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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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i know you are conscienceous about it for you and your family. we'll have you back. >> dana: actress is suing disney. she claims she was fired from her role in the "star wars" show for expressing her conservative political views. >> what i learned if this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. you know, eventually you have a line and when that line gets crossed you just have to say enough. enough is enough. >> dana: okay. >> bill: it's intriguing about this. elon musk said he will pay for all these cases. he has your back if you were censored on x. >> dana: i bet he follows through. scathing new allegations orr whelan censorship by the biden
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administration and attempt to gather information on private citizens. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. emails sent by the white house reveal intense pressure on amazon to censor and suppress books that raise questions about covid-19 and the vaccine. happening now as biden's treasury department unable to refute accusations it put a target on the backs of maga republicans and tracked sensitive personal banking information as part of its investigation into january 6th. they searched for terms like maga, trump, cabella's. hillary vaughn from the hill. >> treasury secretary janet yell en did not deny the surveillance scheme to have banks snoop on their customers' transactions as part of the investigation into
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january 6th. remember, fox news digital exclusively reported the federal government basically profiled who they thought would be a person of interest. it came down to people who love to shop at dick's sporting goods or bass pro shops who might have purchased religious books. sounds like most americans. those were the red flags investigators wanted banks to look for. a sign they said someone could be a home grown violent extremist. yellen when asked about all this yesterday didn't deny it but also didn't have much of an explanation, either. >> well, we received the letter from you, i believe, on this topic and we intend to investigate fully and to respond. >> have you instructed banks and financial institutions to provide this information? >> well, the job is to work with financial institutions to make
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sure. >> are they instructing financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? >> i promise a thorough look into everything. >> while the treasury secretary looks into this, is it still happening? how far did banks go to turn over this information? and did it ever stop? >> bill: yeah, did it? thanks, hillary vaughn on the story on the hill. >> dana: i want to bring in james freeman, columnist of the "wall street journal" and you pay attention to this. look at the graph here. this is overall trust in the government, right? you can see it starts to go down and it is really at its low ebb right now. part of the reason are things like this. the story lines that come out. you never hear how they end up. >> i think the government has earned that level of mistrust. it doesn't make us want to trust
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them more when we get that kind of pathetic answer from the treasury secretary. the evidence is of what appears to be outrageous attack on the first and fourth amendment rights. her response was oh, yeah, we got your letter about that and we'll look into it. she ought to be turning that department upside down to make sure this is not happening. the idea saying they were searching for typology? in america we don't get investigated by law enforcement because we're a type of person. we get investigated because we are the specific person tied to a specific alleged crime. so that attitude and it's reflected in the president's speeches casting half of the country as enemies of the state. and this is a disturbing -- this suggests that people in the government are acting on that. >> bill: let's go back to march of 2021. remember that time now.
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joe biden has been in the white house 65 days or so give or take, right? andrew slavik. who can we talk to on the disinformation on amazon? the email from seven days later, march 9th is the administration asking us to remove book or are they more concerned about search results/order or both? and then another internal email from amazon three days later. amazon might want to take to reduce the visibility of these titles, pp? not sure who that is? >> that's a part of amazon. i'm guessing it is public policy. amazon hasn't responded yet. they will at some point, you would hope. again, this appears to be a frontal assault on our first amendment rights. we get to decide what books we
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want to read in this country. amazon gets to decide what books it wants to offer to its customers. the idea that the white house -- you can go into the particulars on yes, especially appalling maybe because it turns out that so much of the establishment government information about covid was wrong in terms of overstating risks to children, in terms of advising lockdowns as the appropriate medicine. but forget about whether you believe this or that. the idea that the government is telling a private book seller you have to suppress this one rick , it's okay to feature that one. >> dana: jim jordan put it out there and i think what's interesting it is all part and parcel of the lawsuit the white house finds itself in because they were telling social media companies to do the same. >> very widespread campaign. supreme court is going to hear
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that case in march, of course. brought by a couple of state a.g.s. i think obviously the court will render its verdict. for anyone looking at the facts, which are clear, the established record of an effort to really dictate what views and information is acceptable to government, it seems whole owe incompatible with the first amendment. >> bill: a lot of people were demonizing the vaccines and wanted to wipe that conversation off the american table. >> dana: you are in the white house and having meetings. nobody raises a hand and says it might not be a good idea to do this. it might be against the constitution. >> bill: maybe they didn't think they would get caught. the connections between democrats on the left and silicon valley in california. we've seen a pattern here. >> bill: biden would have been targeting himself in 2020 when he as a candidate thought it was
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useful to question vaccines because trump was developing them. of course, in office had a different take. >> dana: you are always thinking. good to have you here. >> bill: breaking news out of southern california. this doesn't sound like good news. marine helicopter has gone missing with five marines on board due to land at a station near san diego. never showed up. william la jeunesse joins us from our bureau in los angeles on this breaking story now and william, what do you have? >> what do we know? active search and rescue is underway right now, bill. california fire and sheriff's department. a marine corps heavy lift helicopter super stallion that can carry heavy loads. it was traveling from the creek air force base north of las vegas, traveling to marine corps air station in san diego, 400 miles from vegas to san diego. when it went down roughly around 2:30 this morning in the laguna
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mountains in the cleveland national forest east of san diego. two issues right now, whether and topography. you have to think about mechanical. there is a winter storm warning in effect. has been for the last 24 hours. right now this area is covered in rain and snow. it is an area called pine valley. about 4,000 feet where the snow level is right now. a tough area for search and rescue. not only because of the weather right now, but these very steep canyons, some radios don't work. we have to go to sat phones. hopefully they can pinpoint the helicopter. heavy radar there. so they have a pretty good idea of where to look. however, getting there is going to be something else. back to you. >> bill: thank you. william la jeunesse. we'll hope for the best there in california. >> dana: bipartisan border bill in the senate may be dead after today's vote is expected to
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fail. in a few minutes kyrsten sinema one chief negotiators of that bill. the border crisis gets worse by the day. >> bill: nevada primary. did it turn into an embarrassment? nikki haley loses in a way no candidates wants to be defeated. >> dana: house speaker mike johnson meeting with his israeli counterpart on capitol hill. is the biden administration doing enough to support america's closest ally in the middle during its time of need? the speaker of the kins it joins us next. >> the purpose of this delegation is to show the world and america that we are united, unlike what hamas intended that we will -- this society will break down following october 7th. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin.
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>> bill: want to take you live to capitol hill. democratic leader in the house hakeem jeffries news conference. he is expected to address the failed vote for aid on israel. the debate over the border bill in the house and senate. we'll bring you news as he makes it live on the hill momentarily. >> dana: the nevada primaries were last night as expected nikki haley he who ran unopposed lost a majority of republicans checked none of the above instead of backing her. on the democratic side president biden got 90% of the vote. marian williamson with a strong 2.9%. the state holds its republican caucuses tomorrow night. president trump is facing off against ryan binkley of texas. after that a two-week sprint to
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south carolina and a primary where haley and trump are both on the ballot. he is a heavy favorite there as well. >> bill: my expectation you get results from the nevada caucus call it tomorrow night. the magic number is 17 days. 17 days before south carolina. as of now nikki haley. >> dana: guess the magic number tomorrow? >> bill: 16 >> dana: we can do math. the speaker of israel's parliament has been making a rounds in washington. his visit comes as israel pushes for action against hamas and the release of over 100 hostages held by the terror group. they stand shoulder to shoulder the one of the smallest. >> make no mistake this is a coordinated attack on our shared values and our freedom. united states and israel are locked in a civilizational battle against the enemies of freedom itself and our world is
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becoming a more dangerous place. >> we come united for three major goals. number one, our commitment to bring back all our hostages. number two, our commitment to a total and unmitigated defeat of hamas. number three, our commitment to strengthening the american/israeli bond even further. >> dana: joining us now is the speaker of the israeli parliament. maybe shed some light on this. "the new york times" reported that more than a fifth of hostages in gaza are dead. intelligence officers have concluded that 30 of the remaining 136 hostages captured by hamas and allies on october 7th have died since the start of the war. a confidential assessment reviewed by "the new york times." can you confirm? >> first of all, thank you,
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dana, for having me. good to be here with you. i can say that we believe that most of the hostages are alive. we don't know the precise number. but as soon as they come back home to their families, it will be better and we thank america for its efforts in facilitating another deal. we have been successful in the first one and we hope that we can make a second and hopefully last deal because we don't want it to go forever. >> dana: one is underway. we got word when i saw that israel has said no to the deal as it was being laid out and you are asking for qatar and egypt to play a more active role to get hamas to be more reasonable and to do the right thing here. how do you expect that to play out? >> let me just remind everyone that we are talking about people that were taken from their beds
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and homes, some of them are children, elders, innocent men, women. there should be no condition to releasing them. of course, the conditions that hamas posed are ridiculous. i don't think it will be right to go into the specific details and negotiate over this platform. but i think the teams, the american teams and israeli teams are doing their best to achieve yet another deal and to release all the hostages. >> dana: you were on capitol hill yesterday and two votes in the evening that speaker mike johnson tried to get over. the border bill that failed. because of the rule makesing the committee had done they needed the 2/three to pass a stand alone bill for aid to israel and that also failed. you were there yesterday. do you expect the speaker to bring it up under a different rule so it could pass this time? how urgent is it that israel needs this aid?
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>> first of all we're doing our best in this delegation that is by the way bipartisan actually. multi-partisan. i just told my counterpart speaker johnson imagine running a parliament of 12 parties. that we will do our best not to go into this minefield of america internal politics that is very interesting. we should remain the relations and alliance between israel and america in a bipartisan fashion in a way we can work with whoever the american people votes for and so we need this help. let me very very clear. we're in our toughest times. we need every help we can get. not only that it is important for us to receive the aid, it is also important to receive the message that it brings with it so that the world can see. i am positive and so i have heard from many friends here on
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capitol hill from both sides of the aisle that one way or another, we will receive the aid. so we are -- we see our friends very determined to do that. we don't know if it will take a week or maybe more but we are very optimistic for that. >> dana: great. let me ask you if you are optimistic or pessimistic when it comes to iran. they move the threshold they're within a week of having enough material to produce a nuclear weapon. how much is that on the minds of you and your government? >> it's very much on our minds it has been so for more than a decade. we see iran as the head of the snake. clearly hamas and palestinian islamic jihad and hezbollah and shiite militias that we have conveyed our condolences to the three families of the three service members that we lost their lives two weeks ago and the houthis are all merely
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proxies of iran. and i was very clear with my friends in america saying that iran must not exit this war the way it entered. this is what we should be dealing with sooner or later i believe we will. >> dana: speaker of the israeli knesset. i know you invited our speaker, mike johnson, to go to israel. he accepted and we'll pay attention to that, and on the aid. >> thank you. >> dana: take care. >> bill: 23 past. bipartisan border bill falling apart. senate republicans and democrats pointing fingers at each other. what happens after the test vote that is expected for today? arizona senator kyrsten sinema is here and helped draft the bill and talk to us coming up in minutes. how swift with taylor swift have to move to make it from tokyo to the super bowl in nevada? her private jet travel has some
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>> what evidence of wrongdoing i'd say it's pretty easy to find. it's found in every street, every city, every county, every state across this nation. the evidence is found in every fentanyl pill and death. the evidence is found in every woman that is raped along our border. >> dana: making a strong case but not strong enough dhs secretary mayorkas dodges impeachment for now. they failed to impeach him yesterday over his handling of the crisis of the southern border. four republicans voted against
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making the vote 216-214. close margins in the house. >> bill: breaking news from the southern border. border sources telling fox news exclusively there has been more than 1 million migrant encounters since october 1st. the earliest border patrol has ever reported that mile marker. senator kyrsten sinema spent months negotiating a border bill that fell apart in minutes. she is standing by. aishah hosni reports from the hill. the news in eagle pass and stacy stiegel has that duty today. >> let's further break down these new numbers for you. as we've been reporting, a very, very busy start to fiscal year 2024, which did begin back on october 1st and during that time look at this graphic. the kind of stacks the numbers up for you. close to 241,000 migrant encounters reported that month. more than 242,000 in november,
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then that record shattering 302,000 for december. so in the first three months cbp logged over 785,000 encounters at the southern border. and while january figures have not been officially released, we know it's at least more than 214,000 to push past that threshold of 1 million. last year at this time there were some 70,000 fewer encounters. yesterday texas attorney general ken paxton, along with 15 other state attorneys general sent a letter to u.s. senate leadership in part calling on congress to authorize states to enforce existing federal immigration laws similar to what texas is doing here in eagle pass. crossings here have dropped significantly in the last few weeks as you hear the giant air
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boat whizzing behind me in the river. the chief of u.s. border patrol says already this fiscal year more than 160 migrants with gang affiliations have been apprehended involving everything from murder to drug trafficking. the chief adding this is clearly a threat to public safety and it highlights the importance of agents being out here on the front lines patrolling. >> bill: what does the air boat do? is that surveillance? >> it's surveillance. they have a couple of them. u.s. border patrol and texas dps going up and down the river which is really high at this point. they're out here creating that front line defensive to make sure no one gets across. >> bill: good clarification. casey stiegel down in eagle pass. >> dana: let's get an update from aishah hosni on the hill. >> i'm told just a few moments ago by a senate aide senator
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mike lee is whipping votes right now in his office. some members are there now. after this senate border deal fails today, it is expected to fail later on this afternoon. chuck schumer will rip the border portion, the policy out of the package and put forth the rest of the aid, of course that $60 billion for ukraine, 14 billion for israel. 8 billion for taiwan. 68 to break the filibuster. mitch mcconnell indicated that ukraine is important to him and hopes it is how the senate moves forward from here and taking heat for how this controversial border deal came about. ted cruz and vance said leadership is responsible and they screwed it up. mcconnell is pushing back on claims he misread his own colleagues and almost shifting the blame to house speaker mike johnson for influencing his conference. >> i followed the instructions
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of my conference who were insisting we tackle this in october. things have changed over the last four months and it's been made perfectly clear by the speaker that he wouldn't take it up even if we sent it to him. >> so if this security package without the border stuff passes the rest of the test vote today it puts speaker johnson in a tough bind. that's because democrats and a swath of hard fiscal conservatives rejected his stand alone israel aid package last night. the first test vote on the package with border happens at 1:00 p.m., expected to fail. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: kyrsten sinema from arizona is our guest now. thank you for making time for us. >> absolutely. good to be with you this morning. >> bill: a number of questions and see how many we get through. some of the items in your bill with senator lankford and murphy
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are catch and release, no to economic migrants and some of these items in the house bill that they agreed to are tough also. and together it seems like it might be a pretty effective bill that you could put into action fairly soon. so why not work with the house and come up with something you can both agree on? >> that's an excellent question and as you know, i serve in the house for six years. while crafting this legislation with senators langford and murphy i worked with my colleagues in the house. the bill we introduced sunday evening incorporates some of the elements from hr2 but fixed some flaws. for instance, hr2, while it enacted a title 42-like authority as does my legislation, hr2 did not include any penalties for folks who tried to violate that title 42 authority. our bill actually created a one-year bar for anyone who tried to cross twice during the
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time of the title 42-like authority. another example is hr2 allowed individuals to get work permits after they met an initial screening for asylum. those work permits could last for years. in our bill work permits were only authorized for 90 days after someone passed a knew heightened asylum standard. >> bill: it sounds like something like the house republicans who want to shut it down would agree to. >> i agree with you. >> bill: why not call the conference. >> we can't call a conference until the senate passes a bill. what's really confusing is my colleagues who four months ago asked me to work with them to secure the border at the national security interest, which by the way i agree. border security is a national security issue. my state bears the brunt of this crisis every single day. and that's why we worked to craft this legislation. now if the senate were willing to get on the bill today we
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could have an open amendment process, address concerns about the legislation and then pass it and go to a conference. but it seems unfortunate that many of my colleagues have chosen not to even debate the legislation but as you noted within 24 hours of the bill's release, have changed their mind and said they don't actually want to secure the border. now that benefits people on both sides of the aisle. both democrats and republicans are probably pretty happy we're not going to do anything about border security but as arizona senator i can tell you, this is devastating to my state. i saw the numbers that you portrayed right before this interview where you highlighted over a million immigrants have approached our border since october 1st. you know how many of thieves are coming through arizona's desert? my state. my mayors, sheriffs, county supervisors are sick of it and that's why we all supported legislation that would close the border and end catch and release. >> dana: one question was --
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maybe you've answered this somewhere else. some people have asked why in the draft bill did you not try to codify into law a remain in mexico policy? >> so unfortunately you can't codify that without mexico's consent. but what our bill does do is close the border during times of high traffic. i do want to note every single day this year the border would have been closed had my bill become law. every day this year because the number of people coming is so high. we end catch and release, of course, by expanding detention and then removing people from the country quickly. and we pay in our bill for either sending them back to mexico or putting them on planes and sending them back home to their own countries. now remain in mexico works but only for the people that mexico will take back. if they refuse to take back folks from certain countries we have to repatriot them to their
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home country or a third country that will take them. senator langford and i worked closely to get safe third country policies when they could resettle in another country and repatriot them when they don't qualify for asylum. >> bill: retract the word conference and put meeting. getting together and talking about it might break the log jam. you said on cbs this weekend the reason we're doing this is -- we require the biden administration and any future administration to actually implement this. what we're seeing from the american people is that they see laws on the books and they see this administration not enforcing the laws. so look -- >> i share that concern. we agree. the biden administration has not done a good job of implementing laws on the books.
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we do know that we have to actually change laws to make some of this more possible, right? former president trump tried to keep like before title 42 was in effect, before covid, he tried to shut down the border and he was stopped by the courts. as we know, the courts ended title 42. i've been trying to reinstate it since that time. we have to change the laws so we have the authority to do that. we actually have to change the asylum policy standards to make it harder for people to actually get asylum. right now people who are economic migrants just claim asylum and get to come into the country. we need to change that law. president trump asked to change it as well. what our bill does that is different than we've seen in former laws is we mandate. we require the administration to implement these policies like the border closure. we don't just say you can do it if you want to. we require the administration to do that. >> bill: that requires enforcement.
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just because it's in the words on a sheet of paper doesn't mean it will happen. that's what we hear from ranchers along the border. >> you're right. it's why our legislation specifically created right to sue for states to sue the federal government if they failed to implement the law. as you know, prior lawsuits trying to force the biden administration to implement laws have failed because courts have held that there was no jurisdiction to sue. our bill actually created judicial review and gave a right to sue if the federal government failed to implement the law. that has never been done before and it is unfortunate that will also go by the wayside today when my colleagues choose to kill this bill before we debate it. >> dana: is the bill dead, it's over? >> it is. unfortunately yesterday the senate republican conference announced that they are not going to support even debating the bill.
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i'm disappointed. >> dana: does it make you not -- i know you make a decision whether to run. does something like this make you not want to run for office again. >> i'm focused on getting this job done. while others decided that border security is a talking point for the election i can promise you this, as someone who was born and raised near the border in arizona, this is not a talking point for me. this is our daily lives and i hear from our ranchers and i hear from our police officers and our farmers every day. this crisis will be here tomorrow and the next day. regardless of congress's failure to act. that's right. >> bill: you are in a battleground state. when do you make a decision whether or not you run again? >> i can tell you that decision won't be made today because today i will continue to remind my colleagues of the consequences of their decision. look, it may not be a consequence for them living in some state in the interior of the country. but in arizona, this isn't politics, guys.
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this is our daily life. i am incredibly disappointed that people have chosen politics over the lives of the families, the farmers, the ranchers and folks living every day in southern arizona. >> bill: we've been watching that decline and reporting on it for three years. appreciate you coming on today. thank you, senator. >> thanks. >> dana: a blistering report on san francisco bay area schools as the focus on woke programs didn't help student get better grades. ayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze,
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>> bill: another failing grade for some california schools where woke curriculum was introduced to kindergartner kids. then it backfired in a big way. san francisco chronicle. bay area school district spent $250 on woke kindergarten
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program. test scores fell further. martha maccallum anchor of the story at 3:00 eastern. who came up with this idea? you are in the third grade and we'll teach you to -- >> kindergarten. i mean, smart -- actually smart entrepreneurial people who try to sell programs to state education programs. some are valuable. some are not. this is alimony designed to catch up kids after covid. we've done an abyss mall job of. they aren't caught up. wealthier areas in the country the kids are getting caught up. shocker surprise, in poorer areas of the country, they are suffering under this kind of thing. $250,000 to woke kindergarten. this is meant to introduce children to the language of resistance, vocabulary they can
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use to critique their system. they're five and can't read. and they can't write. those kids don't start reading until first grade. you want to introduce these elemental things. >> bill: here is what happened. 2/three of the students are hispanic. english and math scores hit new lows. fell 4% in math and 12% grade level in english. that doesn't pass anywhere in america. >> it doesn't, bill. there are entire districts in illinois where no one is proficient in math or learning. i want to point out one thing. the heyward superintendent who oversaw this program jason riemann said the decision to hire woke kindergarten was more about boosting attendance than improving test scores. helping students feel safe and whole is part and parcel of academic achievement. you know what makes students
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feel safe and whole is when they are learning. they are learning their alphabet, building a community with the kids in their class. they have a good relationship with their teacher and building confidence all the time because they start to be at this level introduced to math concepts. how about colors and shapes and the kind of things you need? that's what builds confidence and community. in order to -- attendance is a business mall. you've covered this quite a bit. the idea that alienated some of the teachers will build community and make people come to school is sadly preposterous. >> dana: secretary cardona does nothing. >> on that happy note. great to see you. >> dana: great to have you. see you at 3:00. migrant crisis on full display on hannity last night live. guardian angels roughing up a migrant. >> shoplifting first, guardian angels spotted them, stopped
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>> harris: the pressure is on for democrats to get a border bill to president biden's desk. biden is trying to sell the border bill. this was his plan. call people names, go after donald trump and the republicans while he was trying to sell it yesterday. the biden border crisis rages on. if you thought it all made sense when he spoke yesterday, that late afternoon speech just lit a fire to already hot concerns over the president's fumbles, embarrassing poll numbers. "the faulkner focus", top of the hour >> dana: guardian angels founder and team of crime fighters doing that last night during a live interview with sean hannity in
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times square. >> our guys have just taken down one of the migrant guys on the corner of 42nd and 7th. they've taken over. >> dana: while he was talking about illegal immigrants and crime crisis when his guardian angels targeted a migrant from venezuela claiming he was shopping lifting. police gave the man a summons for disorderly conduct. no mention was made to the "new york post" if he was a migrant or shoplifter. more times in times square. you have to watch hannity to know what's going on. >> that intersection is where the cops were beaten about a week ago. southern end of times square and hotel around the corner where a lot of those are housed. that's where it is. before we go we have a hemmer celebrity news? >> dana: a match-up. >> bill: taylor swift is attempting time travel, dana. that's our celebrity news. her tour has a show in tokyo,
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55,000 showed up for night number one. three more shows and then fans are hoping she can make it back to the u.s. and cheer on her boyfriend, travis kelce in vegas at the super bowl. ready? tokyo is 17 hours ahead of vegas, travel time 12 hours. if she can make it without refueling the kickoff is 3:30 time for the vegas. >> dana: she will make it. do you think they'll have a norad tracker like the santa tracker? >> you know what? we'll let cbs know. maybe they can get on it. how much fuel does she use, right? she has the falcon 7x. 350 gallons an hour. >> dana: it generates economic activity unlike others. >> when i fly my falcon i pay the credits back. the climate credits. i pay those back.
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and then i feel better about the travel. >> dana: let me do my before we go. this is cute. a french baker wins first prize knocking off a five time defending champion with a five minute difference. he completed a dog sled race and the final leg the start order was reversed and the frenchman was the last to take off but in the end finished first. that was in colorado. cute little story, right? would you want to do that sport? >> bill: why not? >> dana: i like to watch it. >> bill: dress warmly and give it a shot. >> dana: you are for the experiences. we are here for that and you are here for harris faulkner. she is next. here she is. >> harris: it is a problem that is so big and so bad even democrat leaders can no longer ignore it. finally even those on the political left of the spectrum are seeing the collateral damage of letting the biden


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