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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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to actual working clowns. >> i'm a believer in our country and i'm a believer in the supreme court recommendation i don't believe that the president is a get out of jail free card. >> another slow day at the office. >> yeah. [laughter] >> shannon: monday on "special report." our "common ground" segment deals with the border. the middle east and what is being called a disagree better campaign and please join me for "fox news sunday," we will talk with senator tom cotton of the intel committee and ranking member of the house armed services committee democrat adam smith. thank you for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream in washington. the ingraham hang gel has you covered from every side. it is up next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: hello, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as always, thanks for being with us. the enablers. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the world knows the truth.
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putin knows, xi know knows. our allies know that joe biden, america's commander-in-chief, is in serious mental decline. and everyone saw what that looks like last night. now, this is not a political debate. it is a factual certainty. no amount of briefings by staff, his press office, his lawyers will convince voters here or leaders in other countries. that biden himself is in charge now someone over at the white house is making the big calls and it ain't this guy. >> i'm well-meaning and i'm an elderly man and i know what the mel i'm doing. i'm president and put this country back on its feet mile. memory is fine. >> laura: 67% think we are on the wrong track on this right back on track. all right. they sent him out last night to try to reassure the country. it just confirmed what everyone knows. >> initially the president of mexico, sisi did not want to open up the gate to allow
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humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the gate. >> laura: okay. mexico is not egypt. and egypt is not mexico. we are all supposed to watch and this blame the special counsel for telling us what the press refused to report on for the last three-plus years? now, it's not like these verbal wanderings and confused recollections are anything new here. we have been reporting on this for years. back in 2022 when he tried to do a satout to a congresswoman jacqui walorski despite the fact that the indiana republican had died in a car accident a month earlier thank you are you here? shoe was going to be here to help make this a reality how did cnn report on this. will biden's gaffe plays right into production' hands.
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though the focus is on the mean republicans pouncing. not on what the comment said about the president's mental acuity. and don't forget, also, by that time the media had already seen myriad examples of how diminished biden's mental capacity had become. but cnn didn't care. it was playing defensive tackle for the man who saved the world from trump. now, last night after the report dropped and the comms team had not had the chance to give the press a clear narrative, well, that was one of the few times they actually started sound like real reporters. [shouting questions] >> we need everybody to hold. >> laura: that was actually refreshing to hear and see. but, by the morning, many in the media were back in the enabling mode. back on the team. echoing the white house's defense.
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>> is he a pars. he clerked for chief justice rehnquist. who led the fight against rehnquist's nomination senator joe biden. oh, maybe is he biased. he worked for donald trump. who defeated donald trump which got this guy to lose his job as a prosecutor in maryland? joe biden. this was a terrible choice by merrick garland. >> first of all, wondered why in the world he would put that in a report, his neurological assessment of joe biden and, secondly why merrick garland would release garbage like that in the justice department report. >> laura: not only attacking mr. hur, they are attacking merrick garland. okay. come on, man. i mean, if you are so easily manipulated, maybe it's time to go into another line of work. these are classic enabling behaviors. there are a lot though of enablers out there i don't want to single out anyone. including the gallon camera loopiness has also worried
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democrat leaders. >> what i saw of that report last night, i believe is, as a former prosecutor, um, the comments that were made by that prosecutor gratuitous, inaccurate. and inappropriate. >> laura: inaccurate? well, as a former prosecutor, madam vice president, you should know that you just opened the door to the obvious rejoinder. if the special counsel's quotes of biden are inaccurate, then release the audiotapes of the interviews. oh, yeah. release the tapes. even jake tapper raised that point. >> one big question for the coming weeks is whether any transcript or audio of the president's interview with the special counsel could be released. >> yeah, sure. i mean, if they think special counsel hur is unfairly portraying these exchanges let's hear it. let's see it. >> laura: all the enablers know how bad those tapes would be.
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and, remember, hur wrote that biden's memory was significantly limited both in the interviews with his office and with the ghost writer for his book. and no fair-minded person on earth thinks it is a casual no big deal memory lapse when biden couldn't remember when his beloved son died or when his term as v.p. ended. and by the way, they weren't convinced by last night's lash out. >> totally. >> how bad is your memory and can you continue as president. >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> mr. president, for months you were asked about your age, you would respond with the words "watch me." many american people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age -- >> -- that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is your judgment of the press. >> laura: not a -- it's not the judgment of the press. did you hear what he said? well, he knows his enablers
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usually do come to his rescue. and no one has bailed him out of more embarrassing jams than his own wife who is really the main culprit here. >> is there a part of you that is worried about his age and health? can he do it? >> he can do it and i see joe every day. i see him out, you know, traveling around this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. >> laura: remember, she wants you to call her doctor, dr. biden. before she is really just a nurse on a power trip. if she is not leading him off a stage, ♪ i don't care ♪ go on and tear me apart >> ♪
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[applause] >> laura: well, she is running interference for him with the press. >> mr. president, veto? >> president biden. >> mccarthy next week? >> laura: she is always at the ready, even when hecklers get a little too close. >> an heckler tried to interrupt joe, and you in new hampshire and you sprang into action. >> he is a big guy: i didn't even know he was standing behind me. >> he was coming up behind joe, and i thought oh my gosh, he is so aggressive. i thought i have got to do something right now. so i stood up and i just went right at him. >> you got to protect those you love. >> laura: that's a nice sentiment. but this is way beyond that. this is enabling. now, all of this longpré-dated last night. and now, more than ever, americans and even the foreign press want to know who is really in charge at the white house. the headline in the daily
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telegraph today is: is jill biden secretly running america with the u.s. president's cognitive abilities under increasing scrutiny. many believe his wife is the one steering the ship the "new york times" described jill today in those benevolent terms jill as the protective force. well protective spouses are amazing. this is the u.s. presidency. and he has access to nuclear weapons: congress should do its best as the people's representatives to find out who is actually making the big decisions about matters that will determine our country's future. because no matter how many spokes persons they send out to trash the special counsel or attest to biden's women and bigger. we all know the big guy isn't making the big calls. and we all know what joe biden's enablers have done. the man can't remember when he left the vice presidency for goodness sakes. oh, sorry, he forgot.
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and we're not supposed to think that's messed up? by the time biden leaves office, more americans will wish that they could forget his entire presidency. and that's the angle. joining us now is sean davis, ceo and co-founder of the federalist and kevin walling, a democratic campaign strategist and biden 2020 campaign surrogate. all right, kevin, let's start with you. what you saw last night with the white house sending joe biden out to reassure the country and when, in fact he, again, could not name a major leader of a foreign country that we deal with on a regular basis. you say? >> i mean, laura, what you said in the intro is right. this isn't a new story with the president. go back to his years in the senate. he would confuse names. he would confuse dates. that's nothing new. it's nothing new in american
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politics. sean, my friend here on the panel, worked for a guy named rick perry out of texas who, you know, we forget that, you know, in his debate performance couldn't name the three departments that he wanted to get rid of on national television. so, politics is not new to these kind of missteps and missteps aren't new to this kind of politics. i think what you saw last night is a president upset about this report, upset specifically about the mention of beau biden and wanted to deliver a rebuke to the american people special counsel hur, which is what we saw play out. >> laura: kevin, i actually -- i don't want to -- i don't want to say you can't believe what you are saying but i mean, come on. sean, i don't want this to be go against one because this is so obvious what is going on here. is it fair? i mean, these are just verbal gaffes at times and memory lapses that we all from have. >> i mean bless kevin's heart.
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i admire him for trying. joe biden doesn't remember when he was vice president he doesn't remember when his own son died. he doesn't remember where his son died. the question i wanted to hear last night from the press was, mr. president, what day is it? mr. president, what year is it? when were you inaugurated? because the fact of the matter is that joe biden's brain is broken. we all know it, and the country is broken. my worry right now is that we are at such a dangerous moment both internally and what we face externally from foreign enemies, this man is not capable of handling this job and he needs to go. >> laura: today on cnn there was a fact-check not about trump. >> one thing that president biden said is basically that he stored the documents in filing cabinets that could be locked. let's listen. >> all the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked?
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>> >> daniel? >> just not true, john. >> laura: kevin is, that just more of a memory l lapse or what is that? that is just false. i mean the special counsel said it's false and cnn no fan of president trump, obviously. you can't even spin that. >> laura, listen, again, this is the first special counsel in american history to clear everyone of any kind of wrongdoing. so, you have robert hur wanting to layer in these allegations when he couldn't proof in a court of law that there was willful intent with these documents, regardless of whether they were locked in a cabinet or not. but back to the memory issue, you know, the amazing thing to me as a democrat is if the president is struggling so much with his memory, then why is he running end runs around the republican party. why is he winning in every single negotiation when it comes to debt ceiling and comes to funding the american government? when it comes to now assuming the mantel of ronald reagan and
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projecting strength abroad. the fact that last week a democrat. >> laura: oh my god this is -- >> -- turned you and others on fox against our own border patrol leadership exroshed. against the republicans not against the president. >> laura: so mr. walling, you actually believe that biden is sitting there and is he plotting out this strategy on legislative issues and the big calls on trade and the middle east. are you saying tonight on national television that the president of the united states cannot cannot remember basic facts. own personal biography is making knows substantive calls? yes? that's what you believe? i just want you to say it on national television. >> 100 percent, laura. in fact. >> laura: you have no credibility. >> whether it be speaker mccarthy, now speaker johnson, you had hours' long meetings with republican leadership they didn't come out of those sessions saying joe biden has lost his mind in these
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negotiations. they said he was tough, presented his arguments and actually. >> laura: okay 67.5% of the country says we are in the wrong direction. 67.5 americans think we are going in the white direction, sean 81% of the country. 87% believes that joe biden is too old and too impaired to be president of the united states. but, sean, look, the white house counsel spokesman ian sam's came out today to try to sell the narrative that they think will work. watch. >> i think the public is smart. i think they can see what's going on. i think that they see a president who fully cooperated. i think they see a president who did the right thing. i think that they can see and understand, you know, when people are gratuitous and make comments that they shouldn't make and that are beyond the remit of a prosecutor to do.
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>> laura: sean, the drinking game word of the day is gratuitous. they are all in the same page on that what's the big take away, that he cooperated? >> well, the probable they have here is you have one hand special counsel saying yeah they did all these things and they were crimes but he is so bee if you woulded and senile and demented we don't think we can prove he knew what he was doing. on one hand you have. this on the other hand you have the white house saying he is the most powerful vigorous president ever he knows everything he is doing. if that's the case he needs to be on trial. if he is not mentally fit to stand trial then is he not mentally fit to be president. >> laura: sean and kevin thanks so much. vigorous debate. democrats are trying to destroy the man who did tell the truth about joe biden. professor jonathan turley reacts, next. ♪ ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her
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maximum refund. intuit turbotax.
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♪ >> this special prosecutor could have written the same report without using these words elderly man with a poor memory. >> it's gratuitous and he knows it's gratuitous and it's bad faith. >> laura: the truth hurts around there was nothing gratuitous here. it's either joe has a striking deficiency if recollection or he had a solid grasp of all the details and should have been charged.
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but hur's decision not to charge biden was partly guided by the concern that the jury would have found him sympathetic elderly man with a poor memory. but today the so-called ethics experts dug in. >> i called my fellow ethicist deal with this every day. there is a few lines in here that are gratuitous digs. the former attorney general agrees. i think it violates justice department policy, practice, procedure. protocol and norms. >> laura: joining me now is jonathan turley, fox news contributor law professor at george washington university. >> due the special prosecutor mr. hur violate in your mind any ethical guidelines? >> no, i don't think he has committed any unethical act here. the key to remember is that he took an investigation where the retention and mishandling of
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classified information was established within the first hour. so he already knew that president biden had classified material. he knew that they were housed in highly inappropriate spots. the president lied about that. even after the report they were in his garage in these torn up boxes. so the question for hur was well, do we still go ahead and prosecute him, that's a matter of, in his view intent. he said we could not establish that full intent because of a lack of memory. that lack of memory was material to his decision. he was saying the president would just blank out whenever we asked him about these dates, going back 40 years. so i was talking about the key issue. the only issue that remained. i have a serious problem with a report because he describes every element of a crime and then says well, we just didn't
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think a jury would take to convicting this elderly guy with a poor memory. it makes it sound like if he was less sympathetic or his memory was a little better he might have been charged. but in terms of talking about his memory that was the key issue that he was investigating, how much did biden remember? also, laura what was really odd about this press conference is that only one of two things could be true, right? either he has diminished memory, or he was deceptive, right? he went in front of the entire country and says no, i have got great memory. that means you were deceptive with the special counsel. so it's a very odd press conference for so many different vantage points. lawyer the point he made about well, i didn't have confidential classified information that's not what the special prosecutor found. i mean, even he was fact checked by liberal commentators who had to even say that today.
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why did he say that? that's absolutely not true. >> >> yeah, he said he didn't willfully retain material. i went straight on conspirator and said here is a headline the president retained material. it was utterly worldly to see him stand up there and deny established fact from this report. >> laura: jonathan, the attacks on the special counsel here by the surrogates for joe biden today, will that have any impact, do you believe, on what the public takes away from what they saw? >> no, there is a new poll out today showing over 70% of people have serious or strong reservations about the president's mental fitness. and certainly that press conference did not help. it was a disaster to show his acuity and confuses world leaders. it was a truly cringe worthy
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moment. so all of the attacks on hur is not going to change that fact. but, these are the same people that criticized folks for wanting to take any information out of the mueller report to say anything negative towards mueller. and now you have got this sort of mob action against hur. i think that hur may have come to the wrong conclusion on whether to charge the president or whether there was evidence for a criminal charge. i could have understood if he said, look, traditionally we just don't charge these issues. but he couldn't say that because of trump to attack him in this way is beyond the pale in my view. >> laura: thank you so much. the anti trumper slow dissent into total madness is fun to watch. sol wisenberg reacts the winning and the whining, next. ♪
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>> laura: this has been a hell of a bad stretch for the sufferers of tds, trump derangement syndrome. now the special prosecutor scathing report about biden's mental state was bad enough. just hours before that bombshell dropped, the supreme court had wrapped arguments in that trump ballot eligibility case out of colorado. now, you get a sense of how it went by the reaction of so-called experts and constitutional law who had boldly predicted that the 14th amendment would disqualify trump. >> my former students, the chief justice and justice kagan thing isn't it amazing that just one or two states might determine who becomes president? where have they been all this time when they studied constitutional law there was something they learned about the electoral college. i doubt that they have forgotten about it but to listen to the argument, you would think they
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had. >> laura: first of all, the electoral college has nothing to do with what they were arguing. and he is attacking elena kagan. wow. trump has made these people not just lose their credibility, they have lost their minds. joining me now is sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel fox news contributor. sol, who is getting the constitution wrong here? >> you know, the whole idea behind using state courts and section 3 of the 14th amendment to try to take trump off the ballot was so ridiculous from the get-go with such a loser, you just shake your head and wonder not that somebody like would be involved in it. he fell off the deep end long ago. judge luttig would name to it. really amazing. and nothing surprising about yesterday's argument. >> laura: now, sol, i listened to the entire thing, justin thomas just hit it out of the park right off the bat.
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first one to ask a question. the lawyers representing what the colorado's supreme court was in this case that trump could be ruling, that trump could be knocked the ballot basically was trying to argue facts that weren't actually at play here and completely schooled, it looks like this could actually could be a very lopsided decision. this could be 8-1. some people saying it could be 9-0. at some point sotomayor gave up saying kagan is on that side. i have got to go with the kagan people. >> well, you have to be careful about predicting for oral argument. >> laura: no we don't. friday night. >> it's friday night? okay. it's been a long time since i heard oral argument this lopsided. i think you are right. either going to be 8-1 or 9-zip. and it's going to be on relatively narrow grounds in order that chief justice roberts can get everybody on board. but what i really appreciated
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about the argument yesterday, laura, was that, you know, everybody took it seriously and i was very proud of the court they were seriously discussing important constitutional issues. they weren't talking about liberal or conservative or anything like that. i think it really redounds to the benefit of the court and to the prestige of the court. >> laura: bret kavanaugh noted obviously that, look, there is a criminal statute on the books for insurrection. that wasn't at play here. and then justice le let toe raid the concern about retaliatory on the part of other states and chaos. listener to the colorado attorney. >> we have been told that if what colorado did here is sustained, other states are going to retaliate and they are going to potentially exclude another candidate from the ballot what about that
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situation? >> i don't think that this court should take those threats too seriously in its resolution of this case. >> you don't think that's a serious threat? >> laura: sol, how serious would that be and what would that mean for our representative democracy and our presidential election? >> it would be constitutional chaos. i think that's what concerns all members of the court more than anything else in particular i thought justice jackson, she was also concerned about the officer is the president even an officer? of the united states? she was pressing trump's lawyer, why don't you stress that even more. but i do think the number one issue, if you had to pick the number one issue that's really concerning them, it's that issue you identify, constitutional chaos if every state can do it their own way. remember, you are not talking about their own officials. you are talking about state officials throughout the country deciding who gets on the federal
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ballot. >> laura: yeah, now alabama next. and then texas, and then california and it just goes on and on. sol, we had a busy week. thanks so much. all right. the pro-life spiderman climbed to the top of the las vegas sphere this week. a friend of mine told me about it. his first stop after jail, well, right here on the angle. that's next. but, first, it's super bowl weekend, and joe theismann is here with his predictions. i cannot wait. stay there. ♪ ] are you sure your taxes are being done 100% correctly? intuit turbotax prepared over 40 million federal tax returns last year, so you can trust they'll do yours right. whether you want a turbotax expert to do your taxes, from start to finish, or help you along the way, you'll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. turbotax experts are always up-to-date with the latest tax laws, and their calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate. get your best tax outcome, guaranteed. visit
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>> laura: super bowl lviii, i know you are going to watch. kicks off sunday from las vegas. proms, kansas city chiefs fourth time last football dynasty. other side brock purdy who is the last draft pick in the 2022 nfl draft he has the chance to give san francisco its sixth super bowl title. who better to preview the sunday game than someone who plays in two of them legend joe theismann. ghat to see you as always. you won the super bowl back in 1983. so do the 49ers have what it takes in your estimation to dethrone the chiefs? >> i do, laura.
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and thanks for having me. i do believe that the 49ers are as complete a football team as the chiefs are going to face. and brock purdy, you know, it's funny, people keep asking me what's it like the first time what's it going to be like. you really don't know. you don't know what to be afraid of. brock is going to continue to do what he has done. run the offense, manage the offense, make plays we saw last week can he make it with his legs. it's a little bit different. i think that the san francisco 49ers do have the fire power to go up against kansas city and win this. >> laura: mahomes addressed the whole issue of dynasties yesterday. watch, joe. >> play dynasties for other people to kind of talk about after your career is done. all you can do is enjoy the moment. i know we have won a lot of football games and been a in a lot of super bowls. until you go out there and do it year in and year out and have the mindset to continue to be great, i don't know if you ever really just talk about it, you just focus on just going out and winning as much as possible and
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let people talk about it once you're done. >> laura: joe, i'm so impressed with him. i mean, he has enormous poise. he doesn't seem to get caught up in the hype and he is just like focused on the game. that's it. that's all we are focused on, period. >> laura, he fully understands what's at stake. he fully understands what they have accomplished not just this year but in previous years. and he has a great perspective of it. you know, i think he is the best quarterback in football. he is fun to watch. you're never quite sure what is going to happen when patrick gets the ball in his hand. to me it's like, okay, i like the 49ers. but patrick mahomes is on the other side. and you know what he is capable of doing. you know the abilities that he has. and the people around him. you know, i have said this many, many times the quarterback position is the single most dependent position on the field. you think back earlier this year the chiefs weren't holding onto the football. patrick is not having that good a year. then we look at the last three football and they're catching
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everything and wow, look at patrick go. but there is so many story lines in this game. it used to be maybe three, four, five guys determined the outcome. there is probably 10 guys that you can look at if this one does that or if this one does that, they are going to have a chance to win for their team. >> laura: 8600 bucks per ticket. people reselling the tickets, joe. it's insane. a little different price than when you were playing. always great to see you. thanks so much for the perspective tonight. >> hey, guys, i'm here on top of the sphere. i guess they are going to make me go through the top. i just wanted to say that we are doing this today to raise money for mother isabel. she is homeless and pregnant and needs help, guys. >> laura: the pro-life spiderman was arrested earlier this week after climbing to the top of the 366 las vegas sphere. and he did it to raise money for a homeless pregnant mom named
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isabel. he says -- who he says has an abortion scheduled for this weekend. stunt helped raise more than $36,000. joining us now is da shump, mason, we'll get to what we thinking when you did this question in a moment. did you change isabel's mind about having the abortion? >> yes. so we are announcing it here first. isabel has, in fact, chosen life. and her fundraiser filled up so all of the money that is donated now that isn't going to isabel will go toward another mom. >> laura: so, how did you learn that she decided not to have an abortion? how did you find out about her in the first place. >> before the show i called her counselor and i'm not sure how she found let them live but thankfully coming on shows like yours, it really raises the
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awareness and gets the word out that there are other options than abortion. there are resources. so women can choose life. >> laura: how did you find out about her all the women contact let them live in different ways. a lot of times it's people on the ground in front of the abortion clinics are the ones who convince these women to call resources like let them live for further help. thank god she did because she is going to have a beautiful, beautiful child. and honestly what is happening right now in the america is so horrible. over. >> laura: the police are. >> 70 million babies have been murdered since roe v. wade alone. >> laura: it's carnage. maison, you were charged with destroying property greater than $5,000. conspiracy to destroy private property. the police said you caused $100,000 worth of damage to led lights. what's your response?
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>> i didn't break a thing. and honestly, i think that the las vegas metro police department should be ashamed of their disregard for the law and our rights as citizens. i had four friends who were on the ground who were all arrested for holding signs. at one point, it got so crazy, they threw the worship leader from my church in handcuffs. if my grandma was on the ground handing out cookies they would have arrested her. so i really do think that it's in their best interest just to drop these charges because there was not a thing that was damaged at all. >> laura: if you tore down a statue of one of our founders you probably would have been okay though. we have video of some of them getting arrested. some of your compatriots there. but, this is an unbelievable story. a friend of mine was actually on the ground and he saw you and he texted me a photo of you climbing, john knows who he is john hamlin. mayson, thank you very much. we will be following this case.
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after is was biden any better today? we checked in i will tell you. i grant raymond three wishes. it's friday follies next. ♪
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kicking it's friday, and that means it's time for friday follies. we turn to raymond arroyo. we have been documenting how th media has been covering the biden unraveling. you found a few more pretty remarkable ones, a sampling. >> described in the report is sympathetic elderly man who is well meaning, that is not how you want your president to be perceived. kk he leaned right into it let last night september sympatheti elderly man with a good memory brett. >> he referred to the president of egypt does the president of mexico. >> if somebody says you are too far left, you attack to the center. the man is 80 years old.
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he rides a bike. >> he rides a bike. we know how that one turned out. hello. the truth is, one of the few reporters who got this right today was peter alexander at nb who underscored the presidents cc mexicans stumble there. it is okay. he was much better today meetin with world leaders brett. >> today we discussed the work we're going to be doing togethe the head of the 75th nato summi here. >> you know, all he does now is read. they give him reams of notes an he kind of read through them in a monotone. this is not credible diplomacy or statecraft on any level. kevin walling, early in your show, he said yeah come up bide made like this in the senate. i knew joe biden and the senate i interviewed him and comfort
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him, he was never in this condition. >> what did peter alexander say? >> he accurately pointed out that i had made that gaffe abou confusing him with the mexican president, they are not the sam person. it's a totally different area o the world, alexander pointed that out cleanly and just reported it. >> just because it's friday, i am granting you three wishes per . >> thank you. laura, you know, i think it's off all the way that anchors have to interview certain newsmakers with no warning. i wish cnn would alert they're anchors that interviewing the congressman can induce vomiting widespread. >> congress might ask in the meantime to exercise there two thirds of the ready to remove the disability from donald trump . that's obviously an extravagant hypothetical is insurrection a
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disability? >> poor wolf blitzer. whether it was the ranting or a bad clam, cnn said wolf was not at 100 percent. >> that's like saying biden is not at 100 percent. >> you know that feeling, especially when your little kid and you felt like you are going to throw up for a guy, that's horrible. what else? >> my second wish. i wish colleges and universitie would teach kids something more than celebrity worship and pop-culture distractions. liquid you may media, harvard. >> stephanie is the mastermind behind the new english class, taylor swift and her world. >> have you ever taught such a popular class? >> no, this is the largest clas i've ever taught. ♪ singing ♪ >> laura, this is the ultimate
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tortured poets department. that's taylor's next album, i think it was inspired by this, it looks like she's not the onl one who likes to wear fancy getups. i pulled the syllabus for this class, you will love this, we will learn to study fan culture i can't read my writing here, how to think about white tics, and this is a very bizarre course brett. >> harvard tuition is what, 80 to? >> $100,000 a year. >> think about all the benefits to what you're learning. for third wish? third wish? >> third wish. biden recently went to north carolina, he randomly visiting black family it is that effort to troll for votes in that community. i wish the white house staff
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would clearly tell the presiden who he is visiting. from the looks of things he didn't know if he was having a meal at mlk's house or they had replaced uber eats order. >> what you shared about. >> you're interested about something i got involved in. mental health. >> he is very involved in menta health. you can say that again. >> that just seems like something out of a larry david kirby your enthusiasm. remain high, i'm here. i don't get that. >> it's so bizarre. its random. we don't even know who these people are afraid we know the father is a principal at the school. the sad fact is that he couldn' work for new per mac eats.
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here he is taking food up for the family. talk about that in a moment. >> thank you, sir. >> itzocan dissenting he would visit a black family and bring fast food. he couldn't bring a pizza or something more nourishing? and the soul music under the package i don't think black america is buying this. they want to know how are you keeping me safe and what about my income and the border. >> raymond, just it's been such a rough week for all of us. raymond, have a great weekend. say connected with us and jesse is next. ♪ >> welcome to jesse's fee for prime time. tonight. >> emma biden supporter and i. >> democrats wetting the bed, now the fun begins


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