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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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three men in their eighties been going to super bowlmen in . worl, since the first afl nfl world championship. don crisman, greg eaton, tom henschel. thsope i got your name right have been doing this. they can remember when the super bowl ticket costeen dn bucks. wow. chris henschel is a steelers fas>> wown. >> chris smith is a patriotss fan and they still greet eacha othepatr still gr with the middm >> numbeber one, they say how much they care about onet on another and how much they care about their teams. i hope they have a great timd hm weekend. >> best to them and go cheap. >>ckets are expensive and havee anybody rips off their social security numbers? >> who's coming after them securi? r them? >> jason steak? yes. vengeanc>> jasonay.e
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[ star spangled banner ]
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will: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. will cain, rachel cam campos-duy and sitting in for pete is joey jones. >> good morning. i have a lab because duck hunting season ended and i'm sad. will: super bowl weekend and it's a big game, huge spectacle and there was an awesome photo of a rodeo and the flag hanging on or just in front of a cactus. i'm going to presume that's somewhere in arizona.
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maybe far west texas. look at that crowd. look at bleachers -- bleachers, six, seven, eight feet tall and there's something about a small town, high school footballing game, tiny community rodeo and national anthem that's quintessentially america. rachel: that cactus tree, that's america too. that was the west. that was beautiful. i thought you were going to mention the photo with the flag and a sign in a bar clearly that said we love the nights we can't remember with the friends we can't forget. did you see that? will: that's good. craig:t joey: we are most after kansas city chiefs continent and stand for the same flag and the same song and that's one smalling thing that ties us together is the sense of community and on this show, we talk about too often how that's not as strong
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as it used to be sadly. when we have pictures like that, makes me proud to be an american. will: biden administration is on the defensive dealing with robert hur's report on the president's handling of classified documents and the president's press conference thursday night. rachel: the president is frustrated with merrick garland over how he's handled that report. joey: madeleine rivera is here with details. reporter: good morning. the white house acutely aware of the damage this special council report could have on the president's reelection bid and they're ramping up efforts to discredit findings of his age and memory. listen. >> i believe every former prosecutor and the comments made by that prosecutor is gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. >> a little part of what we get to sea is mistake after mistake
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after mistake on camera this week. >> so i'm going to be very clear here. the reality is that part of the report is not in reality. >> so the special counsel was lying about the president? >> it was gratuitous. reporter: the white house tries to reign in the political fallout and a new politico report says they're placing part of the blame on attorney general merrick garland. according to the report, joy biden told aids and outside advisers that merrick garland didn't doo enough to reign in a special counsel report stating that the president had diminish mental faculties and the white house frustration with the head of the justice department grows >> does the president have confidence in merrick garland after selecting him for the position? >> i can't remember which asked
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on his thoughts of the appointment of the special counsel and answered that thoughtfully and powerfully and i don't have anything to add to what the president said. reporter: merrick made no redactions or changes and had he done s he'd of had to notify congress. will, rachel and joey. will: thanks, madison. i want to jump into the legal side for a moment much the report inside of madelynn's report saying that biden administration felt like merrick garland hadn't done enough to masmassage the report just shows how important misinformation to their campaign. you didn't spin or control this or fix it well. all throughout this is it's gratuitous. joey: i brought the definition because people should understand when they say uncalled for lacking good reason and unwarranted being the definition of gratuitous, you're going to
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explain how it is called for. will: well, it is on point. if you wanted to call the indictments of biden's mental faculties in the report incorrect, that's one thing. if it is incorrect, you have to bring charges against joen. if it is incorrect that his mental faculties are not diminished, he should be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents. your get out of free jail card that the prosecutor hur is using to say i can netanyahu never get a jury to -- never get a jury to convict him is he's a befuddled old man. maybe that's not the prosecutor's job to do the defense and pringle charges. he chose to go, well, i don't think i can convict. that's not gratuitous, that's on point. joey: i really was disheartened and maybe jonathan turley did the best job of connecting and
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nobody said it correctly and we read like we talk in georgia, in reading the report, one thing that special counsel kept going back to was having the classified material in 2022 as president was not the crime he was looking at. it wasn't a crime at all compared to what this statute says or allowed to possess in their home. having material in his home in 2022 he has evidence through the tape recordings that he possessed in 2017 when he was a private citizen in virginia. did he possess classified documents, know about it and do nothing about it? he said yes, that is the fact but the only reason he can't prosecute it as a crime is because he uses a lot of language that's not gratuitous in any way to explain why he thinks biden would either have a very honest defense saying he completely forgot about having it after he brought it up on the
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phone call or he would be able to convince the jury that he completely forgot about it. a that's important, that's his entire reasoning for not bringerring charges and the crime was there in possession in 2017 as a private citizen and keeping it through 2022 but the crime is the knowledge of having it and keeping it anyway. what's so fascinating about this is i don't read any of the records as him indicting president biden and saying he's an old man. he is forgetful. he's using these words and says it in the record because that's how biden presented himself in the interview and on the phone in 2017. i really think that's -- people are jumping over the connection between the crime being in 2017 until 2022 and just pulling this one line out of the summary saying he's calling him him a forgetful old man. we can see that . because of that, it would be hard to get a jury to convict.
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i don't think they nail that had down well. rachel: i think it's very clear there's politics involved in this as well as a repercussion of what we just saw. bill maher had this to say about the democrats. >> he didn't run on a promise not to run but on a big hint saying i see myself as a bridge that's collapsing. >> yeah. >> but i see myself as a bridge, i read that as one term. >> uh-huh. >> okay, and i guess the question now is is it too late? i don't think it is because i still think you can do it at the convention. i -- and people have said to me, oh, that's ridiculous. they'll look like nothing. nobody give as [bleep]. they'll be thrilled the day before the election. switch him out at the convention and say, well, look, i've had a health issue or whatever. if the guy says i can't run you
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have to do it. then it has to be somebody else. that's an open convention. we've had open conventions many times. rachel: i see an internal battle and the obama team versus the biden team and obama team thought that was an arrangement it was going to be a one term thing and a bridge. at one point they thought maybe he can last and then it became a point where they're like this isn't going to work and they want him to step down and i believe joe biden is even kamala, who she thinks probably get thrown out and they're digging their heels in. in this report you earl herrera talked about how damaging this
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report was and there was some comments made by the white house that were hints to merrick garland that he should censor some of this. report that he withheld and decided no to the do that. why would somebody as partisan as merrick garland? i suspect he's more leaning on team obama and this is a ware way to push joe bind out and he's not willing to go quietly. we'll see what happens and that's definitely. will: feels like the beginning of the end. rachel: feels like it's the beginning of the rug being pulled out from under him. he's not in control of all the information that he used to be. joey: people won't care if they do it correctly at the convention or smoothly and they've gone without a line of primary opponents and a line without him being on the ballot in some states because of the strategy they employed on when
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the actual primaries or caucuses happened. i think we live in a time where it's expected to be norms and why things are the way they are. people are outraged if they go to the convention in the right figure or obama escambia figure and speaking so well and going under the tent of the democratic party and if someone like that and maybe it is gavin newsom arises and i don't think there would be outrage. rachel: there's a lot of outrage at the border. with what biden has done at the border. one of the ways it's playing out is in crime with illegal immigrants and in this case in new york statement the cover of the new york post says lawless migrant, 15, who crossed joe biden's open border arrested for firing at cops in time square. he was not very far from here at our studio he went into a store, tried to steal with some of his buddies and when they tried to
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stop him on the street, the guard tried, he opened fire inside the store and shooting and hitting someone, a brazilian tourist. what the chief patrol john chow had to say about this, listen. >> there were some venezuela groups of migrants, some, not all that are affecting crime in our city more so now than what they first got here and spoke about a trend in crime and moped robberies and statues and pockets being picked in time square and on the subway and people stealing property. we're seeing it. it's a trend. i want to be clear, we don't care. we don't care who you are, what you are, what your status is. our job is to keep the community safe. rachel: falling all over himself
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to make sure that you know that he's not making this a racial thing, it's a crime thing. racwill: how does a 15-year-oldt a gun joey: getting a legal gun is not easy and sometimes getting an illegal gun is too easy. that's the problem in the city and places like new york crack down on law-abiding citizens ability to defend themselves and leave the guns to only the criminals and a 15-year-old illegal immigrant. will: donald trump talked about this. it was in harrisburg, pennsylvania. watch. >> after seeing the recent video of wild pack of illegal aliens viciously attacking these true new york city, really good people too. i saw an interview. high quality police offices, i'm going to ask congress to pass
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the strong sentencing enhancement bill that any illegal alien assaulting a police officer, they immediately go to jail or even better get thrown out of the country and brought back to the country they came from and putting them in jail is very expensive for us. very expensive. will: outside of that, joe bind. outside of that, this is the biggest issue, the border. rachel: because of the decision by governors like the one in your state who said no, we're not going to deal with the brunt of these, we'll send them over to you, the blue states. we kind of a bit on the couch thought it was a stunt and, boy, that's turned out to be a very effective way of bringing attention to the issue.
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will: captain jack casey and miguel nava died when their helicopter went down conducting night training and it was on the way to miramar when the helicopter crashed as rain and snow hit the region. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. those families have our thoughts and prayers. maise snowstorm heading to the northeast and could be here before intine's day, expecting with heavy rain, lots of wind and tons of snow. could be similar to snowmagedon and some got slammed with up to 4 feet of snow. everyone's favorite zoo animals back with super bowl predictions and fiona the hippos is rooting for san francisco 49ers and lula
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the red panda from akron, ohio, disagrees and thinks the kansas city chiefs will go all the way. two tiger cubs from syracuse, new york, had trouble picking a winner. one siding with kansas city and the other choosing san francisco. almost like they're animals and don't know what they're talking about. will: live in las vegas starting tomorrow morning here on "fox & friends" for the super bowl. tired, exhausted and co. that show will be 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. local time. i looked. it'll be in the 30s and i don't have long johns. i forgot to bring long johns. rachel: is it too late? will: i don't have a moment i'm going to the gronk beach party. going from here to the airport to the beach. rachel: you were taking video of everyone doing my hair and makeup before the show.
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that feels like a bit like this moment. i'm just so bummed. will: i know how it sounds but not how it is. joey: like a barbie beach party? is there similarities there? rachel: coming up, the true cause of joe biden's liberal climate agenda and his epa unveils new regulation that could cost us $160 billion and nearly a million jobs. will: a jam-packed show ahead. stick around. ♪
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where i recollects epa unveiling new emissions regulation on manufacturing this week claiming it'll save millions in public health costs over time. what's the real cost? critics are citing an oxford economic study warning these particulate regulations could disturb over 160 billion in economic act and i have the put almost a million jobs at risk and here to react is the manufacture ceo jay.
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we know the united states has some of the strictest air standards in the world so why is joe biden doing this now when we know it'll hurt manufacturing in america? >> we have some of the straightist air standards and cleanest air in the world a and continuum in the world and i think of bush 41 and clinton and bush 43 and obama and all the trade agreements they put in place to allow us to sell our products to marks around the world and i think those incredible tax reforms that president trump put in place that was truly rocket fuel for manufacturing with infrastructure investment and chips and science act and some of the policy provisions of the
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ira and that's all in jeopardy and epa opposed and radical 2.5, pm2.5 standards on the american economy and will adversely impact manufacturing and cause us to make decisions that we dent want to have to make about where to invest. rachel: i'm reading that they come from wild fires and why aren't they focuses on that instead for the emission problem? >> that's a really good question. the number is there's a lot of different opinions about what that number is and certainly between 70% and 84%, which means so much of what's happening in the atmosphere is not caused by man or not caused by industry. you're exactly right. we believe that's where the focus needs to be and think about how wild fires and think
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about out of control air quality and focus on control burns for those areas or why don't we get rid of the brush that was clinton administration saying we're not going to do that anymore. it's released in the atmosphere. rachel: i bought an expensive dishwasher that doesn't work well because of the standards they put in. the water pressure, you have to wash them twice. it doesn't make any sense. why is the biden administration allowing radicals, climate radicals to run this department, the epa? >> i think you're going to have to get sean to work on washing some of those dishes but look, that's a real question. this president, every time i
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talk to him he talks about his own history in scranton, pennsylvania. his heart is there but heir not serving him well or the american people well. last week or a week ago, we saw the department of energy halting permitting for lng terminals, natural gas terminals for natural gas to go to europe and our ally and not relying on russian natural gas or coal and dirtier natural gas and if your goal is to clean up the environment and decor bonnize and use clean -- decarbonize and it's the future making no sense and >> it's all about policies
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that will make america competitive and trump or haley or biden. they'll talk about what they want to do to increase manufacturing investment job creation and most importantly wage growth here in the country. you can't do that by raising the cost of doing business in the united states. it just isn't possible. >> sure d. rachel: great talking to you this morning. >> take care. rachel: you too. coming up, round two for mayorkas impeachment vote on schedule and more of that ahead. taking aim at republicans after that scathing special council report. >> republicans in congress and elsewhere have been attacking prosecutors. they've made up claims of a two-tiered system of justice. rachel: u.s. attorney general matt whitaker says they're playing games with the democrat eight hours process. eight hours process. he's next. stay with us.
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>> for the past few years, republicans in congress and elsewhere have been attacking prosecutors who aren't doing what republicans want politically. they have made up claims of a two-tiered system of justice between republicans and democrats. you're left to wonder why this report spends time making grady gratuitous and inappropriate criticisms of the president. joey: yeah, white house spokesman ian sames criticizing the special counsel report of finding and rejecting claims of a double council. the probes found biden and trump willfully withheld -- or held onto classified documents but biden won't be charged. we have former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker. this morning, there's so many things about this that i feel like should have been asked and framed in a certain way that haven't been done yet. the first thing i want to get your take on is i read about a
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third of the report myself. what he could have been prosecuted on as opposed to what he's not being prosecuted on and he admitted to having him to his ghost writer on tape and in transcripts and had possession of him in 2022 and might not be a crime and haggling him in 2017 and seems like the special counsel simply said he could go in front of a jury and say he didn't remember after he spoke about them and that's why he couldn't be prosecuted. >> that's correct and good to be with you this morning, joey. prosecutor haves a lot of discretion in siding what laws to enforce and ultimately what targets to prosecute. in this case they said this would not be successful in they took this case against joe biden to a jury and they essentially have an elderly man with memory
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problems. that's concerning because there's him either qualified to be president and stand trial or he's not. causing him to be president and there's 30 counts, 75% of the trump case are these exact issue. the willful possession of national defense information and same thing that joe biden could have been charged under and i dent know how you cannot say there's a two-tiered system of justice and same thing reviewed for one person and donald trump charge him and raid mar-a-lago and all the things they did and very aggressive tactics and then joe biden is allowed not only to cooperate but given no consequence for his behaviors and it's just not the way our system of justice should work. joey: moving onto a second topic
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and another part of the special council says in opening of it, of the summary he hold on on purpose and running for president again and very similar already to the criticisms of documents he held on it. for the next topic, trump's removers of colorado and the justices may come out even unanimously and this is something that would be done and remove a president that was convicted of crime and acting attorney general and have that as a level. >> this was the left of the country with hopes and dreams in the colorado theory and the supreme court really to a justice completely hard and dismantle the argument of the due process claim and that's the law for the 14th amendment brought about how section three has to be put into power and
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section 5 of the same amendment and i thought the supreme court did a massive job and they have the rule of law and then it's surprising to me how especially democrats don't want the law to work. they just want to have their outcome however they can get there. joey: yeah, making it real hard to keep calling for packing the court if the court comes out 8-1, 9-0 in favor of comments. former acting attorney general, matt whitaker, thank you for joaning us. >> thank you, joey. joey: one 12-year-old girl in pennsylvania selling handmade bracelets but instead of tucking the profit into her piggy bank, she's helping wild fire survivors over 4,000 miles away. we will have a chance to talk to her here next.
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i it's been six months since deadly fires tore through maui destroying homes and businesses and one girl made and sold bracelets donating all the proceeds to the next guest. we're joined alongside maui re-dent that lost her home in the fire. i don't know that i can tell the story without making it personal.
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let me say i got a letter in the mail from kate. kate told me her story about making bracelets and sent me $100 in the mail and said to me, hey, l i know you'll find the -- hey, will, i know you'll find the right place to send this $100. kate, what made you inspired to do something for the people that lost their homes in maui? >> it started at my grandmother's new house and we were having a party for her birthday and there were a lot of friends and family and later on on the news we were really sad and distraught because we saw the maui fires and then comes the bracelets. i asked for a bracelet kid and nanny gave me a grace let kit and i started making bracelets and slowly realized i think this will be a great idea to make bracelets and make some profit to give profit to people of maui. so then i told nanny about it
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and then i made like a lot of bracelets. then i told them at my uncle's store and once i had enough profit, i gave the check and the money to nanny and then nanny gave it to you. will: i'm grateful she trusted me to find a place to put the money. patricia, you gave her this bracelet making machine. did you think it would go to something that you could -- you honestly can't imagine you'd be more proud? >> i'm very proud. i have a lot of grandchildren and kate told me to say she was my favorite. she's my favorite today but i could say that about all my grandchildren. i'm very proud of her. she did a really nice job and did something -- she's very compassionate and caring, and she did something special for somebody else. will: let me take this moment to
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do this. kate, meet moani. moani meet kate. we have a mutual friend and i said take this $100 and i told him the story. kate's story, and my friend kakoa gave that money to you and your mom tricksy. tell us really quickly, you lost your home, you lost an uncle as well. tell us what happened and how you're doing today. >> well, i'm doing fine, but it's been kind of hard. will: i totally understand. thank you for being here with us this morning. i know it's always hard to remember. i know this is an emotional moment. i think your mom is there close to you as well. i've spoke ton tricksy on the phone. there she is. hi, tricksy.
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i would love you guys, i know you've lost so much and i know that we're still so far from getting what we lost back in lahaina. what would you say to people watching or to kate on the other side of the television and did what she could to help in the ways that she can? >> we love it and want to express our gratitude to everyone around the kate and your kind gesture really touched us. you didn't have to do that and went out of your way to do something for us. we wanted you to know that we love you. we've never met you but now you're part of our family forever. will: it's awesome. isn't it crazy and here we have kate 12 in pennsylvania and you 13 in lahaina and you're now
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somehow connected in this beautiful world. >> thank you so much. will: i know everybody listening at home as well in the days after this tragedy, we here at "fox & friends" and i asked so many people watching to give and we could give back to people of lahaina and you helped me raise $2.5 million and that has been as we've told people, that has been districted out in $12,000 grants to families that lost their home and you're looking at two of the recipients here on your screen, trixie and moami have received it. really quickly, how are we today? how are we living and how are we rebuilding today in lahaina? >> that's a tough question. one day at a time and one piece
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at a time. because of the prayers and generosity from everyone around the world, we've been able to put pieces back together. we want everyone to know how grateful we are and it's a slow process, but it's a process that we have to go through. will: yeah. we're here with you. we haven't forgotten. kate, mmi, you're beautiful young women inside and out and thanks for staying up late and getting up early. thank you all so much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> mahalo, aloha. will: rachel, over to you. rachel: great story, will. fantastic. made my day. turning to headlines starting with this, the house looking to hold another vote to impeach dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas on tuesday and efforts to remove him from office fell short earlier this week and
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republicans are looking to hold him accountable for his handling of the crisis at the southern boarder and this coming as house majority leader steve scalise is heading back to capitol hill and working remotely while finishing cancer treatment. to a story that makes us smile, tim tebow foundation helping make special moments for children with special needs arnold the world with its tenth annual night to shine event yesterday. guests got correspondent sole judges and got hair -- corsages and named prom king and queen to celebrate god's love and people with special needs. night to shine events happened in the u.s. and dozens of countries worldwide and some events being held as far as way as australia. another great story for you on this saturday morning. those are your headlines. coming up, even if you're stuck at home for this year's super bowl, you can still celebrate in style.
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joey: welcome back and we're counting down to the big game tomorrow. rachel: our next guests have recipes to take us to the next level. will: authors of a brand new cook book gather and gift mclemore boys. joey: y'all were the very first friends. rachel: are we your best friends? >> y'all are our best friends and hopefully it's mutual to you and it's the one year labor of love and a couple years in the making since the concert series we come here every week and cook on the master built grills and 15 years in the master built story and a lifetime for me and my brother john. >> when our boy band the
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mclemore boys, we have 125 recipes in a book called gather and grill and we love that it's not just the recipes and it's the stories. they've accumulated over the years and journey that dad and i have been on and need to work with your family ken polcari joy it. we do love it and we spend just about every day together whether it's on the phone or cooking and gather. joey: gather and grill and there's a huge spread s. this the food we'll find in the book? >> yes, this is the food you'll find throughout the book and has about nine different categories from breakfast and there's a breakfast burger that we've got a shot of and we'll be in daytona and a picture of pete trying to eat that here. that's in the book.
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we've got to have stories and a smoke recipe and smoke the wings for about an hour at 225 degrees and fire the master built grill up to about 500 and get that burnt end, mac and cheese, add in some jalapeños and bacon. rachel: good edition. >> best edition is this recipe right here, it is not only baked beans, it is t maw's baked means. that's my wife tonya mclemore. known around here as momma mac. she's the m m matriarch to thisd that's the only recipe repeated four times. i've written three books in the past, this is john and i's first book. memaw is looking down on us and thank you for everything.
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will: it's not mclemore without tomahawk stabs. >> there's 14 different recipes on the spread for you guys. what we love about the book is we are just your every day guy. that has a opportunity to share and spread the love. joey: we have to go for now but i'm ready to eat that whole thing of baked beans. >> gatter and grill with the mclemores. rachel: on preorder. >> all books are sold. rachel: stay with us. we have a big show ahead. ♪
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doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin, movie night, is a groovy night. ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. rachel: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" and the whites house denying a two-tiered justice department after a scathing special counsel report puts the president in the hot seat. the growing fallout. joey: plus a 15-year-old


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