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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 10, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> mr. president, you all right, man? >> thank you, sir. you very much. laura, it's condescending that he would go visit a black vifamilyt. bring fas he couldn't bring a pizza. it couldn't bring something more nourishing here. and th nourish e soul music under the package. >> it's. i don't think black america'hes buying this. they want to see what are you doing for me and how are you improving my communityt. ? how are you keeping it safe?bout and what about my income and the border? all right, raymond, just. it's been suchju a rough week fr all of them. >> all of them. raymond, have a great weekend. that'sava grea it for us tonigha >> stay connected with us. and it's jesse nex neil: ot. hello, everybody. i'm jesse waters, along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. dana perino and greg gutfeld. >> it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five.
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the comments that were made by that prosecutor gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate, the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearlyt. politically motivated. gratuitous. >> kamala harris rushing to thef defense of her boss after he got called a doddering man ns made a swiss cheese by the special counsel. the white house doing some serious damage controlmadeo after the president melted down in front of the entire natiof s >> so o they sent out spokesman ian sams and, of course, binder the case is closed. >> the facts and evidence refut refute the theories that are floated that they explored the publice theori. it's smart. and i think that they can see what's going on. you know, i think that they can see and understand you when
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people are gratuitous and make comments that they shouldn't have. >> i'm not sure how many. you know, folks in this room have read all 400 pages of the specia0 pagel counses l l says president biden's got significant limitations on his memory. then who is helping him runde the countrn has y? the president of the united states runs the country and the commander in chief runse . >> the country. that part of the report, we don't think that lives in realityreport . >> biden's rage spiraled starting just after special ecunsel released his bombshell classified docs reportpe and skippeciald. but portraying joe as an elderly man with a poor memory ,biden reportedly went ballistic on her heard house democratallistics saying, how the f could i forget the day my son died? >> and then the president blew up on national tv. thh. uld i f >> one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description, you are a well-meaning elderly manwell-a with a poor memory. >> i mean, i'm an elderly man and i know what i'm doing.
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cont is your memory. and you continue as president. my memory is so bad, i let bad l you speak. that'set that's after your memory has gotten worse. my memory is not. >> my memory is fine. and here's the cog in a cherry on top. the president who sees dead people was walking out of the room. >> but then he came back to the podium just to confusesees dea the leaders of egypt and mexico. and was wa know initially,pt the president of mexico. sisi did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> all right, greg gutfeld, why me? no, go ahead. why? not you're right. you know, kamala had to do that. of course she had to do that. behind the scenes. behis a box f wine and a stack d catalog. she's looking at new drapes, a new rug. she can hardly contain herself. >> i think what's which, by the way, do we know it's a her? could be a day.
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okay, good. it cat they?l? ainfu it's not what he said. it's not what biden's saying. it's the silence betweenbetw the words, these long gaps speak louder than any gaffe. >> and it's not as this slow pace reflects some kind of thoughtfulness. it's a man searching forit's a m thoughts. >> he's like on the beacanh with a metal detector, looking for a bottle cap for his collection. withit's fun. >> it's those it's those long j silences that just kind of just hurt you. >> you know, i was togglingbide between the biden presser and the putin tucker interviewpi ,so i can't help but compare. it's just natural. re its n and one was like a two hour lecture. >> it was tedious and it was detailed. >> the other was a tantrum. you know, i felt like i was flipping between the history and celebrity rehab with gary buseceley and it's not my fault the media has created this glaring contrast. remember, they were the one that fabricated the complete
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putin was the one that was in ill health. rememberverse pus an ill the sh, the shaky hands. and it was? joe was fine, but both were fake. >> but they came from the samerf media mob. >> and now we are actually the . and truthake they cam >> and i know we're going media to talk about the media in the next block. but, you know, you know, i ithe t for me it compares to presence and not two presidents. no matter what you think of putin, propagandist, murderer, no question he's not incapable and he's definitely pro-russian. you could detest how he demonstrates it, but heputin. worries. what did he talk about? worried about border erer, nos, national identity and cohesion. we're a free countrynstrates ri. we are a cacophony of voicescour and opinions and that is ourrogs strength. but our progressive leadership, our legacysiveip are media, ourl academia with their views a, whichrsic are disgusting, have made patriotism and borders dirty words. they're they're as much of a relic as joe as mu
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and i fear watching tuckeris a interview putind in that putin s that. that's what scares. he knows that we're a fragile country right now. that's what that'sutin tha what i gots what from it. >> i wonder what other world leaders are thinking whe n they're seeing this report come out. did they know that when they were meetin gd they with president biden? >> does it confirm the things that they thought when k they down with him? >> that reminds me of this story. i think it was david remnick, the new yorker a few years ago wrote about how these there are two north koreans that are allowed to work at the u.n.s ag, and they he was working with them to try to get an no ww with the leadernorth in north korea, not kim jong un, but his dad. and when trump was coming on the scene, they were so confused and they would come to david remnick all the time was like, what does he meanhe tm when he says this? what does he mean? right. so the unpredictability wae i cay whhis, whas. i can't imagine what they're like. prosecutororgetfulutor said that the president is forgetful and this does not have his mental faculties. look doesns , this possibly mea.
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the special prosecutor who gave reporterl prs cover to finally y what americans have been telling pollsters for a couple of years en ? remember, the nbc poll said that 23% of people in america think that biden has the mental capabilities to be president. paul begala, who is a strong le in am to bedrat ent fine, woke up and saw what happened. and then he this is his quote. to bed bed. also, i think it's interesting that here are these people inan all the democrats, they were tellindemocratg anybody who said that robert her was going to be easy on joe biden. they're like, but he was trump appointed. and the trump people said, but he was nominated by the two democrats in delaware. it's like, well let's just let robert hur do his work. but what do they do? immediately have to attackit the special prosecutor. now, they might be mad e to att becauseht be ma garland released the report, right? garla but robert, her has to provide a reason to the
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attorney general as to why he is not going to press chargeto provis. and the reason is because he's mentally incompetent. and the jury be too kind him to him. a fatal flaw last nigh.t was one taking questions. >> the second fatal flaw was leaving the room and deciding to take one last question and return to the podium. and that's where he madethe the egypt mistake. >> and remember, nixon had five words that everyone remembers. i am not a crook.rememb biden had five words last night. erok. bidei know what i'm doing. and this, i think, is thehis beginning. i also feel like joe biden was so mad last night. is teel tand why joe bid mad, but hen he tri was so mad that even when on tried to land that joke against peter doocy, he couldn't. >> the press was in no moodo it >> yeah, they were very, very teed up. a judge. the robably should have just gone to bed and done that press conference in the mornin to g when he was more fresh. >> yeah, there's no question. mean it was past this bedtime. right.waedti and, you know, but it's typical of a guy who's got a tempeme al
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and we know that joe biden has h a temper. we've been hearing about it, that he cursesas mper. staff out, that a lot of them consider themselves lucky if they don't have go in and answer to him and they don't question them and question them until we get to the point where it hurts them out because he doesn't think they have all the answer s with . but let me tell you about this press conference. e for himch a mistakhid he cur s to come out and try to prove to the american people to comt robert hurt was wrong in the designation that they call it gratuitous regarding his mental state. >> but he proved that he was nothe desit able to handle himse >> he proved that the longer he wasn't in that press conference, the more he mumbled, the more angry he got, the moreed the got thin wrong. >> he starts out by saying, how i think he said, how the hell do you dare raise that? >> and ss out by sayino he's oud that someone would raise the fact that he doesn't remember the year that son beau died. >> and he says, why would you talk about that at.that a well, because you talk about it all the time and who knowst what was relevant to.u
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he says it's none of yourtalk a business about my son and when he died, but he talks about his son all the time. >> he pullbout my but hes out ae wants to tell you where it's from, but he can't rememberand wants to wher. >> and his answer to not knowing what your son died was d simple rage. not like i know the year my so died. and he could have said it lasted night, but, you know, he was more intereste and hlast n d in yelling at people. and then he says this stuff has no place in the report. and so did kamala harris. honestly, i think harris behind closed doors is salivating. i think kamala harris is now saying right from the get go, i knew sooner later they'd get to me. and maybe, you know, i'll go out and say it was the uitous look, the only reason that stuff is in there, it's not going stuff i there tos because joe biden violatedated e the classified documents statute. classifiedr they made it out in the document. there was a willful retention and he shared classified information with this ghostwriter. retents no question he violated
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the law. they had to put it in his state of mind. that was part of thewas prosecutorial discretionpart that used that a jury would not have the ability to convict him. i don't think he would be competent to stand trial. this guy couldn't do a three minute interview. he can't put a two sentences together. and in the end, what thehe cy have is a guy who is who says, i cooperated. that's the difference between me and trump. no, you didn't, because we from the report that in 2017 he actually says, you knowclassi what, i here's some of my classified documents. if he cooperated, why did he wait six years to hand those documents that he admittedly found in 2017 that he had no right to, you know, everything he did was in violation of the law. his ego his anger will be his downfall. and americans aren't goingselli.
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to buy what in sam's is selling. >> harold ford jr. >> so as i shared yesterday, i think this was a tough day for the president. yesterday it was a headlin e i think. and one of our things on fox that come which suggests that i think that democrats oughtthat to be thinking about replacing him. i don't think that wha sugdemoc t i do think, however, is that you can't, as david axelrod said, unring the bell. and this notion, whether it is true or not, that thee president is forgetful, that the president has ot that diminished faculties, this was happening and this this thinking f was prevalent beforeth the report came out. and fois thiwar mr. herr, to say that the reason that he would not bring charges is becauses bs jury might be amenable, might pond that a qualifying to the point where they wouldn't want to convict the president if he were to bring charges is something they're going to have to dea wouldn'l. i do think, judge,nf you're right. i thought the press conference last nighterence last and as wl i thought the press conference was like the timing was wrong on that. time
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for a person that can't stay, i don't care what trades. if you're not a nighttime person , you shouldn't be doingt be nighttime press conferences, especially if you're angryoing . i think that the real thing for him now, the president in the next few next few weeks and thend next few months is to do a couple of things. you got to stay active ou have tay acti. you got to accept a super bowl interview. you got to lay out, understandy in what you want to say when you talk about your record and what you plan to do if you're elected. four more years. stay on the congress. about passing a border security bill. >> get funding for israel, funding for ukraine. i've got the meeting in the white house today with the german chancellor was a smart thing, and i thought his answers were smart. but he's to stay to st he's got to stay up. and whatever you do, don't put out at night ever again. it's not good for him and it's not good for our allies and for that matter, those who seek to do us harm around the world. >> so if i don't put him out at night, what happened to the who's going to pick up the phone at 3 a.m.? >> now it's like you can it up3 at 3 p.m., maybe they'll pick it up. >> just don't put him on camer a
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. exactly. jesse, do you agree that when i say i'm her michelle no, i'm with michelle. he's going to be the nominee. >> but that's never happened. all right. coming up, the media tryinomingg to defend joe biden. four questions if he's mentally fit by saying he can rideons a bike by nader. traffic congestion. hello. 12 hours of relief. well, hours mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day or night mucinex dm l day or night mucinex dm l it's comeback season nowove st e the next institute medicated drops. drops. we've never spokencasionally, told us many things that you told us many things that you love stargazing, hat you. parking and occasionally your right foot gets a little heavy. bway ser a little heavy. bway ser the lexus s didn't begin in the studio. studio. it began with yo exceptu.
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you'll enjoy chewing food better and smiling with more confidence. >> learn more at reset smile .com. >> so the entire country is having some serious questions on whether biden's mental state is in decline. but the media and democratent s, they're all set. some pundits lashing out at the special counsel and reassuring
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voters that the president is as sharp as a tack because he can ride a bike the man is 80 years old. , but he ls a bike is the age he is. >> let's call it what it this what eism is snuck into a t clearing the person of any wrongdoing. >> why did what he wanted to remember the day that his son died. why do we want to block that out of your head? >> a special prosecutor could have written the same without using these words. elderly man with a poor memory. and it was either worse judgment, but the justice department allowed that garbage to be released. >> everybody on this panel right now has misspoke n and said the wrong name or the wrong, you know, the wrong date. >> if you don't have a case, shut the up or say as little you think playing politics. >> i absolutely do. some democrats are racing to defend the bidens mental competency. >> president biden made, mistak a simple, incidental mistake that everyone understoode what was referring to that that has anything to do
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with his mental acuity. this is someone whose age has a tremendous benefit, his experience and his understanding and his knowledge of foreign and nderstan policy. >> the fact that the special counsel was speculating about a possible defense strategy is pretty wild. i amdee stra a little why the sl counsel chose to make statements he had no businesszz making. >> greg, i'm kind of confusewhyd to why they would think telling us that he's totally lucid because he can ride a bike when that's the one thing you never forget how to do. >> yeah, and also, he didn't bike very well. and by the way, a chimp can ride a bike. end t. ht very w i saw that at larry kudlowo see house, but it is good to see a tobin finding work. >> i pulling for him but mean you have him talking about inappropriate behavior choked his chicken in front of his coworkers. where are you going to have alec baldwin on to talk about,
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you know, gun safety? it was bad but the media always like this. when reality pierces their fabricated shield, they did this with crime. oh, they downplayed the riots and looting. famigratioworkers or alec n. they decided to focus on border agents with covid. downgra to the idea of disinformation. and now it's joe. it's like, oh, he can ride a bike. >> the problem is they can't. in this new age of media, this n you can't hide anymore. people can see throughew stuff, but they make it even more hilarious than it should be. if they accepted reality and condemned like me forking j making jokes. that might be a good point. but they're biased denialserght make jokes even more necessary because they're offeringco a second punch line with theirnd stupid behavior. judge what would have happened? what would the dems have saidin if the special counsel report p had said declined to prosecute but they hadn't released document as to why? yeah, they would have gone crazy. they have said that the fix was
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in. you know what they would have done. you >> they they don't understandkn what's goingdone. on. one of the people said that is not a defense strategy.strate you know, that they shouldn't be talking about the defense strategygye talkin then it does' know what he's talking about because incompetency is nott what the defense strate. it's something that the that the prosecution considers . you know, all in all, what you've got are all these people who are making it like the guy who's never made a mistake when in the past week he's made six that i can telinl he called the regs said there were red states and grees n states. he said he talked to coal and minerals. both are dea d. he sai he said that he wad s referring to hamas as the opposition. and then someone had to tell him the word hamas. he said, you know, el-sisi for the mexican. i mean, he just does it every day. stop trying to gaslight us. we know this guy is incapable. and because of this, every timea
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he makes a mistake, people are going to go back to this. joe bide ople wiln is not goinge the candidate in november. and i think that peoplidates iet people like axelrod and carville, they knew it all along and they predicted it. and, you know people like newsom, who are touting he's great and karine jean-pierre. >> but, you know, nobody takes her seriously. but, you know, he's got more energy than anyone in this building. i mean, anyone believe that. but when newsom comes out and speaks on his behalf, he's the greatest president. >> they lose their own credibility. but in the end, i guess we're going to have to see how. it plays harold in 2026. do you imagine that we're going to see a bunch of books that come out that say in february of 2020 four,e democrats were having secret meetings of trying to figure havit to deal with the fact that biden had lost his mental capacity. now, i think you'll see books ,aying that that you might but i think that what's likely or you'll see books i never do was talk about his mental like being diminished
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and what what the dems do to either help them win or if loses, they'll say that he lost because of some of this. >> i would be curious i heard some of the criticism today about the special special counsel, and i don't know if special counsel's in the past have surmised about mental acuity and mental healthised abo and their reasoning for things. the judge maden the point that this may not even be a defense, a legitimate defense. i think this is you were makingt the courtroom if this were the case. so i'll be curious to see what what what you know, when, why and then he'll have to her is going to testify at some over the next month or two. that's standard for these special counsel's do so and i'll be curious to know what some of them will ask him if you chose not to prosecute, even though because for me b the issue is more if he intentionally retaineecfor md documents, why would you prosecute if it seemed to me that if you believe that he was going to be just friendly to the jury, that seems to me to be it seems to me to be more a testamentive
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to you being an ineffective prosecutor than anything else. so if sharing all that docto information about him when you're not a doctor, just seem a little ar little unique to me and different. and i think i understand some of the criticism fromeemed ism. the white house about that issue. >> can i just say one quick thing? prosecutors do it every day. every day we'll say we're not prosecuting this guy because he's got mental issues, because he's got a legitimate defense in terms of insanity, because aw we don't believe that he's mentally capable of goine he g to do it every day. he didn't say he didn't say that. that's insane to judge. he did not say that he couldn't say it that hard because you and i both know that that went through several rewrites before that appointment to see the first draft. and i'm not even sur e what he didn't say that he doesn't expect a flurry of glowinges of profiles of kamalaha harris in the next two weeks. do you think the media is in on it? no, i'm because i wouldn't putt? her out there, dana. >> i think it'd be a landslide trump victork it wouy and that's the conundrum they're facing if you take him out and he doesn't
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run, you can't put kamala out there. the ctory you going to put the t black female presidential nomineet black juf to the wolves? it's going to be a 40 stateee blowout. ring i son you also can't bring in newsom because then you're going to have a civil war. plus, you don't want to dirty up newsom because he mighte mig to trump very well, might loseal to trump. you need to save him for 2028.. >> then the only other optionth is michellote. and she doesn't want it. dana. she doesn't want it. my sources , chicago, have told me that she's not really that interested. >> you have to run. biden. you have to lose with biden. do you know that's the calculus that in chicago. yeah, shn chicage will be in cho for the convention. >> all right. is that ready for the big game, what we're doing for the super bowl? >> up nextdy for the friday night in is goes to the rooster crows and we'll se e that we're going
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are and she america, are you ready for the super bowl? ou rey the five is getting our game faces on before the kansas city chiefsthe sugetting off againsn francisco 49 ers in las vegas. patrick mahomes is looking to win it for the third time. >> but it's all about football. usher is year's halftimee th performer and he's hinting irat somethingd s. huge surpris >> i think i made it easy for myself when i decided to have like features on songs s. t became hit record >> i am definitely, you know, went through a lot of ideas of who i would have shared thisu moment with meld. likei do feel like the people whom i'm going to share it deserve just as much recognition for what they do in their careerserve as . rather, we have collaborated together already. they've had moment have has of r own. >> wow. the other big thing people are talking will taylor swift make
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it in time to watch her boyfriend chiefs tight end? travis kelce, the pop star is a concert in japan saturday night and then is planning to jump on a plane, make it to las vegas before the game. so, greg. >> yes. what is your go to food during a super bowl? oh, well, i won't be watching the super bowl. why? i, i my research and i know people that are dismayed that joe biden isn't going to be doing this super bowl halftimeng the interview. >> sundance channel ha halftimes covered during the super bowl. they are playing weekend at bernie'her plays. >> no. oh, yes. yes. and then i did discoverweek you haveenernie's ery you naker hours. >> that's basically the story of hunter and but really i'll be celebrating the one year anniversary of makingone-yr his super bowl premiere. >> yeah, all that is wonderful . >> okay, so jesse are you are
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you hosting or are you attending a party? >> i last year and the eagles lost this year are going to emmys parents for the super bowl. and my game plan was to leave halftime because we have toe drive home and i don't want to miss an y of game, but i just have a feeling emma's going to want to watch ushereeling. now, no disrespect to usher, but i got to beat the traffic. >> i want to get home to watch the third quarter, but i can just see us having to sit, watch the halftime show and then be missing a good chunk a the third quarter driving back to my house. thirter drivd on thisn schedule figured it out. >> yeah, i'm going to probablyw do it. w >> my wife wants her.ife yeah. you let her drivwae home and you can watch drive to watch the game on my phone there or drive to cars. tell her you'll be home later. all right. >> fossil fuel. usher says it's going to be an event. >> who do you think he's going to bring on? who dogoing toi know he's.
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>> i know he's going to. well, he said he was going to sing. yeah. so he's going to bring ludas gon and lil jon out with them to do that. >> and hg he will bringe he's t to madonna and bruno mars. >> and so i'm going to go i read that maybe i got a different albeit different package than you did. >> i can't wait for the super bowl to me is also like one of it should be a holiday. i mean, you have 60 million people on average who call in with the super bowl flu on monday morning after the super bowl. they ought to figure out a way. and i'm thinking maybe sit next to one, but i don't have tickets and i got startedo. sunday. >> i'll be here on monday. but that's at 5 p.m. so you? everyone will be there. so you're going to be here? i'll be here l be her the aren't playing. >> i'll be here. all right. dana, they say you'll never be late, by the way.amer >> but tennessee, i think the americanssy in t in tokyo s, don't worry, americans taylor swift will make it back time.wo yes. how much of a blow to the super bowl would iamerican t be if she if sh missed the super bowl? >> i mean. well, i called norah today. you knowe he super, they're the ones that packed santa's sleigh
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and they said they're all on top of it and everything is fine. i also got a tip because usher toid he wantgot a s to bring people together for the super bowl. his secretgether his people that he's bring it on together to reconnect for harmony. >> justin timberlake and brittany spears. ohitney sp, wow. that's great. all right. so let's do one quickie 49 ers are the chiefs. greg, i'm going to go with the 49 ers. >> dana, i met with the chiefs cause r . i went for the season four because hemmer chose the 40 niners. >> and i said that i would take the chiefs. how about you jeff? i'm going 49 ers. you heralds chiefs. 3127 well, chiefs 24th 20. >> that's very special, right, larry david getting called despicable for beating up elmo the fastest is up next. >> and they break personalizedp
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is about the power of three with those epic. >> welcome back. time for the fast as first up, star trek actor wil wheaton going into a rage against larryy for allegedly attacking elmo. ding elmoall let's go over to r a check of the weather. not yet. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. oh, my gosh. why don't you ask permission? ask permission before you touch people? no touch yw? oh, no, larry. >> i just want to apologize. thank you, larry. that's big of you. >> i accept your apology, larry. mr. wade, in launching a hundred word rant on mr. david's impromptu attack on elmo saying how it reminded him of his own father abusing him as a childit, as well as ths
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quote. >> so i heard about larry david assaulting elmo on live television. what the bleep is wrong with that guy? elmo is like the best friend to multiple generations of children in the sesame street universe. e >> elmo was a child. and larry bleeping david didonsf that and thought it was goingwa to be funny. >> what a bully pole. what a stupid, self-centereds g what, deaf bleep hole. i'm glad i got through that without saying your words. >> jesse, what do you think about that? he was going i mean, you don't go up to big bird and kick him in the. >> he doesn't have to have them. . >> god, where did you grow up? thanks, jesse, for your isn't big bird a guy ? no, not by herod. oh, it's a guy b. >> it is not nonbinary. oscars a guy. big bird oscar is guy. y you wait, you don't see gender in ? buttsame street charactersdo >> say it straight up. it's. but no, it i thought it was those little it's a puppet repeated this week. roman. i'm too old to have had elmo.
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>> i had cookie monster, though. did you mean do you think larry david was having a good thing?? larry david is hilarious and funny, and i can't wait to see the new episodehink of cb your enthusiasm. >> this season is going to be great. exclamation you to understand this is nbc and they're still reeling from matt scandal. you just can't go around grabbing employees like that. >> it's disgusting. but you know what? wil wheaton is of those guys that lives his life online. >> so he he believes that these performative outrages online are actually and then whenonlins he ventures into the real world he looks like a completehe which is what happened here. and he spells his name with one l wil. >> yeah. if that's not attention seeking. >> i don't know. what is it? i retract my artificia. l good. >> what do you think about this? well, i mean, the first thing t i want to know is whether or not there was justification. >> alshere wjustifo, what did pd elmo do? yeah, right. that larry david, it was a very good guy. felt i the need to assault himet and the sentencing as far
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as i'men was the apology. that's enough. t it go that's yeah he won't even you know they won't even keep him they'll have he'll be bac k out on the street. yeah i'm sure larry david does working from home make you a loser? yo mayor jacob frey? i think so. check out these comments he made about having the benefits ents of visiting the city's business district. >> come experience the greatness of downtown, come back to work when they stay home, sitting on their couchat with their nasty cat blanket on their laptop. if they do that for a few months, you become a loser. it's a study when i losers are wake up, stand down. >> yeah, exclamation point. >> itnk he wants to ge people back on his. he's the mayor. they got people and things invested downtown. but is that the way
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they're into people coming back to work? >> it's the guy who presided over the destruction of his city and he wonders why people don't want to leave their homes to go back.ork? said city. you you can you can't blame waople for wanting to stayver te and separating themselves from a city that you allowed to die. yeah the cops down. >> not everyone has paid security like him. he's a goofbalgoofballl he shout be mayor. >> i mean, minneapolis used to be an awesome cit y. it really was. remember mary tyler moore? now it's like nobodyrememb want to go down to don't downtown. it may never come back. right, your honor? yeah, i absolutely agree. i mean, this is the guy who,. you know, is calling everybody else a loser whe agree.n he was a loser? in 2020. he's the reason minneapolis is such a mess when a i mean, nesses he bought small businesses to close down and he made kids anay tdown out of school and hie in their homes. he defunded the police. i meanade kidsschool you know, e not to make like it's great. iit's great. >> well, i think that all of these mayors, i understand nderstano, e trying to d trying to bring their downtowns back, but they're doing it in the wrong way.
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just the worst salesmen, they're totally unpersuasive. new york city's a problemwashin with this. washington. this is terrible. san franciscgt.c..o. what do they all have in common? big homeless problems,. big problems. people don't want to go downtown. their commutes are terrible and a lot of businesses are saying, maybe we can do this hybrid model. okay, so you can be home two days a week, come in three days, whatever it is. but world of work is changing.s and that means these mayors need to change the wayt how tobp to figure out how to get people to want to come back. >> how it. mayor waters travel and send people to come back to downtown. >> if he were the mayor. well, it's not being a loser if you work from home your size. >> but if i was in my twenties in a small apartment, working on my laptop all day. yeah, you're loser.ser so >> so in order to get them back, what i do is offer them freebies. i don't know. i don't think that's the right kind of incentive. dana. i know ild say say somethingg ie inappropriate about being in the office. >> that's where e the that maybe
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there's the after hours drinks with the staff those types of things that build camaraderie. those are the types of thingh ts and character that you want to encourage. >> and the younger generati, wa >> so you give them free drinks, free drinks. maybe you can pay ladies night maybe you can pay ladies night and no, friday is up next. >> it's easy to get lostect with in investment research. vestment introducing jpmorgan personal advisors. >> do you connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan? let's find the right investments for your goals. okay, great. jpmorgan management is feeling dry, tired stressed get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration, boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally
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discussion about philosophy. we had the best soda place. it was like a throwback. you tell you what, this is very manly. i want donuts, charlatans. let's drink our faces. and yet, by the way, he does take tips. do you ever? i never take two lumps before dinner ruins the appetite that they have. >> do you always the lecture? can i give you some feedback as a bartender? you . american journalist evan gershkovich remains in russian custody
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when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. of god bless the usa, a timeless legacy that continues to unite a nation yet yours today. >> facebook friday. all family friday that is. what's your first thought whenht you wake up in the morning w mor heraldning? >> and don't say me now. i now have to think of the second thing that monday. >> coffee. m my dogs. my dogs, my dog.. >> come beside my bed. my jack russell. let me know if you the jack ryan. >> if that's that's a nice thing to wake up to. >> judge, what's your first thought when you wake up in the morning? is the sun shining >>? >> mm. jesse. i'm dealing with jesse jr. >> yeah. i usually have to make them >> breakfas i am .
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t more deal with him in one way or the other. yeah, he's. he's lou or d and proud first tg in the morning. >> how about you, dana? wake up pretty early. mm-hmm. i'll say a few prayers. yeah, that's. >> i. that's where i start. oh, that's good. yeah. first thing you do is pray. w what ii do and i know every guy does is do i have to go to do bad to get out of bed changing my stuff? that's what i do to do. but i know i'm not going to go back to sleep because i know i do. >> is there an actor or actress that you jusyot have to see all their work? dana hugh grant listed in, say, john thank you, jesse. i like ryan gosling. not in a homosexual way. >> i like his style. there's also guy who's like. >> gosling with brown hair. gutfeld no, his name, not miles teller. he wthe hell are you you know
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what i'm talking about? he was a boxer. the other day in one of his films, jason stadium. >> n o, he's the same age. >> gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal. gyllenhaal. i like him. i'll see his stuff, too. right, harold? matt damon and denzel. i can't. i can't get enough of them. denzel is amazing. >> the equalizer series is >>. ll of no, i think i've seen all his movies. he's not anymore. charlton heston, i recall. yes. yeah. yes, he quite a presence.say ro i was goinbeg to sayi will robert mitchum, but i'm going to be more contemporary and say jason statham, because the beekeepe bryt r is best mov. >> oh, it's a meet the beekeepers. amazing. perfect fox news premise. it's about online scammers after the elderly. >> and jason statham just setsy him straight. htn . yeah. kills them all indiscriminately. ki t gasolin ine buys them next to him. >> last week morning's
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>> thank you so much.r. frankie's in tonight chelsea waterfronthank you on thursdaysa friday. go figure. figure bright all ton >> tonight, we got an amazing show. misszing sho dana perino, joe mh lou perez, catch it. >> 1 is going to bi, loucatch e. >> hey, we haven't done this th in a while. animalin anare great animals are great animals are great. >>u you know, it's just kas as delicious as a pizz dela a by blue penguin just bornqu the california zoo at the birch aquarium. well the , no, it was hatched at theh aqa birch aquarium in san diego forr the time ever. >> this is the first time ever for a little blue penguin to b >> this e born. >> and it grows 20.born. it's growing . >> but why? why do i care anyway? it's very fluffyare anywht.. . >> oh, it's about three months old. penguins are amazing oh, it's a they're going to hit it. yes, exactly. anyway, i'm doneye , dana.. owners of an animal. animal. an animanimal an.
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l sanctuaryin cal in california have learned the hard way, have learned the hard way that they have to lockve learne hard w way tha thw out, because look who came in. oh, boy. this is a camel whose nameho c m is albert. he was trying to sneak snacks out of the kitchen, but he's quitt. nackse and clumsy, so he isclum. causing a lot of havoc. >> and there's a guy. lock your doors. everybody in california, be safe. >>d that happen wednesday?ld h >> because that would have beent humptyherea, on wedn. but what it did, i did one more thing on it yesterday. >> very good, greg. even you're funny. >> you're right, judge. okay, soso a kangaroo in florida just wanted to go for a late night dip, but you got the cops called on him for trespassing. >> some banter with the sheriffs. he eventually gave himself up and was returned to his owner. unfortunately, the hopping fellow never got to go for a swim. but now he's home safe and >>d wonder what he took homen hi in his pocket. what's the pocket called, by the way ? et pouch >> pocket pouch. i knew that three dudes, kne,
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three men in their eighties been going to super bowlmen in . worl, since the first afl nfl world championship. don crisman, greg eaton, tom henschel. thsope i got your name right have been doing this. they can remember when the super bowl ticket costeen dn bucks. wow. chris henschel is a steelers fas>> wown. >> chris smith is a patriotss fan and they still greet eacha othepatr still gr with the middm >> numbeber one, they say how much they care about onet on another and how much they care about their teams. i hope they have a great timd hm weekend. >> best to them and go cheap. >>ckets are expensive and havee anybody rips off their social security numbers? >> who's coming after them securi? r them? >> jason steak? yes. vengeanc>> jasonay.e


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