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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 10, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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venezuela migrant is taken into custody after allegedly opening fire on police officers and shoot ago tourist in time squares. right over here. the impact of the border crisis in every american city. it's skiing and the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts now. rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 and we're all here. joey: i love georgia's favorite son luke bryan but when i hear him sing out here, that's goaler
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pile. listen, i'm sorry, i'm bringerring some georgia up here for you guys to enjoy. that's what he sounds like to me. rachel: the ghost writer for a book he was working on. doesn't somehow face charges and how that happens while donald trump is facing charges for, you know, basically the same factual
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details but this time as president of the united states and covered by the presidential records and unclassified documents and it doesn't make sense. how can you have one and not the other. ian sames filling in as white house spokesperson was a two-teared system of justice. >> for the past few years republicans in congress and he wills where have been attacking prosecutors who aren't doing what republicans want politically. they have made up claims of a two-tiered system of justice between republicans and democrats. they have denigrated the rule of law for political purposes and that reality creates a ton of pressure and in that pressurized political environment when the inevitable conclusion is that the facts and the evidence don't support any charges. you're left to wonder why this report spends time making gratuitous and inappropriate
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criticisms of the president. will: it isn't with the facts and the evidence. it's the reason they didn't bring charges. rachel: also we can see, we've seen for the last two years the two-tiered system of justice right before our eyes the way january 6 protesters were treated and getting the book thrown at hem them and some facing jail time up to 20 years, some of them 11 years and we saw people that burned down cities facing nothing. in fact our officials to burns and pro life protesters singing peacefully and also getting the book thrown at them and they face 11 years in jail and they're glaring every single thing in the news and it's obvious everything that's happened to president trump, the opposition candidate with the most support and of course the democrats knocking him off a ballot and put him in jail and
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will: the lie isn't that the report did not say there's not enough facts and evidence to braining charges. joey: i watched this after having read the first 20 some pages and then says the facts fs and evidence don't match that up and putting it in with gratuitous and unnecessary and without reason, unwarranted comments about his age, the problem therein lies that the facts as laid out in the report that he possessed classified material in his home in 2017 as a private citizen and did not put the material into archives or anywhere else. the only crime he was accused of and investigated for was continuing to possess classified material without turning it over.
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the only justifiable reason he was prosecuted is because he forgot he had it. they're being mad over these remarks and in closed doors, they're grateful because this really what he did was he laid out their defense for them so they don't have to. will: you guys both mention it had now. matt whitaker was on talking about evidence against joe biden. >> they said, you know, said this would not be successful if they took this case against joe biden to a jury because they essentially said he's an elderly man with memory problems. how can you not say there's a two-tiered system of justice when the exact same case is reviewed against one person in donald trump and they charge him. raid mar-a-lago, all the things they did and very aggressive tactics. then joe biden is allowed not only to cooperate but is given no consequence for his behavior.
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it's, joey, it's not the way our system of justice should work. rachel: this is about documents but a few months ago it was about shell companies joe biden is his family set up and millions of dollars from the wife of a mayor in matchup on sunday caucus-backed. this is crazy stuff we all know. you can't lie to us like this. we all know if the trump family was doing this, they'd be in jail. but hunter biden is out there and nobody searched his house but they rifled through melania's bedroom and underware drawers and barron strum and you can't sit there and tell us there's not two standards and it's obvious and insulting to tell us there isn't. will: from the white house to senate, today the senate will
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happening today the senate is scheduled to meet at noon in a rare saturday session as they work through the weekend trying to pass a $95 billion foreign aid package. rachel: that bill has billions set aside for ukraine, israel, and taiwan but does not address any of the problems at our southern border. will: madeleine rivera is here with more. reporter: part of super bowl sunday on capitol hill and they'll take a crucial procedural vote to break the filibuster and the final package could come not long after that if the bill gets 60 votes and this comes after the senate advances the bill by 64-19 vote friday and still, this is far from a done deal. remember like you guys mentioned, this $95 billion package with money from ukraine and israel not telling us about provisions and some republicans may want votes and mis-released
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to the border and texas senator ted cruz said putin needs to lose but it's urgent that we defend our nation first. i will fund aid to ukraine but only after we secure america's own border. earlier this week, republicans blocked a bipartisan spending bill that included border funding and foreign aid and the alarm with the meeting with a german chancellor with the white house on friday. >> failure of the united states congress and not to support ukraine is close to criminal neglect. it is outrageous. >> kentucky senator rand paul promising to slow the process down and even if the bill passes the senate and faces a tough road in the house and speaker mike johnson said they'll take it up and see what the senate does. will, rachel and joey.
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rachel: thank you, madeleine. money for ukraine and money for israel and taiwan. will: i got done doing the story about lahaina destroying them to the extent of the families and $70 per household with governments in there with the contractors. rachel: break down per ukraine citizen and talk about the ones that are there and not the ones that have fled and how much per citizen. we should try and find that up and i would like to know that and we had congressman cory
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mills on and in ukraine, is this about money laundering and he said, yes. any congressman looking bard to this bill, helicopter we have in transparency about what's happening with this money and there's good news in the sense of severing this border and amending for these boarders and i guess for me what i don't understand is spending bill to strengthen our military against threats from russia or terrific rihannas or china rather than spending money first on other councountries ability.
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rachel: $34 trillion in debt. joey: the military is not ready to fight any war much less any of these three. why are we funding these wars and the border needs looked at. will: one last night and two things that stick out is the money we give to foreign nations versus our own citizens is when faced with tragedy in the case of maui and can't talk about ukraine without talking about this week vladamir putin gave an interview to tucker carlson and no matter what you think, this is a man that values strength talking about vladamir putin and sees the world through the lens and through the lens of mike and that's the same time our president is having trouble collecting thoughts and remembering whether or not it's the president of mexico and the president of gaza. they put these two next to each
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other. rachel: putin did see that report that we've been talking about and what our own government has seen about joe biden's precipitous mental decline. will: should as asked in essence by president donald trump. should americans forgive bud light. this is lawler many are saying? ing. >> again. we should move on. it's deafen and we have to stand by and it may have to boycott
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and go this. >> last night i think president trump is right. you pay the rice and, you know what, they learn from it and that's good. >> i don't like being told when to forgive and forget. i'm a firm believer that i'll make up my own mind and my own decisions based on my beefs. that's where i stand. will: representing where people are. rachel and i had a debate, well, not a debate but my plan, row told me that you disagree, you think that don't -- they need to pay a bigger price till they ask for forgiveness. rachel: i said i haven't seen any evidence that they have
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actually changed and did they fire everybody in dei? will: when the story final -- joey: when the story played out and presented to the public and advertising executive made this decision without the c-suit knowing about it and they fired her and she becomes the scapegoat and i don't understand a need to boycott as much as like the best example i can give, i quit wearing nike a few years ago when they pushed out -- put colin ca kaepernick p front and got mad about the betsy ross flag and though chose to make colin kaepernick's message and i don't stand for that . as long as nike stands for that and want their brand to be, that
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doesn't represent me so i'm not wearing it and all their clothing has the check mark. bud light, it's what do they stand for now and walleye are they to people? is their brand severed from this issue, if we're still asking questions, maybe we haven't got there yet. will: mine is like the guy in the video i didn't like it anyway. rachel: you're a beer snob? >> no, no, no. they're all the same to me, coors light, miller light, bud light. all the same. i'm not doing this as a cop out, this was the risk to bud light. nike in a lot of situations has a unique product and hard tore give up. bud light doesn't have a unique product and when you're at the bar to say give me a miller light. that's the long term risk for someone like that. rachel: the question you actually asked me, l was now that donald trump has come out, will people, will conservatives say now that donald trump said give them that, it's time to
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cancel. what i think is interesting about conservatives is they're like the guy in that video that said, you know what, i make up my own mind. you see that just like with the vaccine, a lot of conservatives, me included, like donald trump but when it came to the vaccine i said no thank you. when it comes to uncancelling bud light, i don't drink them either only because i don't like beer. i'm a margarita girl. i would support a boycott of bud light because i haven't seen any changes. what's interesting is on the left, you know, i saw a lot of whole foods ladies who suburban ladies that paid $12 for organic kale and put an untested vaccine in their body because joe biden is fauci said so. i think conservatives like to make up their own mind. they go with dis on the things they agree with and things like the vaccine and like this and a lot of conservatives don't know. joey: they shop at piggly wiggly
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and not whole foods. will: 1 12:00 eastern and on fox news channel. tony robbins coming up. turning to a few additional headlines. will: attacking a judge was indicted by a grand jury on nine new charges including attempted murder. trying to sentence him in another case when he left over the bench and another judge is handling the case set for wednesday. hillary clinton getting heckled by protesters while speak at columbia university yesterday. >> thank you very much. taxpayers my name, you're right.
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>> you're a war criminal, the people of libya, iraq, syria, yemen -- will: two other protests interrupted clinton during a panel event which was all about respecting human rights. rachel: she was invited for a human rights act? will: now to one you probably haven't heard of. it's combine ago rodeo with winter sports so horses tow, skiers at full speed and navigate around obstacles and jump. they're preparing to host the annual competition next friday and say i was -- let me see the video. is there a man on the horse? rachel: yes. will: you could have two ropes going to his bit. rachel: i suppose. will: it's like water skiing. rachel: like sean duffy leading
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the boat with the kids in the back except it's a cowboy and it's a guy on skis. will: do it like a sleigh. the horse is the boat driver. that would be fun. rachel: that's a dad move for sure. pete: tensions in the middle east flare, experts fear the threat of newburn in iran is more real than and have we'll ask an expert on this danger up ask an expert on this danger up next (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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-hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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joey: extreme danger alert for iran's development of a pneumolarra weapon. the first time they've issued this high of a rating in 30 years. a report quoting that iran has more than enough of 60% enriched uranium and joining us now is director of the center for national defense at heritage foundation and thank you for joining us and thank you for bringing your expertise and thank you for watching real quick. can we talk about 60% enriched
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uranium and the power is slow and almost a single digit and so to go from 3 to 10% of 60% shows obviously an intent to create a weapon. where are we and what does this warning mean? >> thanks for having me, joey. we're one week away and you are ruranium and testable device and indicates they have the breakout time for zero. we may have very little warning before they're able to conduct the suspicion test and the time of the election they're enriching them and now at 60 and we've tested them above 80% in a recent iea report and center finals operation at the time of the election and now have over 6,000 at when we need to consider the fact that iran is
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going to have nuclear power and we've stated that's an unacceptable outcome. will: we're at day zero and bombing enrichment facilities and facilities in iran that would prevent them at this point from become ago nuclear power? >> that is the million dollar question. certainly the further they g the more difficult it gets and doesn't help that we've given them access to pre-amount of resources over $100 billion and announced they're going to start construction on four new nuclear power plants that cost $20 billion and to your point, we're getting to the threshold in which only military force is required and doesn't appear they're being con syringessed, coerced to stop and nuclear force may be the only thing required at the time they're a tender box. joey: on this topic, if there's a nuclear iran and what we're
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seeing today and we're literally in the place and if there's a nuclear iran, what does that mean for us? >> means by default iran won and could use weapons and delivery service for getting europe and israel and stated their goal to destroy and wipe israel off the map and have default control over the energy markets because of the proximity to the world's resources and 30% of the world's energy could be under the control of iran with a nuclear weapon. lastly they're developing intercontinental ballistic missiles that could range from the united states and they'd be able to conduct terrorism under impunity of the nuclear umbrella and complete this program. joey: makes sense for the energy consequence and thank you for bringing expertise here today.
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>> my pleasure. thanks, joey. joey: yes, sir. coming up, the migrant crisis turning into the crime epidemic across the entire city and there's a 15-year-old venezuela migrant taken into custody for allegedly opening fire on police and shooting a tourist. is it time to rethink that sanctuary city status? former nypd lieutenant reacts right here next. here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! this is a tempur pedic mattress. and it's designed, to help make aches and pains, a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur pedic adjustable mattress sets. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be...
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store in time square, nypd addressing this up tick in vines. listen. >> threatening the lives of the very people that keep us safe, if it'll put others at deadly resident and can get away with it. think again. rachel: great to have you. this teenager shot and struck a woman and going to a security guard and is he going to get deported? >> should be deported. they could. that's the million dollar question and governor hochul and making crimes to be deported and this happens on a federal level and state level. this goes back to declaring a sanctuary city and having a status and you're allowing
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unvetted migrants to come into the city of new york and when you don't vet these people, you clearly see how the violence can manifest and put us as 8.5 million residents of the city of new york in danger and nothing is being done and no one thought this out when they declared new york a sanctuary city. rachel: the last kid that beat up the police officer, those teenagers many from a gang in venezuela and these kids are not being -- none of these people are being vetted properly coming to the boarder and to your point about federal. 150 democrats voted against deporting illegals who commit duis. what's going to happen here. >> voting against deportation of migrants and they have own personal security and what you do for me is not good for you and that's not the way the lens we need to look through. proudly supports from
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perspective of social contract and upheld and clear that it's not supported in the sanctuary city like new york and vote to if a city wants to be a sanctuary city and they should get no federal funding and all people and i go somewhere and if i go overseas and show a passport to get into the country and what i'm going to do and where we're going to be and unvetted myograns coming into a city and put yourself in a very precarious position and as a result we see how it manifested with these against police officers as well as common citizens in the city of new york. rachel: you're a new yorker. at what point are new yorkers going to say enough is enough? they keep voting for people that allow these policies to happen. >> enough is enough a long time ago and supplies of the administration and loud left that is driving the focal point of the city counsel and we have it in the city of new york and voting that are unethical and
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they put us as new yorkers in harm's way. however what do we have to do and that's the million dollar question and hoping that major adams is voting out of office and all of the radical city counsel people voted out of office and come back to a place of sanctity in the city of new york and lies on the residents to vote the right people in. rachel: yeah, that's what it comes down to. i haven't seen any of that happen yet. have they reached their limit of all this? darrin, thank you so much. great to have you. >> thank you. rachel: president biden's cognitive ability red flags after the damming report. mark siegle breaking down his -- marc siegle breaks down his findings next. else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee.
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will: with president biden's latest series of verbal blunders and calling his memory into question, many raising red flags over his ability to lead. >> mitterrand from germany or france and there's been a response from the opposition. >> i'm an elderly man, i'm well
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meaning and i know what i'm doing. my memory is fine. will: fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegle. great to see you. these are examples of what we see on television from president joe biden in the special council report and there was evidence that he couldn't remember if he was vice president in 2009 on a separate occasion and 2013 and giving a range of dates and biden had died and handling it together and seems pretty con consequential to execute the possibility of dates. >> it'll cover from kareem jean-pierre and the vice president and you're not hearing any physicians, are you? his last physical was a year ago and literally february 2023. where is dr. kevin o'conner and his personal physician.
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where is the cognitive test and where it the mr and i recollects these memory lapses will appear to be getting worse and let me explain that. memory retrieval is getting them happening in the 90s and o causing with a current president of france or remember when you started to determine as vice president and begs need for immediate testing and compare over time where you were before. we're not talking about a grand father but the president of the united states. i tested my 100-year-old father on this by the way and he got all these questions right and that's to say it's not about age because they want to provide political cover by saying we're being mean to someone because they're over 80. that's not the issue here. it's acuity and fitness and by the way, one other thing. his anger that he showed when this was questioned is also characteristic of somebody having cognitive slippage
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because, will, they're the last to know, they're the last to admit and last to want to do something about this. the administration is going to take it extremely seriously and not because he's running for president again and because he is president now. will: the op ed in the new york post and the constant verbal blunder not fit to lead the country. that's what everybody is worried about. beyond that, who is running the country in his absence? it's interesting you bring up his anger because this occurred to me and i think intuitively to a lot of people watching at home, when someone often on older person feels out of control, they reach for an emotion to reestablish control and that emotion that seems to be incarceratedder and his go-to. i feel -- his anger and his go to. grab anger and reestablish control. those are the two sides of biden we see.
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bumbling or anger. >> that's extremely important point. you see how irritated he's been getting with our own peter doocy and now not just peter doocy and all the reporters this, and that is a defense mechanism and he's using it because deep down unconsciously he probably feels there really is a problem. one more thing here, will, we're using the word gaffes. that's the wrong word. that's giving him an out. i like the word lapses better. these are lapse when is you can't remember who the leader is or when you were vice president or awful when your son died. that's just so awful and we would feel sympathy and compassion as a physician if he didn't have the welfare of the entire country in his hands at a time of war around the world. at a time of porous boarders and all the political issues we're seeing. again, i don't want to hear from the vice president about this. i want to hear about this from physicians and i want to see elaborate testing done. >> i think it's fair to say that
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if you want to feel sorry for an 80-year-old man, you should be a member of his family and those are the people that should be concerned about the individual's health and one could argue it's cruel they're not. will: worry about the man controlling the mental football and thanks for talking about it with us this morning, doc siegle. >> thank you, will. very important. joey: thanks, will. turning to headlines, starting in mexico and not egypt. a new york man is heading back home after officials say he was found in a remote mexican jungle with his eyes taped shut and his ankles and wrists bound. the man telling authorities he was kidnapped about three days prior by unknown people in mexico. they were demand ago $200,000 -- demanding a $200,000 ransom for him before finding him in the jungle. the man that climbed the las
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vegas sphere on wednesday has to pay $100,000 for damaging lights but he says otherwise. >> i didn't break a thing. i really do think it's in their best interest to drop these charges because there was not a thing that was damaged at all. joey: he calls himself the pro life spiderman and climbed the sphere to raise money to prevent a homeless pregnant woman from having an abortion. he raised more than $36,000 for her. however he's now facing destruction of property charges. we'll see. empire state building letting one lucky couple live out an iconic scene from the classic rom com sleepless in seattle. for just $10,000 two lucky love
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birds get a private observatory on the second floor service connected nated by musicians and enjoy a private three course valentine's day meal. that sounds very romantic. those are your headlines and we're going to take in now with meteorologist adam klotz with our fox weather forecast. reporter: very pleasant and we're dealing with what could be new record breaking temperatures and let's dive in and show you what the temperatures are outside right now and very mild on the eastern half of the country and see that big cold front getting colder on the western half of the country and temperature departure 200 million americans the next couple of dais experiencing that above average air that's going to be lingering around most of the country and these are a bit of potential record highs in the northeast down in toward the mid-atlantic and mid 60s today
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and feeling fantastic and it lingers with folks to sunday as well before ultimately cooling back off as we get into early next week. those are your weather headlines. tossing it back inside with you. joey: coming up, roses are red and violets are blue and we're here for you. i'm a poet and didn't know it. valentine's holiday is just four days away and we have tips for the perfect bouquet. ♪ mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong
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deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today.
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gyre welcome back. it's the weekend before valentine's day. are you ready to surprise your sweet heart with flowers? will: classic "fox & friends" weekend making it a competition to see when of us make the best bouquet. rachel: we're going to get a lesson from the pros. husband and wife, they're owners of michael's florist in greenhouse and they join us. this team did snooky's wedding. i don't know if she'll tell us what she likes. tell us, what's the secret to the perfect bouquet? >> really quick, when we get our roses n they come in packages
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like this. 36 hours they were in columbia or leaving them. most roses come from there. we take them and get them in our shop, cut them and put them in solution and refrigerator overnight and ready to go. they come up like this. going for valentine's day, woe start with a little fillers, let's see. fillers. rachel: greenery. that's sharp knife. >> when you're doing these, you're doing a ton right now, how quickly are you cranking them out in a day? >> minutes. >> doing a ton of these. rachel: this is the busiest time of the year? >> busiest day. >> busiest day of the year. will: a dozen red roses is classic and come across as lazy because everybody does it?
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will: what else can someone do? rachel: is that popular now? >> people do and it's the garden roses and there was a mix reigns leading. >> making orchids. will: yellow friendship and white. >> true love. will: white is true love? rachel: michael's can add stickers too. joey: let us try this? >> yeah, come on up. >> don't forget your baby's
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breath. joey: we've got four canisters here. there we go. just getting started. >> can i take from here. >> take from wherever you want. joey: we're on. the music it playing. i need a sharper knife. that's called baby's breath. i know that . that's more baby's breath. let me get some of this stuff here. >> i like that. >> my only strategy is getting in people's way. joey: nothing boring or lazy about mine. a dozen red roses. there we go. will: rachel won this last year. rachel: i did win last year. i love flowers. i absolutely love lowers. and never goes out of style. >> hawkeyes the safest thing to get if you're a guy going into the flower shop? will: roses.
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will: i broke it so i need to place it. will: who won? >> what do you think? >> we came in and knew rachel was going to win. >> rachel is the winner. congratulations. >> i thought it would be nice to act like someone else could do it. rachel: more "fox & friends" coming up.
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4:58 am
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4:59 am
don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. .. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪
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♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ pete: the 8:00 hour of "fox and friends" we can.
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