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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 7, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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well, guess, son, we don't keeo. our hands off you shoplifting. you commit crime, you assault people, you don't belong in our in oy. you do and we're going to make sure you pay a price for that. we got to fighe for tht for whaa know is right. and you saw a little bit of this. they got a little bia littlet ae of what the guardian angels are going to do to liberate times square them. rtis s >> all right, curtis, lou, hangi in there and be and bee safe. that's all the time we have left this evening. and we hope you'll set your dvr so eveset your you never, ever, es miss an episode of hannity. thisde othat's all the time we have left this evening. but i have good news. let no t your heart be troubledtroubled by greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilede on your face. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow night. thanks for being with us. >> this is the fox news election alert? i'm anita vogel, live in new york. the nevada primary results are in that none of these candidates option wins the gop primary in a symbolic rejection
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of nikki haley. haley's biggest rival, former president trump, wasn't on the ballot. this contest doesn't really count because the delegates will be awarded based on caucus results. that contest will not be held until thursday. haley won't be on the ballot then, but gop frontrunner trump is. if he wins, he stands to collect up to 26 delegates. nevada gop rules prevented candidates from participating in both contests, but eligible voters can vote in both. nikki haley's campaign isn't happy about the situation, saying that's why they didn't devote resources is in the silver state. >> but we have not spent a dime nor an ounce of energy on nevada. we made the decision early on that we were not going to pay $55,000 to a trump entity that, you know, two participated in a process that was rigged for trump. >> not unexpectedly, president biden won the democratic. he was on the ballot along with marianne williamson. and then none of these
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candidates option. the south carolina primary is the next big contest for nikki haley and former president donald trump. that contest will take place on saturday, february 24th. >> iowa native vogelce galla gutfeld starts right now. yes. welcome well, stop it. stop it. my god. all right. welcome to outnumbered.. >> happy to see everybody. so apple jushappy tut debuted is vision pro headset. if their spatial computingdevice t device that looks like a stupidly thick pair of nerdyre ski goggles for people with no friends.
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>> apparently, the original name was the kill mead, but it's actually a very powerful computer that letsik you do like you could exciting stuff like surf the web, watch movies eb, your emails, access all, your apps. >> and it's already sellinaccest after getting 200,000 preorders. it retails for $3,500 the same30 price i sell at dinner with greg gutfeld where fans could buy me food and sit quietly while i easit? it's a win win. but at 3500 bucks, it is a bit pricey even for me. and i put my dogs in gucci bags. >> anyway, here's what it looks whke, the perspective of a user who's wearing them. this them. is he his >> he's looking down at his fingers, typing on a keyboardron that's not there and scrolling through screens that aren't there eitherg that aren'. and now here is that same person on the new york cityn. >> look at him. it's amazing he survived.
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why not just wear a sign that dismember me, harvest my internal organs and sell cri to organized crime in singapore? >> but even singapore?n if you murdered, you're definitely not screw up scruple all. maybe that's apple's ultimate goal to get us to stop having, to stopwhich will result in lee people in there, thereby saving the planet. >>re now, the vision pro might t actually be amazing, but so is a cpap machine, and you don't see people in public with that strapped to their facewith t. it would be cool though,les yo of course, wearing the goggles. >> you can still see what's stilg around you. but with the added benefit of looking silly typing motions in thin air. it's a look that says, maybe it an orchestra orair. having a seizure and only my neurologist knows for. but essentially the realr world becomes a backdrop to what a laptop screen filled with is. >> and it's strapped to your face. to you, it's magical. to you it
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but here's what you look like to everybody else. >> that's what's known k in medical terms as nowna bag. k he looks like someone who went to the men's wearhousee and didn't like the way he looked. o of >> so now we're getting videog he people trying to gizmo out. here's a dude wearing the apple vision pro behind the wheel of a cybertruc k. >> the worst thing that couldwr go wrong there is that he surviveths. >> after watching these clips, i'm starting to think rather be amish. you don't see those farmers riding virtual buggies turningnu virtual milk or banging virtual goats. >> meanwhile, users are already reporting symptoms of simulatoer sickness like nausea, dizziness and headache nauses. a tip here's a tip save three granted. watch "fox and friends" insteasd . it's a good show. that's two already. i know. >> meanwhile, other users are upset that the vision pro doesn't any virtual
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reality. porn disgusting. >> but i see a far biggeri se obstacle to this catching on. >> no one wants to look this stupid. and mastupidn, this make you lok stupid. that is steve jobs who would never make something this uncool. >> mainly because he's deathis t but also because he knew that people appreciate designti. as much as they do function. but rather than all over this product, we decided to do our own research. so we sent joe mackie out intorh field to test the vision pro.. >> take it away, joe. hey, joe, what are you doing?? i'm . hey, wait. three. wow. he's old. that's all i got from it. well, anyway, if you wantupid
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to look stupid, fine. i really don'tne care.. but it's not about just looks. it's about life. if you're that life. bored withg real world and can't go 30 seconds without checking your emailthou or the latest tw, then why bother living? vision pro doesn'ty bother enhae life. it replaces it for it gives it rit g what wely don't need. and that's isolation. yo's high tech sociad that'sl distancing. may as well live in alaskau ma with jamiel live i. we're already distracting ourselves to death. >> we're already removing ourselves fromrselves real world andat retreating into the fantasy land of the internet, where keitingto theh olbermann thinks he's still alive. >> it's no wonder no one cares who's president or what war we're fighting or who' s coming into the country. we have bread and circuses, but we don'ttry.d circ even get. >> we get pictures of bread and circuses. pictuso instead of looking at r phone, most of the time, you now close your eyes, close yourself from reality all of the time. yos won't see the criminal
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following you or the crowds laughing at you. where she'll be more alone than ever. it's not virtual reality. tual rea. e life the world's most expensive birth control. a digital universest expen thats giving you the finger. let's go tonight. yes welcoms. his b even he doesn't read his books. oh, one nation.ho brian kilmeadest of , c sassy.. like i'm gassy. hosting kennedy. a real podcast. kenneds thy his social life is o his tour schedule. lots of canceled days. actor, writer and, comedian jamie lissauer. and no one's ever listed her as their emergency. times "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributo b rbria patrick o'brien. >> i just want you to know i did not write this question, right, brian?
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>> so thist writ product basicaf alters reality. so if you had a pair of these, do you think it would you to find friends? >> okay. i knew from that they should pick me up and again, i didn'trs even get hello before i got a little i got to it. is and then the first words are a third hit. so i'm looking to come from behindhe third. t to yes. 3 to 0.ay we're about to say i fear.rememr do you remember that katie couric and bryant gumbel talked about this crazy thing calledac the internet and throw it back. >> and they go, what's this called? the internetk yo? how do you do it? i'm afraid of saying this i afry soon, someda like five years, this will be commonplace where people canses in or goggles and glasses and they'll roll back that gutfeld show and they'reollback the guy mocked the fact that this was our future. but having said that, i believed it should come with zoloft therprozac because i ct is depression with a head strap, right? there's no doubt about it. be e i think you're going to be very lonely afterwards. and i'll add something else. ry add i already have trouble concentrating. yes. is,in front of me
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my email, my text messages, the news, the people in front of mmessag, peoplee, cameras an. >> s2 cameo i have no friends, y is really emailing me, no text messages. >> well, life will be an empty ev ever. >> in fact, you would even askt me on the show any more to get insulted. with they'll be so boring with a lack of any effort. >> it'll be. you know, i say the worst thing if you ever wore those, is never get to see your delightful eyebrows right? look at those. the arching eyebrows. you'll meet eyebrows. i slep my face and i rub itl ty back and forth. they gradually come away on my face, right? i do. f, half italian. so my eyebrows. yeah. and f bar that it's such a great line, but i'll sleep >> sy face. it's someone's got to. yes. oh i got applause for that.t? yes. kennedy. well, you already said i'll
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come from behind?. yeah. all right. i mean, bright as a point that you're. oh, if you, if you need say something. i always in the future you're goingsure you . >> look, you could look like ant idiot. yeah, i thought about that, too, but i think this is like the apple newton on the way to the ipad like this. just one of the clumsy steps on the road to. a really, really cool adventure. and at some point we'll get there but they hadwe wil to leave it. off of it because if they introduce people truly would never leave their homes. we would we would stopwe wou ourselves like no one wouldting have biological intercourse with each other ever again because they would make it to gooain becad. so i don't think it's going to sell that. great. at greatand i actually think the has fallen so far behind its competitore s. yeah. i recently saw the new samsungem galaxysu phone.what it's on. but like what it does compared to an iphone an iphone looksrick like a a brick. you know just just a pointless
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brick. and then the samsung can like su levitateng it and it will give you virtual reality. >> yeah you know i think that musk inherited the design gene from jobs i don't thinks that guy that's run an apple why am i taking this seriously? hey, jamie i just want you know i did not write this question okay jamie do you think buyingto this will virtually let you see maybe a happy wife, a laughing audienceu , or perhaps even your kids? ha, ha. oh, i think you wrote it. >> know, right? that that wouldn't see this. i think anything could be thatd magical. or ar, i think is a is a problem. i think it's a problem that you're not able to do. the reasoneason to to buy it ye the only reason to buy i was h thinking you know, candies. >> right. like if i had had one of these when i was younger, i would have accomplished nothing in my shed notentire life. >> exactly. i was just thinking i could have had it wouldn't
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have matterehad itd. >> but i haven't accomplishedi e anythingn'. i was surprised, too, that the subway guy, like, was traveliny g with a 30 $500 apparatus and nothing. >> yeah, one of i.r as y but one of the best thingsou about stealing somebody vr is that you could go back to the k tose and house. >> you could watch it back. yeah. like the robbery. likey. yeah. here's the message when i come in, and that's a guy's face. we are goo>> i dd. that's. but i don't know, i might try it out. i think virtual reality is kind of funt . t is honestly, the, you know, the social aspect is i have pretty low self-esteem. like have pre, even sometimes even is fantasies, the woman's like, not tonight, cat, but. all right, i don't i you know what? >> they don't show any women doing this. it's mostly duden s. ld you >> do you think would you what would you think of a guy, let's say you're let's say he camethat home and cameron was wearing that. what would you do. >> i mean he watches were cross. that's not much betters not muc i mean i don't know.don' there's somethint kng to be t
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said for the fact that whoever invented this, i mean, they're smarinventedt working o. right? right. they're nerds, but they're smar nerds, but. so the fact that some of thee smartest people have stopped trying to use technology to improve reality and are tryinglogy t to figure out, oka, let's just figure out how to improve our ability to convince that we're not here on earth. right. that's not really very upliftinn eartg. >> well, working on making ourselves delusional and itd mo does sound more and more appealing to me every day . >> yeah, maybe we need to leave the planet earthed t, but when you think when you see a delusional person, are they unhappy? yeah. >> like, oh, they're delusional because they're happy in their delusionl because . uld kind i would kind of love this. i think i would just sit there . >> you'd never see me again.aybe yeah, well, maybe we should get you one. yeah we , yeah, yeah.that w that was uncalled for. who wrot e that one? i did. i thought. all right, up next, can someone please explain why the border bill funds ukrainelite sto?
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beginning to end shop now that show allegiance .com bags stop. y they'll make you a supporter of everything but our borderr majority leader chuck schumer is trying to salvage the so-calleeader chd bipartisab bill by revealing what it really doevealins. d turns out it has way more to dor with another country's border than our cs. this bill is crucial. wh>>y is it crucial? well, if we don't aid ukraine, putin will be walk all over ukraine. >> we will lose the waalk alr. and we could be fighting in eastern europe, in nato ally in a few years. w >> americans won't like that if we don't help israel defent held itself against hamas. >> that perpetual war will goifw on and on and on if we don't help humanitarian aid to the starvingian palestinians in gaz,
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hundreds of thousands could start. >> mm-hmm. so there you have it. people. >> te it.g chuck, if we don't ti pass this border bill, americans will be fightinge. in ukraine. that sounds a little bit extortion. he's basically saying if you don't pass the bill,g if yom sending your children to die. a i don't like that. but as always, everything in one bill is ludicrous, right? assiheludicrous.n i go to dinney assistant, you don't see her meal on the billmeal yet. after all, it's supposed to bebr a frickin border bill, not the poor taxpayer cash in the endlesr s wars package.. of course, washington has a long history of using misleading names, you know,eadig like the inflation reduction act or calling n biden presidenn why is it.t even called the bil? that's like finding out the americans with disabilities amert. ng
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act buys battle tanks fornks fo neance. jot the fact is, we don't even need this bill. joe has the powee har to secure the southern border through executive action and enforceder the laws already on the books. but he won't. and why? mayb'te it's because trump did it. or there might actually be a better reasoor theren becauseh the ones who are actually in charge won't let him. factar is, don't know or trust anything behind this bill. nor the are threateningi to world war three to pass it. and they had the gall to act. y they care even saying there's money in it for the wall . sorry. the only wall they care about is the one they're up against. ainsr approaches. >> mm. silence >> bed with silence. which means they're just digesting it. sright?re aslee or they're asleep. i can't tell candy. sometimes i digestell.. get >> and get very sleepy simultaneously. you knowltaneously. me what did you make of a schumer like basically saying if you don'lly sayit this, we're gg to have world war three,
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you know? >> you know what i thought of that here? the senate majoritf thy leader, he knows something. he's in close contact with the president who is i.n his own party. so that is he's just revealed that is one of the strategies that they have, which is to is americans fight and die and war, a conflict that we should really be no part of. and it's sickening that they have to use the urgency of ukraine and gaza to fix what's happeningine at the bord. that's bad enough. that is what is takings approv the president's approval rating, according to nbc news, which is notacco exactly fox ne. you know, it tends to go center left. he's got a 37% approval rating3p and immigration and the border dragging that down. so there are enough people in who could get together and figure out just that part of the law and the fact that lump everything else into this and give ukraine their own afghanistahis ann for the next 20 years is enough reason to throw him out of office. >> you know, chevy do it's alaska, a border state, alaska.
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>> it's -- it's on the border of water and yukon, i think i don't think anyone's coming up there. that's the beauty of alaskat's e >> we open the border and they go, no, thanks. >> we don't want to call this media angry. this schumerthis mad. >> i just feel like it was like a threat or just like it waswatg just and then the whole time i was watching the video i, i ws like, i'm worried about the border, but i'm also worried about schumer's glasse worris. >> are they going to fall up his nose? what's going to happen? that'snose? true.cannot push them up, schumer. i can't hear you a wor werd you're saying. i couldn't hear a word. i was just like my glasses fall off. i'm not sure?i am. are they secure? what's going to happen? i hear a word he said. thisit was it was just was jus e super annoying. >> and this bill will collapse. i know a lot about collapsing b . rriageil can't do it. we were you know, we were in store for i mean, biden on day one, i, i think it was liket his first thing that he said was like he wants to stopo
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,you know, building the wall. and then he was like and secondd of all of , i like to stop builg the wall. and then you just said that he was like, whatever. >> kat, what do you make of the whol>>e like, this system of ths like, of, of attacking on top of each other so that like, if s you want border security, you also have to pay for this war. >> okay. i don't hear anyone else talking about this, so i don't maybe it's just like not a bigw deal. >> but when he said or we will lose the war. yeah w los. th russi does that mean that we're at war with russia, then it's like that'st i woul what. i would have said if i were interviewing him. yeah, i've been like. i thought. you though intt that, you know, congress had to declare war and that that was on purpose because we're supposedrpose. to. a big deal. >> we're not supposed to go. don't war here. we're here, we're here, we're here, we're here. which is kind of a wrap. we're just we're so used to that now. we're also so used to hearin so usedat nowwe are ag, say, stuff like that. he really did say do about this i.tter pass or elsy did e all yr we're going to send all your kids to die. and people are watching that lik peoplee just eating their cereal because everybody talks like that. now. i think we're desensitized to af
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lot of things that we shouldn't be. the sense is that ties to i think it's really sathings.d it is really sad. >> who was crying? . >> crying. that's called applausebrian, t.r i don't know if you've ever heard it before, but it's when t people their hands together because they like what you've said. >> applause yes. yeah, i'm i'm i'm going to charge for that in the future. yeah, yeah, go ahead. oh, do you wan i th yeah, i was going to say that i could be open to anything in that bill if they didn't pile it all into one big pile and, and say, you better eat this now. >> you you better eat this now. it's in two days. you better do it. n turnnd if you don't do it well, then you're turning your back on america and all theseyou gu people will die. it's like, no, you guys didn't do anything for so lon didn't g and now you're. now you're making us the villain. yeah, i mean, what a he wantedti a clean ukraine bill and the republicans get. th our bordertbill.
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because well, we'll put it together so they go to they ore or a goo for lik six weeks. i sound like a really good guy he said this is the best he's ever gotten. experts have said this is the most republicans could have gotte s th then and more even iff tr trump was president. but the problem is trump would have been forced everything in that bill. so you have to you need pieces of the border bill. but if bf you're border patrol, you're more hawkish. >> you could go to your guys and say, don't worry about i wo don't worry about asylum. you see what i say? don't worry about what's in that bill. it all of a sudden these guys are still coming through. and you go, i thought there were new rules, but if you put ale guys thought newif youe plac pe ands in nine months, it'll help him. but in the big picture, powerful what bothers me about schumer, he's the most powerful jewish-american in the country america . he says nothingan about anti-semitism in new york. he says nothing about what's happeninti-semg on these college campuses. he has not come out at all and talked about these immigrants that overrun our city, these armed gangs th throwingela 67-year-old women into steel poles. power he could be using all his power and influence to make sureint that this thing doesn't happen. >> and that would, of course, would bp the border
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the only reason he's interested in the border is because he's interested in ukraineder it ,which i know i'm in the minority. i think we should finance it with auditori ths to make sure o goes to weapons and pensions. but i want the ukrainians wins o and be successful. but having said that, i senator schumer only is interested in it because he wants that aid and this is his cit nts thy this is him. new york should be awash with all of this instead, he doesn't do anything. and i just thinkstead doesn't s getting away with it. he's getting away with that. and it really bothers me because he's too busy gargling ailes's, right? >> oh, yeah. his silence backs up our beliefs. >> exactly right. interesting. interesting. seen i i've seen it right ont ua the virtual reality glassel vir >> we need to eliminate skillee polls from new york. right. okay from new that was not the takea. i was hoping to do that.e ta going to be into steel. >> we need to remove those tho steel. >> right. all right. up next, they're teaching woke to kid s who.
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and dad. >> attention will ring families in september 2023, the u.s. navy, an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if win called the meyer blair law firm at one 800 467 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's one 804 six seven 3800. let us help you protect your.
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this is a fox news alert. i'm anita vogel live in new york. and it's symbolic rejection of presidential hopeful nikki haley. the none of these candidates won the gop primary in nevada. haley's biggest rival, former president trump, wasn't on the ballot. he'll take part in thursday's caucus instead. that's the contest that really matters, since that's when the party's 26 delegates will be awarded. haley won't be on the ballot then, since the candidates could only take part in one of the contests, the results of the democratic primary in nevada didn't offer up any surprises. president biden handily won that contest. >> gop leaders in the house are vowing to hold another vote to impeach homeland security. alejandro mayorkas after their vote on tuesday failed. republicans claim he committed high crimes and misdemeanors in his handling of the southern border. the next vote is expected
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to happen once house majority leader steve scalise returns. >> we could see a senate vote later today on the $118 billion bipartisan border security bill. the measure would toughen asylum standards and set migrant counter thresholds to trigger border shutdowns. the border patrol union has endorsed it, but house republicans say it is, quote dead on arrival in their chamber. >> i'm anita vogel. >> now let's take you right d and ourutfel education system start>>s. >> they teach kids they're oppressed. well, basic learning suppressed. the california elementary is being ridiculed for blowing a quarter of $1,000,000 in federal funds on a woke kindergarten program. the school did struggling with low test scores and shrinking attendance. and this was solution. brainwashing teachers to obsess raci white supremacy and racism
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and little children. apparently there's lot isse of secret bigotry lurking and playing with blocks and gooscrng i e. y a no surprise, it was founded by a left-wing activist named akilah gross, who proudly claims america should not exist . >> i believe the united states has no right to exist. i believe everight ty settler cy who has committed against native peoples, against indigenous people has no right to existe ha. >> hmm. again, her name is gross.. boy, does she live up to it. from the looks at gross is the only kind of washing happening. >> well, two years into the program, test scores got even worse than before students got dumber. and this was despite higher attendance, meaning the morecla, they went to class, the dumber they became. 's lik it's like the more gesture, man. jesse wattere e s uses, the less of a man he becomes. but falling grades
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is acceptable reality when you live in the prison of equity. their academic achievement is ar marker of white privilege. so instead, this programof wantt education to start over at the bottom and then stay there botte everyone is equally badlyd permanently. >> it's pure in asian or to beme more specific, pure ort five-year-old kids being taught that white people and america is irredeemabl whitey. t you want a terrorist training camp. you got one. america gets betrayed before kids even reach first grade. but we all know that kindergarten isn't place for indoctrination. it's for warehousing children beforectrinati they can work iny factories. jamie, i didn't write this question. >> does this program remind you of your marriage? yo was a huge failure. oh, wow. ha, ha. that wasn't so much a joke. >> it's just a straight up insult. amie it's crazy, though, jamie. it is. this day, it actually got
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worse. they made it worse. thit's. i'll be honest with you. when i. when i read this story, i was doing proper researc wa and it's like this lady was non-binary. and so i go, let me make surryei i know what it means relative non-binary. and it said gender fluidna. i was like, what's that mean? and so i looked upd so gender fd and it said non-binary. >> and i was like, i'm in an endless loop of just not i owing that. i don't know. i figured i thought gender fluid is we're supposed to wear a . f that's funny. thisun the statistics are are absolutely abysmal. >> they are friday. it sayys it says 4% of students were proficient in math. yeahts wer 4%. and when they were told that ith meanint nothing to 96% of cat, are you surprised that the
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school is failing? >> no. i really just think. >> kindergartners generally aren't that interested kind. politics yet these kids are five. yeah , but that's because it's not really about the kids. i think this nonbinary, it individual who started this, it's not about the kids. i sai yeah. making a video like that is like. yes, i said it. yes, i said it. i i don't know how muchin kindergartners are going to be interested in listening to this personlistenin. >> mm-hmm. no, peppa pig, put it that way. exactly. this is not for kids. no, it's somebody. people weren't questioning it. >> they're like, oh, this must be good, because this is a woke thingus , then. yes, i'm. i'm not offensive or whatever. whatt reaches all these levels and it starts happening. i don't think anybody really considered kids as thisudienc is coming. kids are not the audience for something like that. you know what it remindse fohat? it's like people who dress their dogs. you dress your dog. . >> i know. brian. yes. when i hear the phrase woke kindergarten, it does sound like an action cartoon for saturdayen it so morning.turday
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>> well, kindergarten, it sounds like fun. okay. that paris m>> iike fu could eay get duped into this. so many times they describe it differently that it is sor dfert of for example, they were updating parents and said, i see that five year old's cute kid. they got to their school. yes. well, i have a tattooed non-binary teacher who would love to tell you how badu america isabou, bad isreal is, and how bad white people are. good news is you're whitople ar. so all three of them. what do you say? can we enroll your kid? whn wenroll yoy? >> anyone go for this?woul why would anyone hire her? they didn't know him. >> the parents were the last to know. right. but at one point. can i se e your instead of.would ha >> well, jamie would have given them what would be shapes and colorsn . yeah. you come back with anti-american. i was pulling for the britiserie the revolutionary war. how dare we go into iraq? t and then you say, what's going on here? i think it's time fohe is gor cr school. >> i heard that the school thought they were getting a good deal on a bunch theyeople because she was a they. >> yeah, that's true. d to a pronoun drunk there. >> i don't even understand the problem. yeah, maybe. you know, kennedd.>> keny you'ra
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mother. >> that's right. god bless you. recently to a couple of hours ago. >> rec good.. you know, regulations. you know, you just bounce >> congrack.right back up real . >> yeah, i was out there just walking on the street, and i heard, you know, where is the baby? >> wherei know. you know, you have as many as ih do. they just kind of take carave of each other. >> and how does it make>> how you feel? outraged. does itare you outraged? i'm.>> i'm not surprised. i mean, you grew i am in northn california. you know, the kind of people who send their kids to school there. they know exactle whsend theirye doing. >> yes. i've never i mean, that's the point is they're so they're al l so demonstrative and they just have to show it. >> shave.o was i was behind a wn and her son on the plane the other day and she was explaining to her son he's only a boy if he chooses to feel that way. okay, >> and it's like, okay, that's fine. but it's so oppressive and toams jamie's point, they're pushing it back as far as they can p wait, you know, they're going to she's talking about this
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just like while they're in front. yes. yeah, they're on a plane in front of me. and i'm like, but it's it's not for her son. it's for everybody here. exactlit's fveryony yeah, it's e what cat said. it's not for the child. it's for the adults. they're actually using a child for their own self esteem and going back andor their. >> see, we used to worry about colleges being propaganda pictures. they they not w realize that they can go further and further further back. but their idea of utopiarther bd failure. yeah, it's 4% of kids, no matter who is goins nog build roads, we're going to perform microsurgery when people need it, like after those races. so i really don't knowse how to use all these tools. >> you know, greg, i'm still sarcastic. is second, to appreciate this moment. no one's ever said to jamie's moment, but coming up, joe's got rocks in his head. . talks with the dead >> well, columbia is breathing a big sigh of relief. pablo escobar's dead.
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i went to what they call a g7 meeting. >> all the middle leaders i was in, it was in the south. wn and i sat down and i said, america's back.on fro i made iran from germany. i mean, from france at meed at and saidme i said, you know whyr >> why how how long you back for? for first of all, mitterrandfrom and from germany, i france. so that's the part he corrected . >> that's like saying i'm for child labor. i mean, i'm sorry i'm for child marriage. som for chi at least he didn't. >> in 2015, he beat up charles de gaulle for a quick history lesson. >> mitterrand was president of france from 1981 to 95 and died in 96. so that meeting happened in 2020. biden have been talking to atal dried out old corpse and met
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around the same cat. >> would you think of hishis correction? he does this all the time. i mean, he said okay, so i am going kind of out of things to say about the president thinkinge presidinkin he sees dead people and like that shouldn't ever be the case . i should have had to have one take about that. and this is i've take abot. lost count at this at this point. and it's it's going to happeo hi again. you know, it is going to happen again. so if i have something else, i have to save it fon.e it forra he thinks he will be doing a segment on this the next time he does it. that's true. >> you need to conserve your capacity to match it then that he sees. , this i >> yes. you know, brian, with this elecn be the longest electiolons season and this is how he is now. >> right. that entire moment was screwed ire mome. >> the whole speech was he had to speak four times over seven d the last seven days. each speech had major moments where he'd just becamee in unintelligible, let alone an accurate, which i thinkun is very important. as van jones actually said, the best thing fors joe biden
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to win election is to keep the lowest profile possible. wa if you imagine someone saying the best way for your team to win is fom to winr you to pl. >> yes, that is really what they're saying. they used to sayey are that to h all through high school. >> how dare they in grade school? right. d keyou know, kennedy to to kill me, to point. he's got he's not doing the three minute like super bowl halftime the easiest interview anybody can do. >> yeah it's a lay up and itrvie seems like a challenge but he's a worse because he can't chd and that's why trump challenged him to a debate. he's like no let's debatebate right now. yeah you know he knows that the contrast is in addition to a series of ongoing indictments. it's really the best campaign tool that the former president has would be contrasting himself with joe biden on a stage, answering the same questions, the difference in their energy leve.l, ability to put sentencet together. but, you know, i look at something like thisce. i remember when bob dole
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in 1996, when he was running for president and he was at ther brooklyn dodgers, and that ended his candidacy. like people likes., that's it, too old. but it's like, you know, he's he can't even't even remer emmanuel macron. yeah, he's like young, vibrant. and the names don't even sound the same. it's like i just they're just i'm names. greg yeah, i just ams jimmy do you think somebody on his staff is feeding him bad info on purposeng him bfo on pu? >> no matter? it's still alive? >>, it's. >> it's absolutely insane. like, i feel like he.s. let me say this. i never thought i have something in common with the president, but we're both speechlessprese both. like, i don't even know what to say. i heard that late.when that late night at the bar. like when you get him drunk, he talks just normal. ec >> the right talk with perfect diction. they should start dressing th him in whatever suit he wants to wear when he dies. just to save timn he de. it should pick it out. yes. t to
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five miles of steps per hour. the step counter smart mat and wireless remote call nows. a story in five words five words wrinkles. icious you look suspicious. brian, i did not write this tha
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right. german scientists found that people with more face wrinkles are perceivedpeople w as untrustworthy. is that why you do so much botox? okayt wh, if i did, how bad woud you feel for me right? t >> now write a couple of thingst off because i don't want to be quick because i want to give else time to talk.. how rare? humboldt university, when they dmboldtversity o a study, . usually i agree with them hundred percent. and again, this is a humbold it study i will say this. charles bronson. clint eastwood. mm-hmm.les bron. nothing but trust and dignity and strength. i pooh this study. >> they're bad. they're bad. gender study about oil. >> it was more effect. the effects of judging people for wrinkles were more pronounced when they were women. >> and it's like, oh, wow. no, right. i geo [ blt women are not allowd to age like men are. men are allowed to get all girl s. i get email, i get actual emails from people. oh, you're not watching thatromi like you're aging. like, yeah, that's how time time . sus! >> what should i do, jerry? kill myself. like. wow. wow.
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i really ron dermer. that's right. >> i apologize for that. i want you to give an example of a woman and what this study is. you're likeye only two weeks of data. >> i brought it up all women t were rebel and is admitted to lots and lots of bad. it's.f su but women are the mostf th trustworthe moy americans ever. >> i hate jane fonda as you work. i regret it is true. >> carrots point like women with wrinkles play witches. that's right.>> t and dig ditches. yeah that's likehat' . i know, i know. meit's there is old lady becaue i've got time to look forward to casting. >> what do you mean? she's being entrepreneurial? oh, very much. y mu exactly right. yeah. i'm looking at the next stage i'h is, like, ic. i don't make my mistake. name't m a?i >> woman amy. honestly, i didn't even read that part, that this was mainly about women. hadn' >> i wish i hadn't cared muc as much. >> you can't help your wrinkles.
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that's why i feel bad about, like, i have a super wrinkly forehead. yeah, there's nothing i can do. it's from, like, things that you dide is n do.. oking th you like i.e wind as for me, it's like i was in a tree looking through the window, like, who's in there? >> my wifeow there wi. >> who is that? and you get like, you got lines. yeah. all right, well, i. a plastic surgeon paid for this, right? yeah. that's why i wasas sponsored by some products. right. all right. don't go away. we'll be right back back. attention, marine families. in september 2023, the u.s. navy an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's, kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying an injury. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of same
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1:00 am
>> , [applause] >> this is the ingram angle from washington thanks for being with us my angle in a moment but first moments ago the house defeated the efforts to impeach the dhs secretary he is survived by redressing


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