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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 10, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PST

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on fox nation. plus exclusive content with john callahan. walsh you won't see anywhere else. let's kick some together. america's most wanted and america's most wanted extra together exclusively on fox nation. right? unfortunately, this friday> unt super bowl weekend, that is all the time we have left this evening. is ening anand we hope you'll set r so you never, ever, ever, everf ,ever miss an episode of hannity. thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possibls e. i hope you watch the super bowl. we'll look at the best ads, worsokt on monday with a good friend of mine. that's all coming up anyway. you have a great weekend. enjoy the super bowl. let not your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld is up next. have a great weekend
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thateverybody shirt. it's friday, so you know what that means. . >> let's welcome tonight's guests like a genie. she can also fit in a bottle. co-host of america's newsroom in the five, dana perino. ino. hide him from your wives, kil because they'll probably kill themselves. comedianl joe, he's my third favorite, lou. after breakout and. comedian author of that joke isn't funny anymore. read and she does her best lifting at the gym where she steals purses in the locker room. "new york times" best selling author. right. som yeah. okay. before we get to some nenewsw l.
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do this. greg's leftovers. >> yeah, me? th >> it's leftovers where i read the jokes that we didn't use this week. and asuse always it's my first time reading them. so if they , we'll throw macn into a meat grinder and make mac meatballs, and then, of course, feed them to steve doocy. >> all right, here, first medical research to say nose picking can lead to memory. loss. i really don't have to sayking anything. oh, this is easy. well, speaking of joe. yesterday, a special counsel investigating joe biden's classified called him anl call elderly man with a poor mental memory. mory
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i hate to be that guy, says say [appman. oh,. sho >> meanwhile, a new study shows erectile dysfunction medications lower the risk of alzheimer's in elderly men. sorry, there's only so much i can do, says one woman. out earlier, at a campaignn event, biden claimed he spoke with francois mitterrand. years after the french president's. he also claimed he spoke with helmut kohl, who's also and had aids in a panic. but it turns out dr. jill had just replaced his iphone with this and in last night's presser, president biden also
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mixed up mexico and egypt bideta it's an easy mistake to make. they're both countriessy. meanwhile, on cnn, jeffrey toobin said the comments about joe biden inn in the report were inappropriate and i know inappropriate. he sairiate, hd while feverishly in front of his coworkers, one after the other. noy, joe, says,ead he's not going to do that traditional super bowl halftime interviewradition. but thankfully, cbs found a replacement that's just as articulate articulate. >> so many people are wondering how is vice president kamala harris reacting to biden's performance? we go now live to the vp.
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i think are we could probablywec move i we can move on now.anno so delta airlines announced plans for a neuncew lounges, but only for premium members. in response, airlines invitedn i all fliers to enjoy their open doorrlin. the manhattan d.a., alvin bragg, declined to answer . >> ed to all right, settle down, b. bragg to answer why seven illegal immigrants who attacked cops were releaseda without bail. he also refused to answer why his lawn and hedges loo fantastic this week, a king charles was diagnosed with a form of cancer. doctors say, the cancer has
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been around for eight years. it's five feet, six inches. and has dark a brown hair. er squatters took over 1200 homes in atlanta and opened illegalri strip clubs. in related newclothes s, huntert biden moved to atlantaer finish heir otherwise known as thin air announced it will start weighing passengerl stars if ths catches on here. there goes the abc's travel budgets ca budget. speaking of the view, sunnyspeai hostin, when appearing on anng ancestry program just found out that she's the descendant of owners. >> i know.
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not to be outdone, joy behar found out she's a descendant of money because they're big. n a drunken, fully naked florida man was arrested after he was caught strolling through an airport terminal after. >> luckily, he only had one bagl to check. i just got off. i'm sorry, dana. i'm sorry you had to hear r thac but if i said one to check, it wouldn't work. >> disney is reportedly considering replacing johnny depp's character, jack sparrow with a female. but we hear amber heard is free, and she how to swab a deck work perfectly. n ha torrential rain has brought
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record flooding to southern californiat . s have fortunately, though, hundreds of residents have been able to stay dry by takin beeg under kim kardashian's. that's a mudslide. i know. yeah. took it too finally, during a recent interview, actor henry cavill or whatever his name is, said he's not a fan of scenes. he joins manfay other people wh hate them, especially those who don't have sex at. sorry, joe. >> you're going to get a lot of sympathy. love after this the >> all right. now to the news. biden addresses the special counsel's report as his job appears to be on life support. the president surprised everyoneort.presiden last night he gave an impromptu primetime speech and press conference. pel
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it came just hours after a special counsel announced no charges in classified documents scandal. but the report also describeclad as a, quote, sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. so last night, biden tohe convince america that he's just fine t. but -- but in reality, he did the opposite when he confused two countries on opposite sides of the earth. e i'm of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in gaza, in the gaza strip has been over the top. i think that, as you know, iden initially, the president of mexico, sisi, did not wantte
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to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced open the gate. >> well, at least dr. jill did refer the leader of egypt as a breakfast taco. o but you got to wonder, why did he do the presser. >> who told him it was a good idea? bud light, the whitet questi house press corps, even turned on him yelling out questions that hdidn'te want to answer. i it was almost as if they were actual journalists. lway so this is all happening a as tucker carlson interviews president vladimir putin for 2 hours. apparentlyn president , those rs of putin's poor health are as phony as biden's good health. all day long went on and on, rattling out historical facts and global historyn rattli. >> this as our president decomposes in real time.
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you know, to find a bigger contrast, you'd have to get ment to next to someone ugly. thank so thank you so much. >> now you can call putin a murderer or a dictator. propaganda, is.ll but there's one thing you can't call him in capable. unlikem in joe. last night, the universe served up one of a contrast. we have a cunning adversary in putin, and russia has a confused one. and biden. one leader recites his country's history, going back multiple centuries. another sniffs hair and talks to the dead. that you've got to thank the media who shielded the public from the truthso about joe for so long. this as they wrote countlessg. pieces on putin's mystery illness since his shaking limbs, his alleged heart attack. maybe had a body double.
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the media speculated, with joe, we should be so lucky. sesh but it raises the question, how can biden stand up to puti n if he can't even stand up to gluten? good work and thanks, joe. as a country, we're nearly as divided as russia ukraine and ukraine. one says half america first. the other says america . meanwhile, putin keeps about is the necessity of a national identity. but afteity ofr night, it's becg clear. to maybe we should, toe it'so. >> every year. every year. dana, there are so many questions i want to ask you about last night. but let's stick to the press corps. yes, exactlyt let'to the . my time for something else. someti was at his decision.
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if it was his decision. did they say jusdecit go for because they knew it was going to be a disaster? >> what is what do you think happened? ryi know as press secretary,s i would have threatened to resign,i would but i'm done. i've really done all i cani and i can't lie. there >> so i can't go out there,en i even if it was a staff decision. everything comes from the top. yeah fro. did so i don't. i'm not buying the excuse that the staff did it. and also what i thought i thought was a good decision for them to have him come out and sahiy something. otherwise, just having a vacuumi there would be it's going to bey filled by somebody and like by you for so i thought it was smart. come out and give it like a nice statement. yeah. and then they should. i never thought he would take questionhes. becau neither did the press. right. they start freaking out because they never get to ask a single k question. and he starts attackinggl the press and then did that fatal mistake. >> he pulled a columbo.
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one more thing. he's walking out the doors back and he takes one more questione and he walks back to the podiupm and. that's when, you know, all the staffers started having a heart attack. yeah, because up start a heart t was like, it's not great, but it's kind of fine. thd mexicohen he sai and i the same thought, like there's pyramids in mexico. mexo yeah, it's not the same place. but at least he didn't say it was mubarak. yeah, i, i think i woulde have said, sir, go out,d give a statement. and tomorrow morning whe ncan do you're fresh in after the oatmeal, but you can do weur press conferencese. >> joe, it's funny. we we you talked about youe said the wortighg d tight. and the thing is, the real problem, i think, is not the words. wordt thit's the spacing between the words. you could drive a semi betweend his words. joe, by the way,ongr congratulations on thaatult brad new members. >> only jacket. have you are you now kinderson
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of their official spokesperson or modelor yet? yes, craig. i expect their sales to plummet . you're going to be there. dylan mulvaney plumm you, joe, > running the country. >> things are going terribly soo bie biden yeah. >> that press conference was a bigger disaster than the special counsel report. he mixed up mexico with egypp m and then he mixed up america with china when he said he got the country back on its feet. this n this next year looks kindkind of intricate. biden his mental acuity. >> greg, while he seemed sleepy whd grumpy, ,sneezy, bashful
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and then happy when it was overl ,he represented all ofve the seven dwarves whene th immediately went to see the doc? . wht doatwhat did you wha you of this situation and how does it look to the world? is this crazy oris thior. far well, i want to see how far weea can take it. like , i.t i want biden 20, 28. i just want to just wantg an haveeep going. and also, i just got to say, you know, we have all thes ameee americans here like, oh, on the high horse. i can't believe that he he got this in this room. diu did you guys really knowhere that they had presidents in egypt and mexico? were that was that was newsnewst to me. well, i thino k growing up, we always called mexicans, spanish egyptians. >> um, so i could see the mix
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there. yeah, that's true. that's true. cat, i know we've pretty much scraped the bottom of the barrel of biden jokes, but it just, it just keep os giving us more material. >> okay, so they he did thisthis yesterday because he had to do this, right? thisike th like the hail mary p. yeah. this was billy madison challenging erik to the academic decathlon. this was happy gilmore at thed h golf tournament. this was a lowly wedding singer hopping on a flight to vegas gir for example. yes. all the examples are adam sandler movie. still the only movie that i watch. but in those movies, it's like when things get really desperate. let's tries ar ty something crav which proves that, like, they were freaking out about this coming ouy wet, tha they should, right? i mean, bush is like, we've been in this so long as, it's easy to forget how crazy it is. islre having a presidentia race that's coming up. and it is. sorry, nikki, but it is going gon two people, one of whom is not senile, but is being charged with stuff, and another one who is not being charged
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with stuff. >> but that's because he is. yeah b, my goodness. i thought that things were supposed to return to normalppo. now that for joe, you don'tso cat. when you mention the billy madison movie, i thought they were going to prove tho biden was smart by getting him to pass the first great. e firs all right. a cop next. >> if elmo carried mace, he wouldn't get hit in the face . >> streaming now on fox nation, an all new episode of the groundbreaking series. these jurors sat at the center of alex murder trial. now they speak out about the trial and new revelations. nobody knew what and what the fall of the house of murdock. the jurors speak streaming now on fox nation, then binge all the episodes. >> this would be written in hollywood because. it's so unbelievable. do you believe the killer
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let's go over to our check ch. he weather not yet. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait oh, my gosh. why don't you just last not permission. ask permission before touchmisso people. >> never ask permission befon. ask permission before you touch. who do you think you arewho do? matt lauer. lucky. lucky for larry this happenedw k in new york city where assault is totally legal. >> ce ul but obviously anyone wl sense of humor could see wasl all in good fun. >> oh, no, larryas, i justze. apologize. >>k you, larry. that's very big of you. i'm not such a partisan. ri'm really sorry. >> i don't know either. but the whole thing didn't sit w . well, with some actor named wil wheaton who went off on larrh oy
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david on facebook, he posted in part, what the f is wrong ? that guy elmo with that guy, elmo is like the best friend. of multiple generations of children. elmo is a child who is currently putting mental health and caring for others in the spotlight. >> and larry spotli david did that and tha thought it was going to be funny. what an. what a stupid, self-centered, tone dean stf. read the room and understand what's happening in the moment.d f0 understand that there are larger things in the world than you and your garbage eggeo. >> yeah. like my egy o. >> by the way, i haven't seen language that profane since i stole judge jennings shirtless photo of john tesh wearing a shirt. will also called larry's attack unforgivable and despicable? and how it reminded him of his own father's violent outbursts whenof he was a kid. >> well, how the hell was larry
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so attacking elmo reminds someone of child abuse. you know, it's an adult in there under . that cheap red, whatever the hell fabric that is. i mean, wait till he finds fabrt . >> elmo has a grown man's hand up his and joe, you were equally as emotionally harmed t by this, weren't you? >> and it's touched you.? i traumatized because michael ta strahan's teeth remindedum of me before orthodontic work. but this is didn't bother me,ece greg, because wil wheaton took this joke and then decidedd to to make it about himself. r of and he's not the center episnything, especially a a star trek episode that wants to be good at that. >> oh, i hate i hatenadians
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people tell comedians how to make jokes. yeah. you don't tell the beatles how to make songs. now, that's pretty arrogant. methat'st , myself and the beato how to fix that, fixin that. >> that's like that's like someone telling the rolling stones. y funn it is pretty funny, though. like thi, this is what he is. lou is kind of a textbook example. so he lived his almost entire almoirc on twitterr an and social media. so he fell for this performative where people expect you to know about their inner turmoil. right? i just saw, you know, dirty harry was on tv. sho and you know what? somebody shot me in the street while eating a hot dog in the seventies. we didn't know that. no, exactly. i haven't. i haven't been reading wil wheatolln diary to know what wh he's been through his life. i but i think he really you pointed out, i don't think
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the problet m will, is with larry david. it's with louie normals prob dad who didn't protect him from the attack. not no, i'm a father of two. yeah, you can say i'm a daddy, louie. yeah, as well. daddyand i'm just saying, don' your hands on my son's right or elser we'r going to have troublt because i wonder what would have happened if it was if it was like oscar the grouch there. because i think larr grouch by david would be, like, stabbed and bleeding, like under in that room right there. we already went back. ernie would have beeave ben outy of control. control nuts. you know, larry david should have respondedhould ha stranglig big bird. >> yeah. yeah, i'd be just the factrr that he said that larry david was being self centered. >> but really, he's like, because of what happened to me that nobody knowe whas about, y should be able to do this at all. that's being self-centered. yeah. and that's self-centered and ale get wrong. and also, like, self-centered, like, okay, like that's kinds of larry david's brand.
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>> yeah. i like has this guy, like, ever seen s curb your enthusiasm? he's not like, oh, no. enn as a cheery, jovial person has now been destroyed. and i'm really glad that you also pulled the word unforgivable out becauset like you can like, be sad or not like a joke. but he said that wast he on. yeah. people don't think about what they're saying when they say that. maybe it's likle don't te what ? should he be shot? like what? like what should he be going to jail? like, what should happen to him? yeah, exactly. exactly. skral? hould hait's amazing. does it really spell it?will i don't know. does he really spell will with one l yeah. see that?that >> an ego stroke. no you know what i mean. oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,o no, no. neit's l do you imagine him at the bank or anywhere else? he always has >> oh, no, no, it's. you spelt my name wrong on the check. u it's 1li mean, that's why he did it. th why i had two g's at the end of greg when i was 13. we. did you do that? yes, i.
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i changed the spelling because w i wanted to feel special. i threw the only boy wasn't enough for, you know. what was it? i needed the extra g that d it.w up and droppe dana did it again. this is a guy, okay if you live in this performative fake agred,na i you actually think that other people will agree with your fake outrage. in a way yr fa, i me but like hu dylan mulvaney based on like an illusion of opinions like there were these activisns.t and it'sh trans is the next big thing they bought into it the same no that worldbig you know it's not real well we're good.i have i have a feeling will alsot the believes that the wwe fightingis is real. >> no, wait. you're so lucky. tyra isn't here. said >> i know, but let me just tell you, i only said joe because
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then fill the infield like a rock concert mix in some superstar. turn them loose, a 500 mile bike. nascar's biggest prize, the great american, the daytona 500 on fox and it's coming your way. >> hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. austin's obsession with race gets thrown back in her face. >> today'sgets t comes to us frm sunny hostin. sounds like a town we're in. sunny hostin, she was on pbs's finding your roots, a show dedicated to researching celebrity ancestry for tal cont, sunny is a staunch supporterport of reparations and haser made
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a fortune spewing nonsense about white privilege and racial. well, turns out she's notd raci as oppressedal. she claims she she she's actually the descendant of owners thi from europe.he nw >> here's how she tooks the news. roll it. shs wow. i'm. i'm.owne i'm in a little been shock. i just always thought of myself as puerto rican. you know, halff rican. i i didn't think i was. >> my family was originally from spain and slaveholderans. f yeah. so how are you feeling, my frien md? s actu >> i i think it's actually pretty that my husband and i have shared roots. precia >> yeah. so i do appreciate that.te ti and i think it's great foro kn our children to know this informatioown. i guess it's a fact of lifeing that this is how some people made their livin g on the backs of others a fact of life.act of
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change of tune.tune for more, we go to our chief coe hostin correspondent for a reactionsp. oh, that's little low.hat? >> is this karma or what?an well, first, i just want to go on the record to let everyone know that i am very muchi' slaverm vey. very brave to say that on this panel. it's g you know, karma definitely. i meanoi, it's one thing i it's
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going to be so awkward on, you know, new episodes of the viewe view . >> she tries to pull the race card. yes. and then she's like america's cs racist. and then they're like, yeah, they might be racist, but they're not like the. someb it's.od >>ke somebody wey that we. so true. yeah. oh ioing t, got to milk this til the end of time. stupre right. any time she says something stupid. slave owne to r, cat. >> i just watch that's the second time i watchth that. she was tipped off beforehand, right, because she hadad it.time they had to tell her before, so >>e had time to regroup. they wouldn't just. really? why do you think now? i don' don'tt know. i feel like she could maybe done better. okay. the thing. g >> one thing. and i would have you actually not give her any, is she said what? >> i guess that's just what they di thad back then. sh yeah. she should have followed that up with saying something alonld havllowed ug the lines o. and i understand that that's a departure from the way i've talked about this beforee i'v.s that was like for me, the one yu
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thing that was missing. >> yeah, right. because it's like, okay, now that you have this information as you have. have you had any personal growth? doanal growth. think about thins differently. have to acknowledge that? yeah, i would do with thatit's d it's okay to change your mind. the good to change your mind. but you should acknowledgenowles that. >> exactly. because if she is shamin ig descendants of this, will she continue to do that when she is now one of them? dana. and it is funny, she's so wrapped up in identity and she had no idea who she was. >>sh well, now we understand why she always makes speak. >> get the coffes e. yeah. i'm not. i don't know. that's not true. that's true. but you think about things and h that sheow said and how offensii they are. yeah, well, karma. yeah, itveare, is karma. and that's coming from someone
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who's descended from the keebler elves.e desc th >> yeah, you make a mean cookie. and now we know why. you and me 2 so confused. yeah, exactly. you or your familyconfus lived a tree trunk, joe, your great grandfather was actually pinocchio pinocchio. e what? when you get insulted, people feel bad becaus e. love me. >> greek yogurt. gree gk. >> you know, in her defense. mm-hmm. everyone, everyo has ancestors d unspeakably horrible things. it's just that not everyone's ancestors have records tied to their thei their dna about it. but i'm more worried for sunnyw hostin progeny in the future that do a dna test and find out
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that they were related to a cast member of the vieto aw. and they're like, ohan it all makes so much sense now why i'm so in fact. . all right. thrrible, terrible. this is awful. t on coming up, they'll dance on your lap, but don't put up with if you'll be in the new york area with, like, tickets. sesee gutfeld go to, sesee gutfeld go to, slash gutfeld and clicchest cok on the link to join our studio audience. bye bye.t. >> call me to check congestion. hello. 12 hours of relief. 12 hours of relief. well, hours mucinex dm givesthe you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day. you're not mucinex. dm it's comeback season now. ine
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want protections while giving men . >> washington state exotic dancers are advocating for strippers. bill of rights. what would that entail, you as k ? workman's comp for paper cutst work dollar billens. >> making sure every pollolla is warm to room temperaturele i a limit on motley crew. right to bear arms and anuses. >> no, no, no.g seri we're actually being serious here. strippers constantlyou sexual harassment and even assault while on the clock. and now they want to do somethin sexuag about it. the proposed legislation includes requirements for security guards, mandatory training on preventing harassment and procedures for handling violenc pe and assurane . they'll never have tosu give a lap dance to jerry nadlerranco . hike. most strippers perform in multiple clubs perf, ependent contractorss which means they're ineligible for typical worker benefits, and it puts them at the of shady club owners, creepy djs and other bad guys lurking
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these establishments and worse. on top of that, you have to raise hunter biden's kids. >> yet there is a strong argument because stripping a ads industry that has not been updated since it started. i mean men come in and, they throw dollar bills at naked women. that's been should they update it should they bring it into the 21st century. tei like they're not asking for enough. they.n't th i do read this and i was like i don't i don't think there'k ss controversy here where they're like, we would like to havheree. please. like you'd like. yempletelys. i completely understand why you would want to have securitt y our . and the other thing was like, we want to keep more of our own tips. like after you just had to do that. you should keep all of your tip s. keep a like, i don't. yeahur, i'm on.
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i'm on their side. yes, i think so, too. you know, like, i just to a one guy was like, yeah. >> oh yeah. everyone else wa e s. i don't want to clap forwaha that in public. but you know, dana want upwardt mobility. but isn't that what the pole mobi? upward and by pole, you don't meas n congressman. and i also read it and i was surprised that as a stripper, you also have to pay $200 a night for the privilege of being there to stripis and have security and give them all your tips. wig. hing is definitely wron >> this and gavin newsom should really get on it. why he hasit. to get on it. it's like, you know what it is whenever? you go to a hair salon or to you go to a nail salon. those womea hairn the same deal. they're only the renting that chair. they areit's the same thing.yo and joe, you know this. you stripped in the ninetiesn th now talk about a members only. >> i don't even know what that means, but what was your stripper name? at was yoh, it was joe mackie. >> i have no shame. no, but i agree with these
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strippers. great. need better security. because back when i was stripping, i was kissed by ss so many old women. it reminded me of how guy ritchie must have felt when married madonna. anything else, joe?o no, but to dana's point, i mean, i have to pay a fee to there and i have to buy my own breakaway policemen uniform, though. do you see any problems? with this? i mean yo, a big, you know, of defender of the bill of rights, especiallyth second amendment rights when it comes to strippers. >> and i don't knoi w. s i think it's a big business opportunity because you get to pay >> see where she's concealing the gun. e she'mm. level. you have to have the holster hor on at all times. it's not a vacation you chooseng
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a long term career, though. i mean, you know, it's not like you, don't you shouldn't get comfortable stripping. right. do it for, like. >> how long did you do it, joe? oh, i thought. i thought that was your inner monologue there foe therr her. screw you, joe. all right, up next, viewer mail. that's never. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi new robitussin honey medi soothers for long lasting coug ,sore throat relief. try to robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. >> doesn't really need to work on your people skills. come on, guys. you know we hate to ask for help. whether it's asking for directions or taking care of ourselves when we're sick. but if you're over 40 and not feeling like the man you used to be, don't it alone. get yourself a complimentary sample of new gen x total. take the number one. dr. recommended testosterone booster just live, dad.
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of steps per hour. the step counter the smart mat and wireless remote call. >> now. yep, you're watching mailing in. butterball turkey asksr bowl if your pet could talk. what's the first thing you think they would sayk they u ,dana? perhaps who is this jasper you keep talking about? >> okingh, could i call him?i ai i accidentally call him jasper, like before i call him. him >> yes. it's been an issue. you might also me, if i can find that one little ball that he lost about four months ago. and he keeps looking for all over the apartmentt balle. e >> the truth is, i threw it away because peter thought he was going to swallow it. yeah . yeah, you don't want to. well, he would be very funny. is it? i >> no, that's okay. jody at pets? yes, i do. ci currently have a dog and i p had many parakeets growing up and a lo at of could talk. right.y and they said joe mackeysaid, a great body because i guess
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i guess they learned to mimic it from hearing so many women say the same thingy a little what do you say? i think my dog would turn to me and say, hey, why did you getyor to keep your ? ? yeah, cat, who are you going to pick? >> you could pick carl or jeans, i guess. pick jeans. jean, since your cat who has his own cardiologist. ye? >>s, of course he does. he has a heart problem. you'll be 14 in june,gist lord willing.. he'd he would probably ask me for money. yeah. in exchange for not repeating all the things he's seen. the tn oh, that is so. he's a dad. jeans could blackmail the hell out of you. >> yeah, she's like jeans and knows it all.i go
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i got that i worked at boston market and. >> a lot has happened between then and now. yeah. and he's seet and n every secony of it. gus would just say, yeah, very simply, please close your robe. >>, pl you to my house. >> don't go. well, we'll be right back. >> it ain't my dad's razor,iv dad. hey, watch it. it's from gillette. it's from gillette. laughse blades trapped hairs for my face. >> game changer. is contours to it so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best i can get is gillette labs, a must in your medicine cabinet call. coming up, zach harms the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended people loves i cam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds i can shorten that cold there's an invisible
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