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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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the family. talk about that in a moment. >> thank you, sir. >> itzocan dissenting he would visit a black family and bring fast food. he couldn't bring a pizza or something more nourishing? and the soul music under the package i don't think black america is buying this. they want to know how are you keeping me safe and what about my income and the border. >> raymond, just it's been such a rough week for all of us. raymond, have a great weekend. say connected with us and jesse is next. ♪ >> welcome to jesse's fee for prime time. tonight. >> emma biden supporter and i. >> democrats wetting the bed, now the fun begins.
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>> it's important that we okay, all right, we are going to stop. >> hillary can't catch a break. >> how in the hell do we come u with the $53 million pilot program for illegals, but those who are born here, we don't hav enough. >> look around, is it me, or is everyone america first? plus. ♪ >> jesse: great presidents have always put country over eg and one of the biggest sacrifices you could make as president is knowing when your time is up. in 1848, president james polk announced he wasn't running for second term, the reason? he accomplished everything he wanted to accomplish in one term . he had poor health.
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it was the right decision because he died just months int what would have been the beginning of his second term. the american people should neve gamble with their presidential vote. in biden know this better than anyone. >> is a issue kraska gate sure it is, i think people are going to judge it. people are going to when can i still run up the stairs of air force two, do i have my faculties, am i energetic? i think it's totally legitimate that people ask us questions. >> he now lumbers up the short steps of air force one, has diminished faculties and based on a schedule x energy. his own justice department spen five hours with them and concluded he is painfully slow. he struggles to remember events and couldn't even remember when he was vice president. asking quotes, if it was in 2013 , when did i stop being vice president? also asking in 2009, am i still
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vice president? the president's garage looks like a man who has diminished faculties, because lumped in next two broken lamps and potting soil were boxes of top-secret americans intelligence documents. i judge a man based on how organized his garage was. the special counsel said he wouldn't charge president biden because a jury would view him a a sympathetic doddering old man who couldn't be held accountable . he couldn't even remember when his own son died. the president was furious that this came out has been screamin at his staff all day it showed when he appeared at 8:00 p.m. last evening. >> i'm in man, i put this country back on its feet, i don't need your recommendation. >> how bad is your memory, and can you continue as president? >> my memory is so bad i let yo speak. >> people watching have expressed concern about your age .
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>> that is your judgment, that is not the judgment of the press . as you know, initially, president of mexico. >> you heard at the end the president confusing the leaders of egypt and mexico. after shaking his fists and proclaiming he has fined memory and knows what he's doing. playing the loyal soldier, kamala called the whole thing a witch on. >> what i saw in that report last night i believe is as a former prosecutor, the comments that were made by that prosecutor or two it is, inaccurate, and inappropriate. the presidents demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts.
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clearly it was politically motivated. >> kamala has lunch with biden once a week, she knows the presidents demeanor better than anyone. everyone who works with the president knows he slow, but th white house has orchestrated on of the biggest coverups in american political history. it's all now coming out. >> if the special counsel says that president biden has significant limitations on his memory, then who is helping him run the country? >> the president of the united states runs the country. for commander-in-chief runs lik country. >> how can he be trusted with the nuclear codes, you're sayin that nobody and the building would say he's got an issue wit his memory, but just a little part of what we get to see he's made mistake after mistake afte mistake after mistake on camera this week. >> i want to be very clear here. the reality is that report, tha
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report doesn't ring true. the reality is last night democrats were wetting the bed. i slept like a baby last night. i woke up every two hours cryin and wet the bed. this is terrible for democrats. anybody with a functioning brai knows that. after waking up in their damp beds, political pros are gettin ready to pull the plug press. >> he is 15 years older than when i worked with him, so yes, he is not the exactly the same, this is something that has been plaguing the president throughout this campaign the public perception is how you perform in front of a camera an on that i think the president has lost a step and it has hurt him. it has created these questions that are of the central challenge for him in this campaign. >> so they represent the clinto
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and obama political machines, and they are secretly rooting for biden to announce is not running for personal reasons we don't have time to get into. the left has been allowed to sa aloud what they been whispering to themselves for your sprayed behind the scenes, they have been keeping the president and bubble. after biden took questions in a news conference last year, sources say jewels look on her face told everyone and the room from the president on down that they had some explaining to do. she demanded to know why didn't anyone stop that? telling staff quotes where was the person who is going to end the press conference? the media participated in the cover-up knowing there were issues, but they never thought the reality was mental state would be certified by the justice department. suddenly the press began fact checking. >> one thing that president biden said is basically that he
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stored the documents and filing cabinets that could be locked. >> just not true. and other claims that president biden made, none of the documents we're highly classified. that claimed that he did never new material that was quote unquote highly classified also not true. >> biden verifiably diminished, but he led multiple times about the reports, that he is a reckless mess that shares classified information and exposes national security secrets and has a garage looks like a hoarders episode. this undercuts the entire rationale of the biden presidency, a wise statesman wh we can trust to manage america and the world. everywhere around us was mismanaged from the border to the streets to the middle east. >> this is a five alert fire fo the white house. >> mexico? mexico? where did that come from.
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>> two mix up the president of egypt with the president of mexico, that is bizarre. >> that is pretty embarrassing, but on the bright side he will forget about it five minutes later. where, the justice side of the three branches kind of weighs in , so it is waiting. most bergeson media is claiming to the big lie that the big guy is with it. >> painfully slow. i thought who is in pain, that is such a, it's doing so much work editorially. your infant because it takes to long. >> if you ask me to identify when i was where, what yours, e cetera, i would have a tough time. >> why would he want to remembe the day his son died. >> i promise everybody on this
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panel has misspoken and said th wrong name for the wrong date i a conversation. >> this is ageism or it could get 80 years old. >> he rides a bike. >> he thinks mexico is in the middle east, but he can write a bike. when the media is divided it's dangerous for the democrat part because the left is most effective when they are all reading the same talking points and repeating them with commendable discipline. once the propaganda splinters, the democratic party is exposed and can't stand. cnn and msnbc duking it out ove who is running the country is fatal for democrat chances next year. this leaves democrat politician in survival mode. they will have to distance themselves from the top of the ticket. and they won't have the media running interference for them b keeping the heat on trump. the rights has kept the left on the defensive now for two straight weeks. first on the border in now on
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biden's brain, they should push the corruption issue because th impeachment factor will highlight the bribes. we don't have answers for that yet, and the media, above all else is a business, can't hitch their wagons to the oldest most unpopular presidents tearing down the barrel of an impeachment who is losing to trump in every battleground. how can the media's a vote for man with diminished faculties? how does that save democracy? we are at a crossroads now, and responsible adults have to choose what's best for the country. dean phillips is a democrat running for, what was your reaction to that report and the that press conference, do you think the president has what it takes? >> thank you for having me on b the way. it was sad. most patriotic americans are a
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decent man he is a decent man come and i have to get in the front of the country and talk about his son. i thought it was a sad day frankly and i think you would all agree. we wouldn't be having these conversations if he wasn't running for president again. donald trump, not that far behind him. 70 percent of the country wants to move on from this chapter. we have to that people have los faith in broadly, that's why i' excited that we might have an opportunity to have a next-generation president and just imagine, if we had a president democrat or republica and the white house that wanted to solve problems, work with members on both sides of the aisle that my proposition, i hope we get the chance because this is tragic. >> i don't know if anybody is going to get the chance. in terms of mental capacity, trumps light years ahead of joe
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biden. look at him in the polls, use a decency, he's a decent man, but wouldn't the decent leader may be put the country above his legacy and his ego and do the right thing, or is that jewels job? >> i was the first democrat to call on the president to pass the torch. by been doing that on a mission i invited other candidates to enter the race because democrac requires competition. the gop has a number of candidates running right now course, yes, i think you should be putting his own legacy in th country ahead. at think he's making the wrong decision for both by running again and making that contentio much to the chagrin of my colleagues as you well know. i wish we had more here in washington who are willing to torpedo their careers in congress so as not to torpedo
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the country. >> also important, chiefs or niners? >> that is the hardest question for a politician to answer. >> y? figure i'm midwestern, i'm goin with the chiefs. california and new york it way too much love. >> ohio senator jd van strains me now. senator, you heard dean phillip say he's a decent man. i think decent man see country first grade distro biden seat country first? >> i don't think so. i think this is about ego because if he cared about the country first, he would recognize what is obvious to everyone, that he simply can't do the job. i agree with yoon phillips that what i saw yesterday was sad, this is a person who is clearly incapable of carrying on his duties, this is a person that has clearly lost a step, but i must add further not for joe biden, but the people he leads as president of the united states rate i have to respond t
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this point, you here they sometime said by democrats that joe biden has lost a step, but so has donald trump, i don't know how any honest self respecting person can look it joe biden at the press conference yesterday and compar it to donald trump and say thes are two people in the same plac mentally? it's just obviously fake and no true. trump's got the energy, he's go the memory, he's got the verve to do the job. biden is a guy that's clearly going to need to hide in the basement if he has any chance o reelection because that is the image they present to the american people for the next si months, we're going to win in a landslide because it's terrifying to think that guy ha the nuclear codes and controls aren't defense brett. >> i've heard your name mentioned as vp. you could be on this trump ticket. that might mean you might have to debate kamala harris. are you going to prepare for that or just wing it? >> like i've told a lot of people, obviously the president
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asked me, i'd be very interested . i like being a senator, i think that's the best way for me to serve the people of ohio and until the president makes the ask, i'm not going to think about that nightmare about having to stand next to kamala harris. maybe she is the one insurance policy that could keep joe bide in office. >> in ff lightly and sign your head, use what that thing right off. lava, migrant man hands and der friday head on prime time.
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hillary clinton thought she was getting a cushy job when she teamed up with columbia. she shows up to campus couple o
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times a month. sadly for hillary, that hasn't been the case for it it turns out young liberals hate her ver to can't go anywhere on campus without getting heckled. >> thank you very much. >> that my name. >> the people of olivia, the people of iraq griff. >> to get you are violating the university code. i'm asking you to leave, the delegates will now escort you out of the building. thank you. sir. >> columbia university isn't a safe place for hillary, the democrats have young problem. the young guard is upset. there is no way to escape.
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>> free palestine. free, free palestine. free, free palestine. >> okay. let me think all of you for coming because this is. >> jesse: her class was like a workable, pull one protester out , another one pops right up. >> wyatt don't all of you just interrupt me so you won't be interrupting our panelists so w don't have this kind of disruption. we have people who are real experts in this area. so i think it's important to focus on the event we are here. people are free to protest, but they're not free to disrupt events or classes.
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>> hillary and joe can't go anywhere on an american campus without getting eight your full like that which is why bill clinton has offered to go on a nationwide campus tour instead. >> they're our two questions on every democrats mind come out when is biden dropping out and who is going to replace them? >> i think what we need to thin about is once all the delegates are received, the dnc will be certifying the delegates, and that counts, and gavin newsom can be swapped out. >> white not the vice president? >> this country is not ready fo a black female president. we couldn't even elect one of the most qualified white women. >> so a black woman says americ is too racist and sexist for someone like me, we need a whit man because the white men we have now is too old. these are the kind of conversations democrats are having today.
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in jesse agrees with sunday, kamala is not the answer birge, but she's the only democrat mor unpopular then biden. then there is newsom, who enjoyed nice bottle of reading the report last night. he has the hair, youth, and money, and pays attention to prime time because he took our advice and went undercover to see what california is really like, slept on the hat, picked up trash on the side of the street. that if the democrats replace him with gavin, that has and didn't the politics civil war i there is no guarantee he beats trump at all, so why waste them? keep him undefeated and hold hi fresh for 28. the hail mary is coordinating michelle obama at the conventio in chicago, it's her hometown. she just got a taste of the goo life, she doesn't really want t work in the white house and fight about who's really in charge? so democrats are stuck with
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biden. it might be better to lose with joe than anyone else. as we've seen the democrats, when we know they're going to lose, they fight dirty. the author of amateur hour, a political reporter for daily you did a deep dive into the kamala world, what do you think is going on right now after thi report just dropped? >> it is really bad because democrats are increasingly talking quietly behind the scenes about how can they get gavin newsom, how can they get someone like redshirt gretchen whitmer to take biden's place, at this point, there is really big problem with kamala harris. >> is she excited about this report dropping? was she enjoying joe biden goin out with a blaze of glory last night at 815? >> is on her press conference tonight, or today, she the
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special counsel report was a disaster, and it was full of ba political attacks and boy, if anyone knows about bad politica attacks it is kamala harris herself because she attacked biden for being, for treating him as a racist during the 2020 campaign. >> so there is no shot that the kingmakers are considering kamala, they are just looking right at newsom, right at gretchen and hoping things work themselves out. it could get messy in chicago a the convention this summer. how do you see that convention shaking out? >> right now they are praying that biden can get back on his feet and make it past the finis line because there's no way the want to say the 25th amendment get a vote for someone who is pulling really low right now, 2. they can only hope that biden makes it across the finish line so they don't have to have thes uncomfortable conversations wit
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their base on why they have to reject the historic black woman president in favor of someone else read. >> this is probably one of the worst stretches for the democrats and a very long time. everybody go check out the book amateur hour, have a great weekend. >> thank you for having me, jesse. >> who are the migrants voting ! for? -gwe found out. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪
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>> americans migrant crime crisis spiraling out of control in the white house is threatening to throw grease on the fire. after he opened fire at police last night and shot a tourist i times square. they were confronted while shoplifting, when jesus pulled out his piece and started blasting willy-nilly. now, he may be young, but this isn't his first rodeo.
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is warranted for two other charges in new york including armed robbery just last week. they had no criminal record and would be on his best behavior. the wild shootout comes after a different group of pummeled to nypd officers and fled to arizona. these are the people that peopl are ushering into our country great firehose of migrants into america at a record clip. what joe biden has done to this country is unlike anything that has ever happened. it's an absolute explosion of illegal immigration that shows no signs of stopping unless he' defeated. if he doesn't get his border deal pushed through congress, the white house says they will drop up migrant bomb on the whole country and cut eyes deportations even further.
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they are choosing partisan politics over our national security and refusing to pass the national security agreement that include significant border reforms and funding over the coming weeks. ice will be forced to reduce operations because of budget shortfalls. >> pass our bill or will let more people into the country that only sounds good to aoc. while jerry nadler wants aoc wants them to take care of your grandparents. >> we do not talk about the enormous lessing economic blessing that immigrants and immigration represents to the united states of america. we currently do not have the economic or social structural capacity to take care of our seniors and we will increasingl not have that if we quote unquote lock up our border and shut down immigration.
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>> aoc wants illegal border crossers to get full amnesty so they can spoonfeed grandpa soup while he watches yours truly. she says illegal aliens are givers, not takers, giving us the middle finger in debt. we don't have anything against immigrants, we have a problem with illegal immigrants there's only so much money to go around. >> we've got full impoverished people who we're born and raise in this nation. how do we come up with a 50 to, $53 million pilot program for illegals, but folks that are here legally, or born here, we don't have enough for them. that is why trump is on the verge of getting elected red. >> who is biden going to replac stephen a with? we found him. >> [nonprimary language]
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>> biden. >> biden. >> nick surely has been on the ground talking to the migrants as they come into the country. two they understand they're not legally allowed to vote? >> i don't know, i think there are pretty excited to support joe. >> do you have anybody that eve tells you, yeah yeah yeah, donald trump? >> never. >> and you've talked to a lot o migrant specs. >> hundreds of migrants bear they all love joe biden. do they ever say anything about kamala? gig i don't think they know she exists. what is the weirdest thing that's ever happened, you've been traveling around with the migrants for quite some time. >> weirdest thing that happened when time i let some x cartel members into the car to give us more insight on the migrants. >> what did they do? >> they took us to where they smuggled migrants breath bear. >> what did they show you? >> exactly how they bring them through into america.
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>> and how much does it cost to get into the country? >> each person is paying around 5-$10,000. >> so the cartels are just swimming in cash. >> they are making lots of money . >> so the only wages that have been increased are the cartel wages, the american wages are down by inflation. you ever feel sympathy for thes migrants? many of them are coming here from horrible circumstances, none of them are really clean because they fear anything, the are coming here to work, how does that make you feel? >> a lot of the migrants are good people and they come through with good intentions, but if you let in 8 million people in three years, a lot of bad people are going to come in as well. >> like the guy, looking up shots right there are headquarter spread i'm not goin to say i almost got shot, but when i left the building the other day they had police tape all outside. this is crazy. >> it's getting really bad and
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there is no signs of it slowing down. >> thank you very much, tell them when they get to this country to watch jesse watters prime time. >> dei friday is on fire. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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>> dei is something we must hav heard. >> last night, he disrespected al sharpton with his disastrous address, but prime time is not going to let anything get in th way of bringing our favorite stories about diversity equity and inclusion. we are celebrating on friday starting with this. prime times noticed white liberals have a shame picked fo racial humiliation. for eating yourself of white guilt can get expensive, but it is worth it. spell proclaimed anti- oppression coach wanda swan, says she can reprogram whites t not be racist. for 1500 bucks. wanda will teach you about the troubles of whiteness, whitenes as a construct, whiteness as a
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racial marker, and racial supremacy. racism is art muscle memory, bu she is happy to beat it out of you if the price is right. >> there is no space is identifying as a white assimilated folks and coming in and saying what the [bleep] is wrong with me, what is wrong with the culture, even after i read the books, even after i go to the lectures, i still have this muscle memory. a lot of homework is digging down into that oppressive muscl memory and replacing it with anti- oppressive muscle memory. >> up next, primetime victory. zoom is getting the dei team. they are learning thatdei doesn't drive business even if half of us are working from home . it just a matter if a non-
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binary pics of the customer service line, they just want to video call into work meetings i their underwear, it's not just zoom, big tech companies have quietly left dei to diy. job listings are down 44 percen last year, no one will hire you if it's racist to fire you. finally, one republican candidate for missouri secretar of state is torching graphic se. >> this is what i'll do to the graphic books when i become secretary of state. ♪ to get these books are in you public library, when i'm in office, they will burn. >> normally, primetime is against book burning, but if you're going to burn any book, kama sutra book for a 13 -year-old's of the public library, may be don't burn it, just give it to gutfeld.
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so state of emergency and iceland has been declared after a massive volcanic irruption. for the third one in a row. christina coleman is here with the latest. >> a volcano erected in southwestern iceland blasting hot lava into the sky and cutting up a critical source of heat in hot water for thousands of people as they cope with freezing temperatures. the lava pulled over up pipelines that some to nearby towns for the irruption happene on the peninsula around 6:00 a.m. terrifying residence and forcing evacuations, one tourist described waking up to the chaos. >> we woke up, jumped out of bed , realized what was happening , staff from the hotel going down the hallways and knocking on everyone's doors including ours to say we have t evacuate, there was just this hot air that we could feel just
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coming from that direction. it was quite shocking. >> shocking indeed, the blue lagoon, a popular tourist spot was evacuated, hundreds of smal earthquakes have been taking up this area since last week. prior to yesterday's irruption, this was the third time this volcano has erected since december. some residents have decided to move due to the ongoing volcani activity. >> they're are people that are never going back. including my parents. they just bought a house somewhere else spread. >> they have just moved it. they're nervous system because it has been going on for like four years. >> so far, no confirmed fatalities have been reported i the scientist say it's unclear when this increase and iceland will slow down. >> thank you, have a nice weekend. >> 's sink or swim is up next.
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♪ >> jesse: sink or swim. you have no idea how this thing is going to shake out. the super bowl is this sunday and a record number of viewers, could be because of taylo taylor swift, and they revealed that they were a swiftie. >> taylor swift won bake at the grammys last night. was that face 1. >> all i can say is to donald trump is haters got i hate, hate, hate. >> jesse: next up, super
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manning burroughs, everybody is getting pumped for the big game including this manning brother who will be in a bud light super bowl ad on sunday heard is it peyton or eli? >> i'm going peyton, he's always in, right? >> this is not even my story this week. >> peyton manning is my best friend. >> jesse: still down one, o'grady. the game is still early, the category is the candy man. inflation is affecting everyone, even the man that caused it, joe. angry that his popular chocolate bar has gotten smaller, is it milky way or snickers? >> i'm going snickers. >> jesse: at the candyman. it can >> they raise the price of the snicker bar, it's a lot smaller. so they are making more money. >> jesse: we are going to make this last question worth two to make it interesting.
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are you complaining? a television. we have to keep a close. brain fog is a category, after the special counsel report dropped yesterday, one late night host said it's pretty embarrassing for biden, but on the bright side he will forget about it 5 minutes later. was it jimmy comeau or fallon? >> pretty embarrassing for embarrassing for biden, but >> jesse: you did not lose, you are tied. whatever, we just made it so it's a tie. so we have a tiebreaker. how many pages is the special counsel's report on biden's mishandling of documents? whoever gets closer, not over or under, whoever is closer -- >> not "price is right" rules? i will go 102. >> 103.
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>> jesse: 388. >> your first hat. >> i'm 1 for 1. i was very defeated before i came on the show tonight. and it finally evened out the score. >> jesse: congratulations. happy dti friday on thursday. maybe we can do a victory dance on kelly o'grady's grave. all right, kelly. >> i will rematch. losing to the weather man is always fun on a friday. >> what can you do. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: people keep asking me who i think it's going to win the super bowl, i have no idea, i'm going for the niners, here's my reasoning. the niners crush the eagles, but the eagles beat the chiefs. so under those kind of rationalizations, we are going with the niners. nothing to do with taylor swift, nothing at all. we are going with the niners. all right, we have some texts coming up. let's see them, and sarasota,
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florida, if biden is confident, then he should be prosecuted, simple. my wife was confused. she is like, is biden arguing that he should have been charged? basically. dustin from west virginia, just to be clear, as long as i'm forgetful, i can start bringing home classified documents? yes, we have a lot of emails from former military guys if they had brought one thing out, ten years behind bars. lauren from cleveland, if "the love you" does not think the country is ready for a black female president, how will they justify voting in michelle over kamala. the more that i talk about michelle obama being president, she will just kick me on "the five" she thinks it's a conspiracy theory, i just say it's a theory. eric from hendersonville, north carolina, the media is getting biden derangement
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syndrome. it's about time that somebody gets a derangement syndrome other than trump. >> if you look in my garage she will see that i am vp material. i don't know about you guys, but if you see someone's garage and it looks disgusting, don't you kind of judge them? the rest of the house can be immaculate, but something is wrong with that person. get it together, not a book club, but get it together. john from grayling, michigan. think i can get my hands on that treadmill in biden's garage? looks like a sale going on there. chris from mattoon, illinois. j.d. vance would make the perfect vp choice for donald trump, professional and brilliant. i think he would make a great person on the ticket, the beard -- apparently it's work out or grow up beard. we will see. joshua from oklahoma, quit saying michelle obama, you will curse us. you think i will manifest
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michelle into the white house? i am powerful, but i'm not that powerful. bob from florida, you think the michelle thing is funny, every time you say her name, escape you at the eight. never do that. cherry from moline, illinois, so the guy that is so manly he won't use a strong public loves ryan gosling movies. i don't love his movies, i'm saying if i see a movie with him in it, i'm intrigued. tony from colorado, it's cool, bro, i like gosling and jake gyllenhaal too. it does not mean i have a crush on them. i just like their acting skills. very strong heterosexual credentials. someone snickered. i am jesse watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" on the super bowl friday. it has been a disaster of a week for your president joe biden, filled with bizarre gaffes and a specia


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