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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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character or mental capacity. >> she will say anything. i want to know who will perform the mental test. the department of education? who will grade it? hrafplt no one has a grade level of reading or math now because of the pandemic. she just lost to none of the other. she will say trump has slipped like biden. come on. >> she is very thirsty. >> laura: i can't believe biden had katanji brown jackson. i forgot that one. thank you. jesse watters is next. check me out on twitter x. >> jesse: welcome to jesse water's "prime time" tonight. >> the book my mail that came in, they came from our organization.
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>> jesse: kickbacks, sexting, bribery. meet the new wanda. the fbi caught catfishing americans trying to secure the border. >> are you the bud light genie? >> ya. >> i wish i was at the fight. >> jesse: bud light transitions back to a man. should we let them. plus ... (screaming) >> jesse: this is a government of the people, by the people, for the people no longer. it's now a government by the corporations, of the corporations and by the corporations. that was president rutherford b.hayes. behind the gilded age was greed
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and corruption. tie kaopbz lining the pockets of politician gobbling upland acre by acre. bribing public officials has always been part of the business and occasionally the fbi catches wind of it. >> the arrests of one senator, congressmen and others. the law lickers were on tape accepting brides from agents posing as middle eastern businessmen trying to obtain political favors for a foreign arab sheik. >> i said we were willing to pay. okay. >> i'm saying some day you, you made an offer. maybe i change my mind some days. >> i will be there 20 years. >> jesse: now the gr grease nevr
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ends. the feds broke up new york political machine big time yesterday. largest bribery scheme uncovered by the justice department. 70 bureaucrats were raided. busted for a made to play kickback operation going on for a decade. >> -- responsible for the care and maintenance for the care of public housing, a scarce resource in the city use their positions to solicit and receive bribes as a cost of doing business. over 2 million tkph bribe payments in total. the 70 current and former staff members charged today in separate bribery scheme touches every borough of new york city. >> jesse: on the take from contractors. the dirty bureaucrats took a cut of a third of all contracts
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making ten to twenty percent of all jobs. like hunter biden they texted the brides. like this one. babe, can you put a company through for someone. that's been my side hustle. lol. a thousand per. or this one. a thousand, cool. no problem, babe, as long as you're getting blessed. here is grounds keeper whose life motto was the secret of getting ahead is getting started. he skilled $70,000 off the top of contracts. now his secret is out. the bronx h housing project made $83,000 in bribes for three contracts. he didn't lay low. he splurged on a family vacation in venice. get it. one superintendent in queens pocketed over 150gs.
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another superintendent juan was the greediest $315,000. taking triple his salary off the top of a few no big contracts. 3000 in kickbacks. his boss called him a hero who "gives all to his job." not the nypd. corrupt bureaucrats on the take are democrat hero. they took bribes and wrapped up a 80 billion-dollar hole in the budget. democrats steal from poor minorities and call republicans greedy racists. go figure this. is in every inner-city in america. growing the government with dei hires that take kickbacks and let urban america rot. the federal government is even worst. remember pending $800,000 of our
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cash on a vegas party, remember that guy. remember fema going to maui and booking themselves into the four seasons for two weeks. each room over a thousand a night. then you have john kerry who flies around the world on our dime, demanding more of our money or the world will end. it's a zero sum game. the bigger the government grows the more tax payers are hosed. did you know last year 20% of bidens new jobs were government jobs. we pay for those jobs. ten percent of job growth was for illegals. this is more of a barrage than the nikki haley campaign. no offense, nikki. politicians wanted to hire four thousand asylum officers to rubber stamp asylummiest s. the main qualification for
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hiring. anybody. translation the dei hires are approving every asylum request and grow the ranks of government unions and democrats go to democrat super packs. i guarantee you biden's dei asylum officer is taking kickbacks. a little envelope under the table. yes, welcome to america. the entire structure of the government is pay to play. i'm sure the election officials are clean. michael is a former mob boss and author of "mafia democracy." mike, how entrenched is the whole kickback thing in the inner-city. >> well you know, jesse, i have to tell you this. the most encouraging thing out of this investigation is the doj and u.s. attorney office in manhattan is investigating someone other than donald trump. that's good news.
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>> jesse: right. >> they said the investigation is going back ten years. it should go back fifty years. this was commonplace when i was on the streets in the 70s and the 80s. it was almost a joke. we put contractors to work, they took money. what got me on this, it use to be more discrete. when you have 70 people, i couldn't believe that number. 70 people means that this is systemic through the entire agent. they must be talk ing about this, laughing about this, joking about this. my question is who is mining the store this. is so out of control. it wasn't like that in my day. we were always bribing these people. that wasn't uncommon at all. to have this amount of people on the take. imagine the contractors on the street that know about this, nobody cares. >> jesse: mike, they didn't have cellphones back then either. when you gave a guy $50,000 and he made $08,000 a year he wasn't
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going to venice, popping bottles and posting on instagram. >> bragging about it. it's so out of hand. jesse, this is commonplace. we have politicians all the time on the take. i had 18 licenses that were licensed to collect tax on every gallon of gasoline. i couldn't get them on my own. i paid a very high powered, a democratic leader in new york at that time. i was paying him to get the licenses. he knew exactly what we were doing. taking money off the government. defrauding them out of tax money. looks, politicians you have votes and cash to put in their pocket it is almost systemic. i don't want to say everyone is doing it, so many were back then. now they're out of hand, bragging about it, talk ing about it who is minding the store. >> jesse: mike, we hear stories
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about cash for ballots. we have a story in a couple of minutes. we cooked this one guy in the ac. it was all over the place. did you find that when you were on the streets, on election day. that shenanigan. >> absolutely. jesse, there is so much grift like this going on. so many pay offs. i see a politician creating a government agency. it's a joke. it's an opportunity for them to steal. you know i said t i titled my book that "mafia democracy" it's so out of hand. when i look at what is going on now. i hope people wake up to this and see what is going on. it's so out of hand. i don't understand. look as a citizen, i don't understand, maybe someone can explain it to me how do we get out from under 33 trillion-dollars in debt. tax payers paying money for ridiculous programs.
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they use the money politicians do, waste t throw it away, the illegal immigrants that tax payers are paying for. i i don't know how people stand for it. >> jesse: they keep printing money and paying taxes. i'm glad we're looking back a little bit. that's important. or maybe someone false off a truck. thank you, mike. got the book out "mafia democracy." check out my book "get it together" available for preorder. the fbi, cartels, and catfishini next.
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>> jesse: this is a fox news alert. attorney general has formally notified congress that the
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justice department investigation into biden's handling of classified documents has been completed. robert herr submitting his report after a year of investigating biden. in case you forgot classified documents going back decades were found at joe biden's house, in his tkwarage. at one point they were housepugh in china town. despite that reports show no charges against the president. despite his gross negligence. a million migrants encountered at the border since october. that's already a record. that's more people than live in austin, texas. border patrol arrested 160 gang members but many got away and infest our neighborhoods. where is the fbi? the bureau is busy catfishing american citizens. en trapping a dad in tennessee,
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paul f. ey. a under cover agent messaged the dad on-line. he was suspicious and asked are you with the fbi. they said no, for a year they built a relationship. paul f. ey fantasized about taking a sniper rifle to the border. he didn't do that. he wasn't arrested for that. instead a under cover agent asked paul about a silencer. paul said i can get that for you. he gives him a hundred bucks and paul gave him a silencer. now paul is facing ten years in prison. why? the silencer is unregistered. the fbi spent a year in resources for trapping a dad for selling a unregistered silencer. paul's scon joseph says this is ridiculous. he's not a terrorist. he talks a big game it's lies.
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we went hunting and my dad had to shoot a deer three times before hitting it. he says his dad is a compulsive liar with a mental health issue. kind of sounds like the phony kidnapping plot all over again, remember this. time a border string before the election to use against trump. the border patrol has 35,000 agents. how many infiltrate street gangs and how many are infiltrating dads with bad aim. jonathan, this sounds liken trapment. plain and simple. why do this? >> i tell you exactly. as you read that, jesse, what
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pops out to me from a investigator stand point not if this guy did anything for the federal investigation. it's what the feds do in conjunction with the media and the way they write these 302s. the way they write the complaints. they are simply a press release. the press release for talking points for joe biden, for liberal congressmen and congress women and senators, the state level as well. what they do is take the talking points and they put them in with other cases and say see we have this many white supremacists out there, we have this many militia people. they named no other militias or people involved in this. they showed no evidence of a plan. which in the case of -- the fbi
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developed a plan and convinced the people to talk as if they wanted to do something. that's what i see here. jesse, there is enough angry people in this country that if you can push a conversation with them they will say things that could be considered if you it did it, illegal. they're not doing it. they talk about it. >> jesse: especially if you shower them with gifts too. you're right about the press releases. they take the press releases with the media, put them on the air or print and run with it. our team here saw the press release, got suspicious, read the indictment. it's not how the fbi spun it. how many times does this happen and the country is clue less about the real threat. >> i know it doesn't happen that often. i think it's happening more often. the entire time i was in the fbi those who worked around me. we swore an oath to support and
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defend the constitution. we did our due diligent when we got a complaint or evidence of a crime. if there was no crime we didn't follow that crime until we created a crime. or at least the illusion of a crime. >> jesse: they were on this guy for a year. a year. this little guy that can't shoot straight. he has no plans to do anything, a year. think about all of the things these agents could do under cover for a year. it's crazy. >> they could be looking at the history of the individual there. are people who go out and do shootings all the time all over the country. they have prior run ins with the law, a pattern of behavior. this individual has h. no pattern of behavior. they kept be friending the guy until they got him to sell them a suppresser. >> jesse: be careful who your friends are. i'm not saying we have friends that are feds i'm just saying.
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just saying. thank you, so much. >> you got it. >> jesse: our voter fraud investigation found a new wanda. and he's bigger than you can even believe.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. two police officers shot in the philly suburbs today after they were called to a home of reports of an 11-year-old shot when police arrived they were met with mediate gunfire. after they were shot the house was set on fire. the cops were dragged from the scene and expected to survive. police say they haven't been able to confirm if there was an 11-year-old actually shot. it could of been an ambush. police say there are six to eight people unaccounted for that lived in the home, including kids. the fire has finally been put out. the story is developing. we will keep you updated.
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prime time just found another wanda. in atlanta city, new jersey. he's the stuff of legends. craig calloway is a democratic operative. his good give tal sent talent is harvesting. >> -- there is a shrew, a lost new voters who can come in and turn that around. >> jesse: how many voters. lots of new ones you say, craig. like wanda, craig is not a shamed to the game. >> the votes that came in, those came from who? they came from our organization. >> jesse: the first rule of ballot stuffing is there is no ballot stuffing.
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craig broke the only rule. the feds justin dieted craig for rigging elections. craig is accused of paying people $50 a head for being ballot messengers. >> i made sure the people from the house, the senior citizens, that's the mail box on the north side. i made sure that happened. >> jesse: craig's messengers are accused of harvesting old folks homes without them even knowing. craig was asked if he suppressed the vote. it was like if he asked if he would push his mother in front of a train. >> can you categorically deny that you are not getting paid to help suppress the vote? >> no, would i never do that. my soul won't rest if i tried to depress the vote. thousands of people didn't get ballots, the democrats. that's the focus.
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>> jesse: who is putting craig on the payroll? because he's already spent time in federal prison for bribery and sexually -- a enemy. he hired a hotel with lookers to romance a minister. the room was wired with cameras to record the festivities. then craig bundled the black mail and cops slapped cuffs on him. politicians were still hiring craig the stuffer. one council lady hired craig for her primary reelections and won by six votes, many mail in. "prime time" has he investigated bridge port and atlanta city. both are playingpugh with ballot fraud. i wonder what the rest of the cities have cooking. >> instead of having total security and chain of custody for ballots issued, cast and
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counted we flood addresses across the country with tens of millions of unsupervised mail in ballots months ahead of election, frequently to locations where voters have long since moved. instead of having election administration that is rigorously non partisan and you know partial under the law. >> jesse: both johnny's grandma and great grandma received ballots for the last two elections. johnny's great grandma would be 101 if she was alive today and his grandma would be 95. not only do they get ballots they're sum onli summoned to ju. here is a tip. don't give your ballot to anyone. hold, collect, ever.
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if anyone tries to do that you text prime time. you give us the details and use the #fraud. editor and chief of the federalist, molly hemingway joins us now. molly, are our elections clean? >> well you see we have moved to this massive mail in balloting system. a lot of times people like this. it's easier to cheat. as your story shows. there is so much opportunity for bad actors to exploit the situation. so that's one of many problems we have with our elections. another is we have massive outside private take over of election offices. that kind of puts one side's team in the place where it should be impartial referees and many other issues as well. >> you have zuckerbuck on state election officials. that will likely happen again. republicans have to win in
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landslides can't keep it close. look at johnny's grandma and great grandma. dead for quite some time, god rest their souls. they're not only getting ballots. even if they were alive the kraeugz and wandas of the world would collect them, fill them out and stuff them. how do you stop that. >> you see exploitation of voters who are older. democrats and other interested parties work to fill out ballots for them. any effort to clean up voter lists. somewhere about 12-14% of the country moves every year. if you are registered and you move, you should actively clean up the list. any effort made toe clean up lists is termed voter supression. people need to stay strong against, our elections are important. we need to be self governorred. if we can't trust how our other
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elections are ran, with massive unsupervised voting, we don't have a country. people need to work hard to clean up the elections. >> jesse: i will grab a broom and clean up the dusty voter poles. people sra moved it's dusty. thank you, molly. >> thank you. >> jesse: cnn will sensor donald trump every time is he live. >> donald trump declaring victory with a strong showing in the iowa caucuses. >> if numbers hold the biggest victory for a non in come band -- here he is right now under my voice. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> jesse: cnn loves sensorring but hates china sensorring cnn. >> looking at what happens when we were speaking they sensorred
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this conversation. the show is being broadcast in china. it's on bars and tone there. it's pretty incredible to see, that right. they're watching. they see you come on and talking about this, they go to bars and tones. >> pretty incredible. if cnn had a ounce of self awareness they would notice the irony. >> jesse: bud light transitions back to a man.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. the family of 9-year-old chief's fan is suing for deformation. it comes after a senior writer accused the kid of wearing black face to achieve's game. the article showed one side of his face. the other side was painted red. the family says the controversy caused enormous damage and triggered death threats. 2023 was the year companies went overboard cashing in on woke catering. bud light bet big on dylan.
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target with wheel chair santa and -- 2024 the woke brands are getting it together. jordan said it, republicans buy sneakers too. snl hired and fired shane gillis on the same day for a off colored joke he made. he is a big trump guy and they wouldn't let it slide. he's dominating the comedy scene stronger than before. >> -- killed the leader of ice is. trump comes out of the situation room at midnight and walks down the [beep] tunnel and gives a press conference like it's a post game nba, just killed a guy press conference. in front of the whole world. abu, we can hear him crying i said, abu don't cry. let me tell you something abu cried, he cried quite a bit.
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i wouldn't of cried. cry baby, cry daddy, that's what we all called him. >> jesse: snl has been pretty boring. they're bringing shane back to host the show. after boycotts sent bud light tumbling they have learned their lesson and are rebranding themselves as ultra mega mass ka linn. masculine. new super bowl commercial *f commercial, watch. watch. >> jesse: tim kramer is the owner of m mo mosaic advertisin. do you think all those red blooded americans that boycotted bud light are going to forget this and back a few. >> i do not. i think they would be crazy to
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do so too. they're not proving anything yet. we know what is happening. they're going into an election psych and super bowl. losing half a million thrarz or more. they're turning it back to machismo. apparently toxic mas masculine sells. >> jesse: they're going big masculine for the super bowl. you are saying part of this country that boycotted should forgive and forget or not forgive and forget and drive bud light into the ground. >> drive them into the ground. to show anyone else who try this is it won't work. target should be next. look at oreo now. a new campaign has been launched it looks like the partnership of oreo and pea flag is setting us up from grooming small kids.
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we need to stop sexualizing these kids. that's what the brands are doing. >> jesse: so you don't forgive ever. you don't have sympathy for the people who work for anheuser-busch. a lost americans work for anheuser-busch. i will drink whatever, i don't care. you are saying never drink them again. that is it. >> think they have to make a bigger step forward. instead of saying oops we fired a couple of people, now we're moving forward as if nothing happened. larry fink said a few months ago they had to rey imagine what esg and di was, right. it's time. setting something new up, resetting. that's what they're famous for. i don't trust the agenda. it's about money. >> jesse: if girl cheats on you don't take her back. >> that's what we're saying. >> jesse: alright. thank you, so much. i understand. we will enjoy the super bowl commercial or not. >> thanks for having me.
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>> jesse: when pablo he is co escobaropened his own zoo. giraffes, elephants, hippos. what started out as four hippos turned into two hundred. it's no surprise that some of the deadliest animals on planet earth are reeking havoc. >> luis diaz use to work in the fields. in 2020 a hippo charged him and left him clinging to life. >> he came out of nowhere. i don't know how ' tacked me. i was knocked out completely, unconscience. >> jesse: columbia's government looking to explore the hippo explosion. >> you can see how large the foot print is when they exit the
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water this. is what the foot print of the three ton beast looks like. we're monitoring any movement any kind of body language. letting us know at the end of the day this is his house, not ours. >> jesse: for the rest of the story check out the drug lord's hippos streaming now on fox nation. big controversy over what to do on a first date. madison alworth is next.
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>> jesse: water is cooler. let's bring in fox pwezness correspondent madeline. women want us to bring them
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flowers on a first date. >> first date, bring flowers. that will show one, you thought about her before picking her up or before meeting with her. two, it will set the tone. >> this is how you get flowers on your first date. so, you say i know you haven't inquired but i would like to let you know that i am very fond of roses. no particular color. >> jesse: are you serious? >> ya, so i think this is weird. i am all for a guy asking you out, he should ask you, take you out, he should pay. flowers. it's impractical. what do you do, show up on the date. then you hold them. thank you so much. did you bring a vase. where do i put the flowers. >> jesse: thank you. >> jewelry. you show up with a nice necklace
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great. earnings. >> jesse: a necklace first date. >> gold diamonds. >> jesse: stop it. now you're just being stupid. >> just putting it out there. >> jesse: you were sounding so logical then all of a sudden off the rails. go to the gym these days, mad son. >> all the time. >> jesse: 50 people on their photo shoot. they're not working out. they're taking selfies in the mirror. >> if you want to look good in pictures you need to know how to pose. legs pwab, foot and pop on the move. womens have bellies that's fine. put the hand here. push your hips back and perfecto. you look amazing. >> jesse: what was that. >> this is what you find on social media these days. i tell you i go on instagram there are constant videos. do they go to the gym to work out. what happens to the people in
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the background. >> jesse: what work out is that. give me flowers on the first date work out. >> oh, that girl is getting gold. >> jesse: what the. who cut this video. i'm firing -- >> my issue is if you're at the gym and this is happening. i look terrible in the gym. as you should, you are there to work out. tkwu to the gym to work out. i don't want to be in the background of a photo or video while they pose. >> jesse: you purposely don't look good at the gym. >> it's not purposeful. i would like to look good i just don't. i'm working hard. i'm here for the muscle. >> jesse: a humble woman. >> a humble woman who loves gold and diamonds. >> jesse: you wonder who liz warren is voting for for the super bowl. >> taylor swift won at the grammys. >> yes. >> was that democrats phase one. >> you bet.
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you bet. all i say to donald trump is he has to hate, hate, hate, hate. >> jesse: achieves fan. >> i thought you would have been a niners fan. not to run into the train head first. >> yes. >> jesse: pulling for the chiefs? >> ya, so i feel i'm really going to disappoint you continuously. i'm a huge taylor swift fan. the chiefs are incredible team. they have won super bowls. mahomes is incredible. this is nothing to do with the swift. i'm completely bias and huge swiftie fan. >> jesse: are you saying liz warren is doing the chop. >> maybe. i hope she doesn't say anymore. she got the lyrics wrong. it's haters gonna hate. >> jesse: haters gonna hate. >> yes, she needs to practice like do i. >> jesse: you have practiced all day for this. >> absolutely. >> jesse: who is going to win the super bowl? >> the chiefs.
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>> jesse: why because of taylor? >> yes. >> jesse: that's it. >> i don't think there is a conspiracy. think they're a great team. think san francisco is lucky to get in. think chiefs are incredible and mahomes is an incredible qb. and the world is watching as i. >> jesse: a lot of xs and os. >> yes. big football head. >> jesse: okay. who is playing at half time. >> usher. i don't think it's playing, it's performing. >> jesse: what are some of his songs? >> ya, ya. >> jesse: are we on air right now. >> i don't know. think the usher move is to get people like me to watch. i don't think they expect it i'm a millennial. i don't think they expected taylor swift. i was going to go skiing this weekend now i'm watching the super bowl. >> jesse: can you give me a
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tomahawk move. >> no i'm not a monkey. i love the cowboys. my second cousin is lance alworth. >> jesse: we're on television now. >> what are the cameras doing here. >> jesse: we have to go. madmadison will stop talking onf these days. thank you, madison. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: happy birthday, johnny. got a cake for your bigot day. i came in and the came was gone. didn't seen save me a piece of cake stprufplt a boss like me who is great to you and puts you on the air and encourages you, you think you would save him a piece of cake from the birthday cake. no, i get to the office. where is the cake, johnny ate it all. fatty ate the whole thing. total weirdo. let's do texts. virginia from new york, happy birthday, johnny, i give you a week off from washing jesse's
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dinner plates. johnny isn't washing my dinner plates. he stuffed all the dirty plates in a drawer in my desk. he wasn't there when i looked. they were filthy. hi to wash my own plate. happy birthday, johnny. pete from montana. how do you know so many former mob bosses. i don't it's my booker. think he's a little crooked. will from north carolina. i remember when governments use to put criminals in jail now they're out performing them. bigs. what's up bigs from detroit. looks like someone in new york housing public department missed a payment to hunter. was -- given hazard pay for the hippo assignment? not really. when he came back from columbia
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he was hopped up. wouldn't stop talking. up to 4 4 4:00. i mangled that. james from rhode island hey, congress how did you miss this. hippos are much, much cheaper than a border wall. problem solved. that's all for tonight. my man sean hannity is up next. always remember i'm not a monkey but can i do this. i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." biden's border crisis continues to destroyed cities across america. we hav


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