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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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working to discredit the special counsel's claims about president biden's memory. >> made by that prosecutor, gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. rachel: the endorsement from donald trump that could change the balance of power in the senate. pete: the secret to saving of the us economy, eating more bacon. we will explain when the third hour of "fox and friends" weekend starts now. ♪ ♪ joey:nothing is going to stop us. lake worth. will: when did jefferson
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starship become starship? rachel: sometime in the 90s. same thing. if you like the 90s, i had kennedy on my podcast and we had an all 90s extravaganza. we talked about mtv, the 90s. joey:did you talk about jingo genes? rachel: the will kane show is too highbrow to talk about is this but anyway, starship. let's begin with this. the biden administration is on the defensive dealing with the fallout from the special counsel report on the
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president's handling of classified documents and president biden's press conference thursday night. will: the president is frustrated with merrick garland over how he handled the report. joey: good morning, madeline. >> reporter: white house officials believe the special counsel stepped out of his lane when he made the characterizations about the president's age and mental health. listen. >> i believe as a former prosecutor, the comments made by that prosecutor were gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. >> the little part of what we get to see, mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake on camera this week. >> i want to be clear here. the reality is, that report, that part of the report does not live in reality, it just
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doesn't. it is -- it was gratuitous. rachel: frustration in the white house growing out of the justice department. according to politico, president biden told aids and outside advisors that attorney general merrick garland did not do enough terrain in the report stating the president had diminished mental faculties according to two people close to the president. as white house frustration for the justice department rose. >> confidence in merrick garland, after selecting to be put in this position. >> cantor member which of you asked what his thoughts were, he answered thoughtfully and powerfully and i don't have anything to add beyond what the president said. rachel: he made no rejections or changes. if he had, he would have had to notify congress. earlier in the show you broke it down legally.
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what it is, the white house wants it both ways, they want to say president biden is a forgetful elderly guy, can't charge me but on the other hand, say that is not true. will: it is one of the other, you are not fit to stand trial or you are not fit to be president, one or the other. as we mentioned earlier the legal ramifications of this, how they should extend to donald trump. if you are not going to press charges against president biden you should not be pressing charges against donald trump. i think there's a two tiered system of justice conversation, the legal ramifications the president of the united states not fulfilling the duties of the presidency and the political aspect. this is damning politically. i think, i personally think
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this is the beginning of the end of president biden not as the president of the united states because some talked about the implication but as candidate for democrat, the green light was not just president biden, it was the press corps asking difficult questions and you see the cracks in the foundation. just a matter of how. i think the when and the how, the who will be the democratic nominee for president. joey: i'm conflicted where the white house is on this. it's easy to come out because of the political ramifications of verbiage the talks about him as a forgetful man but that is the defense. hard to believe they are staunchly against that verbiage because it is his defense that puts the legal issue of this to bed for now. it feels like with all this outrage they are trying to push back on the narrative and give each other a higher five that he did us a favor, the special
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counsel wrote their defense in his report. that is the slate of hand. he's not writing these things as an opinion piece on who president biden is but as a matter of fact that he doesn't believe president biden would go to trial, could win in trial because his defense would be this. rachel: before the report came out the white house was signaling in all of that white house think they do, basically signaling to merrick garland, don't release the report and merrick garland did. that brings up the political question is it that president biden actually likes this, gets off the hook with the charges of the documents or is it that somebody else is pulling the strings, obama saying release this so we can pull the rug out from under president biden and get somebody else in.
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this is what bill maher is talking about that somebody else could replace president biden. >> did not run on a promise not to run again but a big hint. he said i see myself as a bridge that is collapsing. i see myself as a bridge. i read that as one term. the question, is it too late? i don't think it is. i think people said to me that is ridiculous. they would be thrilled if they did it the day before the election. you could switch at the convention and to say health issue or whatever or if the guy says i cannot run, has to be somebody else. and open convention. we had open conventions many
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times. will: i don't think there is any pleasure in the biden administration about the exculpatory nature of his being mentally deficient. this was more damning politically than it was exonerating legally. they would have chosen him to go he didn't willfully retain classified documents and make it go away that way because i believe this ends his political career, the beginning of the end of his political career, one of the best days for donald trump that he could have ever imagined. he gets a legal argument and a political argument in one day. i said a moment ago it's a matter of when and how bill maher provides the when and how. only question is who. rachel: it could be a win for donald trump. i think it is a win at this moment but the who will determine whether it remains a win for donald trump.
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gavin newsom challenging but defeasible. michelle obama kind of a game changer. you believe they are going to replace him. will: i don't think president biden will be the nominee for the democrats. rachel: i think what we are witnessing is a civil war within the democrat party. the obamas want president biden to move on because they see the wheels coming off the bus. president biden saying i am not leaving and this report leaking out as a way to further push this along. kamala harris on team biden. i suspect she knows she will not be the nominee of president biden is replaced. joey: there is no lack of drama in who the nominee will be in some people's minds even for the republicans as far as the presidential pick. earlier this year the house had the drama ousting speaker and electing a new one and now
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maybe the drama will settle in on the senate. the current balance of powers 51 democrats to 49 republicans. that's as thin as you can get. on top of this, donald trump is weighing in on who he thinks needs to be in the city. this is a post from him. the senate race in montana. this is donald trump's truth social post, tim, as the candidate who is best positioned to defeat jon tester and regain the republican majority in the united states senate. a political outsider, strong on the border, the military events and constantly under siege second amendment. america first patriot tim has my complete and total endorsement. rachel: he has been in the race
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facing a potential challenge, official challenge from matt rosendale who is a member of congress in montana and you see see different divisions in the party. a short list of others who have supported him besides donald trump, marco rubio, tom cotton, john barrasso. on the other hide, matt gaetz, biggs from arizona, mike lee, rand paul, the freedom caucus getting behind him and the rosendale was one of the few who stood up for donald trump during january 6th. this is an interesting race. she -- sheehy will bring $100 million into the race. will: successful businessman,
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some type of air company. rosendale as you pointed out was endorsed by trump previously. rosendale says this. i love donald trump, he has factual fighters in the senate to enact his agenda, 47, that's me, not mitch mcconnell's hand picked him sheehy. together we will make america great again. i will tell you this. it is held by john tester who is a democrat. that's the key, winning it for republicans. these two are both in the race. it does help john tester. they both stay in the race. rachel: there's two ways to look at that. some say it divides the party, we should consolidate resources, get behind this guy. a lot of people from the state think he is the best chance against tester. on the other hand, it's america. they say metal sharpens metal,
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he will be a better candidate in the race against tester if he's being tested against rosendale. hard to say. joey: rosendale was a most out front when they outed mccarthy. he is relying on people that look at him as a change agent but if you outline a candidate on paper, sheehy looks good. rachel: i wonder why donald trump stepped into this. it is dividing republican caucus. will: a teacher has gone viral for teaching students economics. shelby latimer teaching students about rent and employment and other foundational elements of an economy. >> raise your hand. you have to pay me rent. you are sitting in, your rent
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is late i will find you another dollar. instead of $5 it is $6. 7. 8. 15. look at all my money. hard life lessons in third grade. rachel: they are dealing in fake money but in third grade fake money feels real so you have to hand it over. if you borrow money in college you have to pay it back. president biden says you don't but i think this is the kind of stuff, real-life skills. joey: if she's using this to show how bad landlords are, i don't know that. one thing i will say, i have conversations in my hometown all the time and the last we 10 years the first things people
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point out we don't teach kids what a credit score is or how to use it ethically your how to balance, how to balance the checkbook. i don't know if i've ever written a check in my life. the idea of balancing finances, weighing what you can afford what you borrow, that's not taught in many schools. it makes a lot of sense to teach successful citizenship and fund fiscal responsibly as part of successful citizenship. the question, why isn't this taught in schools. rachel: why are we $34 billion in debt? probably because we are not learning these lessons. joey: they don't want you to know how to be fiscally responsible. rachel: 5. 7 magnitude earthquake hit hawaii's big islands rocking buildings and triggering huge tremors across the state. no injuries have been reported.
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an hour after the quake hit hawaii, another 4.7 magnitude earthquake hit southern california. rattling windows and shaking shelves, no injuries or major damages. a judge denying a motion from hunter biden's attorney, to move the tax case in california. lawyers were asking the delay as biden is facing gun charges in a separate case in delaware. the hearing is on track for march 27th. biden pleading not guilty to 9 tax coutts including failing to file and pay taxes and filing a false tax return. the trial is set for mid june. any charges for taking money from china? will: i was thinking about banking. rachel: you have your
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priorities, i have mine. that's a problem for the economy according to the wall street journal, the american pork industry is making more sausage and bacon than people can eat. the report says production is so efficient, demand can't keep up with supply. we didn't go without our bacon this morning so we have some onset. joey: we have less bacon than we did a minute ago. if we had an overage of bacon, who drops that off at my doorstep? i will take care of that bacon i promise. will: it is charged in this story. pork, beef, chicken are the last 50 years. i didn't realize that. beef consumption per capita has gone down. pork remained in third place in the gone down a little bit. chicken, through the roof.
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rachel: in terms of nutrients, beef is a secure peace. joey: the efficiency in raising them. will: on red meat. rachel: saying it is bad. what they really want is us to meet neither chicken or beef, they want -- we are not going to do that. rachel: chickens eat bugs indicted bacon. will: the crisis at the border worsening, our next guest is preparing threats to the homeland. one ohio sheriff, the issue joins us next. joey: brian kilmeade with a look at what's coming up. on one nation tonight. >> reporter: tune into one nation tonight. the super bowl, how close his team got when he expects next year and the first family of the football.
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tulsi gabbard talking about a plan that might be in place to stop donald trump before get started, former democrat for the first time exposing it might be able to stop it. can you communicate in the mess the current president is in. and do not miss this addition of one nation on taking attendance. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought!
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>> with the crisis at the border worsening, christopher wray spoke with sheriff's reportedly saying when it comes to a terror attack, it's not a matter of if but when. knew border numbers show 49 suspected terrorists in the southern border, 19 in just december alone. our next guest was at the national sheriffs conference, richard jones joins us now. what kind of message was sent to other sheriffs and local chiefs when the
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commander-in-chief that i won't meet with you? >> >> they haven't been trying to meet with him. it sent the message he doesn't care, this is in the heartland. this is in the heartland. sheriffs representing communities, the president refuses to meet with us. the uptick and the crime, terrorists coming across but this isn't, you mentioned the 40 terrorists they captured, it's the got aways. listen to the director of the fbi, the same thing to congress. he said this is the most red flags from the government of
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china attacking infrastructure every day. 5 times a day. the iranians are attacking a three times and hacked by the russians. they are not here to help us. they are here to hurt us. they will look at local elections, in the heartland, not just big cities, bombing in two countries but everybody knows that. there's people that hate us and want to kill us. rachel: record numbers of chinese men of military age, who they are taking orders from, biolab's and secret chinese police stations we are finding in the united states. i'm curious even if president
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biden didn't care about the people and it sounds like they didn't care about our safety, he has to be concerned donna political since. christopher wray said it is not if, but when a terrorist attack is coming. what can regular americans do to protect themselves? >> here's what we are doing. we got classes. we are going to train civilians, people who live in our community, training quick and fast, doing everything we can, be prepared for this. i'm delivering the message the government is telling us. rachel: the federal government doesn't care and it will be local law enforcement on the front lines, want to thank you
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for your courage and service and delivering this message that is so gravely important. >> thanks everybody for listening. rachel: the president's bad week keeps getting worse. teacher strike in massachusetts kept 12,000 students out of the classroom for two weeks. our next guest says school choice is the solution. cory deangelis, a hero in that space, explains next.
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only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. now save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base ends monday. only at sleep number. joey: what is called an illegal teacher strike in newton, massachusetts kept kids out of
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class for two weeks affecting 12,000 students. school choice is the solution, quote, mpower parents with choices, embrace school choice initiatives and make children the sender of the system. cory deangelis joins us now. thank you for joining us. breakdown what happened here and why this matters. >> reporter: i am here in boston 15 minutes from newton, massachusetts. teachers strikes are technically illegal for public-sector employees but for the past two years since 2,022, there have been six teachers strikes in the state, the latest being in newton, massachusetts where they spent $30,000 per student per year, locked kids out of school again for two weeks, and parents didn't have any recourse. they don't have school choice in the current situation so their children's education was
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held hostage for two weeks and they had to figure out what to do with their children. a better solution would be to provide accountability to the system to let families be in charge, take their education dollars to private schools that are open who don't strike willy-nilly, over time. mpower parents with choice and things change. joey: school choice gets ambiguous on a broad scale because there are certain versions of it. i hear you talking school choice specifically in the sense of the money you pay in taxes to local schools, there are private schools. my kid goes to a charter school supported by the public school system. what remedies are there on school choice and should they happening georgia at the state and local level or federal level? what is the policy you want to see and acted? >> it happening in red states, the laboratories of democracy are listening to what parents
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want but funding the student, not the system. the money meant for educating the child, you can take it to public school if you want, we spent $20,000 per kid per year in america depending where you are but you can take that to a private school, charter school or home-based education option, florida, arizona and other red states doing this but hard to get through the legislature in a place like massachusetts where you have union controlled politicians, a tax credit to get your money back to the federal level. the educational choice for children act that can supercharge red state school choice that's already happening and expand to blue states dominated by politicians. joey: the kids that can afford the transportation and opportunity to have, the more engaged parents get the better education but leave those that are disadvantaged further behind. what is your answer to that?
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>> that explain the status quo, we have inequities in the school system, the government says you live here, you got to go to the school even if it is a lower quality institution leaving families years of equality of opportunity allowing students from less advantaged populations to go to private schools as well. education, the money following the child using that for transportation, ticket to private schools as well. this is an equalizer that allows access to opportunity. joey: i have a high score freshman into kindergartner, these things matter to me. thanks for joining us. from alarming poll numbers to the scathing special counsel report, the president's bad week keeps getting worse, joe concha is here to react to biden's big week to forget.
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will: it was one of the best summarized as forgetful. let's remember what happened on sunday.
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president biden mixed up french leaders, referenced a leader who died some time ago, mitterrand, told a story that he was actually talking to emmanuel macron. tuesday, 76% of voters are concerned about biden's health. the same day he seemed to have forgotten hamas referring to them as the opposition. wednesday he referred to the late german chancellor instead of angela merkel. second time in as many days he mixes up former leader with current leader and to make it an even three, thursday, he again did it, talks about the egypt and leader as the president of mexico, that was the cherry on top of what was an awful day when it came to his mental faculties, that his memory was hazy, faulty and poor, so bad that he couldn't
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charge him for mishandling classified documents. >> president biden: the president of mexico, cc, did not want to open the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. will: here with reaction is fox news contributor joe concha. this couldn't have gone worse. if you made a gift to donald trump this is the nicest gift he could have received for valentine's day. >> in a presidency where every because a bad week, this was president biden's worst week at least since the afghan withdrawal. we went through those examples, all self inflicted. he is not a victim of circumstance. one thing he has to overcome to win reelection, most voters, 76% worried about his mental and physical state, he has to overcome the perception he can still do this job for another five years, all the way to 2,029 when he leaves office.
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all that said, once this impression is made, how do you reverse it and as we go towards the election will be like a fine wine and get better or like hines cheese and get worse? we are appear to be in the cheese stage. will: i saw on another network that even if president biden died, they would vote for his dead body over donald trump. the point is we talk about issues. it's important to talk issues. a lot of voters vote on personality. when it comes to donald trump, some people have made up their mind and will not change it regardless of who the opposition is, dead or alive. what i am wondering, this is huge. this swings casual voters. they talk about the economy, maybe foreign policy, but definitely the president of the united states can't be mentally incapable. this is the biggest issue if there is one that swings and election. joe:there are policies in terms
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of inflation and people paying for food, gas, rent, and heating on the border which i think is the number one issue we are seeing in exit polls. elections come down to the following 7 states, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. throw in another state if you like, florida and ohio. in those states president biden won by such slim margins in 2020 he has no margin for error. he can't lose 10 or 20,000 in wisconsin, arizona, georgia or nevada. if he does donald trump is your next president and in terms of the mental state, you see the media defending it. rachel maddow, top rated host on another network said he can ride a bike, he is fit. my 4-year-old can operate a schwinn, doesn't mean this person has mental state to be the commander-in-chief of the united states. the question at the problem for
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democrats is how do you backfill president biden if he decides he can do the job another five years. will: will he be the nominee? good joe:i don't think so. who is the steve young backup who will come in for joe montana? kamala harris is 28% approval, even lower than president biden. you have to look to newsom or witmer or something but it's getting late early around here and i don't know how you switch this. if you do at the convention you don't count, we are installing somebody. that will not be received well. will: check out joe on the big weekend show. that's who he is going to be with. over there, joey jones. joey: we can't get enough of each other, he had to come shake my hand. we turn to your headlines starting with this.
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norad confirming it detected and tracked four russian military planes in the alaska air defense zone yesterday, the planes did not inter-american or canadian sovereign airspace but this is the third time they detect and tracked russian aircraft in the area in the last four days. we are learning carl weathers died of heart disease in his sleep at his home in california. he is best known for his roles in predator and the rocky films. >> you've got the decision. >> i won but i didn't beat him. joey: he was 76 years old. to a wild story out of tampa. police receiving a bazaar call about an exact animal running around the apartment building. >> police, fire or medical.
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>> i guess police. an animal in the apartment complex. it is a large kangaroo. >> that the florida kangaroo. police chopper hopping around the pool complex. the animal is reunited with its owner, had no idea you could own a kangaroo and those are your headlines. let's check in with adam klotz. i bet he has a fox weather forecast. adam:gorgeous out here on fox square because temperatures in the eastern half of the country abnormally warm and in some cases record-breaking heat. let's dive into it, show the national map. on the western half of the country, things not quite as nice. temperatures in the 20s for millions of folks. most of the country saturday
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and sunday, dealing with abnormally warm temperatures. record highs, dc, 64 degrees. that would be a record if we ended up getting it. here's what temperatures look like around the region. this is where it is warmest and what it looks like across the country. on the eastern half of the country things are looking good. the western half of the country, it is the way it should be. joey: looking fine for georgia. gridiron grilling, the authors have recipes for the ultimate super bowl party next. ♪
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rachel: to the super bowl and data map super bowl party. joey: we take your game day menu that annexed level. will: the authors of gathering grills. let's go, guys.
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joey: gather and grill as a father/son duo sharing stories and recipes we've gathered over the years and learn from you guys. it's an all-around story. >> joey was just holding up the cookbook. the play so we have a recipe in that book, the sweet and spicy rings. rachel: what were your prediction for the super bowl? >> taylor swift will sing the national anthem, sing at halftime, she's going to make sure kelsey is rushing. i want to make sure everything
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we cook here at fox, not only super bowl but these recipes but the concert series between memorial day and labor day is cooked on the grill. this is the new auto ignite grill that is easy to later. auto ignition. that is why it is so good right there. you put your starter in and look at that. it is auto igniting in 3 to 4 minutes, charcoal and bluetooth and wi-fi enabled. >> this is what you have in your backyard. this little baby right here is when you are tailgating. it can be plugged in. it is running on four aa batteries. you can cook everything on it. >> the perfect grill for tailgating or if it is a home game, this grill is amazing.
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over here, like a fire place, called out here. thank you for supplying it. joey: that is duck camp grill. tv show -- the recipe is on our instagram and facebook. and go through the book. adams has a picture of the story. we are cooking at talladega and daytona. the picture of you is breakfast quesadillas. will is in it. he is in it, breakfast ultimate burger. >> are we talking about this when? >> 14 recipes. rachel: what about this when?
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>> smoked, "fox and friends" rib. rachel: the book is on three burgers. will: show me the sweet and spicy wings right here. >> fried chicken sweet and spicy. will: those recipes, those wings, instagram and facebook. joey: thank you for joining us. questions on the book, go purchase it, don't go anywhere. rachel: go ahead. let's go. ♪ esn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase.
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why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that.
6:00 am
now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. ends monday. joey: it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend, and we begin with this: the white house denying a two-tiered justice system exists even though probes found both biden and trump willfully held on to classified documents, and only one is facing charges.


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