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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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i saw the 49ers. they're practicing like an hour away from vegas. this is a business trip for these players. >> lawrence: before we let you go, score prediction. >> i'll go 31-28 kansas city. it will be a close one. but the chiefs will pull it out. >> ainsley: so fun to watch you play in the nfl. thank you for your service. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me on. >> steve: thank you to bennie's bounces for bringing us the football challenge. >> brian: i'm still dizzy blowing it up this morning. >> lawrence: you have so much skill. >> ainsley: see you after the super bowl. >> bill: good morning, everybody. president biden firing back after a scathing special counsel report that let him off the hook from his handling classified documents primarily because of his age. we have a lot going on. good morning. the end of a week, friday, bill
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hemmer. welcome to the program today. >> dana: this is "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. a liberal commentator who said what a year this day has been. it felt like it. it started yesterday. special counsel robert hur released his report on the president's mishandling of documents. charges weren't warranted but the defense of that decision ignited a firestorm. >> bill: here is part of what set it off. it reads we have also considered that a trial mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview of him as a sympathetic, well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> dana: that prompted the president to give rare, last-minute remarks last night where he defended his fitness for office. >> something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> president biden: i'm well
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meaning, an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. i'm president. i don't need his recommendation. >> can you continue as president? >> president biden: my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> do you feel your memory has gotten worse? >> president biden: my memory is fine. take a look at what i've done since i became president. >> in december you told me you believe there are many other democrats who could defeat donald trump. how you now? what is your answer. >> president biden: i'm the most qualified in this country to be president of the united states. >> bill: insisting his memory is find he mixed up the leaders of egypt and mexico answering a question about the ongoing war in gaza. >> president biden: as you know, initially the president of mexico, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him and convinced
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him to open the gate. >> dana: reaction on both sides is swift. one republican is calling for the president's cabinet to take action. >> president biden needs to be charged or he needs to be removed from office under the 25th amendment. there isn't a middle ground here. >> bill: democrats bracing for the blowback. harold ford junior today. >> it was a tough night for the president . i think many in the democratic party, my party, are going to have serious questions going forward about what this means. this last night will be the closing ad in a campaign against president biden as we get to november. the question is, are democrats willing to go forward between now and november with a candidate that many in the country may not think is up to the job for four more years. >> dana: we have analysis from andrew and noah. first let's go to david spunt in cash -- washington.
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>> president biden won't be charged with a crime. the main reason a sitting president of the united states. that's legal territory the special counsel is not prepared to get into. robert hur was a donald trump appointed u.s. attorney who left that job and later appointed special counsel by mer i can garland in january of 2023. classified documents kept in torn boxes in his garage. one of many pictures. sensitive documents relating to afghanistan in his time as vice president. the 345-page hur report has picture after picture of how these document were stored. hur writes there is evidence that when mr. biden left office in 2017 he willfully retained his classified notebooks, that is he knew he kept classified information in notebooks stored in his house and he knew he was not allowed to do so. we conclude there are no criminal charges warranted in
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this matter. we would reach the same conclusion even if the department of justice did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president. he says we also have considered that a trial mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him as a sympathetic, elderly man with a poor memory based on our direct interactions with him and observations of him. he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. it would be difficult to convince a jury they should con dict him by then a former president into his 80s a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness. the white house said we disagree with the accounts in the special counsel's report. no charges are warranted is firmly based on the facts and evidence. dana and bill, we expect special counsel hur to testify on capitol hill in front of cameras for everyone to see as other
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special counsels have done in the past, though no word on timing this morning. we do fully expect it to happen in the weeks and months ahead. >> dana: david spunt. thank you. >> bill: a sobering day. andrew is back for a second day. former federal prosecutor. noah rothman. good morning to both of you. context for the last 24 hours for a moment. we knew that the supreme court was going to argue and we were going to listen to it. we knew at the end of the day nevada was going to caucus and in all likelihood donald trump would win and he did. the news seems to be everything that was in the middle. joe biden came out at 4:30 afternoon in the praising the findings. talking heads on cable went after this report about his elderly state. sympathetic jury would probably be sympathetic toward him. it seemed -- i don't know, but it seemed like that was the impetus for him to come out last
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night if prime time at 8:00, which he has rarely done. do you want to take the politics of that, noah? >> all you have to do to understand how positively deadly this is for joe biden's behavior to observe the activity by the president that is very unusual for him yesterday. it is deadly in part because this isn't a partisan assessment. it rises above the level of partisanship. this is an objective assessment from his justice department saying the president is incapable of handling classified document. it reflects poorly on the republican's case it is a two-teared justice system. the president cooperated. he didn't allegedly tell his sub arid nats to force investigators to seek a warrant to get access. that's where the distinctions end here. he did cooperate but functionally incapable of serving out an element of the
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presidency that's critical. his mental faculties are not equipped to serve in the presidency and joe biden decided to combat these accusations by going on stage and put his can't act rouse face to the nation. he goes out there and seeks to disprove the affable part while maintaining the decrepit part. it demonstrates how truly on their heels they are by this one. >> dana: when he decided to take questions last night i thought oh oh, this is not your best time of day, or mine, and the press corps was so pent up with wanting to ask questions that he could have just sent a nice, tight statement and announced if you want to take questions we'll have a press conference tomorrow. >> why? >> dana: some democrats are furious at robert hur, the special counsel saying that he
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decided not to charge him legally, but to kneecap him politically. did robert hur have to do that? >> you can look a gift horse in the mouth once in a while. it was a great gift to president biden. all of the elements are there for a prosecution. in fact, i actually disagree with the assessment that donald trump's case is somehow for aggravated the joe biden's case. donald trump had a claim to those document. he had an argument he legitimately was in possession of them. joe biden, they were clearly withheld and inappropriately had. so joe biden, i think, got away with a crime here. this is the sort of thing if donald trump is in office a couple of years from now he could turn around and change that decision. i think joe biden has to be very careful at the approach he takes at trying to claim that this was
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some sort of erroneous report that hur had and take it -- >> dana: what about hur's decision then to put in the point that he is mentally unfit? >> that's the explanation for not prosecuting. there has to be some sort of idea there. perhaps hur is saying that we won't prosecute you but it is time for you to leave office. not quite his role to do. that would be a function of the 25th amendment. >> bill: considering his age at age 81. i always think about what chris christie told us one time when he was running new jersey he said over the age of 70 or even 75 they would put no one in jail. that's what he said. i don't know if that's the case but that's the case he presented there. allen wisenberg was the accountant for donald trump. at 75 they put him in ryker's and back on trial yet again for perjury on the stand. what special counsel is saying is that if joe biden appeared before a jury, they would be
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sympathetic to him because he is 81 with a bad memory. >> yeah, maybe that's something you would talk about in sentencing though, perhaps. i think probably as he said this is a pretty open and shut case on the merits. nevertheless, this is not a criminal case. it will be adjudicated by the voters. voters will have to assess whether donald trump or joe biden are fit mentally for the president cismd >> dana: do you think that joe biden will be on the ballot in november? will he be the democratic nominee? >> we have two parties deeply beholding to their bases. democratic voters are not -- south carolina's primary results over the week in which 90% of voters yes, we're okay. >> dana: the turnout was wass low. 23% of the people polled think he is mentally competent. harold ford junior says if it gets to be be that biden is ten
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points behind trump at this point, do they have time to make a change? it won't be kamala harris. >> the only mechanism is at the convention. the convention will be an absolute disaster for the democratic party. they are staring down the barrel of nullifying the votes in the primary and imposing this. like 1968. also with protests outside in defense -- in opposition to joe biden. supreme court arguments in the morning. the hur report, nevada, donald trump went three for three. one of the best days he may have the entire campaign but it was bam, bam, bam and checked off each mark. thank you both. >> dana: as bill mentioned donald trump going 2 for two. he wins the nevada republican caucuses and the caucuses in the u.s. virgin islands as well.
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nikki haley chose to compete in the primary instead held on tuesday. alicia acuna live in las vegas with this update. hi. >> good morning, you are right. this was not unexpected. the former president was here in las vegas last night to hold a watch party to thank his supporters. >> president biden: this has been a tremendous day and we wouldn't say we easily win the election in november. is there any way we can call the election for next tuesday? that's all i've got to say. >> a big part of the story, the lines to get into the caucuses. folks around the block in some places before the doors even opened with the expectation that trump would win his supporters wanted to show up for the former president. >> i just knew that mr. trump was going to caucus and that's who i'm voting for so that's where i followed. >> i'm in favor of having a republican back in office.
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and since trump was not on the ballot for the primary it was my option to come vote for him. >> trump chose to participate in the caucuses rather than compete in the primary which didn't award delegates and more of a symbolic contest. nikki haley chose the primary over the caucus lost to the none of these candidates option by more than 30 points. accused the state party of being in the tank for trump and once again last night slammed her party here in nevada. >> i was told months ago it was a sham. the gop chair is under indictment, worked with trump. created these caucuses. >> dana, as you know, nevada is a battleground state and could play a critical and pivotal role come november, which is why trump and president biden have both spent time talking to voters here, dana. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: so we have a measure of what's happening in the campaign, dana, going back 24
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days to iowa. donald trump that night won every county except for one with nikki haley. then we moved onto to new hampshire eight days later, donald trump won every county except one. and last night alicia was reporting in nevada all 17 counties went for donald trump. he swept that and also pretty good performance out there in the virgin islands. what is coming up next? on the calendar in the month of february we're coming up quickly now on right here, okay, where we are now. two weeks and one day in south carolina for 50 delegates on the line. cruise here. you need 1,215 delegates to get the nomination. as of today, nikki haley is at 17, donald trump is at 63. >> dana: then after south carolina, of course, super tuesday. did you already say that >> bill: not yet. 15 past. have you seen this body cam
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footage? stunning stuff. watch. this is something else. the brutal migrant beatdown of two cops in new york now is public. there is more video and the search for the suspects continues. we'll show that for you. a chilling observation. roll it. >> we need to stress the fact that people are dying from just one-time usage of fentanyl. >> dana: just one pill can kill. fox news goes inside the dea's largest drug lab. >> bill: what happens when you mix the super bowl with sin city? good combo for america this weekend, perhaps the biggest sporting betting event in history. ♪
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>> dana: dea seizing a record amount of fentanyl in 2023. the most deadly drug threat facing the country. the problem is only getting worse. we're live from inside the dea's largest drug lab. what are they telling you, bryan? >> good morning. there is box after box, bag after bag of fake prescription pills made with deadly fentanyl. mexican drug cartels flooding the u.s. with these deadly fentanyl pills and making their way through our southern border right here to new york city. dea drug testing like what is done in the lab has found the fake pills are now deadlyer than ever with seven out of ten containing a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.
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dea says it seized a record high of 77 million fake prescription pills last year nationwide, up 52% from 2022. the unprecedented supply of highly addictive fentanyl pills is helping to drive up demand and deaths. mexican drug cartels are moving huge quantities of the drug on board tractor trailers and cars. last year the dea found 300,000 fake fentanyl pills hidden in a gas tank. the former chief of operations says the migrant crisis is absolutely tied to the fentanyl crisis. >> the cartel controls those routes into the united states. so those caravans, those migrants that are coming up to a certain port of entry, let's say texas, the cartel will drive them in the direction so they can smuggle drugs the opposite direction. >> in this photo the left pill is authentic and the right is counterfeit. they are made to look like the
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real thing. the pills are primarily sold on social media. a frustrated donovan says that since day one of this epidemic social media companies have watched their platforms devolve into an illicit drug market and have done little to stop it. >> they observe the change. they knew the change was coming about. we informed them and told them about it. we were pursuing networks all over these various platforms. and there was always a reluctance. always a reluctance to really engage fully and provide all the information that we need. >> now look, they are getting creative with marketing targeting a younger audience. they put and set fentanyl, meth and cocaine here. they know what they're doing. marketing to a younger audience. the number one cause of preventable deaths from 18 to 45-year-olds in the united
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states. >> dana: that's interesting and disturbing. bryan, thank you. >> bill: you don't get a look inside there often. the buzz is building ahead of the big game in las vegas, the san francisco 49ers getting ready to face the kansas city chiefs. >> dana: the chiefs looking to win their second ring in a row but plenty of action happening on the sidelines in sin city as well. i've been live in vegas. hey, matt. >> the kansas city chiefs fighting to win their second consecutive super bowl win. san francisco 49ers looking to win their sixth in franchise history. both would like to say they won the first ever super bowl here in las vegas. for years the city campaigned for professional sports teams and venues. now the moment has come. hosting its inaugural super bowl in the state-of-the-art allegiant stadium right off the strip. the visitors authority says the game will generate more than 600 million in revenue, more than 330,000 fans expected to visit
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here this weekend. we talked to some of them. they are coming from all over the world. >> the biggest game for us. we've been here before against the same team. we should be able to have a business. >> i feel very excited. it's great to be here from australia. >> really exciting. from spain to be here. >> trying to get tickets. >> what is your highest price you're willing to pay? >> five grand. >> also a lot of buzz off the field whether chiefs tightend travis kelce's girlfriend taylor swift will make the game in vegas after performing in tokyo on saturday. i asked if all the attention on his private life is a distraction and how he is staying focused on sunday's game? >> i love this game and coming into work. i have a lot of desire to be accountable for the ones next to me. i think everybody has
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distractions or things in their lives that can take away from their focus and work life. you have to be able to compartmentalize that. >> it's a tier one national security event. dhs and f.b.i. are here. they el us they are assessing any threats. also scanning vehicles and they say the presence of taylor swift here this sunday will only increase their security operation. dana and bill. >> dana: thank you. i was going to say here is what i did for the super bowl party that i'm going to. i sent through gold belly. trash can nachos and a buffalo chicken pie. >> they'll love you. that's a great order. >> dana: i'm a great guest to bring. >> bill: how is kansas city a two-point underdog, the defending world champs. they got the core of their team
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still there and they're the underdog. >> dana: maybe they think kelce is distracted. >> bill: we'll ask the ceo of fan duel. she will join us in 30 minutes. >> dana: let's get back to politics. biden criticizing israel's response in gaza as the administration pushes for a temporary cease-fire. lakers great kobe bryant immortalized in an emotional ceremony. >> leave the game better than you found it. when it comes time for you to leave, leave a legend and that i did -- he did. postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%.
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i did have hearing aids from another company. i was just frustrated... i almost gave up. with miracle-ear it's all about service. they're personable, they're friendly. i'm very happy with them. we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare. meaning free checkups, cleanings, and adjustments. i see someone new. someone happy. it's really made a difference. enjoy sweet offers during our limited time... your hearing event. call 1-800-miracle now. [siren] >> dana: a tornado ripping through wisconsin overnight. the state's first ever tornado to touchdown in the month of february. crews are still trying to restore power to thousands of homes across wisconsin and illinois. other parts of the midwest saw
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large hail and damaging winds and it has been warm. one of the reasons it's happening. >> president biden: initially the president of mexico, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the gate. >> bill: president biden confusing the presidents of mexico and egypt last night moments after saying his memory was in fine shape. president also criticizing israel's counter offensive in gaza calling the military response, quote, over the top. morgan ortega with me now. rand paul tweeted we'll build a wall in gaza and mexico will pay for it and everyone will be confused. sarcasm on his part. when he said that israel has been over the top, his base would definitely agree with that. the progressive left would most certainly agree with that, morgan. how do you think it sits now?
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>> just not accurate. israel has not changed how they fought since october 7th. if anything they've become more precise in their targeting. they're fighting methodically and fighting within the bounds of international law. what has changed since october 7th is the activists that are leading this white house and guiding its policy. these are things like walk-outs from state department employees, anonymous letters from civil servants around the washington and administration, people from his own white house writing letters and protesting. the interns, even the interns are doing it. so the only thing that has changed is not israel's response, if anything they're fighting within international law and becoming more precise in their targeting. what has changed are the activists running this administration. you don't have to take it from me. take it from the special counsel's own words yesterday. so clearly we have turned into an era, not just president
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biden, also blinken accusing israel of dehumanizing palestinians. the administration is making a rhetorical shift and perhaps a policy shift as it relates to their support for israel. the policy shift, though is coming through things at the end of last week this administration put new sanctions on israel, meanwhile for the past three years they're not enforcing any of the sanctions already on the books against iran. israel did not just kill three of our soldiers, it ras iran and its proxies. israel is not targeting former trump administrations officials to kill them on u.s. soil. israel is not doing that. iran is. iran doesn't get enforced sanctions. iran walks closer to a nuclear weapon. nothing is done and we decide to punish our allies. this is a recipe for more unprecedented chaos in the middle east in 2024. >> bill: a couple of things i want to rattle through on the politics of this now.
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maybe this story ebbs and goes away for a bit. i don't think that's likely. this is a gentleman from michigan who publishes arab american news, this is october 9th now, you are 48 hours after the attacks in southern israel. he said this to our fox station there. >> yes, hamas is radically approaching the situation. but that's a result of oppression for a long period of time. so hamas wants palestinians to be independent. >> bill: that's his feeling. a lot of people agree with him. arab american community in michigan may be on his side. here is what he said in 2003 war in iraq. he said mr. bush believes hezbollah, hamas and other palestinian factions are activities and we believe they are freedom fighters. the president goes to michigan february 1st and you know he was
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not greeted with open arms by a lot of arab americans. morgan, you thought about this. how does it play over the next eight months? >> you know, i would take issue with what he said. mr. bush considers hamas to be a terrorist. it is not a president, it is designated by the united states of america under multiple republican and democratic administrations. so if you need to meet with terror sympathizers in order to win a presidential election i would say perhaps maybe your strategy is wrong. it would have been inappropriate -- for white house officials to meet with anybody who sympathized with al qaeda after 9/11 and inappropriate after at least 32 americans are dead and while six americans are actively being held hostage by hamas, a terror group. it's inappropriate to meet with people who think -- that that kind of conduct is becoming of a terrorist group.
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this is america. you can be critical of israel, critical of the biden administration's response, i certainly am. we're allowed to be critical and hear all sides. when it reaches to the point the white house officials feel like they must give a voice to people who condone terrorism, that's the problem in my opinion. >> bill: one more point of the politics. donald trump won michigan by a hair in 2016. he lost it by only three points to joe biden in 2020. it is a battleground yet again. thank you for coming on today. nice to see you again. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: a tribute forged in bronze, watch. [applause] >> dana: los angeles lakers unveiling a statue honoring kobe bryant four years after his death in a helicopter crash. the first of three statues depicting the legendary star that will stand outside the team's arena.
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his widow says her late husband's impact on basketball is still being felt. >> as i see today's current generation of star players follow in kobe's footsteps with huge scoring games, i know he would take pride in knowing that he is still pouring inspiration into the game that was so special to him. >> dana: what a moment for that family. still grieving that he is being celebrated as he should. >> bill: we always remember that sunday afternoon when we got the news of his helicopter disappearing in that fog. lost a legend that day, number 24. kobe bryant. 20 minutes before the hour let's move on. check it out. [shouting] >> bill: you can watch this thing go on for minutes. stunning body cam video. outrageous attack on cops by migrants. lee zeldin is here with his take on that and more when we roll on.
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[shouting] >> bill: so you are watching that firecracker of an attack on ny cops in times square a week ago. seven migrants facing felony charges. one in custody. nate foye is live in new york with more on that. what's the story today, nate? >> the new body cam video paints a clearer picture of the incident. the manhattan d.a. believes 11 people are involved. at least several are migrants and seeing what that attack looked like through a eyes of police officers. take a look. [shouting]
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>> take a look at this next video. it appears that it all started when an officer touches this man's yellow coat while trying to disperse the crowd. the officer's attempt to move the man away. as they do that, take a look at the next video, he pushes back. the officers take him to the ground on the bottom right part of your screen you should see them come in here. his friends then jump in and kick the officers while they are down. take a look at what that looked like. [shouting] >> manhattan d.a. bragg laid out the charges against the five identified migrants all facing felonies including several
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second degree assault charges and one charge of tampering for evidence for swapping jackets. the investigation is ongoing and no warrants out for the arrest of any of those involved. bragg defends the investigation's timeline calling the behavior in that video despicable. >> this assault, as it did to many of you, sickened me and outraged me. we all rely on our members of the nypd every day, as i said, to keep us safe and keep this the safest big city in america. as a life long new yorker, i do not tolerate attacks on our police officers. >> bill, as of this morning the only my grant still locked up is the one wearing that yellow coat who was taken to the ground. >> bill: story keeps changing. >> dana: former republican new york congressman lee zeldin. now that we can see it through their eyes, you thank the police
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officers. what an incredibly difficult job they have and it might just be getting worse. >> when you know there are people in elected office who don't have your back. if you are another nypd officer or retired and seeing this happen to these nypd officers out there and helpless. this isn't the first time people have either been attacked or even worse lost their lives. you would hope the district attorney of manhattan would be asking for bail, for example. in this case, this isn't the first video of the incident. this is the first time we see the body cam footage. it wasn't some great mystery to the district attorney's office when they decided not to ask for bail and then these criminal aliens decide they will flee the jurisdiction, a bunk of them. >> the story keeps changing. on a bus, weren't on a bus. arrested in phoenix, we have the
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wrong guys. the mayor eric adams on this. listen here. >> the district attorney is doing his job of doing the prosecuting and if they're found guilty and if suitable the federal government should do their job and deport them from our city. if you commit a dangerous, violent act we're all going to do our jobs, the three levels of government has a role to assure public safety remains in the city and across our entire nation. >> bill: former cop, all right? all of his words are right. what are the actions that follow? >> they shouldn't have been set free. this has happened time and again. we've been talking about other issues people who should be locked up. in the state they don't give judges discretion to set bail. the only state in the whole country. this type of approach towards criminal justice the, law and order is one that's causing a lot of new yorkers to flee and not look back. >> dana: you ran for governor. kathy hochul has the authority
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to fire bragg. >> i said the first thing i would do is inform the district attorney of manhattan he was fired for his refusal to enforce the law. even if kathy hochul wanted to defend him then, it is not too late to do the right thing now and initiate that process. this is going to keep happening with this guy. >> bill: she won't do that. >> of course not. that's the problems. new yorkers realize the answer is of course not. you are fed up because crime and public safety, you want to see your elected officials doing the right thing. >> dana: does that mean that person wanting to -- >> it will be about turnout. people aren't used to voting in a federal race in the middle of february. who does a better job getting out their people. mazi becomes the counter weight to people like tlaib and omar. it would be amazing to get her.
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her story, she is an ethiopian immigrant, served as a paratrooper in the idf. basically shows up on day one as this strong voice which in so many respects on these highest profile issues, she has the opposite position of what has become so controversial and what in my opinion is wrong coming out of omar and tlaib's mouth. >> bill: you say it's a coin toss. sanctuary cities complicating the search for migrants wanted in criminal matters. the acting director of ice speaking with us at the fox news channel. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need.
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amy howe, the ceo of fan duel in vegas. tell us what the vibe is out there. how are you feeling? >> i sure am in vegas, the vibe is amazing and a full circle moment having the super bowl in vegas. every year we set new records and this year certainly won't disappoint. it will be a phenomenal match-up and this is a great opportunity for anyone who hasn't had an opportunity to place a bet, we have over 600 pre-live markets. there is something for everyone and as you can imagine, there is a lot of excitement around some of the player props, mahomes, kelce, you name it. excitement is palpable here. >> bill: if i'm at the stadium on sunday can i bet on the game inside? >> you cannot bet on fan duel. it is one of the states where we don't have a license. we're cautiously optimistic someday we will.
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>> bill: my question for amy howe. how is it the 9ers are the favorite and chiefs the underdog by 2 1/2 points? defending world champions. the bulk of their team in place. how does this happen? >> i will tell you where the money is flowing. 80% of the handle in the bet volume is actually flowing to the chiefs. there you have it. >> dana: there is another one you have up here fan duel canada sports books adds will travis kelce propose to taylor swift. no at negative 2,000. >> yeah, canada is the ontario province is the one place you can bet on taylor swift but listen, the swift effect has been real. since she has been on the scene player bets on kelce have doubled in value but brought a number of new women and recreational users to the
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platform which has been exciting. >> bill: i agree with that. we're trying to look for the most obscure bet. one we found and i want your answer. in the states of illinois, new jersey and west virginia, what's the color of gatorade to be poured on the winning head coach? options are orange and lemon lime and purple. what do you think is the most obscure wager for this game, amy? >> that's always one of them. you can do that in about five states. the coin toss is another one. the one every year there is always, you know, some bet that catches on on social. this year it happens to be the correct store of chiefs 31, 49ers 21 was picked up on one of the social channels. one of our more popular bets this year. >> bill: what matters for dana and me is our $1 bet. >> dana: dana, i hope you win. >> bill: come on, amy.


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