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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  February 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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three men in their eighties been going to super bowlr bowlse 1967. since the first nfl nfl thrld championship game. don crisman, greg eaton, tom henschel. i hope i got your name doings r. have been doing this. they can remember on a super bowl ticket cost s eight bucks. >> wow credential as a steelers fan, crisman is a patriots fan and they still greet each othere with the middle finger number one this daydl, how muchei they care about one another and how much they care about their teams. i hope they have a greatam hope the time this weekend. >> best of them and go cheap. offe and ifexpensiv anybody rips off their social security numbers, who's coming jaso after them? >> jason, stay. yeah president biden facing backlash following response or scathing report from the department of justice questioning his mental fitness. voters are just as concerned. good evening, i am jon scott and this is the fox report.
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♪ the white house in full damage control mode after the controversial special counsel report saying the president's memory is failing and there's evidence he willfully retained and shared classified documents but not beyond reasonable doubt. reasonable enough to prove it. democrat : the report inaccurate and politically motivated. reports only fueling fears of the 81-year-old agent ability to carry out a second term for president biden insists he knows what he's doing. lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the latest there. >> over 70% of americans think the president is too old to be commander-in-chief and that includes concern from democrat to think the president is too old. here is hillary clinton. >> i talk to people in the white house all the time and they know it's an issue but as i like to
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say, it's a legitimate issue from a legitimate issue for trump was only three years younger so it is an issue. >> it appears frustration is growing at the white house over biden's attorney general who picked the trump appointee robert her to run the investigation into biden's handling of classified material. political reporting biden told aids attorney general merrick garland did not do enough to rein in the report which said repeatedly the president diminished mental capacity. here's new york republican congresswoman claudia who thinks there's a double standard for biden and trump special counsel investigations handled in. >> special counsel states explicitly he violated, mishandled classified information which is a felony and did it for decades and didn't have community so as vice president or senator for this was going on yet we are not going to charge him because he's an elderly man whose forgetful. >> the president's closest advisers are worried about his age and biden chose to skip the super bowl interview.
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here is reaction to that decision. >> the biggest television audience, not even close and you get a chance to do a 2025 minute interview on that day and you don't do it, that is a sign the staff or yourself doesn't have confidence. there's no other way to read this. >> the "wall street journal" reports despite the report in the president's reaction in the fiery press conference the senate campaign has no place to shift the strategy in 2024th. >> lucas carlson at the white house, who will talk more about this, thank you. stay tuned, a little later doctor murray makary is joining us with expertise on president biden's rental state. meantime, republican white house candidates using the d.o.j. report on the president to their advantage on the campaign trail.
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donald trump and nikki haley taking a swing at the president during south carolina rallies. watch. >> after the last couple of d days, what have we seen? joe biden will not be the nominee. he's not. the democrats note this. when i will tell you is there will be a female president of the united states. [cheering] the hard truth is it's going to be me or kamala harris. >> the real problem facing our country is not joe biden's decline, the real problem is that joe biden causing america's decline. who would allow people to pour into our country? >> a fox news alert with bad news for the gop's slim majority in the house wisconsin
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congressman mike gallagher announcing today he will not seek reelection. he's represented the eighth congressional district in the house since 2017. the milwaukee journal plans to enter the private sector to spend more time with his family. gallagher was one of four republicans who voted against the impeachment of dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. gallagher's current term set to expire january 3 of 2025. texas governor greg abbott ramping up border security, expanding efforts to control land along the us-mexico border with the help of his state's national guard. senior correspondent he casey stegall has the latest there. >> governor abbott made a stop in eagle pass thursday, accompanied by more 20 different lawmakers touting success of operation home star. that is a mission designed to
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enforce and secure the border in texas, a mission with more than 10 billion-dollar price takes so far. the governor essentially saying texas will continue to take matters into his own hands. until the biden administration or congress takes steps to slow the migrant search. he says there currently working on a plan to add more national guard troops in and around eagle pass and other busy crossing spots. as well as putting in additional miles of razor wire and no client barriers but specifics of where or when that will happen were not given. he did say deterrent put into place here in the lone star state are working adding fewer migrants have been illegally crossing and spot fortified by the state. >> even though texas represents about two thirds of the border, we represent only about 30% of the crossings. delete crossing areas are california, arizona and new
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mexico that represent 70% of the crossings. >> you are looking at brand-new video from the boxlike team drone where we witnessed a small migrant group a little more than a dozen but some young children trying to cross the rio grande river but national guard boats intercepted them yelling at them to turn around, which they did and they went back over to the mexican side. cbp source tells box since the start of the new fiscal year 2024 which was back on october 1, there have been more than 1 million migrant encounters across the entire southern border, the earliest the milestone has ever been rec recorded. >> casey stegall at the border in eagle pass, texas, thank you. >> for more on the crisis at our southern border, the national border patrol council vice president art, the border security bill went down in flames on capitol hill, what is
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the reaction of your members? >> i think there was a lot of back-and-forth, a lot of talk about the first 5000 people understanding by thousand would be released in the first 5000 would getting they would have much more strict rules and you want to stop release and that's why the national border cross back that up but at the same time nobody said it was a bill that would help. we all know and everyone has talked, he can stop it but obviously they will need help, you will have to get help and at the same time, we can't sit around and wait for president biden to do anything because he hasn't done anything the last few years. >> the president is saying no or members of the administration suggesting the president is
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going to take some kind of executive action on immigration, the question is, why now? he's been in office three years. >> we all know now because of the political topic right now, figure out how to fix the border so they have that. the border that they created the last three years and i believe this should be a win for president trump because this administration is saying they are agreeing they've done the wrong thing and they haven't done it correctly and share coming back and saying the last administration is doing the right thing, this if anything should be taken out of the way for the trump administration. >> you mentioned the 5000 figure and that did have a lot of people upset because they felt were saying okay, we will let 5000 people a day into the country, first 5000, that's okay, not a problem, is that into correct? >> one 100% incorrect.
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the first 5000 were coming in would be detained, go through more strict asylum laws improve the case and not get released while proving their case, that's what was right now as it is, every single day they are releasing over 6000 so right now there is no kat and everyone is being released and they could have amended that. they should have looked at it and made amendment but that's where the miscommunication was. a lot of individuals the first 5000 getting released and that's not the case. >> part is the national border patrol council, thank you for your 815-year-old migrant under arrest in new york city suspected of shooting a woman in times square.
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police say he fired an officer before running away from the scene. the latest crime involving migrants in times square. cb cotton live on that. >> the 15-year-old suspect was arraigned today in manhattan the court on multiple charges to include attempted murder. the das office requested the team be held in jail without bail saying he has significant ties outside of the country adding quote much of the incident captured on extremely clear surveillance video from which he was easily identified. he additionally gave statements to the police admitting his involvement. based on this, it's clear he's facing a significant sentence of incarceration on this serious case and cannot be trusted to return to court. the team was taken into custody friday afternoon in yonkers less than 20 miles north of new york
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city and prosecutors say he was hiding behind a wardrobe inside the home. fox is choosing not to show his face because of his age. investigators say the teen came to the big apple from venezuela less than six months ago and staying out of migrant shelter when he shoplifted a sporting goods for thursday evening and fired at a security guard and police officers who tried to stop him. the das office says after the crime spree the teen and his mom tried to run away telling the judge today quote they packed up their belongings by 6:00 a.m. the next morning vacated their home and fled out of the city. retired nypd inspector paul mora says the crime was brazen and he fears we haven't seen the last of it. >> thanks to the border policies of the current administration, we are seeing a real presence here and more and more activities we are seeing making national news in new york for going back to venezuelans who clearly hit the ground here in america with the criminal know how. >> police say the suspects first shot was intended for security guard here next to me but
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instead a tourist was struck in her leg and thankfully she's expected to be okay. >> is the only bit of good news out of us. cb cotton in times square, thanks. a manhunt underway in tennessee the gunman who shot two deputies, killing one. during routine traffic stop in maryville, tennessee. the suspect is wanted for first degree murder and remains on the run. dana murray has the latest. >> law enforcement are still on the hunt for suspected cop killer, 42-year-old on tennessee's bureau of investigations most wanted list right now and authorities are warning the public he's dangerous and could be armed. look at this photo, this was taken from officer to camera video the night he went on the run. this was thursday evening sheriff's deputies say they stopped him for erratic driving
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and refused to get out of his suv and deputies played a stun gun to no effect. law enforcement say he produced a gun shooting two deputies and fled the scene. one deputy, 42-year-old father of two died from his injuries. the sheriff was emotional at the press conference. >> so sorry. apologize for not protecting him getting this man off the streets getting him behind bars she left they've arrested his brother and girlfriend friday accusing them of being an accessory after the fact saying they helped the fugitive after the deadly shooting. authorities are asking the public in america area check security cameras to see if he's been in the area recently they hope the reward money to $80000
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encourages the public to come forward with any information. the second officer shot is only 22 years old. she was shot in the leg, that was deputy shelby, she's expected to be okay, she was released from the hospital all while the heart is still on the run. >> let's hope that's the worst that happens to her during her service. thank you. as stakes are high on capitol hill as congress struggled to reach a deal on the border and aid to israel and ukraine. house foreign affairs committee darrell isa joins us with an update on the legislative wrangling is the. ♪
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we have more from the campaign trail today appointed exchange between the two gop presidential candidates. former president trump calling out nikki haley's husband currently deployed in africa with south carolina national guard for being absent from recent events. >> is away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone.
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he knew, he knew but think of this. i will never run against you but it's all over. >> haley with a fiery response explaining michael is deployed, serving our country, something you know nothing about someone who continually disrespects the sacrifice of military families has no business in commander in chief. day 126 of the israel hamas war and israeli prime minister benjamin and netanyahu telling military to prepare to evacuate civilians from southern gaza city of alpha ahead of an expected offensive against hamas there. tonight report u.s. forces in the middle east launched a series of defensive strikes on booty targets in yemen. disturbing new word iran which backs many proxy groups making big money selling money to
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china. here is mike tobin. >> sanctions intended to dry up revenue and ability to fund iranian proxies like those who killed u.s. soldiers and drug. china undermines sanctions smuggled iranian group using about 150 semi independent teapot the finalist. >> the reality is the strategy of oil sanctions and enforcing oil sanctions against the transport and shipping of that oil and its users. >> from hamas to has blocked from a iranian proxies have cash and weapons. >> what we saw with the deaths of three soldiers is a direct result of three years of appeasement policy towards iran. >> during the trump administration iranian oil exports riddled to a few hundred thousand barrels a day. the u.s. and sanctions
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exemptions and tending to eliminate iranian experts entirely. >> we are going, how long we remainder depends solely on islamic republic senior leaders. >> according to experts, iranian experts to china have peeked over 2 million barrels a day with three. >> we have seen a renaissance and iranian oil industry since president biden has come into office. we see numbers go up dramatically, they are producing the most amount of oil they've had since iranian revolution. >> iran without oil has no proxies. without proxies the middle east is a more stable place. >> eliminating sanctioned oils shorten oil supply and it could negatively impact the price of oil in an election cycle experts say after that tapping into the u.s. domestic oil supply. >> mike tobin in israel, thanks.
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senate lawmakers debating $95 billion aid package today that would provide funding for america's foreign allies including ukraine's work with vladimir putin and israel's push against hamas but republican lawmakers argue it leaves out any money or changes at the southern border. a key vote to advance the legislation is expected tom tomorrow. this latest package follows a bipartisan border bill that collapsed in the senate this week. the fallout is testing republican unity. let's bring in california congressman darrell isa on the house foreign affairs and judiciary committees. ted cruz, senator from texas added hr to promote the house bill that would reform the immigration system at our southern border. he wants that to be part of this aid package, what you think the chances are that this passes the senate? >> the chances of making law without addressing both foreign policy failures and must policy failures of this administration
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are zero. the practice 95 billion in the senate bill to get foreign aid is one 100% necessary because of joe biden's failed foreign policies. if president trump remained in office, iran would never have told proxies to go ahead and kill with thousand innocent israelis, putin would never have come over the border. he didn't do it the entire trump era, he did it when he saw opportunity with a week and forgetful president the mark where do we stand now the bill that was crafted with so much hoopla presented in the senate that went down in flames, didn't get anywhere close to 60 votes it needed, where do we stand? >> we stand where the president put us in failed foreign policy and failed border policy. 8 million plus people we didn't invite -- the president invited them with their policies and
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they are here. we has a massive amount of people on the terrorist watch list and it will cost a lot of money trying to get rid of for deal with the fallout of their attacks. around the world, these two, $95 billion in the senate, that's the tip of the iceberg of where we spend money if we don't change policies to a policy of real peace through strength instead of paper your mistakes afterwards with proxies defending against these attacks. >> you are on the foreign affairs committee in the house, we just heard that report from mike tobin how china is buying iranian oil and that's helping fund are rent missed deeds in the middle east, is there anything the u.s. congress can do about that? >> the commander-in-chief has the ability to intercept illegal shipments at sea, he hasn't done it. he has the ability to push back against assets hitting us in the
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red sea, he's not doing enough, just enough with brief morning to have iran continue to do it. there two players selling massive amounts of oil to fund wars, not just iran doing it, proxy wars. the fact is putin is selling to china massive amounts, more oil today under sanctions than he did before the war and he's doing so under our noses and we are watching it in this president isn't doing anything about it the reason putin can resupply his military is we haven't been effective with sanctions. at the end of the day sanctions are nice but if they get circumvented, you have to sanctioned the tangible ships. we have the ability to do it, they pull over and we put them in the oil doesn't arrive in china and other places in the start costing but until we take for hundred of these
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partnerships effectively that are carrying oil, take them off ics, this will continue. we have the ability, we've had the ability since thomas jefferson, there's no better time to make the sanction work and now if we want to have a peaceful settlement to these two and growing wars. >> california congressman darrell isa, we will have to leave it there. thank you. >> thank you. >> much more with hamas tomorrow when benjamin netanyahu joins fox news live. kat that here on fox news 2:00 p.m. eastern time. ♪ ahead on the fox report, many opinions president biden's mental acuity spanning the spectrum fueled by the release of the special counsel report. fox news contributor doctor marty makary will talk with us next. ♪
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perfect weather today... i am jon scott and this is the fox report, the bottom of the hour and if you are just joining us, here's a look at some of your headlines. two people are dead after private jet crashed and burned on a highway yesterday plaintiff winked direct the car along the interstate before crashing into a wall. federal authorities are investigating. however the clone lauber, the son of sinker cindy and david thorne rested on gun charges in new york wednesday night. his father bail them out paying $20000 in cash at the courthouse. an online content creator who climbed the las vegas sphere earlier this week breaks to officers who arrested him his attorneys will make sure he does not face charges. he allegedly caused $100,000 of
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damage to the arena. for more on these and other stories, download the fox news app. scan the qr code on your screen or fox ♪ >> as you know, initially the president of mexico did not want to open up to allow humanitarian material to getting. i talked to him, i convinced him to open the gate. >> this is dangerous, he's dangerous. this is not about an elderly man, this is a person with cognitive decline. >> the comments made by the prosecutor, gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. the way that the president's demeanor in the report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gratuitous. >> there's the vice president joining president biden trying
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to squash concerns about his mental fitness in the wake of that controversial special counsel report. polls indicate american public joe seems concerned about his ability to lead, especially after a series of verbal mixups. joining us now, doctor marty makary, fox news contributor and professor of medicine at johns hopkins university. doctor makary, the president is slipping from misidentified or transposed egypt and mexico and that statement about opening the border, does that necessarily mean -- just because you are losing bits of your memory or misspeaking, does that mean you're not able to handle office of the president of the united states? >> good evening, it does not appear to be forgiveness of ordinary life, the sort of thing everybody deals with, maybe a little higher when somebody gets older, this is clear progressive dementia.
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remember what he was like five years ago, he's clearly worsened in dementia in public and the public eye and you can plot it on a graph the frequency of memory lapses, the magnitude of slowed speech, intervals by which he's delayed in responding, this is clear progression and it's not going to stabilize suddenly. it's highly unlikely, it's not a stroke where he can improve from rehabilitation as in the case of john betterment, slightly improved doctor we have an time recovering from a single event which was a stroke, this is different. the trajectory doesn't stop and it doesn't look good and that's what people are concerned about. >> what does a doctor say to an 81-year-old man showing signs like these? forget he's president of the united states, what does a doctor say? >> aside from this being sad and embarrassing, we would tell somebody to take significant precautions against fault, bone fractures are a common cause of people getting into trouble medically at this age and the forgetfulness could result in people when things that puts
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themselves in harm's way. if i were advising him, i would advise him to have assistance to be around people, do things that are precautions against making mistakes so it is not a good situation, there's no good outcome at this time and people are wondering, we are seeing flashes of what he's like in public, what is he actually like and private? we got a sneak peak from his five hour interview with the attorney. >> a lot of people are suggesting his republican challenger is only four years younger, donald trump, 77, donald trump has made gas of his own mixing up nikki haley and former speaker of the house nancy pelosi for instance. are they on the same level or is the president significantly more
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in decline? >> generally i stay out of politics but i can tell you i've seen a sharp 100-year-old individuals and i've seen this sort of dementia we see in president biden and people as young as mid 60s so it is entirely independent of age. what we are seeing is dementia that is progressive, it may be early alzheimer's, it's hard to tell. it does not appear to be parkinson's because while there is forgetfulness and other shuffling symptoms typically season parkinson's, it doesn't appear there is a tremor. clearly something is going on and it is obvious i think to anybody, mostly the trend over time, you can plot it on a graph. >> nbc asked voters whether they are concerned about the two candidates and these are the results. 62% say they are concerned about the president physical and mental state, roughly 34% say that of former president trump,
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i guess the question with regard to the president, a lawyer advising him might have said -- answered, i do not recall to some of these questions but he apparently was not able to answer questions that had nothing to do with the documents controversy for instance. when did your son die? when were you vice president? those are questions that should be fairly easy to answer. >> if a ceo of a company at this degree of mental problems right now, nobody would buy the shares of the company and the board will likely intervene. there's clearly capacity problem here in concern around performance and that's what the special counsel specifically noted in the report, not being able to remember the year of their son's death even with quote unquote several years of the actual date, not being able to remember the years in which
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he served as her vice president. it appears as if in private he has the same haziness that's raised concerns over competence, people have seen in brief flashes and public speaking. >> so what is the country to do? you don't want to wait it into politics but from a medical standpoint, what is your advice? >> there's clearly you public appearance and that something someone can basically anticipate will be the case in the next your years if you were elected, fewer press conferences than any president the last 30 plus ye years. political analysts will suggest sometimes people vote for the party, not the individual and maybe that explains john betterment vote in pennsylvania after his cognitive decline from a stroke. i don't know, i'm not on the political side but clearly he has performance issues which people will have to put together and extrapolate that will be
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like four years from now. >> i was going to say you see this improving in four years? >> there's no world in which you can see this degree of rapid age-related dementia suddenly stabilize more turnaround. it's highly unlikely, baby in the event of a previous stroke but there does not appear to be a clear change in time with a certain event as we hear about when someone has a stroke and it would be hard to hide a stroke so it's inconceivable to see that. of course i hope the best and it's sad but we are witnessing but it's hard to see any improvement. >> doctor, thanks for joining us. earthquakes in two states in the west putting residents on alert, live report from the west coast when the fox report returns. ♪oya
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earthquakes out to western states hours apart yesterday, hawaii was hit with magnitude 5.7 quake a few hours later slightly smaller big hit the los angeles area. christina coleman is live with the latest. >> i could tell you i felt a strong jolt when the earthquake hit here in southern california yesterday. magnitude 4.6 earthquake struck near malibu and felt throughout a portion of southern california. look at this video, epicenter of the quake was 3 miles northwest of malibu's popular state over a dozen aftershocks followed in metal buildings. you seem shows -- shaking back and forth. very scary.
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>> no son the mall in a candy store and the whole outside was glass and i was standing there to pay it was like a kaboom. >> this camera and santa monica capture the moment the quake hit just before 2:00 p.m. local times and no reports of major damage but many people felt a strong jolt on the quake and aftershocks. local cosmologist lucy jones says every earthquake in california has 5% chance of being followed by something bigger and the next couple of days. >> it does have every earthquake in california, some probability of being followed by an aftershocks bigger than the first one which would require us to rename the first one and call it if rorschach and the trigger larger one would be them main shop. >> less than two hours earlier further out west on hawaii's big island and an even larger
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earthquake magnitude 5.7 quake struck the world's largest active volcano. cutting off power to nearby communities. there were no serious injuries reported from the earthquake that struck in hawaii or the one that here in southern cali california. >> you can see everybody knows their earthquake methodology, they scattered out of the store in hawaii as soon as they felt the shaking. [laughter] >> that earthquake that hit yesterday is a good reminder for all of us get ready be prepared just in case a big one hits. >> let's hope there isn't a second figure one following up that one. christina coleman, take it easy other. still to come on the fox report. ♪ fund fiery celebrations, the year of the dragon is ushered in on the lunar calendar around the globe, that's next. ♪
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some headlines now from around the globe in ukraine, russia launched drone strikes overnight
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on kharkiv. ukraine's second-largest city. ukrainian officials say seven people died and at least 15 homes burned. ♪ pakistan's army chief urging unity as to former prime minister's book declare victory in the national election. the united nations expressed concern over political violence ahead of the vote. in spain, italy and poland, farmers are disrupting traffic to protest european union policies among the chief complaints that climate regulations are choking profits. ♪ in england, queen says king charles is doing extremely well after his cancer diagnosis. she asked king charles is very touched by the public's support. ♪
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in iceland, a volcanic eruption left thousands without electricity and hot water. his third eruption in less than two months. ♪ in hong kong, china and around the world, lunar new year festivities are underway for the year of the dragon. the holiday is a time for family and friends together and celebrate the arrival of spring. that's a look at some stories from around the globe. the night before the big game, kansas city chiefs and san francisco 49ers meet tomorrow night and the first nfl title match ever played in las vegas. matt finn has more on the football seasons grand finale. >> and about 24 hours the kansas city chiefs will hope to win their second consecutive super
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bowl here at allegiant stadium, the san francisco 49ers looking to close their in franchise history. the super bowl tier one national security event against extensive federal safety operation in part, the department of homeland security said it helped workshops and u.s. customs and border protection says it will be scanning vehicles are entering the stadium or narcotics, weapons and explosives. the sheriff said he thinks vegas will handle events so well there will be more super bowl to come here in sin city. super bowl 58 is expected to generate $600 million and attract more than three 30,000 people. >> it's crazy already, the fans are going crazy walking around talking to people, it's exc exciting. >> we are here to party with the fans and have a good time. >> have you placed any bets? >> no. >> are you going to? why not? >> not a gambler, don't trust myself. i would bet that all, i would bet the house and of the doesn't
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go my way, out go home homeless. >> as we talk to people like those fans in vegas, there's a lot of chat about taylor swift and whether she will arrive on time or at all for tomorrow's game after performing in tokyo today. japanese embassy in d.c. released a statement saying taylor swift has enough hours to fly from the pan here to vegas. we will keep you updated. >> important stuff. matt finn in las vegas, thank you. coming up, things go off the rails when a pair of maryland doxies step up to make predictions for tomorrow's big game. details next in animal almanac. ♪ 's
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a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things
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thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. >> estimated 110 million people are expected to an end for the super bowl. that means a lot of eyeballs on the highly anticipated commercials for this year a thirty second ad reportedly costs a cool 7 million bucks appeared according to ad agent d that is up 75% from a decade
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ago. the maryland is due chose two of its many donkeys to try to predict the winner of the game. it did not work out to operate the donkeys harry and lloyd received vegetable it felt footballs with the logos of the kansas city chiefs and san francisco 49ers they were supposed to pick a clear winner but they could not decide. the suit said they still enjoyed the delicious veggies inside the footballs. [laughter] that is how fox reports this saturday february 10 of 2024 i am jon scott thank you for watching purple suit tomorrow and the big weekend show is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i am joey jones along with kennedy, alicia and joe. welcome to the big weck we can
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