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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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at to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. right here on the east coast. it's wednesday, february 7th. this is "fox & friends." we start with this. a news alert. brand-new border numbers more than 1 million migrants encountered since the fiscal year began just a few months ago in october. the earliest this milestone has ever been reached. >> steve: that is something. griff jenkins in moments. another fox news alert. hamas terrorists proposing a cease-fire deal. could the end of the war be in sight? >> still a lot of work to be done but we continue to believe
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that an agreement is possible. >> lawrence: illegal strip clubs. squatters taking over more than 1,000 homes in atlanta. >> brian: final hour of "fox & friends" starts now. you chose to be with friends, that's us. >> lawrence: fox news alert. brand-new border numbers just released. >> ainsley: we've had more than 1 million migrant encounters since october 1st when the fiscal year began. it's the earliest this milestone has ever been reached. >> brian: most of them firsthand it's griff jenkins. he puts the numbers in perspective. does this number surprise even you? >> it sure does. good morning. there have been more than a million migrant encounters hitting the milestone way earlier than last year. fiscal year began october 1st.
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if you do october 1st to february 6th last fiscal year was the record breaking year, 909,000. we already crossed a million. the difference of more than the entire super bowl that you'll see this coming sunday in las vegas. it holds 70,000. it is stunning and shocking. border patrol agents across the country have already been shocked over the last two years. following up on our colleague gillian turner's great reporting yesterday about chinese migrants which are the fastest growing group of migrants to 37,000 fiscal year 2023, i confirmed this morning they have encountered nearly 20,000. you see that, 19,600 chinese migrants already this fiscal year. on track to shatter last year's record. do the math. it's an average of 150 chinese migrants alone every single day since october 1st. one other note.
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if you go back to last year, last march i was in the rgb sector. this isn't a new thing, it is just growing. here was an encounter i had with chinese migrants walking up to me on march 20th last year. watch. >> hello. hi, yeah. do you speak english? english? are you from china? from china? what's consistent in all the encounters they are very clean, looked like they had flown in across the border. look at this today the border patrol chief tweeted out this fiscal year the border patrol apprehended more than 160 migrants with known gang affiliations ms-13 and like involved with murder, extortion, narcotics, weapons, human trafficking, prostitution according to the chief he says this is a threat to our safety and why we need agents patrolling the border.
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finally, just for a note in the last 24 hours, there were more than 6800 total migrant encounters at the southwest border and in that san diego sector alone particularly in the area in california, they had 197 chinese migrants. so numbers have come down perhaps a little bit from december but they are every bit in the middle of the crisis as we go into this new fiscal year. >> brian: is it true about the chinese migrants you can only question them for a short period of time. we used to hold them for weeks and now a quick time limit how many questions we ask him. >> we would have to get an actual official statement. just to sort of give you an idea what's happening, any time a migrant comes from a place that is known to be a partner to terrorism or national security risk, in the case of the middle east or china, they are called
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special interest aliens or sias. they get a different, more thorough vetting even in the surge of giant numbers. but in this case so many chinese are now coming they are having to turn them faster. remember, you are having the border patrol agents outnumbered 50 to 100 to one in one of these remote locations. >> steve: the chinese that are coming where essentially, you know, we're used to seeing the caravans and you travel with the caravans from southern portions of mexico up to eagle pass and places like that. but with the chinese people, they are flying from china to somewhere in central america or south america. then flying directly to tijuana and they just literally have to walk across the border. people are going with their roller bags from the airport. they were at the airport five minutes ago. >> bingo, such a great point, steve and why i was pointing out when you look at videos of the
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chinese migrants you see they look like they are very clean. definitely don't look like they went through the dangerous darian gap in the jungle. they flew in. the crazy part of all of this is we learned in the 60 minutes reporting that tiktok, these chinese people are literally looking at tiktok videos that show them where the gaps in the u.s. border wall is in california, how to hire on tiktok a smuggler to get you across, as opposed to what so many chinese students used to do is come as special visa students. why do that when you can fly to tijuana, cross and get to freedom easier? >> brian: the question is did the government give them permission. >> lawrence: the white house had a talking point with the president making look like the border patrol support him. the new numbers coming out. who do the border patrol support. are they in favor of what this
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administration is doing now? >> you have spent a lot of time with border patrol agents. i can tell you i haven't met a single border patrol agent in the three plus i've been covering the border under this administration that has had a single complimentary thing to say about anything the administration is doing. rather they have talked about how exhausted they are trying to stay true to the mission they signed up for and they are still very upset, lawrence, that they swore an oath to defend our border, not to process, babysit or transport migrants, which is what they've been doing for the better part of two years. >> ainsley: we've been told the border is secure. >> brian: they don't get overtime. they would get overtime with this bill. that's happening at the federal level. this is why it all matters because of the problems the migrant crisis is causing over local communities city to city like new york city.
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>> steve: you are looking at migrants beating up a cop. todd piro joins us now. todd, we've been looking for these people for a couple weeks now. we have one for sure? >> here is one we know. so interesting. wait until the end of my hit. the one and only migrant suspect held in jail for attacking those two nypd officers was indicted in a manhattan courtroom yesterday. grand jury handed out the indictment to him. the charges be remain sealed for now according to alvin bragg's office. he was one of the migrants seen in the video beating two officers last week. kicking and punching the officers in the head and body. he will be back in court to answer to this indictment in march. those other suspects have fled the city after being released by d.a. alvin bragg without bail. ice confirming four of them were apprehended on a bus traveling from el paso, texas, to phoenix. but here is an amazing takeaway
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that i will get you. sources saying the three migrants in this photo aren't members of the crew involved in the beating and there are four attack suspects still on the loose. the story gets worse. new york governor kathy hochul expressing outrage over the situation telling msnbc yesterday said the release of the migrants should never have happened. that's not the only violent behavior from migrants in the big apple. the migrant moped gang is pretty sophisticated. they are apparently hiring hackers to access bank accounts of unsuspecting victims. yes, they are doing employment work. they are hiring people. nypd saying they're getting into zell accounts and clear out the accounts. new york governor gop calling on hochul to remove bragg because of unconscionable handling
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attacks. the fact they are organized is a new red flag we all need to pay attention to. >> steve: they came with the gang essentially. >> ainsley: women are worried about the moped guys walking on the street. we walk everywhere in new york. we live close to grocery stores and take the baby strollers. migrants are getting on mopeds, coming on the sidewalk. grabbing women's pocket books and going back on the street. we've heard about this. it has been happening 62 times since november. >> the november date is fascinating to me. these gangs really started forming and really getting organized in november of 2023. it was less than three months ago. when you think about the intensity in which they formed a mob for lack of a better word, that should frighten everybody. i know a lot of people who can't organize a flat tire in three months much less an organized
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gang like this, terrifying. >> steve: think about it, though, todd, thank you very much. you have tens of thousands of migrants in this country, in this city. they are not allowed to work for the work rules because they haven't been here a certain period of time. they are just sitting there with nothing to do. now look what happens >> lawrence: i think these people were part of criminal enterprises in the country they came from and continuing that pattern. you don't just suddenly become a criminal when you come across the border. >> ainsley: we have a fox news alert. another one. secretary of state antony blinken set to meet with israeli president herzog this hour. we were told 8:00 here on the east coast after holding talks with israeli netanyahu.
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>> good morning. for the first time in weeks, there is progress on a possible cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. 124 days into this war. we do understand that hamas responded positively with a proposal that could end the fighting. reports indicate the hamas plan would stop the war for 4 1/2 months, see all of the hostages released and israeli troops withdrawing from gaza. such a deal would also mean the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners. it would be implemented in three stages each 45 days long. antony blinken confirmed the counter proposal was given to qatari and egyptian negotiators overnight and said this while in doha. >> there is still a lot of work to be done. we continue to believe that an agreement is possible and indeed essential. we'll continue to work relentlessly to achieve it. >> blinken is here in israel
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today and met with palestinian president and netanyahu separately. much of the discussing focusing on the release of hostages and the plan for the day after the war in gaza. the entire region waiting to see what comes out of these cease-fire talks understanding that a deal could mean de-escalation across the middle east. guys, back to you. >> brian: is gaza hamas-free? >> it is not. there are still multiple brigades of hamas fighters. we see pockets of them popping up in the northern part of the strip. they have limited rocket capabilities. they are ambushing israeli forces and still hold 136 hostages. incredibly challenging battlefield. >> brian: what a tough decision to leave hamas there. you want the hostages back. knowing that they will reconstituting in areas rail has
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called. >> jihadis in support of hamas. this is the president taking a long pause when asked about them, watch. >> president biden: there is some movement, and i don't want to -- i have to choose my words. there is some movement. there has been a response from the -- there has been a response from the opposition but -- yes, i'm sorry, from hamas, but it seems to be a little over the top. we're not sure where it is. there is continuing negotiation right now.
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>> steve: you have the president of the united states talking about hamas was a little over the top. were they a little over the top on october 7th? the only -- you know, our president referred to hamas as the opposition and needed an assist from a member of the press corps that redirected him. nonetheless, you look at that and you can see why new nbc poll 62% of americans have major concerns about joe biden's mental or physical condition. 14% have moderate concerns. that's a total of 76%. 3/four of the country is worried about if that guy is all there physically and mentally. and you watch that and you wonder what is he doing? >> ainsley: the moment he stepped in office no catch and release, stopped funding the border wall. no more wall, and then now he is trying to spin it because immigration is one of the top issues for voters. now he is trying to spin that this bill failed because voters
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knew that trump and maga republicans said no. maga republicans it's trump's fault. >> steve: they'll run on that through november. we had a chance -- we heard him say this. we had a chance to have a bill and trump said don't do it. >> ainsley: you can't run on that when you did everything you could to make the migrants come across the border and then try to say it's trump's fault? >> steve: that's what they'll work. >> ainsley: it won't work, no one buys that. >> lawrence: you have a staff running the white house, the world leaders making fun of us. i know he thinks they are cheering him on. they are flipping off the cameras, but you have these national leaders, international leaders cheering the president on because they get to steam roll him. they get what they want and you hear brian talked about it early whyer today what he had to say about netanyahu behind closed doors. he is just not together. it used to be sad. now it's infuriating.
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>> brian: carley shimkus hasn't ever flipped off the camera. >> there is always tomorrow, right? you never know. we have to get to some headlines starting in south america where w a fox wildfire alert. chile is facing deadly wildfires. flames spread through several seaside communities killing at least 131 people. more than 300 people are still missing. thousands of homes are gutted in many neighborhoods have turned to ash. a jury finding jennifer crumb plea guilty on four counts of manslaughter. her son was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for killing four classmates and wounding six others and a teacher in 2021. an attorney joined us earlier on the decision to go after his parents. >> as a parent myself, my heart is with the verdict but my head
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is troubled by it. we are responsible for things we do ourselves. if they are criminalizing is the could have, would have, should have of parenting decision. it opens the flood gates for other parents and politically motivated prosecutions that we see a lot of these days. >> his father is facing trial next month. nearly 63% of republican voters choosing none of these candidates over nikki haley in nevada yesterday. former president trump was not on the primary ballot. he will take part in the nevada caucuses tomorrow. the race will ultimately decide who gets the state's 26 delegates. president biden easily took the democratic primarily with nearly 90% of the vote. those are the headlines. over to you. >> brian: 19 minutes after the hour. people are dead in southern california. the dangerous atmospheric river is soaking the region.
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>> steve: this storm triggered nearly 500 mudslides and probably more to come. >> lawrence: in santa barbara county a cliffside collapsed. forcing the evacuation of an apartment building. >> good morning. we'll talk about california. what is your name? >> hunter from tampa. >> what's the forecast in new york? >> very sunny and very cold. >> hi five. all right. let's take a look at california. we're talking about this story for the last couple of days. you are awesome, by the way. southern california over a foot of rain. that's historic for some of these areas in just a matter of hours. we have another batch moving in today, thursday and friday and things clear out. we look at snow for the southwest and rockies and avalanche danger concern for the next couple of weeks. rain still to come. southern california, san diego. a couple inches. the worst of it is over. the rock slides and mudslides
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will be possible. there is your forecast for the rest of today. the plains state will get a little wet. otherwise pretty good looking forecast. lots of sunshine, 70s in florida. when are you going back? >> that's crazy. hi, mom. >> an excellent way to say hi to everybody in tv land. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j. over to you. >> brian: a little swagger. >> would you fill in for me? >> maybe. >> steve: j.d. >> does your mom know you are on tv? >> not at all. >> she does now. >> steve: where does his mom think he is? >> come here. where is your mom right now? >>? tampa. >> hopefully she is watching. what's her name. >> danielle. >> good morning. your son is awesome.
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>> steve: he is on tv. good job, hunter. >> thank you. >> brian: we'll have to raise him, no question, take him in and we'll rotate. meanwhile fox news alert. more than 1 million migrants encountered since this fiscal year began in october. the earliest this milestone has been reached. this as mayorkas survived an impeachment vote. tulsi gabbard ahead. >> ainsley: a live performance by country music star riley green. ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage.
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warning they've caught more than 160 dangerous gang members. gop congresswoman laura lee sits on the house homeland security committee from florida and joins us now. >> great to be here. >> ainsley: what is your reaction? we haven't seen numbers like this this early on. >> the numbers are staggering. unfortunately what we see is a continuation of the biden administration policies that have been in place really throughout his administration. and americans are seeing exactly the consequences of this happening for us, untold numbers of people coming into our country. they are bringing with them deadly fentanyl, human trafficking. people coming across this border are being put anywhere in the united states. we don't know where they are. in many cases they're lost to us and have court dates set years out. it is simply caused an incredible crisis for communities across america. it is one that we're working very hard to try to bring to a
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stop. >> ainsley: what was your reaction when you heard the president, who didn't fund the border wall after he was elected, actually on the day he was inaugurated he also said we're not doing catch and release anymore and this is what he said yesterday talking about the border bill. he said trump is the only reason -- the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and the maga republicans. >> i don't know how he can even say that to the american people with a straight face. all of us see what's happening at the border and house republicans, i went on a trip down with speaker johnson. we wanted to see it with our own eyes. they are right there coming across our border in front of the congressional delegation. no effort to turn them away. no effort to stop this flood. and here is the reality. president biden has had the ability to stop this problem since the beginning of his administration and he has made a knowing and willful decision to do the opposite.
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secretary mayorkas has done the same thing. he knows his policies are unlawful. he has been told by courts that his parole policies and alternative to detention policies are unlawful and should stop. and yet he continues. so they have willfully brought these millions of people into our country. for him now to try to shift blame to republicans is absurd. >> ainsley: i know that you are mayorkas impeachment manager and voted yes to this. you might vote again in the next week if you bring it up again. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: still ahead what happens in vegas doesn't stay there. not this weekend. a super bowl preview with fox sports nfl insider jay glaser. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪
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>> brian: stage is set as the san francisco 49ers take on the chiefs in the super bowl rematch. sunday the second time the two teams battle for the lombardi trophy in five seasons. what the know before kickoff jay glaser. the fact they did this five years ago even matter today? it makes the 49ers more hungry, perhaps. >> not at all. completely different guys playing on the teams. i think the only thing it does is gives a guy like shanahan why he needs to win this one. >> brian: kansas city travel more of the fans typically. who will have the fan advantage? >> when it comes to the super bowl it's more about -- less about who the fans are and corporates. these tickets are going for so much money it is ridiculous. it is not that effect if you will. yeah, it's -- look, we have the
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game on fox before covid in miami when things were normal again also. but those two teams also went back and forth. it will be a similar type thing. these are two healthy teams, which is so rare for this time of the season to be as healthy as they are. you can have all your weapons at your beck and call. it will be king kong versus king kong. >> brian: great coaching staffs and fantastic. maybe one of the greatest super bowls ever. next year you'll be bringing us the broadcast in new orleans. this year you will be able to enjoy the build-up. something else about you. you are always talking about mental health. unbreakable podcast. now talking about adhd. you found something. >> yeah. i found a pharmaceutical which is a non-stimulant. i was one of the first adults in the history of adults in the east coast of america to get
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diagnosed with adult adhd in 1989. all the way back then they put me on a stimulant drug which i won't say what it was. they put me on another one. and man, it just -- my experience, not everybody else's but did a number on my brain chemistry. now i finally found something that's a non-stimulant. i take it at night. calms the things down in my head at night and it has been a game changer for me. trying to get a lot of people out there especially families with kids to get off the stimulant stuff and try this. it's been a game changer for me. it's qelbree. >> brian: it's working for you right now? >> working great. i take it at night. the other stuff you take in the morning jazz you up and that is because there is some addiction issues there. now it's really been a -- it's
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been a really great shift in my life for me. >> brian: if anyone thinks he won't be productive you are wrong. look at his podcast. >> they used to say it was a learning disability. without it i wouldn't be able to do six things at once. i have to make what people say is wrong with me to do something good for me. >> brian: riley green is live. first fox news alert. brand-new border numbers stunning. tulsi gabbard is here next. of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. >> steve: fox news alert. look at the numbers screen left. more than 1 million migrants have tried to illegally enter the united states since october 1st. that's what we know of. forget about the gotaways. a new record. president biden insists don't blame me. >> president biden: the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> steve: fox news contributor tulsi gabbard is here to react. good morning to you. >> good to see you. >> steve: will that hold water? >> i don't think it will. the american people have been paying very close attention to what's going on.
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they know that the biden/harris administration and mayorkas and all of them have been lying to them for years now saying the border is secure, the border secure. all of a sudden it's an election year and flip-flopped and saying my gosh, we needed to secure the border. the problem is the bill that they're supporting and trying to get through congress does not secure the border. it actually cements their open border policy into law. it's directly counterproductive to insuring our national security in closing the border. >> steve: what did you make of the twin republican losses in the house your former chamber where they knew going in they had three nos, and it seems like they didn't have a good count. i was talking to somebody close to the top who said i asked do you have the votes? they go we're about to find out. that's not how you do it. >> it's unfortunate frankly. i'm disappointed that there were not any democrats again who have been talking about this crisis at the border and how action needs to be taken but none of them had the courage to stand up
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against their own administration to stand up for the people and stand up for securing our border. >> steve: you have stood up forare the people of hawaii for as long as we've known you. the maui police have just come out with an after-action report that talked a lot about what happened with those lahaina fires. they encountered significant challenges due to heavy smoke, decreased visibility and heavy traffic that caused a gridlock. it is as if they had not planned for the end of the world kind of fire and that was it. >> yeah. it's important that they did this. there are a lot of very important lessons to be learned so that this kind of crisis, there is always another crisis that will occur, so they're better prepared to protect the lives of the people they are sworn to protect. the critical thing now that they've done this is for policymakers to take it and actually fund and implement those changes. the concern here is that for
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example the maui fire department were grossly underequipped and undermanned not only because previous assessments said they need more money and more people and better equipment but they didn't fund them. during the covid period they were actually firing firefighters who refused to get the covid vaccine and didn't remedy that situation, which contributed unfortunately to the crisis in that response. they've got to actually take action to fix this. >> steve: i know maui is taking action to get the tourists back. >> there are many places on maui and add my voice to those thinking about going, go and visit maui. a lot of local whose small businesses are depend on the tourism-based economy. they need help and support now. hawaii is such a beautiful place. it is cold outside, you should go to hawaii. >> steve: i would love to go. one hour ago in that chair
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steven more, an economist during the trump years had you speak to his group last night and he had this to say about you. listen to this. >> i know you have tulsi gabbard coming on. we did a dinner with her last night with 40 major influencers and we asked at the end of the dinner who do you want donald trump to pick as his vice president? you know who won? tulsi gabbard. >> steve: okay. if he asks, i would imagine you might be interested. >> i would be open to that conversation. my mission in life is to serve our country and serve the american people and find the best way to be able to do that. >> steve: all right, thank you. country music star riley green will perform live in the studio. they'll start waving. dana, this is happening shortly. >> dana: riley green is here? all right. i don't know if i can get down
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there and back here at the same time. that's a great booking. >> steve: hemmer will cover. >> dana: the border bill is dying and house republicans fail to impeach mayorkas on the first vote. senator kyrsten sinema will be here. migrants kicked out of shelters in denver. candidate none of the above won the nevada gop primary. america asks is that an option? tell us more. we'll see you at 9:00. you lookio w closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together.
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from.
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cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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>> lawrence: our next guest is climbing the country charts. >> ainsley: again. his hit song different round here went platinum and now hitting the road for his ain't my last rodeo tour. >> brian: country music star riley green and his lovely band. great to see you. getting up early for us. >> i don't mind. always a lot of fun. >> brian: how long did it take you to write this last song? >> it was a pretty easy one. i found songs i'm passionate about the topic i tend to write easier. a title track on my debut album.
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we made it my current single and it's climbing the charts. >> steve: with things you're passionate about. your guitar strap has duck man. you love duck hunting, right? >> i grew up duck hunting in louisiana. there were more in alabama and so it stuck with me. >> ainsley: you write all your songs. standing for the flag, i don't care if you don't like it. we do things different around here and how you want children to say yes, ma'am, and yes, sir. you still live in jacksonville, alabama? >> life moves slower down there. i found out especially after going to nashville i have learned so many values growing up there it's what i write about and fortunate other people grew up the same way. >> ainsley: what do you think about new york city? >> a little claustrophobic.
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it's a lot easier for me to stay where i grew up when i spend time in northeast alabama. something about toby keith always loved how he had his values and spent that time playing shows for the military and really kind of stood his ground on a lot of things. i think that's something a lot of people respected about him. >> how did it impact you? >> it impacted everybody. such a big influence. i remember him being the first guy to play the shows overseas for military bases and taking that time out. and after being a touring artist and knowing how tough this is and take that time is important and it meant a lot to him. >> steve: what will you sing for us? >> i'll sing my current single "different around here." >> steve: we'll get out of here. ladies and gentlemen, riley green.
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♪ ♪ round here fast is how the grass gross, lost what you found on a back road, lives in the dirt ♪ we stand for the flag and if you don't like it, we don't care, because we do things a little different round here ♪ ♪ ♪ right is right and wrong is wrong and we're doing things a little different round here ♪
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♪ ♪ right is right and wrong is wrong and we're doing things a little different round here ♪ ♪ we do things a little different round here ♪ ♪ rain on the roof, what a song is, and home is where the heart is ♪ ♪ and brave is 18 wearing army green and truth is in the words
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in red we read. pride is what you say about where you're from. your heroes are daddies and mamas you love. right is right and wrong is wrong and we're doing things a little different, where right is right and wrong is wrong and we're doing things a little different round here ♪ ♪ we do things a little different round here ♪ [cheers and applause] >> steve: that was great. more information about the tour and all you are going on go to riley green >> brian: ainsley has a question. >> ainsley: what is that instrument over here? >> a steel guitar. we're keeping them alive right here. >> steve: show us what it sounds
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like. you've heard it a million times. >> ainsley: y'all are so talented. i wish i could play something. >> lawrence: how long have you been traveling together? >> the rest of these guys i picked up on the way here. >> brian: where are you heading? >> go to the website. >> ainsley: 33 cities including your city on long island. riley green and download his music. we're the only tv program he'll do. support his music. >> lawrence: thanks for joining us. >> bill: you will get yours, my man. good morning, everybody. back to business on the house floor after the failure to impeach secretary mayorkas over the handling of the crisis at the border. republicans say the drama is not over with more chapters yet to unfold. we await that and more coming up in moments. first we have


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