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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> hello everyone i'm judge jeannine pirro. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five."
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>> the liberal media is>> hammering joe biden for snubbing an audience of one hundred million americans and skippingri the super bowl in virtue for the second year in a it seemsg like a no brainer. a brinudg your reelections metageo a mass of some in the national press say the big baby in the white houseo couldn't handle it. >>su i couldn't figure that out. >> he can get his message to an audience waiting for him. is it because he can't handle it? if he's not able to follow theah questions. if his staff is worried -- problem. >> he's givinroblg up an opportunity to talk to millions of people this sunday, turning down a presuper bowl interview. he will never have that size hav audience again to make his case.
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but maybe there is good reason the white house wants to hidehe biden. w it would be a total disaster. joe biden has been racking up embarrassing moments lately. like forgetting the name of the terror group hamas or claimingai to meet with a french president that died nearly 30 years ago. >> there has been a response from the opposition but -- yes i'm sorry from hamas. >> right after i was elected i went to a g7 meeting. i sat down and said america is back. and -- from germany, i mean france looked at me and said, and said you know why, how long you backba for. >> even the white house isavin having a hard time defending biden's embarrassing mix ups. >>s pr how is president biden gg
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to convince voters who are worried about his physical andgh mental health he's okay. even though in las vegas he told a story about talking to a dead french president. >>u, i'm not going down that rabbit hole with you. you saw the president in vegas,o california, lii will leave ther. >> there is one president that woulere.d gladly do the super bl interview. donald trump says he would be happy to replace widen and it would be cbs sports. dow so far the idea is being shut down. -- almost two hundred million viewers. the most ever. >> think about the swiftie fans that wilall be watching. >> what a missed opportunity for reelections efforts. >>re i said yesterday i'm okay f
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this tradition goes away completely. president trump didn't do it in 2018. if i recall it was unlikely to be a fare interview in his minds biden gets very fare interviews. reporters even help him out saying it's hamas, hamas is who we're talking about. i get that. i did that in school all the time. t i woulimd have sympathy for peoe who couldn't come up with an answer. i would whisper it to help them you shouldn't do that for the president of the united states doing a interview. especially when 23% of people in the nbc poll says biden has the mental and physical strength to3 be%. president. 23%. every interview is a risk opportunity. there is a high risk but really high reward if you do it well. imagine if he came out d the 3 minute interview and nailed it.n wow, all of those people worried
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he doesn't have the mentaln't strength and capacity can maybe put that aside and think abouttn the but i think the white house has calculated the risk is so great he won't be able to nail it. it could be disastrous. it would do irreparable harm. >> if wou they want him reelect they keep him off big interviews likekeep that. >> jesse, we heard they have a saran wrap approach and not let him out.ut f they have said joe is coming out, joe is coming out. i thinutk this latest gap, you think they have decided to go in the other reaction. there is too much risk to a unscripted interview. >> jesse: yes, i would have thoughts after the i see dead people i would say in delaware. the media is to help democrats not hide democrats. this is a business.
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donald trump made thprese careef dozens of people in the stress.t hejoe biden is destroying the press. companies areople laying off thousands of media people. thousands. when youwhen had trump as presia you had action, access, excitability. people got showsd ex on cable.e, they wrote books and became trumesp engaged. it's no fun to cover a campaignh whenen a president doesn't campaign. these people have seenma campaigns. clinton, bush, obama.d some of the most active exploiters there ever was, now you have a guy in a slumber party. okay we rid him. again.atot tkhaog they can't hide him with nowh covid. you see thenre'se media torn a b you see two business reporters saying what is this guy doing.? you also will see cbs strike back. cbs is not going to be happy
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that the city president dissedsd them on super bowl sunday. b they will start to talk aboutg thisto.ab they neeoud someone to go on thr shows. you can't have a president who is a democrat and these democrat anchors have no one to talk to.e this is na problem. will you see it start shifting pretty soon.ting it can't go on much more likeo this. >>on muc you know, if the presit can't handle a interview during the super bowl or to play during the super bowl what do you think he's saying or speaking to when he's talking to putin or if -- does he talk to them. >> think, good question. really to me this is such a missed opportunity.ty again this i, s the super bowl.s ideally you have aup relationshp between the president, commandep in chief, and the americander people. voters this.amer is an opportunity to connect witho a couple hundred millionio people in this country.n
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you know he either doesn't feel connected or thinks that football fans are maga trump supporters. it's a missedoppo opportunity to speak to the american people. think it's a sign that his handlers don't trust him. they will look to the basementgy strategy h te used last time. they don't want him to be held to account for his failures to the american whether it's border security, rapid crime inflation, cost of living. these are the issues needs to be confronted on. think they'rs e afraid. afraid to put him in the spot light. >> did cbs make a mistake not entertaining trump's decision or request? >> greg: oh, yes. i will get to that in a second.s ithis interview is perfect for joe. it's a no brainer. we showed this montage of his jibberish. we called them gaps.e ar gaps suggest it's rare and rar
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unusual. what is raree an and unusual isn he makes sense. it's funny when you mention gaff you can understand what joe is saying. what question dom up you think l trick him up? what's his name? his favorite super bowl snack. are they worried he will say francois. they could d o it at their house and have jill next to him, at? medical professional. he has to be conscience for three minutes. there has to be a drug for that. call hunter he has somethingit laying around. maybe the white house has the baggy of coke in the evidence room. who knows. joe not doing the super bowlw se interview sends a horrible message, worst than if he did it and screwed up. it's living saying, i can't do it it's living ducking aic interview with a magic eight ball. imagine the only way to sell apu product is hiding it from the
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public. doing merch for your band andt the teise shirt is completely blank.m you don'tot want them to hear te music. it's crazy. thinatk they have a great h opportunity to take trump on his offer. we mention it did first. the interview if it doesn'tp happen trumpsh should do it anyways. you know who with? you donald, we do a half timepi interview. you pick theckce. place. we will do it five minutes, tene minutes. it will beat great. counter program. what you're known for. i'm not doing anything sunday.en i don't even know who is playing. i will send the stakes for the big reveal -- a >> dana: if you asked mend and was fairly lucid who was the french president in the 1990s i don't know. starts with an m. i don't know. was real weird throwback. >> w i don't know what the rabbt
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hole is she was talking about. >> dana: what else could she say. i don't know what else she could possibly say. >> anyways up next the hammerwn yielded pizzera shop owner goina to town. and gavin newsome saying he's sending in an army of cops.
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>> dana: not all heroes wear capes some carry ind oakland fending off a fourh robbery attempt in a month.
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they only had a hammer to fight back. they threw a recycling bin at a the crook.clin the suspect was later arrested. e latest shocking video out of crime ravished oakland. governor gavin newsome is taking action.wa deploying 120 morey highway patrol officers inklan oakland.r a effort to crack down on crimee it only took major businesses to flee like the in n out shutting down and blue shield and cloroxe warning to hire security to keep people safe. if is he doing this to save hisi favoritent burger joint. >>, i come into your state i go to in n out burger. >> you're right. >> dana: he saidreat he would sl the highway patrol for the sense
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of safety.l sa what about actual safety. >> greg: appearances only matter. look as fit him.t to to get action done you may need to get the politician to feel o the pain of their own policies intimately. he got ittlyt right in the gut. because i predicted in n out would be the catalyst. it's his family's favorite restaurant. when in n out closed that was a, direct shot at him. you cawhn bs the public but cant bs your kids who wish he was recalled so they could have a burger. thd hae pain that public in tkaz is based on the time it takess the democrats to start acting like republicans. the goal forth us is to speed tt up. y of ruin to come to their senses because the democratic party for some reasos lately is addicted to chaos. we have to keep doing these interventions right. like an addict the left has to
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hit rock bottom. the problem is they take everybody with them.ou k >> dana: well i'm happy forto there to b be more highway patr. just if they don't change thet prosecution effort, he could get behind the repeal. the governor could put some fire into that instead of just having hiring officers. >> he could do that but, i swruft want to go back to the beginning of this. with gavin newsome it's about him. last week or the week before with target he wanted a manager called immediately when she said this inages all gavin newsome's fault with the threat going on. now he sends 120 california highway patrol. i thought that was strange. then i found out with research oundthat the state police emerge with highway patrol in california. which isic why they're involvedn this. violent crime is going down invl
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some areas. not down significantly.y, oaklan id is through the roof. u have it to the point it's a third world company.e co companies are telling people don't go out to get lunch, don'h eat lunch. clorox and kaiser perm a men itt out to your car with you. this tha is absurd.u they don't take the appropriatei action, daneth a with respect t law enforcement and bail, polics making arrests they will hra* live with it. this is his the signature state they defunded police in 2021. they made the decision to get rid of the violence prevention programs where kids had opportunities to get involved in after school programs, not gettn involved in gangs. that is all at his feet. >> dana: i feel, i know we all do, but think about the worker
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getting an hourly wage. they're nonot protected and they're protecting themselves with a hammer.ulsi >> yes. w first hand people like gavin newsome and joe biden don't care about the pain, strur and hard ship these people are st tgoing through. just trying to survive to get te work and home at the end of the day. the realization isn't like, my gosh crime is bad, let's do's something about it.t. the pain is coming from theat threat o tf the power. they see the american people are very concerned about rampid c crime,on open boarders and immigration crisis and recognize this will have an impact on the election, it's an election year, gavin newsome and joe biden, those in other cities not carrying about this now say thie will drive voters.doin pretend we care and hope thatme peopleri are stupid enough to fl for it they think very little of us.
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we're not stupid. e paying attention. >> dana: a company like in n out burger can get headlines whaofplt about small businessess i don't hear them talk ing about small business often. >> jesse: they should. i'm not i have a real -- all of these positive stories about gavin deploying anticrime task forces all over california. it'sorce happening, dana. i can feel it. >> dana: are you on the michellf obama train now. >> jesse: no we will cover that tonight. this guy was so left tugger during covid he's doing a a massive course correction. he's on fox admitting homelessness is a problem. going to battleground states deploying the police. to be president you need height, hare and a lot of money. he has it all. if he can have a normal campaign
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he's a shoe in for 2028.ut g i'm the first guy to marry gays. i will fight street crime and white collar crime, i want to secure the border. i want to wean people off welfare and wao*epb corporationses off welfare too. if it was my job i would advice him. i may lose my job tomorrow and i will be available.more >> dana: you won't lose your job tonight. >> greg: do you know why they call it in n out. >> dana: i still don't get it straight ahead you can't blame maga -- still thinking about itn -- we have ever seen.
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>> greg: joe bide he didn't
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think his attack line through. >> every day through november the people will know the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga friends. >> greg: that's not easy to disapprove. the birumpg guy is trying to fre , bldonald trump and maga for te busted border. there are over a million migrants since october 1st. the fastest rate in history.l le meanwhile liberal leaders reeled in by the siren song, baching at migrant hordes are backing up
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joe's blame the republicans. >>ng we're going on offense.p jo guess what there was a solution sitting right in front of you. was gift wrapped. >>of there were more things they wanted. th e president agreed. they didn't take yes for ann answer. that's because oswerf donald tr. >>um donald trump wants chaos. america will know who is for fixing the boarder and who is not. >> americans have a choice tod make. >> greg: the human thumb dodging impeachment is speaking out. myorkos saying he's not going anywhere. >> the allegations are baseless i'm focused on the work thatas brings me to las vegas today. >>t go republicans say they maye another vote and if they have n the numbers to impeach you, would you step aside. >> i a would not.
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>> greg: surprise, judge. how can they blame him. he's not president. the numbers were way lower under him. how is this even possible. because they live in a worldsi they turbln everything back and they aim it at you. whatever they're doing they aimt it at donald trump. surfing from trump derangement. there were 70,000 who came in the last month trump was president. theyth came in and the first thg they d you know this. they stopped building the wall when biden came in. t they stopped title 42. what was the other thing. they -- the agenda was to bring in as many people as possible. now they want to blame donalddo i don't think they know what they're talk ing about. then you get to nancy pelosi. the truth is the numbers are there. joe biden can shut down the
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border right now. he refuses to do it he wanted people to come in. i believe because ultimately het wants people to vote.ot there ise. no way. we can't afford it. finally we can't afford it inin our schools or ho*lz hospitals. this is.s destroying c we see crime now that we talkedh about yesterday. they want to blame trump. go ahead. trump fix it? did. they broke it. >> greg: jesse, we are finding things in the border bill. by we i mean people who read it. not me. le wi think his name is pulled this out, like six or seven days later, aliens from non continuous countries shall not be included in counting the sum of aliens encounters. no chinese, iranian, -- how doe find this out rely on people on
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twitter?ar >> jesse: i read that it's just for children. we fact checked it. we fact checked ourselves out a goodof story. >> greg: there is more stuff.on >> jesse: s yes. if biden deports someone back ts their original country we pay those countries 250 million to reintegrate the migrants we deport. so juan leaves ecuador.we we catch c him and send him back to ecuador. we send ecuador to make juan feel comfortable in the home country he's from. what dheo you think ecuador will do? we will steal the money and senu more juans so the money comes back t keeo us. i don't know if joe biden can say, donald trump didn't secure my border.isn' first it was now he's going to campaign that nse.donald trump won't secure je
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biden's border. abbott tried to secure the border. biden wouldn't let him.'s you think he's going to persuade someone, anyone that donald trump broke his border?, impossible. >> greg: what do you think is going on behinwhat'sd the borde? is there another angle we're missing. what did youwhat make of the whe process? >>e pr you know a few people bee closed doors. nobody knew what was going on. i wass surprised to see how horrible of a bill it was. people like senator langford f presenting it and fighting for it when you dig in and look atlk the language it does everythingv but secureer the border. emergency processes they put in place. you can only use them some of t thhee time.f the president can say we willt never uscae them. there are sowe many things. i feel silly giving credence tob thece legislation.bad, it's so bad. the real issue here is you know
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i have no doubt president biden and his administration will continue to repeat the reframe. we're securing the republicans are responsible for the open border. it's a charade. the old play book of them working with the mainstream media, propaganda media to, repeat things over and over and over again. hoping that at some point it breaks through and sticks with the american people. p that's the disdain they have fo us. they think wfor e will fall fort we have to keep speaking the truth so they don't, they're not successful. >> greg: you know, dane a theydh had their millionth there should be a ceremony. you know like the million customer. >> dana: i was on a flight whers a guy got a million miles. we were diverted because of weather. we were hanging out in the bar r area of the airport waiting tolv leave again. i said what did you get for
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that. he sait fod two drink tickets. i'm like, that's it. i mean even the migrants get more than that.a: bodega gif bt cards.ds. here is the thing, the legislation is dead. we can keep going through it it's not going forward. so i actually think that the big conversation now is the messaging war that the biden willyou attempt. they say that trump did this. last weekend on "60 minutes" with no football people werehing watching. they did a segment how horrible the border is now, how open it is. a it's focused specifically on chinese migrants only.y ar dressed well, too many suit s cases. no t in hardship. they are not under threat by their own government.nt gues.s what, they go the entire segment without ever saying one word. biden. okay. so you havaye all of these imag.
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aside from that it was pret tkaoef stating thing for biden. the senate bill that is going nowhere dead within 48 hours of his birth is not going to erase the 32 point deficit on theg: border unles ys the republicans screw up. i don't put it past them. >> greg: up next bud light is seeking a woke on their wrongs and trump weighted s in.
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>> jesse: america loves aba bud lighlight looking for redeme after their ill tpreutedin relationshipfl with transgender. tanking the stock and beergh sales. light trying to do what's right
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to win back customers. ditch the woke and go back to being funny and patriotic. look at their star studded super bowl ad. >> i wish i was at the fight. >> definitely. >> guilty. >> let's go to super bowl lviii. >> now we're talking. >> jesse: trump says it'.s time to give bud light a break. posting on truth social saying bud light has paid the price. perhaps deserves a second chance. judgine,e jeanine, one of the mt effective boycotts ever. should we let bud light transition back into a man? [laughing] >> i like the way you put that. but it's a horse, isn't : a sl clydesdale. here is thusere thing anheuser-f
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employs a lost americans. you know, they have put out t media over theha years that's heart warming especially during the holidays. bug d light put itself in thisbu mess.d bud light made a choice on an issue that wasn't that important. were thethaty not happy enough us, withno those of us who love the red, white, blue and all american. women whwomeo don't want trannih competing withey them. he put themselves in the war.ur forgiveness and redemption isit part's of our lives.yo i tellu, you it's hard for me to go back. a and i'm a beer drinker.wa i started toy. drink pabst bluee ribbon years ago. >> let's go. >> i love beer. okay, cavanagh. a bud lightre you person. >> not a beer drinker. >> jesse: would you forgive inee this situation? >>
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what bothers me most is they made the mistake of combining politics, social issues andru business. i think thstratie most frustratd thing for us is more and more americann s see businesses doing this. they should focus on the producw and goodha service. i hope these businesses do this so we as consumers don't have to think is this a woke business, anti-woke or maga or anti-maga. provide a good product, competer fairly, leavlye the politics to e politicians. >> jesse: when a man wrongs you, dana and -- >> #neverforget. >> jesse: bud light says i'm #ne sorry. i will give you everything. >> donate to my campaign that d maybone something. i think they're making a a decision to get back. i like that. you think about gillett with
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toxic masculinity. they haven't apologized forma that. petescr to this day won't buy anything from that companyn holdeds that grudge tight. the media they're getting is probably a hundred times more than whayt they paid. from a strategy stand point, communication stand point hats off to them. i don't drink beer anymore. i use to love a pbr, judge. >> ya. >> dana: yes. >> jesse: they hired that woman who ran the campaign into theg: ground. >> greg: she i sone.s gone.g: >> jesse: she is i gone. >> greg: we won. wokism is dead. when you see the swift response. i think bud light does deserve a second chance there. are 17,000 employees there a lot like us.ontr they had no control over the why punish them because of one lading to that. you see the sharp turn bud is taking with ufc and the comedian, you
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couldn't get further away from dylan if you hired the hells angels. frthey're sending a clear messa. dad is home.ome, he is pissed. don't mess with my bud light again. they're sending the message tont themselves, not justice.. a lot of companies have learned from this bud light fiasco. one, you go broke insulting your audience. you go broke listening to twitter a activists who never ue your product. you're stupid listening toio anyone borusn after 1990. it's not on the audience.t. they didn't liking dylan because she was annoying. she was pretentious. it's not because she is trans. then use a spokes person least likely to use your product. a trans influencer.
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where does that draw from, what marketan? there is only one. you know. it was d a huge mistake. shan e gillis is a great choice. he looks like he spoons with a 30 pack. >> jesse: very good. greg will drink a bud light before his super bowl interviewg with donalred trump. >> greg: probably not. w >> jesse: maybite after. coming up taylor swift is goingt to war with a college student. that's next.
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>> welcome back everyone. it's time for the fascist.g to attorneys for taylor cyst are threatening to take private action against a college student. team swift calls it a life or death matter. the student defends himselfms saying theel information isig already out there. jesse is on fire. let's get your take. >> jesse: i changed my mind.mind
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maybe i shouldn't say it. m if i wasay that wealthy i would, humiliated to have this litigation threat go public. you want to lay low that rich. you don't want a loud mouth attorney to broadcast, stop tracking my private jet my fansu may hurtnd me. comesess on. do it on the sly. have to believe this is happening with her knowledge. judge. is there hap a actual case here? >> no. no. this i s really protected speech. it's public information. it doesn't violate her legal rights. he is using public information f that is easily it's up to swift to protect herself. we don't even know if she's one the jet. i it's not in real time. think about this. any one, jesse, can say i want to follow jesse watters to hit house. he leaves every day at 9:00 o'clock. he's here at 11:00.
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that's like public information. >> jesse: now it is. >> okay. jud it's really up to the individual. you have to show intent. the intent is to conspire so sta stalk or harm them in some way. >> dana, how would you advicena taylor t, o handle this. would let others handle it and not worry. i would be worried who wha* i'm wearing to the super bowl. >> greg, what do you think? >> think this is about me because of the letters i sentle stalkers can find stuff out about us on public records.s, it w upsets me. how do you solve it? you ignore it this is the price of fame, sadly. you hope the guy finds something better to do with his time this. is not a life purpose to brag about. he will move onto stalking jesse. >> i think she can afford security, also. up next who foots the bill for n
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birthday dinner. aninfl on-line influencer is tha sparking outrage insisting the birthday person to cover the tag. tab here is why. >> iteref i invite people to coe celebrate me, i pay for that. in this person's case then get [beep] when they say i can't afford that it's really bad manners. >> greg, may birthday is in april. are yo u making me pay? >> it depends whose idea it is for the dinner, right. once you're an adult you know,u, you shouldn't have to buyo everybodbuy everything. no offense. i'm preying for birthdays,ddin weddings, baby showers, things o don't even go. two think i'm going to review knew my wedding vows for to you buy me a jeep. it's not fare. i don't get anything. i don't have kids. i don't get toys. i get nothing. t doesn't it bother you when
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you're shamed into gettingge stuff. remember the time you were shamed to get pizza for the staff. >> jesse: i always do.ok >> greg: someone els be did. i never get pizza for the staff. >> then forced to do it yourself. >> i buy gourmet dinners instead. >> what are the limits, judge. >> she made the i invitation, that's the issue. >> if we said we are taking dana out for her birthday we pay for her. if dana says it's my birthday i want you to come.if then you pay. >> no gifts necessary. >> or -- >> donate to your favorite charity. >> depending on who you are. >> one more thing is coming up next. insurance?
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no, but we have life insurance ,john. >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month. and his wife and a $500,000
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policy for only $21 a month. go to select local now and get the insurance your family needs at a pricece you can afford. >> selectquote we shot you save . . >> why won't with this anymore? he has something called osteoarthritislyonthly i >> it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. wants to know there's labella, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog'tn pain. veterinary professionals administering labella who are pregnant tryins naphylaxg to cor breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injections, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life . >> brown on the rise.
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sanders winter blues sale is now on for a limited time visit. sanders stock column perfect for valentine's two carat diamond pendant 699 one carat hearts notes 599 two carat heart solitaire is 1490 and tennis bracelets for 99 per carat by factory direct and save the jewelry exchange. >> as a cardiologist, when i put my patients on a statin to reduce cholesterol, i also tell them it can deplete their coke you ten levels. i recommend taking qnol coke ten. qnol has three times better absorption than regular coke ten. qnol the brand i trust america's most wanted is back. >> new episodes on fox. watch them a week later on fox nation. plus exclusive content with john callahan. walsh you won't see anywhere else. let's kick some together. america's most wanted and america's most wanted. xtra together exclusively on fox nation. e?
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>> sign up for one more thing, jesse happy birthday to johnny . . johnny, my very favorite. look at thatt th. i love that .ny. happy birthday, johnny. and i hope you don't have to pa yay fy for your dinner. >> we all love them. oo go preorder my book, get itnow. together and do it now. >> and don't laugh, because here's the thingdon', judge. >> a book like this has never been written before. every advertisere ar knew storir about new people. have you ever wondereded what it's like to talk to a stalinist? i mean, a , authenticand stalinist? >> i learned things about russia and the ukrainen situation i never even heard before opened up my mindyou thi. you think? how can your mind get more open, jesse? it actually di d it right here. oh, i'm selling it hour. a lit and this is just the beginning. i just learned from time how on my book we're going to do a little bit on democrat election fraud. >> we caught a new one we got. all right, great. you're sure? >> judgeall
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tonight, we got a great show, aaron perrine, comedian jeff guy that did tyreese is back. >> let's do this., people are great. you know, i always do animals. great. yes. what about people? what about them? yeah. let's go to thailand. check this thing out, hu eck thish? ma this is a place. it's called the man that rescues dogs foundation with all the little dogs and wheelchairs. hi. those are al are in l stray dogs that are injured. many living in poor conditions . and he creates all these little wheelchairs so they can arou jesse: . brand. okay. yeah. i don't know what's wrong with me, my friend. my wd. ibrand.ur frien >> my wife said that to me. yeah, i think i'm very crazy. yeah. look at that.a >> i'm happening to you. okay, dana, i have one about why named lucy.has and what's really funny about her, she has a selfi e of herself on her ear. okay, so that's her face. and then look at her earr.. rel interesting. i mean, i mean, i was really thinkinginking, that is when hek this dog. okay. all right. abouo. something to talk? about. an. shedog named noodle okay.
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and she loves to play darts. oh, so she recentlt involvy disd she could get involved in the action by patiently waiting for the dart to be thrown.ived the >> and then she retrieves the dart from the board. >> and that's why i mean, i don't know iyf i wouldn't risk my dog's head. all right. i have a feelings he that spca is going to be calling that. >> so i just came ofamf of armyn duty this past week in fort carson. i have the honor of being a commander fo civilr a civilarr affairs, for a previous civil affairs battalion. we diplomaf are the warrior dips of the army. and it was amazing because i had the honor of recognizing o the excellence of our soldiers who are from all over the country. >> i'm honored to serve with theh them you hadm and so s of chelsea. all right. n tw >> that's it forit us.x. have a great night, everybody. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight, those voting by mail that came in, that almost 700 that came in when he was up by 200, but it came fromfrom our organization, kickbacks, sextin


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