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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth. >> john: a live look from israel where we are expecting secretary of state antony blinken to speak soon after crucial meetings with mideast leaders to try to reach a new ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. i'm john roberts in washington. even though it says u.s. embassy jerusalem, the shot is from tel aviv. >> sandra: it is indeed. sandra smith in new york. israel has now rejected hamas's latest counteroffer as the war enters its fifth month now. it would have eventually freed all the remaining hostages but at a steep price. >> john: we have team coverage, former cia station chief dan hoffman reacts in moments. >> sandra: but first to mike tobin on the ground in tel aviv
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for us. mike, where do these talks go from here? >> given what we just heard from prime minister netanyahu, the counter proposal was not received, hamas responded to the prime minister's comments and said they show that prime minister netanyahu wants to continue the conflict. >> only the continued military pressure is a necessary condition for the hostages release. surrendering to the delusionist demands of hamas will not lead to their release. it will only bring about another massacre. >> status of the conflict, israel dominates all of the gaza strip. their forces are as far south as khan younis, the second largest city and anticipated that israel will push into rafah on the egyptian border as they still have not gotten a lot of the high value hamas targets. >> sandra: we have that live look there as we do anticipate
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blinken will be speaking soon. what do we know about israel's now also conducting strikes in syria, mike? >> well, one thing the israelis will never confirm if they strike in a place like syria. so the information we are getting about strikes in syria and are coming from the syrian military or syrian media. usually when the analysts look at what is going on inside syria, they generally believe the israelis are striking at the hezbollah supply lines. they come into syria, and travel over ground into lebanon. you really don't want to confuse any israeli strikes inside of syria with what the u.s. is doing against the iranian proxies in syria, iran and yemen. that being said, there was an explosion inside of baghdad a short time ago. you don't want to connect that with israel and frankly we don't know the source of that explosion at this point, sandra. >> sandra: as i mentioned, anticipate blinken to begin
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speaking shortly. what role is he playing in all this, mike? >> you know, given the sour relationship with president biden and prime minister netanyahu, his role is really more consequential than ever. and probably the most consequential days of this trip he's making thus far are either today, when he presented the counter proposal to prime minister netanyahu or when he was in doha, the qataris are the go between, really with the rest of the world and hamas. that being said, a lot of real estate between hamas and their demand that israel pull out of the gaza strip all together, and prime minister netanyahu who wants to pound hamas until they are no longer effective. sandra. >> sandra: mike tobin live for us as we await blinken. thank you, mike. john. >> john: to dan hoffman now, former cia station chief and fox news contributor. what benjamin netanyahu said in rejecting the hamas offer of a four and a half month ceasefire. he said we will continue to the end.
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there is no other solution other than a complete victory. if hamas survives in gaza the axis of evil in iran will continue. i told blinken our victory is near. i mean, were you surprised, dan, that blinken even brought this proposal to him? >> well, i think secretary blinken had to bring that proposal to him and had to discuss it but certainly the expectation was that prime minister netanyahu would reject it because that would allow hamas months to regroup and rearm and continue as a fighting force, which israel cannot allow. they cannot allow a terrorist group to enjoy safe haven next door and then mount future attacks as they did on october 7th. so, this is where we see rescuing the hostages, being potentially mutually exclusive when it comes to destroying hamas. >> john: this is what the former ambassador, michael orin told us last hour on "america reports". >> how can you accept the deal.
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four and a half months, try restarting a war after that. hamas would use that time to regroup, reprepare, it's a victory for terrorism and for hamas and frankly a danger to the entire western world. >> john: would you say, dan, if you left hamas in any form of control in gaza the future for israel would be a mess? >> you can't allow them to have control there, and there's no agreement on what gaza is going to look like in some sort of post conflict environment. netanyahu does not want the palestinian authority to be in charge of gaza, it's very unclear how you bring economic rebirth to gaza, and good governance, the things that will prevent terrorists from reengaging in the gaza strip. that's a real diplomatic challenge. what the biden administration is trying to do is a super complicated bank shot where they bring some sort of diplomatic relationship establishment of relations between saudi arabia
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and israel and use it as a carrot to try to solve the war in gaza. but israel has to finish that one first. they have hamas cornered right now in rafah, and they need to finish the job. >> john: i was thinking that if you left hamas in any form of authority in gaza, even in some sort of coalition government with fatah, which did not work out well in 2006, the moment that saudi arabia and israel started talking about normalizing relations, tehran would be on the phone to say start mixing it up again. >> right. and that's the challenge we face. my old friend and former cia colleague, our best iran expert, norm rule says, iran -- this entire war in gaza is intertwined with a larger war and iran and hamas wants to destroy israel.
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iran wants to protect the regime security and limit or elimination united states influence in the region and russia and china are ok suffering some economic pain to achieve that overarching goal. that's the deal we have to accept. sometimes the biden administration has looked at the world with rose colored glasses. they wanted a longer and stronger nuclear deal with iran. and stable russia, not how the world operates, especially in the middle east. >> john: and know what einstein said, doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. sandra. >> sandra: as iran ramps up aggression in the middle east, a new report finding tehran would only need a week to produce enough uranium for a nuclear weapon. gillian turner is live at the state department. another huge worry laid out in this report. what can you tell us about it? >> sandra, it's not just that iran is now alarmingly close to
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developing a nuclear weapons capability, it is that once they do so, there is concern it might be harder than ever before to detect that from outside. take a look at this. this from the institute for science and international security. they write iran can break out and produce enough weapons grade enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in a week, using only a fraction of the 60% enriched uranium. it could be difficult to detect promptly. and six weapons in one month. former u.n. weapons inspector says iran has the advantage as long as u.s. attention is focused elsewhere. >> we may not know for months that they have actually started to build nuclear weapons, particularly when you think about all the other things that the israeli intelligence community has to focus on, the u.s. intelligence community has to focus on. these proxy forces are being
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threatened and are being shown that they aren't the deterrent force that iran has hoped for. >> the biden administration largely still remains committed to the idea or memory of the ill-fated iran nuclear deal. >> we continue to believe diplomacy is the best way to get a sustainable effective result, one that we had previously with the iran nuclear agreement, but president biden has also been very clear that one way or another he's committed to ensuring that iran ever acquire nuclear weapons. >> as the regime is closer to get its hands on nukes, human rights record is taking a nosedive. they executed 88 people, a lot of them women, teenagers, political prisoners. 40% increase this time a year ago and 91% increase on two years ago. so they are certainly emboldened in that arena. sandra. >> sandra: gillian, thank you. live at the state department.
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>> a caller stated on the north side of ladybird lake 20 feet in the water he thinks he found a dead body. >> hard to see how it could be an accident. >> john: the mystery deepens in texas after a sixth body is pulled from a river in just over a year. retired nypd inspector paul mauro will weigh in on what we know so far on this case. >> sandra: a live look from the border in eagle pass to the senate floor in washington, where a test vote on the security bill is underway. comes as we get more shocking numbers on the border. we'll have those for you next. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to
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>> john: stunning new numbers from the border. sources telling fox news more than 1 million illegal migrants
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have entered the country since the united states hit the start of the new fiscal year, that was on october 1st. fox team coverage now, paul mauro joins us in a minute on an elaborate migrant theft ring overtaking new york city, but begin with casey stegall. >> staggering, cbp source tells fox that more than 6800 migrants were apprehended out here at the southern border and that was just in the last 24 hours. so you can see how quickly the numbers start adding up when you do the tallies. let's show you here, october had close to 241,000, more than 242000, and then december. now fold in the january tally along with the first part of
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february here, and sources say that puts us well over the 1 million mark, which is the earliest that milestone has ever been reached. last year at this time there were 70,000 fewer encounters. >> the numbers are just staggering. and unfortunately what we see here is a continuation of the biden administration policies that have been in place really throughout his administration. you know, and americans are seeing exactly the consequences it is having for us. >> meantime yesterday texas attorney general ken paxton along with 15 other state attorneys general sent a letter to u.s. senate leadership in part calling on congress to authorize states to enforce existing federal immigration laws, similar to what texas has been doing here in eagle pass, more specifically here in shelby park where we are, despite all of that pushback from the doj,
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john. >> john: all right, casey stegall, thank you. >> sandra: we saw the shocking video, we have all seen it by now, right there on the screen of a migrant moped gang dragging the woman down the street while stealing her purse, and now the operation behind it involving hackers, smuggling and foreign bank accounts. paul mauro, always good to have you here. what do we need to know about here. how sophisticated is the ring? >> quite sophisticated. jail break, get into the phones stolen and take value from venmo, apple pay and other financial services. so, this would be fairly low rent if all they were doing is riding around on scooters, snatching phones, snatching chains and that's the end of it and fencing. but they are taking the phones
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and giving it to somebody with sophisticated, and past the encryption, and apps, and run from overseas and money to south america tells you a lot of organization, seems to be planned by one person, hierarchial, and i think the sign of some real trouble on the horizon. >> sandra: you say hierarchial, this is the migrant crime organization chart released by the nypd showing just how in-depth this goes and this is the nypd chief of detectives describing this migrant ring. listen. >> the leader of the crew identified as victor parra, will blast out a message he is looking for phones. he will send out specific orders for what type of phone he is looking for. and then the text will say i have money, i'm available, go get 'em. once the messages are received, the crime wave begins. >> sandra: oh, man. paul.
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>> venezuelans exporting a model they have up here, i think we will see more of this. other gangs they are going to bump up against. when you have gangs staking out territory, a lot of money, more violence, you don't want to get caught in the crossfire. this does not happen overnight, a lot of intel, they moved on it, aviation up, followed these guys. where are the feds, that's my question. >> sandra: oh, great question. a lot of folks down south, austin, texas, talking about this one. another body has been discovered in austin's ladybird lake, at least five other people, men, between the ages of 30 and 40, have been found dead in recent months. this is something we are starting to hear a whole lot more about. you see the jogging path. locals walk this, some of them every day, close to the u.t. campus, a lot of the college
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kids use it as a bike trail, running trail, stop for coffee along the way, the proximity to the capitol and u.t., why are bodies suddenly rising to the surface and there are no answers. >> yeah, very troubling. and what is troubling, all the victims share the same signature, they are all male in their 30s or 40s, and one of the things, and it's a very close time signature, a bunch of the bodies in close proximity. a couple questions occur to me. they said hey, there's no serial killer involved here. i don't know how they can be so sure of that in light of the fact they just found another body recently. i would like to know a couple things. what the autopsies showed, was there toxicology done, or the conditions of the bodies just too degraded to get any concrete information. my understanding at least one witness and potentially one video. i'm sure they are scraping hard at this, i suspect a task force.
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but when you have 5 or 6 victims in an urban lake, all of whom share the same characteristics, all in a short period of time, something is going on. >> sandra: why there are now questions of a serial killer and austin police said a woman was sought in connection to multiple men being drugged and robbed in the city's downtown area according to "the new york post" reporting. we have a family member of one of the victims talking about the loss of the father of her 12-year-old son, they'll never get back. she's frustrated with the lack of answers and she'll be joining us here tomorrow. paul, thank you. >> always, thank you. >> sandra: good to see you. >> by the way, my corvette's in locked garage, like it's not like they are sitting in the street. >> john: any day, the classified documents, could we get the truth how careful biden was with
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them. >> sandra: plus john, a story coming up on biological men dominating in women's volleyball. we are going to speak with three women pushing to protect women's sports and make their voices heard in washington. that's next. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks,
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>> sandra: bilogical men competing in women's sports, this time in canada, dominated a women's volleyball game, smashing the ball against female opponents. it had at least two transgender athletes but as many as five, reports say. >> john: fairness in women's sports are making their voice heard today in washington. riley gaines, outkick host and paula scanlon, former swimmer at
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u-penn, and kim russell, former lacrosse coach. great to have you with us on what is national girls and women in sports day and ironically, you tweeted out yesterday, paula, in response to a new hampshire transgender athlete favored to win the high jump, soon surprising when women's/girl's champions are actually female. it's not a joke. >> no, unfortunately it's not. when i tweeted that, it's almost comical, it's not funny to watch the girls lose their opportunities and beat n out of competition to watch girls lose scholarships. in new hampshire, one example mentioned earlier in canada, another example, obviously what happened to myself and riley, it's insane, and it just -- honestly just sad that we are here to even talk about it. this is something that should be so often to so many people. >> sandra: insane, unfair, and
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riley, downright dangerous. when we don't acknowledge biological differences between men and women and you have biological men competing with biological women in a sport like volleyball, it can be downright dangerous. >> of course it is. take peyton mcnab, a high school senior up against an all women's team, had a boy playing on this all women's team, jumped up, spikes the ball, hits her in the face. she was knocked unconscious, still to this day, almost a year and eight months or so later, she's partially paralyzed on her right side. her vision is impaired, her memory is impaired, has to have special accommodations for testing at school. she's not playing college sports like she was supposed to all because of this hit from a male player and not to say that injuries don't and can't happen when only women are playing women, but the severity and the likelihood increase ten fold when you p ut a man on the court or the field. >> john: and the most part, it's a 1-way street.
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there are a couple of transgender males who are playing in men's sports but the most part, biological males are in women's sports and they didn't do well playing men's sports, lia thomas, hayley davidson in golf and the women's side of things they are beating everybody. but when you speak out against it you get am -- hammered, and kim, when you went through, horrible to go through. >> i believe it happened to be on a bigger stage speaking out so more people really understand. not just the opportunities that are taken away but the dangers, the physical dangers and also nobody is talking about how this affects the women and girls emotionally and mentally. and being in locker rooms with naked males, and how that affects them, and not being told that that's going to happen on
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the day of competition. and you don't think that's going to affect how that girl or woman competes on that day? it's insane. >> sandra: paula, maybe you can weigh in more on that. >> yeah, absolutely. myself and my teammates had to undress with thomas, a male, 18 times every week. nine practices a week, you change in, you change out. and we were not asked for our consent, we were not told what to do, we were not given any opportunity to raise concerns about it. we were told you either get on board with this, or you go to psychological services until you are ok with it. and it was just incredibly disrespectful and told us our feelings don't matter and our spaces don't matter and we can be violated and it doesn't matter. >> john: riley, part of what you are here to do this week in addition to marking national women's and girls and sports gave, support to tommy tuberville, and greg stube, to bring a bill which would prevent
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biological males from competing in amateur or olympic sports. olympic, unless they changed it, transgender individuals can compete in the sport they identify with, but they had to have transitioned before puberty. does that work for you, or not? >> so, that's the case with some sports. the olympics has the ioc, created a framework and this framework, very explicitly says you cannot presume males have advantage over females. they say any male advantage is perceived, unverified and alleged. and until it's proven through evidence that men do in fact possess advantage, athletic advantage over women, then we can't discriminate. >> john: i have 12-year-old twins, girl and a boy, the boy is shorter than his sister but markedly stronger. he can leg press 200 pounds and she can maybe do 40.
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but they are not gone through puberty yet. >> exactly. the frame works the olympics has done, abomination, but the leadership of representative stube and tuberville has been remarkable. they carried this k-12, k through college and carrying the olympic and amateur sports is admirable, and we spent the morning in emmer's office. >> sandra: kim, perhaps finish up with you, a statement from volleyball canada because of the situation where the transgenders, biological men playing in that volleyball tournament. they said volleyball canada believes in equal opportunity for all people to participate in the sports of volleyball. however, national level, volleyball canada will consider the eligibility guidelines and policy in order to ensure a fair and level playing field for all. a lot of words. what's fair, what is the
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solution from a coaching perspective? what do you do when you have a biological male that makes some sort of transition that wants to compete with women? >> it is never fair if they were born male. so, it's not just the puberty that changes things. when they are born male, look at the president's physical fitness tests around for years and years. there's a reason that the numbers were different to get to for boys versus girls. because even at the younger ages, and there are now studies to show it, the younger ages they are still ahead in every single category. boys are stronger than girls, faster, quicker, all sorts of things, and then when you add the puberty to it, there is no chance for the women. >> sandra: as a female athlete myself, i just can't imagine paula, i just cannot imagine what it is like living through this moment and seeing these organizations trying to find their way with this.
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thank you to all of you for joining us. >> john: great to see you again, riley. great to meet you, paula, and kim, we are a lacrosse family, we appreciate the lacrosse coaches. >> sandra: consumer spending boosted the economy on paper, but the staggering amount of debt that americans are taking on is telling a much different story. we'll dig in with steve moore and robert wolf in moments on that. >> the american dream was always about waiting your turn. you know, when you started the job you can't get a gold watch on the first day, you got the gold watch on the last day. a lot of these folks want the gold watch on day one. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss.
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>> sandra: all right, 17 and a half trillion dollars, that's the number, a new record high for u.s. household debt,
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according to the federal reserve bank of new york. the new report also showing more and more americans are struggling to pay off that debt. let's bring in steve moore now, freedom works economist and former adviser to president trump and robert wolf, fox news contributor and economic adviser to president obama. so u.s. debt, debacle, credit card debt on the rise, auto loans, mortgage loans, total household debt is just soaring. how do we call this a good economy if this is happening? >> that does not even include the 34 trillion, our national debt the government is borrowing. so we have a borrowing binge in the country. i'm worried about the credit card debt, not just over a trillion dollars of the debt but seeing more and more americans not paying back those credit card, you know, we are all addicted to this, plastic, you know. >> sandra: can i borrow that? >> exactly. and so i think the problem is when people don't pay that debt
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on time, sandra, you pay, you know, you are a former banker, you pay high interest rates, 25, 30% on that. so it's a reflection in my opinion of the fact that people's wages and salaries are still not keeping pace. >> sandra: get to that in a moment. when you dig into the numbers, 1.13 trillion credit card debt, delinquency up 50% from a year ago. that is a huge problem, robert. i'll get you to weigh in. but to steve's point about the amount you are paying to pay that off, if you carry it over month to month, the average annual apr is almost 21%? >> yeah, this is scary, but it's not like where we were in 2008 and 9 during the lehman weekend, and i was there, so i'll talk a little about that. >> sandra: a lot of differences. >> the two biggest differences, one, home loans. home loans, people are paying
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their home loans mainly because low interest rate home loans. >> and assets, the home is an asset. >> we don't have troubled mortgages. but we are seeing home equity loans creep up dramatically, and auto loans, can foreshadow a bubble. delinquencies are higher than during covid, but lower than pre-covid, 2019. so, i agree with steve. it's right now the credit card. people are spending out of control, but we saw that in the numbers. >> sandra: charles last hour said the way he explains it, more americans living moment to moment, and not thinking about the future, because they don't see a hope for the future. >> who said that? >> sandra: charles payne, never miss "america reports," it's a joke. kjp at the white house yesterday was asked about this growing debt that americans are carrying. listen. >> the data has been very clear here that wages are going up,
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consumers are spending a lot more, and it's important. wages are meeting inflation. that's important. and obviously inflation is -- has gone down, and i think that's important as well. you have to look at the holistic components of the data and i think that tells you a story of where we are as an economy. >> sandra: to be clear, the rate of inflation has come down. prices are still up. that's really important distinction. i feel that's what people are feeling every single day. this was interesting. the "wall street journal" tackled the difference between what people are feeling, why americans are so down on the strong economy. hayley wiles was quoted, a north carolina resident saying i don't think the american dream exists, awe takenable, you need money to make money. and you either start out ahead or constantly playing catch-up now. what do you think about that, robert? >> i think we live in a society where you have like this k-shaped curve right now, the
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haves and have nots, and in covid, lower income or the loans out there struggling, and those who have been able to play the stock market, you know, they feel pretty good. it feels -- it doesn't feel as good as the numbers, and i think part of it is to your point, purchasing power, even though wages are up, purchasing power is kind of flat because prices are still up over time. and so people are not able to do new things, so the only thing they can do is -- borrowing. >> sandra: you are a democrat. should the white house be touting this as a great economic recovery in the economy? >> listen, you know i think bidenomics has performed, wages up, and inflation down. that being said, said all along the glass is only half full. we have prices. >> if you let the people interviewed in that "wall street journal," all of them were working class americans said i'm really having a tough time right now, i'm straining, 60% of americans are living paycheck to
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paycheck and could not take on a new financial burden. so, people are financially stressed out. and it is true in the last few months, wages are starting to outpace inflation but don't forget. for the first two and a half years of the biden administration it was running way behind. so, that's a scary thing. people got to start paying their bills. i hope people don't think that uncle sam is going to bail out their debt like baling out student loan debt. >> sandra: don't say it, steve. we'll have you back soon. >> john: now for something completely different, fox news alert, a live look at the sphere in las vegas where police say they just arrested a man, arrested for climbing the structure. the music venue just opened last year, u2 had a residency there, over 360 feet tall, about the length of a football field. there are reports the man made it to the top, but police took him into custody without incident. assume he came back down,
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sandra. and that nobody went up there to get him. >> sandra: i don't know how you do it, i don't know how you scale that. apparently was in protest of abortion. that was his goal, they tracked down his instagram posts and that. >> john: he's done this before, too. i climbed the aria in 2021. almost like remember the spider-man in new york who climbed up several buildings, similar to him. >> sandra: that is something. >> john: always the frenchmen, they like to do this, i don't know why. any day now the justice department could release the report on president biden's classified documents. reports say no charges are expected. could biden be getting a pass? kerri urbahn weighs in coming up next. d joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano.
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>> john: a special counsel looking into classified documents found at several properties associated with president biden has reportedly completed his investigation. says robert her does not plan to file any criminal charges in the case. kerri urbahn, i don't think it's a surprise that biden will face criminal charges, he's the president and he says i didn't know i had this stuff, i
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cooperated fully, does it surprise you? >> no, not at all. i don't think they should bring charges based on the facts we know. mishandling classified information for the most part is really a process crime. it's like going 60 in 55 miles an hour zone, it's one of the things, yeah, illegal, sure, but something you want to throw the book at someone for, no. >> john: unless your name is donald trump. >> absent some kind of pretty bad intent i think these are one of these kinds of crimes it does not warrant harsh punishment. >> john: maybe not going to be criminal charges but axios says political charges. biden's team bracing for special counsel report on classified docs. don't expect criminal charges but believe her's report will have embarrassing details, possibly with photos, how biden stored the documents. we have seen the infamous shot of him backing the corvette in the garage and a pile of boxes
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there, people are speculating those are the documents, but says my car was in a locked garage, it was not sitting in the street. >> yeah, it's not a good excuse. and yeah, definitely embarrassing if the documents happen to be in boxes sitting next to his parked car. the sloppyness of it and the oversight is obviously concerning but that to your point, it's a political problem, or political embarrassment more than a legal concern. >> john: so democrats say it's wholly different than the trump case because trump was trying to hang on to the documents, biden didn't know he had them, but everybody forgets that he had documents from his time when he was a senator when he should not have had those documents. if you are vice president or a president you get so many classified documents across your desk that you can hang on to while you are president that some might, like mike pence, show up in a box that got packed up quickly. but to have documents you should have never had in your
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possession when you were a senator show up at your house, it's a bit of a horse of a different color. >> it's a fair concern. my question would be did the government try to get those back. the issue with biden, trump, pence, was there an outreach to get those back and did he comply or not, that's the heart of the issue with the former president. he was subpoenaed and when you, you know, say there's something, a part of the subpoena that says have you fully complied and that means you fully comply and turns out trump still had documents and means he did not comply fully with the subpoena and that's where the legal ramifications come in, unfortunately. >> john: even if he should have never had the document in possession in the first place. >> a lot of people have documents they shouldn't have, and not a good thing, and the broader question, why does anyone need this classified or these kinds of documents once they leave office in general. why do they have them, what do they need them for. it's a separate issue. once there's a subpoena involved it's much more tricky because
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there are then legal consequences for it. >> john: we'll see what the report holds from robert her. >> the attorney general said he will make it public as much as he could, and we can determine for ourselves what we think happened. >> sandra: a live look at the senate floor, we are told the expected vote is happening. it is still open, but the procedural vote on the bipartisan border bill appears to be going down and failing, more than 40 no so far, mcconnell, we are told through our team, was the 41st senator to vote no. senators are still able to change their vote up until the moment the gavel goes down, so we can't call the vote is completed yet or that we know the outcome of it. so we don't know if it's failed, but appears that it will fail, it's been a party line vote so far, and there have been obviously some exceptions, john. so, this is happening live on the hill. aishah hasnie is up and joining
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us. aishah, being what do we know? >> good afternoon to you. this bill has essentially failed now. interesting note you mentioned, leader mcconnell was the 41st no vote, the nail in the coffin, it needed 60 yay, and 40 no, it means they cannot actually take up the bill for an official vote, and what will happen now is that leader -- majority leader schumer will go to his back-up plan and instead of putting together the border deal with the national security package he's going to rip that border piece out and just put forth that national security package, which includes about billions of dollars in ukraine aid, taiwan aid, and of course humanitarian aid to gaza. that's up next for a vote, we'll see how that goes, guys. >> sandra: all right, aishah hasnie, thank you. we'll keep monitoring. we'll be right back.
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12:00 pm
>> john: happy girls and womens in sports day. >> sandra: it was great to have the three of them on together. >> john: it was. >> sandra: a dynamic trio they were. john, those two hours just flew by. a lot of breaking news. >> john: they were an action-packed couple of hours. we promise we'll have another couple of them for you tomorrow. >> sandra: set your dvr. i'm sandra smith. >> john: fasten your seat belt when you watch us. "the story" with martha starts right now. buckle up for that. >> martha: good afternoon, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. this is "the story." the border deal is about to implode essentially on capitol hill. it went nowhere. more than a million migrants in the meantime have come across ou


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