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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 8, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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ask your doctor about gemtesa. more time here, less time there. ♪ >> steve: live from new york it is almost 7:00 on the east coast it's thursday, february 8th. you're watching "fox & friends." right now on capitol hill, a live look, screen left, at the supreme court as arguments begin this morning -- oral arguments that is in a case to kick donald trump off the primary ballot in colorado. a live report in 30 seconds. >> ainsley: plus, democratic support among black and hispanic voters now at historic lows. the impact it leaves on president biden's re-election chances. >> brian: look at this wild video. you have a driver barely escapes moments. >> ainsley: look to the right. >> brian: train plows into that truck.
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lawrence? >> lawrence: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> steve: all right a fox news alert, t three hours, 10:00 easn time the supreme court will hear oral arguments on colorado's decision to kick former president donald trump off the state's primary ballot. >> brian: the high court in unchartered territory -- legal territory as justices wrestle with an historic election dispute. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us with the latest. >> good morning, steve, ainsley, and brian. the supreme court has never heard a case like this before in its history. oral arguments begin in less than three hours, as steve said, in protest of the former leading g.o.p. candidate. fencing has been erected outside
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the nation's top court near the u.s. capitol as you can see here. colorado kicked trump off the ballot citing the constitution insurrection clause section 3 of the 14th amendment to be specific, which has never been used in the history to disqualify a presidential candidate. the measure passed in 1868 over 150 years ago to keep confederates from holding office. trump's legal team firing back. quote: he is the presumptive republican nominee and leading candidate for president of the united states. the american people, not courts or election officials, should choose the next president of the united states. now senator dick durbin says one justice should not be making a decision here saying, quote: i'm calling for justice clarence thomas to recuse himself in the 14th amendment case determining if donald trump is ineligible for the 2024 ballot, giving questions surrounding his wife's involvement, justin thomas should recuse himself so there is no question of bias. now, colorado is one of 15 states holding primaries on
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super tuesday, which is less than a month away, believe it or not, guys. in 11 of those 15 states voters in g.o.p. primaries do not have be registered republicans, steve, ainsley, brian? >> steve: so lawrence -- rather, very funny. >> the other l. >> steve: lawrence is going to be with us in a second. the supreme court hear oral arguments today, lucas. when will they say yes or no. >> they need to make a decision quick because the primary is less than a month away. this is not one of those issues that can be punted and we hear about in june when the court is about to go out of session. it's going to be days from now, steve. >> steve: got to be a quickie decision, indeed. >> brian: pretty amazing, too. thanks, lucas. hillary clinton was on for a long interview and she said oh yeah, there is no doubt about it. he is guilty and should be kicked off the ballot. legally no question. that's the way the law reads. people like david axelrod open up and say listen, i'm not a lawyer. >> ainsley: former obama guy. >> brian: think about this. you can't kick the leading
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contender on the right and there is no charge of insurrection and i don't think can you call what happened on january 6th akin to the civil war. >> steve: well, that, brian, is essentially the trump defense. it breaks down to three points. they're going to say the insurrection clause does not apply to the president, that's one of the things they are going to say. they are going to say january 6th was not an insurrection. and if they don't buy that, they are going to say if it was an insurrection, donald trump did not engage. ultimately, the supreme court is probably going to find the narrowest, most boring way to let donald trump on the primary ballot in colorado because this is such a political hot potato. whenwhatever they decide somebos going to be hacked off. >> ainsley: dates back to 1868. they changed the constitution there it was designed to keep former confederates off the ballot. and donald trump is not going to appear in court. even if he were to go to court, he wouldn't be able to participate or allowed to speak. so he plans to give remarks later on today from mar-a-lago or from the palm beach area.
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you know, david axelrod brings up the best point. there are so many people that support donald trump. put him on the ballot. let america decide. that's a fair election. >> brian: right. i just think saying that donald trump -- what happened on january 6th, litigated. number one, number two, we watched this whole things for two years in front of our eyes with liz cheney and adam kinzinger leading the charge. and still, jack smith with all his investigations still doesn't charge it but these individual states want to play an oversized role even in maine you have colorado and a few others. my hope is that once this is done. it rippled through the country so we can get this done with. but it can't make nikki haley happy. because every time -- every time that one of the candidates we get any type of momentum now there is only one left. some court case pops up. instead of talking about her policies and what she would do, we think about donald trump and almost every time they said i
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don't think this works. i think he should stay on the ballot. so next thing you know you are praising your key opponent so that's going to be front and center. >> ainsley: can you imagine the reaction if they don't allow him on the ballot? david axelrod is right that will trickle through the country. >> steve: a lot of people would be angry. no doubt about it. stay tuned. live coverage starts at 10:00. meantime breaking news in the 7:00 hour last night. the justice department is promising to release a copy of its probe into president biden over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. apparently they have wrapped things up. >> ainsley: there could be a delay as witnesses are reportedly asking to review it first before it's released. >> brian: i can't wait to see it. critics are raising concerns over biden's competency after he name dropped another dead european leader. sounds like the name of a band. wasn't there dead presidents? >> ainsley: grateful dead? >> brian: that's true, too. jacqui, i haven't heard helman kohl a lot in the news good to
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hear about him again. >> get to that in a moment. back to classified documents in investigation. attorney general merrick garland reportedly told congress that the investigation is complete. pledging to release the findings soon to congress and public and disclose as much as possible once the white house finnishs its review for any executive privilege concerns, which is expected to wrap up this week. biden's team reportedly is not expecting any charges from special counsel robert hur, but they are worried that his report will include embarrassing details, including photos, potentially about how he stored the documents. >> by the way, my corvette is in a locked garage, okay? so it's not like they are sitting out in the street but anyway. >> in a locked garage. >> yes, as well as my corvette. >> attorneys for witnesses who cooperated with this case from junior staffers to senior advisers privately pleaded with hur to let them preview portions of this draft report before it's
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available to the public claiming that hur might miss factual context but hur reportedly rejected their request. there has been ongoing concern that this case would hurt the president's re-election campaign, allowing voters to draw equivalencies with the legal challenges facing former president trump who last night biden referred to as an existential threat. but it is how biden referred to other world leaders last night that's making headlines again this morning. for the second time this week biden told a story about a 2021 summit detailing a conversation with a foreign leader who died years ago. the last time he told this exact same tore on sunday he swapped out french president macron for the late french president mitterrand who died in 1996. this time he swapped out german chancellor angela merkel for the late german chancellor helmet kohl who died in 2017. talking about january 6th. biden said i sat down well america is back and the president of france looked at me and said for how long? i never thought of it this way
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then helmet kohl of germany looked at me and said what would you say, mr. president, if you picked up the london times tomorrow morning and learned that a thousand people had broken down the doors? biden's aids apparently never told him that he screwed up used name two events last night. 30 blocks and three avenues apart. so, during the long motorcade, no one told the president that he got it wrong and you should probably fix it for the next event. guys? >> steve: probably right. so, jacqui, your colleague, peter doocy, asked karine jean-pierre why is the president saying he just talked to a dead guy? and she said i'm not going to go down that rabbit hole. at some point they are going to have to address he is messing stuff up. >> yeah. and it's, you know, hard to argue that it's a rabbit hole when you have an nbc poll showing 76% of voters have serious concerns or major concerns about whether the
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president's mental fitness can withstand another four years that's a huge chunk of people not republicans only in that poll this is registered voters. >> brian: i don't know if he had a chance to look at it yet. a lot of times they change the transcript and fix it. >> ainsley: i think they said they were going. >> brian: did they change helmul kohl out too? >> i haven't seen the transcript. pool reports came out late last night. usually the official transcript comes out some time the next 24 hours. they did fix the sunday one and striked through mitt rand and put in parentheses macron. they don't ever announce when they do this but they also don't conceal it. they strike it out and put the correction in there. if you were to comb through for all of the strike throughs in the white house reports, you would probably get a lot. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: thank you, jacqui. traffic was terrible in new york yesterday because the president was going to all of these fundraisers. >> steve: shaking the money try.
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>> ainsley: i heard you on your show. >> carley: usually takes 20 minutes it took two hours. i think my uber driver is still there he will never see his family again. absolute gridlock. i know you have to fund raise but it kept people in their cars. climate story i'm sure we could talk about another time. starting in pennsylvania, six people are missing after a shooting and fire at a home west of philadelphia. yesterday afternoon, look at this video, police responding to a call that an 11-year-old girl was shot when they showed up, a suspect opened fire. then the home went up in flames. two police officers were shot in the legs. they are now in stable condition. the delaware county d.a. says investigators need to go through the destroyed home in search of possible remains. that is so sad. a palestinian migrant who entered the country illegally through our southern border is now facing hate crime charges. he was caught on camera ripping down and stealing an israeli flag that was hanging outside a
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home on long island, new york. when the homeowner went to get the flag back, he was punched, head butted and beaten. the migrant is now facing felony hate crime charges. bail set at $50,000. prince william is speaking out for the first time after his father king charles was diagnosed with cancer. the prince of wales expressing gratitude last night at an event with tom cruise. >> i would like to take this opportunity to say thank you, also for the kind messages of support for catherine and my father, especially in recent days. it means a great deal to us all. >> his wife kate middleton still recovering from abdominal surgery. and meanwhile prince harry left london yesterday reportedly returning to l.a. this morning after a short visit with his dad. and today republicans in nevada will vote in the g.o.p. caucuses. former president trump is on the ballot. and so is long shot white house hopeful ryan binkley.
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nikki haley though is not. she of course appeared on tuesday's nevada primary ballot which saw 63% of voters choose none of these candidates over her. the winner of today's caucuses will receive the state's 26 delegates. now, luggage isn't the only thing getting on the scale at airports. a finnish airline is weighing passengers before takeoff with their takeoff luggage. the airline is called thin air. passengers can choose to be weighed as anonymous volunteers. the company says the move, which will start next year which will help give estimate of the plane's weight to help them calculate aircraft balance and loading calculations. those are your headlines. that he was a new one. >> steve: right. i have been on little planes where they said okay, you sit over there and you sit over there. but if somebody steps on the scale, that's going to be very
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embarrassing. >> carley: two things on this. i would be hesitant that you need to step on a scale to balance the plane they should have that worked out. >> brian: wouldn't it be the perfect weight. i'm sorry i need new first class. we need you right into first class. >> carley: look at you picking out the silver lining. >> ainsley: can you imagine being in line and you see a woman trying -- you need to step in the scale and everyone behind you can see what you weigh. no way. >> brian: what about the pinch test? remember the pinch test? >> carley: get a little bmi indicator. >> ainsley: what if they have a really heavy person. if they had that here you are shaming me. >> carley: bob in the board meeting should have kept that one buried one finn air. >> steve: finnish. >> ainsley: finish air not finnish air now. >> fox weather alert. >> a winter storm warning
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remains in alert for flagstaff, arizona now as residents dig out after, as you can see right now heavy snow. that's arizona. >> ainsley: i thought it was a dry heat out there. it's cold out there. >> steve: white heat. >> ainsley: area has already received around 16 inches of snow. schools in the city are closed today. >> brian: what can we believe in anymore? janice dean, you have the weather. >> janice: it does snow in flagstaff, arizona they do get quite a bit of snow in the winter time. that's why you have me to educate. okay. let's take a look at the maps because nevada, we have our eyes on you. and some of that energy from southern california that brought over a foot of rain in the los angeles area that, is moving into the four corners as well as nevada and, of course, we have got caucuses today. be careful. wintry mix in some areas and there are your forecast details. 50 in las vegas with a little bit of rain and higher you go the colder it gets. here is the forecast today. energy moving into the four
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corcorners of the rockies into e plains. that system is going to help hold down cold air and set the table for what is going to happen next week. it's been very warm for parts of the northern plains and the central u.s. in towards the great lakes and midwest. potential record highs feeling more like april in a lot of these cities for thursday, friday, saturday and then it gets cold. and it feels more realistic. here is the snow potential for early next week for valentine's day. so, on your screen left that is the european model so not a lot of snow for new york city. look at the gfs holy jackpot, batman for parts of pennsylvania and new jersey and long island that's the one i want. that's the snow maker i'm hoping for. >> ainsley: chanting gfs. gfs. >> steve: no more snow. thank you, j.d. got a text from lucas tomlinson talking about how there is at least one airline in the united states that already when you get
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on the plane they weigh you. >> ainsley: which is it? i'm never going to fly it. >> steve: they do weigh you. >> brian: is it a private jet? >> steve: no. >> ainsley: how many people lie about their weight? >> brian: right. >> ainsley: and going to the doctor's office, i'm sorry. the scale is heavier. it makes you heavier than your scale in your bathroom. >> brian: there has been a study done. that's true. >> ainsley: yes. >> steve: meanwhile dial in lawrence. is he joining us today from atlanta. we know that the senate bill regarding border security and stuff like that, that failed. but now nbc has got a story that apparently they realize that the images we and all the other channels now are showing are terrible for joe biden's polling numbers, so they have come up with essentially a plan b. that's the quote. they are looking at some sort of executive action. right now the numbers actually on the southern border have dropped a little bit in the past
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month. before things rides they are going to do something. they would not specify. they also said according to the nbc report that whatever the administration comes up with it will not be as comprehensive as the bill that they considered in the senate. >> ainsley: will it be a bill -- what about funding for israel? will that be a separate bill? >> brian: yeah. looks like separate. one is executive order and one is separate bill. they are looking to get foreign aid in package now. # billion quickly to ukraine. more to israel and stuff to taiwan. we have a huge problem over there could lose a war while we continue to debate this. lawrence, they are talking about executive orders. what the executive order is remain n mexico. unless the executive order is build a wall, unless the executive soared third country. unless it includes pressuring central and south american countries to keep their people there these are the things that trump put in place that he undid on day one. >> lawrence: but, brian, according to the white house and
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according to the president, i thought he couldn't do anything? i thought he didn't have the power to do anything to fix the border? i mean, it's just double talk from the white house. look. they tried to pressure republicans into taking any type of deal by the way, when you look at the numbers. part of the reason why the numbers are down is for two reasons. first of all, it's the winter months. so their numbers tend to go down. also because what's happening in texas the razor wire. the enforcement. the pushing them back is actually working. so i know the white house want to take victory there. border patrol is not there. not because they don't want to be there. they want to be there. they are processing right now. but, because of the actions of texas. >> they are limiting the flow that's coming across. again, i'm just real interested to see, ainsley, what the president is going to do from executive order. because, if he doesn't do what brian just laid out, i don't see any improvement. >> ainsley: you know that's not going to happen. lawrence, you were -- was it last week when you were in
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massachusetts. you were standing outside that rec center. now the mayor is speaking out and she says we're almost completely full in that rec center. >> steve: it was empty last week. >> ainsley: the kids were able to play there. set up -- talk about you met a lady named keisha effey. i don't know if everyone was watching. set this up, lawrence. >> lawrence: i met this woman she was actually doing a little facebook live outside. i heard her talking about how upset she was. we ran and interviewed her. the argument she makes us look, our community is already suffering. this is a poor neighborhood. we don't have community resources and we depend on this center to keep our kids off the street. this is what she had to say. watch. >> we want to help them but at the same time what about us that need help here? what about, you know, i'm a mother and i have four children
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they need help and somewhere to go and something to do. >> lawrence: what's going to be the consequence of this being changed? where are those migrants going to go right now. >> probably to the streets. to the streets. where most of them are already at. you know, you know, like when we look for help, it seems like the state and the governor and them people, they push us away. >> steve: all right, lawrence? >> lawrence: and that's why we are here in atlanta as well, guys, because the new polling coming out when it comes to black and hispanic support, i want to talk with some folks that know it all too well. janel king, as well as the state representative steven saints. steven, as a representative, as a minority, and to see georgia being under attack whether it was jim crow 2.0, removing the all star game, why are blacks and hispanics removing themselves from the democratic party right now?
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>> i appreciate that, lawrence. they have begun to see the tokism using is just that. as valuable as the bidenomics has made our dollar. there is nothing to it, we have shown in georgia like you mentioned what stacey abrams called jim crow 2.0, we have raised the rate that participation in our elections have come in. so, we have grown our party and we are not going to let those detracting statements come against us. >> lawrence: ms. king, when people think about atlanta, they think about the modern day black wall street. you have all the businesses, the culture here, why wouldn't the biden administration not try to get more programs in to only accelerate that? instead, they have been passing policies that hurt the people of atlanta. >> i know it's something that's happened consistently. this is the chocolate city what we call it. because there are a lot of business owners here. black people on different scales. whether it be low income or on
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the wealthy side of things. with that being said, i think i saw a turning point from the beginning when president biden came into office and he had that zoom meeting with the naacp and he told them that i have done more for black people than you have. i think that was a turning point. right? then you fast-forward to the reneging on the student loan cancellation and go even further and now we have the trans movement how a lot of black fathers have a lot of issues with seeing men in the bathroom with their daughters. now we have the migrants. it's just one thing after another. but, at this point, to your point, the tokenism is now being shown and being seen that that's what is showing up on the democrat side. they are tired. >> lawrence: state representative, what do you think is going to happen in the next election because a lot of people are talking about black male support for donald trump. do you see this huge shift happening? >> just like janel mentioned, i do think that this shift is very evident. as well as from african-americans and from hispanic voters. one of the youngest
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demographics. that -- the gallup poll mentioned there is a huge lead four years ago before biden took office with hispanic males 18 to 29. that lead has disappeared. it's disappeared like the opportunities during the trump administration that we used to have. and i think every minority group and every voter of any background sees that those opportunities were given to us during the trump administration taken away during the last four years. >> lawrence: it's all about the money. thank you so much for joining me. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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♪ >> ainsley: we are back with this story. at 9:00 a.m. janet yellen is expected to face senators over claims that the biden treasury department is keeping tabs on americans' purchases. and a guns rights group is demanding lawmakers grill her on what they feel are privacy violations. the director of federal affairs for gun owners of america saying, quote: congress cannot allow the federal government to continue establishing and expanding databases on guns and gun owners. data collection on guns and their lawful owners should be stopped. yellen's scheduled appearance after she dodged questions at a house hearing on the issue earlier this week. >> has treasury, including fincen or federal banking
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agencies like the fed, fdic, occ instructed financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? >> well, we received the letter from you, i believe, on this topic, and we intend to investigate fully and to respond. >> ainsley: there has been outrage over allegations that banks were told to search accounts if extremism indicators were spotted. key words like trump, maga, cabela's and bass pro shops. yellen is due on capitol hill in about an hour and a half. we'll continue to keep you posted on that. brian, over to you. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, fox news alert. a live look right now at the supreme court where just hours from now justices will hear arguments in former president trump's push to get his name on the colorado ballot. one of the toppings we will be talking about fox news legal editor kerri kupec urbahn joins us now.
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kerri, what do you expect today, some people believe this is going to go in the president's direction. are you one of them? >> i would hope so, mainly because the way things are going right now it's created untenable patchwork across the country. i don't know how the election would work come november if you have states say can he stay on the ballot and states that can't. it would cause tremendous unrest and certainly chaos politically. so i think the justices are, i'm sure i should say well aware of that fact. they are considering these other factors closely. and i think what they're going to hone in, brian, on whether trump is considered an officer of the united states for purposes of this section under the constitution. why does this senator this section at play right now is that our constitution says that if someone -- that someone cannot be president if they were an officer of the united states. and engaged in insurrection. the president is saying -- the
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former president is arguing i'm not an officer. the president appoints officers. if you look at the constitution there's a distinction between presidents and officers. by the way, even if i were an officer, i have not been charged or convicted of insurrection anywhere. >> brian: comparing this to the civil war is comically stupid. can we move on and talk about what robert hur's investigation is doing. robert hur assigned by merrick garland to investigate the placement or somehow how top classified documents may or may not have been in the former senator, former vice president and current president's belongings, whether it was in the university of pennsylvania at his school, whether it was in one of his houses, or whether it was in his lawyer's office or the university of delaware. we'ring about b. to get this final report. what's at stake? >> >> i think more than anything it's politics in our state. this will be a political embarrassment for joe biden. i think that if the reports are right that his report will include pictures and say these documents were stored next to
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his parked car in the garage that's bearing. i don't think we will see legal consequences. at heart mishandling process crime. 60 in 50 mile-per-hour zone. should you throw the book at someone absent some very bad intent i would argue no. here, according to the facts as we know them, joe biden has been complying and producing documents as asked of him by the government. >> brian: he said up two separate interviews. they are pleading for to see these report before it's released. kerri, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: we will see what happens. still ahead look at wild video driver barely escapes moments before a train plows into a truck. your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. you've worn many hats,
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remember space? and legroom? (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪) ♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone. we're going to get a taste of
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spring here in the northeast for the next couple of days and then maybe a winter storm next week. 4re89's take a look at it. fox is covering a lot of stories today, including southern california. look at all of the rain that they have gotten over the last several days, so over a foot in the bell air area. southern california, we have hit or miss showers today. some snow in the higher elevations, but not the atmospheric river that we have been experiencing the last week or so. the snow still to come though moving in towards the rockies. look at flagstaff. by the way i know some of the hosts were like snow in flagstaff. that is one of the snowest places, the snowest cities in the west. they get over 1 100 inches of sw because ever the elevations. a lot of ski resorts loving this. there is the avalanche danger though because you of all the snow we have gotten over the last couple of weeks, utah, colorado and northern rockies there is the forecast today some of the energy from the atmospheric river moving into the interior west. and then the northern plains as
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well getting a piece of that energy and winter storm brewing there. that's going to bring some of these record highs down to more seasonal averages great lakes and the northeast. as i mentioned the cold air is coming. enjoy this in pittsburgh and chicago and syracuse, new york because syracuse, you could have over a foot of snow as we get into valentine's day. so this is our next storm system we are going to be watching over the weekend. will it bring a blockbuster snow event for some of the i-95 cities? stay tuned. the reason i say this is because we don't quite know yet. but it's possible. it's possible, ainsley. >> ainsley: it's possible. thank you so much. janice, listen to this story. it's about women. we have heard jamaica could be dangerous. don't leave your resorts. spring break is around the corner. listen to this one. horror down in the bahamas. two kentucky mothers say they were drugged and raped on sunday when they were visiting the grand bahamas while on a carnival cruise.
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royal bahamas police arrested two men in connection with the crime. one of the moms says, quote: less than a few drinks into the second drink we knew our -- a few sips into the second drink we knew something was wrong, something was terribly wrong. this comes after the u.s. issued a travel advisory for the bahamas last month after there were 18 murders in nassau. the prime minister recently spoke out claiming the island was safe, saying, quote. the incidents described in the january 2024 embassy crime alert do not reflect general safety in the bahamas. a country of 16 tourism destinations. the mothers claim that carnival did not warn them about the travel advisory and the excursion that they were on was recommended by the crews line. u.s. embassy is or the u.s. embassy is warning travelers who go to the bahamas definitely use caution when walking and driving at night. keep a low profile and resist robbery attempts. all right. coming up, an activist is in custody after climbing to the top of the las vegas sphere
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yesterday. but, yesterday, one gen z tiktoker goes viral sharing the stark relates of being on the job hunt. >> really holding resume back of them so i can go in person to places and say are you guys hiring? >> ainsley: why she says she is incredibly humbled. brian brenberg is on deck to talk about it. hey, brian. ♪ at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more.
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>> brian: glad you are up. hope you are dressed. here is what is on the fox news channel today. supreme court hear arguments donald trump are insurrection you cannot hold office. likely to go through. maine, the other states. supreme court should hear arguments and rule quickly. we have an election to run. 8 month out. the president of the united states is going to be speaking to house democrats today talking about how close they are to getting a majority, of course, and try to asuede some of their fears that the president is not really en route to four more years. remember, they have to find out how they are going to run with him or from him if they want to keep their office. finally governor abbott about 4:15 eastern i'm going to have a press conference. talking about the success texas national guard at shelby park
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and putting up their own pseudo wall and stopping the federal government from letting everyone flow in. it has really had an effect. we will bring you that press conference live. an exciting day on the channel but, steve, take it away. you are talking to another bryan. >> steve: i am, back to back brians. let's talk a little bit about this. that person right there is an unemployed gen zer going viral with her struggles to find a job in this market, here she is on tiktok. this is the most humbled i have ever felt in my life. i'm literally holding resumes back of them so i can go into persons and places and say are you guys hiring? this is not what i expected? i graduated college two degrees communications and acting. i speak three languages. ugh, this sucks. like, i just want to be a tiktoker so for real. i can't be delusional anymore.
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i literally need to make money. >> steve: everybody needs to make money. the host of the big money show on fox business brian brenberg joins us right now. so there she is like the old days going door to door trying to hand out resume are you hiring? no we are not hiring. >> it's not really the way to go about it today if you are thinking strategically you realize that's not how you apply for jobs. i commend anyone who is out there pounding the pavement trying to get a job. >> steve: absolutely. >> but you also have to remember this is tiktok. this is not reality. and this person did study acting so it may be the case that this is good for a tiktok channel, less good for getting that job. you also got to attention to what you study. if you study acting in college. >> steve: and communications. >> you may not be totally prepared for a job in management that can pay the bills some day so you have got to make some good choices on the front end. >> steve: okay. what she said in that little clip we just played she has got
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two degrees one in acting and one in communications. >> right. >> steve: she really wants to be a tiktoker. she is being a tiktoker and apparently successful at it. >> i went out and looked at her account. she has a ton of videos out there. 9.5 million likes and 150,000 followers she is probably making money on tiktok. first question is can you pay for a life doing that? and for some people maybe you can but for a lot of people you can't. if you are spending a lot of time on tiktok it may not be the best career preparation when that doesn't work. so you have got to kind of be reality-based here, too. you can't just have the fanciful tiktok dream. >> steve: if she finds a job we will try to update our audience. when you were a college professor. >> right. >> steve: you actually had kind of an analogue or old school way to get your kids, your students to actually go out and find a be jo. >> so that's the piece i like. she is handing out resumes apparently. i don't know if that's going to work well. but i used to make all of my students get business cards. they would say well, that's
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antiquated nobody does it anymore. the point is when you are out meeting somebody and you hand them a card, they are so impressed and they don't forget you because you went through the presentation to get that thing done. so, don't discount the old school methods, just know that it takes some preparation and it's probably more than filming a 30-second video. >> steve: sure. i think you made a really important point a moment ago. that is if you are going to go to college, found a field of study where there are jobs. >> colleges will sell you a degree in almost anything but that doesn't mean the degree is worth the paper it's printed on. you have got to think ahead. start with the end in mind. what do you want to be, work backward to the degree or the job or the training. it doesn't have to be college to help you get there. >> steve: help the parents and the grandparents who are watching right now. maybe some kids, too if they are up already at 8 minutes before 8:00. >> that would be a good start in life. >> steve: it would be. what are the fields that people are actually hiring? >> number one, in this economy,
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you have got to be an entrepreneur, even if you want to go work for a company. obviously, media, tech, general management type skills are great for any business you want to go to. but i also want to encourage parents out there, grandparents and kids, think bigger than the traditional paths because, actually, one of the best career paths right now is to get technical training in trades where there is high demand and not enough workers. we have for too long had a conveyor belt system. you go to high school, you go to college then you go do something that conveyor belted is broken in ways we have never seen before. you have got to think creatively outside of that. and sometimes it's the noncollege routes that pay of the most. >> steve: well and for the tiktoker who we started the segment with, if she wants to be a tiktoker, she is obviously being successful right now because, to your earlier point, it's about in a lot of instances creating content and that's what she is doing. >> right. >> steve: meanwhile, great content on your program.
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>> yes. >> steve: town hall, right? >> now do you navigate all of this, that's the question you are answering. great guest, charles payne is going to be here talking about how to get to financial independence through education. we're going to talk with ken coleman of the zi group. how do you build a career college or no college. virginia fox on education policy in america. what can parents do to make sure their kids are getting the best education possible in this country right now. >> steve: ainsley had a segment a little while ago how certain schools, nobody can read and nobody can add. they are each trying to teach a method of reading that doesn't make sense and unproven and there are better ways. but parents got to get involved. because you can't just trust the authorities right now. >> steve: all right. well you are we are going to be watching "the big money show" today at 1:00 on fox business. thank you. 7 minutes before the top of the hour and carley joins us with news from las vegas. >> and news that you could see because we are turning now to
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some great video. a dare devil is arrested after climbing to the top of the las vegas sphere yesterday. the music venue is more than 36. the climber who is a well-known pro-life activist says he did it to raise money for homeless pregnant women. sphere entertainment thanked police for getting him down safely. now to incredible footage of a semi-truck driver and passenger in ohio getting out just before a freight train plows through their vehicle. the driver, passenger and crew members on the train thankfully were not hurt. authorities are investigating this scary incident. and a clever pup named noodle showing off her unique skills of retrieving darts for her owner. one day the dog figured out that she could jump up and retrieve the darts after they were thrown. from then on noodle's owner said she began patiently waiting underneath the board for people to start playing. and those are your headlines.
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that's some good video, steve. >> steve: it is good video. i don't want noodle to actually eat the dart. >> let's hope those people shoot straight noodle important pickup. we love her. >> thank you very much, carley. coming up on this thursday telecast. we have kellyanne joining us live to talk about potential donald trump v.p. candidates. plus, you are looking live right now at the u.s. supreme court on capitol hill in just about two hours, justices will hear arguments in former president donald trump's push to get his name on the colorado primary ballot. we have a live report with david spunt. hey, david. you're next. ♪ emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ )
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it is 8 am on the east coast. it's thursday february 8 and this is fox and friends. the supreme court set to hear arguments today in two hours to hear the case to kick donald trump off the ballot in colorado. >> meanwhile a fox and friends exclusive. squatters took over more than 1000 houses in atlanta. they are inside and the owners can't get in. >>


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