand up. they need to see you. deputy mayor william ey need s eisen. deputy mayor mira joshi. deputy mayor. amazon mayor maria torres. springwood. ver seen >> have you ever seen this much chocolate lead in the cityleadin of new york and then go down the line? look, look who's here. this is representative of the city. that's why people are hating on me. >> oh, that's why the fani willis the fence. anywaywhy th, joining us live, he's on the streets of new york city, former mayoral candidatela curtis sliwa is with us. so, okay. , he lik uh, he likes chocolate over vanilla. it soundves like, sound f a little like louis farrakhan to me.
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there are $53 million in debit cards for 500 people on top of 180 million for more hotel rooms in new york.on on top of the 1 billion, the biden is giving people that enter our country illegally. and we saw what happened to thea people on tape beating the hell out of two police officers. curtis things getting better in new york city? absolutely not. in fact, that's wh?y i'm his number one hater. join the courtesy were join club of eric adams, eri who is single handedly destroying this city by giving illegal aliens everything they arriv illege in our city.ln imagine you check into your hotel, you get concierge service, and then you get $1,000 debit card that you can use for the whole whole month. and you get more money than anyn veteran, any homeless person,s any emotionally disturbed person in new york city kids. that's an absolute outrage. and this mayor doesn't seemo
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to get it. he takes care of the illegal aliens and fourth states. his own people, especiallyke the african american poor and impoverished, who elected over, the city of new york over me courteously. >> yeah, well, by the way, if you divide 53 million by 500,t that's $106,000 debit card. not a ba,000d deal. >> i don't think they're giving them to the two vets that are homelessmeless in new york cityv >> that's what i've heard. curtis, that our guys have just taken down one of the migrant m guys right here on the corner of 42nd and seventh. >> can you can the camera. they've taken over. they've taken over like the camera over, their fed at all possible. yeah. you got it open, guys. t is
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he is out of control, harvey. contro l there. all right. now, eric adams oftent from he's getting no support from the federal government to help him with the surge trnment t ofs joe biden's unvetted illegals in new york. and that couldunventllegals bee of the so-called border czar. it's a little distractedso-cal. now, according to a report, vice president harris has now suddenlyg to a r found her footg and she's now apparently 20tting ready for future presidential run of her own in 2028, according to the daily mail. she campaigned in south darolina last week, visitesh georgia today, which is apparently very much on her mind. muchmore than the border right . here with reaction, south carolina senator tim scott. t mi correct me if i'm wrong. i looked at the numbers. lookedwhat percentage of the democratic voters showed up for that, that primary in your home state? >> it was four percent aroune?d the right number. >> yeah. dismal any. har
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one of the things harris harris' way to the white house is due south going to israeigh to toughl. dismal performance in the democratic primary last weekends . but more importantly, john. think about this. she's weak on the bordersh weak on crime, weak on the economy. when i say weak on crime. this is a vice president who raised money for a bail fund moy for a person who was later charged with murder. n. you remember those days, john. this is a person who refuses a step, a foot on our southern border. >> ten million illegal, 10 mil immigrants coming in. >> and in new york cit y accused of black and brown kids at home so they can use those school s to house the illegal immigrants coming into the country because kamalajo harris refuses to do her job. we got the economy. poor kids today have less reasons to be hopeful becauseauj joe biden and kamala harrioes took inflation so high thatinfl poor folks cannot afford food,
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energy or gas. >> unbelievable. by the way, that that tweet in the balafon, some might actually define that as insurrection. i'm just saying as a as a sideth note. but of course, the media said most of those 574 riots that killed dozens of americans ,injured thousands of cops, caused billions in property damage. o they were mostly peaceful.hat so we gostrat to get that strait . ridiculous. ridiculous. idiculou, you standted cr with ted cruz and his comments about mitch mcconnell. where do you stand on that? oh, i wasn't in the room when that comments were made. but i can tell you this without any question. what needs to see is a united republican party telling the factins they are. the facts are very simple, sean. the presidenthe fae simplet thed states, joe biden does not need legislative action does to seco our border. why do we know that to be a fact? because know thae donald trump d our border without the legislate out of actione
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from the body. he did so by creating like remain in mexico and precipitously sag pow the dp in illegal crossings. what we know is crossia preside, the guts, the will, the intestinal fortitude to secur, the our border can get done. we've seen it done once. we've we know four more years. >> we were better off undere bi trump. well, that's now the big lie. let me play comments president trump madelilemments p his interview of maria bartiromo and they had to deal with you. >> let's listen. you know, i called tim scottalle thisd ti because a lot of peopla like tim scott, i called them and said, you are a much better candidatndidate e that for me te you are for yourself. when i watchedfo him, he was go, fine, he was good, but he was e very low key, etc., etc.. i watched him in the last week defending me and sticking up for me and fighting me. >> i said when i said, you're aa much betterer person for me thar you are for yourself, because for himself, he was low key for me. he's been a has been a reame, hl
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tiger. >> he's been incredible. obviousltigen incredy you're ond trump short list if he gets the nomination. and it looks likhe noe he is. >> what was your answer? >> >> well, my answer would be yes to america having four more years of donald trump. p.k any one of a us should make this about me or any other person who might be became president. >> but he mentioned,. you and i know you. >> so that means you're going to he comes to you. >> what do you say? o listen, everybody wants to serve their country. and the best way for me to servey. s my country right nw is to make sure that donaldure trump getsthat four more years.e we're better off under trump. you and i both know. yos vote for him. get but let's also get out and campaign for donald trump.fd we cannot afford people losing hope in the american dream because joe biden gets another four years with donald trump. low inflatio n, low crime.. we have law and order once
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again. it's a good day for americans. all right. i know your inner circle.wi and i'm going to talllk to the l two guys i know you'd call first that nobody knows who i'm talking about and i'm going to talk them and make sureare pp that they're prepared to tell you to say yestell. at's all that's all i'm saying. we appreciate you being with us. senator tim scot i'm saying.t, g forward to the south carolina primary. all right. when we comelooking forwar backg you the latest on trump's legal battles as the supreme court now gets ready to hear president trump's colorado ballot ban. all democracy in peril. great jarrett. alan dershowitz straight ahead. thanks for being with us. >> well, columbia is breathing a big sigh of relief. pablo escobar is dead. the once feared narco trafficker who brought hippopotamuses as part of his personal zoo. >> the dangers are multiplied and never left.
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were you afraid for your life? the drug lords, hippos streaming on fox nation attention, luring families in 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering rewards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. cash rewards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying and civilians before they die. you may qualify even your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win called meyer blair law firm at one 846
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donald trump as he argued that he has presidential immunity from prosecute. p ca trump can now appeal this decision to the u.s. supreme courtot, which, by the way,lso b is also about to consider another case with majoour implications. on thursday morning, the high court will heaicationsr oral ars on the colorado state supreme court's decision to bant. trump from the ballot. now, president trump is, of course, asking for that ruling to be overturned. i believe it will be saying that the american people should have the right to choose the next president of the united hav , not judges in colorado. here with reaction. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and harvard law professor alan dershowitz. you know, professor, i lookpr at section threek , the 14thnt. amendment, by the way, the president is not even i mentioned in the statutory language, but put that aside for a minute. atutor but the whole allegationwhol that trump engaged in insurrection correctly, professor, if i'm wrong, that donald trump everwith i get charged with insurrection. has he been convicted of insurrectioction?nr
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is this just a word that the january 6 committee put on inpu their predetermined outcome, prt hearing that they haerd? well, not even that much. he's been charged by then char secretargey state of mainetate o with insurrection and by individual judges and a courtinl or in coloradoor. there's been no connection to a charge could have easily persuade the grand jury to indict him for insurrection and, rebellion or any of the other provisions of the 14th amendment. the proble provism article five of the 14th amendment says that congress has the powerfine to define what insurrection means, what rebellion means, what the procedures are. plainly,. the framers of theniak 14th amendment were lincolinn in kind of very, very in favor of. reconstruction would never have allowed the states in mississippi reconstneve, virn to decide who's going to biae t on the ballot, the president. of the united states. this was intended to be
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a congressional actionende. ooko congress took no action to implement the 14th amendment. n toit's not self-enforcing. and i believe the supreme courfi will ruleve, i hope, nine to nothing that this 14th amendment argument is just made up and look, what we'regame involved in is a game to beat the clock. remember o that real kids beat. the clock. everybody is trying to get down and dirt ty convictions against trump or rulings against trump beforeictions . the election to influence the election. and if they can't fire courts, they will almost certainly be reversed. well, we'll see. >> there's a lot of issues out there. greg, let's get your takthere. e on it. and, you know, there's got to be due process as part of thio newcesses s. arged you at least would have to be charged, convicted, i would think, before you caand ben say with any certainty, guilty of insurrectio any cn. that's right. the 14th amendment does not disqualify donald trump because section three doesn't cover candidates for president.y
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office is deliberately admitted specifying. instead, senators, representatives and electors only. in fact, if you look at the earlier versions of the prendment, it the president but then later dropped iest, id. excluding the president because the authors were concerned about confederate leaders being elected to congress, not the presidencyg. >> moreover, the professors write section three is not self-executing dependent on congressional action. just read section five.ead se and finally, you know, i doubtct the supreme court will even eve address the issue of insurrection, except note that trump is not, as you point out, being charged or convicted of that offense. partisan officials cannot simplypartisan declare him guily of insurrection without due process that violates the 14th amendment. so this is political gamesmanship. the supremthis is poe will see . what it is, and i think it will be unanimounimouss.
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>> let me ask you bothe as about the immunity decision real quick. about 20 seconds each. i thought there were better argumentabonds eac s on the issue of presidential immunity than the one that was given about the navy seal and ordering, you know, a hit on a political opponent. professor sides argued too broadly. the trump side argued for full, total and complete immunity. and the other sidel virtually no immunity. if the supreme court takes this if tt differenceli and it will mean that some actions donend rul the presiden within the scope of his authority to be broadly defined ,are covered by immunity and others like ordering that we'll see. what is that? what would they argue? arickly,uickly greg, i think the were better arguments available. maybe they'll bring that tgulabr the supreme court. it's trut?e in the dc court,n is opinion is deeply flawed. claiming that trump becomee has citizen trump. so he has no immunity, that he'nos understands
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the argument at issue arias actionnt.s as president, not lar as a private citizen. >> and a president needs . s remedy because otherwise, every president, you know, will be making a decision through deci the prism of, oh, if i do this, what's th, going to happen after i leave the white house? >> all right. thank you both. when we come back, the lawyers who were making the decisions, not presidents. >> greatsions, nsidents.. straight ahead, pablo escobar. remember him? they left mark on colombia. it's not what you think is cocaine hippos. e wrea they're wreaking havoc. griff jenkins has a speciakil part straight ahead. the biggest investigation in fbi history. more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. those involved must be held
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accountable. he's an innocent man man. that's going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. >> there's an invisible gap in your own defenses, a gap that can be emotionally and financially devastating. and it's not what you think. the gap is the unprotected title to your home. criminals can easily your home's ownership records illegally transfer your home into their name, then take out fraudulent loans against your equity and even try to sell your home right out from under you all without you even knowing. it's roughly 60 to 90 days for that person, even figure out that they're the victim of this crime. and the fbi calls it house stealing. and in the digital age in which we live. home title fraud is a devastating threat to your financial security and the home you love stealing your house in many cases is being
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cod his own private zoo of illegally imported exotic animals, including four hippos that would nicknamed cocaine hippos. g four hnow that population hasn exploded, apparently to over 200. these animals now are wreaking onvoo ovthesc on the colombian ecosystem, endangering other animal ecosysts and, even human. our very own griff jenkins, he actually traveled to colombijenkins oa to cover tn for fox nation. griff joins us now. grif. f, what a big story. sean colombians used to battle>> thosthe narco traffickers in the nineties. now they're literally battling these cocaine hippos. and you're right, when pablo was killed in 93, he had his personal because, well, is that's what billionaire drug lords do. they have zoo zebrasonaire gira, lions in these four hippos. now, the officials rounded upupd all of the animals and donated them to zoos. but those hippos to zoos being massive, three ton beast that can run 30 miles an hour and have a violent short temper where you difficult around up. and so the official said, i let them die off. baoff.d idea.mbia
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the hippos love colombia. they have endless rivers. they havthey h and ne natural p. so those four turned into a dozen, turned into now hundreds, if not maybe a thousand. turnedthey they've been terrorig the native species and injuring as well. so much so, sean, that colombiao is now deemed theme countr the country's most dangerous invasive species. they ares most, by the way, the world's deadliest land mammals. we got close to them, as you mae here. and that's very terrifying because you can hear them. they're watchingying you andck l they like to attack people and they can't kill them down therey because they're protected by law. basically, the officials down there,law.ficials sean told usn you're there that this is a hippo time bomhis is ab if they get it under control, sean. >>undecontrol, all right. es >> so i'm watching you. you're telling me they can run 30 miles an hour? you you're right up there with them. you're them off. em. hesly, they're not happy >> they're actually screaming at you in their own way. and i'm likeg at you i, what if jenkins thinking here? because i don'kinst think i wano
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to mess with any one of those cocaine hippos. >> and we got to deliverthose cn the fox nation audience, so we got to get close and our tea mce we had dan cohen, our executive producer, in a great team. we had drone pilots. we were getting close. ultimately, the country is now going to try and do a sterilization program. >> but i got to tell you, those hippostoa sterilthos very coope. >> go to fox nation. check it out on streaming o fosean, a little salt and pep. you know, dan cohen yourself, very tasty to those hippos. and i give you credit, was a a dangerous assignment. anyway, griff jenkins, thank you for that reporrous asst. when we come back, we'll head back to new york city with an updatek we on what was actually happening during his live segment when the guardian angels had to step in and apprehend this guy. we'll tell in an you about it we'll tell in an you about it straight ahead. your skin is ever changing. take care of it. with goldman's healing formulations of seven
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to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify. even if your loved one died decades ago, we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if. we win. called the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3804 three no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights from capitol hill. >> it does not bode well for what's going to happen to this bill at the border. now, governor abbott says he will not back down and around the globe, the middle east is bracing for the possibility of further escalation. >> fox news channel america is watching all earlier in the show with our interview with curtis sliwa. members of the guardian angels
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apprehended a man right there in times square, new york city. curtis, we couldn't exactly see what was going on, what wasn frn happening in front of you while yos. ere on the air with ut but you had been shoplifting first as the guardian angel spotted them, stopped themth. he resisted. and let's just say we gave him a little pain. compliance. his mother back in venezuela his s he's brationcomplian concrete. the cops scraped him offconcre the asphalteed himt. he's on his way to jail,os but they'll cut him loose. wee. got to take 42nd street back. sean, these illegals think stata they own this street? they think they rule the night. this is our country. if they can't abide by the rules, then we'r te to kick them back from where they came. >> you know, and amazing, because i've been out with youtr on the streets of new york. ofand beenen times squareets with you. police are very appreciative of the support you and the guardian angels offer themn . that's young. but unfortunately, they've been
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told hands sean. off. keep well, guess, son, we don't keeo. our hands off you shoplifting. you commit crime, you assault people, you don't belong in our in oy. you do and we're going to make sure you pay a price for that. we got to fighe for tht for whaa know is right. and you saw a little bit of this. they got a little bia littlet ae of what the guardian angels are going to do to liberate times square them. rtis s >> all right, curtis, lou, hangi in there and be and bee safe. that's all the time we have left this evening. and we hope you'll set your dvr so eveset your you never, ever, es miss an episode of hannity. thisde othat's all the time we have left this evening. but i have good news. let no t your heart be troubledtroubled by greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilede on your face. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow night. thanks for being with us. >> this is the fox news election alert? i'm anita vogel, live in new york. the nevada primary results are in that none of these candidates option wins the gop primary in a symboli