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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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of mine lost a son to an opioid overdose. it actually occurs at any point in time. it is not just towards people using drugs. some of these things can be accidental. can be around something no one knows. pill forms these days these get mixed in in a lot of different ways. technology is advancing and we need to advance with it emotionally and be ready for whatever comes our way. >> brian: report back how good it was off the field in vegas. >> you have a nice day and keep telling us the great news and bad news. whatever news is coming. thank you. >> bill: the u.s. supreme court paddling into uncharted waters today. justices about to hear arguments on whether colorado can ban former president trump from its state ballot. the opening gavel is less than an hour away. unique experience today. we get to hear audio from the
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argument inside. good morning, welcome to our coverage. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. the court is set to decide whether colorado can disqualify trump under section three of the 14th amendment as the insurrection clause. it is something the court has never considered until now. >> bill: the colorado supreme court all seven judges appointed by a democratic governor ruled 4-three against the former president despite the fact that no court has ever convicted him insurrection. >> dana: one of the mbiggest cases for trump this year. he will not be on hand for today's argument. >> bill: all that happening before tonight's republican caucuses in the state of nevada where trump is not banned from the ballot there. he is heavily favored to take home all 26 delegates this evening. >> dana: team fox coverage. alicia acuna and andy mccarthy,
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jonathan turley. let's begin with shannon bream to set us up outside the supreme court. >> a cold day in washington. there were people who started camping out last night lining up at 7:00 p.m. to try to get into what you said are historic arguments today. all nine justices will hear arguments slated for 80 minutes. we expect them to go longer than that. you'll be able to listen live to what the justices are saying. they have this question whether or not colorado got this right. colorado officials are standing by this decision in the brief from the secretary of state she writes this. just as colorado cannot be forced to place on its ballot a naturalized citizen it also should not be forced to include a candidate found by its courts to have violated his oath to support the constitution by engaging in insurrection. justices wade through all kinds of procedural arguments but the
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question of whether or not trump engaged in insurrection. his legal team presses back hard against that. the brief from him says this. nothing that president trump did in response to the 2020 election remotely qualifies as insurrection. no prosecutor has attempted to him despite the ongoing investigations of president trump. they wrap up by saying for good reason president trump's words that day called for peaceful and patriotic protests and respect for law and order. arguments will wrap up today but this case you know with lightning speed for anything to get here within a matter of weeks is exceptional. we don't know if we'll get a decision in days and weeks, but after arguments today they will take a private vote behind closed doors in the next day or two and we'll wait to learn what they decide at 34 some states are considering or have considered doing the same thing
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that colorado did, guys. >> dana: what is the mood inside the court about getting dragged into this election season before the votes are cast in november? >> we always have the sense that the last thing this court wants to do. they want to be as apolitical as possible. two or three different things are bubbling up with respect to this election to the court. the january 6th case that jack smith brought against president trump is on hold now if he has immunity or not plays out. d.c. circuit just ruled against him on that. he has until monday to file for a stay or an appeal at the supreme court. we'll have to wait and see whether they get that question too. it has the trial starting march 4th completely on hold. >> bill: want to bring in andy mccarthy, jonathan turley and karrie. andy, what are you listening for in this case today? >> i'm mainly listening, bill,
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for whether the court seizes on what i think are the strong textural and procedural reasons not to get into the question of whether an insurrection even occurred,let alone whether president trump participated in it. that obviously is the most electric, most controversial issue here. but i think there are very good reasons looking at the text of section three of the 14th amendment and the fact that in section five of the 14th amendment what the drafters said was that it was for congress, not the states, congress to enact procedures to enforce the provisions of the 14th amendment. i think they will hone in on the text and procedures because that, i think, has more of a chance of getting consensus among the nine justices. it is very important to chief justice roberts and the court as an association to speak as much with one voice in this case as
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they can. i think the way you do that is stay out of the insurrection factual stuff, which is very controversial, and decide this on the text of the statute and the procedures. >> dana: let's show the map of call for number two. this is a map showing the states that have this under consideration, right? colorado and maine have acted. the rest of the states in yellow have all of this pending. and section three of the 14th amendment, jonathan turley, i will read it and you can break it down into regular people speak. it says no person shall be a senator or representative in congress or elected as president or vice president who shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies. what was this amendment meant for and how does it apply today? >> you'll hear a lot of discussion about that historical context to understand its
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meaning. this was written after a civil war in which hundreds of thousands of people died. you had a confederacy that had its own army, navy, foreign policy and currency and the members of congress were not thrilled to see the former vice president of the confederacy standing in line to take the oath again that he had violated before that civil war. and they put an end to that, at least potentially, in this amendment. but that context will weigh very heavily. many of us believe that this theory is just wrong. wrong on the text, wrong on the history and happens to be incredibly dangerous. but the court is really culturally inclined to have the smallest footprint possible at these moments and they have three primary questions here. is the president subject to this
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provision? does the provision automatically apply, or does it need some type of act of congress? and finally was this an insurrection? what we'll be listening for is particularly chief justice roberts. he will want to eke out a heavy majority, if not a unan im tee on the court. that may be the question of whether it's automatic or not. less likely to be whether it was an insurrection. but i think that most of us anticipate that the court will look at this rather dimly, that down this road lies madness. if you allow states to do this, a single state under our electoral college system could bar a candidate. >> bill: we'll bring in carey on this, too. go back to the man. you have two active cases, colorado and maine. and then you have one, two,
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three, four, five, six, seven -- 11 others that are pending. if the court today rules against the plaintiffs from the state of colorado, what happens to the other cases? are they frozen, too, or do they continue? >> really depends how they rule. but it bears repeating that if the court does not rule in favor of the former president, i think it creates an untenable patchwork across this nation and will descend into chaos and how an election would work when millions of americans would be disen franchiseed for voting for the candidate of their choosing. i'm sure the supreme court is taking into consideration the political ramifications, the dangerous component to all of this should they not weigh in and create some kind of national decision that would apply with these states as well. >> dana: shannon, i wondered --
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>> bill: if the one thing -- roll the david axelrod segment. we're in unison on this. listen to what he said this week about this case yesterday. >> there are myriad legal questions they'll consider tomorrow. some will undoubtedly offer off ramps if they want that. but i'm trying to imagine what it would be like if the supreme court said we're removing the front running republican candidate from the ballot and essentially saying to the american people you won't have the opportunity to vote for him. >> bill: that last point, shannon, is what kerri is alluding to there. >> it has to be part of the consideration. it has been in the briefing as well where people talked about the fact you will create a situation where different states will have different potentially standards for whether or not somebody is allowed to be on the ballot. the trump team has argued all
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along and used the word chaos in their briefs saying what happens if you take the frontrunner out? it is going to be they will always argue, looking as if there were people acting very politically with these court decisions and not simply following the text of the law or of the statute. that's very much been a part of their argument and we'll see what the justices think here. i do think as our other guests have said there is a lot of procedural stuff that the justices will find an off ramp that stops them from getting to some kind of consideration whether or not quote, unquote, whether president trump was guilty of insurrection. he hasn't been charged or found. colorado maintains through its five day hearing it had initially in the court process going through the colorado supreme court they did find him guilty of insurrection. it was not a criminal trial and what would meet most people's definition. hard to believe this court would find that, either.
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>> dana: the lawyers representing both sides. as you go through law school you maybe imagine yourself arguing in front of the supreme court but never, i would imagine, did it enter their mind this would be the case. >> you know, i think i'm of two minds about this. you're right, it's kind of -- if you think about it in the abstract, it is epic to be in a kind of a case like this. but one time long ago and far away i tried a case that, you know, got similar attention, probably nothing like this but a terrorism case in the 90s and i have to say, you really have to tune that out and live in the day-to-day and the mission you are trying to accomplish. so i actually found at least my experience of something like this was a lot of camaraderie with the people around you but mainly tuning out the noise because what you have to be doing strategically is trying to
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figure out, knowing that the court is going to want to have consensus here, what arguments can i make to particular justices to try to draw that out? so you have to be consumed with what your strategy is in terms of bringing the court together on something that they can agree on hopefully something close to 9-0 and reading media accounts and, you know, watching media accounts, that sort of stuff, you have to tune that out. it is really not that hard to tune out because this is the kind of a mission and responsibility that really consumes you as a lawyer. >> bill: on that point about 9-0 jonathan. the "wall street journal" concludes in its editorial with the final line. a 9-0 decision would send a unified message to the country that colorado is wrong on the law. how often is it that you get a case before the court and they kick it back and it's 9-0 and it's decided? >> well, they actually decide
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many cases like that. they decide the vast majority of cases either on unanimous or a heavy majority vote. the coverage of the court is being ideologically and hopelessly divided is a spin. in most of the cases the court deals with you don't see that intense division. the key here is how you do it. how you thread that needle. we'll be listening very closely to the three liberal justices to see what they are raising, particularly someone like cawing an. one of the three lawyers, jason murray a clerk not just for kagen on the supreme court but he clerked for gorsuch and hear from jonathan mitchell representing trump and shannon stevenson, the colorado solicitor general. they will all be groping around
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to see if the justices are latching onto any particular narrative or angle. it will be interesting. the lawyers cannot be robotic in this argument. they have been very responsive to take indicators from the justices. the justices are trying to build a case from their perspective and you are there to help them, not necessarily redirect them. so they will be listening very carefully to what kagen, for example, is raising. >> bill: thanks to all of you and stand by. if history serves, the first time we heard these audio arguments was bush versus gore in november of 2000. 23, 24 years ago. our audience at home just recall that moment when that sound inside that room bounces off the granite marble walls. it is quite a moment.
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if you never thought that audio could be so compelling, just stand by because it can be coming up next hour. stand by, panel, to you. want to take our viewers joust side the steps of the supreme court. there are protestors there. not sure which side this is. no, this is not a witch hunt. gotcha. they're in favor of the colorado plaintiffs. >> dana: there is four of them. not too robust. >> bill: a grand total inside the cage outside the steps of the u.s. supreme court. stand by. a big morning coming up in moments. let's get to this story now. >> what do you say to americans who feel like you are calling them ex tramists because of what where they like to shop and read. nothing to say to the american people? >> dana: treasury secretary janet yellen not providing information about a very controversial issue on when her plate. she is back on capitol hill before a senate panel today. senator tim scott giving his
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opening statement. her appearance comes after she repeatedly failed to directly answer lawmakers' questions whether her department instructed financial institutions to spy on certain americans. the surveillance campaign targeting conservatives. we're monitoring to see if she is more forthcoming this town. -- this time. >> do you mind if i talk to you real quick? >> about what? >> they're saying you aren't supposed to be at this residence, that you are squatting. >> squatters making themselves at home for months if not long en. laws that allow them to kick on back. how bad is it in this democratic-run city. >> dana: a house goes up in flames during a shoot-out and tragically several officers are hurt. details on this story ahead. >> bill: there are rumors a colorado community could turn into a sanctuary city. residents pushing back hard saying not if we have anything
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to do with that decision. >> city council is not discussing anything using the word sanctuary. they use words like good neighbor, welcoming, inclusive, supporting, sheltering.
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>> dana: we're about 23 after the hour and 47 minutes i think i have that right, bill, the supreme court is going to hear these arguments. it is trump versus anderson, a pivotal case to decide if trump can be excluded from the ballot in the january 6th capitol
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attacks. the first time the court is hearing the case. it will kick off at 10:00 a.m. two police officers are recovering after being shot. responding to a gunman inside a home and shot when they arrived. the house went up if flames shortly after. six other people remain unaccounted for in this incident. >> bill: from a colorado suburb holding emergency meeting over the migrant crisis, hundreds in lakewood, colorado showed up to a town hall after hearing rumors they could be housing migrants or possibly becoming a sanctuary city. this is happening as denver is being overwhelmed looking for nearby towns for help. jonathan hunt picks up the story live in l.a. what's to come of this now? >> good morning to you, bill. this is a clear example of the concern felt by many communities about the current migrant surge potentially affecting their cities. although in this case according to officials in lakewood city,
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colorado it is spread on false information. hundreds showed up for a meeting after a letter was circulated by a group calling itself concerned citizens in lakewood. in that letter, the group said the problems caused by migrants arriving in nearby denver could become lakewood's problem and called on residents to, quote, start letting our elected officials know that we do not agree with this possible situation of them making lakewood a sanctuary city. lakewood's mayor and city council said the only action that has been taken and was being considered was trying to understand the impact of the migrant crisis in denver and offer help but not to house migrants in lakewood, not to become a so-called sanctuary city. >> i would like to make it very clear that the city council has never had in my time sitting on
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council, has never had a conversation around becoming a sanctuary city. >> the residents who showed up at the meeting are skeptical of those claims and accuse the council of playing with words. >> it's absolutely true that city council is not discussing anything using the word sanctuary. they use words like good neighbor, welcoming, inclusive, supporting, sheltering. >> there is a city council meeting scheduled next week in lakewood. it is likely to be lively. >> bill: thank you so much. nice to seu. >> dana: squatters are taking over neighborhoods in atlanta. one survey shows more than 1,000 homes have been overrun by squatters including some convicted felons taking advantage of loose eviction laws. senior correspondent jonathan
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serrie is live in atlanta with more. >> hi there. back in october police arrested four alleged squatters in this home behind me. a neighbor told local station they had been operating an illegal strip club on weekends. the four men were charged with theft by receiving stolen property. local officials say criminal activity is common among squatters. >> it has been human sex trafficking, incidents that related to drugs or recovering stolen property. >> the metro atlanta area leads the nation in illegally occupied homes. 1200 according to a survey conducted last fall by the national rental home council. >> how the acts of trespassing are taking place again are too consistent from property to property. it leads us to believe that there is something more organized behind the scenes
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taking place. >> squatters took over this atlanta home a day after the owner put it up for rent. robin cook says a woman inside presented police with forged lease documents which prevented them from getting involved. the owner offered the squatters $750 in cash to leave voluntarily. >> we explained this is our house. not a property management company. it is just us. this is the house i lived in and offered her the money and she said that is not enough to put a roof over my kids' head so i'm not going to take it. >> robin ended up hiring an attorney to help file the proper paperwork. she did get her home back but had to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees and also for the cleanup of all the mess the squatters left behind, dana. >> dana: this is wild. thank you, jonathan. >> bill: wasn't on our radar until today.
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waiting supreme court arguments. stand by. we'll hear it together. former president's eligibility to appear on the ballot in the state of colorado. the best legal experts lined up. they have analysis as we get closer to when the supremes open the doors of the court. migrant encounters have already exceeded a million in four months. border state officials are speaking out yet again and hardly getting anywhere. >> we know the people who control the migration across the border are the cartels.
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happy valentine's! from use one word to describe our relationship. rollercoaster. (laughs) he's my best friend in the whole world. ooooh, these are cute. thank you! boom boom, boom boom. share your love this valentine's with >> bill: just a reminder 9:33 in new york waiting on the u.s. supreme court court. they will get underway a few minutes after 10:00. stand by to hear what the lawyers argue in front of them and listen carefully for the questions from the justices. it will give us a few clues and weigh it with our legal panel. >> dana: we have a good one, too. migrants are facing charges in a
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number of violent high-profile crimes around new york city. mayor adams is asking the state for funds to cope with the crisis to 4 1/2 billion. will he get it? hi, nate. >> the nypd commissioner describes what is happening right now as a migrant crime wave washing over the city and new yorkers with paying for it with not only their safety but also their pocket books. new york city mayor adams is now asking the state to split 50/50 the cost of the migrant crisis just last month. governor kathy hochul allocated 2.4 billion to the crisis. eric adams says a lot more a needed because right now it's not coming from the biden administration. listen to this. >> the federal government has only committed $156 million. the vast majority of which we have yet to receive because of
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the complicated reimbursement process. despite our efforts, we cannot assume they'll give us anymore. >> it met with safety concerns. police announce seven arrests where migrants are accused of using mopeds to access bank accounts and the "new york post" separately reports overnight two venezuelan migrants are facing charges for using mopeds to steal jewelry. this man is accused of stealing a man's pro-israel flag on long island and then attacking him. several men who attacked new york city officers are headed to the mexican border. one flipped off reporters. mayor adams called it despicable but said it is not a reflection
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of the over 100,000 migrants in new york city. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye, thank you. >> we have to remember the mission of the border patrol is not to process asylum seekers. while we're busy doing this cartels are taking full advantage of it somewhere else along the border to bring in who knows what and who knows who. these are the types of things like fentanyl and other hard narcotics. hardened criminals that represent a danger to our community. as long as we're stuck having to deal with a migrant influx we can't be out on patrol. >> bill: who knows who, right? daunting task for border patrol. it is only getting more difficult. migrant encounters went past a million this fiscal year. it starts on the first of october. the fastest that number has ever been reached. retired ice agent who knows the danger in securing our border is running for congress in texas. thank you for your time today and good morning. there was a story yesterday that the president might consider
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executive action. not now, not today, but maybe in the months to come. what do you think he should do or could do to help out? >> hopefully it's to undo his own executive actions he did three years ago undoing the trump administration policies we know were working at the border. two of the main ones, remain in mexico and end catch and release. anyone that has worked in this capacity including myself would know these policies were working because it held mexico in check and part of the solution included them and other countries as well. this is what we need to go back to and mentioning the numbers, 1 million, let's not forget these are the ones we counted. let's not forget about the numbers that are coming here that are not being detected. the known gotaways and the unknown gotaways. according to my calculations for the last three years we're
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probably past the 15 million mark of illegals. >> bill: i don't know where it ends. chief owens told martha yesterday during that interview fiscal year 2024 they have apprehended 160 undocumented subjects with gang affiliations involved with murder and extortion and narcotics. what do they do when they get away inside of our country? >> let me tell you, a lot of people don't understand this. a lot of times these gang members, cartel members actually end up in the communities back to their own communities in the u.s. with other undocumented people and sometimes the victims at the hands of these illicit groups. that's one of the things that i fight for is victims in this country. as you guys report all the time, we have a huge crime surge around the country. now you are adding crime from people from 150 different countries in these small towns. it is not just new york. it is small towns and counties across our country being highly
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affected and the criminal justice systems. they don't have additional police officers or resources. what suffers is public safety. >> bill: fair point. one more point i want to ask you about. border crossings, donald trump when he was president versus joe biden. here is what we got the numbers from 2018 to 2020. just shy of 2.5 million previously. under biden you are coming up on 8 million. the year is young. you have to add the rest of 2024 onto that number screen right. where are we come november with this story, victor? >> listen, someone that is on the border all the time. this is why i'm running for this important position in district 23 because i know what's happening. we all know what's happening. for some reason we can't get that point across to the senate and the house in congress. there is this breakdown of information. we know what the problem is with the cartels and imminent threat we face. the bigger picture, bill, here
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of a national security with china, iran, all the other issues surrounding our country that use mexico as a springboard to getting to our country, we need to somehow put this point across and go back and be the voice of the people. that's what they are telling me down in district 23. they want representation. >> bill: you wonder if immigration is a bigger story than abortion on the ballot this november. thank you for your time today and we'll watch your campaign to see whether or not you succeed. thank you for coming on. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well, this is news. one of college babel's greatest coaches going from the sidelines to the television studio. nick saban now joining espn working mostly as an analyst for college game day. he retired from the university of alabama. the most national championships in college football history. he will be good at that. >> bill: he will be very good at that. >> dana: i have a few things i could learn from him.
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>> bill: yes. >> dana: or a thousand. >> bill: great motivator of kids. >> dana: jess watters said i should listen to some of his leadership quotes and things like that. some of the stories from that. looking forward to that. >> bill: coach a, a new life for you. a strike in down down baghdad takes out a senior hezbollah commander considered a high-value target. the latest on that burning truck in the middle of that road. climate anxiety reaching a new high at the white house. why the president is pushing more regulation despite warnings it could bring more economic harm.
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>> bill: this story developed last yesterday. u.s. drone strike in baghdad killing a senior leader of an iran backed proxy group in iraq. the pentagon saying the militia leader was responsible for directly planning the attacks on american troops in that area. no collateral damage or civilians hurt. amazing video. a singular vehicle on a road. might have been busy around that time. left there to burn in the middle of the street. three people were inside. the attack may have consequences for u.s./iraqi relations as the government in baghdad not told about that strike in advance and obvious reasons for that. we'll watch it as we continue to follow these strikes in syria
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and iraq. >> dana: look how the other cars driving right by. also this. the biden administration rolling out new climate rules to crack down on manufacturing emissions this time. industry leaders say it would have devastating economic consequences. let's bring in the ceo and president of the american petroleum institute. what are they up to now? >> the concern that we have, dana, is that this administration continues to say one thing and do another. yesterday's announcement is another announcement in a long line where they are actually hurting the permitting process in this country undermining the things they want to do. build new manufacturing facilities. the new rule on particulate matter with undermine our ability to build things in the united states. also by the way could have tremendous consequences for an environmental protection perspective. you can't build big carbon
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capture terminals or the ability for us to deploy direct air capture technology if the regulations go into effect. there is real concern about what the rules actually mean. >> dana: lng as well. the epa says the new rule would prevent 4500 premature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays while yielding net health benefits. when this is a win. we have to do this if you are the biden administration. you are saying it would hurt american workers bust is it better for the environment? >> of course we're focused on making sure we have the best public health in the world. but this proposal is not based on science at all. it is based on an ideological prescription that this administration is putting forward that will undermine american jobs and manufacturing in this country.
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to put it in percent peabodyive. this will be one of the lowest levels in the western world. we'll lose american competitiveness as a consequence of this rule going into effect. it will hurt manufacturing. it will hurt american jobs and it is going to hurt our competitiveness. >> dana: i only have 30 seconds left. can you tell me your position from api's position about the lng decision the biden administration has put forward to halt anymore exports of lng around the world? >> again, a huge concern. this will hurt american consumers, only help russia. we're already seeing the consequences of it as well. since the announcement india and brazil decided to sign long-term contracts with qatar rather than the united states. germany just signed a contract with algeria. how is that good for american competitiveness and not good for
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the environment. american lng is the reason why we're able to cut ghg emissions in the united states and abroad. the consequences of this are already being felt and lawmakers need to question this administration about why they are pursuing such a backward policy. >> dana: we know a lot of democrats are asking the white house that same question. mike summers, thank you. >> if you've been watching this week stories out there with what the government was doing with key search words for americans. yellen still not providing a lot of information about that controversial issue. she is back before a senate panel on the hill. the democrat from new jersey doing the honors. we'll see and monitor whether or not she is more forthcoming as that hearing continues. all right. dana. what have you got? >> dana: a rare moment to hear supreme court arguments as to whether donald trump can be kicked off a state's ballot. high stakes hearing colliding
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with nevada's caucuses tonight. the former president is expected to gain a couple dozen more delegates. 26 to be exact. the americans when they begin. don't go anywhere. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans.
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(marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> dana: the battle for the republican nomination unfolding at the supreme court and out west. david spunt standing by. let's get to alicia acuna. there is action today in las vegas, but not super bowl. >> no, for once, right? dana, former president donald trump is the only major candidate participating in the nevada gop caucus tonight. the expectation is that he is going to receive those 26 delegates. even with the popularity level that he has, it's very high in nevada. he came to a rally in las vegas last month and urged supporters to do all they could to get to caucus sites tonight. he told the crowd they should
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ignore the nevada state primary held this past tuesday. nikki haley lost the primary by a more than 2-one margin to none of the candidates option. after the stunning lost in a contest where trump wasn't on the ballot haley said she was never focused on nevada. a couple reasons they held onto the caucus. it is in person and they require voter i.d. we talked to voters about what issues are most important to them. >> the border number one, economy is number two. >> immigration, economy. >> number one economy and immigration. >> so the caucus begins at 5:30 p.m. local time. 8:30 p.m. eastern and lasts two hours. we'll get the results pretty early the expectation is. former president donald trump is
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expected to be here in las vegas tonight to host a watch party. we'll be watching. >> dana: okay. thank you. >> bill: the clock is about to strike 10:00 a.m. eastern and david spunt, u.s. supreme court now. david, good morning. we're about to get rolling. >> that's right. in two minutes, bill. donald trump's attorneys say it's simple. taking him off the ballot for the presidential primary strips him of his rights as a presidential candidate. we're expecting arguments behind me with the nine justices to take 90 minutes. could go longer given the arguments today. we'll hear a lot about a key provision, section three that bars those from holding federal office in the future who engaged in insurrection while an officer of the united states. the question is whether it applies to the president and his conduct in office. voters in colorado sued aiming to remove trump from the ballot over his alleged involvement trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election and january 6th riots. trump's attorneys say he is not an officer of the united states and the issue is best left to
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voters. the justices may seek a way to rule narrowly not be seen overly partisan in a highly charged election dispute. unlikely they will decide if he engaged in insurrection but the final thing before we dip into court. the justices are expected to decide quickly. super tuesday is when colorado votes. >> bill: david spunt watching the action there. we'll be back with you momentarily. >> dana: in just moments we'll be getting a rare look at america's justice system in action. the u.s. supreme court is about to hear a landmark election case attempting to remove former president trump from the primary ballot in colorado. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: here we go, right. the first of its kind hearing in the high court forcing the justices to confront questions about trump's alleged involvement in the capitol riot. it will be consequential. today's argument


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