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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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look at the middle east, you have china buying iranian oil, iran is flush with cash. iran floods that cash into its terrorist proxies, attacking us and israel and then is sending weapons right into support russia. so, we have to break that cycle and drive wedges between this axis of evil. i just don't see a strategy from this administration to do that. >> todd: congressman mike waltz, amazing insight. we have got wake up because we have real threats it. seems like we dance around the real issues. we got to solve them. congressman, thank you. >> carley: thank you. >> todd: with that, "fox & friends" begins right now. >> let's get started 6:00 a.m. on the east coast thursday february 8th, this is "fox & friends." right now, lines outside the supreme court. arguments begin in the case to kick donald trump off the ballot in colorado. >> plus, a young chef dies from
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a fungal infection attacking his lungs just literally eating holes in his lungs. this all started with him feeling like he had flu-like symptoms. >> steve: we will tell you all about that. a "fox & friends" exclusive. lawrence is in atlanta this morning after squatters have taken over more than 1,000 houses. how did they do that? >> lawrence: how are you doing? do you find if i talk to you real quick? >> about what? >> well, they are saying that you are not supposed to be at this residence that you are squatting in. [no response] >> lawrence: well, the first hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪
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>> ainsley: six people missing after a shooting and a fire west of philadelphia. it happened yesterday afternoon. police responding to a 911 call that an 11-year-old girl was shot. when they showed up, a suspect opened fire. then the house went up in flames. >> brian: two police officers were shot in the legs. they are in stable condition. all of this unfolding. next door to a day care. >> there was a police officer with -- a gun and that's how -- then our teacher told us to run to the building and get on lockdown. i was scared and i was praying to god. >> brian: delaware county d.a. says investigators need to go through the destroyed home and search for possible remains. the suspect is one of six who are missing. >> ainsley: also, in just four hours, the supreme court will hear those arguments on colorado's decision to remove former president donald trump from the state's ballot. >> brian: the drama begins. the high court in unchartered
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legal territory as justices rescue with unsettled dispute. >> steve: lucas joins us from the supreme court where they're already lined up at 6:02 a.m. >> that's right. getting an early start. good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. colorado wants to kick former president donald trump off its ballot accusing him of engaging of insurrection on the attack of the capitol following the 2020 election. trump's legal team firing back in a legal statement saying he is quote the presumptive republican nominee and leading candidate for president of the united states. the american people, not courts or election officials should choose the next president of the united states. senator dick durbin said one justice should not be weighing in saying, quote: i'm calling for justice clarence thomas to recuse himself in the 14th amendment case determine going donald trump is ineligible for the 2024 ballot given questions surrounding his wife's involvement, justin thomas should recuse himself so there
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is no question of bias. states like colorado cite the 14th amendment adopted to prevent former confederate officials from holding office. some think it shouldn't apply to this case, guys. >> steve: lucas, thank you very much. we are going to discuss this in a couple of minutes but we have got more headlines. >> ainsley: beginning with a fox news alert. secretary of state antony blinken is in tel aviv this morning. last night he said a cease-fire hostage deal between hamas and israel could still be reached despite early opposition from the prime minister netanyahu. >> what i can tell you about these discussions is while there are clear nonstarters in hamas' response, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. >> ainsley: and last night there was a u.s. drone strike in baghdad killing three members of an iranian-backed group. the attack taking out a commander, said to be involved in the deadly attack on three u.s. soldiers in jordan last
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month. trey yingst will join us later this hour with a live report. also horror down in the bahamas. two kentucky mothers say they were drugged and raped on sunday whether they visited the grand bahamas on a cruise. they say they ordered drinks and realized something was wrong because they felt drunk after a couple of sips. one mom says that she woke up while she was being raped by a resort staffer. royal bahamas police arrested two men. police identifying two more migrants believed to be involved in an attack on nypd officers last month in times square. authorities telling cbs, warrants are out now for their arrest. as many as 14 people were involved in that attack, police are looking for seven others. four of the six men who had been arrested were released without bail. several are due in court later later this month facing up to seven years if convicted. the justice department has completed their probe into president biden over his alleged mishandling of those classified documents. attorney general merrick garland and special counsel robert hover
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hurpromising to make as much ofe special counsel's report public as possible. according to reports, the lawyer representing witnesses on this case, are asking to see a copy of the draft before it's released. the attorneys concern the investigation might have missed proper factual context provided by his clients. new overnight, a volcano in southwestern iceland erupting for the third time since december. lava is actually shooting into the air as you can see along a nearly two mile fisher. ffish fissure.and today republa will vote on the g.o.p. caucuses. former president trump is on the ballot. and so is long shot white house hopeful ryan blinkly. but nikki haley is not. she appeared on tuesday's nevada
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primary ballot which saw 61% of voters choose none of these candidates over haley winner of today's caucus also receive 26 delegates. those are some of your headline its. >> steve: meanwhile, fox weather alert on thursday, all this rain out west that has devastated communities in california is now heading to the las vegas area where heavy rain is expected this morning as the super bowl crowds start to arrive for the big game on sunday. >> brian: all right. there is a warning about dangerous avalanche conditions in the mountains about 35 miles west of the strip as they call it. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. not supposed to be raining in the desert. >> janice: brian, are you heading to the super bowl? >> brian: no. because i heard it's going to rain i said i'm not going. next year new orleans i will be there. >> janice: fair enough. i will have the 365 day forecast ready for you. >> brian: i can't wait. >> janice: obviously people traveling to the super bowl the
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really lucky ones and, of course, we have some caucusing going on. the temperatures are, you know, a little cooler than average. we could see some snow in some spots. you know, not a huge storm system, but it is some of that energy that we saw in southern california for the last 72 to 96 hours. we could be dealing with a wintry mix. be careful. that energy from california is spreading into the intermountain west, the rockies, the northern plains and we are dealing with a storm system for the upper midwest and the great lakes bringing a mix. we could see some snow and rain and severe weather and freezing rain. the big story ahead of that storm is the above average temperatures, right? for parts of the great lakes in towards the northeast. well, that's going to come to an end next week, my friend. we are going to be talking about a storm across the south this weekend that comes on up towards the northeast for valentine's day. will it be snow here in new
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york, boston, and washington, d.c.? , computer models, some of them say eh. others say a pretty good amount. stay tuned. that's your tease. >> steve: which computer model goes eh! >> janice: the euro is going eh! mostly rain. the u.s. model pretty good snow totals for the new york city area. do everything you can if you love snow. the spoon under the pillow. pajamas inside out. >> steve: flushing ice cubes down the toilet. >> janice: i forgot that one. >> steve: that's how you wind up with snow if you are a kid. >> janice: brian, you look perplexed. >> brian: didn't you go to mealing school and flushing cubes down the toilet? how could you play into this. >> janice: i went to see a groundhog. [laughter] >> brian: you lost everything. i don't know what to believe in anymore. >> janice: lose my marbles every year. >> steve: to far looks like he
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was right. yesterday on this program we told you how for a variety of reasons a thousand houses in the atlanta area have been taken over by squatters lo the cops are very slow to kick out. lawrence has been dispatched to atlanta where, lawrence, a moment ago we saw you knocking on the door of a house where presumably a squatter was inside. we have heard stories that these people have guns and have shot people. that's just not safe. >> lawrence: yeah, i had nala with me so i felt pretty safe. >> steve: your dog. >> lawrence: i have been covering this crisis for a while about the squatters. sometimes i only get to talk to the squatter for a few seconds. and then they slam the door in my face because they don't want their identity put out there to the public. but this time i actually had, you know, a few minutes to talk to the squatter. she got very emotional. she changed her story three to four times. here's a little bit of that.
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>> lawrence: tipped off this is the house where there are squatters at. they are not supposed to have electricity. they found some way to get power here. as you can see, there is a car as well there. so let's see what they have to say. >> lawrence: how are you doing, ma'am, i'm with fox news. i want to clear something up with you. >> go ahead. >> lawrence: they say you are squatting here. >> no, auto know him squatting. jail. he was paying these people in month police have been out here already. >> lawrence: are you currently paying them. >> no. i paid them last month. they told me don't pay them this month. >> lawrence: how many months have you been paying. >> my brother has. me and him both. >> lawrence: and you have a lease and everything. >> yeah, but he is in jail. >> lawrence: how did you get in the house? >> they told us the house gave us the keys and everything. >> lawrence: you think that you were scammed as well by these other people. >> police told us it was a scam. >> have you ever went through anything like this before. >> no. i haven't. i'm 63 years old, baby. i'm epileptic. copd, everything.
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okay? so they told what they told. that's exactly what i'm going to do. i'm not going to give them anything. i'm just going to get out of here. >> so, guys, she told me that she is going to leave the property. she said that she was scammed. that she got this house after changing her story three times, guys. on craigslist. and now -- and i asked her i said listen, if you got it from craigslist. give me the information because i will go knock on the person's door that sold you the place. she didn't want to provide that information, of course. >> steve: did she have any paperwork? >> lawrence: no paperwork. she claimed her brother was in jail that he was the one that actually did. this she said she is very sick. she got very emotional and she secretary of defense she is the one who is being scammed right here. the bottom line, guys, is this. these people provide fake leases. they understand the laws is on the book is advertised on social media of what they can do. once you are there.
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say you are in a vacant house for 30 days it's yours. it takes a long court proceeding. i asked her how long has she been in the house? she has been there for seven months. imagine being a person that owns a property, you are paying the mortgage every cink single month as it works its way through the court i think it's a disgraced. >> brian: seems to be an easy fix. whoever has the title has the house. you have 24 hours to get out you get out. that would stop all of it. >> lawrence: the problems on the books in georgia and florida say you can't do that. >> if you are in texas, in three days they can have you out of there. some states don't have the laws where you can -- actually, brian, if you want to come back on your property and to try to clear it off, the police aren't going to arrest the squatter they are going to arrest you.
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>> brian: let's get brian kemp on. >> ainsley: hard to get squatters out backlog in the courts. live in states that have these laws they support the squatter more than the homeowner. lawrence, i know a guy on long island trying to buy a house. and he signed the paperwork and all of that, got to great interest rate. it was a few years ago when the interest rates were really low, and they could not get the quarter out of the house. and he didn't want to go buy another house because the interest rates went up. he waited. finally they got the squatter out of but it took a very long time. more than a year. >> steve: we have been doing this story from georgia for while. great that you were there. it's really important. it's impacting a lot of people. lawrence, great reporting. very brave to go knock on that door. >> ainsley: be careful, lawrence. >> steve: no kidding. meanwhile, talk little bit about new polling from gallup poll. >> lawrence: i will. >> steve: they talked to 12,000 people the margin of era is really tiny. only 1%. it's essentially bad news for joe biden. and what it says is they
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measured the affinity for black and hispanic adults, and the advantage and we are going to put it up, the advantage for the democrats among black and hispanic voters has slid. right now the advantage, with black adults, with the democratic party, is 47%. that is down, essentially 19 points in just a couple of years. and then, as you can see, when it comes to hispanics it is currently at 12. they had 28 point advantage just a couple years ago. >> ainsley: advantage is shrinking. lawrence you have done stories on this. you ask people are you better off today than four years ago you are hear in the community especially black men leaning more toward donald trump than joe biden, right? >> lawrence: you are exactly right, ainsley. it's not just being better off under donald trump.
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it's the demise of america. crime, kids can't get a quality education. and now with all of these issues going on, our government, currently under joe biden, have made it very clear that they are going to prioritize illegal immigrants. it's a slapping of the face to their voters. and so, look, politics, strategists, they focus on voting blocks. it's just the way politics is. and you got all of these democrats coming up because it's election time saying egg care about you. but, in practice, voters are saying we are not seeing it. >> brian: when you think about the democratic party, too. they have an additional challenge because the war in gaza. and then they look at what is happening in michigan. so you have the black vote going to be more of a challenge. you have the hispanic vote which most head-to-head with biden and trump have trump down by one or up by one, which, when it's close, it has the democrats panicking. and now in places like michigan, you have the arab vote. they don't like the fact that joe biden is for israel
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ostensibly. he seems to be backing off that, but now they are going to try to make amends there. all of these could spell disaster although it's still eight months until election day. >> ainsley: talk to all these folks who did it the right way. this is america. we have a lot of immigrants who did it the right way, did it legally. some didn't see family members or kids for five years while they were getting to get citizenship here. they did it the right way. highlander attorneys. they look at the situation and they are furious. >> >> steve: and one more note about this gallup poll. this gallup poll actually follows a poll we reported on in december. called the gwinn forward survey. in december, one in five black voters said they would vote for somebody other than donald trump or joe biden. the survey found that in december, 63% of black voters said they would vote for joe. 17 percent said they would vote for trump. but 20 percent said they would vote for somebody else. so that is -- you know, continue, we are still way out from an election, but right now
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there is just a lot of dissatisfaction. >> ainsley: today the supreme court is going to determine or hear arguments at least, they are going to start hearing oral arguments about the 2024 ballot. can donald trump be on the colorado ballot? >> brian: that's going to be the big -- going to say he is insurrectionist. and he should not be eligible like it's 1868. and post civil war. even though he has not been charged as an insurrectionist, and a lot of people feel as though trump is going to win. this and once he wins colorado, all the other challenges will dissipate. among the people who thinks he should win for the good of the country, david axelrod. >> there are myriad of legal questions that they are going to consider tomorrow. some will undoubtedly offer off ramps if they want an off ramp. i'm trying to imagine what it would be like if the supreme court said we're removing the front running republican candidate from the ballot and
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essentially saying to the american people you won't have the opportunity to vote for him. and i think it would be very, very disruptive in this country. i think it will create a huge reaction. and that worries me. >> steve: they are going to hear oral arguments today. they will probably -- they are expected to resolve whether or not he can appear on the primary ballot in colorado and other states. buff they could also decide on the question in a very narrow ground and essentially side step the question of insurrection. did he commit insurrection? the court could decide that, but, you know what? that's a political hot potato and they probably won't. they will say okay. he can appear on the ballot. >> ainsley: lawrence? >> lawrence: i just don't understand how the democrats can paint the number one issue for them as democracy and then challenge the lead person that's supposed to be on the ballot, get him off the ballot.
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i just think it's going to be such a dichotomy for voters when they go to the ballot, when they are talking about the issues day-to-day, to have them say on one hand it is about democracy and then say a former president can't be on the ballot. we will see how it plays out. i just don't think voters are going to like that. >> ainsley: six colorado voters filed this lawsuit back in the fall. using the provision of a constitutional amendment like you were talking about, brian, passed in 1868. it was designed to keep former confederates from holding public office under section 3 of the 14th amendment. >> steve: we will discuss this with kellyanne conway and kerri kupec urbahn. >> ainsley: he will give some sort of a speech from palm beach later today. >> brian: every time there is a court challenge he tends to win or lose, he tends to get more momentum. we will see how that goes. just a quick reminder, if you are not up yet, and we're worried about getting up for the show every day, make your life a
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little easier. dvr it, i'm pretty sure if you have a problem with it somebody younger in your house to do it. dvr the show and take all the pressure off. >> ainsley: we start 6:00 a.m. 6 to 9. >> steve: if you are not awake yet, do it later. you don't know that. >> brian: you don't know that you're not awake. >> steve: every day my tv device actually records the show from 6 to 9:00. during our 6 a block which we have been talking for 21 minutes, essentially, we have all of the news of the day. it's really helpful. so go ahead, remember to set your tv device or dvr or tivo if you still have that so you get "fox & friends" in it entirety. >> lawrence: lawrence, you could do it and at supper time you can sit down and watch yourself all over again. >> steve: have some of the squatters in atlanta set their dvrs to watch "fox & friends." >> lawrence: they got make sure they watch it within 24 hours. don't let the next show happen before you watch it.
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>> brian: right. you don't want old news. it's the worst. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: we have showed you video of migrant mope head worker dragging a woman and stealing her belongings. the hacker they use to break into bank accounts. >> brian: fungal infection attack as chef to kill his lungs. >> steve: a driver escapes barely moments before a train plows into his car lucky to be alive. ♪
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>> carley: headlines starting with a developing story. crews have located the military helicopter that went down in the mountains outside san diego yesterday. with the five marines on board are still missing. the crew was returning from a training session in nevada and was supposed to land at the third marine aircraft wing out of miramar. search and rescue teams are trying to locate the missing service members. shoppers at apple store in oakland stunned as a masked man ripped a whole display of iphones off the shelf. he stuffed dozens of phones in his pockets all while a police car was parked right outside.
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you could see him running right by the squad car before hopping into a getaway car. no officers were present at the time. and this location has been robbed at least four times since the store reopened last month. that is crazy video right there. today, janet yellson expected to face senate lawmakers over claims that the biden treasury department is keeping tabs on americans purchases, scheduled purchase appearances comes after she dodged issues house hearing earlier this week. >> has treasury, including fincen or federal banking agencies like the fed, fdic, occ instructed financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? >> well, we received a letter from you, i believe, on this topic, and we intend to investigate fully and to respond. >> carley: that's a dodge.
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apparently it was recommended that banks search the accounts of, quote: extremism indicators that were spotted include words like trump, maga and bass pro shops because if you like to official you are going directly to jail apparently. now to incredible footage of semi-truck driver and passenger in ohio getting out just before a freight train plows through their vehicle. the driver and passenger and all the crew members on board the train thankfully were not hurt. authorities are investigating this crazy incident. those are your headlines, ainsley. how about that video? >> ainsley: the truck driver wasn't inside, right? >> carley: just in the nick of time they all got out. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. 29-year-old chef from michigan, 29 years old is dead after battling a rare fungal infection. his family says it quote actually ate holes in his lungs. ian pritchard diagnosed with this rare infection before thanksgiving. his dad said the condition spread rapidly throughout his
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son's body and expensive antifungal medicine was not working. his father also saying they showed us a picture of his lungs and they literally looked like swiss cheese. according to the cdc this function gus can be found in most soil, wood and leaves. research from 2005 says 4% to 22% of people diagnosed with it do die. the pritchard family says they are still in shock after taking ian off life support this past weekend. there is a go fund me page that's been set up for the family. so far it has raised nearly $20,000. steve, down to you. >> steve: so sad. thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: meanwhile shown you this shocking video of a migrant mope head gang dragging a woman down a new york city street. she crashes into a bike stand right there. she is lucky every bone in her body wasn't broken. they were trying to steal her purse and inside it her phone. now we are learning these gangs of migrants have allegedly hired hackers to access victim's bank
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accounts. the new york city police department saying they are getting into their venmo and zel accounts and using that money to make purchases. they will essentially clear out the accounts. here with more is the president of new york city's detective endowment association paul digiacomo. paul, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. thank you. >> steve: okay. so this is a new wrinkle with the migrants. some of them are forming little mobs. it's organized crime. >> absolutely. this is organized crime. it's just like the mafia but it'it's a nontraditional organid crime group. it's a continuing criminal enterprise. this is something that has to be worked on with the nypd and the federal government to really stop this syndicate. >> steve: sure, paul, as we have seen in new york with those guys -- those men and women who beat up the cops, they went before a judge. they just let them go. and, unfortunately, if it's a small crime, they're not going
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to do any time. >> well, even if it's a big crime they don't do any time at all. the reality is for three years now, we have been telling albany that the bail reform laws are not working. and clearly they are not working because these individuals are out. you know, this law has to be changed to hold the criminal element accountable for their actions. and there must be consequences and until we have consequences, crime will continue to go up. >> steve: absolutely. let's face it, paul, they are a flight risk for the people who beat up the cop, you know, we can't find them. the cops can't find them anywhere. >> absolutely. >> steve: so that is a problem. now, for people watching right now, help us out. i know that now that apparently these migrant mobsters, essentially, on the mope heads have
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how can we protect ourselves so that if they get our phone they don't have our bank? >> well, it's very difficult to do. but i will say this. new york city detectives will apprehend these individuals. they will track them down, and they will bring them to justice. i hope that they bring it on a federal level because if they bring it to the courts in manhattan, nothing will be done. and that's the problem. this has to be an effort by the nypd, the federal government, and we have to work hand in hand to make sure that these individuals are properly punished. >> steve: yeah. paul, you have been watching the news. the federal government and localities that are sanctuary cities they are not working together. they essentially let them into the country and then they have cart blanche in many instances, unfortunately now, they have gamed the suspec system where tn rob people with impunity. >> well, we have task forces here in the nypd that work with the fbi to combat these type of
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crimes and i'm sure it will. it's better it's going on a federal track at least the ausas will prosecute these cases if it goes to alvin bragg they will be out in 10 minutes. >> steve: no kidding. paul, thank you very much. we know you guys are working on that. thank you, sir. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> steve: you bet. meanwhile a drone strike in baghdad kills a high ranking commander killed three u.s. soldiers. secretary blinken says a cease-fire deal between israel and hamas is possible. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with a report. and more on the squatters in atlanta coming up with lawrenced ♪ in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death
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>> welcome back, fox news alert now. secretary of state antony blinken is in tel aviv this morning where he is sounding optimistic that a cease-fire hostage deal could still be reached between israel and hamas. trey yingst is live in israel with the latest. trey, is there a reason for him
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to be optimistic? >> hey, brian, good morning. no, there's not. that cease-fire proposal that was put forward by hamas was quickly rejected by the israelis who called the plan, quote: delusional. now we do know today a hamas dwellings traveled to cairo, egypt where they are meeting with a variety of people to try to move these conversations forward. but they are expected to be very challenging amid renewed rocket fire just last hour from the gaza strip. and israeli airstrikes still taking place along the enclave. now, overnight israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu laid out the aims of his country indicating that the war won't end until hamas is completely defeated in gaza. netanyahu's statement came hours after a meeting with u.s. secretary of state antony blinken. blinken also met with herzog before making this statement about the negotiations to get hostages freed from gaza and find an end to the war. >> while there are some clear
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nonstarters in hamas' response, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached. we're continuing to work closely with israel and lebanon on diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions on israel's northern border so that families can return to their homes both in northern israel and in southern lebanon. >> with america's top diplomat in the middle east, the united states last night carried out a drone strike in iraq that killed three members of the iran-backed group kata'ib hezbollah. among the dead senior commander link toward the ongoing attacks against u.s. forces in the region. when we step back from all of this and you look at what is on the table between israel and gaza, there is really no cease-fire on the immediate horizon. and while you have diplomatic solutions being discussed, it could take days, weeks, if not months to implement. brian? >> brian: wow. so many questions but it did seem like a big stiff arm about that deal. it's amazing how things have changed. trey, thanks so much.
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all right. let's go over to steve and ainsley. steve? -- ainsley? >> steve: brian, squatters have taken over whole neighborhoods in atlanta. >> ainsley: with reports of illegal tenants taking over 1200 houses. lawrence is live from atlanta this morning getting a firsthand look. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. i'm joined by quinton, he has been dealing with this crisis from a different level what happens to these homes to protect them from the squatters? let's bring quentin in. you have a company. and you install these locks on the window and on the doors so these potential squatters can't get in. how did you come up with the idea? >> well, back in 2008, during the housing crisis, there was influx of foreclosures, bank owned -- we saw a need we tried
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to fulfill it. the traditional boarding up a property is using plywood. we know plywood is not a security measure. [inaudible]. we thought the idea of providing something more secure, which is our steel window guards and steel window -- i'm sorry steel door guards that provide access property. that gives access to the owners and knowing that if someone does try to gain access to the property. they don't have to worry about that issue anymore. >> lawrence: obviously, we have been covering this and we have seen the large reports, even with our sister, the "new york post" 1200 places in atlanta have been hit. how bad is the crisis? business must be booming for you right now. >> we are very busy. we are in -- we have hubs in about 10 states. >> lawrence: wow. >> give you a little bit of idea
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or context. and we -- and those hubs provide service to other surrounding states. so we are very busy. >> lawrence: just on a personal note because i have been talking to these squatters for a while. >> um-huh. >> lawrence: they appear to be very sympathetic. you would almost think with the stories that they tell that it's actually their home. can you talk about that? >> well, i believe the squatter situation is multifaceted problem. >> lawrence: yeah. >> it's lack of housing, right? that's an issue. you have vacant properties that are not properly being secured. that's an issue. and then you have the weather in certain areas you have extreme heat and you have extreme cold. if you have people who are not -- doesn't have housing, what are they going to do? right. >> lawrence: quentin, thank you so much. >> no problem. >> lawrence: guys, i will turn it back to you.
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shows you what the crisis is in atlanta. we will be covering it all day. >> lawrence: we just saw you standing with a woman inside one of those houses and there is a tangle of wires and something was missing. what was -- what was that? >> lawrence: yeah. so, that wiring they take out so there is a combination of the copper, as well as that wiring, and they take and they sell that. now, they are only getting a few dollars on it. but it's profitable. a lot of these places already don't have electricity anyway, so they don't really need the wire. they set fires in those places and they bring in generators. so that's where they get their real electricity from. >> steve: gotcha. >> ainsley: thanks, lawrence not a single student can do math grade level 30 schools. more on that. >> steve: i bet they spend a lot on both. emit smith hall of famer is going to join us with his super bowl predictions this morning. so stick around. you're watching "fox & friends." wo♪ and wake up ready to go.
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>> ainsley: we have shocking numbers to show just how much some illinois students are struggling. the state's report card found that 66 schools have zero proficient students in math. 31 have zero proficient students in english language arts.
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and 29 of those schools have zero proficient students in either subject. here with her reaction is co-founder of enriched literacy education, mary cantwell. mary and i go way back. mary started a preschool here in new york, that's one of the best. >> thank you. >> ainsley: a lot of my friends' kids went there. you left. kids out there kids not proficient or having an issue, always call her company, email her company enrich literacy education. you have helped so many students across the united states. i know that you have helped my daughter with readings using zoom from a lady in california. so it is possible. let's talk about these numbers. what's happening in illinois? why? >> ainsley, these are staggering numbers. every single citizen needs to wake up and see this effect us all. if children can't read, their futures are extremely limited why is this happening? well, let's look back to the shift to balanced literacy, whole language two decades ago.
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we got away from phonics. we got away from the science of reading. children were shown words told to look at pictures and guess. >> ainsley: what certain way of reading and that's not the way your child learns? >> you have got to make some noise. if you can afford outside support, phonics, the science of reading is the best way to teach children how to read. if you can somehow teach your children that every letter makes a sound. these sounds blended together make words, words put together make a sentence. >> ainsley: not to make it political, when you see how much money we are spending on illegal citizens or how much we are giving to other countries, we are spending 18,000 pearl student in the state of illinois. that's a lot of money to spend per child when they can't read or do math. >> that's right. it's a travesty. this money needs to be spent wisely. we need to stop throwing money at failing programs. it's really incredible in illinois, in particular.
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blend literacy approach has been widely used throughout that state. school administrators keep doubling down on these failing programs reading and math scores decline. >> ainsley: why not change it? it's not working. >> it takes somebody with courage to say we're going to stop. this the governor has said i want every district to look into the science of reading. i want you to think about implementing a plan. it's not mandated, ainsley. >> ainsley: mary, what if you see your first grader, second grader trying to learn and they are falling behind. you have to catch it early, right? they go to high school, they are not going to be confident. >> indeed, foundational reading skills are powe paramount: schs are not doing. this we have generations of illiterate children. >> ainsley: there is a new report that many students have
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not re-gained their pandemic era levels. let me read you these stats. it says overall students recovered about a third of the original loss in math. and only a fourth in reading. why is that, mary? what do we need to do? >> ainsley, there are so many layers here. first of all, we need to look at the chronic absenteeism problem that is plaguing schools across the nation. in 2022, i want to say 30% of american school children were chronically absent. if you are not in school. ainsley: what is chronically absent. >> missing at least 10% of the school year. if you are not in school you are not going to learn. >> ainsley: why aren't they going to school? >> several factors, safety issues. many children lost a primary caregiver during the pandemic. some of them can't get to school. you know again, there are health issues if children sneeze nowadays you have got run and get a covid test. >> ainsley: that's true.
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send your child home. >> they send your child home really quickly. we know as mahomes they get little sniffles and coughs all the time. >> ainsley: right. right. >> the chronic absenteeism is a huge problem. >> ainsley: find out more about her enricherred literacy education what's your website. >> we are www enriched find us on instagram, facebook, we are happy to help. >> ainsley: thanks, mary, you are a lifesaver, because as parents we think about our kids more than anything else other than faith my child is number one. i appreciate your help. thank you. i think we're going to break now. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
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urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. ask your doctor about gemtesa. more time here, less time there. ♪ >> steve: live from new york it is almost 7:00 on the east coast it's thursday, february 8th. you're watching "fox & friends." right now on capitol hill, a live look, screen left, at the supreme court as arguments begin this morning -- oral arguments that is in a case to kick donald trump off the primary ballot in colorado. a live report in 30 seconds. >> ainsley: plus, democratic support among black and hispanic voters now at historic lows. the impact it leaves on president biden's re-election chances. >> brian: look at this wild video. you have a driver barely escapes moments. >> ainsley: look to the right. >> brian: train plows into that truck.


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