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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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goodbye to that. hard to clean up between your stone countertop. just pay a separate processing fee. this item is not available store. so scan the qr code on your screen or go to select markup on today. >> doctors recommend calling stores often here for gentle, dependable relief from constipation. >> it's so gentle. doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery always increases in the stool, making it softer so it's easier to go. no harsh laxatives cramping or straining colleague. >> meet earth breeze, a revolutionary detergent that magically dissolves in any wash. there's no wasteful plastic jug and it's water free because you already have water. the future of laundry detergent has arrived. learn more at earth breeze dcop . >> this is a fox news election alert. >> i'm lauren green, live in new york. former president donald trump can chalk to more victories in the race for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. >> nevada caucus goers
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delivered all republican delegates to donald trump last night. the former was the only major candidate in the silver states contest. former south carolina governor nikki haley opted to skip the caucuses. she instead took part in tuesday night's no stakes. trump isn't making it a secret that he's ready to be the last candidate standing. >> i don't know why, she continues. she's a you know, i don't really care if she continues. it's know. i think it's bad for the party. i think it's actually bad for her. >> mr. trump also notched a win . haley in the us islands caucus for republican gop delegates were at stake there. it was the islands first ranked choice contest. all eyes are now set on the republican primary in south carolina in two weeks. it's nikki haley's home state, but trump has received most establishment documents there. and i'm lorne greene.
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gutfeld starts now. i got back up. yeah. alhapphay thursday. all right. oh, thank you. it's the girl scouts over there . we'll get to brain deadn inmi biden in a minutnue, ifr last i remember. but first, remember lastn year when sports site deadspin posted a pic of a kansas city chiefsf showing only half his face, the face painted black, implyinlf g he's in blackface. >> and that's a horrible racist. si, his other cheek wasred?
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painted red. those were his team colors.w yo but deadspin didn't show you that. here's a flashbackth. >> instead of getting the approval that most woke aps bad skin,genera the scumbag writer had to facet the new community functions of elon musk's ex in record time, community notes showed the kids full photo, not just the half painted black. and now, thanks to a made up dea charge of blackface, the folks at deadspin guilty of egg face. ha ha ha ha ha. and i keep getting younger. so deadspin tried to backtrack, adding a half assed apology. >> unfortunately, the article drew attention to the fan, thoughapolog intended focus wasl on the nfl and its checkered history on race, it was all about the fan he had painted team colors on his face. but then you painted a target on his life. bo but now that nine year old
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boy's family is suing deadspin for maliciously and wantonly attacking the child, alleging deadspin race drenched agenda. and the story is even more hilarious and that the kid is also a member of the chumash tribe. >> join club, said one senator. but easy. waiting for that day.r >> but it doesn't look good for deadspin. spi the karen j.phil phillips and the company th deadspin.ich owns my only hope is that little chiefs fan gets enough money to buy deadspin and turn it into a pickleball courts. if it's possible that itt if is racial smears now have consequences. you can't put out a race drenched political and expectrae that the victims won't inevitably fight back. but where did this kind of punitive ideology come from? well, you could blame the race hustling industry. and amonthg its leaders is a vey white woman named robin
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d'angelo . robbins claim to fame is her book white fragility. d'angelin 2018, she describes s as this quote, it's a state which even a minimal challenge to the white position becomes intolerabln e triggering a range of defensive moves, including argumentation invalidation, silence, withdrawal and claims of being attacked and misunderstood. meaning, if you're white and i call you racist and you disagree, you are fragil ae, which makes you even more racist. >> so it's a total lose lose situation. like choosing between jesse watters, prime and jesse watters. any time. >> yea yeah. >> all for that joke. and in one training session,o she said this to be less white is to be less oppressive, less arrogant, less certain, less defensive enterta, less ignorant, more humble. moa, shey that criteri must be the whitest white
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whr. ato ever white nea why does a white woman thinkoman black people need her help anyway? thi isn't that arrogant and the opposite of humble? i thought this broadanyway agais white saviors. unless, of course, it's her and she's making a buck.rd >> but is it weird how anti-racism always up u being extra racist? it's a solution that makesa things worse. you know, like a vaccine yoat makes your heart fall outet . [ly you want about her lazy, stupid worldview. >> she has a strong financiad wl incentive to keep up with this divisive in 2021. shcentive e was making more tha0 grand a year from speaking gigs, book sales, corporate diversity consulting and getting 14 grand per lecturand e. t well, i hope she's donating all that to reparations, or at least buying joy. >> read a new wijog. so what's robin up to now? well, here she is explaining the single image that captures the concept of white supremacy. >> the single image i use
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to capture the concept, whiteis supremacy is is michael angeloel ,sistine chapel, god created man. >> you know, work where god is d in a cloud and there's all these angels and he's reaching out and he's touching. i don't know who that is david m or something. and god is white and david is white and the angels are white like that.. that is the perfect convergence of white supremacyfect, patriar. >> she's like a robot. >> she confused david and adam just because they're both white. i guess we all. we all look alike. you all look alike. yes. so confused. the name tags around here. yeah. >> creof all, the paintingfused. called the creation of adam. the title might hold a clue as to the identity of the person being created. >>on being and if you think abo,
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god doesn't have a race, you idiot. >> ide's definitely a man, though, because on the seventh day, he restedenth day, a womanp go shopping. sexisting.. this would say, yeah, of course the angela will say she shouldn't need to know anything about historythingy or art becae it's just white supremacy and how convenient that is fora . >> she can churn out untethered idiocy without doing any real work whatsoever. but thankfully those brilliant workcy witho wors of art will bd long after robin's gone. that i s, if we don't all die in the civil war. >> she's pushing. wh of art canr worksgone be deemed bigoted, sexist, racist or transphobi canc? uppe. i mean, look closely at the famous painting, the last supper. not a blacblack in sight. about and what about rodin's the thinker? >> he's obviously thinking about ways he can keep the black man down . or edward munch's the scream. he's upset because he saw tyrusu using his condo's pool. condo' because you can find racismin
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in the sistine chapel. >> you can find ite chapel anyw. and that's the grift of people like robin d'angelo and bram cande gry and joy reid.n >> you create an endless supply of racism, even though there is no demand for it. >> and you can even find it in a child's adorable with more than $9 billion spent in 2022 alone on diversity, equity and inclusion. it's an industry for race hustlers incentivized to find race in, and it's all connectet by reducing human beings, s their immutable characteristics. race oil used snail or salesman do us all a grave disservice while lining own pockets. but now that deadspin is on whe hook for doing pockets exacy what she does, she may start seeing her speaking gigs dwindle. and if she complains, well, it's mighty white of her she. ef and by her rules, that makes her a racisthe, white workinge class. yes. from macadamia s sit democrats,
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she's an expert on nuts. fox news contributor kelsey grammeron. don't let his beard fool you.o he wears it to get intgeo r-ratd . actor and standup comedian tyler fisher. she's got comedic flair and removablire hair. bestselling contributor, catch it through and iny tour new york city, tourists take walking tours around his biceps. iskealking"new york times" bestg phthor, comedian and former nwa with yo tulsi. i came up with the phrase ifnt t i ever want to know the truth, i it's called follow the money. >> i just coined it. if you thought had one.stuf thank you. if all you have to do, if you want to find out i this stuf is effective, it's because people are paying it. and you don't have to try too i hard to come up with it. just use the jargon you think this will ever end.
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>> the driven mentality. >> no. yeah. it's s so blatant to see how people like her are being know. obviously profiting heavily from this can be profitingg heat heavily from this. the thing that that should s be botherehoul bothed to everyow many of these corporations are falling for it and writing out these faout to be fed this nonsense where they're saying oh, you know, in order to bet yo anti-racist, you actually have to be racis tt. n th yeah. and that we should be judging oue whitn the color of oure colo as long as the people being judged are white. yeah. d and i think i think it's justi incredibly insulting when joy reid said aftencrer nikki hy lost iowa, that it wasafte the fault of all of the white in iowa and oh, in new hampshire and in nevada and likely soon in south carolina. shire andashe's completely bypag the fact that, hey, we as voters aren't as stupid as she thinks we are and n that we see nikki haley for who she reallyr is.ocon
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>> she is someone who is a neocon warmonger and probably because she never servednger day in the military feels like, hey, i got to look tough. so me go and start some wars,i regardless of the cost to life and to our country. stars who we seeuntr her as. >> and we're thinking for ourselves. hmm. see. tyler, you're an avowed racistem . backeah, i heard him in the back. me, too. shocking. . >> i sai >> what do you.l li but i said small lives mattever. what about us? that is so true. they forgergett about us because they don't see us. >> it's not our fault, okay? s not looking down is hard. what do you make about this? the deadspin lawsuit. it's like a perfect consequence, you know? you ?e this kid is going to basically bankrupt that company. that's what's goinmpany. g to end. >> this is lawsuits. i'm actually personally suing an actin m sug manager who saide they're not hiring straight white men anymore. ed i recorded the phone call and i'm taking them to the supreme cour phone cd t.
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>> and that's that's been ongoing for. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah that's real. >> it it doesn't get any press, you know, becaus p bece as a black woman, i. nobody cares about me. right. me, right?t but no, i mean, fir, what's than a rainbow headdress? >> racist, maybe, but not homophobic at all. yeah. hom also, the sistine chapel. god is touching fingers with a guy. yeah, right. call him racist, but he's noimt homophobic. >> well, that representation. yeah, maybe sh e was homophobic. that's exactly right. you didn't lik homophoe to see k touch and fingers? that's exactly right. frankly, neither do i. i mean, no, i'm kidding. cats. how are you doing over there? i'm great. yeah >> try try to figure out what tu ask you. just take it from me. well, yeah. yeah. what do you think about whatever i just said? great. great, greatwhateveri justaid? d well, she did, cause we're talking about race. but she also said patriarchy, dh right? yeah. she also said the sistine chapel was basically sexist.
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she saw some sexism in this painting from the 1500s because it's just a bunch of dudes. >> and my thought was that wassl wait till she hears about the rest of the 1500. >> i google the women's rightssn in the 1500s, and google was just like, n waso, no, there ari . no, seriously, i think you're owned by your parents and you're ownednk by yourparent husband. so i like she thought that she really had a hot takand so se. but i don't think that takes thi reallynk t that hot that the 15s were kind of sexist. >> yea h. >> ori >> you know, originally they were going to call it >> ygood old daygig tos. you still call it that? yes. yeah. yeah. it's fun times back in the 1500s. >> tyrus oh, yeah. you know, blasphems y yeah. you know, you're not goinge on to be on the show tomorrow. we talk about sunny hostin. i'm so. oh, man, i don't caroue whert se
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want that call. back then we were we you and i, we just here's she's a brilliant racist. mm-hmm. because shnowse knows to say the they create a monster that's not there. that'sthey could control it andg it back. and corporate can still do things and have people working overseas for $0.10. dibut they pay one person 12 grand a year. i'm open to negotiation and to come in an thatell everyone what's wrong with them. it's like that stuff that usedeh to do for money in england where someone would pay you to beat them up and tele sod pal we better. >> yes. you know, and that's what this is. it would b and doesn't matter. she's good. it doesn't matter what's on the wall. she'llesn'matter what' like thee on gutfeld represents the oppressive burn of the flesof proofh of the yellow mans to put up with being underpaid on thie undes show. everyone could please raisend
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your hands in your wallet. tens and twenties. please pass on to me. sos ss i can fight this horrible orange oppression. it's not my favorite color. i like green. i said i like green. cat wae grees green.e you had to have orange. and it was your white privilege oran you to pick the color orange when we clearly did not want to call pick wg can do that job is easy. >> she they're full of. they say things that don't matter to anyone. they make all the she knows nothing about whatnoth she's talkining g about.e the sistine chapel, the 14th chapel, the 11th chapel. you don'elt know that.she ju no clue. she just says things and people say, huh says ? the nice thing is, people are fighting back. yeah. the only thing i disagree th be. i hate that you have to mention that the young boy just happened to be american. yeah. he didn't have to be native american to wear a chief'samer and paint this and cheer for his team. any chil and we'rd, any fan in americafs that wants to put on a headdress and support the chiefs, you go right down head. >> you don't have tohead y
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be connected. cythough maybe change name of sistine chapel to sit normative chapel. all right. up next, prosecution would fail because biden'we will s too fra because biden'we will s too fra >> oh, what a good time. we know her. you sure make it up. yeah. try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. >> meet the traveling trio, >> meet the traveling trio, the thrill seeker, the soul searcher and the explorer, each searcher and the explorer, each helpin the vibg to protect theiy with teeth. woe. a lost card is keeping this lost her card, not the vibe. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcherssher... his identity and helping to protect it. chase.h, the explorerl she's looking to dig deeper all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have checks, alerts and health checks tools that help protect bank. the
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>> whoa. behind you. biden's senile to stand trial. >> the special counsel probing president's handling of classified documents released his report todaunsey and is not recommending criminal charges against joe. and why? because biden's a little old ma chan with a brain full of birdseed. >> that' s the medical term they used. special counsel robert hur
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described joe as a, quote, sympathetic, well-meaning elderly ma n with a poor memory. p so there you have it, folkst we the special counsel saying what we already knew, biden's mentally unfit and would be able to survive being in court under the harsh scrutiny of a judge and jururvivengy. you just can't handle it. what's all joe got to say? no, no, no, no, >> i mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ch. a po charges, man. no charges, all right? but he's got a new. >> i got a poor memory. i got a problem. why i needed to have the boxes in my garage, because, you knoy garaw my meth. if i forget something, i look at the boxes, come back to me,e. and, uh, i kept the door mostcoe of the time. come on. and i'm not like on., man, bad. he took his boxes to florida. that's tooxes to far, man.. i could have got himcould back to the fbi lickety splihat you know why? cause i got a corvette battery.
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>> i got a fast car working in a market as a checkout girl. >> things are gonna get better. haorking. tyler, what do you. what do you think trump is thinking about now? >> well, they they said he's a sympathetit trum c well-meanid man. >> i think trump would say, frankly,thetic he's sympathetic. >> he's just pathetic. i don't know. >> he's not well-meaning. he's just mean. and he's not a man. >> he's just elderly. a and franklndy he could be the first president to be assassinated by gravity. think that? no, he walks around. does the word rue walkn herd ong were right right. cat, this is kind of scary, isn't it? this is like a big so i don't
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this is this i think this is a story that transcends like every side of it's like everybody knows. pol good. >> yeah. i don't think anything transcends politics anymore, though, unfortunatel endsy. >> yeah. but yeah, they basically said he's he's not of a mental capacity we to have responsibility for his behavior. >> yes but a country. >> sure. yeah, exactly. i mean? that's that's what that is what's happening. and that has been what has been happeninthat hg. ly and honestly, if there had been easy way out of this, thoughf to for him to be like, okay, i'llth do some interviews, i'll prove that this isn't truei'll d, i'lb the super bowl thing, i'll go. but i don't thinut dk can. >> no, he he actually can't do that. and it it's -- it's just it's so insane. it's so insane. s butbut we become used to it.l almost. yeah. hear him talk. we're never thinking never it'sg to go well. we're talking about this yesterday and the day before that important. the day before. about how many dead people he seest th yes and and we're justv it's gonna be that.
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>> that's the argument that he doesn't have te o be responsible for his behavior, nor he has to run the country. they should call him the undertaker because i he's so many dead. he just came up with that right now? d you can have that. no, no, no, no, no, no. i don't want your sympathy, applause, tears. i yeah, that's all i can say. yeah i don't even. i mean, we didn't need this report to know it. anyone who's watched tv or this show has seen enough to knowdn'b that if he was a horse, we wouldn't be going towards the barngointhe . well, you know what i'm talking about. come on, buddy. let's go to some really nice apples oveicr there in the yard. let's. anme on, come on. you know, and your kids are like, oh, jeez, he's going to put him down. >> because, you know, i mean,. he his hair is literally forming a halo on his head.- is look at it. which is amazing to me, because apparently you get to form the halo before you judge. >> so that's nice but it's.
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he's we've been a bill runni of goods. whoever is running the show is havinhe show havingg bad day. >> yeah, but nothing is going to change. nothing is goi. to on his side you're not going to see cnn tonight go intoy? the 25th amendment and why we'd have it right away. noave it they're going to contis to say i just saw him last week and he was amazing. ek andwaright solve my rubik's . he figured out my taxes. he did all that y balancing the budget and he saved two babies from drowning. yeahm drow, he's. >> you didn't see it? no, i just saw the speech. he said zoom it?, yeah, that's what we see. >> like we shoult d is passed. d afraid it's now out. now he's mad e deals lastd that three years. >> i'm surprised that we're not goin we' g to come into work on soon and all the stuff will be read. it'll be a completely different base because he signed the wrong treaty and it just. ee tulsi is is tyrus right, right is this like, doesn't matter. no matter.
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like, it's just going to keep iss goingoing?g i mean, i don'ts going for a few months. i mean, it's getting's get wors, it's getting worse. >> and they're celebrating. ating.they this report. yes. and when i was reading it,t it's youtor r kat. it's like, okay, so, he they're saying that, you know, he hasvery a very terrible memo' he couldn't remember when he was vice president. a he couldn't remember the year that his son died. y arand they're not only saying, okay, well, he's fit to be president, but they're trying to makpresidentoe the case to te american people, give them four more years. >> yea, give hh. to a guy who can't sit beforet a jury who refuses to talk t to the american people during the super bowl. theso that that's one thing is there is no confidence in his ability to be our president and commander in chief. and secondly, just a blatant doublee ou standard of of how he and president trump have been accused of exact same thing. this guy gets off with no charge presis. he's sympathetic, but the other guy gets 40 felony counts. it's and that's the harm here. i think, is any faith and trustn
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in an equal and fair justice system is further eroded. >> do you guys just hear that? do you hear that? >> oh, that was comedy doing backflips. yeah. why? didn't speak much better. yeah, yeah. but you know what happened? likespeak she's. but she has no excuses. yes, she does. they're not writing the rightth amount of alcohoey areritingl. t the box of wine had to be within 20%. right. all right. up next, satisfaction dives our with our personal lives. >> if you'll be in the new yorkr area, we'd like tickets to seeea gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience d go. there's some things that better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savingos for you helps you choose the right amounts, whether over or under investment. >> so you can feel confident in your financial choices. you well-planned, invested,
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u.s. virgin islands. and he received more than 95% of the vote in nevada but faced little resistance since nikki haley opted to participate in the state's primary this week. haley has accused the state of rigging the system benefit trump. >> attention now shifts to the next republican primary in south carolina, haley's home state. that contest will take place in two weeks. >> there's no word yet on on when the supreme court might rule on trump's eligibility to run in the colorado presidential primary. >> high court justices arguments yesterday but appeared skeptical trump can be barred because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election . >> it'll come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election. that's a pretty daunting consequence. a question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> president biden denies a special counsel, claiming he,
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quote, willfully retained highly classified materials when he was a private citizen. biden angrily lashed out at the special counsel yesterday for questioning his mental acuity. biden will not face criminal charges. i'm lauren green. now back to gutfeld. you. thank you.e your should you changeitical your political faction if you can't get no satisfaction? >> a new gallup poll run by horses reveals only 47% of americans say. they're very satisfied with their personal lives. ysthat's down three points frome a year ago and near the record low seirt in 2011 when liv they canceled hannah montana. yeah, 2011 was a bad year.that this guy was president w. this guy was vice president. and this person was only at 20 confirmed kills.
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no surprise that decline in life satisfaction coincides with biden's economy. yet today, you need three jobs just to live in a and that includes that includes van salesman. i okay okay, why did i say that? however, certain groups are happier than others. turns out satisfied people tend to be higher income earners, married, religious, college mae educated, older, and, of course, democrats. >> and of course older and theye satisfied they aren't being called names by their president or hunte they d by thn aren't imprisoned for their beliefs. and they aren't banned fromm th the outback steakhouse. oh, wait, that's just cat.t to yeah. you know, do that to that bloomin onion u. >> meanwhile, the poll also revealed that republicans saw their satisfaction drop by ten. and that's the biggestp by since the great khaki shortage
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of 1812. finally, 78% of adults per said they're at least somewhat satisfied. but that's below o the trendsomh average of 84%. so, yeah, something's up becausate down.done. what could it be?us is it because life has become less of affordable? m the american dream is now a pipe dream. is it because crime has goneis a as world wars loom? >> or is it because our border is a securise as hunter biden's pants? whatever it means, more andap more people aren't satisfied. >> and perhaps there's only one solution. lower your expectations. i that's what fox viewers doectn when they watch saturday nights at ten. yeah. 10, jimmy.u ha cat, you have a pretty good eye on these poll is what, wh they mean. >> cut through the b.s.. what's this meanat's thi? i have a hard time believing that, like, that number seem hs high to me. yeah, like half of americansofve are veryry with life. they're lazy. that's because if you're ver iy
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satisfied in your lifet that you're not trying to make it better at all. i mean, like, oh, this seems prettybettert t se good.d an so i don't see how you could look around and like, every day deatusd 'rt one step closer tows or are inevitable. death would like very satisfied with that. but i get why religious people are happier because that's what i' m saying. >> yeah. well, maybe that should put you in the right direction that i mean, i like i would. i just. i just don't. let's meet after and we'll do some reading. yeah>> let's tulsi, i'm actualle had huge leaps in technology and convenience. our life gets easier, but th tee grows. what do you think? it's behind us. we but discarded important thins without a replacement. >> like, say, religion yes >> and there are huge industries that profit heavily from people being dissatisfied n . >> when you look at big tech in social media, for exampleedi it's constantly the algorithms
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constantly pushing, like here are the things algorit that you have or here's the way you should look, but you don't and you'reha o enough and thisah and that all the way to big pharma, obviousle y that profits heavily from people going and saying, hey, i'm not happy or i'm depressed or i don't have this or i wish i had that or whatever the case may be. so d so long the long as these ins continue to profit, it doesn't really how the dynamics change. people are going to continue to be told peopl you're not eno. yeah, it's interesting. even companies that are supposed to make you happyno, like disney, are more interested in not making you happy. what about the social medial tires? >> there is this thing wheremede now can see other people's success. >> when we when i grew up, i didn't know what my neighbors had. >> i had to climb over the fence and peek. yeahr the fe, usually. m usually. it wasn't until you spent the night at one of your friends house you found out your parents were poor. >> yes. you knows hoe be. so people kept things tight. yeah. >> 47%. you know what? ca . i really with you? but that probably is about right, because that's the 47%
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living up to 53% of us that are working on time. not me. i'm not bitter at all. my life is great. yeah. so greatso happy that everythins going my way. do you guys know jordan peterson? yeah. i wonder what jordan peterson j would have to saory about kind of lower rate of happiness if only he were heraye. >> please. well, i thought he was here. well, he's been indoctrinated now, too. he was sent to reeducate re in camp. >> but, you know, i think. well, for him, you know, d try you get something sticky on your hands and sort of tryrom get it off, you know, clean your room, put all maybe cut down on your pronouns, you know ,maybe instead of 20 genders, there's like nine, you know, rdr and get your life in order. stop datinopg a feminist. stop listening to robin d'angelo., but maybe be a little
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less white, you know, i blame her. >> i blame robin d'angelo. yeah, we've all been i hatingen ourselves for the last couple of years. yeah, for for being quietoo and for being too short orwh whatever it is. you know, that's not why i hate myself. why shouldte i change my hate tm >> mm. on tinder. just a tricky height, right?s jt right. trick women, you know. and i say i'm mexicao tricn, an illegal immigrant in new york city. i have a hotel room in the plaz a getting cash every day. this was free. i'm livin life. jess all right. coming up, jesse files another appeal for a crime that wasn'tao appeal for a crime that wasn'tao real. n't. of havin g a pre-washed onionson that didn't get cleaned? >> autopo casket, platinum plus has me doing dishes differently . scrub soap? nope. nope. i just scrape loaddo the scr anm done. >> platinum. plus, it's cascades. plus, it's cascades. best clean ever an irr clea
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hoax conviction. remember, for people who don't ,he lied.e that magnitudes attacked himt in 2019, and five years later, he still says he didn't make it upiv. di he did know he got his name wrong, first of all. dn.gutfeld yeah, the problem with you oppressors, it's juicy ,juicy and just, you know what? >> we would have forgot about it already. abou. >> you know, i'm all for holding on to the lie, fellas. t you know, but at some point, you just got to look her in the eye and be like, yeah, it was meiti di. i did it. it was me. i ate all the oreos. i blamed it on the children. i just wanted to see them get in trouble once. ay i just.? i did it, okay? it didn' dt workid out.album, so by my album, you don't say y like, just come the juicy. >> well, that's rude mutilation, but i'm just sayin i he was already out. you didn't knodnw, but he needs to just own it and just move on. america is very forgivinrgiving >> he could have had his own reality tv series by now.
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he could play himself in the b in the movie. >> yeah. yeah. i think that's the problem, though that', is one's heard ofm since the last time he was in the news. ck i don't know that he's gotten it. i mean, who knows? fromhe he has to get back in thm the limelight. this is the way he's going to sort of every drop out. you think it's lik youe for his family members because let's say you are here with your family and your health. somebody in the family is going like, come on, jesse, you can tell me. n >> you know, it's like it's like just you know, it's like, oh, i normallt stepyp in great. but you know nothing about black families and stuff t . >> that's that's not what's going down. yeah. le what't me go to this stupid. [lat what do somebody say? i mean, i would hope, i woulde hope he is someone in his life telling him like, bro. yeah, let it lif go, let it go. >> like, this is a real nuisance on the family. par what if he writes a book called if i did it? ipart two.>>
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i think you just gave him an idea. >>, he have money? well, yeah.f he's going to start writing the book. first of all, happy black history montmonth.h. you know, it's black history month. i mean, he's month a black guy. you just can't he's not going to he's not going to get the same criticisme same as,in you know, white guys with wrestinnuarg january 6 fac. he i feel bad for him. it's humiliating. it really is humiliating. yeah, it is. katcat, he's in denial.denial do you think he believes,me you know, some people in denial believe their lives. >> yeah, that's the thing. soth this little lying problem of his is so extreme that i feel like it has to have been a problem for him in his personal life long before it hit the national stage. right. like when you go to jail for somethin youg, it's like anything.wh drugs, alcohol, whatever. usuallat, y the time that gets you in jail is not the first time you did the thing right at the beginninthat you tg the sto. so why have we not heard the beginning of the story likea ,doesn't he have like an ex or something that wants a book
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deal? like, i would read that book. like, what was it like to date a man who lieslike a at this lel in olympic level of y? >> yeah. this true that you don't hear you don't hear about friends other than you remembe remr. nd. >> don lemon was his friend anybody and a lover maybe i didn't say lover, but i'm not not saying it allegedly. >> listen, you can take all that out of it. we all have a person like thisy in our family. that hthe who goes on, the consy theory, the invention that someonemeon stole from him yeah. in my eyes was like i had an idea for social medi ia. med >> was y?ia yeah. x came and ruined it all. so, you know, there's always one that will hold on to it. s i mean, you literally have people who still are you in the south one, it's jusy peot weird. that's tyler. that's why he has a beard. m parents think i'm on cnn right now, sthino. [laugh all right, utep up next, peta's
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>> five more words, peter banned merry go round tyler peter people for. the ethical treatment of animals is now coming after carousels wherer e go roundmeta and round on fake metal horses and other animals because it's unintentionally celebrates the exploitation of animals. t? don't they have a point? they do have a point. again, think of people like me and you, greg. yeah. wey. ido disne >> we're not torn up to riderolr the roller coasters. what the are we goinger is. tor ? that's true, right? huh? you know, i thin gonnak. e a i have a solution, all right? instead of the horses, they should have model ins. ds joe biden. c the kids can get on therean and on the joe biden's. so then he knows what it's like to have them sniffing his hair.] >> his hair?he you know, i mean. therre youe you go. tulsi, what's next? stuffed animals. are you not going to ableare yo to give your baby a stuffed animal because it's yo tou
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exploiting real animals? >> yeah. yeah. look, i think peta has done some good work that i appreciate in minimizing the suffering of animal. i agree. however, on this one, you know, i thin. , on thik i think of kids who,df like, might be afraid of horses hoe they're very big andide th they're very strong. so, you know, let them ride the merry go rounde me, then pik their interest and then let them go. and, you know, i lovpique that. i love the rides cat outside of supermarkets. greg: iremember the ones who pt quarters in? i mean, my mom would put me there, then she wouldn't come back. but i founaud my wayghte homr]eh >> he's clever. yes. what de' greg: yo you think? i agree with tulsi. peter, to repeat iret, think some really good things. >> but do you think these do this for fun? yeah t, i think. sort of. but also my main thing is like, you know, like there's so many germbu m, s. kids are disgusting and covered in bactericoa. >> gre >> are you anti bacteria? those are living things.
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seeing a kid like that, like that's what we're putting masks on kids in school. >> remember? sa ridiculous. that was. yeah, i saw a kid on the train. tickets like matt doesn'kid takt the pole. arg it's like. come on, like. yeah, that's what kids po do. that's shaming them for it. yeah. they have snot everywher e. it's like, okay, let's put the next kid and his snot on there. okay? another kid. more boogersd hit in . it's. you know, i don't like what i saw. go on one. probablye bo. >> yeah. yeah. i just at least, like, you know, it's gross tires has an animal lover. >> where do you stand on this? i wonder how manit'sss.ire is, s they got tired of beingg depi depicted as something you ride. they have feelings, tocto they also pull carts. this is stupid. . this is. this is not a fun. this is who they areth. p yeah. these are the same people that in chicago voted foeor ceasefire in israel and theyd ki hugged and kissed like we did it. di like,d tell them over there that chicago's called it like te
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the mayor of chicago. that's it. we're done. and now, pita, sto chicap objectifying animals. mm-hmm. what? how you horse.w can you ride a horse, you rideyo a the fake horse horse. want to you can ride a fake horse for as long as you want to. and then you don't rid thee. what, the real horse as much. right. so the merry go round is actually helping themroun ou. >> that's true. greg: that is called logic. t america. all right. don't go away. we'll be right back. corners re of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement like rounded corners that resist peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. so long pass. it's good medicine right now someone could be listed as the owner, your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so
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