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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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about global warming from airports. >> if you have her tail number, you put the tail number in and you follow her, and so you are going to have to do more than just this teenager to keep that public information from being public. >> the teenager says it's publicly available data, i'm not intending to harm. just release the co2 number. >> just because someone seems accessible does not mean they do not deserve boundaries. she deserves boundaries and protection and trying to bash her as a hypocrite does not fly with me. she does buy carbon offsets, stands behind her ideals and see every woman safe. >> no one deserves to have a stalker show up at her home. >> i was calling leslie a hypocrite, ok for john kerry. >> sandra: we'll take it from there. president biden set to arrive any moment now here in new york ahead of three campaign events as this city grapples with a
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growing and major migrant crisis. cbp says it is still vigorously pursuing four migrants involved in that brutal assault on t two nypd officers. >> john: we will monitor and bring it to you live if it happens. >> treasury instructed financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? were they instructing them financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? >> i promise a thorough look into everything. >> this is really concerning. >> sandra: treasury secretary janet yellen repeatedly dodging the question when asked if her
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department instructed banks to spy on americans in a massive surveillance campaign. seems like a simple question, should have a simple answer. i'm sandra smith in new york. john, great to be with you. >> john: should have a simple answer, but didn't. john roberts in washington. our own fox digital reported last month after viewing documents obtained by the house judiciary committee that data shows banks combed through customer's records for terms like maga and trump. >> sandra: pretty unbelievable. and included the names of stores like dick's sporting goods, cabelas, and even bass pro shops. >> john: did you buy a baseball glove from dick's? some say it's invasion of privacy. >> sandra: hillary, thanks for kicking things off for us. did treasury secretary yellen really not have anything to say
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about the question on surveiling this surveillance scheme? >> yeah, sandra, it's interesting. her response a little surprising and shocking, basically saying we'll look into it, we'll get back to you. the reason why it's a little surprising, she didn't have anything to tell lawmakers when she was here on capitol hill yesterday is because this is something that the treasury department routinely does as an agency within them, financial crimes enforcement network. they routinely work with financial institutions to scrub for sketchy things. that's how they combat financial crimes like money laundering and terrorism. so it's interesting that she didn't come to capitol hill with that information because lawmakers have been investigating this. what is also interesting is what's scandalous about all of this is not that they work with banks to try to track down financial crimes, but the terms they were looking for, trump and maga, you know, the last name of a former president and basically his campaign slogan shocked a
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lot of people. >> sandra: very interesting, hillary. is this even legal, if it turns out this is happening, is it legal to do this? >> in general it is because through the bank secrecy act and the usa patriot act, trechly department can work with financial institutions to get access to transactions that banks think might lead them to some type of financial crime. but what's interesting is that a lot of people probably did not think if they were going to shop at cabelas or bass pro shops, that they would be on a list as a home grown extremist. >> sandra: and seems the question should be an easy one. we'll dig in more on that one. >> john: former president trump's attorneys set to appear before the supreme court to keep
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their client on the primary ballot in colorado. first time in this nation's history the justices will hear arguments on whether a candidate for president can be disqualified under the 14th amendment. david spunt live at the justice department. what's the trump seem saying about this, david? >> john, in basic words the trump team is saying it is against donald trump's constitutional rights to run for office if he's taken off the ballot in colorado. supreme court will have a big decision tomorrow as you mentioned, this is specifically dealing with that part of the 14th amendment, arguments kick off at 10:00 tomorrow and they are expected to go some time. a little longer than normal given the weight of this, and not to forget we are neck deep in political season right now as the presidential election is coming up. the justices also likely to be involved in another trump issue coming up. this of absolute immunity. claims he can't stand trial in washington, d.c. for his
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attempts to overturn the 2020 election because of presidential immunity. yesterday, john, a three-judge appeals panel here in d.c. ruled he is not immune from prosecution. writing for the purpose of this criminal case, former president trump has become citizen trump with all the defenses of any other criminal defendant but any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as president no longer protects him against this prosecution. the campaign saying they will appeal if immunity is not granted to a president, every future president who leaves office will be indicted by the opposing party without committee immunity the president of the united states would not be able to properly function. jack smith wants the trial in d.c. back on track as soon as possible. it was to begin march 4th but on hold almost two months while the issue went before the circuit court. donald trump is expected to appeal by monday if the supreme court does not get involved in the case, it will move faster, go right back to the district
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judge if the supreme court does get involved in this case will likely delay things even further. and as we get into the summer and the fall, a few months out from the election, a lot of pressure for the judge and special counsel smith to consider to move it to after the election. >> john: indeed there will be. david spunt at the doj. we should point out the decision was unanimous. two of the judges were appointed by biden, the third was appointed by bush 41. so, it would be, if you like, a bipartisan decision on that front. >> sandra: and i know we probably got a lot of people's attention with the report from hillary vaughan on the unfair targeting of conservatives. everybody sits up and listens. to think that your government is watching you and surveiling you especially when it comes down to purchases at cabela's or dick's sporting goods, that's really something. we will dig into it, john. >> john: how many times i've been to the local dick's sporting goods here to pick up something for baseball or
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something for lacrosse. does that put me in the cross hairs? >> sandra: you might be on a list, john. >> john: you never know. i did buy a pair of running shoes, those could be used to flee the scene of something. >> sandra: john, we'll have more on that coming up. a test vote is set to begin debate on the senator's border bill. expected 1:00 eastern time, but the bipartisan plan is -- several gop lawmakers against it. brandon judd, great to have you here. very infrequently that we have you here in new york, the new border numbers incredible. got these early this morning. more than a million migrant encounters since october 1st, the earliest we have gotten to those, 20,000 chinese migrants, 7,000 encounters in the last 24
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hours, the live drone shot as we show our viewers every day, we have our eye on the border every single hour. this is showing no signs of ending. will this border bill help? are you in favor of it? >> i am. it will absolutely help. cut down on the number of crossings. asylum, when you look at the credible fear claim, raises the bar to where you can't meet the claim so you can't be released you don't meet the credible fear claim. and then of course the ability to detain. single adults and not release them into the united states. that's the magnet that draws so many across the border. >> sandra: you say us, do we have the resources to enforce this. >> absolutely, absolutely. when you look at the bill and how quickly you move through the system, we do. and gives us 50,000 beds for ice. so many tools in this bill that are good. now, i understand there's poison pills as well but get rid of the poison pills -- >> sandra: like what.
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>> funding for ngos, funding for sanctuary cities like new york city, get rid of those through the amendment process but keep all that is good. >> sandra: sinema from arizona, she spoke out, she's a key architect of all of this. showing her support and why she believes republicans should get on board. listen. >> what our bill does do is close the border during times of high traffic. the biden administration has not done a good job of implementing laws on the books. but we do know that we have to actually change laws to make some of this more possible. we actually have to change the asylum policy standards to make it harder for people to actually get asylum. >> sandra: ok, so what we know about this moment, we do expect this test vote should be happening on capitol hill any moment here, is that the white house is pointing fingers at
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republicans and one can make the case they are doing a great job making it look like it's republicans fault for not coming through and getting this done. but peter doocy asked karine jean-pierre a key question many republicans are asking in this moment, why haven't the democrats done anything in the years leading up to this. >> you talk a lot, including today, about how the border would be not such a big deal if congress would have passed the immigration bill on day one. who was in charge of congress on day one. >> congress has to act. democrats, republicans have to act. they have actually voted. >> first two years, no responsibility. >> i'm not saying that democrats have not been in control the first two years. i'm saying house republicans have got in the way. >> sandra: because rewind the tape to the moment yesterday where president biden came out to speak to the american people calling this a crisis when for
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so many years democrats and this administration downplayed what was happening at the southern border. watch this. >> the border remains closed. it is not open. we are turning away the majority of adults. >> we have taken unprecedented action over the past year and a half to secure our border. >> we have a process in place to manage migrants at the border. >> it is my testimony that the border is secure. >> we are making it very clear that our border is not open. i want to be very clear. our borders are not open. >> sandra: why so much pressure on republicans now, when democrats have been in control. >> we want to make it a political issue. they knew darn good and well because of the poison pills the republicans would have to say no, and it makes me sick. they are playing politics with the border and the numbers we are seeing. >> sandra: with national security. >> especially the people on the known terror watch list.
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look at the criminal aliens that come to the united states. look at what happened in nypd, and four people have absconded. i am in support of the bill because the tools that's in there. i'm not in support of the poisonous pills, why i want to see them get rid of it. see them use the amendment process to get rid of the bad but keep the good. >> sandra: border patrol community, where are all those folks on this? what do they want to see happen? >> they want the tools. they want the tools. it's hard to get it to them because they are not hearing exactly what it is, they are hearing the rhetoric. >> sandra: got it, we will continue to watch what happens with the bipartisan border bill, the senate test vote is happening on capitol hill. this is obviously quite a day and one could make the case the only reason we are hearing from the biden administration on this, brandon, is because it has become such a big political issue. you go back to the early primary season, a live look at capitol hill right now, obviously
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talking about cbp encounters, something you know very well about, a live look at the senate floor. you look at what has led to this moment and the political nature and political turmoil this has caused for this administration running for another four years. this has become huge political peril. in new hampshire, in iowa, not the economy, immigration. the top issue. nothing else was even close. that's how big of an issue this is for the american people. you are talking about in states far from the southern border. >> it's disingenuous of the president to point the finger at republicans now. he has the authority. he's just not going to exercise the authority and then i'm hoping that congress will step in and give us the tools that are necessary. that's why i'm so much in support of this bill. get rid of the bad, keep the good. >> sandra: we know you are looking for solutions and you have first-hand experience at the border and we appreciate you joining us today. good to see you in person,
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brandon. >> well, thank you. >> sandra: john. >> john: fox news alert, marines corps has been searching for the heavy helicopter, the super stallion, missing with five marines on board, disappeared from flying in nevada to miramar in san diego. apparently the craft, we do not know at this point what condition it was found in, has been found near mount laguna in pine valley, california. search and rescue efforts now underway to get to the site of the helicopter downing, and to ascertain exactly what condition it's in and the fate of the five marines on board. we will have that for you as soon as we get more information. we are spooling up, and william is making phone calls on this. >> sandra: meanwhile, it is national girls and women day. women in sports day in america. and right now, former female
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athletes, coaches, and parents, they are demanding fairness in sports as we get word now of as many as five transgender players hijacking a women's volleyball game. former swimmers, riley gaines, paul scanlon and kim russell will also join us with their reaction to that. >> john: israel rejecting the latest hamas ceasefire proposal. former ambassador to the u.s. michael orin on where the war goes now. that's coming up next. veteran homeowners. one reason monthly bills are getting harder to pay is the runaway interest rates on credit cards and car loans. credit cards can be 22% near 30% if you're late. car and truck loans- 10 to 15%. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loans with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. you can save $500 a month $6,000 a year.
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ditch the other guys and you'll save hundreds. get a free line of unlimited intro for 1 year when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. >> john: secretary of state antony blinken set to give an update after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected hamas's ceasefire
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proposal. hamas had offered to release all the remaining hostages in exchange for a four and a half month long ceasefire. so, what comes next in all of this? bring in michael orin, the former israeli ambassador to the united states. great to see you state side as opposed to tel aviv, although good to catch up with you there as well. let me lay this out, four and a half months, three-phased in, women, sick, in exchange for jailed palestinian women and children, and withdraw troops, phase two, release of remaining male hostages, and israeli withdrawal from gaza, and then permanent ceasefire during that time. what benjamin netanyahu said today. for the hostages' families, you are in our hearts but a complete victory is the only way to win. agreeing to hamas' demands will not bring your family members. outright rejection. it would have surprised me, mr.
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ambassador, had he taken the deal. >> he could not have, john. how can you accept the deal. four and a half months, try restarting a war after that. hamas would rearm, and prepare the next onslaught. and hamas says they will do it a million times, they said. and i would doubt hamas would give up the last of the hostages, they never do, and israel could go in and fill up the 400 miles of tunnels with gasoline and throw in a match. hamas will not do that, and the state of israel will not be able to restore internal security, we have over 200,000 civilians who have been displaced by this war. you would not go back with your kids to live along the border knowing hamas was going to reremember an and regroup and start the next onslaught. it's an impossible, impossible deal from the state of israel. i think we would have agreed to a ceasefire of a couple days, maybe even a week or two in return for the remaining
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hostages. but not beyond that. this deal is simply a victory for terrorism, a victory for hamas, and frankly, a danger to the entire western world. >> john: yet something being pushed hard by the biden administration and the secretary of state who we will be hearing from a few minutes from now, what he said earlier on this deal. >> we are looking at it intensely as is i know the government of israel and there is a lot of work to be done but we are very much focused on doing that work and hopefully being able to resume the release of hostages. >> john: of course everybody wants to get the hostages home but the biden administration seems to be comfortable with the idea of hamas staying in place in gaza, maybe even staying in power. >> i think the administration wants to end this war.
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i think it's costing the administration politically, and as an expert on american politics told me recently, it's no longer about gaza, it's about michigan where the numbers from the administration going to the presidential race are not particularly favorable, to say the least, and key sources the administration would agree to an situation an ongoing ceasefire and elements of hamas would be integrated into a palestinian unity government which would be based on the palestinian authority in the west bank and that would then be moved in charge of sort of a palestinian state that would include gaza and the west bank. that's a vision. it is wildly unacceptable to the vast majority of israelis and even the majorities center, center left, even more to the left of that. israeli as an existential threat to the state of israel. >> john: we saw antony blinken there with the president of israel, and also net with
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netanyahu, and also met with mahmood abbas, 17, 18 years into a four-year term -- >> 19, who is counting. >> john: blinken has been all over the region and literally to a leader, all the arab leaders say we want a unified government running both the west bank and gaza. that would likely mean fatah. but the last time they tried to do anything in gaza in 2006, hamas violently and -- killed a lot of fatah as well, threw them out of gaza. so, how could that ever work? >> it's not just that. the palestinian authority of abbas never condemned the attacks of october 7th. actually took a little credit for it saying our guys were there, too, believe it or not. 85% of the palestinians in the west bank support hamas. you put a palestinian government in ramallah, in gaza, it's going
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to fall to hamas in a matter of days. and john, you have been to my house in southern tel aviv. we won't be in rocket range, we will be in rifle range. bullet through the back window. it's not that we don't want peace or appreciate what secretary of state blinken and the president have done providing vital ammunition for us and casting vetoes in the security council, blocking attempts for a ceasefire, but we have to be realistic and say to the american allies we appreciate everything you do but this is a matter of life and death for us. it's a matter of life and death to finish the war against hamas and restore our security. without that we simply cannot survive. >> john: we'll be hearing from blinken in the moments ahead. look forward to what he has to say and always my honor to break bread with you, mr. ambassador. >> entirely mutual. thank you, john. >> sandra: president biden has arrived in new york city with
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tensions high over the growing migrant crisis. federal authorities thought they had found four of the migrants involved in the nypd beatdown all the way out in arizona but now learning it wasn't them and most of the alleged attackers are still on the loose. c.b. cotton joining us live in studio with more. what do we know at this point? >> we have learned from our colleague, griff jenkins, some of the men picked up on a phoenix-bound bus are not the men suspected in the assault on a pair of nypd officers. so it's still believed some of the migrant men who were charged and released last week are headed out west to the california-mexico border. cbp confirms to fox it issued warrants for three of the men. the only suspect who has been held on bail in new york in this case is set to be arraigned o --
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on a grand jury next month when the charges will be unsealed. he had a brief court appearance for two prior misdemeanor cases. his attorney is saying after his client pled not guilty this case highlighting the sanctuary laws which limit new york city agencies and their involvement with ice. new york city mayor adams said it's a matter for city council to take up and yesterday he said he supports deportations in these instances. >> it is my strong belief that if a person commit a serious crime, felony, violent crime of the federal government should do its job and deport that individual if they are found guilty. >> new york republican lawmakers have penned this letter to new york governor calling for alvin bragg to be removed, saying his handling of this assault must be the "final straw" and adding "the public safety of new yorkers is clearly at risk" so
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the d.a.'s office tells us the worst offenders and the brutal attack have yet to be arrested and reportedly they are now reviewing police body camera footage to further investigate this case. >> sandra: we will keep watching. i know you will. >> john: united states has an affordability crisis. what does that mean for the american dream. plus this. >> are you -- the bud light genie? >> yeah. >> i wish peyton manning was my best friend. >> sandra: get ready for it, is bud light poised for a big game comeback? a closer look just ahead. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper...
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diego. william is live in los angeles. any word on the marines and the helicopter? >> john, we don't know the survivors, number of casualties. as you said, it was going from creek air force base down to san diego, about 400 miles. the area they are looking is about 100 miles east of san diego in the laguna mountains, cleveland national forest. altitude of the last ping last night appears to have gone down in the mountains was 5,300 feet. nsc spokesman john kirby addressed this about 30 minutes ago aboard air force one. >> all we know right now the search is ongoing for the helicopter and the crew. obviously our hopes are of the best here, but this was an mh53, a large helicopter that was on its way to san diego and really all we know. we are watching this closely and our thoughts are for the best.
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>> it has been raining and snowing for roughly three days, the conditions there are very bad. tough terrain, bad weather. they have grounded any helicopters and the mud is so deep you can't get any vehicles in, so search and rescue teams took off at daybreak on foot from the pine valley helibase about 3,000 feet, they did send up some drones, some infrared technology, looking for heat signatures. cal fire, civil air patrol and bore star and the san diego sheriff's office are all looking for this helicopter. again, we don't know about the casualties aboard. we'll bring that to you as soon as we can. >> john: we are praying for those five marines, william, thank you. >> sandra: john, thank you. meanwhile, americans have added more than $600 billion to their household debt, this has happened in just the last year. as credit card balances hit a whopping $1.13 trillion.
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it's hard not to wonder, is the american dream struggling or is it completely dead. let's ask charles payne, host of making money on fox business. i should put this in the context of the administration has been pointing to what many economists say are good numbers on the economy, but we still don't see that showing up in the polling. people still don't feel great about their finances. is this the reason? >> well, this is part of the reason. there was a great piece out not long ago on doom spending. in other words, you know, you've heard of retail therapy. sort of along the same line of thinking. >> sandra: oh, have i, charles. >> along the same line, if people have no hope in the american dream, they don't think they will ever own a home, don't know what the future is like, yes, they are spending money right now and looks good on paper, the nominal stuff looks pretty good. >> depleting savings and wracking up credit card debt. >> exactly.
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living in the moment because we have no faith in the country. >> sandra: terrifying. >> exact opposite of a strong economy and that's where we are right now. and of course the younger cohorts, i hate using that word, but 18 to 29, those are the ones seeing a spike in delinquencies and they have bills coming. a lot more bills coming. >> sandra: we featured some of the tiktok videos, they cling the bag over the shoulder, i'm living with my parents, deep in debt, but i deserve this, whatever it is, and the same time they are complaining about the cost of living. there is this changing psychology as well. >> listen, last year, the richest person in the world, chairman of louis vuitton, and you have people racking up stuff and then after that, they go home to a basement somewhere, to the project somewhere, a trailer park somewhere, you know, and
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it's absolutely nuts and so it's become ironically or sadly to be frank with you, culture. the american dream was always about waiting your turn. when you started the job, you got the gold watch on the last day, not the first day. now they want it on day one. and they talk about their parents or grandparents, my grandmother bought a house for 30 grand and now it's $5 million house. it takes time. the american dream -- the formula has not changed. >> sandra: the american dream, "wall street journal" did ask the question, do you think the american dream still holds true today. once true but not now, 45% say is the case, still holds true, a third of respondents, never true, 18%. dig into that one. >> if you track those people 15 years from now, 36% would have
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achieved the american dream, 45% still renting and the other ones still bitter. >> sandra: interesting. i know you are hot on the story we covered at the top of the hour on the federal government surveiling americans when it comes to their purchases. dick's sporting goods, cabela's, what's going on here? >> stereo typing. a certain group of people they think are so-called maga voters and they stereotyped them. they say, you know, sort of -- in a country boy will survive. listen to the lyrics. someone could run a trap line, we know we should be watching them. china does this to citizens they do not like. they have a credit score, and dossier, and punish them. this is un-american what's happening right there, completely. >> sandra: and it's on tape, we played at the top, janet yellen did not say no. >> remember when it came up, 600
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bucks for venmo, turned out to be true, i guarantee you it's going to be true. i have nikki haley in about 30 minutes, i'm going to ask her about this as well. >> sandra: we'll be watching that. charles, thank you so much for joining us. retail therapy, yes, everyone is familiar, charles. thank you. >> john: they are trying to be back. bud light betting big on marketing for the super bowl. hoping to bring customers back after that high profile and costly p.r. disaster. kelly o'grady is with us, she's got more on the push for a second chance. backed up by former president trump, by the way. is the king of beers getting back to basics here, kelly? >> definitely are, and betting big is an understatement. estimating to spend as much as $14 million this weekend for one 60-second spot. the super bowl ad is looking to return to the beer makers roots. a lot of humor, and success with
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the comedy campaigns in the past, like my favorite, the bud knight. this will have the bud light genie, joined by peyton manning, and post malone. and bud light is trying to reimagine, but some say they had no choice. if the super bowl ad blitz is not enough, another influential figure backing bud light, donald trump. he took to truth social that the company made a mistake but anheuser bush is not a woke company and finished by saying it's a great american brand that deserves a second chance. it appears to be giving the stock momentum, up close to 3% today. u.s. sales are down roughly 30% annually, some of their competitors saw double digit bumps in the same period. john, we'll be watching this weekend.
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brand is important. it's not about taste or cost when it comes to bud light. >> john: no, and when it comes to beer as well. see if donald trump could help resurrect bud light. that would be a feat. by the way, he does not have a beer in his hand, but alejandro mayorkas, the dhs secretary is briefing on the security plan for the super bowl. >> it requires teamwork. none of our efforts would be as effective without the seamless collaboration of chief lanier and the nfl, los angeles city officials, local law enforcement and the southern nevada counter terrorism fusion center. i am grateful for their partnership and incredibly proud of the dhs personnel working alongside them. just as important as the interagency collaboration is the partnership with the public. my ask of everyone going to the super bowl or coming to las vegas -- >> john: thanking everybody who is involved in this, the big
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super bowl, coming up between the 49ers and the chiefs on sunday. that would be something to watch, sandra. >> sandra: it is a major security challenge, that is for sure. they are announcing the details live in las vegas. meanwhile, gangs of illegal migrants turning the streets of new york city into a violent danger zone. more video like that. so, how deep do those crime rings really run? we'll ask paul mauro, he's got details on that. >> john: a group of transgender athletes take over a volleyball match. former swimmers and a former coach join us on that. >> sandra: and nikki haley coming in a distant second in nevada's primary, even though former president trump was not even on the ballot. chris bedford, juan williams, what it means for her campaign and its future. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, live to the senate floor as we know this test vote on the senate border bill is happening this hour. it is expected to fail. further stunting the already troubled border bill, the independent senator from arizona is now speaking. let's dip in here and listen for a bit. >> put border patrol back in the desert catching the bad guys and the drugs. and that's why the national border patrol council endorses our bill, not hr2. we produced a bill that finally, after decades of all talk and no action, secures the border and solves the border crisis. our bill was ready for primetime. we were ready to bring the bill to the floor, open it up for debate and amendments, you know,
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how the senate is supposed to work. and then pass the bill. but less than 24 hours after we released the bill, my republican colleagues changed their minds, turns out they want all talk and no action. it turns out border security is not actually a risk to our national security, it's just a talking point for the election. after all of their cable news appearances, after all those campaign photo ops in the desert. >> sandra: sinema making her case on the senate floor, she believed the bill was ready for primetime, see who is up next and we will continue to monitor the speeches from the senate floor. a quick break and back with our panel. hey there. are you looking to grow closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before
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>> john: republican presidential candidate nikki haley suffering nevada primary. defeat in th she was the only republican candidate on the ballot but was still outvoted by none of these candidates option. so, what is her path forward? does she have one? bring in our panel, chris bedford, and juan williams.
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gentlemen, good to have you with us today. here are the results from yesterday's primary. none of these candidates got 62.94%, and nikki haley got 30.78. trump world insists she's not a viable candidate because she's losing basically to no one. point out the primary was meaningless, it's the caucus coming up on thursday that awards the delegates and nikki haley is not on that ballot. but chris, either way, not a good look. >> hate to see it. yes, the primary was meaningless but enough people still decided to leave the comfort of their homes and leave the dinner table and go there and say i want anyone but nikki haley. unlike some other candidates she has not run out of money. but unless a time machine with the money that brings it back to 2012 when her brand of republican politics were in style, i don't see any hope and nothing has changed on the ground in south carolina so far, she's headed for an embarrassment in the home state
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unless she takes the money and drops out. >> john: other than al gore locked into a presidential contest he could not get out of, i don't know any candidate who has looked at the wall and the ground rushing in front of them who has gone through a primary or election in the home state they knew they were going to lose. >> you need to realize this is all about donald trump. we say she lost to none of the above but the trump team was encouraging the supporters to vote for none of the above. and like 60% versus 30 for haley, close to what happened in iowa, a little better in new hampshire. but those are the realities and you think about president biden, president biden won i think 90% of the primary vote in nevada, and marianne williamson got 2%. so nikki haley did better against her incumbent president than marianne williamson with
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biden. >> it's hard to have a political future if you take the battle to your home state and get beaten like it looks like she did. >> i think the reason she may stay in, this is all about donald trump. and if trump is damaged and yesterday's decision by the courts there will be a trial, etc., that's all she can hope for because the base of the party is with trump. so you have to say what goes on. even her favorability ratings way down since november. >> john: we'll keep watching and see who will be the winner tomorrow, but i don't think much of a question. >> sandra: secretary of state antony blinken will be facing questions next hour, live in the middle east where he is trying to help free more israeli hostages. but netanyahu has just rejected the offer from hamas for a ceasefire so where does all of this go next? we'll ask dan hoffman.
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